Loup City Northwestern N VOLUME XXV LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY" , JULY 9, 1908 NUMBER 35 NEWS OF R WEEK TOLD IN BRIEF MOST IMPORTANT EVENTS GATH ERED FROM ALL POINTS OF THE GLOBE. GIVEN IN ITEMIZED FORM Notable Happenings Prepared for the Perusal of the Busy Man—Sum mary of the Latest Home and For eign Notes. PERSONAL. Secretary of Agriculture Wilson started on an extensive tour of the west in the interest of the work of his department. Congressman James S. Sherman ar rived at Utica. N. Y., and was given a great welcome, with music, fireworks, parade and speechmasing. Herbert J. Hapgood, president of “Hapgoods, Incorporated.” the brain brokers a» 305 Broadway, New York, and Ralph L. Kilby. Mr. Hapgood's private secretary and a director of Hapgoods. were arrested on charges of fraud. Joel Chandler Harris (Uncle Re mus I is seriously ill at "Snap Bean Farm,” his home in the suburbs of At lanta. Commander Robert E Peary com pleted his plans for another attempt to reach the north pole. Lieut. Gov. George H. Proutv was nominated for governor of Vermont oy the Republican state convention. William H. Taft cleaned up the busi ness of his office as secretary of war, turned over the portfolio to Luke Wright, and turned his attention to the presidential campaign. Bert M. Fernald of Poland. Me., was nominated for governor of Maine by the Republican state convention. Ferdinand Dudenbefer, formerly a state tax collector in New Orleans, was found guilty of embezzling about $f5G,000 of state funds. Robert Jardine, ten years old. is ac cused at Lesueur, Minn., of the delib erate murder of another child. Mrs. Philip N. Moore of St. Louis was elected president of the General Federation of Women's clubs. Bishop Henry C. Potter of New York was reported to be near death. Steven J. Adams, fire chief of Buda pest. Hungary, Is serving as a fireman in New York city to learn American methods. Robert Ohnmeiss, Jr., cashier or the Marine Trust company at Atlantic City, N. J.. was arrested charged with • a defalcation of $20,500. He made a confession in which he says that he played the stock market. The shah of Persia proclaimed a general amnesty in order to restore tranquility at Teheran. Secretary of State Elihu Root went to William Muldoon's health institu tion at White Plains again for a course of medicine ball throwing, hard walk ing and riding, cold shower baths and plain cooking John W. Gates visited St. Charles, II*., to say good-by to his mother be fore leaving for Europe. He bought a stock farm for $25,000 and gave it to E. J. Baker. Ralph A. Aldrich, wanted at Ne vada, la., on a charge of forging notes amounting to nearly $12,000, was ar rested in Springfield, 111., and admitted he was guilty. GENERAL NEWS. At least 200 miners are believed to have lost their lives in a fearful disas ter in the Rikovsky mine at Yusovo, Russia, caused by an explosion of gas. A Milwaukee man wbo hanged him self left a request that his body be cremated and the ashes given to a young woman for tooth powder. Three small children of Mr. and Mrs. Adams Claus were burned to death in a fire which destroyed the family home at Windsor, Col. ' The federal authorities ha've for bidden the issuance of “passports” to travelers by the office of the governor of Ohio. Mexico •will ask the X'niied States to punish severely the local authorities of Del Rio, Tex., and possibly others of the state under whose authority they acted, on the grounds that the officers knowingly failed in their duty by al lowing persons who partook in the Das Vacas raid to return to the Texas side of the river and to bring with them their wounded. Justice Bischoff of the New York supreme court decided that making ora), individual bets on races was not against the law. More than 600 persons were lost by the upsetting of boats in a storm at Batavia. The grand jury at Indianapolis re turned an indictment against Henrv V. Marshall, president of the Western Construction company, charging him with presenting a false and fraudulent claim against the city for asphalt street patching done by his com pany. Miss Mary Joy Newland of Detroit was married to Count Limberg of Prussia. Mine. Sherstnova. who was confined in the political prison at Kiev, was shot and killed by one of the sentinels who discovered her signaling with a mirror to some of her co-prisoners. \\ omen suffragists made a riotous demonstration at the parliament build ings in London and some of them were arrested. The mobilization of all British war ships in home waters for the annual maneuvers brought together 301 ves sels with 68,000 officers and men. Denver, Col., was commended by the board of directors of the National Ed ucation association as the place for the next annual convention of the as sociation. Fire in Stamping Ground, Ky„ de stroyed a hotel and three residences. Four persons were badly hurt and j two dwellings wrecked by a “black hand” bomb at McKeesport, Pa. An American citizen named Bar rington has been arrested at San Jose, Guatemala, as a spy and may be put to death, according to mail advices re ceived in San Francisco. Nine men wrere killed in a collision between fast trains near Knobnoster, Mo. All the battleships of the Atlantic squadron assembled in San Francisco i harbor ready to start on their trip across the Pacific. Francis G. Bailey, the president of the Export Shipping company of New Jersey, who. together with his brother, Albert W. Bailey, Charles H. H. My ers and Capt. Albert Oxley was placed aboard the Norwegian steamer Ut stein at Puerto Cortez, Honduras, in custody of Lieut. P. W. Beery of the New York police department, made his escape in a small boat. The Minnesota Republican conven tion nominated Jacob F. Jacobson of Madison for governor and adopted a platform indorsing the work of the Chicago convention and pledging the party in Minnesota to continue the work of railway regulation. Count Zeppelin outdistanced all world records for steerage balloons. He remained in the air for 12 hours and traversed the greater '"part of northern Switzerland, attaining an average speed throughout of 34 miles an hour. Mrs. Frances Thompson, wife of a Fargo. N. D., school teacher, was found strangled to death, gagged and bound hand and foot with a clothes line, in her apartments in a rooming house in Chicago. August Beltzner, aged 65. one of the < most prominent business men of Joliet, 111., was killed while resisting two holdup men in his grocery store. Wilbur F. Parker, a well-known real estate man of St. Louis, committed suicide. The Idaho board of pardons com muted the sentence of Harry Orchard, who was under sentence to hang for the murder of former Gov. Frank Stuenenberg, to imprisonment for life. One man was killed, three were seri ously injured aDd a half-dozen were slightly hurt in a railway collision at Des Moines, la. Thomas Hill, a well-known land scape artist, committed suicide at his home at the entrance of Yrosemite valley. Lorenzo Dow Harvey, Ph. D., su perintendent of public schools and su perintendent of the Stout Training school of Menomonie, Wis., was elected president of the National Ed ucation association at Cleveland. Twenty-two starving French sea men cast away on Antipodes island were rescued by the British warship Pegasus. Oliver P. Ensley of Indianapolis, former county treasurer, was indicted on a charge of embezzling $22,500. Waller J. Bartnett of San Francisco was sentenced to ten years in the pen itentiary for having hypothecated bonds and securities to the amount of $205,000 belonging to the estate of Ellen M. Colton, of which he was spe cial administrator. Mae C. Wood, the Omaha woman who sued t'nited States Senator Thomas C. Platt for divorce, was in dicted by a grand jury in New York on charges of perjury and forgery. The 280 employes of the Remington typewriter works at Ilion, N. Y., re ceived $14,000 as the semi-annual bonus distributed by the company to its employes. Annie Wilson, nine years old, told in a New York police court of suc cessfully committing more than 50 burglaries. Attacked by a band of 50 insurgents, government troops at Palomas, Mex ico, a small town in Chihuahua, killed one rebel and wounded several oth ers. The revolutionists fled to the mountains, pursued by the soldiers. Mrs. I.ouisiana Hobbs Douglass, one of the numerous wives of the alleged Dogus “Lord" Oswald Reginald Doug lass, was granted an absolute divorce from “Lord" Douglass at Norfolk, Va. Two men were killed, and three badly injured in the collapse of & liv ery stable in Minneapolis At Frii'drichshafen Count Zeppelin's airship stood brilliantly the longest . and most searching test it has yet un dergone. It remained in the air for six hours and three-quarters, attaining an average speed of 1.4% miles an hour throughout. In order to escape trial on a charge of being implicated in the robbery and killing of Frank Frorer, millionaire banker of Lincoln. 111., William Web ber of Springfield entered a plea of guilty to another charge of robbery and was sentenced to the penitentiary. George B. McClellan was declared to have been duly elected mayor of New York over W. R. Hearst, in 1905, by Justice Lambert, and by the jus tice’s orders the jury returned a ver dict to that effect. Judges Sanborn, Hook and Adams, in the United States circuit court at St. Paul, made an interlocutory de cree whereby they temporarily sus pend and enjoin the -enforcement of the order of the interstate commerce commission which reduced the charge of certain railroad companies for the transfer of live stock from the termini of their roads in Chicago to the Union Stock Yards from $2 to $1 per car. The Swiss Aero club's balloon Cog nac has succeeded in crossing the Aips. This feat has often been at tempted, but never before accom plished. People Pouring Into Denver by Thousands from All Quarters NOISY SUNDAY IN THE GITY OF THE PLAINS Bands, Marching Clubs, Streamers and Stirring En thusiasm for Bryan Features that Characterized the Entire Day. Denver—The convention throngs have been pouring into the city by every train. It has been a noisy, bois terous Sunday, with bands escorting arriving delegations through the streets, with steadily swelling crowds in the hotel lobbies and with leaders and delegates button-holing the new arrivals and holding private confer ences on candidates and measures. Most of the leaders and mors' than half of the delegates are now here and the tide of humanity which come* to look on and cheer is now in fill move ment toward the city. The weather is almost perfect, warm, but not un bearable, with a clear sky and a brisk mountain breeze, just the sort of weather to bring comfort to a con vention. Many of the delegates have emraced the opportunity of a Sunday lull for a trip to the nearby Rockies, others have enjoyed the more excit ing diversion of tournaments where the broncho busters are presenting a picture of real western life. Tonight the crowds are turning to the splendid auditorium where the convention will be held. The vast amphitheater is lighted and open to the public for the first time for a band concert and the brilliant scene within the enclosure hung with flags and packed to its full capacity suggests the thronghs which will soon gather for the convention. A feature of the evening is the appearance of Charles A. Towne of New York, one of the leading vice presidential candidates. While these outward evidences of ac tivities have been going on the lead ers who have been shaping the affairs of the coming convention have been holding meetings in the upper cham bers of the hotels, arranging their final plans. The chief interest of the day has centered in the movement of the al lies to galvanize the opposition to Bryan into something like a definite and formidable movement. But their best efforts, begun yesterday, have not been entirely successful. Chief Murphy of Tammany, on whom the hopes of the “allies" have been cen tered. will give on sign committing his forces against Bryan. He is too shrewd a politician for that when the tide seems to be setting toward Bry an. On the contrary, his lieutenants are passing the word around today that New York's vote will be for Bry an. However, the allied opposition still contends that the fight will be continued. The Bryan managers have at no time shown any nervousness over the renewed activity of the al lies. AN INJUNCTION PLANK. It is Drawn by Former Mayor Dunne of Chicago. Denver.—Here is a plank drawn by former Mayor Dunne of Chicago and which he will present to the Denver convention. He says Bryan requests his membership on the committee of resolutions. It is believed, therefore, his plank meets Bryan's approval: “The right of a court of chancery where property rights are involved to intervene and protect the statu quo be tween litigants is unquestioned, but no such writ should issue ex-parte, and without notice, except where it Is clearly made to appear that irrepar able injury will result unless the writ issue immediately and without notice, and in such case the motion to dis solve such injunction shall take prece dence of all other legal husiness in the court issuing such injunction and shall be heard and determined before any other business is considered in such court. In all cases -where in junctions are issued, with or without notice, an ample bond shall be exacted of complainant sufficient to cover all damages resulting to defendant from the issuance of such a writ, including reasonable attorney’s fees incurred in moving to dissolve said writ. In all proceedings for contempt for violation of an injunction, enjoining the com mission of any act. which at the com mon law, or by statute is amed a Four Hundred Buildings Burn. Port Ati Prince, Hayti—A serious f>re broke out here Sunday afternoon in the vicinity of the palace and sen ate building. The flames spread quickly, there bing a high wind, and scon reached alarming proportions. Four hundred buildings were burned, including the court house and the prison. All of the prisoners, who in cluded a number of women, we're taken to other quarters before the building took fire. Sparks were car ried to the arsenal, which was also burned. crime and which is not committed in the presence of the court, the defend ant shall be entitled to a jury trial up on the issue of fact as to whether or not he has committed such crime, and thus violated such injunction. “We favor the passage of a law amending the chancery practise so as to secure these results.” AT FAIRVIEW ON SUNDAY. No Banners Displayed and No Note From Brass Band. Lincoln, Neb. — William Jennings Bryan, at Fairview. Sunday received a personal compliment more flattering than the gift of official power, a com pliment unspoken and unpremeditated. Delegation after delegation advanced on Fairview. shook hands w-ith the commoner and went on their way. Banners they carried, but they were not flaunted in the sight of men. Pen nants were numerous, but they were not unfurled. Uniformed bands accom panied the travelers, but no instru ment was heard. Enthusiastic were the democrats, but not a cheer dis turbed Lincoln’s peaceful streets. Street cars packed with optimistis democrats whirled along avenues adorned with hundreds of Bryan pic tures. Not a sound escaped their lips which was not in keeping with the Sabbath. W. J. Bryan, is uncompromising in his religion. He will not talk politics on Sunday. Visiting delegations ceased their demonstrations as soon as they entered the city limits and re frained from further outcry until Lin coln was left in the distance. The per sonality of the great leader seemed to dominate them. PLATFORM TALK CONSERVATIVE. Injunction Plank Said to Be Only Radical One Contemplated. Denver.—Conservatism has been the prevailing not of the discussion of the democratic national platform. This discussion has been indulged in freely among prospective members of the resolutions committee and among leaders of the party generally and Mr. Bryan has been quoted as being in harmony with the idea. The one radi cal plank which seems to be conceded will go into the document will be the expression on the subject of injunc tion as applied in labor disputes. Those who oppose strong language on this subject are conceding that their in fluence will not be potent to prevent the adoption of a plank which will plege the party to an amendment of the law which will make notice of the issuance of a preliminary injunction imperative, also that provision will be made for the hearing of the case be fore a different judge than the one is suing the injunction and for a hearing of the facts in the case before a jury. INDIANA WILL PRESENT KERN. Delegation Disregards His Rejection of Second Place Offer. Omaha—Notwithstanding the posi tive assertions of John W. Kern of Indiana that he will not be a candi date for vice president under any consideration, the Indiana delegaton, 150 strong, went through Omaha Sun day morning enroute to Denver with the avowed intention ot placing his name before the convention for the nomination for the second place on the ticket. Orchard's Sentence Commuted. Boise, Ida.—The state board of par dons commuted the sentence of Harry Orchard, -who -was under sentence to hang next Friday for the murder of former Governor frank Steunenberg, to imprisonment for life. Pickens at Reid Reception. London—Charles Pickens and fam ily were guests Saturday of Ambassa dor Keid at Marlborough House. It was the annual Fourth of July recep tion and drew many distinguished Americans to the London home. Bishop Potter May Yet Recover. Cooperstown, N. Y.—With each suc ceeding hour hope brightens for the recovery of Bishop Henry Codman Potter, who is seriously ill here from a complication of stomach and liver trouble. His physicians now have much hope. Boni’s Boy Sees Grandma. Paris—The statement given public ity that Count Boni de Castellane, the former husband of Mme. Anna Gould, kidnaped his three children from Ver sailles is inaccurate. TROUBLE IS COMING OBJECTION TO RESOLUTIONS LAUDING CLEVELAND. JUDGE PARKED IN THE MOVE Friends of Mr. Bryan Have Resolu tions of Their Own Which They Wi I Present. Denver.—Charging that Alton B. Parker's resolution of tribute to the memory of the late President Cleve land is a clever move on the part of enemies of William Jennings Bryan to infuse factional feeling into the democratic national convention, friends of the Nebraskan determined to offer a resolution of a character de signed not to raise controverted poli tical issues. Through control of the temporary organization of the conven tion *ve Bryan following expects to have its resolution brought to the ah tention of the delegates immediately after the speech of the temporary chairman has been delivered. In that event the Parker resolution would have to be offered as a substitute if submitted at all, and the Bryan men declare that the New York delegation would thereby be placed in the atti tude of attempting under the guise of eulogizing a great party leader to create strife and dissension and to make harmony impossible. Ah democrats without regard to fac tional affiliations applaud the sug gestion coining from New York that the national convention should em brace the first opportunity of honoring Mr. Cleveland, but most of those who have expressed themselves on the sub ject are of the opinion that the reso lutions adopted should not contain anything over which there could be the slightest difference of opinion. The New York resolution, which was made public Thursday, is denounced by such Bryan leaders as Mayor James C. Dahlman of Omaha and Judge M. J. Wade of Iowa, the member of the na tional committee from that' state. They argue that its adoption would be a direct slap at Bryan and insist that in giving it out for publication the New York delegation intended to dis parage the Nebraska candidate. The portions of the resolution which par ticularly aroused the ire of the friends of Mr. Bryan refer to Mr. Cleveland's record on the questions of maintain ing the integrity of the courts and finance, the paragraph- being as fol lows : “He respected the integrity of our courts and so insisted upon strict en forcement of the law that every honest man or interest might be pro tected and all offenders punished, without fear or favor. “He maintained the public credit and honor, stood Arm as a rock in de fense of sound principles of finance and resisted dangerous economic doctrines and practices left by the republican party as a heritage of our people.” FAST TRAINS IN COLLISION Missouri Pacific Special and Express Trains Chrash at Knobnoster. Knobnoster, Mo.—The fast Califor nia special train from St. I.ouis on the Missouri Pacific railroad collided with the equally fast St. Louis train from Kansas City two miles east of here at 5:30 o’clock Thursday morning. Nine persons were killed, all on the train from Kansas City, and at least fifty were injured. Both engineers reversed their en gines and jumped. The impact of the two engines threw both of them off the tracks. The cars were piled up on the wreckage, four cars on the St. Louis train and three cars on the train from Kansas City leaving the rails MURAT HALSTEAD IS DEAD. Veteran Journalist Passes Away at His Home in Cincinnati. Cincinnati—Murat Halstead, one of the leaders in American journalism for over half a century and widely known as a vigorous editorial and magazine writer, died at his home In this city Thursday, in his 79th year. At his bedside were his wife, his son Robert and one daughter, Mrs. Ar thur Stem. Mr. Halstead had been failing in health for three months and Wednesday suffered from cerebral hemorhages. Resolution Will Not Be Read. Lincoln. Neb.—The resolutions of respect for Grover Cleveland being taken to Denver by Judge Parker will never be read upon the floor of the convention unless Judge Parker is stronger in that convention than is William J. Bryan. That is settled and agreed upon. The resolutions will be sent to the committee on resolutions, which will be instructed to present “suitable" resolutions. This was agreed upon by a number of delegates in the city and Permanet Chairman Clayton was given his instructions. Bryan Has 307 Votes. Lincoln. Neb.—In a table showing the result of the various democratic state conventions which will appear in the Commoner, 707 actually instructed votes are placed to he credit of W. J. Bryan with an additional 100 dele gates who are uninstructed but have announced a preference for him. Over Two Hundred Dead. Yusovo, European Russia—A ter rible explosion of gs.s occurred in the Rikovskv mine, in which a very large number of miners were at work. NEGRO WILL REMAIN His Capacity for Good Rests with the Whites. Cleveland, O.—In general session of the National educational convention in this city, aniong the speakers was Booker T. Washington, who spoke on the welfare of the negro, saying: “One-fourth of the physical terri tory of the United States is comprised in a territory in which the negro is depended upon very largely as the chief laborer. The race in America now numbers not far from 10,000,000. Within a few years, perhaps in this generation, the race will have in creased to 15,000,000. I repeat that they are going to remain in this coun try for all time, and principally in the southern states. These millions of my race can be made useless or useful. They can be made to help or to hinder. They can be made to become criminals or lawabiding citizens. They can be made potent factors in the in dustry of our country or they can be come a load of ignorance, dragging down our civilization. Which shall it be? "Some people are fond of asserting that education as a force to uplift the negro is a failure. Education has never been tried among the rank and file of our people on a scale large enough to warrant any such judgment. The great bulk of our people have scarcely been touched by education. According to official statistics two years ago there were 1.400,000 chil dren of my race of school age who wepe not even enrolled in the public schools and a large portion of those enrolled, especially m the country dis tricts, were in school only four or f ve months during the year. Do you know what it means to the good name and future security of this country to have in one part of it a million and a half of children growing up each year who are wholly without education? An un trained horse or dog is useless and non-effective; how much more is this true of a human being? “On the basis of school population, each child in the northern states had spent upon his last year for his edu cation for teaching purposes about five dollars. “On these basis of school popula tion, each negro child in the south had spent upon him for teaching purposes about fifty cents. At this rate it. is im possible to educate the children of ten millions of people sufficiently to make them useful and effective citizens. I do not complain or criticizs the south, but I simply state facts. The south out of its poverty has done well and it deserves credit for what it has done. THE ANTI-INJUNCTION PLANK. Frank S. Monett Will Champion Inser tion of Same. Denver, Colo.—What is regarded as the very latest indication that Mr. Bryan does not contemplate changing his position on the injunction question to meet the ideas of the conservatives was brought to town by Frank S. Mo nett, republican attorney general of Ohio from 1896 to 1900. Mr. Monett was in conference with Mr. Bryan at Lincoln yesterday, as the result of which he says he will have Mr. Bryan's indorsement in apperaing her fore the resolutions committee of the convention to state the legal and poli tical reasons why the injunctio nplank should pledge the democratic party to amendment of the law in these three particulars: First, to prevent the issuing of the writ in industrial disputes except after notice to defend ants and full hearing; second, to per mit trial before a judge other than the one who issued the writ, and third, to allow a jury to be summoned in all cases where the alleged contempt is committed outside the presence of the court. Sees Inside Himself. Mount Clements. Mich.—Colonel William F. Tucker, son-in-law of Mrs. John A. Logan of Chicago, is probably the only living man who ever saw his own interior. He submitted to the un common and perilous operation known as omerftoplexy. The anaesthetic was applied locally only and he remained conscious while surgeons cut him open and set things to rights therein. Mulai Hafid Wants Money. Tangier.—A letter from Mulai Ha fid. the insurgent sultan of Morocco, was read in the Mosque here. It thanks the people for preferring him to Abd-El-Aziz, whom he describes as having sold himself to the Christians. Hafid asks the inhabitants of Tangier to make him a gift of $100,000. Buffets Will Be Closed. Chicago.—On account of the local option laws in so many counties in Illinois buffets in nearly all railroad cars will be closed. An order has been issued by the Pullman company clos ing the buffet in the parlor car of the Alton limited between Chicago and St. Louis and abandoning entirely the sale of intoxicating liquors. Revolution in Paraguay. Buenos Ayres—It is reported here that a revolution has broken out in Paraguay. Treasury Balances. Washington.—Today's statement of the treasury balances in the general fund, exclusive of. the $150,000,000 gold reserve, shows: Available cash balance, $238,898,000; gold coin and bullion, $31,937,443; gold certificates, $31,559,600. Real Daughter of Revolution Dies. Burlington, la.—Mrs. Jane English S. Smith, a real “daughter of the Re volution” who resided in Iowa, died at Lincoln, Neb. She was 9? vears old. STATE NEWS AND NOTES IN CON DENSED FORM. THEPRESS, PULPIT AND PUBLIC What is Going on Here and Ther» That is of Interest to the Read ers Throughout Nebraska. Many bridges in Otoe county are out because of high water. The Paddock hotel at Beatrice has been purchased by Mrs. Colby, wife of Gen. Colby, the consideration beiup $150,000. The Red Willow county court had a narrow escape from fire, which orig inated in the court room and partially destroyed the second floor. The Nebraska state band is plan ning to hold a large convention oE bands in Creighton some time in the near future and expects about six to ten bands from the state to partici pate. Little Emma, the two-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Hub bard. who live seventeen miles south of Rushville, wandered away from home and her body was found two hours later in the Niobrara river, where she had fallen in and drowned. A man, giving the name Charle3 Murphy, who is a hostler and roust about with one of the race horses there, was arrested at Tecumseh on a, serious charge. Murphy had been treating little girls during the day and it is said he attempted to assault the 6-year-old daughter of Hmil Pfeifer. George McAuliffe, son of Mr. and Mrs. John McAuliffe, the family home being near St. Mary, in Johnson county, attempted suicide. In a fit of despondency he took a razor and cut a gash in his throat almost from ear to ear. It was not deep enough t» sever the jugular vein. McAuliffe Is aged about 30 years and has a wife and child. He had lost his crop in the flood along the Nemaha river. Clinton R. Lee of the Lee Broom and Duster company, Lincoln, sub mitted an amended proposal for con vict labor to the state board of pub lic lands and buildings. He offers to pay about $2,400 per annum."plus the cost of light. This is in addition to. his offer of 50 cents a day for con-, vict labor. The state board has in sisted on 75 cents a day. When the members made this demand Lea turned the convicts off and they have been idle ever since. Farmers who were in Fairburv told. of the havoc wrought by the storm of Saturday night in various parts of that county, in many section the wind seemed to assume the form of eu cyclone and great damage was done, buildings being blown down, and many movable things carried for consider able distances before the force of the wind. J. F. Liasieur says the path of the storm in his neighborhood was several rods wide and that everything in the path of the storm was wrecked. The qualifying examination for the Rhodes scholars to be elected for 1910 will be held toward the end of October, 1909, instead of in the month of Jan uary as heretofore. It is believed that an examination held in October will interfere less than one held in January with the regular work of American university students, and that the earlier election will give bet ter opportunity for the selected schol ars to direct their work on lines most advantageous for their course at Ox ford. The Jenkins mill at Steele City was compelled to shut down on account of high water. The shutting down of this mill closes one of the historical business enterprises of that section of Nebraska, which has been identified with the growth of the country from a time dating back to the advent of civ ilization into Nebraska. Jenkins’ mill was one of the supply stations on tho old overland trail, and all the early pioneers who traveled that route in the search of new homes and for tunes secured their supplies for the continuance of the trip at that place. The mill has been in constant opera tion from that time until it was closed down after the recent flood. The weekly crop report says: The week averaged, for the state as a whole, just about normal for tempera ture, rainfall and cloudiness. The daily mean temperature was between 70 and 74 degrees in the central and eastern counties, which is just about the seasonal average. It was between 60 to 69 degrees in the western coun ties, which is about three degrees be low the normal. Monday and Satur day were generally the warmest days, with a maximum tempera: tire near 90 degrees. The rainfall was above nor mal in most of the state. It exceeded one inch in most of the central and eastern sections, except in some north eastern counties, where it was about one-half an inch. Mrs. John Lenners, living six irilea north of Beatrice, gave birth to trip lets, one boy and two girls. One of the girl babies died soon after birth, but the other two are strong and healthy. A telegram received by Dr. S W. Dodge of Fairbury, stated that his son, Dr. G. L. Dodge had been accidentally shot at his home in Basin, Wyo., gnd was not expected to live. The Fair bury man started at once for the bed side of his son, he having been gone but a few hours when the second tele gram came stating that his son waa dead.