KINGSTON* Jamaica, once a veritable heaven of tropical villas and southern industry, now bids lair to pass into archives of history and within a few years this gem of the south will prt bahly b" only a memory in American minds. 1; is nearly is months since the earthquake which rivaled that at San Francisco tore down the beau tifui bungalows and public buildings and desecrat ed the plazas i>* Kingston, but there has been hardly a move to rebuild the city. As a conse quence thf place to-day looks much as it did the JGJUilNG CARTING 7V£Ji7i KINGSTON « ‘ morning after the terrible rumblings of the earth announced to the residents of Kingston that they were experiencing one of the worst earthquakes which ever befell the western hemisphere. The streets of Kingston are still strewn with broken brick, stone and mortar. Only where abso lute necessity demanded has the debris of a year and a half ago been cleared away and to-day one may walk the streets of this historic city and be compelled to take "the middle of the road in order to avoid the great piles of shattered buildings which blockade the sidewalks and most of the thoroughfares. Tiiis condition to the minds of Americans is per haps an enjoyable contrast to that which took place in San Francisco shortly after the Golden Gate city was desolated by the quake of a few years ago. The Pacific coast metropolis awoke the morning following the earthquake and literally went to work then and there to place a new city on the site of the one destroyed. Workmen were paid wages which drew laborers, mechanics, engineers from every section of the world to take advantage of the high price put upon services. To-day the tourist would scarcely know there had been a disturbance of seismic conditions. But in Kingston some of the residents made homeless hv the earthquake are still inhabiting tents, others have departe*. while still others have moved away from the stricken city. Little has been done. And what is the reason? tourists ask. Is it the traditional “tired feeling," attributed to south ern peoples, is it lack of activity on the part of the government or lack of facilities? Those are the questions which experts in building and organizing are trying to solve to-day, many months after this condition was brought about. One reason is that the English insurance companies have evaded payment of losses in the fire which followed the earth quake. The cases are in the courts for adjustment, hut the progress is slow. In many cases where the property was destroyed the owners arc unable to rebuild without assistance and that is hard to obtain while the insurance cases are pending. Others are disheartened and would rath er sell their land than to rebuild and improve it. The scene is almost as desolate as it was the week following the earthquake, in some sections, not ably on Harbor and Orange streets, the rubbish has been cleared away and small one-story frame buildings have been erected in which stores and busiii'■ - places were quickly opened; at another point the government is clearing an entire city square for the erection of new federal buildings. Aside from these minor matters the city has made little progress toward rebuilding, and business is generally carried on in temporary structures or in old buildings which were unaffected by the earth quake and which likewise escaped the flames. And yet, Kingston still shows much evidence of Us former beamy. The stately palm trees are to be seen along many highways and in private grounds; the cocoanut palm flourishes in almost every door yard; the rank growth of tropical foli age is quickly covering much of the unsightly ruins and giving an air of life in which the hand of man does not co-cperate. Before the earthquake the city had many magnifi cent churches, representing most of the prominent denominations. Every one of them was either de stroyed or put out of commission, and services have not been held in a single church of the city since the earthquake. All public worship is either conducted in small buildings near the parent churches or in the streets. The street meetings predominate, and many of these are fervid almost to the point of fanaticism. The horrors of the earthquake, which resulted in several hundred deaths made such an impression upon the minds of the native Jamaicans as to leave many of them hysterically religious. A sight that impresses one in the Kingston streets is the prevalence of women laborers. Much of the heavy work is done by the native black worn en; they work on the streets, with pick and shovel; they help to break the stones for iua c-adamizing the streets, and they are to be found in the working gangs in all private and public building opera tions. It is said that the stone for the macadam ized highwa5- which runs entirely across the island of Jamaica from Kings ton to Port Ontario was all crushed by native women. One thing can be said that cannot be claimed for the states, however, they receive w ages with the men for similar work. Hut to drop the distressing features of life in Kingston for the more delightful ones of the rest of the Island of Jamaica, which is truly a tropi cal gem pf the first water. Vegetation! Its lux uriance can hardly be conceived of by a north erner without a personal visit. Its productiveness is aunost beyond conception; fruits grow in rare abundance with only the slightest effort on the part ol the ranchmen or native farmers. A trip across the island either by rail or automobile is a revelation of beauty on every hand. At every turn new beauties and new delights are thrust upon you; the fertility of the soil both on the hills and lowlands is almost beyond belief; vegetable growth, rank but perfect, at every point. So far as one can see. the term “bare land" does not apply in Jamaica; vegetation, either wild or un der cultivation, a mass of greenery and bloom. Here a hedge, a grove, a hillside, covered with the ever-bearing cocoanut trees in full fruitage; there, long rows of banana trees, with great green bunches hanging from the thrifty stalks. Some times they were in scattered patches and at oth ers they were cultivated with skill and precision, and covering wide ranges of land as far as the eye could reach, while here and there were or ange groves or isolated trees, all laden with the rich, yellow fruit. The little English railroad which crosses the island from north to south winds for some distance from Port Arthur along the southern coast. Then it turns abruptly to the interior., plowing its way over the hills, through tunnels, across ravines and down inclines. But at every point, on the hillsides, by the sea shore. in the valleys, even in the swamps, the prolific growth of all manner of vegetation is everywhere present. Nature has apparently done so much for the little island that the people have had no proper incentive for effort or development. Why live the strenuous life when it is so much easier to exist with little physical or mental labor? Why strive for a competence when the means of subsistence are at hand without such strife? Why lay up something for a “rainy day" when it is the actual rainy days which come so frequently and refreshing-like to this island that absolve one from the absolute necessity for such saving? And such seems to be the thought of the natives of Jamaica. The English language is almost the only one heard on the island. The natives, even in the in terior, who seldom get down to the coast, use the English tongue in a corrupted form, but easily understood. They are all proud of the fact that they are English, whether black, bronze, mahog any or white—and you find all shades of color, the black predominating to a very large degree. In excess of 99 per cent, of the population of Jamai ca is black. While there appear to bo no minerals of value on the island—except, possibly, a little copper— Jamaica is certainly one of the richest of Eng land's great family of islands. Imagine what this X OJ Ut JUnCrVJUDf nature-blessed, fertile soiled dot in the great s?a would produce under conditions of intense agricul- ! tural cultivation! Apparently under the very best i of the present-day cultivation about the only effort i that is put forth to produce the most abundant crops is to tear away that which you don't want in order to give a little advantage to that which you want to grow. The fruit trees and farms produce their crops all the year 'round. While there is a natural harvest l GORDON HULL ALTER TliZ EARTHQUAKE. time for the various products, the climate is such that with little effort it can be changed to suit the convenience of the producer, just as the skilled florist can produce June roses in De cember in liis northern hothouses. Here about all that is required is to plant your seed in an ticipation of the time you wish to gather your harvest: in due time the seed sends forth its shoots, which blossom, develop fruit that ripens and may be harvested, whether it be October. Maj or December. What wealth this means for the island and to the mother country when, in the years to come, the laud is put under intense cultivation and ad vantage is taken of all that nature lias done for Jamaica, time only can tell. The hillsides and the valleys of this little isl and are capable of producing crops under the best conditions that would support a large nation. Mineral wealth is unnecessary here; the real wealth, which is perpetual and inexhaustible, is in the fertility of the soil and the climate condi tions which have produced such fertility. There is no ice, no snow, no frost, here. The rainy season is less severe and extends over a greater period of time than in any other portion of the world There is said to be rainfall in some part of the island every month in the year, and the condition of the crops at any season would prove the truth of this statement. It would be hard to find a place with more beautiful scenery ot more appealing prospects. There are many charming driveways, both for the horse and auto mobile. The feeling of depression that must come to one in the city of Kingston gives way to one of optimism as he gets out along the seacoast or in to the mountainous country, where everything is pleasing. It is quiet and restful in Jamaica; people here do not do things in a hurry; the cli mate is not conducive to the hustle of a northern community. Even the turkey buzzards that abound everywhere, soar slowly away over the city or the hills as if they had no thought of being late for dinner or that the supply might give out be fore they reached the dining table. And the little brown boys who dive for pieces of money from the decks of steamers or the pier at Kingston go into the water so leisurely and remain under so long that you begin to think they are going to slay down; but they always come up with the coin clasped in their fingers, and stow one piece after another into their spacious mouths for safe keeping until the sport is over. Value of a Smile. A pretty smile ma>- make one's fortune. Few women realize the value of a smile. Most smiles are useless. The smile that counts is one that charms men, and that will secure favors here and service there, and go twice as far as a tip or a command. This smile has radiance, is produced b>- the eyes as well as by the lips, and, above all, is never mechanical.—Strand Magazine. USE THE RUBBER FINGERS. They're Common Enough Now. But Many Still Cut Off a Glove Finger. When you cut your finger nowadays and wrai> it up in gauze you don't have to hunt for an old pair of gloves and lop off a finger to form the outer bandage of your wounded member; you simply go to the drug store and buy a rubber finger for a nickel. And yet many persons go on cuttine off glove Angers. They have got into the habit of saving up old gloves for just such purposes of home surgery, and the habit sticks pertinaciously. Most of them don't know that you can get rubber fingers of all sizes. They are made to fit the baby who in his first adventures is pretty sure to find a knife somewhere and to acquire the knowledge that it cuts, and grown ups, too, no matter how big the hand. And they are mighty convenient, for you know a glove finger has to be tied on by strings passing over the hand and around the wrist. Now devices to save time and bother are put on the market daily, but it takes some folks a long time to find out about them. World Is Improving. The world was never so truth-telling as it is to-day. Nothing like it ever ex isted in the past. The commercial life of the world compels truth as nothing has, nothing else can, for it is on its credit and truthfulness that the fabric of our great commerce rests. You may rest assured there never was so much truth in the world a . there is to-day, and there never was such a real care for truths as there Is to-day.—Rev. M. J. Savage. Rnaraoh’s Mummy. Pharaoh's mummy has been discov ered and unfolded, and the eyes of readers of these pages can rest on the very features on which the eyes of Moses looked 3,000 years and more ajo. NEW SECRETARY OF WAR Gen. Luke E. Wright, who has succeeded William H. Taft as secretary of war, was until quite recently a Democrat. He got his military title in active service, when he was attorney-gen eral of the state of Tennessee for eight years. He cinched his right to the appellation later, when he became governor-general of the Philippines. In that place, also, he succeeded Mr. Taft, the latter having teen called home to Washington to fol low Secretary Root in the cabinet. Gen. Wright is much the Roosevelt style of man—outspoken, fearless, energetic and given to doing things. He comes of a family that has long been identified with the important history of Ten nessee. in church, state and military affairs. His father was chief justice of that stale, and the son naturally leaned toward the same profession. He served as a i rivate in the confederate army, and returning to his own state settled down in the practice of law. He has been associated with some of the I leadintr lawyers oi the south, among them United States Senator W. H. Turley. His first accomplishment of importance was the leading of a successful fighl for the state against yellow fever in 3ST8, when Memphis was ravaged by the greatest epidemic in her history. His handling of the relief funds brought him a statewide prominence. In 1900 he was appointed a member of the Philippine commission by President McKinley. Three years later he was made president of the com mission. and only laid down that work when he was made civil governor of the islands in 1904. His promotion to governor-general came close on the heels of that appointment. Two years later he resigned and was made minis- j ter to Japan, being this country’s first ambassador to the land of the cherry- j nlossoin. He resigned in 1907. Since that time he has been practicing law' in ; Memphis and giving attention to his newspaper interests, being part owner >f the Memphis Commercial-Appeal. Wright married a daughter of Admiral Raphael Semmes of the confeder ate army. Three of the sons were in the Spanish-American war. TOGA George B. Cox, “boss" of Cincinnati, who has made his rule in political affairs within his juris diction as absolute as that of Tammany in New York, is within view, it is said, of the fulfillment of his life's ambition. In other words, he is pre paring to become a candidate for United States senator to succeed Joseph Benson Foraker, and | with every reasonable prospect of success. In the Cincinnati neighborhood Cox is hated by the reformers in the political field, feared by the opposition, courted by the personally ambi tious and tespected by the practical politicians who know a clever boss when they see one. He has made senators, governors, legislators, may ors and aldermen for years with great ease, yet he has never been able to secure an elective office j for himself better than that of alderman. Besides directing the political destinies of the Queen City, Cox has busi ness and hanking interests, and is reputed to be worth a cool million of dol lars. He did much to make J. B. Foraker governor of Ohio and was rewarded with an inspectorship in one of the state departments. He saved the late M. A. Hanna's political castles from toppling upon one or two occasions, and was upon excellent terms with him. Starting in life as a poor lad. a newsboy, a bootblack, a saloonkeeper, Cox has become a rich man without losing any of his democratic instincts or manners. He is as approachable, as regardless of fashion or social stand ing. as he was in his days of poverty. He is an autocrat now, sought by gov ernors and Vnited States senators, but never seeking them. He has a few ideas, too, concerning political affairs which one would never expect to find in a real political boss. For instance, he believes in a non-partisan police force for Cincinnati. He believes in never making a promise which he does not expect to fulfill. He believes in saying nothing rather than telling an un truth. He believes ir. according absolutely fair treatment to even his most bitter enemy and in an open fight. MAY RUN FOR PRESIDENCY Judge Samuel K. Artman of Indiana, who is being urged as the logical Prohibition candidate for president by a number of the leaders of that party, is the Republican circuit judge who set his judicial brethren guessing by his decision, formal ly rendered in ending an injunction suit in his court, that the saloon is in and of itself unconsti tutional. He declared, therefore, that no legal state liquor license law could be passed by any legislature, since no such body could license the doing of an act in violation of the constitution. Judge Artman has always been a Republican in politics and was speaker of the Indiana house of representatives in the state legislature of 1901. In 1904 he was elected judge of the Boone county circuit court. His license decision was decidedly unpopular among many classes, as it made three whole counties of the state go practically dry, and set brewers and distillers by the ears. Nevertheless, he was re-elected at the succeeding election. That the saloon will soon disappear as an American institution, and that it will he wiped out by the voluntary act of the people, probably by one of the old political parties, has been the belief of Judge Artman for a number of years. He thinks that the great majority of the people only want a reasonable excuse to do away with the liquor traffic, and he is fond of arguing that neither courts nor parties are really necessary for such action, but only the stiffening of public opinion without the attendant bitterness that has hereto fore marked the most of the anti-liquor movement. It is declared by Prohibition leaders who are acquainted personally with the Indiana judge that he will accept the presidential nomination at the hands of the Prohibitionists if it is offered him. although he will probably reserve the right to vote any ticket he pleases in state and local elections. FRIEND OF CLEVELAND E. Cornelius Benedict, who is the head of a successful banking house in New York, although his Home is in Greenwich, Conn , has several claims to the interest of the readers of newspa pers and students of events. One is that he was perhaps the closest personal friend and most inti mate confidant of the late ex-President Grover Cleveland, although he never held a public office and cculd not be induced to accept one. He was one of the little group of intimates whom the late executive gathered about him at various times during the last quarter century of his life, and whose affections he held, even while he was being attacked and abused in the partisan newspapers and from the radical stump. The late Joseph Jefferson was another member of the little company, and his sweet, lovable character seemed to form a fitting complement to the dogged, driving force of the other. Then there were Daniel Manning, who was his private secretary, and later a member of the cabinet, Wilson S. Bissell, who was made postmaster general. But of the lot probably the two dearest associates of the former president in his rest or play hours, when he loved to turn his back upon afc the harrowing affairs of state and take to nature's dooryard with his fishing rod or gun, were these twc—Benedict and Jefferson. Both were ardent fishermen and Mr. Benedict is in addition an enthusiastic yachtsman. He frequently took the former president out in his boat, and on other occasions the pair would go for a day’s fishing, the one man putting be hind him all thought of the worries and responsibilities of place and power, while the other forgot for the time beine the jingling of the guinea and the Vow rumble of the ascending interest. Population of Japan. News comes from Yokohama that the present population of Japan is just about 50,000,000. The exact figures for 1907 are not yet available, but the estimates just published are based on the average growth of the last 30 years and may be taken as fairly ac curate. To-day the estimate is that there are 49,287.744 native-born Jap anese in the territory ruled over by the mikado. More than that, there are figures in the official records show ing that at the end of 1906 there were some 300,000 Japanese abroad and that figure has been very largely increased during the last year. Exclusive of China and Korea, there were 36,000 Japanese settled in various parts of Asia, while the nearer territories of the two exceptions named were cred ited with 100,000. Europe had COO, Australasia and the islands of the Pa cific 70,000 and the United States 90, 000. A very inferior man can become prominent if everybody boosts him HIS WAY OF PROPOSING. He—They tell me you re great at guessing conundiums. She—Well, rather good. He—Here's one for you: If I were to ask you to marry me. what would you say? TWO CURES OF ECZEMA Eaby Had Severe Attack—Grandfather Suffered Torments with It— Owe Recovery to Cuticura. “In 1S54 my grandson, a babe, had an attack of eczema, and after trying the doctors to the extent of heavy bills and an increase of the disease and suf fering, I recommended Cuticura and in a few weeks the child was well. He is to-day a strong man and absolutely free front the disease. A few years ago I contracted eczema, and became an intense sufferer. A whole winter passed without once having on shoes, nearly from the knees to the tors be ing covered with virulent sores. I tried many doctors to no purpose. Then I procured the Cuticura Remedies and found immediate improvement and final cure. M. W. LaRue, s !5 Seventh St.. Louisville, Ky„ Apr. 2“ aud May 14. '07." Advice to the Lovelorn. An Albany politician was discussing the heart troubles that ofttimes draw famous men unwillingly into court. “If these men,” said he, “would paste in their hats poor expatriated Abe Hummel's advice, they'd have no difficulty whatever. "Abe's advice, which he incessantly repeated to his clients, was: “ Never make love to a woman through an ink bottle.’ ” Important to Motners. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOR1A a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears the Signature of < In TTse For Over 30 Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought Looking for Work. “Why don t you go to work instead of begging aud boozing?” “I will, boss, as soon as there’s an openin' in my trade. An' 1 ain't got long to wait now, tiuther." "What is your trade?" “I'm a trackwalker for aeroplane lines.” _ Lewis’ Single Binder Cigar has a rich taste. Your dealer or Lewis’ Factory, l'eona. 111. The romance of a spinster Is apt to be one sided. Mrs. Winalow'H Soothing Syrup. For children teething, softens the gums, reduces in flammation. allays pain, cures wind colic. 21* a outUe. The prettiest flowers are not neces sarily the most fragrant —-—va * r»e Allen's Foot-Ease Cures tired., aching, sweating feet. 25c. Trial package tree. A. a. OlmsieU. Lclloy, N. Y. Music isn't necessarily fragmentary because it comes in pieces. A MOTHER IIow many American women in lonely homes to-day long: for this blessing to come into their lives, and to be able to utter these words, but because of some organic derange ment this happiness is denied them. Every woman interested in this subject should know that prepara tion for healthy maternity is accomplished by the use of LYDIA E.PINKHAM’S VEGETABLE COMPOUND Mrs. Maggie Gilmer, of West Union, S. C.,writes to Mrs. Pinkham: “I was greatly run-down in health from a weakness peculiar to my sex, when Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound was recommended to me. It not only restored me to perfect health, but to my delight I am a mother.” Mrs. Josephine Hall,of Bardstown, Ky., writes: “I was a very great sufferer from female troubles, and my physician failed to help me. Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vege table Compound not only restored me to perfect health, but I am now a proud mother.” FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, andhas positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that hear ing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion, dizziness or nervous prostration. Why don’t you try it ? Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to • health. Address.- Lynn, Mass.