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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1908)
RICH’S CATARRH REMEDY Home Treatment Price $3.00 Dr. Rich, the well known Grand Island Specialist, has arranged a system of Home Treatment for Catarrh of the various organs of the body, and is now prepared to sup ply to any sufferer from this prevalent disease a course of remedies that will be found to be not only satisfactory in every respect, but at a price certainly reasonable, and wiihin the reach of everybody. During the five years Dr. Rich has been in Grand Island he has carefully avoided the treatment of Catarrhal conditions of the body, not be ing prepared to take up a work requiring time from his already extensive office business. During the past year, however, Dr. Rich has perfected a method which he offers below, for treating Catarrh in the home, and feels not on ly assured of excellent results, but that he will make many new friends, which will assist in increasing his already large practice. A photograph below shows one of the S3.00 outfits, and should give a perfect idea of the value offered. Dr. Rich’s treatment for Catarrh is a Home Treatment in every sense, andean be used without deten tion from business. A full month’s treament of these rem edies will be sent for $3.00. You may order as often as you like at the same price, or have the treatment sent to yeur friends. As there will be a large demand from the many people familiar with Dr. Rich’s reputation as a Skill ful Specialist, you are kindly requested to order early and avoid delay. OUTFIT NO. 1 For Catarrh of the Head, Nose and Throat. If you have any or all of these symptoms send me $3.00 for a full month’s treatment. Frontal headache. Dull feeling in head. Ringing noises in head and ears. Deafness. 1 nnatural and excessive discharge from nose. Hard bloody crusts and scabs in nose. Hawking and spitting of mucus. Mucus dropping from nose into the throat. Tickling in the throat. Bad breath. Bad taste. Doss of appetite. Coughing and gagging. Vomiting. Nausea. Dizzy spells. Lbss of memory. Confusion of ideas. Irritability. Insomnia. Bad dreams. Pain in back and top of head. Nose stopped up. OUTFIT NO. 2 For Catarrh of the Stomach and Bowels SS you have any or all o? these symptoms send me S3.00 for a fu!l month's treatment. Distress after meals. Pain, soreness, burning, weight, uneasiness, pressure, full ness in pit of the stomach. Bloating over stomach and bowels. Belching part or all of the time. Gas in stomach and bowels. Heartburn. Sour stomach. Choking sensation in throat and chest in the evening and during the night. Bad dreams. Nightmare. Vomiting and nausea. Constipation. Nervousness. Irritability and crankiness. Insomnia. Headache. Pain over chest, shoulder blades and around the body. Pain over the heart and palpitation. Difficulty in breathing. Dizziness. Bad taste. Coated tongue. OUTFIT NO. 3 For Catarrh of the Nerves. If you have any or all of these symptoms send me $3.00 for a full month's treatment. Mental dullness and forgetfulness. Epileptic tits. Headache and dizzy spells. The blues, mania. Insanity and melancholy. Ennatural drains and losses in men. St. Vitus’s dance. Neuralgia and cramps. Lost power in any part. Patn or congestion of spinal cord. (The cause of most backaches.) Sleeplessness and restlessness. Loss of memory. Confusion of ideas. Nervousness and irritability. Despondency and dull mind. Heart fluttering and excitability. Twitching muscles and easily frightened. Limbs go to sleep. Wandering pains over body. Bad dreams or nightmare. Varicocele and sexual weakness. Hand trembling and anxiousness. Loss of appetite and ambition. Nervous debility, and weakness. HI i C H Master Specialist Grand Island, Pleb. SSTFIVE YEARS IN GRAND ISLAND"^ Order the treatment you need. Write me a per sonal letter if you wish. I will read your letter and re ply to it myself, telling you just what to do. When you receive the outfit you order, if you do net think it is the greatest value you ever received for $3.00 send it back at my expense and I will return your money. GUARANTEE STATE OF NEBRASKA,) Hall County. ) Dr. Rich, being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that the illustration below is a true representation of the $3.00 catarrh outfit for catarrh of the head, nose and throat, herein advertised, and that any one ordering same and finding it not satisfactory may have his money returned upon demand. DR. RICH. Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this 25th day of February, 1908. JOHN ALLAN, Notary Public. My Commission expires Jan. 5, 1912. This is a Photograph of Dr. Rich’s Catarrh Cure Outfit for Home Use. ' ,‘4'UOc-i Guaranteed under the Pure Food and Drug Act of June 30, 1906. Serial Number No. 18752. The above outfits contain no Morphine, Opium, Cocaine, Heroin, Eucaine, Chloroform, Cannabis Indica, Chloral Hydrate, Acetanilide, or any of their derivatives. The American in Canada The American farmer is a practical man; there is no cleverer-headed clti een in the world, and moreover he is frankly honest. When he finds in Canada a system of jurisprudence un der which law is everywhere respect ed, when he learns that Canada has never seen a lynching, that Canadian bistory tells of no Indian wars, he Is vtry willing to acknowledge that there is little here he would wish to change. The fact is that in his gen eral views and attitude toward life no one is more like a Canadian than an American. The fact that they are subjected to similar environment and to the same broad sweeping continen tal forces readily explains how by merely crossing north or south an imaginary boundary line Canadian and American alike pass from one citi zenship to another with far less fric tion than an Englishman can be trans planted to either American or Cana diau soil.—Atlantic Monthly. Red Haired Charmers. “There are no red-haired oU maids." The speaker, a red-haired actress, lighted a fresh cigarette and went on: "The red-haired have an excess of iron in their blood. This causes them to overflow with vitality, animal spir its, gayety, wit, charm—but I must not boast, must 1?” She smiled, and. smoothing her rud dy locks with a slim white hand, she added: "At any rate, it is a palpable fact that the red-haired girl never gets left. As a rule she is married at 20. A red-haired old maid is a greater rar ity than a millionaire anarchist. Leap year b s with 1908, but we red haireo .s have no need of leap year.” I OUTFIT NO. 4 For Catarrh of the Liver and Kidneys. If you have any or all of these symptoms send me $3.00 for a full month’s treatment. Failing vision. Great thirst. Making water during the night. Flatulence (gas in stomach and bowels.) Breathless on exertion. Kinging in ears and dizziness. Puffiness of face and ankles. Dropsy. Discharge from bowels light gray color. Discharge of mucus from bowels. Urine dark green color. Enlarged and tender liver and stomach. Jaundice and loss of strength. Pain over kidneys. Insomnia. Pain under and between shoulder blades. Palpitation cf heart. Dark spots (liver spots) on body and face. Hot flashes and spots before the eyes. Nervousness and irritabilit3r. Great depression of spirits. Sleep during day. l’ain and soreness under right short rits. OUTFIT NO. 5 For Female Catarrh. If you have any or all of these symptoms send me $3.00 for a full month’s treatment. Chronic inflammation, congestion and enlargement. Dysmenorrhoea (painful menstruation.) Melancholia, irritability and detpondency. Backache, insomnia, ready fatigue. Inflammation of the womb and ulcerations. Ovarian pains. Neuralgia. Pelvic congestion. Dragging pains in front. Spine-ache. Nervousness and sick headache. Impoverishment of the blood. Irritable bladder. Pains in back and lower limbs. Loss of weight and displacements. L'terine derangements. Irregular menstruation. Leucorrhoea (whites). Itching. Burning. Loss of appetite, energy and ambition. Nervous prostration and depression of spirits. An elegant tonic for nursing mothers. OUTFIT NO. 6 For Catarrh of the Bladder. If you have any or all of these symptoms send me $3.00 for a full month's treatment. I’ainful urination, especially in women. Passing a little urine at a time, and often. Straining, spasmodic urination. Pain over the bladder. Swollen and tender parts in women. Inflammation and soreness. Passing of blood in urine. Passing smoky colored urine. Itching and burning of'parts. Burning, scalding urine. A general feeling of restlessness. Irritability and crankiness. (Ireat nervousness. Dribbling of urine. Incomplete urination. Sediment in urine (muco-pus). Distress in sitting down. I line is heavy, brown or dark yellow. Leucoi rhoea. Cut out this order blank and send to Dr. Rich, Grand Island, Nebraska. No Shipment of medicine will be made unless this order blank is used in ordering. LOUP CITY NORTHWESTERN. Dr. Rich, Grand Island, Nebraska:— I enclose you $3.00, for which please send me One Month’s Treatment for Catarrh of the Fill in above the treatment you desire. Name. Age... Address ... Morgan Surmounted Difficulty. Tit-Bits tells how J. Pierpont Mor gan succeeded in interviewing the pope and Queen Helena within half an hour. The queen fixed the ap pointment for 10:45 o’clock and the pope for 11:15 o’clock on the same morning. The difficulty of the task was increased owing to the fact that etiquette prescribes that for the queen’s audience Mr. Morgan should appear in a frock coat with a fancy tie, and his daughter, who was to ac company him, should appear in a light colored walking gown, with an appro priate hat; while the etiquette of the Vatican prescribed for Mr. Morgan evening dress and a white tie, and for the lady a black gown and a black lace veil over her hair, both to be ungloved and unjeweled. A quick change artist might have made light of this matter. Even Mr. Morgan and his daughter effected the transformation in five minutes after a 20 minutes’ interview with the queen, and a fast motor did the rest. ! i DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION Denver, Colo. LOW RATES NOW IN EFFECT ROUND TRIP m From Omaha, Neb., TO DENVER, COLORADO SPRINGS, and PUEBLO VIA UNION PACIFIC I SHORT LINE Denver to Yellowstone Park New and Scenic Route, xzvquimb ok E. L. LOMAX, G. P. A. Omaha, Nebr. Wrist Bones Show Age. A Boston physician is authority for i the statement that an invariable lndt i cation of a child’s aa:e is the condition | of the bones of the wrist, as shown by an X-ray examination. He is now ex I amininjf school children in blocks of : 500 by his new system. Can’t Change Herself. A woman can follow the style that i makes herself a fright and which makes somebody else handsome. So long as It is the style. It goes. But she cannot change herself, and that is the j thing over which the criticising man ! wants to rejoice.—Manchester Union. Anything to Oblige. Farmer—“Have you seen my bull?" ! Golfer—"Gracious me! No! Where is ! he?” Farmer—"That's just it: he's I got loose, and we want to find him. ■ So if you meet him. you might just keep on that there red coat o’ your'n and run this way!” — Temple of Serpents. The small town of Werda, in ths kingdom of Dahomey, is celebrated for j its temple of serpents, a long build’nf In which the priests keep upward of 1,000 serpents of all sizes. These they feed with birds and frogs brought to them as offerings by the native*. “Esq.” The term “esquire” is now at a dis count among all men of rank and sense. Nobody seems to care a rush ; light about it except barbers, tatlortf apprentices and clerks on small sai I aries. Tribute to Good Nature. Good nature is worth more than knowledge, more than money, to the persons who possess it. and certainly to everybody who dwells with them, in so far as mere happiness is con cerned.—Henry Ward Beecher. Substitute for Bucket. When it is necessary to carry water and a bucket is not available, take a basket and cover its interior with a piece of cheap table oilcloth. Not a drop of water will be wasted. One Should Be Enough. A scientist declares that the brain presents unanswerable problems. Not the least of these is the question why any man wants to be a bigamist —Cleveland Leader. Queer Idea of Happiness. It is the misfortune of the bachelor that he has no one to tel! him frankly his faults: but the husband has this happiness.—Jean Paul Richter. Actions More Than Words. Every man feels Instinctively that all the beautiful sentiments in the world weigh less than a single lovely action.—Lowell. Sin Against Light. It is no disgrace to be mistaken; it Is a crime to be a hypocrite. That ia the sin against light—the worst of all. —John Oliver Hobbs. Cum Grano Sails. Never believe a man to be clever on the authority of any of his acquain tances. These reputed geniuses are nearly always blockheads. Muskrat Coats. The skin of muskrats Is largely made use of in the manufacture of the cheaper grades of fur coats. Tin from Malay States. The federated Malay states pro duce 60 per cent, of the world s pro duction of tin. 'I i Sadness In Memory. Tennyson; Sorrow’s crown of soo row Is •—i"—h—<ng happier things.