The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 30, 1908, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
i • -
' Something of Congress, Political Gos
J. sip Here and There, and News and
Notes of General Character.
Objections were filed with the sec
retary of state at Lincoln declaring
that there is no populist party in Ne
Governor Hughes of New York has
announced that he will waive the per
gonal reasons which caused him to
refuse to make a second race and that
he is at the service of his party and
William J. Bryan, passing through
Omaha, addressed the democrats at
the Burlington station briefly, declar
ing the democratic party to be more
( united now than ever before.
Disgusted over the failure of the
Wisconsin democratic convention to
accomplish anything, fifty or sixty del
egates -from various parts of the state
got together and agreed to circulate
-nomination papers for a state ticket,
to be A. J. Schmitz of Milwau
The 'Pennsylvania democratic com
mittee endorsed the work of Colonel
‘ Guffey.
Judge Taft discussed political condi
tions in New York with Representative
1 Parsons before leaving for Oyster Bay.
It was announced that Governor
Hughes of New York will speak at
the opening of the Ohio campaign
at Youngstown.
The democratic state committee re
elected State Chairman George M.
. Dimeling of Clearfield, without opposi
tion, and adopted resolutions endorsing
Bryan and Kern, and denouncing the
„ action of the Denver convention in un
seating the eight Philadelphia dele
Leading republicans think that
should a good fight be made, there is a
chance to swing Oklahoma to Taft.
Samuel Gompers. Frank Morrison
and John Mitchell have been cited tt
appear in court in Washington Septem
ber 8 to answer charges of contempt.
Samuel Gompers, president of the
American Federation of Labor, re
turning to Washington from the Den
ver convention declined to talk about
politics, saying: “Whatever I have to
say on politics will be printed in the
^ official organ of the American Federa
tion of Labor, which will appear in a
few days.”
A move is on foot to make the tiger
the emblem of the democratic' party
instead of the donkey.
Judge Taft has been elected honora
ry member of the Steam Shovelmen's
The Cincinnati Shippers’ and Receiv
ers association has taken the fight
against raising freight rates to the
Shippers in session at Chicago de
cided to take no action against the
proposed increase in freight rates un
til after conference with the presidents
of the eastern trunk lines.
Three were killed by lightning and
‘fifty injured in a storm at the en
campment on the cld Gettysburg bat
Thieves and vags reign in the streets
of Kansas City.
Eight cadets in the United States
Military academy here were recently
sent to their homes as a result of
hazing members of the fourth class.
John F. Hayes of the Irish-American
Athletic club won the Marathon race,
in the Olympic games at London,
ft . Gov. Douglass of Massachusetts says
he is out of polities for keeps.
Congressman Sherman received a
telegram from Chairman Burrought of
j* the notification committee asking if it
W would be convenient to have the
ceremonies in connection with' Mr.
Sherman’s nomination as late as Au
gust 10 to io. He replied affirmatively.
Storm struck the camp of Pennsyl
vania Xational Guard at Gettysburg,
Pa., killing six men and injuring at
least forty.
Judge Taft after conference with
President Roosevelt and Secretary
Root, made but few changes in his
speech of acceptance.
William J. Bryan will retire from
active management of the Commoner
during the campaign.
Governor Haskell of Oklahoma will
be treasurer of the democratic nation
al committee.
Governor Douglass of Massachusetts
says he will not accept the democratic
national..* chairmanship.
The revolt in the Turkish army in
Macedonia, fomented by the young
Turkey party, has become so exten
sive that th^ sultan is making extra
ordinary efforts to prevent its spread.
V Just before final adjournment the
members of the republican national
committee in conference with Mr.
Hitchcock voted unanimously to estab
lish main headquarters in Chicago, in
stead'of in .New York.
’ The Paris Temps prints a dispatch
from its Special Correspondent at .Sa
tonki, European * Turkey, who repre
sents the situation there as most seri
President Roosevelt in an extended
adress to naval officers at Newport
said the United States needs a large
and strong navy, because of its pe
culiar situation and many international
President Roosevelt orders that im
mediate steps be taken for a rehear
ing of the-Standard Oil case.
Fred Banner of South Omaha was
killed by his sister-in-law, Mrs. Frank
Banner, the encounter occuring on the
An anti-foreign feeling is develop
ing in Mexico and a few newspapers
are urging the people to resist the
“Yankee” invasion.
The circuit court of appeals re
versed Judge Landis’ fine of $29,000,
000 imposed on the Standard Oil com
pany and ordered a new trial.
Night riders in Kentucky burned
three Illinois Central stations.
The political revolution in Honduras
hat been crushed out.
Assessment of Nebraska's land will
show a valuation of a quarter of bil
lion dollars higher as returned by
county assessors,
Japanese business interests appeal
to western railroads not to abandon
oriental traffic.
“In the next war that is fought the
advance columns will be made up of
balloons and airships. That is the
belief freely expressed by army and
navy officers in Washington.
Mrs. S. C. Carter has offered to do
nate $50.00u for a new park in Omaha.
John W. Chapman, one of the
wealthiest and most prominent citi
zens of Hampshire county, W. Va.,
while standing in front of his store
at Slanesville, was shot from ambush
and instantly killed.
Values of municipal stocks on Wall
street exchange last week made new
high records for year.
Mrs. Alice Hale Hill, wife of former
United States Senator N. P. Hill, died
at the family home in Denver, aged
68. She was born in Providence, R. 1.
At Poughkeepsie, N. v Y., supreme
justice Morchauser made permanent
an inmnction restraining the Im
proved Benevolent and Protective Or
der of Elks of the World from using
its present name and title.
I. J. Dunn, who made the Bryan no
minating speech at Denver, is to be
given a banquet by Omaha democrats.
Judge Kohlsaat decided that rail
roads, under the Hepburn act, may not
dispose of transportation for advertis
The Olympic games in London were
marred by serious disputes vita the
English officials, the latest over a de
cision in the 400 meters run.
The British government is taking up
the campaign against the American
meat combine seriously.
A movement has been started here
for the organization of a naval re
serve force, to be recruited largely
from the native Hawaiians.
The Prince of Wales reviewed 20.
000 troops ir. the Plains of Abraham
and attended a number of social func
The Sultan of Turkey yields to the
rebels and grants a constitution and
convokes a Parliament.
An explosion occurred in the Alek
sievsky mines of European Russia, but
the extent of the accident is not yet
known. It is rumored, however, that
there has been a heavy loss of life.
Dragoons have been dispatched to the
The “Young Turkey’’ faction, ac
cording to Neue Freie Presse’s corre
spondent at Monastir, European Tur
key, has gained control of the entire
Third army corps and part of the Sec
and army corps. The revolutionary
committee at Monastir has assumed
control, and the authorities are power
less, almost the whole population hav
ing joined in the movement.
A dispatch received by the Novoe
Vremya from Tabriz, by courier post
to Julfa, affirms that shah's cause in
northern Persia is lost.
President Roosevait has directed
that the prosecution of the Standard
Oil company proceed. In a state
ment issued by Secretary Loeb he
says it would be a grave miscarriage
of justice to let the matter be dropped
on technicalities.
By proclamation of the president, a
series of long, but extremely narrow
reservations of public lands have been
made along the boundary line between
the United States and Canada. The
reservation is only 30 feet wide, and
the length is limited only by the
amount of unappropriated public land
along the boundary line.
The woman commandant at the
abandoned naval station at Sackett's
Harbor, N. Y„ widow of the former
mate who was custodian for many
years, has reported to the navy de
partment the presence of four sunken
wrecks in the waters adjacent to that
A dispatch from the commander of
the gunboat Marietta at Ceiba, Hon
duras, reports all quiet there.’ The
government is in control of affairs and
nb further attacks by. revolutionists
are expected.
Chairman Hitchcock declines to dis
' cuss the plans at the Colorado Springs
At Oyster Bay. President and Mrs.
Roosevelt entertained fifty young peo
ple at a fancy dress party in celebra
. tion of. the eighteenth birthday of
’ their daughter. Miss Ethel.
. The police of Hackensack, N. J., are
searching for August Eberliard, who is
suspected of having tliurdered his
A plot to gain evidence against
Frank J. Gould in his wife’s suit for
divorce was revealed in New York,
final draft of Judge Taft’s acceptance
Count Boni de.Casteliane asks a re
vision of his divorce decree granting
him custody of his three children and
wants his ex-wife to pay $20,000 a year
for the maintenance of each.
' Bishop Henry C. Potter died after a
lingering illness of several weeks.
Mr. Bryan Well Pleased With the Out
look and Believes New York Can
Be Carried.
Chairman, Norman E. Mack. Buffalo.
Vice Chairman, P. L. Hall. Nebraska.
Treasurer, Governor C. N. Haskell,
Sergeant-at-arms, John I. Martin,
Secretary, Urey Woodson, Kentucky.
Chicago.—After a seven-hour confer
ence with William J. Bryan and John
W. Kern, respectively, democratic
nominees for president and vice presi
dent. the subcommittee of the national
democratic committee selected the
above list of officers for the committee.
It was the first time in many years
that a national chairman had been
selected by the democratic party only
after a bitter contest had been waged.
The choice of Mr. Mack was made pos
sible only after the New York lead- j
ers, Charles F. Murphy, of Tammany, j
and W. J. Connors, chairman of the |
state democratic committee had yield- i
ed to the personal desires of Mr.
When the democratic nominee for
president reached here Saturday, he'
was strongly in favor of Mr. Mack
for the place, but Mr. Bryan frankly
told the committee that he wished
them to consider all candidates and
make an appointment accordingly.
There were in the race besides Mr.
Mack. Judge M. J. Wade of Iowa, T.
E Ryan of Wisconsin, former Governor
James E. Campbell of Ohio, and Urey
Woodson. The sentiment for Mr.
Mack, however, steadily grew, but be
was confronted with a handicap, which
had to be removed. The well known
opposition of Messrs. Murphy and Con
nors toward him because of his rival
ry with Mr. Connors for the control of
Erie county stood in the way. The
long distance telephone was put into
play and Mr. Connors, after the situa
tion was explained, to him, declared
that he would no longer interpose any
objections, but Mr. Murphy's views
must first be obtained. The Tammany
leader gave his approval and with the
atmosphere thus cleared Mi. Mack
was elected by acclamation.
So pleased was Mr. Bryan that he
gave out a statement, in which he
openly announces that the appoint
ment is a recognition of the eastern
democracy and that a fight will be
made to carry New York.
Chairman Hitchcock Announces Mem
bers of Executive Committee.
Chicago—Anouncement was made by
Frank H. Hitchcock of the republican
national committee that the following
will constitute the executive commit
Charles F. Brooker. Connecticut.
T. Coleman, Dupont, Delaware.
William E. Borah. Idaho.
Frank O. Lowden, Illinois.
Charles Nagel. Missouri.
Victor Rosewater. Nebraska.
William L. Ward. New York.
Edward C. Duncan. North Carolina,
Boies Penrose, Pennsylvania.
Chairman Hitchcock decided to
adopt the plan of having the executive
committee made up solely from the
membership of the national commit
Rule Out German Car.
Paris—The committee of the “round
the world race” has decided that al
though the German car has completed
the circuit, as it started from Berlin,
cannot yet be classed because it was
taken on a train across the Rockies
and did not cross Japan, being shipped
direct from Seattle to Vladivostok in
order to effect repairs. The Ameri
cans and Italian cars must reach New
York and Paris, their respective start
ing points, in order to complete the
journey around the world.
Liked Fairbanks' Speech.
London.—Admiral Grey, the gover
nor general of Canada, in a report to
the secreta* of the state for the colo
nies for the celebration of the found
ing of Quebec, says that he speeches
of the vice president of the United
States and the representatives of
France touched a high note of friend
ship and good will to Canada, and the
For Railway Commissioner.
Lincoln.—George O. Brophy of Oma
ha will file as a candidate for the dem
ocratic nomination for railroad com
missioner. He has been prominent in
party councils in Polk county for
many years, and removed to Omaha
only a few months ago.
San Joaquim Levee Breaks.
Antichoke, Cal.—Early Sunday
morning 200 feet of the San Joaquim
river levee gave wray and Jersey is
land. comprising 4,000 acres, includ
ing 300 acres of celery, was flooded.
The property loss is estimated at $5,
Loeb to Take His Vacation.
Oyster Bay—President Roosevelt’s
secretary, William Loeb, jr., is pre
paring to take his summer vacation.
Mr. Loeb will leave soon for a month's
recreation and sport in the woods.
Deputies Are Convened, Said Pasha
New Grand Vizier, Carrying Out
the Reform.
Constantinople.—An imperial irad<
issued Friday ordains the assembling o
a chamber of deputies in accordancf
with a constitution which has beet
elaborated by the sultan. The irad<
has been communicated to the valis
and the district lieutenant governor;
with the necessary orders for the hold
ing of elections.
The constitution ' hich the irad<
now makes effective -s practically th«
one worked out in 1876.
The grand vizier immediately toot
steps to carry out the orders of his
imperial master. He addressed to al
the provincial authorities concerned
Adbul Hamid II.
a circular telegram convening the
chamber of deputies, in which he point
ed out that the method of forming the
chamber is determined by an organic
statute which, according to the offi
cial communication, is “an illustrious
institution of the sultan."
Startling as was the sudden disrnis
sal of Ferid Pasha from the grand viz
iership and the appointment of Saic
Pasha in his place, this step was as
nothing compared to the sensatior
created in all quarters by the officia
announcement that the sultan had de
cided to convoke a parliament.
Belgrade, Servia. — Cipher dis
patches received Friday night fron
the European villages of Macedonit
declare that the Young Turks an
complete masters of the situation.
All the Turkish authorities have sur
rendered themselves into their hands
Vienna.—It is reported here tha
the towns of Monastir, Uskub ant
Saloniki are in the hands of tht
Young Turks. Order has been main
tained everywhere.
Hughes Will Run Again.
Saranac Inn, X. Y.—Gov. Charles
Hughes will accept a renomination i
the Republican party of this state de
sires him to again be its candidate
In a statement made public Frida?
night the governor so declared himsel
and said the personal reasons whicl
prompted him to say privately some
time ago that he did not desire a re
nomination are not controlling ant
that “if renominated I ought to ac
Eight Cadets Suspended.
West Point. N. Y.—Eight cadets it
.he United States Military academj
cere were sent to their homes Thurs
nay as a result of hazing members ol
'>he fourth class.
M. A. Walsh for Congress.
Davenport, la.—The Democratic
congressional convention of the Sec
ond district of Iowa Thursday ratiflec
the result of the June primary and
nominated Mark A. Walsh of Clin tot
as candidate for congressman.
Gamble Convicted of Arson.
Bellefontaine. O.—George R. Gamble
was found guilty of arson Thursday
by a jury after an hour's deliberation
He was charged with burning a mil
in this county in October, 1906, and
collecting the insurance.
American Captures Great Olympic
Games Race.
London.—It would be no exaggera
tion, in the minds of the 100,000 specta
tors who witnessed the finishing strug
gle of the Marthon race at the Olym
pian arena Friday, to say that it was
the most thrilling event that has oc
curred since that Marthon race in an
cient Greece, where the victor fell at
the goal and, with a wave of triumph,
died. And it was won by an American.
It was an American day and the re
' | sentments of Thursday, which fankled
strongly In the breasts of Americans
I here when they came to the stadium,
j were forgotten not only in the victory
of John F. Hayes, the Irish-Amerlcan
i Atheltic club runner, but in the splen
; did record made by the other Ameri
cans, who were well to the front in
[ the line of those that finished.
Six Americans started in the Mara
thon race and nine English runners,
j Of the first ten men to reach the cov
eted goal, four were Americans.
The second man was Hefferon of
South Africa. The first Englishman
who crossed the line came in twelfth.
He was W. T. Clarke.
Dorando was first to enter the stadi
um at the finish. He staggered, dazed
and delirious, and in the last 300 yards
fell four times and was helped up by
track officials who finally half-carried
him across the line. Because of this
he was disqualified.
Bloody Caree- of Desperadoes in Ja
maica Plain, Mass.
Boston. — Two dead, a man and
a woman probably shot fatally, and
ten others suffering from bullet
wounds, sums up the record of the
murderous career of twro bandits who
Wednesday terrorized the Jamaica
Plain district eluding the pursuit of
hundreds of policemen and thousands
of citizens. Starting on Tuesday night
by entering a saloon in Jamaica Plain,
three men. who are supposed to be
Italians, killed one man with revolvers,
wounded two others and, rifling the
cash register, got away with $90.
Early Wednesday evening, after the
police had searched for them unsuc
cessfully all day, two of the robbers
again appeared in Jamaica Plain and.
firing revolvers, ran through the most
thickly settled part of the district,
leaving a trail of victims behind them.
Early Thursday the pair were sup
posed to be hiding in Forest Hills cem
etery, wrhich was surrounded by sev
eral hundred heavily' armed police
Herbert S. Knox of Roslindale. night
watchman at the cemetery, is the vic
tim who is dead.
Boston.—One of the bandits who
■‘shot up” Jamaica Plains, killed two
persons, wounded 11, and then took
refuge in a cemetery, was killed by
the police, another was wounded and
the third was arrested.
Forty Hurt in Collision.
Lovedale, 111.—Forty persons were
injured, some of them probably fatally,
i and more than a dozen so severely
that they had to be taken to hospitals.
Tuesday in a head-on collision between
two Aurora, Elgin & Chicago cars at
Lovedale station. The disaster oc
curred when the coaches were each
running at a speed estimated at 40
miles an hour and the crash when
they came together was terrific.
“Bill” Hazard Is Rescued.
Bassett, Neb.—“Bill” Hazard made
his escape from jail at this place Fri
day. Several weeks ago he broke jail
at Gregory, S. D„ where he was held
on the charge of stealing horses, and
was captured last Thursday at New
port by Sheriff Marsh of Rock county
and placed in jail here.
Tap Hidden River; 25 Dead.
Berne, Switzerland.—There was a
frightful accident Friday in theLoetsch
berg tunnel, in the Bernese Alps,
which resulted in the death of 25
workmen. The men were drilling in
side the tunnel. Without warning
their tools pierced the -wall that sep
arated them from a subterranean river
or lake, the existence of which was
not known. The wall gave way with a
crash and a torrent of water and mud
rushed into the tunnel and filled it.
All of the workmen were drowned.
They were Italians.
$29,240,000 PENALTY.
His Conduct of the Famous Rebate
Case Is Severely Arraigned
and a New Trial Is
Chicago.—Federal judges in the
court of appeals lifted the burden
of a $29,240,000 fine from the shoul
ders of the Standard Oil Company of
Indiana Wednesday and reversed the
judgment of Judge Landis, by which
the heaviest fine ever imposed in a
federal court was saddled upon the oil
company found guilty on 1,462 counts
of accepting rebates from railroads.
Speedy rehearing of the case, which
has attracted widespread attention, is
considered improbable, and the coun
sel for the oil company contend that
a second conviction cannot be ob
The case was remanded with Instruc
tions that a new trial be held.
The jurists making up the court of
appeals are Judges Grosscup, Seaman
and Baker.
Judge Grosscup delivered the opin
ion of the court. Judges Baker and
Seaman concurring, and in sharp ar
raignment of the conduct of the trial
judge intimated that he may have
presumed to hold himself above the
Judge Landis Called Arbitrary.
The decision declares that the man
ner in which Judge Landis decided
upon the number of offenses that had
been committed by the defendant com
pany was arbitrary. It holds that
some other method than the one he
used should have been applied.
Then it passes to the amount of the
fine, which it declares was “sufficient
to have wiped out many times the
property of the defendant." The court
holds that the only company on trial
was the Standard Oil Company of In
diana. It says that this corporation
alone could be punished and that to
attempt to punish its holding corpora
tion would be to assert that a person
could be punished who was never be
fore the court or who had never stood
trial. This, the judges say, would be
to assert a startling principle of law.
Others Than Commerce Law.
The court declares that the ar
raignment of the violation of an inter
state commerce law was to be com
mended and that the results of such
violations were not too strongly stated.
It says, however, that the interstate
commerce law is not the only one in
the United States, and that it is be
cause there are others that the case
is reversed and remanded.
On the amount of the fine, the upper
court said:
“Did the court in the fine imposed
abuse its discretion? The defendant
indicted, tried and convicted was the
Standard Oil company, a corporation
of Indiana. The capital stock of this
corporation is fl,000,000. There is
nothing in the record in the way of
evidence that some of the assets of
the corporation were in excess of that
amount. It may therefore be safely
assumed that but for the relation of
the defendant to another corporation
not before the court, the court would
have measured out punishment on the
basis of the facts just stated.”
The judges then commented on the
punishment of the defendant in such a
large amount and continued, saying:
“Briefly stated, the reason of the
trial court for imposing this sentence
was because it was brought out on ex
amination that the capital stock of
the Standard Oil Company of Indiana
was principally owned by the New
Jersey corporation, a corporation not
before the court. The trial court, add
ing that in concessions of the charac
ter for which the defendant before the
court had been indicted, tried and
convicted, the New Jersey corporation
■was not a ‘virgin' offender.
“Can an American judge, without
abuse of judicial discretion, condemn
anyone w’ho has not had his day in
court? That to our minds, is strangc
doctrine in Anglo-Saxon jurispru
President Orders Re-Trial.
Oyster Bay, X. Y. — President
Roosevelt has directed the at
torney general to take immediate
steps for the re-trial of the Standard
Oil case.
Battleships Resume Their Journey.
Honolulu—The Atlantic battleship
fleet bade adieu Wednesday to the
hospitable shores of Hawaii and at
2:30 p. m. the flagship Connecticut left
her wharf and steamed outside the
harbor entrance where the fleet as
sembled preparatory to weighing
anchor at six o'clock and sailing away
to Auckland, N. Z.
Haskell for Democratic Treasurer.
Guthrie, Okla. — Gov. C. X. Has
kell has been tendered the ti;eas
urership of the national Democratic
committee. Formal announcement,
carrying his acceptance, it is said, will
be made when the committee meets
for organization in Chicago Saturday.
Two Roads Are Indicted.
Chicago.—Indictments charging vio
lations of the federal law^ against the
issuance of passes were returned
against the Illinois Central and the
Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Rail
way companies Thursday by the fed
eral grand jury.
Post Office Is Robbed.
Macomb, 111.—Robbers Thursday
blew open a safe at Bardolph post of
fice, six miles northwest of here, se
curing $100 and $400 in stamps. Ni
tro-glycerine was used.
Yacht Mayflower Runs Down Lumber
Schooner and Saves Crew on
Way to Newport.
Newport, R. I. — Pleading for
popular support for a ‘'first-class
fighting navy,” a navy capable of seek
ing out the enemy and “hammering
him into quits,” President Roosevelt
was the central figure here Wednes
day in the most notable conference of
American naval officers ever called to
gether to consult and discuss, in a
broad, general way, the future United
States battleships.
The president spoke publicly for
more than half an hour, and then the
conference went Into executive ses
sion for one hour. During this session
the president took a leading part in
the discussion, lie argued as a lay
man, he explained, and did not attempt
to give advice to professional men. He
impressed upon the officers, however,
that it was given to them to keep the
American navy abreast of the times
and to make it the hardhitting, effi
cient fighting force which he believes
to be a guarantee against the possi
bility of war. Mr. Roosevelt charac
terized the navy as the cheapest form
of safety insurance policy the nation
can obtain. The president sailed for
Oyster Bay in the afternoon, but the
battleship conference will continue
here and in Washington until definite
plans for the ships to be laid down
in the near future are decided upon.
When the trim little cruiser yacht
Mayflower, flying the president's
white crested flag of blue at the main
truck, steamed Into the harbor
Wednesday morning nearly two hours
behind schedule time, with her bow
sprit missing, one anchor gone, bow
plates dented and six strange figures
in black oilskins and sou'westers gath
ered In the bow, she brought the story
of an adventurous night’s run in the
blackest fog of the summer and of a
collision in which the lumber-laden
schooner Menawa was cut practically
in two by the president's yacht.
Warships Salute Wales and Governor
General" Welcomes Him.
Quebec. Que.—The prince of Wales
landed from the British battleship In
domitable Wednesday amid the deaf
ening roar of guns from the interna
tional fleet of British, French and
American warships, and the tumultu
ous demonstrations of 50,000 persons
massed upon the wharves and the ter
raced heights of the city.
It was a spectacle of truly royal1
splendor, for the latest type of British
Dreadnought, with the royal standard
flying came to anchor among the
double column of foreign warships and
the prince was welcomed ashore by
Earl Grey, governor general of Canada.
Premier Laurier and the assembled
dignitaries, flanked by thousands of
soldiers and a multitude of people.
Quebec, Que.—The prince of Wales
had another day of strenuous activity
beginning Friday morning with a
grand review of the troops, sailors
and marines on the plains of Abraham,
then officiating as the title deeds of
this historic battlefield were turned
over as a permanent memorial, be
tween times attending gala luncheons
and dinners, and finally at night
mingling with the gay throngs of beau
tifully-dressed women at the state ball
at the Parliament building. About
23,000 men took part in the review.
Noted New York Prelate Succumbs*
After Long Illness.
Cooperstown, N. Y.—Henry Codman,
Potter, seventh Protestant Episcopal,
bishop of the diocese of New York,
died Tuesday night at “Fernleigh,'"
his summer homo here, after an ill
ness of several weeks. The bishop
was unconscious all day and the end,
which came at 8:35 o'clock, vas peace
ful and quiet. The prelate was 74
years old.
Gathered at the bedside of the dying
churchman were Mrs. Potter, his
wife: Mrs. Mason C. Davidge, who
came from Calii'crnia, and Miss Sarah
Potter, his two daughters; Alonzo
Potter, his son: Edward S. Clark,
Stephen C. Clark and Mr. and Mrs. F.
A. Clark. Mrs. Charles Russell and
Mrs. William Hyde, his two other
daughters, who are abroad, have been
! notified.
Cooperstown, N. Y.—The funeral of
! Bishop C. Potter of the diocese of New
York was held in this village Friday
morning. The services were in the
historic Christ church.
Lightning Kills Guardsmen.
Gettysburg, Pa.—As the result of a
terrific electrical storm which passed
over the Pennsylvania National Guard
encampment hero Thursday night. It
is reported that three troopers
were killed and two score injured,
some of them seriously, by being
struck by lightning. The tent occu
pied by Gov. Stuart was blown down„
as were a number of others.
Drown in Steamer Collision.
Christiania.—The steamer Bakkel
aget was in collision with the steamer
Goteborg. She was cut through amid
ship and sunk in a few moments.
From ten to twenty of the Bakkel
aget’s passengers were drowned.
Charged with Conspiracy.
Cleveland, O.—Harry E. Hayes, a
member of the banking firm of W. J.
Hayes & Son, of this city, was placed
under arrest Friday on a warrant
from New Jersey charging conspiracy
in connection with a bond deal.