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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1908)
A. P. CULLEY, President. W. F. MA.80N, Cashier. THIS FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Loup city. Conser vative 1907 and Strong Real Estate and all classes of loans made promptly at lowest rates, with optional payments. Merry Widow Goods AT GONHJSEP’S Belts, Combs, Belt Pins, Shjrt Waist Sets, Hair Barretts, Mer> ry Widow Crown Combs and lots of Beads. Don't forget we always have the best line of such goods in town we also wish to state that on the 6th of June, SATURDAY, we will have a Closing Sale of Ladies Ready-to.Wear Goods. This is to be our last sale this year of this kind. Everything will be cut down 25 and 50 per cent. Remember the date. CONHISER’s THE NORTHWESTERN A Few Market quotations. Com, per bu. . .63 Wheat, per bu.84 (a .?5 Oat*. per bu. .40 Rye, per bu . .60 Butter, per lb.L8 <3 .20 Eggs, per doz. .11 Hens, per lb. .07 Spring chickens, per lb.OS1*,' Jr LOCAL NEWS. Souvenir spoonsat Jeffords'. 66cents to $4.50. Grandma O'Bryan returned to Ord last Saturday. Loans on real estate, call ou John W. Lons. C. C. Cooper had business at Grand Island Tuesday. Phone A. T. Conger, 3 on 62, when in need of a drayman. Miss Stenger of Columbus is here visiting with Miss Esther Musser. I will pav the highest CASH price for live poultry—R. L. Aethub. Dick O'Bryan was up from Grand Island last Friday, interviewing his new nephew. Take your butter and eggs to Con hiser's, where you can get anything you want. A baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Ware, at St. Paul, on Friday, May 15th. John W. Long: is prepared to make all Real Estate Loans ou short notice at lowest rates. Mrs. J. B. Draper and Master Delraar attended the commencement exercises of the high school at Litch field last Saturday. Christensen & Ferdinandt have a big supply of window glass, all sizes, and can fit you out in just what you want. See them. Arthur Brown returned Monday evening from his Illinois visit and re ported for duty at the Times office Tuesday morning. M rs. E. S. Havhurst was called to Toledo, Ohio. Tuesday morning by the very serious illness of her sister, Mrs. Drew. Mrs. Hayhurst’s father, Dr. Willets, accompanied her. I still have some garden seeds in bulk. Call before too late as you get twice the amount of seed in bulk than in packages for the same money. P. O. Reeo. Will Zimmerman, Will Mason. Bert Chase. P. O. Reed, Gus Lorentz and Ashley Conger made up a fishing party last Saturday night on Truel sen's creek, catching a number of fine bass and channel cat and having a jolly time. Having had the largest increase in business in the last month since running under the present manage ment we will continue until further notice to give the same amount of flour in exchange for wheat. We also have shorts, bran, ground rye and chop for sale. Lour Crrr Mill & Light Co. Robt. Jenner, who is now on the water, going from San Francisco to Panama, sends his brother, Harry Jenner, a handsome gold medal to be contested for at the park on opening dav. June 10, by high school athletes from Loup City and surrounding towns. We understand Ravenna. Ord. Arcadia and Sargent have already indicated their intention of contest ing tor the medal, and it behooves our Loup City boys to get a hustle on themselves and not let the medal get away from here. See Jeffords if your eyes trouble you. Mrs. E. A. Brown is on the sick list. 3 on 82, Ashley Conger, the dray man. Get him. Desirable farm and town property for sale by W. G. Odendahl. Mrs. Dinsdale of Palmer is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Johansen. Mrs. Frank Otlewski visited with friends at Farwell from Friday to Monday last. Call and get one of Jeffords' cata logs of music. Cost nothing. Ernest McFadden gave a party last Friday evening to his schoolmates, and a tine time is reported. I will guarantee 25c for butter fat I test and pav cash.—A. E. Chase. Will Draper plastered the Hosier cottage last week and is plastering the Beushausep cottage this week. If jon want to bny or sell Real Estate, call on John W. Long;. Grandma Gibson, who has been quite ill for the past two weeks, is reported mending slowly. An elegant line of new bracelets at Jeffords’—just the thing for gradua tion presents. The morning train over the U. P. goes at 7 o'clock, instead of at 7:10, . as we erroneously stated last week. If you want a good home in Lout City or desirable farm property, set Odendahl, the druggist. Mrs. H. M. Mathew and R. H. Mathew visited Mrs. Mathew’s parent* at Arcadia over last Sunday. Now is the best time to have youi piano tuned. Do not put It off until Lhe instrument is ruined. Leave : your order at Jefford's store. Par and Frank Grow left Tuesdaj morning for a' few weeks' vacation ir I Oklahoma. The expect to return I overland with a number of horses. Do j That Jeffords is making You - low prices on fine Watches Know 1 You should see them tc 1 appreciate them. Mr. T. Hilsabeck arrived here last Thursday on a visit to his wife anc '.rabies, who are visiting at the C. C, Outhouse home. Invitations are out ior the mar riage of Miss Minnie Lofholm of this citv. to Mr. Marsel Youngquest. an energetic young farmer of Logar township, the happy event to occui June 2nd. I am now prepared to do most al kinds of repair work, such as fixing sewing machines, bicycles, guns tinware, umbrellas, grinding knives, scissors, also I a prepared to put up eave through® and sheet steel roofing on houses Your patronage solicited Resp yours, P. O. Rkkd. The Gibbon Reporter tens oi a ' partv held in that town a few days since, given to a number of elderly ! ladies, whose ages represented 85S years, the eldest being 80 and the vnungest 05. and a fine time was had We notice the name of Mrs. J. A Converse, formerly of rhis city among the guests, while Mrs. Selma Walkei helped entertain. In spite of the threatening weathei the Presbvterian church was well tilled last. Sunday evening to heai Rev. McEwen deliver a most masterly address to the graduates of ’08 of oui high school. The decorations by the class were very fine and the bank oi potted plants and flowers on the pulpit platform were meet beautiful. The special music consisted of a solo by Miss Lizzie Leininger, which was most pleasingly rendered. * GROCERY BARGAINS' Three Cans Good Alaska Salmon .25 Two Cans Alaska Red Salmon - .25 Six Cans of Corn for..50! Five pounds Broken Rice - - - .25 Six Cans Fancy Tomatoes for - .75 i Five pounds Dried Peas - - - .25 One pound package Corn Starch .05 Eight Bars Good Laundry Soap - .25 Egg-O-See, 3 for..25 Dr. Price’s Food, 3 for - - - - .25, Maze All, best of all. 3 for - - .25 Pure New York Buckw heat, 6 lbs .25 Oyster Shells that make the liens lay Loup City Mercantile Co. Coming Ribbon Sale Beginning May 30th and lasting until June 6th.—Hattie Froehlicli. Notice. Having sold our hardware and harness business, we would respect fully ask all parties knowing them selves indebted to us to please call and settle at once. The books will be found at our former place of busi ness. Yours truly. Dbapeb Bros. TELEGRAPHY—Learn at Boyles 1 College. Omaha. Neb. Official Train ing School C. P. R. R. Dispatcher's wire: Station Blanks: I’ositions al> solutely guaranteed. May work for board. Booklet “D" free. Farms for Sale : in Nebraska and Virginia. For full I information see or write A. O. Zim | merman. Hallboro, Virginia, or A. L. Zimmerman, Loup City. Neb. Dr. Allen attended the state dental ; society sessions at Omaha last week. ' A baby girl was born last Thurs day to Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher. Cash Conger and family from St. | Libory were here visiting relatives and friends the past few days. Miss Lula Lee returned Monday evening from her extended visit to Wisconsin and other places in the east. At Wiggle Creek. Sunday, May 31, at 3 a. m. a memorial sermon will be | preached by the pastor of the M. E. ! church. Mrs. G. W. Hunter attended com mencement exercises at Arcadia on Monday evening and reports a fine program. 1 have a swell line of ribbons. Comes in handy for hair ribbons, sashes, etc. Don't forget the date. 1 Hattie Frokhlich. Owing to Saturday being Decoration Cay. the usual dance of that evening at Jenner’s Park will be held Friday evening instead. T. L. Pilger left Tuesday over the j Union Pacific for Twin Falls, Idaho, to be present at government land [drawing. His ticket gives him 21 days to return. Col. C. A, Clark of the Ravenna Creamery Co. was in Loup City last Thursday looking after his business interests, going from here to Ord on business intent. The Memorial services last Sunday morning at the Methodist church I were of a very interesting character land Rev. Hawk delivered an able | patriotic address. Saturday, May 30th, the new read ing room and gymnasium will be j opened in the old Herschlag building Ice cream, cake and lemonade will be served all day. Everyone invited. At the M. E. church, Sunday morn ing, May 31, subject: ,-The Man who was Always Ready.” Evening sub I ject: “'Seven Great Sinners and Their j Confessioes.” You are cordially in i vlted. The present week is a yery busy one for events. Tuesday and Wednes day evenings occurred the class play, tonight comes commencement exercises at the Presbyterian church,1 tomorrow evening the alumni banquet and a dance at the park and Saturday Decoration Day exercises. Clarke Lamberton was at LoupCitv Monday. Clarke says that it was his tirst trip to that town in two years and that he found a wonderful change in the town in that length of time. ' With many new residences, miles of new sidewalks and other improve ments Clarke thinks it one of the best little towns in this section of the country.—Ord Quiz. G. H. Kinsey and W. F. Greenlee of Arcadia were shaking hands with their many friends here last Thurs day. Mr. Kinsey, we believe, has the cinch on the republican nomination for state senator in his district, and we know of no better or brainier man in that region to be given the afore said honor. And his nomination j means his election, too. we are glad !to say. The meeting of the Presbyterian j Brotherhood last Sunday afternoon ! was especially interesting, the talks i on army life by Messrs. Burleigh and i Robbins in their order elicited much : applause and most favorable com i ment. The boys will continue their interesting talks on the same subject ; next meeting and Mr. C. Truelsen will tell something of his travels in : Mexico. The sessions are growing more interesting at each succeeding meeting and you miss something good | when not there. The editor has received an Imita tion to be present at the graduation j exercises of the high school at Tingley. i Iowa, on May 29th. He would be [ tickled to death to go. as a niece, j Miss Eva Burleigh, has made good in her studies and is this year one of the graduating class. My. oh: my. It seems impossible that the baby of a : few years since is the graduate of \ today, and budded into young woman ; hood. May Miss Eva continue as the i ; vears pass to be a pride and honor to her parents, and the lovable woman : that her girlhood has always promised | I to be, is our earnest wish. R. P. Starr had business at Rock-J vilie Tuesday. I>r. Main is the happy possessor of i i tine rubber-tired buggy. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Grant Rogers Wednesday, May 28th, a son. Mrs. Wm. Graefe returned from i Srand Island Monday evening. Miss Mildred .lenkins of Arcadia is 1 guest of Mrs. H. M. Mathew. Will fallen was down from Wash ington township Monday on business. Miss Rose Snyder from south Sher man county is visiting friends in this ■ity. Just received another shipment of the heavy anti-rust tinware at P. (»., Reed's. I>r. AJlen returned Monday even ing from the state dental meeting at Omaha. F. C. Herschlag is here from Stan ton this week settling up unfinished business. Dr. Longacre attended the sessions of the state medical society at Lin toln last week. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Lay of Rock ville attended the class pfay here Tuesday evening. The Sherman county Sunday school convention will be held at Litchfield next Sunday. May 31. The German Yerein held their annual nicnic at Jenner's Park last Friday evening, and a jolly time is reported. Will French and Skip Thrasher are this week tilling- in about half a mile of the big irrigation ditch at the farm of Mike Chilewski. We understand Henry Dolling yes terday sold his tine farm in the south edge of town to Win Petersen, the consideration being $5,200. Mrs. OrrelJ, mother of Mrs. Frank Foster, left last Friday morning for her home at Payette, Idaho, after a protracted visit with her daughter. The Knights of King Arthur of tin Presbyterian church, with Raymond Kearns, their leader, picnicked on the river last Friday evening. Regular preaching services will be held at the Presbyterian church next Sunday at 10:30 a. m. and * o’clock p. m. All are cordially invited to attend. Christ. Hansen of Rockville town ship gave us a pleasant call last Thursday. He had just finished all his planting and was waiting for nature to do its part. The I. T. class of the Presbyterian church, composed of about twenty five young men and women, enjoyed a picnic on Cobb Creek last Friday evening. My. what a time! Col. Culley came home from Omaha Monday. He says the Northwestern got its tornadoes mixed: that It was ttie one at Council Bluffs he predicted. All right: we accept the Colonel"' apology. Grover Walton came over from Loup City Sunday evening to visit for a few hours with Ord friends and relatives. Grover now has a jewelry and repair shop in that city and is enjoying a good business. The school board has elected Mrs. McCrav of University Place, sister of F. M. Henry and a former resident of this city, to teach the eighth grad ■ of our city schools this-coming year, and a Miss Hagrart of St. Paul a= assistant principal. . Raymond Kearns closed his school last Friday, with a splendid record for his first, term as pedagogue. Ray will make good wherever you put him A picnic was held in Musser’s, grove in the afternoon, in w hich the patrons of the school joined. Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Larsen and family leave next Wednesday morn ing for Hampton, to witness the marriage of Mr. Larsen’s sister, who visited ltere some tirrFe since, artcr which they will visit at Aurora and other points for a few days. F. A. Pinckney, another one of the Northwestern's staunch" friends, gave us the glad hand last Fridav while in town on business. "Clad hand” t the printer mean.' the placing in the palm of his right hand a goodly piece of silver. It is a most pleasant sen sation. Ever trv it. H. P. Ferdinandt. of the Christen sen & Ferdinandt Furniture Com pany. accompanied by his family, left this morning for a visit with relatives and friends at Elsmore. Minn. Mr. Ferdinandt says it depends on how well they are treated how long thev will continue their visit. We received a pleasant call last Friday from Ed. Manchester and John Shultz, two of the energetic fanners of Oak Creek, who were down after the school money for that district. The gentlemen say they are not in need of rain in their section and the outlook is promising for a good season. The rain last Sunday and Monday morning registered 58-100th of an inch. It was good so far as it went, but this country needs several good soaking rains before any great good may obtain. As it is some winter wheat is so badly damaged in this section that the crop will be very light. While this immediate section of the country is being seriously injured by a woeful lack of moisture, many other sections of the country at large are just as badlv afflicted with too much of the good tiling. Texrs and Okla homa. for instance, were flooded in some parts, causing much loss of life and damage of millions of dollars worth of propertv. The telephone company is adding several good lines in various parts of the county. They have finished a line six miles in length from Arcadia east, are now working on an eleven mile extension near Rockville, and when that is done will build several miles extension up on Cole creek Besides these there lias been a line of several miles put in near Litch field and a line to be added in the vicinity of Ashton. Soon evrey por tion of Sherman county will be wired for phones and almost every farm, residence anti business house in the county will be connected with talkers. Word was received here that W. G. Odendahl, who went down to Omaha Monday was injured in an automobile accident in that city on Tuesday, as also was Will Rosseter. a brother of Mrs. Viola Odendahl of this city. Mr. Odendahl and Mr. Rosseter were in an auto, when in turning a corner too short the machine struck the curbing, throwing the gentlemen violently to the pavement. Mr. Oden dahl being badly bruised on one side, but no bones broken, while Mr. Rosseter had one andle badly broken. Mr. Odendahl was in Omaha for the purpose of purchasing an auto, and it j was while trying out a machine that the accident occurred. We under stand if he purchases a machine, Guy Toulouse will go to Omaha in com-' pany with young Will Odendahl, to i drive the auto up to Loup City. i Along R. R. No. I. Mr. Andrew \vTeedin came up from Aurora last week on business and is putting down a new well in the pas ture south of iris house. .Vudy (Iray and family visited at Nickel's and Squires' over Sudday. Andrew and Frank VVeedin were Sunday visitors at Zwink's. The people who are dumping rubbish along the road leading to Loup City from the bridges ought to stop it a it looks bad. t Thomas Parsley sliipped a car o ' bogs last week! It costs something to feed hogs a present price of corn. The nth grad • was out to O. S Fross' and spec the evening witl their classmate. Miss Velva. iast wee I Wednesaay. Ice cream and cake wer in abundance. Mr. Roberts has put up a mail box this week. Miss Mary Domgard is visiting in Blair. Nebr.’. this week. S. S. Reynolds' new house w ill soon be ready for the plasterers. Some friends of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Pinckney were visiting them over Sunday. A fine rain covered the route Sun day and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Parsley were shopping in Ltup City Wednesday. Mrs Parsley arid Miss Pickerel called on Mrs. W. Conger. table's Lesson. Tiie shades of evening were failing and out of a small cottage scampered a small child of seven intent on her errand. She was going to the village store, a walk of but a few minutes, or her mother would not have let her go alone. As she ran out of the gate a sudden thought struck her. why not go the shorter way. It would mean ts go through alleys and drivewavs. but what did she care/ Her mother had told her not to go that wav. but then her mother was always a’little t^x) careful since little Joe got lost. The child made up her mind she would go the short wav and started down the alley. remembering ail the time the words of her mother. It seemed an age till she reached the eni if the alle.v and then when she got to the end of the alley she did not know a house, so retracing her steps she soon came to the houses she knew a?id went a long way back to the right road end then scampered off to the store. When she got home it was almost dark. Her anxious mother stood on the steps awaiting her no less anxious mother stood be side the mother. At last the little girl appeared around the corner ul the road and her mother ran out to inert her and "What made you sc long?" questioned the mother, and the little'1 girl, whose name was Mablc, threw herse : on her mother am. sobbed O' mother. 1 disobeyed you. 1 went the shorter way. and it seemed the longer. 1 got mixed u| and went too far down the alley.' "Well, my child, I hope this will be a lesson for you to always obey us." said the mother. The father w ho ui to this time had been quiet said ■Yes. my child, always mind us an do as near right as you can and a! will go right." Mabie was quiet fo a few minutes and then Surprise* them by saving. "I.guess the had mai made me do it." then she walker with them into the house and ather lit a lamp and sat down am read the paper. The mother. Airs Brown, t irk Mabie up on her lap am read her story after story from tin Bible where people had done wron, and had been forgiven. This one le.-son "To always obey" has lieen * good one -for Mabie and now as : woman when she t-hinks of that she alwa vs smiles and savs. 11 w as a g<»-c lesson for me." Nancy Hakrod. REPORT O' THE CONDITION OF I'M E First National’ Bank OK LOUP CITY CHARTER NO. 7277, INCORPORATED At Loup City in toe State of Nebraska, at thecioseof business May ltth. 1906. RESOURCE Loans and discounts.$124,927 97 overdrafts secured and unsecured 2.90H 04 U. S. bonds to secure circulation. 7.00o 0<» Bonds. securities etc. 337 15 Banking house, furniture, fixtures. iVOtW 09 Due from approved reserve agents.27.336 22 Checks and other cash item-. no K* Notes of other National banks. 540 00 Fractional paper currency nickels and cents .—...... 115 26 Lawful money reserve in bank, viz: — Specie.#10.463 40 Let ai tender notes. 1.000 00— 11.163 40 Redemption fund w th U. S. treasurer. (5 per cent of circulation). 35o 00 Total .#186.454 93 LIABILITIES, Capital stock paid in. #25,»>0n.00 Surplus fund. 4.500 M U udivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid. 4.0*2 55 National Bank notes outstanding. 7,000 00 Due to other National Banks . 2.000 uo Due to State banks and Bankers 1.118 7. Individual depoaits subject to check. W.K73 it Demand certificates of dejiosit. 52.sso 22 Total.$186 454 93 State of Nebraska, ( County of Snerman. i 1. W. F Mason. Cashier of the above naui^d P»ank, do solemnly swear that the alwjve statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief VV. F. Mason, Cashier. CORRECT--ATTEST : A. P. Cn.LKY. Director. M. L. f’rLLKT. Director. C A. Mason, oirectur Subscribed and sworn to l»efore me this 25th day of May 19)6. M. H. M E u». seal.) Notary Public. My com mission expires February 2, 1913. 1 Cure Nerve-Vital Debility. Weak ness. Drains. Rupture. Stricture. Varicocele. Blood Poison. Private Skin and Chronic Diseaees of Men | I do not ask you to come to me first if you believe others can cure you. Should they fail, don't give up It is beuer to come late [than not at all. Re member. that curing diseases after all oth ers have failed has been my specialty for years. If you cannot visit me personally. write symptoms mat iruuuie uii-sw. « vast majority of cases can be cured by my system of home treatment, which is the most successful system ever devised. I make no charge for private counsel and give to each patient a legal contract in writing, backed by abundant capital, to hold for the promise Physicians having stubborn cases to treat are cordially invitedl* AHEM cured of all to consult with Hie." VlflLii WOnib and bladder diseaser. ulcerations, menstrual irouble. etc Confidential. Private home in the suburbs, before and during confinement. Motherly care and best attention guaran teed Good homes found for babies. rpCPI POSITIVELY FREE! ■ IVtCi. jjo charge whatever to any man. woman or child living in LOUP CITY or vicinity, suffering from any CHRONIC DISEASE, a 110.00 X-RAY EXAMINA TION. Come and let me look inside of you absolutely free of charge. Hr Dirk SPECIALIST. GRAND L/r. lx Kin, ISLAND. NEB. Office op posite City Hall, 1)3 W. Second Street. fl I P C* f IT fl y <J131 Itf Uf' My Entire Line of pep’ Wopiep’s & Children’s O-E-S! Men’s Hats, nws DRESS SHIRTS, Men’s Work Shirts Ladies’ fwo-Piece Suits And numerous other lines. These goods are go ing to be sold, and Sold at a Reduction of 25 to 50 Per Cent For Cash, or in Exchange for Produce. Do not ask us to extend your credit on the above lines. We can not do so. C. C. Cooper whv don’t you guy REX ■fj O Roofing has trrr given satisfaction or service like Rex Flintkote Roofing It is the result of 1 1 [FLINT KOI t ROOFING y mi a ui iauui, auu made of the best mat-1 ted wool fibre treated I ed by our own com-1 pounds. It is water-1 proof, firt resisting, I an 1 is not affected by I vapors of acids or alkalies. It costs less| than shingles, and can be laid by any Our book te 3 more about it, and] will be sent free, with samples. [ LeiningerLbr.Co jRex Flintkote Roofing >» Jin^s intheUnitedStates and Canada. LOOK FOR THE BQY'everVWi ■x^J. I. DEPEW^* Blacksmith Wagon Maker My shoo is the largest and best equipped north of the Platte River I bav** a four horse engine and a complete line of the latest improved, ma chtuery, also a force of experienced men who know how to operate it and torn out a Job with neatness and dispatch. MY PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPT g ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS vsss m i nimanmiaaaai FLIES APE eO]VlfpG" Don't ferget that we are headquarters for Window and Door Screens. Not only do they keep the flies out, but it takes a heavy hail storm to break the windows when the screens are in place. Better buy now. What About CARBOLINEUM? See the KEYSTONE LUJVIBEp eo. Loup City, Ashton. Rockville, Schaupps, and Arcadia, Neb. E. G. Taylor, J. S. Pedler, C. C. Carlson. President. Vice President. Cashier -DIRECTORS W: R. Mellor, J. W. Long, S. N. Sweetland OUP CITY STATE BANK LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. Capital Stock, - - $25,000.00 Individual Liability, $250,000.00