The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 23, 1908, Image 1

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    oup City Northwestern
volume xxv
Something of Congress. Political Gos
sip Here and There, and .News and
Notes of General Character.
Manager Vorys of the Ohio cam
paign says there will be no friction
among republicans of that state over
the election of a United States sen
Samuel Gompers has denied that he
sent any message to Mr. Hearst ask
ing him 10 support Mr. Bryan.
Judge Taft says that democrats in
many southern states are writing to
him. declaring their purpose to vote
for him and to do whatever may be
in their power to secure his election.
Chairman Hitchcock says that the
* west is to be the battle ground in the
national campaign.
Judge Taft has begun work on his
address of acceptance. Chairman
Hitchcock has selected rooms for
headquarters in New York and an
nounced that the campaign will begin
Augusts 1.
The democratic national committee
called on Bryan to consult him about
selecting a campaign manager.
The news of the action of the dem
ocratic national convention at Denver
including in its platform a plank fa
voring the exclusion from the United
States of Asiatic laborers, is taken in
Tokio to be directed against Japanese,
end is causing considerable surprise
and displeasure.
Senator Warner of Missouri, chair
man of the notification committee, ar
rived at Hot Springs, Ya.. and talked
with Mr. Taft for half an hour. They
discussed conditions in Missouri in
■which Mr. Taft showed interest.
Herman Ridder of the New York
Staatz Zeitung, will support Mr. Bryan
for president.
Judge Taft in an interview at Hot
Springs announced that questions of
general policy of conduct of his cam
paign will be turned over to his man
Mayor John E. Revburn of Philadel
phia has instituted proceedings against
E. A. Van Valkenburg. editor and pres
ident of the North American, and six
members of the staff of the newspa
per, charging them with criminal li
bel. The charges are based on articles
and cartoons appearing in the naws
paper during the last two years.
Count Boni de Casteilane has for
mally filed suit for such revision of
the decree of divorce obtained against
him by his wife, who was Miss Anna
Gould of New York, as will give him
the custody of his three children.
The prohibitionists nominated Eu
gene W. Cbafln for president and
Aaron S. Watkins for vice president.
Nine people w-ere killed in the ex
posion of a powder magazine near
Cieeburn, Wash.
Governor Cummins will net be
ready to fill campaign engagements
until September.
William Randolph Hearst tells Sam
uel Gompers he cannot support the
democratic platform.
John W. Kern, the democratic vice
presidential candidate, has accepted
an invitation to be the guest of the
Jefferson club of Chicago at a rally to
be held on Sepiember 15.
I tie annual report oi tne interstate
Commerce commission for last year
shows that net income of railroads
was nearly $450,000,000.
The completion of the Milwaukee
road to the Pacific coast will take
more money than has been counted on,
though the management says this is
provided for.
Invitations to members of the na
tional committee have been sent out
to attend the Taft notification in Cin
The Nebraska Sta e Railway Em
ployes’ association has established a
headquarters and will go into state
politics in earnest.
Judge Taft has been making a com
plete study of the platforms of the va
rious parties for some years past.
Four New Jersey boys died of lock
jaw due to acidents on the Fourth
of July. Three of the boys, Harry W.
Hall, Arthur Beny and Rollo Terasino.
died at North Hudson. All three had
been wonded in the hand.
Mrs. S. C. Carter has offered to do
nate $50.00u for a new park in Omaha.
Gustavus P. English, news editor of
the Associated Press, died suddenly at
his home in Chicago.
Harry’ Thaw's case goes over until
Over a course nearly 1,000 miles
long 2,000 boy athletes, members of
the Young Mens Christian associa
tion, of New York will race against
time in an effort to break all records
between New York and Chicago. The
boys are to carry a message from the
mayor of New York to the mayor of
Ten thousand men marched in the
electrical parade of the Nobles of the
Mystic Shrine at St. Paul.
John W. Kern, the candidate for
vice president, passed through Omaha,
but declined to discuss the chairman
ship. saying the choice has been left
to the committee.
Japanese are indignant over the ex
clusion clause in the democratic plat
Advices received in Nicaragua state
that the Honduran revolutionists have
abandoned the town of Gracias, which
they recently captured and have fled
into Salvador.
The Standard Oil company secured
all the contracts to furnish oils of
various kinds at the different state in
stitutions. Its bids were "'the lowest
of any received, but in some instances
different prices were quote’ oil,the
same quantit;- of the same article. '
Dr. J. W. Simpson was mysteriously
shot at the home of his wife in North
port, L. 1., and his mother-in-law was
arrested on the charge.
The Interstate Commerce commis
sion ruled that elevation allowances
shall not be paid longer by the rail
Officers of the Burlington going to
Wyoming revived the talk of building
the Hill line to Tflermopolis, regard
less of the “tour inspection story.”
Heat in some of the .eastern cities
has been, imusirai aptf many- fatalities
are recorded. •
The presidential elections through
out Panama passed off quietly, with
out any. known disturbances. 'Senor
Don Jose Domingo de. Obaldia. for
merly minister to the United States,
and acting president during the ab
sence of Dr. Amador, was elected pres
Judge Kohlsaat decided .that rail
roads. under the Hepburn act, may not
dispose of transportation for advertis
Although scarcely more than a
month has elapsed since President
Roosevelt appointed the national con
servation commission, the work of
taking stock of the nation's national
resources has begun. This work will
be carried on vigorously In order, to
enable the commission to make its re
port to the president by January 1
Chairman Frank H. Hitchcock, of
the republican national committee will
open the campaign of 1S*07 in the far
west. Practically the first movement
for the election of William H. Taft
and James H. Sherman, respectively
to the presidency and vice presidency
wlil be made at Colorado Springs,
Colo., Monday and Tuesday, July 20
and 21.
Somewhat concerned over the situa
tion at Porto Cortez and at Ceilia, on
the northern coast of Honduras, be
cause of the threatened operation of
the revolutionists and a possible men
ace to American interests, the admin
istration is considering the advisa
bility of dispatching a naval vessel to
that coast.
The emperor of China is sick and
many physicians have been called to
his bedside.
It is said the new premier of Japan
will pursue a peace .policy.
A news bureau has received a pri
vate telegram from Sosnoviee, Rus
sian Poland, stating that a plot against
| the life of Emperor Nicholas has been
! discovered there.
The French national fete was cele
brated throughout the •country in the
traditional manner. 'The review of
troops at. Longchamps. which was the
feature of the celebration in Paris, was
a brilliant success.
Prince .Zu Eulenberg, who is being
tried on a charge of perjury in con-«
nection with the scandals revealed
last year by Maximilien Harden, rest
ed on arr ordinary hospital bed with
I>r. Gennrich sitting at his side during
the court proceedings in Berlin.
Vice President Fairbanks. will call
on the Prince of \Vales on the after
noon of July 22. the day on which the
prince arrives at Quebec.
The Rt. Rev. William Awdry, Angel
ican bishop of South Tokio, in a long
letter to the London Times repudiates
the idea that the Japanese have any
aggressive intentions toward the
T'nited States or elsewhere.
Proceedings in Harry K. Thaw's
application for a jury trial to deter
mine his mental eonditipp. were ad
journed until the September term of
the supreme court of Westchester
Samuel Gompers. president of the
American Federation ot Labor, will
support Mr. Bryan for president.
According to Charles M. Schwab,
steel conditions look much better
Irish unionists in Dublin have
formed an organization to work for
home rule along new lines.
When Commander Robert E. Peary
boards his steamer, Roosevelt, at
Cape Breton, and starts' on his expedi
tion in search of the North pole, an
international race to the uttermost
ends of the earth wilt be tm. Peary ex
pects to plant the stars and stripes
at the north pole.
Chairman Hitchcock of the republi
can national.committee reached Utica.
X. Y., and was at once driven to the
home of Representative Sherman, the
vice presidential candidate. Mr. Hitch
cock said he had come to talk over
campaign matters.
If Mr. Bryan is elected it Is said he
will share the white house with Vice
President Kern.
President Roosevelt has received an
invitation to be the guest of Camp
Dawson of the Arctic Brotherhood at
the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition,
which will be held in Seattle next
Berlin—Professor Paul Haiipt. of
Johns Hopkins university of Balti
more, gave a dinner to introduce the
American ambassador, David Jayn<
Hill, to university and literary circles
New York World.
Men Wear Steel Shod Shoes—Amer
*:icans Retire After Making Pro
, test That Is Not Allowed.
London.—A serious controversy has
arisen between the American athletes
and the British Olympic association.
The Americans’ chief cause of com
plaint is the arbitrary manner in
which their protest against "the fla
grantly unfair method of conducting
the tug-of-war," was dismissed. Every
unprejudiced spectator present at
'Friday's meeting was convinced that
the Americans were justified in refus
ing to go on with that event.
The United Kingdom had three
teams entered in the tug-of-war. made
up of the police of the city of London.
Liverpool and the metropolitan forces.
The drawings brought the American
. and Liverpool teams into the arena
| first. The American team complied
i with the rule which says:
"No competitor shall wear prepared
boots or shoes or boots or shoes with
any projecting nails, tips, sprigs,
points, hollows or projections of any
The Liverpool police appeared in
enormous shoes which had steel rims
around the heels. The Americans
pulled, under protest and making lit
tle effort, and then filed a formal pro
test, which was ignored.
In the semi-final in the fancy div
ing competition. George W. Gaidzik of
the Chicago Athletic association won
his heat by a handsome margin. He
i scored S5.6, while Zurner of Germany
: was second with 82.8.
As was expected, C. M. Daniels of
the New York Athletic club won his
heat in the first round of the 100
meter swim, his time, 1:05 4-5, be
ing several seconds below that of the
winner of another heat. The heat
winners in this contest included H. J.
Hepner of the Illinois Athletic club
and L. G. Rich, Brookiine Swimming
London.—Thursday was America's
day in the Olympic sports at the
stadium, both big events which
reached tho finals, throwing the dis
cus, free style, and putting the shot,
being carried off by Martin J. Sheridan
of the irish-American Athletic club,
and Ralph Rose of the Olympic ctub.
San Francisco, respectively.
London. — The gold medals went
to Great Britain. France and Sweden,
as the winners of the finals of
Wednesday's events at the Olympic
games. Great Britain was a double
winner and France and Sweden each
secured one first.
Remarkable Efforts of Mrs. John F.
Dietz of Wisconsin.
Winter. Wis.^-Mrs. John Dietz,
wife of the famous defender of Cam
eron dam. has just finished a fast of
| 56 days. Not only does she know no
ill effects of this world's record-break
ing effort, but she probably owes her
life to it. She underwent the try ins
ordeal to cure appendicitis and ac
ce-ding to her husband she has suc
"Mrs. Dietz lias just concluded a
5G-days' fast and now’ is free of all
pain.” declared Mr. Dietz. “She lost
50 or CO pounds in weight but she will
soon regain that.”
She was unable to get a doctor be
cause of the legal war that has been
waged against Dietz for five years.
Dietz has not been arrested during
all that time, although all the court
machinery of the state was invoked.
Shriners Select Louisville.
St. Paul, Minn.—The Imperial Coun
cil of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles
of the Mystic Shrine Wednesday elect
ed officers headed by E. I. Alderman.
Marion. Ia., as imperial potentate, and
decided to hold the conclave of 1909
in Louisville, Ky. Four cities were
contestants for the gathering of next
year, Seattle, Louisville, Atlantic City
and Detroit. The matter was referred
to a committee which reported ia
favor of Louisville.
Double Shooting: Two Dying.
New York.—As the result of a
double shooting in Jersey City, N. J.,
Friday night, Mrs. Harriet Brennan
and J. Martin Tilton are in the city |
hospital with wounds which will prob
ably prove fatal in each case. Each
accuses the other of shooting and then
attempting suicide.
Lightning Kills Two Boys.
Dayton, O.—Clyde Zar, aged 20, and
Walter Cowitz, aged 14, were killed
by lightning on a farm near Vandalia
Strike Situation Is Serious—Ratal Con
flict at Adamsville.
Birmingham. Aia.—While the re
ports concerning the strike situation
are greatly exaggerated, there was
sufficient cause for alarm to induce
Gov. Comer to order the militia of the
district to sleep on their arms and re
main in readiness for an emergency
Friday Gov. Comer, together with
Sheriff Higdon and a number of dep
uties, made an automobile tour of the
strike district. So impressed was the
governor with the seriousness of the
strike situation that on his return to
Birmingham three local companies of
militia were ordered under arms. A
mixed company numbering 100 men
went to Adamsville, where Friday
afternoon an engagement between
strike sympathizers and deputies took
place, in which one deputy was killed.
Montgomery, Ala.—Troop D of the
First squadron, Alabama cavalry,
which has been in camp here partici
pating in the practice shoot, received
orders Friday afternoon to report in
Birmingham to Sheriff Higdon. The
troops left Montgomery on an early
train Saturday.
New Yorker Arraigned on Charge of
Grand Larceny.
New York. — Frank Zotti, head
of the banking institution of Frank
Zotti & Co., on Greenwich street,
which wrent into the hands of a
receiver on Wednesday, was taken
into custody Friday and arraigned be
fore Magistrate Corrigan on a charge
of grand larceny. The banker was
remanded to the Tombs under $25,000
ba*l for examination.
The specific charge against Zotti,
according to the affidavit of the police,
is that he failed to forward to Bul
garia $225 given him by a customer
of the bank. Detective McConville in
the affidavit adds to the specific
charge, that “he had been given to
understand that the defendant had
withheld other monies amounting to
more than $100,000.” The banker de
clared he was the victim of a plot to
ruin him. He said that three Pitts
burg men had started the trouble
which resulted in a receiver being
appointed for his bank recently.
Structure in Which First Volunteer
for Civil War Enlisted.
St. Paul. Minn.—By the burning of
a one-story frame building at Market
and Third streets, the structure in
which the first volunteer for the union
aimies enlisted in 18G1 was destroyed.
The building was erected in 1857.
When President Lincoln issued his
call for volunteers Gov. Alexander
Ramsey of Minnesota, who was then
in Washington, was accorded the priv
ilege of offering the first regiment.
Immediately a recruiting office was
opened in the building that was
burned, and within a few minutes
Charles Eichler enlisted.
Owner of Fond du Lac Store Arrested
on Arsen Charge.
Fond du Lac, Wis.—On complaint
of State Fire Marshal T. M. Pur
tell, Isaac Rosenblatt, manager
and part owner of the Fair store, one
of the largest dry goods stores in
Fond du Lac. was arrested on the
charge of arson Friday afternoon. It
is alleged that he set fire to his store
on the morning of July 13. When
Rosenblatt was arraigned in court he
waived examination and the case was
adjourned until July 24. Bail was
fixed at $5,000.
Follows His Sister to Death.
Pittsburg, Pa.—William Moffit of
Sistersville, W. Va., who came here
to attend the funeral of his sister, who
committed suicide Tuesday, ended his
own life in a manner almost identical
■with that employed by the young
Blaze Causes $350,000 Loss.
Everett, Pa.—A fire, believed to
have been of incendiary origin, de
stroyed the main building of the Elk
Tanning company of this place. The
loss on the buildings, machinery and
stock is estimated at $350,000.
Persian Rebels Sack Tabriz.
Tabriz, Persia.—The revolutionists
routed Rachin Khan's horsemen, who
are out of ammunition and have fled.
The revolutionists have gained con
trol of the town and are sacking the
houses of officials.
Prof. A. S. Watkins of Ohio Is Put Up
for Vice-President at Columbus
Is Short.
Columbus, O.—For president, Eugene
W. Chafin, Chicago; for vice-president.
Prof. Aaron S. Watkins, Ada, O.
The above ticket was nominated
Thursday by the Prohibitionist nation
al convention, both men being chosen
unanimously. The full indorsement
of the convention was not, however,
riven to Mr. Chafin until after three
ballots had been taken.
On the first two ballots Mr. Chafin
did not show a great amount of
strength, receiving but 195 out of 1.053
votes on the first and 376 out of LOST
on the second ballot. His nomination
was practically assured, however,
when the roll call began for the third
ballot. His own state, which had voted
largely for Daniel R. Sheen of Peoria,
and the New York delegation, followed
by those of Indiana and Wisconsin,
came over to Mr. Chafin, and on the
third ballot he received a total of 636
votes. The strongest competitor of
Mr. Chafin was Rev. William B. Pal
more of St. Louis, who received 274
votes on the first ballot and 418 on the
second, and a comparatively small
vote after it was evident that the
nomination of Mr. Chafin could not be
Palmore Refuses Second Place.
The conveniion up to this time had
run smoothly and without the slight
est friction. It was decided to make
Mr. Palmore the vice-presidential nom
inee and he was named by acclama
tion. He declined to accept the office,
however, and persisted in his attitude
despite the strong urgings of his
friends. The convention, finding itself
confronted with the necessity of nam
ing another vice-presidential candi
j date, and many of the delegates, being
| anxious to catch the early night trains
for their homes, became involved in a
deep parliamentary tangle. The rules
were several times suspended and the
suspensions immediately revoked. Fi
nally it was decided that Prof. Wat
kins should be named by acclamation.
There was no opposition to him at
the moment and Chairman Scanlon
was on the verge of declaring Prof.
Watkins the nominee when delegates
in various parts of the hall broke in
with a flood of motions, counter mo
tions. amendments and suspensions of
the rules.
Watkins on First Ballot.
An extended debate followed which
finally resulted in the restoration of
the rules and a ballot for the vice
presidency. Three men were named,
Prof. Watkins, T. B. Demaree of Ken
tucky and Charles S. Holler of Indi
ana. The ballot resulted in the nom
ination of Prof. Watkins by an over
whelming majority, and he was im
mediately thereafter, upon motion of
the Kentucky delegates, made the
unanimous choice of the convention.
Both the presidential and vice-presi
dential nominees are candidates for
governor in their respective states on
the Prohibition tickets.
Eugene W. Chafin, who leads the
Prohibition party this year, is an at
torney residing in Chicago. He is a
native of Waukesha county, Wis., and
for some years, practiced law there.
The forenoon session of the conven
tion was devoted to the discussion and
adoption of a platform which is prob
ably the shortest on record, containing
not more than 350 words.
Escaped Prisoner Gives Himself Up
at Indiana Penitentiary.
Michigan City. Ind.—Thomas Mc
Carthy. aged 40 years, for whose cap
ture the warden of Indiana state
piison here has had a reward standing
for three years, returned to prison
Tuesday evening voluntarily and gave
himself up, with the prospect of serv
ing 12 more years, unless the governor
or parole board should release him
In 1905 McCarthy escaped after hav
ing been paroled. He went to the Pa
cific coast and after leading a pre
carious existence he joined the Sal
vation Army at Yakima. Wash. His
conscience troubled him and after he
had earned enough money he started
back to prison, paying all his own ex
St. Paul’s Population 225.300.
St. Paul. Minn.—St. Paul on June
1. 190S, had a population of 223.300,
accoiding to the new city directory
for this year, which will soon be
ready for distribution. This estimate
is based on an increase of 12,566
names in the 1908 directory over that
of 1905, when the state census
showed St. Paul to have a population
of 197,025.
Mr. Cortelyou on Vacation.
Washington. — Secretary Cortelyou
and family left Thursday for Hunting
ton, Long Island, where they will
spend the warm season. During his
absence Assistant Secretary L. A.
Coolidge will be acting secretary.
Moros Murder a Soldier.
Washington.—Another murder has
been reported to the war department
from the Philippines. Gen. Weston in
a cablegram reports that Albert L.
Burleigh, company C, Eighteenth in
fantry, was murdered by Moroa.
Welcomed by Thousands—Entire Run
from San Francisco Was Pleas
ant and Uneventful.
Honolulu.—The Atlantic battleship
fleet arrived here at noon Thursday.
By universal consent the day was
made a complete holiday, all business
being suspended and thousands of
people from the different islands of
the territory assembled on Diamond
Head and other heights and points of
vantage southeast of this city to view
the approach of the armada.
Early in the morning the crowds be
gan scrambling up the bluffs to catch
the first sight of smoke above the
southeastern horizon, and the first re
alization of the long-cherished hope
came at 7:30 in the morning, when a
message came from the leper settle
ment on the Island of Molokai that the
fleet had been sighted there, steaming
in line of squadron formation at a
speed of ten knots. An overcast sky
prevented the watchers near here
from seeing far out to sea, but the pa
tience of the lookouts was rewarded
by the appearance of the Connecti
cut off the entrance to the channel at
During the entire run to Honolulu
the fleet experienced pleasant weather
and smooth seas. For two hours or
more daily, except on Sunday, the
fleet had tactical evolutions and at the
same time routine drills were carried
on. No noteworthy incidents occurred
on the entire voyage, and as a mat
ter of fact, this, the first leg of a long
cruise, was rather more uneventful
than usual. The fleet never had to
stop or slow down nor did any of the
ships have to fall out of formation
through accidents to steering gear.
The health of the crews has been
very good and there have been no
deaths or serious accidents since leav
ing San Francisco. The Nebraska,
which was left behind when the fleet
sailed from the Golden Gate on ac
count of scarlet fever cases among
her crew, overtook the fleet at 6:30
a. m. Wednesday.
Indicted Ex-Comptroller of the Equita
ble Expires Suddenly.
New York.—Thomas D. Jordan, for
merly comptroller of the Equitable
Life Assurance society, dropped dead
of heart disease late Tuesday after
noon in the Wall street station of the
subway. Mr. Jordan had parted from
his son, Frank B. Jordan, only a mo
ment before, and a messenger over
took the young man on the street and
informed him of his father's death. It
was in the course of the Armstrong
committee insurance investigation
that Mr. Jordan's name came prom
inently before the public. It was
brought out then that Comptroller Jor
dan had secured loans aggregating
$685,000 for himself and James W.
Alexander former president of the
Equitable, from the Mercantile Trust
company, and that these loans had
been covered up on the books of the
company. This $685,000 came to be
known as the “yellow dog" fund.
As a result of the disclosures the
grand jury found IS indictments for
forgery and one for perjury against
Jordan. Only recently Mr. Jordan ap
peared before Justice Goff to plead not
guilty to the indictments. His trial
was set for the fall.
White Mountain Express Wrecked,
One Woman Being Killed.
Greenwich, Conn. — One woman
was killed, two were perhaps mor
tally injured, and nearly a dozen
persons were seriously hurt when the
White Mountain Express, of the New
York, Nqw Haven & Hartford rail
road, was wrecked 100 feet west of the
station here at 9:20 o'clock Thursday
morning. Spreading rails caused the
ten-car train to leave the tracks while
it was crossing a bridge over Steam
boat road, and five of the passenger
coaches, including four Pullmans,
were hurled into a ditch, where they
collapsed like paper boifes. That so
few of ihe 180 passengers were killed
or injured seems little short of miracu
lous, as the train was going 50 miles
an hour.
Plan to Help Illinois Blind.
Springfield, 111. — The state board
of public charities, at a meeting
Thursday, authorized the appointment
of a commission by President Billings
of the board to ascertain the number
of blind in the state and to formulate
plans for the employment of the adult
blind and for improving the efficiency
of the state care in other particulars.
J. M. Greene Dies Suddenly.
Chamberlain, S. D.—J. M. Greene,
formerly Republican national commit
teeman, the foremost citizen of Cham
berlain, was found dead in his bed
here Wednesday, supposedly of heart
Eulenburg Too Sick for Trial.
Berlin.—The trial of Prince Philip
Zu Eulenburg on charges of perjury in
connection wTith the court scandals of
last year was indefinitely suspended
Friday because the prince is in a half
dying condition.
Astor’s Son May Be an M. P.
Plymouth, Eng —Waldorf Astor, the
eldest son of William Waldorf Astor,
was chosen Friday night as conserva
tive candidate for member of parlia
ment from Plymouth at the next gen
eral election.
Sales Sufficient to Cause Only Occa
sional Wavering, but New High
Level is Reached.
New York.—The market for securi
ties last week showed a degree of ■vi
tality that offered encouragement for
marketing holdings, accumulated from
time to time in consequence of the
attractive higher level of prices1
established. At the level attained, the
highest point of the year in the case
of a number of conspicuous stocks,
and in consequence the highest
touched since the spring of last year.
There were sales sufficient to cause aa
occasional wavering of the price move
ment and an irregular market where*
new advances accompanied the set
back in stocks previously advanced,
The characteristic feature of the trans
actions, however, was the compara
tive paucity of offerings for sale and
the relative ease, therefore, with which
operations to advance prices were
made effective. Those operations
were admittedly largely professional
and showed the manipulative devices
usual in the professional conduct of
leadership in speculation. For the
success which attended these efforts
the strong technical position of the
market and the general improvement
in speculative sentiment must be al
lowed credit. This sentiment found
expression from many sources in the
financial, industrial and commercial
departments of affairs. There w*as an
unusual number of statements of hope
ful views and opinions on the part of
prominent financiers and capitalists in
the form of interviews to the news
papers. These were the more effective
in inspiring confidence because of
their agreement on the main points of
the situation in which the expressed
hopefulness were based, and which
are safely obvious to the ordinary ob
server to be confirmed in the news of
the day.
Much attention was attracted'
throughout the week to the question
of advances in freight rates by the
railroads. Much remains to be set
tled, both as to the policy in this re
spect to be followed by the railroad*
and as to the effect of such policy on
the general business prospects. Out
spoken arguments have come from,
prominent railroad officials in behalf
of an increase, the contention being;
that advances in freight rates have
not kept pace with the rise in price of
materials and labor, so that profits on
the present basis are not sufficient to
establish credit such as will secure
the use of capital for expenditure in
extension and betterments. Much of
the stagnation in demand for interna
tional output is held by this argument
to be traced to the paralysis of credit
under which the railroads have been
Bureau of Labor Reports Decrease irt
Average Number of Hours.
Washington—The average wagon
per hour in 1907 were 3.7 per cent
higher than in 1906, the regular hours
of labor per week wrere four-tenths of
1 per cent lower than in 1906. and the
number of employes in the establish
ments investigated was 1 per cent
greater than in 1896. These are some
of the facts of interest in the state
ment issued by the bureau of labor
as the result of an investigation of
the principal wage-working occupa
tions in 4.169 estimates representing
the principal manufacturing and me
chanical industries of this country.
The article is entitled “Rates of
Wages and Retail Prices of Food, 1890
to 1907.”
Absconder is Returned.
San Diego, Cal.—When the steamer
St. Denis arrived from Ensanada on
Sunday it had on board William F.
Walker, the New Britain. Conn.. ab<
sconder, who was in custody of State
Superintendent of Police Egan of Con-*
necticut and H. F. Hoffman, a detec*
tive. Walker -was ra her a pitiable
object as he stepped ashore, stoop
shouldered and haggard. The news
paper men who sought to interview
him could get little more than a shake
of the head and the remark. “It is a
very fine day.”
Prince’s Condition Serious.
Berlin—Prince Philip Zu Eulenburg
was either insensible or in a condition
of semi-consciousness for several
hours following the suspension of his
trial on charge of perjury in connec
tion with the court scandals of last
When duty calls from ease it always
will be found easier to obey than tt>
For Campaign of Education,
Chicago—A campaign of education
among shippers and the general pub*
lie looking toward a readjustment of
freight rates throughout the country
was decided upon at a meeting of the
executive committee of the National
Association of Railway Agents held
here on Saturday. The plans contem
plate public discussions of the ques
tion by members of the association'
before commercial bodies and similar
organizations in every city and town
of considerable size in the United