BEING THE CHRONICLES OF A FAMOUS PREFECT OF POLICE DURING THE REGIME OF THE SECOND EMPIRE, IN THE. REIGN OF NAPOLEON III, NOW PUBLISHED FOR THE FIRST TIME. THE DUKE OF LAMB AY’S DIAMONDS. fRon Hi h* sky’on- the north end. and prevented the" town's' further extension unle>^ the good citizens take a notion to tun nel. ‘ • An ice man was asked for the direc tion to Huck Finn's cottage. "Never heard of .him," said the na tive. ,"He. sure don't live in these ? - -... - Th'e'stranger went west a block- anj accosted a boy with a fishing rod on his shoulder. "He don’t run with our crowd.” he said, ".Maybe.-he lives down by the bridge.1’- , *• - ’ , "I'm not looking for Huck F^nn him self,” said the visitor. "He's dead, btit "Then you might try the grave yard." replied the boy. "It's up yon der—the stones is marked, I reckon." Presently a citizen came along who could furnish the information. Huck' home was only two blocks from where the ice man said "he didn't live in those parts." In the basement door stood a black “aunty," with her hands resting on-her -hips. She wore .a ;tri colored handkerchief on her head. “1 knows." she said; "you's one o' dent relicky hunters." "I'm engaged in. gathering some ma terial in reference to Mark Twain," House Where Huckleberry Finn Once Lived. said the easterner, pleasantly, “and as this is—" “Well, you' needn't so no furder." said the big aunty hospitably. "He's right heah. " "Who's her??" "Mark Twain." "In this house?” "To-be sho!.v “What's he doing here?" asked the surprised visitor. "Ah-doun' know, but yo' kin cum in an' see..'.' • She led the way to another under ground apartment, and, with pride, pointed to something qn a pallet. The' stranger's eyes, gradually becoming accustomed to the semi-light, distin guished an infant pickantriny busily endeavoring to swallow its glossy arm. As the two came and stood by the bed it suspended pperations and thought fully regarded them out of two big white eyes. "Quite a baby." said the guest. "How'd you come to call it Marl: Twain?” ... "Da tole me lf Ah did that,' Mist-ill Sant Clemons, wot used to Mb' heali. would sen' 'im sumthin' nice," i* * "Did he?" • » ■ "Ah reckon Mistah Clemens. thot;hit was nice," she said, doubtfully: '/he sent im a raazer an' a lookin' glass. "Mr.-Clemens was grateful?" "Mebbe so. And he writted to hiy ole man sayin' if the raazer did .what he expected he'd Ire pleased to sen' a tombstone fer th' baby.” Will Breed Alliflatprs. One thousand alligators-, ranging. • from the length of a lead perns! to monsters that could crush a man in their jaws have arrived from the southwestern part of Louisiana and were landed loose in a new gator farm in East Los Angeles. They were ■brought in a specially arranged freight car over the Southern Pacific.—Los .Angeles Times. , . Cheap Gas Production. Prof. Blau