(Copyright 1908, by Byron Williams.) Intuitions. No woman can be expected to talk her best when she is undressing the baby and has her mouth full of safety pins. ☆ ☆ The small boy who was raised in the country and wore a flour-sack shirt with the brand “XXX" in the back, makes the silk-slflrted city fel low go some when they meet on the highway of life. i? » • >1 ® Better Than Shingles—Costs 50% Less The Popularity of Hcdd^m Nn.Tr,* _* _ ^ r D"r/r/,°“*““* *t— \/U n mm «Mft I °°*L out f°Z c'jtain brands of “imitation-roofing now on the market which WW 31 fling! HEPPttyNO TARVROOF/HrdWi**TandJpnnkled with sand whiie b°t -» e^"ZT&*£^ZE2%i£ZtZ*2£2, It does not contain wood pulp, or rosin, or oiL . Send today for Fm Rpofmrm' Book. FREE SAMPLES o£ Heppes No-Tar Roofing and Ten Tests to tell the quality of any roofing. Address The Heppes Company, 639 South 45th Ave., Chicago, 111. HARDWARE AND LUMBER DEALERS can make profitable connections with ns in , towns where we have no distributors. Write. Goods shipped from our warehouses at •11 pnncipal Railroad distributing centers, making possible quick deliveries and low freight. -1» f L-*r