The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 23, 1908, Image 4

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    Professional Cards
ittomey & Connselor-at-Law
(Office: First National Bank)
Loup City, Nebr.
Attorney uiCimM>Liw
Practices in all Courts
Loup City, Neb.
And Bonded Abstractor,
Loup City, Nebraska
Office, Over New Bank.
Office up stairs in the new State
Bank building.
OFFICE: East Side Public Sauaie
Phone, 10 on 36
(Successor to M. H. Mead)
Bonded Abstracter
Loup City, - Nebraska.
(July set of Abstract hooks in county
Try the
f. F. f. Dray
F. F. Foster, Prop.
Office; Foster’s Barber Shop
Low Rate
Summer Tours
To The Pacific Coast:
Daily low round trip rates to Port
land! Seattle, Tacoma, San Fran
cisco, Los Angeles and San Diego.
Slightly higher to include both
California and Puget Sound.
One whole business day saved by
our new schedule to the Pacific
To Eastern Resorts:
Daily low excursion rates to
Canada, Michigan, Wisconsin,
Minnesota, Massachussetts and
New York tourist resorts: also
low excursion rates to tourist
resorts in Maine. New Hampshire,
To Colorado and
Rocky Mountains:
Daily low rates to Colorado, Utah
Wyoming, Black Ilills and Yellow
stone Park.
1,000Famil ics W anted:
Newly irrigated lands in the Big
Horn Basin, Wyo. No cyclones or
floods. Water your land as needed.
Soil is rich. Timber and coal plen
tiful. Price to $50 per acre.
Personally conducted excursions
first and third Tuesdays of each
W'rite D. Clem Deaver, Burlington
Landseekers’ Information Bureau,
Omaha, for new folder. It's free.
WTrite a brief description of your
proposed trip and let us advise you
how to make it the best way at'the
least cost.
Ticket Agent, Loup City, Neb.
W. Wakklky, G. P. A.
Omaha, Nebraska.
I Cure Nerve-Vital Debility, Weak
ness, Drains, Rupture, Stricture,
Varicocele, Blood Poison, Private
Skin and Chronic Diseaees of Men
I do not ask you to
come to me first If you
believe others can cure
jyou. Should they fail,
(don't give up. It is
(better to come late
than not at all. Re
member, that curing
diseases after all oth
ers have failed has
been my specialty for
years. If you cannot
visit me personally.
write symptoms that trouble you most. A
vast majority of cases can be cured by my
system of home treatment, wbicb is the most
successful system ever devised. X make no
charge for private counsel and give to each
patient a legal contract in writing, backed
by abundant, capital, to hold for the promise
Physicians having stubborn cases to treat
are cordially invitedLM/Y|K|:|u cured or all
to consult with me, '' Wl™Cl' womb and
bladder diseaser. ulcerations, menstrual
irouble. etc. Confidential. Private home in
the suburbs, before and during confinement.
Motherly care and best attention guaran
teed. Good homes found for babies.
I Rbka No charge whatever to any
man. woman or child living in LOUP CITS'
or vicinity, suffering from any CHRONIC
TION. Come and let me look inside of you
absolutely free of charge.
Ul. rvlQIl, ISLAND. NEB. Oiilce op
posite City Hall, 103 W. Second Street.
IToviiicLecL in. 1882
Hastings is the fourth city of Nebraska, liaving a population of over 12.
000, and is supplied with handsome public buildings, elegant residences, met
ropolitan stores and beautiful churches. It is also an important railroad
center, being located on the C., B. & Q.: St. .1., & G. I. C., and N. W., and
M. P. railways. There are also three branch lines of the Burlington route,
so that access is easy from any quarter.
It consists of twelve cultured men and women, representing eight differ
ent universities and colleges. Post-graduate work at Harvard, Chicago,
Princeton, Yale, Berlin and Heidelberg gives their teaching and scholarship
unusual breadth and thoroughness.
I The College, offering two courses for degrees witli many electives.
II The Academy, offering high school training under college professors.
III The Normal School, issuing teacher’s certificates understate authority.
IV The Conservatory of Music, with courses in voice, piano, pipe organ,
violin, and musical theory.
There are four buildings: Ringland Hall, a men’s dormitory and refecto
ry: McCormick Hall, the principal recitation building: Alexander Hall, a
woman’s dormitory: Carnegie building, the library and scientific laborato
ries. Facilities for college science work are unsurpassed and all buildings
have steam heat and electric light.
Next year begins September 8th, 1008. Handsome catalogue and illus
trated souvenir free upon application to
A. E. TURNER, LL. D., President.
yr rN f \ 1 1 ^ TT Has seventeen eminent
•| L LL CLwl CL teachers. Two splendid
I * * buildings. Thorough
One of Nebraska’s STANDARD INSTITUTIONS collegiate and academy
I course. Normal courses
on the completion of which we issue State Certificates. Superior Com
mercial, Shorthand and Typewriting Departments. Best advantages in
Music, Expression and Art. Tuition and Board very low. Text Books
Free, Delighted patrons. Growing attendance. Students hold good posi
tions. Catalogue free. Correspondence invited. Fall term opens September
14. Address
WM. E. SCHELL, F resident, York, Nebr
The following proposed amendment to
the constitution of the State of Nebras
ka. as hereinafter set Torth in full, is
submitted to tne electors of the State of
Nebraska, to be voted upon at the gen
eral electiou to be held Tuesday. Novem
ber 3rd. A. D.1909.
tions two (2). tour (4). live (5). six id)
and thirteen (13) of Article six (6) of
the Constitution of the State of Nebraska,
relating io Judicial Powers.
Ite it Resolved by the Legislature of the
State of Nebraska:
Section 1. Amendment proposed. That
Section two (2) of Article six (fit of the
Constitution of ihe State of Nebraska be
amended to resd as follows:
Section 2. (Supreme Court: .Judges:
jurisdiction.) The Supreme Court shall
consist of seven (7) judges; and a majority of
all elected and qualified judges shall be
necessary to constitute a quorum or pro
nounce a decision. The supreme Court
shall have jurisdiction in all cases relating
to the revenue, civil cases in which the
state is a party, mandamus, quo warranto,
habeas corpus, and such appellate juris
diction as may be provided by law.
Section 2 (Amendment proposed.) That
Section four '4) of Article six (6i of the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska, be
amended to read as follows:
Section 4 (Supreme Court, judges,
election, term, residence.i The judges of
the Supreme Court shall be elected by
the electors of the state at large: and
their term of office except as hereinafter
provided shall be six years. And said
Supreme Coutt jugdes shall duriug their
term of office, reside at the place where the
court is holden.
Section 3. (Amendment propose!.) That
Section live (5) of Article six (6) of the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska, he
amended to read as follows:
Section 5. (supreme court, judges,
election, term: chief .justice ) That at
the general election to be held in the state
of Nebraska in the year 1909, and each
six years thereafter, there shall be elected
three (3) judges of the Supreme Court, who
shall hold their office for the period of
six years: that at the general election to
be held in the state of Nebraska in the
year 1911. and each six years thereafter,
there shall be elected three (3) judges of
the Supreme Court, who shall hold their
office for the period of six years: and at
the general election to be held in the state
of Nebraska in the year 1913 and each six
years thereafter, there shall be elected a
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, who
shall hold his office for the period of six
years. Provided that the member of the
supreme Court whose teim of office expires
in January 1914. shall be Chief Justice of
the Supreme Court during that time until
the expiration of his term of office. And
provided further, that upon the adoption
of these amendments by the electors of
the State, the Governor shall, immediately
upon issuing his proclamation declaring
said amendments adopted, appoint four (4)
judges of the Supreme Court, two (2) of
whom shall be appointed to hold said
office until their successors shall be elected
at the general election in 1909. and have
qualified: and the other two (2) shall hold
their office until their successors1 shall be
elected at the general election held in 1911.
and havp niialiK^d
Section t. ,.Amendment proposed.) That
Section six <t>) of Article six (6) of the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska, be
amended to read as follows:
Section 0. (Chief Justice.) The Chief
Justice shall serve as sneh during all the
term fdr which he was elected. He shall
preside at all ti rms of the Supreme
Court, and in his absence the judges
present shall select one of their number to
preside temporarily.
Section 5. i Amendment proposed 1 That
Section thirteen (13) of Article six (Si of the
Constitution of Nebraska be amended to
read as follows:
Section 13. (.Judges, Salaries.) That
judges of the Supreme Court shall each
receive a salary of $4,500, and tile Judges
of the District Court shall each receive
a salary of $3,000 per annum, payable
Approved Aprils, 1907.
I, Geo C. Junkin, Secretary of State,
of the State of Nebraska, do hereby
certify that the foregoing proposed
amendment to the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska is a true and correct
copy of the original enrolled and en
grossed bill, as passed by the Thirtieth
session of the legislature of the State of
Nebraska, as appears from said original
bill on tile in this office, and that said
proposed amendment is submitted to the
qualified voters of the State of Nebraska
for their adoption or rejection at the gen
eral election to be held on Tuesday the 3rd
day of November, A. D. 1908.
In testimony whereof. I have hereunto
set my hand and affixed the Great Seal
of the State of Nebraska. Done at Lin
coln. this 15th day of July, in the year
of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred
and Eight, and of the Independence of
the United States the One Huudred and
Thirty-third, and of this State the Forty
second. GEO. C. JUNKIN.
I seal] Secretary of State.
Entered at the Loup City Post-office for trans
mission through the mails as second
class matter.
Office ’Phone, - - - 6 on 108
Residence ’Phone, - 2 on 108
J. W. BURLEIGH. F.(l. and Pnb.
For State Senator.
The undersigned respectfully offers
his name to the republican voters of
the Sixteenth Senatorial district and
asks the favor of their votes for the
nomination as their candidate for the
state senatorsliip. C. A. Clank.
Dated Ravenna, Neb., June 29, 1908.
Eugene W. Chafin of Chicago, for
president and Aaron S. Watkins of
Ada, Ohio, for vice President, was
the ticket nominated by the prohibi
tion national convention held at
Columbus, Ohio, both men being
chosen unanimously.
Attorney General Thompson holds
it illegal for a candidate to tile for
more than one place on the primary
Politics is warming up over the
state, but so far local patriots are not
getting in the swim in a announce
ment to serve the dear oeople.
It may be wise to hand pie to po-1
litical Judas Iscariots to purchase
their support of party nominees and
party principles, but it is hardly a;
safe, sane or winning proposition.
Bryan wants dollar subscriptions
from the dear common people to aid
his presidential aspirations. The
dear c. p. have thus made him a rich
man and lie wants to mulct them j
some more. Bryan is pretty shrewd
and his ability to work his subjects
lias been marvelous. But can lie do j
it much longer?
The statement made by Mayor
Dablman in an Omaha paper that he
expects to have a marching delega
tion of 100 Tammany men come to
Nebraska to aid him in his race for
the governorship this fall is one of
liveliest predictions made for the fall
campaign. Think of 100 Tammany
ites striking a Nebraska county seat
like York or Pawnee City and start
ing out to whoop 'er up for Jim.
And no bars open—State Journal.
The purchase of $500,000 of Cali
fornia bonds for the Nebraska state
school fund shows that Nebraska is
loaning money west as well as east
and south. The fact is, however,
that this money ought to be kept at
home and the necessity of going to
such a distance for school fund in
vestments emphasizes the importance
of voting the pending constitutional
amendment, enlarging the list of
home secuities, which mav be legally
considered by those charged with the
custody of this fund.—Omaha Bee.
Every man owes it to the commu
nity in which he lives to uphold it’s
best interests. A knocker is one of
the most depicable of all human
ghouls. Such human hyenas earn the
just condemnation and contemptof al
right-minded people. Cursing your
betters, knocking business interests
blackguardism, smut and indecency,
either by voice or pen, befouls its
author and covers with his own slime
he who directs it at others. Stand up
for your own town and community,
your business men and their interests,
your schools and churches and the
well being of those about you. Don’t
be a knocker.
As per an article in these columns,
clipped from the Strornsburg News,
the postottlce department proposes
having decent roads for carriers on
rural routes or same will be abandon
ed. It would be well for communities
in Sherman county over which rural
routes are established to see to it
that the roads are kept in prime con
dition, else Uncle Sam may take the
bit in his teeth and cause the aban
donment of the routes. Not that
there is any danger, as our people will
not allow of such conditions, but that
the idea may be constantly before
them that the roads should be in
prime condition to avoid any possible
contingency of the sort stated in the
article mentioned above.
The editor returned Monday even
ing from a few days’ visit at points in
Iowa, his family returning with him
from their month’s visit in that good
state. lie found the crop conditions
in Iowa not nearly so good as in Ne
braska. Nowhere did he find corn,
oats nor wheat so far advanced and
such good prospects as in Nebraska,
and the farther he got from Sherman
county the less promising were the
prospects, the immense rains through
out Iowa this summer having
delayed the ripening of wheat and
oats and kept the corn from climbing
skyward. While here a good deal of
the [corn is laid by, in Iowa he did
not see one field in such condition,
while much of it would not be above
one to three feet in height. Stand
up for Nebraska? Sure!
A Washington Astrologer Predicts
Two Terms For the Ohioan.
Taft—Roosevelt—Taft. That is
what the stars say, and if they say
true Jonathan Bourne will be vin
dicated four years hence. A Wash
ington astrologer announces:
‘‘Taft will be elected—triumphant
ly and overwnelmingly if Bryan is Ills
opponent, but elected no matter
whom the democrats name. In fact,
the democrats would save money and
fuss by naming no one at all.
“The planetary conjunction exist
ing as between the date of his birth
| and that of his nomination indicates
that Mr. Taft will be olected twice to
the White House, but he will not
serve consecutive terms. Mr. Roose
velt will be president for the inter
vening four years.
“In the latter part of the second
year of Taft’s first term and the first
part of the third term President Taft
will have to struggle with foes with
in and without. He will have a fall
ing out with the senate and house of
representatives, but will conquer.
“In the middle of his term the
United States will go to war with a
foreign power. The struggle will be
brief and the United States victorious.
Those who have opposed the presi
dent’s demand for a greater navy are
the enemies of their country and when
this war comes they and their coun
try will realize it and they will hide
their faces for shame.
“PersonallyMr.Taft will experience
no physical danger in the eight years
lie is to be president and he will live
to a vigorous old age. Nor will any
danger overtake any of his family in
the first term, but he will be anxious
in the second year of his second term
because of the ill health of one dear
to him. He will have many friends.
Even his enemies will in time become
his friends.
“There will be a marriage of one of
his family in the White House in 1910.
I cannot say for sure that it will be
that of his daughter, but it is probable.
“Prosperity will increase greatly in
the next five years. The Roosevelt
policies will be continued, but they
will not be so strongly pressed.
“There will be perfect harmony be
tween Mr. Taft and Mr. Sherman.
Mr. Sherman will come safely through
his term, but will have a severe ill
ness in its third year.
“Jupiter is Mr. Taft’s strongest in
fluence for good. That is why the
United States will attain a great
height of national dignity in his
time. His lucky day will be Friday,
and his most propitious periods in
any year will be from September 21
to October 20, aud from November 21
to December 21.”
States Needed to Win
(Philadelphia Press)
The democratic party was once able
to win with the solid south and New
York. Later it needed the solid
south, New York and another state
like Indiana or three states meeting
at New York—New York. New Jersey
and Connecticutt.
The apportionment made on the
census of 1900 added only twelve votes
in the electoral college to the south
and twenty-six votes to the northern
states, including Oklahoma. The
solid south, 199 votes, and New York,
New Jersey and Connecticutt, fifty
eight more lack twenty-five votes of a
majority. A fourth large northern
state or two lesser ones are now need
ed to give a democratic majority for
president. Oklahoma, seven votes, is
not enough. This would still leave
eighteen votes to be got somewhere.
If Bryan is to be elected this year
lie must carry every southern state,
he must get the electoral vote of New
York, New Jersey and Connecticut^
and lie must add to this besides
Oklahoma some one of the larger
states between Ohio and Nebraska.
He must carry his own state, for in
stance, which he has not done since
The day is over when the demo
cratic party can concentrate on New
York or on New York and Indiana,
as in the past. At least three north
ern states besides New York must
be carried, unless the democratic
ticket wins some big state like
Illinois, which it has never won on a 1
presidential election save with Cleve
land in 1892.
The odds are, therefore, more
heavily against a party which rests
on the solid south for its vote than
ever before. Each census sees the
northern states make a regularly
larger gain. When a presidential
election comes in 1912 on the basis of
the census of 1910, New York and five
medium-sized states will be needed
with the solid south to carry the
electoral college for a democratic
Moreover, the republican majorities
in the northern states grow. They
do not diminish. They were never
larger than in the past four years.
Lloyd Anderson came Sunday from
Leon, where he pitched for the Gar
den Grove team Saturday. He went
Monday to Broken Bow, Neb., where
he will pitch this season for the ball
team at that place. He says his team
will have numerous games with Loup
City, where our brother, J. W. Bur
leigh, resides. Now Will, we advise '
your Loup City team to look out for 1
your laurels, as Lloyd is a twirler i
among the best in amateur ranks, !
and we Tingley people think there is 1
no one like him. We shall expect the 1
best of treatment tor him, and lovers ,
of the national game will be well
pleased.—Tingley, (la.,) Vindicator.
The Highest Grade Spreader built-oak pole,
not pine; oak sill, not pine; hickory evener
and single-trees; double oak bolster, malea
ble fifth wheel, oak beater rail; endless
apron, not a one-half apron. Call and see them. T. M. REED.
The New “Tiger” Press Drill
-"phe jnost du
rable apd eas
iest adjusted
drill op the
piapket. Gall
and see thepi
Best Towns In Nebraska
“What sue the best towns in Ne
braska?" This is a question often
asked and there is just one.sure and
reliable answer. The best towns in
Nebraska, or any other state, are the
towns whose newspapers carry the
largest amounts of bright, crisp ad
vertising matter. It never fails to
show up that way and you can safely
count upon any locality whose mer
chants are sufficiently wide awake to
advertise and advertise right.—Lin
coln Star.
A great many people judge a town
by its newspaper. If the paper is
brimful of ads of enterprising mer
chants—and anyone can tell who are
the enterprising fellows by looking
through the ad columns—the conr
elusion is at once drawn that that
particular town is a live one. Mr.
Merchant, who hesitates about ad
vertising in your local paper, don’t
vou see what you are doing? You are
not only hiding your own light under
i bushel, but you are delaying the
progress of the town. Cheer up and
ioin the procession of live ones. Any
aid tish can float down stream, but it
^akes a live minnow to go against the
current.—Wood River Sunbeam.
York College was founded in 1890
md soon took rank as one of the
standard institutions of the state,
laving strong collegiate, academy,
normal, business, music and expres
don departments. Its growth has
oeen remarkable. In the last eleven
vears, during which time Dr. William
E. Schell lias been its president, the
ittendanee has increased seven-fold
ind now reaches up to more than 500
each year. It lias two fine buildings,
seventeen excellent teachers, and
issues all grades of teachers’ state
certificates. Text books are furnished
free of charge. Rates for tuition and
board are very low. York is well
known for its freedom from saloons
md York College is in every way an
Ideal place for young people to spend
their college days. See ad. in this
First National Bank
charter NO. 7277, INCORPORATED
At Loup City In the State of Nebraska, at
Hie close of business July 15th. 1905
Loans and discounts.$129,302 58
Overdrafts secured and unsecured 2.487 88
U. S. bonds to secure circulation. 7,000 00
Bonds. securities, etc. 292 18
Banking house,furniture, fixtures, 11.088 09
Due from approved reserve agents. 4,948 87
-hecks and other cash items. 434 87
Fractional paper currency, nickels
and cents. 186 12
Lawful money reserve in bank, viz:—
Specie. i 9.291 65
Letal tender notes . 1.595 00— 10,886 65
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer
(5 percenter circulation).. 350 00
Total.1186,905 52
Capital stock paid in. 825,000.00
surplus fund. 5,000 00
Undivided profits, less expenses and
tuxes paid. 294 31
National Bank notes outstanding. 7,000 00
Due to other National Banks. 2.000 00
Due to State banks and Bankers.. 235 44
Individual deposits subject to
check. 81.103 07
Demand certificates of deposit._ 46,272 67
Total..$166 905 52
State of Nebraska,) „
County of Sherman. < 8 B
1, W. F. Mason. Cashier of the above
named Bank, do solemnly swear that the
tbove statement is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
W. F. Mason, Cashier.
A. P. Culut. Director,
M. L. Cdllit. Director,
3. A. Mason. Director.
Subscribed and sworn
list day of July. 1908.
to before me this
R. a. Mathew,
(seal.) Notary Public.
My commission expires April 16th,.1912.
Sheriff’s Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an
irder of sale to me directed from the District
3ourt of Sherman county, Nebraska, upon a
lecree of foreclosure of a tax lien rendered
In said court on the 25th day of February, 1908.
•'herein William Rowe was plaintiff, and
lohn J. Reed et a], were defendenls: I have
evled upon the following described real estate.
,0-wit: Numbered, seven (7), eight (8) and
line (9) in J. Woods Smith's Addition to the
;own, now village of Loup City. Sherman
;ouDty. Nebraska, west of the 6th principal
nerldian, situated in said Sherman county
ind State of Nebraska, and I will on Monday,
he 24th day of August, 1908. at 2 o'clock
>. m. of said day. at the south door of the
:ourt bouse. In Loup City. Sherman county,
Nebraska, offer for sale and sell said above
lescribed teal estate at public auction to the
lighest bidder for cash to satisfy the several
mounts of $34.35 and $26.35 costs of above
union with Interest, costs and accruing costs,
rhich amount was adjudged to be due to the
ilaintiff above named from the defendants,
lohn J. Reed, et al, above named and to be
i lien upon the above described premises.
Dated at Loup City, Nebraska, this 15th
lay of July, 1908. L. A. Williams,
Sheriff of Sherman county, Nebraska.
R. P. Stakr, Attorney.
(Last pub. Aug. $0)
A Mass Convention of the voters of
the Peoples’ Independent Party of
Sherman county, is called to be held
at the court house in Loup City, on
Friday, July 31st, 1908, at two o’clock
p. m., for the transaction of import
ant business. John Minsiiull,
I have decided not to file for the
nomination to the office of represent
ative, this fall, and would urge that
someone else file without delay. The
populists of this county must have a
candidate and there is no time to
lose as July 21st, is the last day
on which to file. E. A. Brown.
Kicks for Better Roads
(Sfcromsburg Weekly News)
The following letter has been re
ceived by the postmaster here and is
Sir:—Department has this day
called the attention of the road
officials to the condition of roads on
route No. 1-2-5, as indicated in your
report on Form N-755.
You also take up the matter with
the road officials and patrons in
terested and inform them that unless
all roads covered by rural route
delivery from your office are properly
repaired during the present summer
season and placed in such condition
that uninterrupted service can be
rendered throughout the year, the
withdrawal of delivery from neglect
ed roads will very likely follow.
Failure to comply with this re
quirement should be reported under
Section 80, “Instructions-’ in ample
time to admit of consideration of
routes before the beginning of winter.
Very Respectfully,
P. V. DkGraw,
Fourth Ass’t P. M. Gen.
Supervisors Proceedings.
Loup City, Nebraska, July 14. ’08
The County Hoard of Supervisors
met this 14th day of July in regular
session as by law provided.
Members present, Chris Nielson
chairman. Ilenry Tliode, Jas. I. De
pew. \V. O. Brown, F. R. Wyman,
Wm. Jacobs, and C. F. Beushausen
clerk, members absent A. Garstka.
The minutes of the last meeting
were read and approved.
The Board examined the following
fee books showing the amounts col
lected for the six months ending
June 30, 1908.
C F Beushausen, clerk.$1226 46
R M Hiddleson, treasurer.1199 89
J S Pedler, county judge.417 31
R D Hendrickson, county supt. 23 00
L A Williams, sheriff. 54 50
On motion the county surveyor
was ordered to survey the amount of
fill required to the bridge to be built
at Rockville.
The clerk was instructed to pur
chase lawn seats for the court yard.
On motion the money belonging to
road road DIst. No. 16 and 17 was
transferred to Dist. No. 7 and the
bond of Henry Hansen was not ap
proved, as dist. No. 16 and 17 was
merged into one district.
The following claims were allowed
and clerk ordered to draw warrants
for same.
School Dist No 72.$ 2 50
P T Rowe.5 00
C F Bueshausenclk.324 45
C H French. 5 50
Hammond and Stephens. 3 10
Lewis Bechtold.450 00
Wm Jacobs.5 50
F R Wyman. 5 50
W O Brown. 3 10
J I Depew .3 00
Henry Thode .3 40
Chris Neilson. 4 40
W D French.$18 50
Diecks Lmbr and Coal Co.13 78
S E Thrasher.18 50
Joe Reiman.10 00
L Winkleman.10 00
W T Gibson.25 00
On motion board adjourned to Au
gust 6th 1908 C. F. Beushausen.
County Clerk.
3 on 62, Ashley Conger, the dray'
nan. Get him.
Nebraska Military Academy, Lincoln
A high grade Military Boarding
School for boys. Ideal location, out
side the city, yet close enough to
derive all city benefits. Large, well
equipped buildings, forty acres of
campus, drill, parade and athletic
grounds. Strong faculty: the best
academic, military, business and in
dustrial training. Preparation for
college, university or business. A clean
and inspiring school home. Careful
attention given to health, habits and
home life of the boys. Special depart
ment for boys under 12 years. School
opens Sept, hi, loos. For information
address B. I). Hayward,. Superin
tendent, Box 153, Lincoln. Xebr.
A reward of *25.00 will be paid for
Information and Evidence that will
lead to the Conviction of any person
guilty of unlaw fully selling, disposing
of. or giving away Malt or Spirituous
Liquors, in Loup City or vicinity.
Anti-Saloon League of Loup City.
, $2 a ° a -e-o.t: 0200^5
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New and Popular
Goes right to the Park
boundrv, from whence all
the noted sights in the
Park are best reached—
the Geysers, Mam
moth Hot Springs,
Grand Canyon, Yel
lowstone Lake, Etc.,
Etc. Buy your tickets
over the
You can then take in Den
ver and Colorado points,
also Salt Lake City euroute
inquire of
G. W. Collipriest