The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 04, 1908, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
Long Filibuster by Foraker and Others
Unsuccessful in Defeat of the
. Washington.—.1 ust ten minutes, of
ficially. before the hands of the big
round the chanibers of the
two houses of congress pointed to the
hour cf midnight Saturday, the first
session of the Sixtieth congress came
to a close. In the house the closing
hours were characterized by singing
of songs by republicans in honor of
Speaker Cannon and by democrats in
the interest of William .1. Bryan. The
excitement, which was great at times,
finally subsided and the session closed
with good fellowship among the mem
As soon as it was announced in the
house that the senate had passed the
currency bill the conference report on
the omnibus building bill was present
ed by Mr. Bartholdt and it was at once
The senate was extremely quiet dur
ing the closing hours, held together
only by the necessity of remaining in
session for the engrossing and signing
of bills.
The last days of the senate will he
memorable on account of the filibuster
of Messrs. La Fcllette. Stone and Gore
against the emergency currency bill,
the remarkable interpretations of the
rules which go far to establish cloture
in a body noteworthy for the freedom
of debate and by the final passage of
the currency bill. President Roosevelt
and several of his cabinet were at the
capitol during the evening.
The passage of the government em
ployes' liability bill and the adoption
of the conference reports on the pub
lic buildings and the deficiency ap
propriation bifls immediately following
final action on the Aldrich-Vreeland
compromise on the currency measure
in the senate disposed of most
of the remaining important legislation
before that body.
President Roosevelt arrived at the
capitol at 9 o'clock. He ^vent immedi
ately to the president's room on the
senate side, where he remained in
readiness to sign the bills as passed.
Shortly before Hi o’clock he signed the
compromise currency bill and present
ed the pen he used in affixing his
signature to Representative Wilson of
Previous to his signature of the cur
rency bill the president had handed it
to Secretary Coitelvou. who carefully
read its provisions. Two other mem
bers of the cabinet were present—
Secretaries Root and Garfield. The
president in conversing with several
members told tht-m that he was very'
well satisfied with the accomplish
ments of the congressional session.
An hour after his arrival at the j
capitol the president had signed all the i
bills placed before him. including the
public building, the general deficiency
and the government employes' liability
Holds Meeting for Organization and
Roughly Outlining Its Work.
Washington—The currency commis
sion appointed by Vice President Fair
banks and Speaker Cannon under the
terms of the Aldricb-Vreeland bill, held
it; first meeting Sunday, and while the
meeting was only lory the purpose of
organization, there was a genera] dis
cussion of jdans. and it can be stated
that if the'outline submitted by Sen
ator Aldrich is perfected by the work
of the commission the country will be
given the benefit of such a thorough
investigation and complete an exposi
tion of currency and banking as it has
never before received.
Senator Brown Votes No.
Washington—Senator Brown of Ne
braska voted against the conference
report on the currency bill, which was
adopted by 45 to 24. the republicans
voting against it being Brown of Ne
braska. Bourne of Oregon. Borah and
Heyburn of Idaho and La F'ollette of
Wisconsin. In his vote against the
conference report Senator Brown
sought to express no sentiment except
his own in opposition to the measure.
He does net believe legislation was
necessary in the first place, and sec
ondly he did not like certafn provi
sions of the measure.
Tariff Sure to Be Revised.
Chicago—Senator William B. Alli
son. who passed through Chicago en
route to Dubuque. Ta.. said in an inter
view that there was no question about
tariff revision and the ( question of
whether republicans or democrats
would do the revising would likely be
the issue of the coming presidential
campaign. Mr. Allison declared the
new currency bill a goed measure.
Government Departments Close Out ,
of-Respect for Dead.
Washington — President Roosevelt j
and thousands of Washingtonians on ]
Saturday participated in the ebserv
1 ance of Memorial day. All government
department^ and"the principal busi
ness houses were closed and appro
priate services were held in the ceme
teries. President Roosevelt drove to :
Arlington in an open surrey, taking •
with him a number of floral wreaths, i
The Patten Crowd Said to Have Made
Chicago. -The "corner’ in May corn
which has been run by Janies A. Pat- j
ten of this city and his assistants,
came to an end Friday and the "Pat
ten crowd” is generally credited with ;
having made about $2,000,000 on the
deal although it is admitted that al!
estimates are largely guesswork. Mr
Patten personally declared that he ,
did not know how much he had made.
The market Friday was highly
nervous in wheat, corn and oats. May
wheat ranged between $1.06 and Si.11.
and closed at $ 1.1012. Corn sold be
tween 77L>e and and closed a'
S0@80t£c. Oats ranged between
51t»e and 5t>%c and closed at a2%»c.
Excitement ran high in al! parts ot
the grain pits when the weakness
was greatest. Value*- changed with
such bewildering rapidity that trad
ers were puzzled. Shorts were anx
ious to cover, and brokers for the bull
leaders had at times plenty of grain
to sell. It is claimed that tile shorts
have delivered to Mr. Patten and his
friends not far from .">.000.000 bush- i
els of corn and close to 8,800,000 bush- :
els of oats.
The "corner" has been largely in
May corn and Patten's holdings of
this option were accumulated between |
and tiO cents. Subsequent buying,
necessary to support the market a;
critical periods raised the average ,
purchase price about 5 cents a bushel.
The deal begat early in October 1907.
In that month May corn sold tip to
»>■>',4c. The financial troubles which
came about that time tumbled the
price to 53t*c. After the financial
flurry had abated the price of May
corn advanced slowly. During Febru
ary it sold up to (>2k2C and in March
at 08lsc. Since then it has contin
ued to climb and shorts have scoured
the country for corn to deliver on
their May contracts. Immense quan
tities of the grain have been delivered
to Patten but he has paid for it all
and apparently stood ready at ail
times to take more.
Former Democratic Candidate Chosen
Chairman on Resolutions.
New York—Former Judge Alton B.
Parker will be chairman of the com
mittee on resolutions for ihe demo
cratic national convention this year
according tc a statement made at Tam
many hall. It was stated also that Mr.
Parker has been requested 10 write a
platform to be submitted to the con
vention. William J. Bryan is said to
have given his consent to the choice of
Mr. Parker as chairman of the reso
lutions committee.
Burton Agreed on As Man.
Washington—While no formal an
nouncement has yet been made, it may
be stated definitely that Representa
tive Theodore Burton of Ohio will pre
sent the name of Secretary Taft to
the Chicago convention. Representa
tive Burton, since the institution of
Secretary's preliminary campaign, has
been one of his closest fr.ends and ad
visers and is regarded as one of the
best representatives of all that Secre
tary Taft stands for in the United
States. His choice gives much satis
Mr. Wright Doesn't Know.
Memphis. Tenn.—General Luke E.
Wright of this city, whose name has
been suggested for the appointment
of secretary of war to succeed Secre
tary Taft in the event of his resigna
tion from the cabinet, stated to an
Associated Press representative that
he had no information on the subject
whatever and that it was highly im
orobable that his name would be con
sidered for a position of which he ab
solutely knew nothing.
Cotton Operators Indicted.
Washington—Theodore H. Price.
Moses Haas and Frederick A Peck
ham, all of New York, and Edwin S.
Holmes. Jr., former assistant statisti
cian of the department of agriculture,
were indicted by the grand jury of
the District of Columbia, on the charge
of conspiracy growing out of the cot
ton scandal of 1905.
General Lee Passes Away.
New Orleans. La.—A special from
Vicksburg. Miss., says: General Ste
phen D. Lee. commander-in-chief of
the United Confederate Veterans, and
one of the last three surviving lieuten
ant generals of the confederacy, died
here Thursday at the residence of
Captain W. T. Ridbv.
Wyoming Official Murdered by Robber
Whom He Was Trying to Arrest.
Laramie, \\ yo.—Sheriff Alfred Bath
of this city was killed thirty mdes
west of town by a man named Sum
mers from Walden, Colo. Summers is
still at large, having escaped, with
posses pursuing him. Summers had
held up and robbed his employer at
Walden, taking his pisto! and beating
him over the head with it. Bath stushi
to arrest Summers, who shot him
Next Asesmbly in Denver.
Kansas City, Mo.—Technical, legal
and administrative questions occupied
most of the sessions of the general
assembly of the Presbyterian church
In the United States of America Fri
day. The routine of this procedure
was relieved somewhat by the prelim
inary skirmishing of the adherents of
Denver and Seattle for next year’s as
sembly. The excitement was all in
the preliminaries, however, as the as
sembly voted almost unanimously for
Denver on the first ballot and conse
juently the vote was made tvaanimous.
Awhjl LATE.L--^
2) Fofe you ?
It is Thought Best Therefore That No
Steps Be Taken in the Matter
at This Time.
Washington—The special committee
of sis members of the house appoint
ed upon complaint of the American
Newspaper Publishers' association to
investigate the wood pulp and print
paper situation in relation to the tariff
and with regard to an alleged con
spiracy in restraint of trade submitted
a majority and a minority report.
The majority report, whicn is signed
by Representatives Mann of Illinois.
Miller of Kansas. Stafford of Wiscon
sin and Bannou of Ohio, is a prelim
inary report and recommends that no
legislation affecting wood pulp and
print paper be enacted until the com
mittee has further investigated and re
The minority report, which is signed
by Representatives Sims of Tennessee
and Ryan of New York, recommends
the passage of the Stevens bill to place
wood pulp aud print paper on the free
The majority report says:
"As the present price of paper
would not to any considerable degree
be immediately affected by the repeal
of the tariff and as the passage of the
Stevens bill in its present form might
spell ruin to the paper industry and
t uinously high prices for paper in the
near future, your committee thought
it the part of wisdom before making
recommendations for positive legisla
tion to await until its investigation
has been concluded and Thoroughly
i ne report says tne tanuiaucn oi
returned schedules of newspapers by
the census office covers but few of the
metropolitan dailies, which are the
heavy consumers, and that it seems
probable that publishers paying high
prices most readily responded to the
inquiries of the committee.
In the course of this preliminary re
port there are discussed the increased
cost of wcod pulp, cost of gr Jiind pulp,
hours of labor in mills, “some increase
in the price of paper justified." Cana
dian competition, exportation from
Canada, removal of the tariff and the
Stevens bill.
As to the charge of the existence of
a combination in restraint of trade the
report says:
‘‘The evidence before the committee
so far fails to prove any combination
of print paper manufacturers to ad
vance prices or otherwise in restraint
of trade, but considerable evidence
was presented which might excite sus
picion that such a combination had
been made and was in existence.”
Reorganization of Militia.
Washington—The president signed
the bill providing for the reorganiza
tion of the militia of the United States
and its arming and equipment at a
cost not to exceed $2,000,000. Assist
ant Secretary Oliver of the war de
partment, who has been specially
charged with the execution of the pro
visions of the new law. said that one
of the first steps to be taken will be
the appointment of a board composed
of five representative officers of ihe
organized militia to consult with the
secretary of war.
Threat in Letter of Blood.
Chicago—Father Peter J. O'Caila
ghan, head of the Paulist order in Chi
cago, and Attorney Francis E. Hinck
ley have been informed through an
anonymous letter, written in blood and
wrapped in crepe, that they have been
marked for death by mysterious ene
mies, and St. Mary’s church, at Wa
bash avenue and Hubbart Court, has
been doomed to be blown up by dyna
Acting Commissions for Captains
Wainwright and Schroeder.
Washington — President Roosevelt
signed and the navy department for
warded to Captains Richard Wain
wright. commanding the second divi
sion. and Seaton Schroeder. command
ing the fourth division, respectively
of the Atlantic fleet, commissions as
acting rear admirals. This will give
tnem rank in consonance wi h their
present duty.
Conferees Get Together After Discus
sion and the Bill is Hurried Over
to the Senate.
Washington—An emergency law is
assured. The currency question held
its place Wednesday as practically
the only subject of consideration at
both ends of the capita! and when both
houses adjourned the compromise was
drafted by the republican conferees'
had received the sanction of the house
and had been presented to the senate,
where it was announced it would be
taken up for consideration Thursday
and where it will also be passed when
the vote is reached.
The day began with a continuation
of the conference between the republi
can representatives of the two houses.
This resulted in a complete agreement
which, later presented as a matter of
form to the democratic conferees, was
shortly after 2 p. m presented to the
house. There it was taken up at three j
o'clock, discussed for one hour and .
passed by a vote of Ififi to 140.
The house had no sooner recorded
its verdict in favor of the bill than
it was hurried over to the senate,
shortly before 5 o'clock with the an
nouncement of the approval of the
house. The conference teport was
read and after the reading had been
concluded Mr. Aldrich announced that
Thursday .after routine business, he
would move to take *n the report and
continue its consideration until it was j
disposed of.
What the Bill Provides.
The republican conferees decided 1
upon the following provisions to be !
carried in the compromise bill, retain
ing the basic principles of the Vree
!and and adding Thereto from the Al
drich bill:
The reserve required to be re
strained in central reserve and reserve
cities is 10 per cent straight.
A reduction fund of 10 per cent, in
stead of 5 per cent required by the
present law, is stipulated, and all of
it shal. be held in Washington.
The urgency currency issuable shall
not exceed in the aggregate $500,
Such currency shall be subject to a
retirement tax of 0 per cent for the
first two months and an additional 1
per cent per month thereafter until 10
per cent is reached.
State, county and hunicipal bonds
shall be acceptable as security for
emergency currency at 90 per cent or
their market value. Other bonds and
commercial paper shall be similarly
acceptable at 75 per cent cf their mar
ket value.
No bank shall he allowed to take
out emergency circulation in an
amount excessive of 30 per cent of its
capital and surplus when the security
offered is commercial paper. No emer
gency currency may be taken out un
der any circumstances unless the ob
ligant bank has already taken out, ac
cording to the present law. an amount
of currency equal to 40 per cent of its
capital stock and surplus.
As to Cleveland's Ailment.
New York—George F. Parker, sec
retary of the Equitable Liie Assurance
society trustees, gave out a statement
in which he said he was authorized
by Mrs. Grover Cleveland to deny ab
solutely the truth of reports that Mr.
Cleveland is suffering from cancer.
Tornadoes in Oklahoma.
Wichita. Kan.—Ten dead, twelve in
jured, several fatally, hundreds of head
of cattle killed, a vast acreage of crops
destroyed and ruin and desolation are
the results of a series of tornadoes
that visited Alfalfa county. Oklahoma.
Near High Mark for May Corn.
Chicago.—May corn Wednesday in
the late hours cf trading reached a
new high mark for the season. It
touched 81c and closed at 80c. which
was ltic above the close of Tuesday, j
Despite the strong advance there was •
no great amount of trading at any
figure throughout the day. The small
est otfer seemed capable of sending up
the price of May com by at least %c.
The price jumped from 7914c to 80c on
an off“r to buy 5.000 bushels. The '
market generally was not strong aside i
from the May option.
Notable Happenings Prepared for the
Perusal of the Busy Man—Sum
mary cf the Latest Home and For
eign Notes.
The. Democratic senators decided
not to filibuster against the Aldrieh
Vreeland currency bill.
The house passed many minor hills
and practically finished all its work
for the session.
The house committee on the paper
trust made a majority report recom
mending that the tariff be left; un
changed pending further investigation
and a minority report favoring- the
passage of the Stevens bill. -
The house by a vote of 166 to 140
passed the Aldricb-Vreeland composite
emergency currency bill. It was sent
to the senate where its passage was
assured. The house also passed a
large number of other bills, including
one revising the tariff laws of *be
Philippine islands.
Senate and house conferees tenta
tively agreed on a compromise cur
rency bill.
The house adopted the conference
report on the military academy hill
and passed a number of less important I
The house agreed to the conference
reports on the sundry civil and pen
sion appropriation bills and passed a
large number of minor measures.
The senate adopted the conference
report on the sundry civil bill.
J. Thornburn Ross, a banker of Port
land. Ore., was' sentenced td five years
in prison and fined $576,094 for wrong
ful conversion of school funds.
G. W. MacMuUen & Co., stock brok
ers of Pittsburg. Pa., failed with lia
bilities of $1,800,000.
W. S. Stone of Cleveland was elected
grand chief engineer of the Interna
tional Brotherhood of Locomotive En
Gen. Stephen D. Lee. commander-in
chief of the Confederate Veterans, was
reported critically ill at Vicksburg,
J. W. Hamby, formerly a prominent
real estate man of Cleveland, O., tvas
sentenced to three years in the peni
tentiary for frauds.
Carrie Nation was fined $25 in
Pittsburg. Pa., for scoldin'g men in
public and W. C. T. tT. members paid
the fine.
Janies uaaer. anas n. e. -\eai, ac
cused of robbing over 30 post offices
in a dozen states, and of the murder
of Edward V. Hutchinson, operator at
the Clarington, W. Va., station of the
Baltimore & Ohio railroad, was placed
on trial at Philippi, W. Va.'
Evelyn Nesbit Thaw, 'through her
counsel, withdrew the suit she insti
tuted some time ago for the annul
ment of her marriage- to Harry K.
Thomas P. Moffatt. American consul
at the plague-striclren port of La
Guaira, Venezuela, arrived at Guanta
namo, Cuba.
Forest Park, a new summer amuse
ment place at Chicago, was badly
wrecked by a storm. - Tornadoes, elec
trical storms and heavy rains did
great damage in Central Illinois, Okla
homa, Kansas and Missouri.
The jury in the Snell will case at
Clinton. 111., decided that the million
aire was of unsound mind and his will
The Presbyterian general assembly
put the government of the church in
the hands of an executive commission,
breaking the "ring" headed by Dr. W
H. Roberts of New York.
William Patterson of Ligonier, Ind..
attempted to kidnap Mrs, A. Sargent
in an automobile and was shot to
death by his brother in-law, Ernest
Fire in the Kiang-Li coal mines, in
China, cost the lives of about 1,000
West Virginia and Arizona Demo
crats instructed their delegates for
The body of George Clinton, first
governor of New York, was taken to
Kingston, N. Y\, for final burial
The inhabitants of Samos, a Greek
Island off the west coast of -Asia
Minor, afe in revolt against the prince
of Samos and the governor of the
island. ,. . -•
.1. O. Davidson, cashier of the.Wood-'
ville (Miss.) bank,' committed suicide
by drinking carbolic"acid.
Trolley car collisions resulted in the
death of three persons an<f the injur
ing of 48 in .Philadelphia and the death
of one and injury, of 20 in Sail Fran- '
cisco. " •
Fred Tracy, member of -the Okla
homa constitutional convention, editor
of the Beaver Herald, member of the |
Democratic state committee and one
of the best-known politicians in the
state, was indicted . by the federal '
grand jury for robbing the post office
at Beaver City.
Ernst Terwijger of Newark. O.,
strangled his young wife to death
while in a drunken rage and was
threatened with lynching.
Brig. Gen. Mackenzie, chief of en- ,
gineers. the oldest officer on the ac
tive list and the one of longest serv- j
ice, was retired on account of age.
The civic dam on Current river, at
Port Arthur, Ont., broke, causing a
loss of three lives and a property loss
of $500,000.
The battleship Michigan was
launched at Camden, X. J„ Gov.
Warner of Michigan being among the
guests and .Miss Carol Newberry,
daughter of the assistant secretary of
the navy, being the sponsor.
Justice Lambert in New York de
cided that the ballot boxes used in
the McClelian-Hearst mayoralty elec
tion should he opened.
George and Claude Blessing, sons of
George Blessing, who lived a mile
south of New Hampton. Mo., were
killed by lightning.
Rev. S. H. Glasgow, for many years
. pastor of the Woodson (111. 1 Presby
terian church, was drowned after res
cuing his little son.
Ten dead, 12 injured, several fatally,
hundreds of head of cattle killed, a
vast acreage of crops destroyed, ruin
and desolation are the results of a
series of tornadoes thaj visited Alfal
fa county. Oklahoma. Severe storms
also visited towns in Nebraska.
Four men were killed iu a mine ex
.plosion at Salinesville. O.
. W. -R. Hearst gained 2T votes in the
recount of the first two ballot boxes
opened in New York.
After drifting helplessslv in the lit
tle launch Zeus of Avalon. Santa Cata
lina island, for two days, E. E. Easton,
his wife, two children and a colored
nurse were rescued on the high seas
hv the Fnited States converted cruiser
Buffalo. Capt. A. Crist of the launch
is lost and C. E. Hooline. a seaman
on the cruiser, was drowned.
The battleship fleet anchored for a
day in Tacoma harbor and then four
of the vessels sailed for San Francisco.
At Hampton Roads the monitor
Florida was made the target of the
heaviest projectile, fired at its turret
plate with the highest of explosives,
from .the largest naval gun and at close
range. The turret stood the severe
test excellently, as did the new mili
tary mast.
aenor Don Augusto B. Leguia has
been elected to succeed Dr. Pardo as
president of Peru.
T'brmer Chief of Police John M. Col
lins and Frank D. Comerford, police
attorney under the Dunne administra
tion in Chicago, were found not guilty
oy a jury of conspiracy to defraud the
city of Chicago by diverting the serv
ices of the police to political work.
The coroner's jury found that Sirs.
Carrie Shaw of Hortonville. Wis.,
whose body was found in a mill pond,
committed suicide.
Six leading officials of as many
boiler-making plants and structural
iron works in Boston were arrested
by police inspectors, charged with
conspiracy to defraud the city.
The Boston fishing schooner Fame
was run down and sunk by Dominion
liner Boston and 17 of her crew were
Two men bound and gagged Mrs.
Frank Bianchard in her home near
Benton. 111., and set fire to the house.
The husband arrived just in time to
save her life.
Election of eight bishops was com
pleted by the Methodist conference
at Baltimore.
Enraged farmers near Belleville, 111.,
nearly lynched a negro who had
"robbed a saloon.
Sadie Butler shot and killed \V. H.
Simpson, a locomotive engineer with
whom she was infatuated, at Roanoke,
Va., and then committed suicide.
After a separation of 30 years, J. L.
Carr of California and Miss Belle Og
den of Clarksburg, W. Va„ who had
been childhood sweethearts, were mar
ried in Cincinnati, O.
It has been decided not to withdraw
any -of the United States troops from
Cuba at; the present time.
Pope Pius, has decorated A. B. Mc
Donnell., a banker of Chippewa Falls,
Wis., with the order of St. Gregory
the Great.
Street: car men of Cleveland, O.,
voted to continue the strike.
Fourteen persons dead, others miss
ing: property valued at millions of dol
lars swept away. thousands homeless
and being cared for by charitable as
sociations, train.and wire service de
moralized, were the results cf the
flood in northern and central Texas.
In Oklahoma much the same condi
tions existed.
Fines amounting to $1,000,000 as
sessed against post office clerks for
breaches of discipline, have been de
clared Illegal and will be remitted.
Two steamers went ashore and two
others collided .in' a dense fog in the
vicinity of New York. -
The general conference of the Meth
odist Episcopal church put itself on
record as indorsing unqualifiedly, the
work of the Anti-Saloon league and
also favoring local option.
Three bold bandits tried to rob
Three bank messengers of $43,000 on
a crowded street and in broad day
light in New. Yopk, hut were foiled by
The messengers, .who were helped by
a plucky restaurant waitress.
- Mrs. Ellen French Vanderbilt was
granted a decree of divorce from Al
fred Gwynne Vanderbilt and awarded
the custody of their only child.
Justice Morschauser 'of "the New
York supreme »court decided that
Hpirry K. Thaw was still insane and
•must remain in the asylum, and that
his commitment was not illegal.
The United States circuit court of
appeals in Minnesota affirmed the
United States circuit court conviction
and the fines imposed on the Omaha
railroad and its general freight agent,
H. H. Pearce in the grain rebate cases
levied last year in Minneapolis.
Rev. Father Joseph F. Lubeley, aged
33 years, pastor of St. Joseph’s Cath
olic church of Salisbury, Mo., was
stabbed twice with a pocket knife and
perhaps fatally injured in church by
Joseph Scliuette, a prosperous farmer
and a member of the church, who is
believed to have become suddenly de
What is Going on Here and There
That is of Interest to the Read
ers Throughout Nebraska.
Considerable damage was done at
Prague by high wind.
Three pioneers of Saunders county
passed away in the same week
Cuming county has a corn growers'
association with about one hundred
Ditch diggers at Beaver City struck
for increased wages. The demand was
not granted.
Lincoln county thus far this >ear
has had sufficient rain and the crop
outlook is good.
In Saunders county some farmers
are replanting corn fields, owing to
damage by cut worms.
In the district court of York county
Robert Beckford of Waco was fined
$400 for selling liquor.
Nebraska City authorities are going
to clean the city of all people without
visible means of support.
The Riverside ranch, three tubes
from Ashland, changed hand- for a
consideration of $150,000.
McCook will do much building this
year. Chief in the construction will
be a $40,000 Masonic temple.
Graduation exercises of the York
high school will be held this week.
There will be a class of thirty-one
The insane asylum is so crowded
that henceforth for the present diso
maniac cases will not be received.
Valentine recently had what is
known as "hog day.” when $3,000
worth of porkers were purchased by
local buyers.
The Woman's club of Ashland has
become interested in cleaning up that
city and proposes to see that the work
is thoroughly done.
Trainmaster John Lepia of the
Northwestern road has been promoted
to assistant superintendent of the
Rlack Hills division, with headquarters
at Chadron.
n Mrpuuuvdu uau«|uri twiu
tion meeting will be held in Beatrice
on the night of June 26. It is planned
lo make this the opening of the cam
paign of southeastern Nebraska.
No foreigners in Nebraska are to be
deported. S. A. Eppler. federal immi
gration agent, has made a tour of all
the public institutions and has found
no foreigner subject to the deportation
law Of the 1.853 insane persons in
the state 712 are foreign born Of the
latter number 436 have not been nat
Gustave Suverkruffe. a farmer liv
ing southwest of Fort Caihoun, with
his brother, hired man and a neigh
bor. excavated and Indian grave.whifh
was located in a cornfield near his
house that has been under cultivation
for many years. In the grave was
found the skeleton, complete, except
the fingers and toes. It was in sitting
The Beatrice police officials inves
tigated the arrival of a consignment
of twenty barrels .of beer which was
received by the Burlington. The in
vestigation was made upon informa
tion given by the civic league. The
barrels were found to contain hop ale
beer containing 1.88 per cent alcohol,
and were ordered by the proprietor of
a local soft drink parlor. The beer
will not be allowed to be sold in
A Washington dispatch says that
Senator Burkett and Congressman
Boyd have secured a re-examination
for Robert E. B. Rice of Central City
as a naval cadet. Mr. Rice had pass
ed a splendid mental examination, but
failed on a defect in his eyes, and
asked that he be allowed a re-exami
nation. Congressman Boyd and Sena
tor Burkett took the matter up per
sonally with the secretary of the navy
and secured a re-examination.
Word has been received at Wayne
that a tornado struck the farm of Tal
ley Hall, about ten miles north, caus
ing considerable damage. The large
barn and cattle shed, 80x100 feet, was
entirely demolished and carried away
in section of about fifty feet square
to a distance of about fouj rods and
there reduced to splinters. Part of
the roof of the large farm house was
torn off and carried to the northwest
gable of the building, where it crushed
that part of the house.
One of the worst hail storms seen
near Bancroft in recent years visited
that section last week, continuing
more than half an hour. The stones
were as large as goose eggs. Hun
dreds of windows were broken, dam
age was done to roofs and telephone
: wires are down in all directions, cut
ting off communication with the sur
rounding country. The roof of D. T.
Teich's hardware store was broken in
and the rain which accompanied the
hail did considerable damage to the
John Morer, ot Ashland, put out of
saloon business by recent vote of the
people who declared for a “dry” town,
has received word of an oil strike on
his farm in Ohio. He will go hence
to look after his lubricating and illum
inating interests.
The school of education of Nebras
ka Wesleyan university will grant over
100 diploma and teachers' certificates
at the commencement exercises this
year. Of this large list twenty will
| be university certificates, twenty-five
[ advanced normal diplomas, twenty-four
! first grade and forty second grade cer