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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1908)
DR. x RICH’S' CATARRH REMEDY f * m Home Treatment Price $3.00 Dr. Rich, the well known Grand Island Specialist, has arranged a system of Home Treatment for Catarrh of the various organs of the body, and is now prepared to sup ply to any sufferer from this prevalent disease a course of remedies that will be found to be not only satisfactory in every respect, but at a price certainly reasonable, and within the reach of everybody. During the five years Dr. Rich has been in Grand Island he has carefully avoided the treatment of Catarrhal conditions of the body, not be ing prepared to take up a work requiring time from his already extensive office business. During the past year, however, Dr. Rich has perfected a method which he offers below, for treating Catarrh in the home, and feels not on ly assured of excellent results, but that he will make many new friends, which will assist in increasing his already large practice. A photograph below shows one of the $3.00 outfits, and should give a perfect idea of the value offered. Dr. Rich's treatment for Catarrh is a Home Treatment in every sense, and can be used without deten tion from business. A full month’s treament of these rem edies will be sent for $3.00. You may order as often as you like at the same price, or have the treatment sent to your friends. As there will be a large demand from the many people familiar with Dr. Rich’s reputation as a Skill ful Specialist, you are kindly requested to order early and avoid delay. OUTFIT NO. 1 For Catarrh of the Head, Nose and Throat. If you have any or all of these symptoms send me $3.0(0 for a full month's treatment. Frontal headache. Dull feeling in head. Ringing noiaea in head and earn. Deafneaa. Unnatural and excessive discharge from nose. Hard bloody crusts and acaba in nose. Hawking and spitting of mucus. Mucus dropping from nose into the throat Tickling in the throat.* Bad breath. Bad taste. Loss of appetite. Coughing and gagging. Vomiting. Nausea. Dizzy spells. Loss of memory. Confusion of ideas. Irritability. Insomnia. Bad dreams. Pain in back and top of head. Nose stopped up. OUTFIT NO. 2 For Catarrh of the Stomach and Bowels If you have any or all of these symptoms •end me $3.00 for a full month's treatment. Distress after meals. Pain, soreness, burning, weight, uneasiness, pressure, full ness in pit of the stomach. Bloating over stomach and bowels. Belching part or all of the time. Gas in stomach and bowels. Heartburn. Sour stomach. Choking sensation in throat and chest in the evening and during the night. Bad dreams. Nightmare. i <-i Vomiting and nausea. Constipation. , Nervousness. Irritability and crankiness. .. -'*>~r Insomnia. Headache. Pain over chest, shoulder blades and around the body Pain over the heart and palpitation, difficulty in breathing. Dizzln*^9 •- Bad taste. Coated tongue. OUTFIT NO. 3 For Catarrh of the Nerves. IV you have any or all of these symptoms send me $3.00 for a full month’s treatment. Mental dullness and forgetfulness. Epileptic fits. Headache and dlzxjr spells. The blues, mania. Insanity and melancholy. Unnatural drains and losses in men. 8t Vitus's dance. Neuralgia and cramps. Lost power in any part. Pain or congestion of spinal cord. (The cause of most backaches.) Sleeplessness and restlessness. Loss of memory. Confusion of ideas. Nervousness and irritability. Despondency and dull mind. Heart fluttering and excitability. Twitching muscles and easily frightened. Limbs go to sleep. Wandering pains over body. Bad dreams or nightmare. Varicocele and sexual weakness. Hand trembling and anxiousness. Loss of appetite and ambition. Nervous debility, and weakness. R. RICH Master Specialist Grand Island, Neb. FIVE YEARS IN CRAND ISLAND~V] Order the treatment you need. Write me a per sonal letter if you wish. I will read your letter and re ply to it myself, telling you just what to do. When you receive the outfit you order, if you do not think it is the greatest value you ever received for $3.00 send it back at my expense and 1 will return your money. GUARANTEE STATE OF NEBRASKA, Hall County. Dr. Rich, being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that the i illustration beloiv is a true representation of the $3.00 catarrh o'utfit for catarrh of the head, nose and throat, herein advertised, and that any one ordering same and finding it not satisfactory may have his money returned upon demand. DR. RICH. Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this 25th day of February, 1908. JOHN ALLAN, Notary Public. My Commission expires Jan. 5, 1912. >•- ' • • r ss. Guaranteed under the Pure Food and Drug Act of June 30, 1906. Serial Number No. 18752. The above outfits contain no Morphine, Opium, Cocaine, Heroin, Eucaine, Chloroform, Cannabis Indica, Chloral Hydrate, Acetanilide, or any of their derivatives. an amazing evolution. Only Sixteen Seedless Oranges in 1879* Now Ten Million Boxes. Mr La Salle A. Maynard tells “The Btory of the Seedless Orange” in The World To-Day. Mrs. Luther C. Tib bits of California obtained in 1872 four orange shoots from the agricultural department at Washington, sent there by William F. Judson American con sul at Bahia, Brazil. They were pre “ Mm by a native. »M> bad several shoots of a seedless orange tree growing in a swamp on the Ama zon. “Mrs. Tibbits brought the Infant trees carefully home and her husband planted them in the garden. One died, another was chewed up by a predatory cow, but two lived, and five years later produced 1G oranges. These 16 golden globes and their immediate successors produced results compar able only in value to the famous dis covery of another kind of gold in Sutter's millrace, and brought fame and no small fortune to their lucky owner.” The new orange could be produced only by budding, and the first buds sold at $1 each, and later at $6 a dozen. One box of naval oranges was grown in 1880; since then the annual product has risen to 10,000.000 boxes, and "the two trees which the cow did not chew have multiplied to over 4, 000,000.” The original parent tree living in 1903 was transferred to the yard of the Glen wood hotel at River side, Cal., President Roosevelt aiding in the ceremony of transplantation. Last year the tree bore two bushels of choice fruit, which, of course, were expressed to the White House. In southern California alone $100,000,000 is invested in citrus fruit culture, chiefly of oranges, and in related In dustries. Japs Learning English. English, is compulsory in all Jap anese schools. OUTFIT NO. 4 For Catarrh of the Liver and Kidneys. If you have any or all of these symptoms send me $3.00 for a full month's treatment. Failing vision. Great thirst. Making water during the night. Flatulence igas in stomach and bowels.) Breathless on exertion. Ringing in ears and dizziness. Puffiness of face and ankles. Dropsy. Discharge from bowels light gray color. Discharge of mucus from bowels. Urine dark green color. | Enlarged and tender liver and stomach. Jaundice and loss of strength. Pain over kidneys. Insomnia. Pain under and between shoulder blades. Palpitation of heart. Dark spots (liver spots) on body and face. Hot flashes and spots before the eyes. Nervousness and irritability. Great depression of spirits. Sleep during day. Pain and soreness under right short ribs. OUTFIT NO. 5 • For Female Catarrh. II you have any or all of these symptoms send me $3.00 for a full month's treatment. Chronic inf animation, congestion and enlargement. Dysmenorrhoea (painful menstruation.) Melancholia, irritability and despondency. Backache, insomnia, ready fatigue. Inflammation of the womb and ulcerations. Ovarian pains. Neuralgia. Pelvic congestion. Dragging pains in front. Spine-ache. Nervousness and sick headache. Impoverishment of the blood. Irritable bladder. Pains in back and lower limbs. Loss of weight and displacements. 'Uterine derangements. Irregular menstruation. Leucorrhoea (whites). Itching. Burning. Loss of appetite, energy and ambition. Nervous prostration and depression of spirits. * An elegant tonic for nursing mothers. OUTFIT NO, 6 For Catarrh of the Bladder. If you have any or all of these symptoms send me $3.00 for a full month's treatment. Painful urination, especially in women. Passing a little urine at a time, and often. Straining, spasmodic urination. Pain over the bladder. Swollen and tender parts in women. Inflammation and soreness. Passing of blood in urine. Passing smoky colored urine. Itching and burning of parts. Burning, scalding urine. A general feeling of restlessness. Irritability and crankiness. Great nervousness. Dribbling of urine. Incomplete urination. Sediment in urine unuco-pus). Distress in sitting down. Urine is heavy, brown or dark yellow. Leueorrhoea. Cut out this order1 blank and send to Dr. Rich, Grand Island, Nebraska. No Shipment of medicine will be made unless this order blank is used in ordering. THE LOUP CITY NORTHWESTERN Dr. Rich, Grand Island, Nebraska:— I enclose you $3.00, for which please send me One Month’s Treatment for Catarrh of the Fill in above the treatment you desire. Name. Age Address _ War Against Stray Curs. The war of extermination against stray curs has been taken up with vigor in Baltimore. The health de partment is conducting the crusade and is being strongly supported by leading physicians. “No dog should be permitted to run at large at any time of the year in the city or coun try," declarer Dr. N. G. Keirle. direct or of the Pasteur department of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. “Even if a dog is muzzled,” Iir. Keirle argues, “he could scratch a child or any person with a wire muzzle, and that would be just as bad as a bite if the skin were broken, for the dog's saliva would get into'' the wound. The germ'o^/h'ydrophobia lives in the saliva, and the muzzle is not a guaranty of safety.” Population of the World. The population of the world is now estimated to be about 1,503,000,000. Of this number 150,000,000 are black, 600,000,000 yellow and 750,000,000 white. I NEBRASKA POINTERS STATE NEWS AND NOTES IN CON DENSED FORM. THEPRESS, PULPIT AND PUBLIC What la Going on Here and Ther# That Is of Interest to the Read ers Throughout Nebraska. A special election is soon to be held I in Valentins to vote bonds for water works. The Wymore opera house has changed hands, F. E. Crawford becom ing owner and manager. The next term of the federal courts for Omaha will begin the fourth Mon day in September, when both federal grand and petit juries will be assem bled. The old settlers reunion will be held in Union August 14 and 15. Ex cellent programs consisting of ora tory, band music and sports have been prepared. Fifty dollars reward will be paid for the arest and detention of Fred Gard ner, who broke jail at Valentine on the n.ght of duly 10, stealing a black horse and saddle to get away on. J. W. Brooks, northeast of Beat rice, brought a small limb from his peach ochard to the city which con tained 100 peaches. He says be will have 1,090 bushels of this variety of fruit for sale this year. > ‘: +v In anticipation of the early establish ment of the free delivery system of the Postofflce department In McCook, the city officials are arranging for a new system of naming the streets of the city. secretary of State Junkin has re ceived a Jar of bugs. These insects came from Kershey and along with the consignment was a note stating that the bugs ate up everything in sight. Prof. Bruner will be given a chance to catalogue the pests. Solomon Rowe, residing east of Plattsmouth, stated that during a storm a bolt of lightning struck his residence and blew out one end of the building and ruined almost everything in it and the carpets and rugs were burned and discolored. Mrs. Rowe was badly stunned, but not injured. The flouring mills at Genoa owned by H. E. Fonda & Bros., a plant valued at $15,000 was burned to the ground. Mr. Tellme nand E. T. Christy, the two millers, were the only occupants of the building at the start of the fire. Christy was burned to death. As a result of the recent litigation between Clifford C. Pierce and Lester F. Wakefield of Sioux City against the Omaha, Decatur & Northern Railway company, Judge T. C. Monger of the federal court has appointed L. R. Slonecker of Omaha receiver for the railroad. The York High school has lost a number of its most efficient teachers. Mr. Dallas, the principal, has accept ed a position as principal at Sheridan, Wyo. Charles Wray, teacher of math ematics. has accepted a similar posi tion in the High school at Ogden, Utah, and Miss Gertrude Rowen will go to Milwaukee, Wls., as teacher of history. Carles Johnson, a young fellow about twenty-seven years old, was drowned in the Blue, between the two mill dams at Crete. In company with Fred Macca he was rowing down the swollen stream when the boat was carried by the current into a tangled ciump of willows. Johnson' atfempted to swim ashore and was drowned. The first annual exhibit of the Thurston County Agricultural society will be held at Bedford, September i7, 18 and 19. It is noticed that a very liberal premium list has been pre pared by E. F. Chittenden, pioneer homesteader and printer of Thomas county, covering a wide field of indus try and productiveness, and those who visit the fair on the dates mentioned will no doubt be as much surprised as they will be pleased by what that rap- i. idly developing section of Nebraska is able to show. The members of the order of the Knights of Phythias in Nebraska are planning to celebrate at Omaha on the 23d of November next, the fortieth an niversary of the organization of the first lodge west of Pennsylvania—‘‘Ne braska No.' 1"-—1which was instituted at Omaha in 1868. The famous ‘’Day ton Team/’ consisting of 100 well •drilled and uniformed Knights, has been engaged at an expense of $4,000 to give a dramatic rendition with beau tiful- electrical effects of the famous play of Damon and Phythias upon which the Order is founded, and dur ing the celebration upwards of 1,000 men will be Initiated. Lodges from nearly every western state have signi fied their Intentions to attend, and it is conservatively estimated that not less than ten thousand members of the Order will visit Omaha on that occasion. The farmers of Adams, county are Jubilant over the fact that wheat . yields in that section are exceeding all expectations. One farmer residing ten miles west of Hastings threshed and marketed his poorest piece of wheat, it producing twenty-five bush els per acre, which he marketed at 70 • cents .per bushel. * . . Congressman G. W.. Norris of the ’ Fifth Nebraska district, has received credentials as one of the American members oi the Interparliamentary * union, which holds its next sessions in Berlin, Germany, beginning Septem ber 10. The Beatrice Commercial club, has taken up the matter of securing a pure supply of water for the city and ' also the improvement of public roads leading into Beatrice. ■■ Committees were appointed to make a thorough in- • * * vestigation and to report at the next - regular meeting. Charles M. Chamberlain, the TecicS seh ex-banker, was brought (to Seat rice by Sheriff Minor of Johnson county, to answer to two indictments returned against him charging him with receiving deposits after the bank which he was conducting was insol vent