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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1908)
A. P. CULLEY, President. W. F. MASON, Cashier. THE ■ FIRST NATIONAL OF Loup GfTY Conser vative 7 and Strong Real Estate and all classes of loans made promptly at lowest rates, with optional payments. THE NORTHWESTERN A Few Market (Quotations. Corn, per bu. .02 @ .04 Wheat, per bu.80 82 Oats, per bu.38 m .40 Rye, per bu . .55 i Putter, per lb.15 (d ,1s Eggs, per doz. .11 Hens, per lb. .07 Spring chickens, per lb. .05l_ $25 REWARD. A reward of $25.00 will be paid for Information and Evidence that will lead to the Conviction of any person guilty of unlawfully selling, disposing of. or giving' away Malt or Spirituous ^ Liquors, in Loup City or vicinity. Anti-Saloon League of Loup City. localTnews. Glorious rain yesterday moruing. Dipping tanks and dip sold at P. <J. Reed's. For farm loans call on A. L. Zimmerman. > T. '1. Reed made a business trip to St. Paul yesterday. For good grades of machine oils see P. O Reed. on 62. Ashley Conger, the dray man. Get him. Loans on real estate, call on John W Long. Try that fresh bologna at Lee Uros.’ meat market. Phone A. T. Conger, 5 on 62. when in need of a drayman. M:ss Beth Zimmerman returned >in her Iowa visit last Friday. 1 will guarantee ISc for butter fat est and pay cash.—A. E. Chase. T. M. Reed went to Omaha Satur iv last returning Monday evening. if yon want to buy or sell Ilea 1 Gate, call on John W. Long. A. P. Culley returned from Omaha md otlier points Monday evening. Take your butter and eggs to Con hiser's. where you can get anything you want. U. P. Starr and Frank Brewer made a business trip to Grand Island this morning. Farm loans made on short notice t and at reasonable rates by A. L. Zimmerman. Harvey O'Bryan visited in Loup City over last Sunday, going on to \ roadia Monday evening. John W. Long is prepared to make all Real Estate Loans on short notice at lowest rates. Miss Elizabeth Humphrey of Friend this state, is a guest of Miss Gertrude Lundy and Mrs. JIarrv Hinman, ar riving last Wednesday. From now on Jenner's Park will be open every day, including Sundays, with refreshments served, the adtni - sion being 5 and 1 ■ cents. r Miss Grace Taylor who been visiting her parents a few days last week, returned to Omaha, Saturday, her brother, Will Taylor, accom panying her for a werk’s visit. .1. 15. Gietzner of Columbus, who ha> been here the past week looking al ter business matters, returned home Tuesday. Mr. Gietzner is quite lame from a recently sprained ankle. While here he ordered the North western to visit him regularly. More people are using Loup City flour now than ever have been in the past. Try a sack from your flour dealer next time and if satisfied get a supply while old wheat is being ground. We always carry ground corn and all kinds of feed and solicit your business. Loup City Mill & Light.Co. .1. A. Danielson, agent of the B. & M. at this place, returned last Thurs day from Omaha, bringing with him Mrs. Danielson and their daughters, the Misses Melvia and Dessie, the former a teacher in the schools of Omaha, who will visit here for a season, the latter to remain. Mr. Danielson on Tuesday moved into one >» of the Daddow cottages, where they will make their home. The North western welcomes the advent of this excellent family in our midst and bespeaks also a cordial welcome '. them from our most hospitable people. Lap clusters, horse covers, nets, etc., at I*. O. Heed's. 1 >r. Longacre went to Omaha Tues day on business. If you want a good buggy whip cheap, £o to P. O. Reed’s. Mr. and Mrs..!. M. O'Bryan were up from St. Paul over last Sunday. The Ravenna Creamery Co. will pay Is cents for butter fat till further notice. is. I>". L .cns left this morning loi an ester a visit at her old home in Iowa. I lies are coming. Get your screen it' is and windows of the Leininger Lumber Co. Finest and freshest bologna kept corstantly on hand at Lee Bros.’ meat market. McCaskey Account Register will sav time and expense.—T. M. Reed. Territory Agent. •L A. Converse came up from Gibbon last Saturday to look after business matters. Keep out the flies by getting some "ire cloth for your doors and win dows at 1’. O. Reed's. Frank Brewer on Tuesday sold his block adjoining Troy Bale's home to a Mr. Stan/.yk for $1600. Try < iakdale Xut coal for your cook -t os An excellent coal for summer us *, for sale by E. G. Taylor. •ii.-s s Anna and Ella Schneidereit : Tuesday morning for an extend ■ I visit with relatives at Long Grove. i uw*a. 'or Sale Eight fine yearling Short ii bulls for sale. Enquire of II. B. M isser. 'phone 5 on 271, or address :.::u at Loup City, Xeb. •As. A. O. Hall, wife of the Ad ■ entist minister, with her little daughter went to Hastings Monday i • vi-it relatives and friends. Ir.and Mrs. C. J. Tracy and son. Milf-r i Tracy, left Tuesday morning for Ghent, New York, to visit Mr. Tracy's parents. They intend con tinuing their visit several weeks. Rev. G. H. Wise, former Methodist pastor at this place, came in from Pleasanton with his family last Satur day overland by auto remaining over Sunday, and preaching for Rev. J. O. Hawk Sunday morning. Preaeliing by the pastor at the Pres byterian church next Sunday morn ing and evening. A “patriotic ser vice” will be held Sunday evening. Special music will be rendered by the choir. Mrs. Ik P. McKinnie will sing. R. P. Starr and family took an auto ride with Will Odendahl to Ashton and return Monday. On the road to Ashton the machine run over a hr 'km beer iiottle, puncturing one of the rear tires, which caused strenuous time for two hours and a half in putting in a new inner tube, when ’ party proceeded on its way to c R .i i; s now he is a pre fi re a auto expert on mended tires, but has ti" yet tiled his papers as expert par excellence. Messrs. \V. F. and O. S. Mason, Dr. Aden and 1’. <). Heed took automobile rides Sunday to Rockville in the fore noon and Arcadia in tiie afternoon, reporting a most enjoyable time, with the exception of one incident on their Arcadia trip, when on descending a slope this side of Arcadia the auto got cranky when it dipped into a rut and leaving the road plunged down a ten or twelve foot embankment, just escaping a barbed wire fence and out into a pasture, where it again became manageable and returning to the road behaved with seemly manner the rest of the day. Mr. and Mrs. (Juv Toulouse and family returned last Saturday even ing from their Iowa visit. We are sorry to learn that the U. P. officials have transferred Mr. Toulouse to a r n between Omaha and Valley, for which place he left Wednesday after noon to take charge of a motor run. While this change comes in the light >f a promotion to Mr. Toulouse, and with correspondingly higher salary, and our people will congratulate him, yet they will be sorry to lose him and Ids estimable family from Loup City. Mrs. Toulouse and children will re main a few weeks until he makes I •essary arrangements for their new I home which will be at Valley. GROCERY BARGAINS California Evaporated Peaches, $ .15 New York Ring Dried Apples 2 lbs .25 Best Italian Prunes, 3 lbs for . .25 Pail Jelly.,70 Oyster shells, lc lb, or 100 lbs for .00 Lace Curtains, a fine one, pair .98 Lace Curtains, 54 in wide, 3}4 yd 1.5o LACE, we have a big lot to close at .05 Loup City Mercantile Co. For Sale Pilger's Hall at a bargain if sold soon. Will make a tine store room for any sort of business. Inquire of Theo. L. Pilokk. Take Notice Hunters. Trespassers—You have done a great deal of damage, cutting and in other ways destroying the fences. You have scared the cattle away from water and feed, have in terferred with the watering arrange ments and shot two cattle. There fore, anyone found in our pastures without permission will be prosecuted. Dixsdalk & Sox. John M. Taylor last Saturday finished a barn l«x24 for S. Thrasher. Mrs. M. V. Wharton is enteriaining a cousin, Mr. T. A. Sheldon from New York City, who arrived last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cooper and little daughter of Ansley were guests a few days last week of Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Leininger. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Petersen, two sons and Mrs. John Sol ms returned from their Colorado visit last. Thurs day afternoon. Mrs. Cushman, who has been visit ing her aunt, Mrs. E. E. Ditto, re turned Monday morning to her home at Toledo, Ohio. Rev. L. C. McEwen was called to York last Sunday to supply the Pres byterian pulpit at that place both morning and evening, returning Mon day evening. Celebrate the Fourth of July AT Jenner’s Park C. W. Burt, one of the enterprising farmers of Clay township, this week adds his name to the Northwestern's list of readers. Thanks. The Sherman county teachers' normal institute will be held in Loup City this year commencing July 27th and lasting one week. Further notice later. Miss Winnie Outhouse entertained a number of the girl friends of Miss Marjorie Mead last Thursday after noon, and a most enjoyable time is reported. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Radclitfe are entertaining Ed's good mother and sister. Mrs. Mary A. and Miss Grace Radclitfe, from Sumner, Neb., the ladies arriving last Friday. Rev. Joseph James, father of the Baptist minister, preached to the Presbyterian congregation last Sun day morning in the absence of the pastor and gave the people a splendid sermon. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson of Grand Island were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ohlsen a few days last week, returning home Saturday. Mr. Thompson is a cousin of Mrs. Ohlsen and they came up especially to visit Mr. Fred Stehr. While the Northwestern is not yet in possession of the exact dates of the coming Chautauqua, it can an nounce that it is very probable the date for the opening day will be August 19 or 23, and to continue for six days. There has been an aggra vating delay so far over furnishing the looked for dates, aud as a conse quence it has been impossible to advertise the attraction. It is to be hoped the management of the circuit will speedily announce the exact dates so that the home management may get to work to perfect all details of its coming and do the necessary advertising of the attractions. C.eo. Stork is re-painting J. S. Pedler's residence in line shape. Martin Enevoldsen's pood father and mother are here visiting him. Mrs. T. M. Reed and children are home from their homestead for a few days. J. A. Converse, who was up from Gibbon over Sunday, reported the crop outlook on the way up as never better in past years. The general comment from all our people who have lately visited various sections is to the effect that crops everywhere are looking the finest. Mrs. Campbell of Butler county, Indiana, who with her children, Mauree and Morris, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Chas. Mellor, left for home this morning. Misses Bertha and Marjorie Mead left Tuesday morning to join their father at Fallon, Nevada. Mrs. Mead expects to go next 'week, hav ing disposed of her millinery stock to Mrs. D. L. Adamson. Will Draper and family will cele brate the Fourth at Litchfield and bring home with them Mrs. Draper's parents of Grand Junction. Coio.. who are now visiting relatives and friends at Loup City's western suburb. The Farmers' Elevator people met last Saturday afternoon, and besides transacting other routine business, elected R. A. Pritchard manager of their elevator at this place, which will open up next Monday, July (ith. ready for business. Frank Blaschkc, Jr.. who has been running the Home Restaurant has sold part of his restaurant fixtures to Conger Bros., who are to start the new chop house, and will go out of business. He went down to Dodge county Monday, as we understand to look up a new location for business. The Sunday school exercises at the ! Presbyterian church last Sunday evening were the best yet held in that church and were most unique and of an interesting nature. The house was tilled to its utmost seating capacity, the Baptist congregation courteously refraining from their usual evening services and attending in a body. Mrs. Eva Kendall and Miss Celia I Conklin or St. Paul, and the Misses Mary and Celia Blocker of Adrian, Mo., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Taylor last Thursday and Friday, while Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Taylor of St. Paul, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Blocker of Adrian. Mo., spent Sunday at tire same home. Mr. Blocker is a i cousin of E. G. Taylor. The Northwestern last Saturday did programs for the Fourth of July celebration at Ashton, which promises to be on a big scale, as Ed. Jamrog is secretary and never does anything on a small scale. The Loup City base ball boys will play Ashton on that day and a generous program << sports and amusemedts, with fire works at night, are promised. The B. Y. P. U. of the Rapt is: church and the Junior Union contest ed to see which could get- the most members. The Juniors won. they now number more than forty, under the leadership of Miss Emma Rowe. As a result of their defeat the seniors gave the juniors a picnic. Tuesday forenoon two loads of happy children were taken out to Hawk’s grove, two and one half miles soutli of town, where the day was spent in out-door sports. All arrived safely home at night. ** The balloon ascension and para chute leap last Saturday afternoon by Prof. W. A. Jacobs of St. Paul, was one of the best to be seen. The day was ideal and the balloon rose in almost a straight line, not a breath of air seeming astir, and when the shot rang out the aeronaut descend ed in his parachute at a spot in the rear of Jeffords’ jewelry store, w ithin a block of w here the ascension w as made, while the balloon fell at the rear of the Ilerschlag building, buf a little over a block from the ascension ground. All agreed it was one of the very prettiest and most successful they had ever witnessed. Loup City will celebrate the glorious Fourth at Jenner’s Park this year and Mr. Jenner has ipade extensive arrangements to make it one of the biggest days ever had here. There will be a clever boxing match be tween Profs. Wilson and Dutiie which all will want to see, besides a long array of sports and amusements, good refreshments, dancing in the pavilion day and night, and a splendid display of fire-works in the evening. It will not be necessary for Loup City people to go away from home on the Fourth to have their celebration, and our neighboring towns and the coun try roundabout will do well to come in and have a good celebration at Jenner's Park. Messrs. Frank Foster and Dan DeWitt, the new tonsorial artist, who recently bought out Frank Rob bins, have formed a partnership in the barber business and will run a shop in the building occupied by Mr. Foster. They had the partition re moved farther to the rear of the building, repaired and repapered, and made other needed improvements, and will run a first-class parlor in every respect. Mr. Foster is one of the best barbers ever in the city and Mr. DeWitt comes to us with a splen did reputation as an artist in his pro fession, and we shall expect the boys to have a good run from the outset. We understand they will later put in a bathroom and give the public the very best of service in that as well. May success attend them. Bob Pritchard went to Farwell this morning.^ Misses Ella Taylor and Lela Chase went to Lincoln yesterday morning for a few days’ visit. A shower bath is being put in the Young Men's Reading rooms, for the accommodation of the membership. Mr. and Wrs. W. T. Owens enter tained at dinner last Sunday Messrs. J. A. Converse and J. W. Burleigh. The Industrial Society of the Pres byterian church will meet with Mr I’. S. Bobbins next Wednesday after noon. Mrs. L. X. Smith and baby went t< Burwel! this morning for a visit. Her brother, Gene Henry, accom panied her. Mrs. Melvina Gibson was called tc the bedside of her father who is ill a' his home in Pennsylvania, and left this morning. Mrs. Mary Gardner orders the Northwestern sent to her grandson. Austin Bowers, at Twist, X. I)., for a year. Thanks. Rev. Wise, J. I. Depew. Editor Brown and E. W. Thompson took an all-niglit's camping out fishing Mon day night and came back full—of fish. Bert Charlton went to Lincoln this morning to assist Bryan in entertain ing the visiting democratic delega tions to that city for a few days. He will return Monday or Tuesday. Mesdames A. E. Chase, W. P. Reed. W. H. Eettenmayer and 1). I). Grow drove over into Ashton township last | Friday to visit Mrs. Theo. Wilson, : who has been quite ill for a long period. They found her much im | proved. Rev. Joseph James went to St. Paul Wednesday morning on invitation of | the Baptist people to consult with ! them over the feasibility of re I organizing the Baptist society at that place, and if done, will be asked to take hold of the pastoral work. Ilis ; son. PAY. James. Baptist pastor here, accompanied him. We are glad to note that our first" class photographer, Edgar Draper, received a silver medal at the con vention at Fremont, for the best dis play of photographs at that state meet. Among them were two of the editor's daughter. Miss Hazel. There is not a better photographer in the state than Edgar Draper, go where you will. A letter from our good friend. Tom Burton, is to the effect that he has sold his farm at Aurora, Mo., to good advantage and bought another parcel of land near Galena, Mo. He com plains of too much rain in that sec tion. for instance, claiming it rained for forty days between March 1’.! and June 215. which he insisted was too much of a wet proposition. He re ports, however, that corn promises a good crop, though fruit will not amount to much. Mrs. M. II Mead had some thirty dollars burned at her hone a few days ago. She placed the money, consisting of silver, paper money and a bank draft in the stove for safe keeping, while she was absent from the house a few moments, and later Miss Bertha Mead seeing a quantity of paper and refuse in the stove struck a lighted match to it. not knowing the money was therein. Only the silver was saved and taken from the stove in a blackened state. A man ora paper can not benefit his town by tearing it down. The effort of certain individuals to hurt the town and its business interests by the talk or publication of articles detrimental to Loup City, because, forsooth, the temperance people wish to rid the town of saloon interests, is a poor way of building up the town or country. \Ve hardly concur in the opinion that a town cannot live and prosper without saloons. It is tiie same kind of talk that used to obtain with a certain element in other days when gambling dens were driven out. Don't be a knocker. Conger Bros, inform us that they will not be able to start their new short order house, the Ron Ton Restaurant, before a week from the coining Saturday. The boys expect to make the Bon Ton the finest short order house in this section of the country, serving the best of every thing on the market, finely cooked and up-to-date in every particular. They have just returned from a short trip away to different cities, to get on to the very best methods used in short order houses, and witli their hustling natures are sure to be in the lead in this business. Don't forget they expect to open up next week Saturday, and invite the public to give them a trial on that day. Mr. L. P. Squires of Loup City was in the city last Saturday, having come down for the purpose of erects ing a monument at the grave of his son in the Aurora cemetery. He re mained over Sunday to visit old friends. Mr. Squires has been very prosperous since going to Sherman county and his many friends in this county are pleased to hear that such lias been his fortune. Mr. Squires informs us that he recently sold one of his 160-acre farms for $4,000 that cost him only a little over $1,000 and he still has a half section of land left lie could sell for as good an advance in price. He reports that his son, Charles, has cleaned up $15,000 or more on his land and personal proper ty, that is he could realize that much if he wished to dispose of his holdings. We are pleased to note the prosperity of former Hamilton coun ty farmers in Sherman county.— Aurora Sun. Say Mr. Man and Ladies: It it ever quits raining, and you need anything in our line, call and see us. We have a nice line of Dress Goods of All Kinds ^ ou will want a new dress before the Fourth, and the man will have to have a nice light shirt, straw hat, some fancy sox and a new necktie. Vve’ve got ’em and don’t you forget it. And, say! don’t forget the Light Underwear, all kinds and colors, with sleeves and without; and be sure and ask to see the new 3. V. D.Athletic Style, made of Nainsook Muslin. Come and see us anyway. Our prices are right and our goods can not be beat. See the Ladies' Vests, 5 cents each. They are not much good, but are worth a nickle. CONHISER’s Come in and Look Over Our Line of CARPETS Rugs, Art Squares, Lin eoliums, Lace Cur taius and Portieres. Don’t Fail to Get Our Prices on FURNITURE Christensen & Ferdinandt Furniture Company. Christensen & Ferdinandt, Undertakers and Embalmers WILL Protect Your Stock Because it’s the ideal roofing for all kinds of farm buildings and out-houses, etc., as it keeps them warm in winter, cool in summer,.dry in wet weather, and will not pollute any water with which it may come in contact, leaving it avail able for all domestic uses. You can lay it yourself, and at a cost suipria inglylow. Send for our book, and free sampl^ — ' ” ~ ~ ' •* J 1’. LEININGER LUMBER COMPANY. * Minn r~- * -on iiiiUmm^i—I— IBSBLCEEBlL *$J. I. DEPEWigs* Blacksmith Wagon Maker L My Bboo is the largest and best equipped nortb of tbe Platte Kiver H I have a four horse engine and a complete line of the latest improved, ma H chtuery, also a force of experienced men who know how to operate It and g turnout a Job with neatness and dispatch. MY PRICES ARE RKASONABLE AND PROMPT f ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS ffimminui uiijjaaaaigagaiBsagiiHniiBBnKit'iG^ We are selling many gallons of and those who use it are report the CHICKENS AND HENS FREE FROM VERMIN Better try it. It is also a great wood preserver. It greatly preserves the life of the post, if applied to the post just at or below the ground. Sold in bulk, 11.00 per gallon. We have just unloaded a ear of good WHITE CEDAR POSTS, whieh we are offering at lie each in lots of 100 or more KEYSTONE LUJVIBEP CO. Loup City, Ashton, Rockville, Schaupps, and Arcadia, A'eb. E. Gr. Taylor, J. S. Pedler, C. C. Carlson. President. Vice President. • Cashier DIRECTORS W: R. Mellor, J. W. Long, S. N. Sweetland till STATE MI LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. Capital Stock, - - $85,000.00 Individual Liability, $250,000. OO