The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 16, 1908, Image 1
Loup City Northwestern VOLUME XXV LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY , JULY 16, 1908 NUMBER 30 MUCH IN SMALL SPACE FOR THE HURRYING READER. EVENTS COVERING WIDE FIELD Something of Congress, Political Gos sip Here and There, and News and Notes of General Character. Political. The biggest political demonstration made on the streets of Denver durin the convention was by Nebraska dem ocrats. Some unidentified party cut down and burned the large Taft banner which had been suspended across the street in Lincoln. The occurrence was not accompanied by any demonstra tion. as few people were on the street. Richmond Pierson Hobson made a speech in the democratic national con vention in which he predicted war with Japan. tYhen Mr. Bryan was told that some one had cut down the Taft banner in Lincoln, he said: I am sorry to learn of it It was inexcusable. If the man who did it thought he was helping me or the democratic party he was woe fully mistaken." Theodore Bell, temporary chairman of the democratic national convention, reached Denver just in time to pre side. The Nebraska delegation in the seating at the auditorium, Denver, was given a prominent place. Nebraska was represented on the committee on resolutions at the Den ver convention by F. W. Brown. General. The members of the American tariff commission have arrived in Paris. Their first meeting with the Fren commission has been fixed for July 18. United States officers arrived in Coffevville. Kas., with Dr. J. G. Coun terman, a prominent physician of New Albany, Kas., who is charged with counterfeiting. Dr. Counterman is 70 years of age. Arrangements were completed by the general committee in charge of the welcome that Cincinnati will ex tend to Judge William H. Taft, July 28, when he is formally notified of his nomination to the presidency. The following telegram was sent to Hon. W. J. Bryan immediately after the announcement of his nomination. “The Democratic Society of Western New York salutes the next president of the United Stags '’ At Croissy sur Seine Mile. Louise Rolande Grau, the daughter of the late Maurice Grau. for a number of years the director of the Metropolitan opera house in New York, was married to M. Jean Maurice Ganne. The battleship Nebraska, of the At lantic fleet, which was detained in quarantine owing to an outbreak of scarlet fever on board, having been thoroughly fumigated, sailed Saturday to rejoin the fleet at Honolulu. Wliliam Allen White says democra cy maintained its record of working by night. Convict Preston, who is in the Nevada state prison for murder and who was nominated for president of the socialist labor party, has de clined the nomination. It is thought he acted on the advice of his attorney, as he was willing to be a candidate and stated that he fully expected to receive the nomination. The legislature of Louisiana ad journs after passing 300 new laws. The foreign press comment on Bryan's nomination and compare him with Cleveland to his disadvantage. One German paper says he is a magni ficent acitator. but lacks qualities of constructive statesmanship. The government report on the crop situation shows a decrease in prospect percentage and wheat advances on the exchange in consequence. Seventy-two dead and 2,736 injured are the second day totals of the acci dents attending the celebration of the Fourth of July in the United States. This breaks all records for deaths since 1S?9. The war department ordered Colo nel TV. S. Schuyler, commanding Fort Huachuca. on the Mexican border in southern Arizona, to render all possi ble assistance in the suppression of a serious fire raging on Huachuca mountain in the Garees national for est. The "Chicago-to-ocean’’ balloon race ended when the last of the nine con testants came to earth at West Sbef ford, Quebec, 800 miles from the start ing point. This craft was the Field ing, owned by F. J. Fielding of San Antonio. Texas. It covered approxi mately 100 miles more than its near est competitor. Since the first of the year 77,607 stray dogs and cats have been de stroyed by the New York American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. A dispatch received by the Lokal Anzeiger, Berlin, from Teheran, says that the shah leaves nothing untried in order to secure the capture of the remaining revolutionary leaders. The American battleship fleet sets sail for Honolulu as the first destina tion on its Pacific voyage. The battle ship, Nebraska, is detained three days in quarantine because of an outbreak of scarlet fever aboard. Peary has again started for the north pole, prepared for a three year's stay, and this time expect:, to be suc cessful. Complete counterfeiting plants were ca tured at Danville, 111., and New Albany, Kan. Hon. W. J. Bryan refused to talk politics on Sunday, although hun dreds of politicians called at Fairview on that day. Count Boni de Castellane will start a hot legal battle to regain possession of his children. Mrs. Cleveland, through the Asso ciated Press, thanks the public for ex pressions of condolence to herself and family in the loss of husband and father. Frank Hitchcock has been chosen chairman of the republican national committee and George R. Sh Idon of New York treasurer. Sensational developments are ex pected in the trial of Prince Zj Eulen- ; •urg, it being shown that the prince • ■■■■' tried to influence witnesses. The ruling of the comptroller of the urrency is that the Modern \Yood n must take the offensive in their a to have their claim against the Chariton, la., bank allowed. Senor Hgarle, the Honduran min ister in Washington, has received ad vices which to him, indicate that the projected hostilities against his coun- j try by Guatemala and Salvador have been nipped in the bud. When Adolphe S. Levi of St. Louis opened his jewelry store the other morning he discovered burglars had looted the place and secured $900 in cash and $15,000 worth of diamonds and old gold. Washington. Ta expedite and economize the work j of administering the national forests the bureau of forestry will establish about October 1 next field headquart ers in the west. The clerical force j here will be somewhat reduced, many being needd to carry on the proposed work west. Headquarters of forest districts will not be changed. The democratic clubs of the District of Columbia celebrated the nomina tion of William J. Bryan on the Wash ington monument grounds by firing a salute of forty-seven guns, one for each state. Tnat the freight rates on yellow pine lumber from Arkansas and Texas ! points should not be higher to Des | Moines than to Omaha was decided by the interstate commerce commission. The Greater Des Moines committee had complained against the Chicago Great Western. Missouri Pacific and Wabash and other railroads that 21*2 cents per 100 pounds is unjust as com pared with 23 cents from the same ter I ritories to Omaha. i Senor Velez Goiticia. the Venezuelan ‘ ■ charge d’affaire in Washington, called at the state department and presented j the Acting Secretary Bacon his let- j ters of recall. Thi action was taken by direction of President Castro and | is the result of the withdrawal from i I Caracas of Jacob Sleeper, the Amer- ; I ican charge. A perfect understanding between Mexico and the United States as to this government’s purpose to take all steps possible to prevent violations of ! neutrality laws on the Mexican border was reached at two hour’s conference ! between Acting Secretary of Stat2 j Bacon and Ambassador Creel. The ; ambassador had no complaints to j lodge against any officials. Foreign. The long drought, with Intense heat reaching at times 90 or more in the j shade, is having disastrous effects throughout the Apulia region in Italy, in the hope of receiving rain j th'ough divine intercession it was de cided to carry in procession through the lown the centennial image repre- ; senting Calvary. Information has reached the state department of a proposed revolution- , ary movement against the govern- : ment of Honduras under the leader- | ship of former President Bonila. No details were given. The governments of Salvador and Guatemala have given directions to prevent any move ment of that character taking form in those countries. Since the anti-Japanese troubles in California, Japanese emigrants to the United States have greatly diminishtd ! Last year 1.007 landed at San Fran- i cisco, while 2,808 returned home. Sixty Cossacks at Teheran, took up a position behind the British legation where many persons have taken re fuge, with the expectation that the i refugees would make an endeavor to i escape from the building. The Brit- j ish charge d’affaires had protested to ! the Persian government against this action of the Cossacks and has de manded thar the governor appear be fore him in full uniform and apolo gize. Count Sumarakoff Elston, the eldest son of Prince Mussupoff. was killed by Count Manteuffel, an officer of the horse guards in a duel with pistols at St. Petersburg. The men met on Krestovsky island in the Neva as the result of a challenge issued by Count Mantueffel because of a family quar rel. Personal. With the Peary Arctic club’s pen nant fluttering from her main truck and the stars and stripes at the miz zen the Arctic exploration steamer Roosevelt left New York again in quest of the North pole. Rev. Simpson Ely, 59 years old, died at the Wakefield home. Villa Heights, Joplin. He was a noted evangelist. A correspondent of the New York Evening Post writes a glowing ac count of his trip through Nebraska and the west. Candidates for president and vice | president of the United States were j nominated and a platform was adopt- ! ed by the national convention of the socialist labor party at New York. The ticket named is as follows: For president. Martin R. Peston of Neva da; for vice president, Donald Munrce of Virginia. i WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN. Photo by Moffett Studio, Chlcag-o. WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN AND JOHN WORTH KERN Democratic National Convention at Denver Makes Its Choice of the Party’s Standard Bearers Dur ing the Coming Campaign. Denver, Col. — William Jennings Fryan of Nebraska is the nominee of the Democratic party for president for the third time. The Denver conven tion put him at the head of the ticket about three o'clock Friday morning, the first ballot giving him 892votes, to 46 for Johnson and 59^ for Gray. The nomination was made unanimous. The vote by states follows: Bryan. Johnson. Grn Alaruahn .S2 ArknnMim . IS California . 20 Colorado . 10 Connecticut . 9 Delaware . Florida . 10 Georgia . 4 Idaho . tt Illinois . 54 Indiana . .‘Ml Iowa . 20 hunsan . 20 Kentucky . lit! . IS Maine .*111 1 Maryland . 7 9 MaMnc iidMcttn . »« Michigan . 2s Miunewota . MiHsiiNMippI .20 Miaourl . 28 Montana . <{ .Nebraska . 10 Nevada . O New Hampshire . . . . 7 New Jersey. New York . 7S North Carolina.24 North Dakota.. H Ohio . 40 Oklahoma . is Orecon . H Pennsylvania .49 1-2 2 9 1 Hhoile Island. 5 South Carolina. IS South Dakota. s Tennessee . 24 Texas . 30 I'tnh . O Vermont . *S Virginia . 24 WaaliiuKrton . 10 West Virginia .... 14 Wisconsin . 20 Wyoming . 0 Alaska . O Arizona . 0 District Columbia.. O Hawaii . « New Mexico. 0 Porto Hico. 0 Totals .892 •One not voting. 1-2 4G 59 1-2 Clock is Stepped. Leading up to the nomination were j hours that began with picturesque en thusiasm, which grew into uncon trollable disorder. The nominating speeches were made amid scenes akin to nanic at '•“stain stages. At 12 o’clock midnight the conven tlon clock was stopped, so that con structively the nomination of Bryan would take place at Thursday's ses sion of the convention. Will the Fri day hoodoo be overcome by this tech nical evasion? is a question that was in the minds of enthusiastic Bryan Democrats, as they wended their way from the convention hall in the early morning hours. Wild Scene of Confusion. A wilder demonstration than that over the first mention of Bryan's name on Wednesday followed the con cluding word of the speech of Ignatius J. Dunn of Nebraska, which formally presented the name of Democracy's champion to the convention. An hour and seven minutes, against the one hour and 28 minutes of the day before, marked the cheering and tumult, but the densely, overcrowded auditorium made the confusion worse confounded. Nobody had any respect for the rights of anybody else. Everybody was there to see the spectacle, if not to take part in it. and those not able to look out for themselve3 were trampled upon. Johnson and Gray Named. Gov. John A. Johnson of Minnesota and Judge George Gray of Delaware wrre placed in nomination along with Btyan. Small as was the following 1 of either, in comparison with that of the Nebraskan, the scenes of con fusion, owing to the uncontrollable i size of the crowd, were approximately ' great. Gov. Johnson was placed in nomina tion by Winfield Scott Hammond of Minnesota. Connecticut yielding to the gopher state. Judge Gray’s name was presented by Irving F. Handy of Delaware. Mr. j Handy felt how sadly he was in the 1 minority when, after he had talked i awhile, the crowd attempted to choke ; him off. Seconding Speeches. Seconding speeches for Bryan were made by Senator Gearin of Oregon, Gov. Glenn of South Carolina, and Gov. Claude Swanson of Virginia. Gov. Glenn's speech created much excite ment, being devoted largely to a de fense of Bryan against attacks brand ing him as a Socialist. At the con elusion of his remarks, which were not ia accord with the spirit of the con vention. Permanent Chairman Clayton, who at the day session has superseded Temporary Chairman Bell as wielder of the gavel, exclaimed that William Jennings Bryan needed no defenders, and elicited tremendous applause. The opening session lasted three hours and brought about the comple tion of the permanent organization of the convention, with the resounding address of Congressman Clayton of | Alabama, permanent chairman of the convention. When the session opened at night, every formality of organiza tion had been accomplished and the decks were clear for the supreme work of adopting the platform and naming the candidates. Clayton Delivers His Address. The scenes within the convention ! amphitheater repeated those of previ ous days in the magnitude of the gath ering and the eager enthusiasm of the throngs. There were frequent dem onstrations as the names of party idols or Jeffersonian principles were pronounced, but there was no rej>eti tion during the early session of the tumultuous record-breaking demonstra tion of Wednesday. The address of the permanent chair man, Mr. Clayton, proved to be a caus tic arraignment of the failure of Roosevelt policies, and an enunciation of Democratic doctrine. The ringing voice of the orator and the emphasis of his gestures stirred the listening thousands to frequent demonstrations of enthusiastic approval. At 2: JO o'clock the platform com mittee was not yet prepared to report, and the convention took a recess until evening, so that all remaining differ ences of detail on the pfrtform could be reconciled and the document be ready for adoption and the presidential nomination be reached before the ad journment of the night session. A small American flag had been placed on every delegate's chair prior to the beginning of the evening ses sion. This was the unmistakable evi dence of the nominating session of the convention and increased the interest of the spectators, who early made a rush for the galleries, filling them to overflowing. At seven o'clock there were few of the delegates in their places. They had lingered long at dinner, the slow dying twilight of the Colorado eve nings proving deceptive as to the hour. Rumors of another delay in re ceiving the report of the platform com mittee filled the air as the delegates assembled, and they* prepared for an other probable season of convention oratory before the important businesss of the session could be reached. The wait for the rap of Chairman Clayton's gavel was robbed, of much of its tedi ousness through the efforts of the quartette, whose members sang popu lar songs and concert numbers at fre quent intervals. Every One Has a Flag. At 7: If. the galleries were complete ly filled, and the majority of the dele gates were in their seats, but the offi cers of the convention were still wait ing for the report of the committee on resolutions. The band in the gallery worked with great industry, and when it struck up ' Dixie" the demonstration that followed gave a glimpse of the scenes certain to occur later in the night. The delegates, as the first notes of the old war song floated out, sprang up and waved their flags. It was in stantly shown that the galleries, too, had been provided with them and in an instant the convention hall was a tossing sea o: fluttering flags. It was 7:50 o'clock when Chairman Clayton began to rap for order, which he secured within the minute. Pending the report of the committee of inquiry, Thomas P. Ball of Texas was invited to address the convention. After his speech came talks by Sen ator Grady of New York, Judge Wade of Iowa and Champ Clark of Missouri. : Mr. Clark concluded with a tribute | to Mr. Bryan as “the greatest living \ American." “The secretary will now proceed to call the roll of states for nominations for the office of president of the Uni ted States,” shouted Chairman Clay ton. "Alabama," called the clerk. The chairman of that delegation arose and was recognized. “Knowing that Nebraska will make no mistake in nominating the right man,” he said, "Alabama yields to Nebraska.” “I. J. Dunn of Omaha will speak for the Nebraska delegation,” announced the chairman of that state, while the cheering which followed the first state ment from Alabama continued un abated. Dunn Nominate^ Bryan. Mr. Dunn, who was to make that speech of the convention in which the greatest interest was felt by the dele gates and the spectators, is scarcely of middle age. His clean-cut, deter mined-looking. clean-shaven face is sur mounted by dark brown hair, which ow'ing to the emphatic manner in which he emphasized his speech with his head, was soon touching the center of his forehead. He spoke clearly and with a pleasing manner of delivery. As Mr. Dunn proceeded, almost every allusion he made to the character of Mr. Bryan was enthusiastically ap plauded, although he had not yet men tioned the name of the Nebraska can didate. When Mr. Dunn declared that his candidate was the choice of the militant Democracy of the country the convention broke in with wild cheers. The ever ready flags were tossed aloft and a roar of applause swept through the hall. Big Demonstration Starts. Mr. Dunn brought out the name of “William Jennings Bryan" with in- | tense dramatic force, and the response from the great throng was electric. The delegates sprang up. the galleries followed suit, and the demonstration was under way in a manner that prom ised to rival Wednesday's exhibition of enthusiasm. A few moments after the cheering began an immense oil painting of Mr. ! Bryan was lowered from behind a j monster American shield which had reposed over the chairman's desk ever j since the convention began. The ap pearance of the picture raised the pitch of the outburst, and the entha siasm was still instence when the con vention adjourned until 1 o’clock Fri day afternoon. KERN FOR VICE-PRESIDENT.. Convention Names Indiana Man as Running Mate for Bryan. Denver, Col.—At one o'clock Friday afternoon, the hour to which the con vention had adjourned, not one-fourth of the delegates were in their seats, and they were coming slowly into the hall. The heat was even greater than on Thursday and the temperature in side the hall was high and uncom fortable. The public, however, seemed to have as much interest as ever in the convention, and the galleries were packed long before any considerable number of delegates had arrived. The convention was called to order at 1:40. The nomination of a candidate for vice-president was the only business before the convention. J. J. Walsh presented the name of Archibald Mc Neill of Connecticut. Gov. Thomas of Colorado named Charles A. Towne of New York. Thomas R. Marshall urged the claims of John W. Kern of Indiana, and the convention cheered the pres entation of the name of the Hoosier statesman. Gov. Folk of Missouri seconded the nomination of Mr. Kern. Gov. Hill of Georgia put in nomina tion Clark How-ell. Hill of Georgia withdrew Howell’s name and seconded the nomination of Mr. Kern. Charles A. Towne also withdrew from the contest, and urged his friends to unite on Kern. The withdrawals increased the vig or of the demonstrations in favor of Kern, and on the motion that he be nominated by acclamation, which was carried, the cheering resembled close ly the enthusiasm which had been evinced at the nomination of Mr. Bryan the day before. Wearied by the two tumultuous ses- ; sions, the delegates left the conven tion hall and the great gathering was at an end. Sketch of Kern's career. John Worth Kern was born in How ard county, Indiana, December 20, 1849. He graduated from the Univer sity of Michigan in 1869 at the age of 20 years, with the degree of doc- i tor of laws. His first official position which brought him into the public eye was when fulfilling his duties as a reporter of the supreme court of Indiana, which office he held from 1885 to 1889. For four years—1892 to 1896 —he was a state senator. He became city attorney of Indianapolis in 1897, and held that office for four years. A year before he gave up the office he ran for the gubernatorial chair in Indiana, and was beaten. Four years later—in 1904—he also tried for the governorship on the Democratic ticket, and was again defeated. Later he re- ! ceived the complimentary vote of the party for United States senator. WOULD ACCEPT BUT ONE TERM. Mr. Eryan Asserts He Would Never Be Candidate for Re-Election. Fairview. Lincoln.—The following statement was made by William Jen- ' nings Bryan when he received aD- ; nouncement of his nomination as the i candidate of the Democratic party for president: “The honor Is the highest official possession in the world, and no one occupying it can afford to have his views upon public questions biased by personal ambition. Recognizing his responsibility to God and his obliga tion to his countrymen, he should en ter upon the discharge of his duties with singleness of purpose. Believ- ; ing that one can best do this when he is not planning for a second term, I announce now, as I have on former oc casions, that if elected I shall not be ; a candidate for re-election. “This is a nomination as purely from the people as can be, and if elect ed. my obligation will be as purely to ; the people. I appreciate the honor the ; more because it came not from one ; person or a few persons, but from the rank and file, acting freely and with, out compulsion." JOHN WORTH KERN. TAFT ON INJUNCTION A STATEMENT GIVEN HE SAYS IS UNAUTHORIZED. WILL WRITE UPON SUBJECT Statement is Supposed to Ee Conclu sions of Its Author Drawn from Taft's Previous Speeches. Hot Springs, Ya.—Judge Taft was shown the statement given out by the Taft industrial headquarters in Chi cago concerning the anti-injunction plank of the republican platform adopted at Chicago. “I know nothing of the statement to which you refer,” said Mr. Taft. 'My views on the subject of injunctions have been expressed in my judicial opinions and in my political speeches and public addresses, but I have neither made nor authorized on my behalf any expression on the subject since the Chicago convention What may be said by some advocate of mine, based on my opinions or my speeches, of course I cannot say and would not now be expected to comment upon. I expect to treat of the general subject in my speech and letter of accept ance.” Monday Mr. Taft will begin dictat ing his speech of acceptance and will be so engaged during the coming week He has not yet prepared a line of the speech, although he has consid ered various parts of the document and talked with several of his callers about it. Statement in Question. Chicago—A statement given out by the industrial headquarters estate lished by Mr. Taft’s campaign manag ers and printed here referring to Mr. Taft’s personal anti-injunction views, says: “The injunction, as it has been used in labor cases generally, has been re pugnant to our American sense of fairness. Judge Taft stands on record with the unions as opposed to it in its present form, a position that many others who had advised against the injunction have not cared to take, which strongly emphasizes the differ ence between talking about a matter and being ready to do it. “He (Judge Taft) has stated repeat edly that no injunction should be granted until both parties to the case have been heard. If this suggestion ever becomes law the labor injunc tions will be put out of business, for the right to leave the service und°r certain conditions has been estab lished firmly. The dissolution of each labor injunction issued against a strike on the wake controversies di rectly between the employer and the employer and the employee proved it” WILL SUPPORT MR. BRYAN. Assures the Democratic Presidential Nominee of His Assistance. Fairview, Lincoln Neb. July 12.— “You may rely on the sincere and earnest support of the New Y'ork Staats Zeitung.” HERMAN RIDDER. This telegram, sent by the New York editor from his home town in Kansas, part of which could not be deciphered, was received by Wi J. Bryan at Fairview and although Mr. Bryan made no comment his pleasure was evident in the buoyant manner in which he read the statement. It was Mr. Ridder who. before the Denver convention, called here with the announced intention of asking Mr. Bryan to withdraw from the field on the grounds, in Mr. Ridder's opinion, that Mr. Bryan could not win in No vember. Lincoln democrats declare that Mr. Ridder did not express this point, however, upon visiting Fair view. Kern Makes His First Speech. Phillipsburg. Kas.—John W. Kern, nominee for the vice presidency oa the democratic ticket, fired his open ing gun in the campaign of 1908 at this place. Mr. Kern is or. his way to Lincoln, where he will hold a confer ence w-ith Mr. Bryan. Almost the en tire population of the town turned out to greet Mr. Bryan's running mate, who, in response to demands for a speech, appeared on the rear platform of the train and delivered a brief ad dress, advising his hearers to read both platforms. Nominee for Vice President. Indianapolis, Ind.—John W. Kern was born December 20. 1849, at the village of Alto, Howard county, Ind. His father, Dr. Jacob W. Kern, was a Virginian by birth, who removed to Shelby county, Indiana, in ISSfi. and lived there until 1840, when he moved into the new northern country. John Kern's mother was Nancy Lig gett, and she and Dr. Kern were mar ried in Warren county, Ohio. In 1854, when John was 5 years old, the family removed to Warren county. Iowa. Answers Letter of Protest. Washington.—In answer to a letter of protest received at the war depart ment against the playing in free con certs of the Fourteenth artillery band, the post commander at Fort Screven, Ga., has explained to the satisfaction of the military authorities that the performance cf that band is in no respect a violation of the existing law forbidding competition with local mu sicians of military bands. It is held that the law does not contemplate pro hibiting citizens enjoying music of military bands.