The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 30, 1908, Image 6

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Thomas W. Phillips, the millionaire oil oper
ator. whose home is in Newcastle, Pa., is the one
independent producer who never bowed to the
will of the Standard Oil oetupus. His name is
synonymous with the oil industry of the United
States, and always he has been the implacable foe
of this gigantic trust, fighting it in the open, and
always in a quiet, unostentatious and telling man
ner. Obtaining wealth through the flow of golden
oil from the depths of mother earth, he became
widely and popularly known over a vast area of
territory and was forced into politics to the bene
fit of the whole country. After his election to
congress his greatest achievement was aiding
in the passing of the law creating an industrial
commission to which was due the establishment
or rno department or laoor ana commerce, auu
the granting of so drastic powers to the bureau of corporations that it was
enabled to cxjxtse the iniquitous system of rebates which are now being
jirosecuted in the courts.
Phillips chadded later when .Judge Landis took advantage of the rebate
law and soaked the ?-9.000.t)0© fine on the giant octupus. He knew the
Stands d wa r> ivitsg its solar plexus blow, for on this pet scheme it relied
principal!' in forcing the independents to the wall.
Phillips knew no fear; neither did he know defeat. He followed the
Standard Oil to various parts of the country, bought leases and producing
territory before lire trust representatives were fairly on the gound. He
educated the tarn .s. especially in certain parts of Pennsylvania, to the
Standard’s methods of doing business, making it a hardship for the trust to
get a foothold in some of the best producing pools in the state. He built
pipe lines of his own. permitting others to use them, much to the chagrin of
the trust.
When oil was discovered he and his three brothers gave up farming
and went to drilling wells. Twice they were ruined by the trust, but they
won in the end and became wealthy.
George Fred Williams of Dedham, Mass., is
one of the most persistent Bryan workers in the
whole country. He was with Bryan in 1S96 and
led the forlorn hope in Massachusetts, a state
that is naturally hostile to free silver. That he
would fail was what might have been exported,
but Mr. Williams did not take his defeat very
much to heart. As a matter of fact, he knows
defeat and fears it not. and he can take it as
philosophically as the peerless one himself. Three
times he ran for governor of Massachusetts, and
three times he was defeated, but he is still un
Undeterred by his former defeats, Mr. Wil
liams has been trying to g -t the Democratic state
committee to indorse Bryan this year, and he
uvtrll su'-v:*riiru »•» icii as i
that .T *ef presented." It was vo <♦! down by a majority of 24 to 4. The
commitiee objected to what it termed Mr. Williams' die alien, and intimated
that it ihe resolutions were to be presented later by someone who could not
be regarded as a mere delegate of Mr. Williams it might have some chance
of being adopted.
Mr Williams' win ! life has not been a failure, even from a political
point of view, for he was in public life from JSS5* to one term in tip
state legislature and one in congiess. lie was spoken of as the Hryanite
candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination four years ago. hut the
movement neve; amounted to anything.
Mr. Williams is a lawyer, a scholar and a gentleman. After his gradua
tion from Dartmouth he went to Germany and studied at the universities
o! Heidelberg and Hi-: lin. and on his return was admitted to tin liar. He
lias won an enviabb place in his profession and has edited several law works.
He is now ,'>ri years of age.
Theodore H. Price, the veteran speculator in
cotton, may be influenced only by a desire for the
welfare of his child when he resolved to give up
the market for uncouple of years at least, and it.
may he merely a coincidence that his cotton
commitments, amounting to thousands of bales
of the May cotton, will net him a considerable
loss and that he would he glad to liquidate them
in any case. It is commented upon as significant
in the street that Mr. Price is selling his horses
and carriages, an i is disposing of his country
home a* Tuxedo, surrounded by li’.Ou > acres of
land. Then would be no necessity for disposing
ot these at a sacrifice, the gossips say. if he was
merely going to pass two years on the coast of
It' Mr. Price has deserted the market on ae
count of It is he:<vj lo -s. it will bo the first time he has shown himself
so devoid of nerve. When, as head of the firm of Price. McCormick & Co.,
he was carrying on a heavy cotton corner he discovered that lie was being
betrayed by his partners who had lost courage and had quietly stepped from
under, leaving him in the lurch. The firm failed for $1:1,000.000 Price, in
stead of creeping into a corner and blowing his brains out, shook off his
partners, returned to the market and within a year had paid off all the debts
of the and ilia !■■ three millions besides. He has since experienced
several of these ups and downs and has always come up smiling.
Mr Price was engaged to he married when the first financial disaster
came upon him. His fiancee was Miss Harriet Dyer, sister of Mrs. James L.
Taylor. It was currently reported that she had notified hint after the crash
that the engagement was at an end, but no such intention had entered the
young lady's head. She caused an emphatic denial to he issued and when
that failed to stop the gossip she insisted on the marriage taking place at
once. She carried her point and was of considerable assistance to her hus
band when he was struggling to re-establish himself.
It is little wonder then, that he is devoted io hia wife and child, so de
voted that lie would give up the excitement of the market to spend two
years on a God-forsaken roast.
Congressman .lames A. Tavvuey nf .Minnesota,
chairman of the house committee on appropria
tions, is sail] to have a sense or humor about the
size of a box of safety matches. He was regret
ting that he had not stuck to one of the two
trades in which lie had been successful and made
money—tdacksmithing un i the stage—instead of
going into politics, when some of his colleagues
asked him for a spiel. He said:
“I was just trying to think which one of that
fellow Sha—Slink—Shakespeare’s characters that
said—let me see, what was it he said?" and Mr.
Tawney wrinkled his brow fearfully.
"Oh, yes," he resumed, "I remember; it was
in MacLear and—”
"in what?" yelled a listener.
•No, no,” .saiil Mr. Tawnoy. entirely undis
turbed, ”1 don't mean Mac Lear: I was thinking of King Hambetli.”
There was a loud shrieking silence for a moment, and then a member
lifted his countenance out of a leather-covered sofa cushion long enough to
inquire: “Don’t you mean Hamlet, Jim?”
“Certainly,” remarked Mr. Tawney, with considerable asperity, “that’s
whai 1 meant. Anyhow, I remember that whenever 1 recited those famous
■lines from ’Hamlet' 1 fairly brought down the house. I remember them yet.
They go:
“ ‘Laugh and the world laughs with you;
Weep, and you weep alone ’
and so forth.
“I tell you," resumed Mr. Tawnev, “there's a whole lot of philosophy in
that man Shak—”
And then they fell on him. and up to date his knowledge Of Shakespeare
has cost him five dinners.
Happiness is indeed a mental con
dition.: but we are not to forget that
mental slates are very strongly, very
directly and very regularly affected
and produced by outward causes. In
the vast majority of men outward cir
cumstances are the great causes of in
ward feelings, and you can count al
most as certainly upon making a man
Jolly by placing him in happy dreum
stances as upon making a man wet bj
dipping him in water.—The Country
1 'arson.
A Labor-Saving Scheme.
“John,” said the newly married busi
ness man. "Yessir.” responded the of
fice boy. “Call up my wife every 15 min
utes. and mumble lovey-dovev to tsev
wootsey, about seven or eight time
BXdjjn Stbadsy
xi is a lerriuie umig 10 ue a poor
diploma.. Lavish use of American ilol
lars must be made in order to pave
a smooth and easy highway over
j which a representative of the United
States in a European capital may com
| fortably and gracefully travel.
The question has often been asked
as to whether a poor man can repre
sent the United States in a diplomatic
| capacity in Europe, and as often it
has been answered positively in the
negative. The uninformed American
may ask in wonder why this is so.
The salary of an American ambassa
dor, whether stationed in London or
Tokyo, St. Petersburg or Rio de Ja
neiro. is $17,500 per annum. In addi
tion he is allowed something for rent
of an office, for fuel and light, for fur
niture, for postage, stationery, tele
graph service, and for the great vari
ety of small expenses which a large
business creates. His total income
from the government is not more than
$20,000 even in the most favored capi
tal. This is a large sum. It represents
an income that any American except
the very rich would be glad to enjoy.
With $20,000 a man could have his
house, his automobile, his amuse
ments, indeed gratify almost every
But this is true of an individual. An
ambassador of the United States, in
order to maintain the dignity of the
great republic he represents, is in
quite a different situation. He must
have not merely a house for his fam
ily. but an establishment, for the re
ception and entertainment of the offi
cials and statesmen of the country to
which he is accredited and of his am
bassadorial colleagues. He must give
entertainments and dinners comparing
favorably with those offered bv the
representatives of other governments.
He cannot withhold these courtesies.
They constitute his duty to the same,
if not greater, extent than his trans
action of the official business connect
ed with his embassy. The former fa
cilitates the latter, frequently makes
it possible.
Now consider the expense
this policy entails. In the first place,
every ambassador must provide and
furnish his own embassy. Unlike
other great nations, the United States,
save in Tokyo, Peking, Bangkok, Con
stantinople and Morocco, makes no ar
rangements for the housing of its rep
resentatives. Every agent, before or
after his appointment, is compelled to
! proceed to his post, hunt up real es
tate agents, examine houses which are
■ available, and finally select the most
■ imposing within his means. If he
have millions at his disposal he may,
as Ambassador Whitelat.- Reid has
; done, take a palace like Dorchester
House, in London, paying therefor
$40,000 annually, and a country place
i costing $20,000 annually. In Paris his
| embassy will cost anywhere from
j $8,000 to $15,000. In Berlin Ambassa
dor Charlemagne Tower gives $20,000
! annually for the beautiful building he
i occupies. In St. Petersburg he may
have to pay $12,000. In Rome his rent
i bill may mount as high as he pleases,
j but it cannnot fall much below' $S,000.
I The conditions in Vienna are similar
to those in Rome.
So before an ambassador can as
sume his office he must obligate him
self to pay a foreigner not less than
half of and frequently more than his
salary in order to be allowed to occu
py a building for the use of the Ameri
can people. Upon arrival officially at
his post and after he has presented
his credentials to the head of the gov
ernment he must give a reception to
the diplomatic corps. This is to ena
| ble him officially to meet his col
leagues, a very important ceremony,
for frequently he is compelled to con
duct negotiations with them, and they
are always useful in supplying him
with needed information. A conserva
tive estimate of the cost of such a re
ception in a place like London or Paris
or Berlin is $2,500. Then it is his duty
to give a dinner to each of his ambas
sadorial colleagues. In some places he
must so honor the ministers plenipo
tentiary, who are one rare'. lover than
the ambassadors, and who represent
seconu-ciass powers, i ue guests upon
| these occasions must be men and
women of high social and official posi
tion, who are accustomed to the choic
est viands and wines and other costly
There are also his own living ex
penses to be considered—the mainte
nance of his household, the care of
horses and carriages, etc., and in none
of these can he display the quality of
“nearness.” The baker, the tailor,
and the candlstick maker all look upon
a foreign diplomat, especially one rep
resenting the colossally rich United
States, as fair game, and they would
not hesitate to spoil a grand state din
ner should the ambassadorial family
fail to live up properly to their posi
tion. Finally, the ambassador has his
office and his office expenses to meet.
And so it is a terrible thing to be a
poor diplomat. And it is especially
awkward should one take the place of
a man who has been lavish in expendi
ture. When John Hay was ambassa
dor to England. just before and during
the war with Spain, he pent SSO.OOO
annually in caring properly for the in
terests of the United States. Joseph
li. Choate, who succeeded Mr. Hay, is
estimated to have disbursed fully as
much as his predecessor. There is
hardly a limit to Mr. Reid's expendi
tures. The lowest estimate places the
cost of his representation at SloO.OOO,
the highest, probably nearly correct,
at $100,000.
\\ nar poor man. or even man of mod
erate fortune, can follow Mr. Reid? In
evitably there will be comparison be
tween his mode of conducting the em
bassy and that of his predecessor, and
the comparison will he to his disad
vantage. Mr. Tower has astonished
| Berlin by the magnificence of his en
! rertainment. lb- has given grand balls
i and dinners and has made for himself
i as a result a unique place in the life of
I the German empire. He is called
there the '‘First Ambassador." The
i inperor did him the honor, before the
recent controversy as to the accepta
bility of Dr. David Jayne Hill of New
York, to single him out on various oc
: casions and to dine with him at the
I American embassy. The empress, too.
paid like attention to Mrs. Tower. The
four princes made it a point to ap
proach the American ambassador and
his wile and to exchange compliments
with them. The members of the im
i perial court circle fluttered about the
flame the American dollars made.
This menage is quite different from
; that which was maintained by Andrew
I D. White, who occupied an apartment.
Dr. Hill, also, according to report, in
tends to take an apartment. It is true
that Dr. Hill has a small fortune, but
it is not nearly as large as that of the
| Towers, and he cannot maintain an
establishment upon the same scale as
his predecessor.
Twins Live Long Apart.
After a 60-years' absence two old
men of SO, and twin brothers at that
—have not yet had a fraternal greet
ing and more than 2,000 miles of the
continent separates them. This unus
ual occurrence in the record of human
lives is that of Edwin Bennett of War
ten, O., and Albert Bennett of Seat
tle. Wash. The twins were born in
Connecticut and came to Ohio in 1S11.
The excitement of the California gold
fields was then on and Albert went
with the argonauts. Edwin stayed
quietly in the Ohio town on his farm
and Albert has never come back from
over the divide. The two old men,
ftom reports, are hale and hearty and
on good terms despite the more than
half a century that has rolled by while
the twins have never looked upon each
others' faces.
Title of the Scriptures.
The word "Bible" is from the Latin
"Hiblia," which was treated as singu
lar in number, though it represented
the transcription of tiro Greek neuter
plural “hiblia,” meaning "little books."
The Greek word came from "byblus"
or papyrus, the name of the famous
material upon which hooks were then
written. The title was first used for
the Scriptures in the second
Experiments Which Prove the Value of the Treatment—By
O. M. Morris, Horticulturist, and John F.
Nicholson, Entomologist.
An experiment in spraying was
made on a largo scale at the Okla
homa experiment station for the pur
pose of determining the cost of spray
ing, the benefits that may he derived
from the work, and the practicability
i of the work from a financial stand
point. The orchards used in this work
were divided into plats of sufficient
size to give each plat a practical test.
Check, or unsprayed trees were left
in each plat.
The orchards selected had never
been sprayed and had received very
poor care and cultivation hut were in
planned. Rain fell on 12 days be
tween May 19 and June 12. The
land was too wet to work on, nearly
all of this time. Good spraying was
Plat 3 was sprayed the fourth time
on July 23 and 24. And the fifth
on August 8 and 9. The work was
well done.
Paris green and lead arsenate wern
both used on each plat but no advan
I tage was noted in favor of either mate
rial except that the lead arsenate
would remain suspended in solution
for a longer period than would the
Plat number No. of times sprayed.
Per i ent.of fruit Per rent. «»f fruit
free from worms free from dismast*
1 cheek
2 check
3 check
Not sprayed
Not sprayed
Not sprayed
no worse shape than the average farm
orchard. The trees were very thick
in the top and good spraying work
could not be done with less than twice
the effort necessary to bo expended
upon trees of equal size but with pro]>
erly formed tops.
Fiat 1 was to be sprayed as soon
as the blossoms fell from the trees.
This plat was sprayed once only. Flat
2 was sprayed three times. The first
spraying was to be done as soon as
the blossoms fell front the trees. The
Paris green. Paris green was used in
the proportion of 1-3 pound to 50 gal
lons of water and lead arsenate in the
proportion of 2 to 6 pounds per 50
gallons, depending upon the per cent,
of arsenic contained. This would be at
the rate of about 1-3 pound arsenic to
50 gallons of water. Bordeaux mixture,
made by using 3 pounds of copper sul
fate and 4 pounds of lime to 50 gallons
of water, was used in each spraying.
The first two sprayings were done
with a hand pump and a pressure be
Calyx-Cavities Closing—Almost Too Late to Spray.
&c-uui;u sj.u a\ mi; was uuue ; t*
weeks after the first and the third
two weeks after the second. Plat I!
was to be sprayed six times. The first,
second and third sprayings were to
be done on the same dates as on plat
2. The fourth spraying was to be
done four weeks after the third, the
fifth two weeks after the fourth, and
the sixth two weeks after the fifth.
Plat 1 was sprayed April S to 11.
Plats 2 and 3 were sprayed the first
I i ween .to ana so pounas was main
tained on the nozzles. The other
spraying was done with a gasoline en
' sine power pump that maintained a
pressure of 125 pounds on the nozzle.
The above table is based on the
| actual count of the fruit that matured
on the tree and that was hand picked
| in early fall. Over GO per cent, of the
: fruit on the unsprayed trees was free
from worms at the time of gathering
but this does not show the proportion
j The Above Cut Shows All the Fruit from a Sprayed Tree. The Apples in
j the Small Pile Are Wormy and Those in Large Pile Free from Worms.
time on May 15 This spraying was
about two weeks late, owing to the
fact that between April 15 anil May
11 it rained 11 days during which
time 7.4 inches of water fell leaving
the land so wet that the work could
not be done.
The first and second sprayings on
all plats were very unsatisfactory ow
ing to lack of power in the pumps.
For this work a hand pump was used
but sufficient pressure on the nozzles
for good work could be maintained
only with great labor. The wind blew
very hard on the date of the second
spraying and prevented satisfactory
work being done
Plats 2 and 3 were sprayed the third
time on June 12 and 13. This was
about two weeks later than it was
of windfall from the sprayed and un
sprayed trees. If we take the fruit
set July 1 as a basis of the crop borne,
the unsprayed trees lost on an aver
age 60 per cent, of their crop between
July 1 and September 15. The sprayed
trees in plat 2 lost less than 15 per
cent, and the sprayed trees in plat 2
lost less than 10 per cent. About 90
per cent, of the windfall fruit, in each
of the three plats, was wormy. The
train by spraying was not all in the
per cent, of fruit free front worms and
disease, but a large increase in the
amount of fruit carried to maturity.
Windfall fruit is not all due to insects
and diseases. The character and
amount of cultivation given the or
chard has also a very important influ
ence over the amount of windfalls.
By Prof. G. I. Christie, Purdue
During the past two months raenv
heis of the experiment station have
made a study ot the seed corn of the
state and find the vitality of much of
it to be in a serious condition. The
unusual cold, wet season of 1907 did
not allow the corn to mature and dry
out before the time of frosts, in the
early part of October, much of the
corn of the state was still in a very
moist and immature condition, and the
series of hard freezes which came at
that time materially injured the vital
ity. The result of these conditions is
that those corn growers who depended
on late selected seed are now finding
upon close examination many ears ot
questionable vitality. For these rea-_
sons all seed corn should he specially
selected and thoroughly tested. A test
of each individual ear should he made
and all weak or dead ears should be
This test can be made in several
ways. The following is suggested as
a reliable and satisfactory one:
Take a box made of inch lumber
and of any convenient size, say about
two by three feet and three inches :
deep. Through tne ei
nhmit 214 inches from
Through the ends and sides,
>1a inches from the bottom,
galvanized wire, which will divide the
box into squares two inches to the
side. Then fill the box with garden
soil or sand and it is ready for use
The ears should he laid on the floor
or racks in a row so they can bo num
bered. From ear No. 1 remove five
kernels, each from a different part of
the ear, and place these in square No.
1: remove live kernels from ear No. 2
and place in square No. 2. and so on
until all the ears have been tested, i
After placing the kernels, moisten the j
material in the box thoroughly and I
cover with a glass or a rug. to keep j
the surface from drying. Place the |
tester in a room of ordinary living :
room temperature, or about TO de [
grees F Alter five days examine the j
corn and any ears that fail to show i
a strong germination of the kernels j
should he removed and discarded.
This m^hod of testing corn is sim
ple, convenient and rapid, and means
much in securing strong, germinable
seed. Only 1-1 ears are required to
[slant, an acre of ground. W itli an j
average yield each ear means five j
bushels in the fall. When a man can
rest five to eight bushels in a day and
locate definitely all weak or bad ears.,
’an he afford to neglect this import
ant step in the preparation of his seed
,ol.n? G. I. CHRISTIE.
Purdue Experiment Station.
Test Your Milk.—Are your cows eat
ng their heads off? It does not take
ong for some cows to do this. The ,
labcock test is the only accurate way i
.r telling whether they are doing this
ir not. j |
Nothing V*/y Serious in His Mind
just at That Moment
The multi-millionaire was being
shaved. As he lay back in his chair,
looking upward, his grave face gave
the impression that he was in deep
“Ah," whispered one of the barber
shop loiterers, “I’ll wager a dollar
against a toothpick that he is think
ing of railroad mergers."
“No," said another, “he is thinking
about bear raids in Wall street.”
“Bet he is pondering over the re
bate system,” echoed a third.
"I’ll ask him."
Walking over to the chair, ho said
“ eg your pardon, sir. but to settle
an argument, would you kindly roll us
what mighty question you are stud-,
ing over?”
The multi-millionaire turned liis
lathered lace around and smiled. I
was just studying two flies doing
handsprings on the ceiling." he
chuckled, and the trio of guessers
looked so sheepish they failed to hear
“Next" when it was called to them
"Say, boss, you hasn't er dime la
yer clothes, has yer?"
"No. my QVdn, I have not. But how
did you guess it?"
Money to Burn.
The big touring car had just
whizzed by with a roar like a gigantic
rocket, and Pat and Mike turned to
watch it disappear in a cloud of dust.
"Thim chug wagons must cost a
hape av cash.” said Mike. "The rich
is fairly burnin" money."
"An", be the smell av it." sniffed
Pat. "it must be that tainted money
we do be bearin’ so much about."
$100 Reward, $100.
The readers of this paper win he pl-a-ej to learn
that there Hat ieast one dreaJed disease that t
has been able to cure In all Us etage-c and that H
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure H the on.y p ~.t:v-.
cure not? known to the m-:Jlcul fraternity Cata-rn
belai.' a constitutional disease. requires a c»u.*tltu
ti >ual treitment. Hall's « atarrh Cure H ta»% . in
ternally. acting directly upon tile h.ood a :d m u :>
surfaces of the system, thereby destroying tie
foundation - f the disease. and giving tn- p* n’
strength by building up the c<*n*:ltu*i n aul a
lnsr nature in doing Its tv.-rfc. The pr »prle r* Ih.
fcomuf h faith la lit* curative power* that the . >!7»-r
One Hundred Dollars for auy case mat U fa..a to
cure, ro-ml for list of testimonials.
Address I . J. CHKN'KV & Cv>., Toledo, O.
Sold by a i Dru.'^ists. T'»o.
Ta-e Haii's Fatal.y Pills fur constipation.
People who boast of their ability to
atttend to their own affairs usually
manage to butt into the affairs of
This woman says that after
months of suffering Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound
made her as well as ever.
Maude E. Forgie, of Leesburg,Va.,
writes to Mrs. Pinkham:
“ 1 want other suffering women to
know what Lydia K. Pink ham's Vege
table Compound has done for me. For
months I suffered from feminine ills
so that I thought I could not live. 1
wrote you, and after taking Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, and
using the treatment you prescribed I
felt like a new woman. I am now
strong, and well asever. and thank you
for the good you have done me.”
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink
ham’s Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female ills,
and has positively cured th<msands of
women who have been troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcera
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, that I>ear
uig-down feeling, flatulency, indiges
tion, dizziness or nervous prostration.
Why don’t you try it ?
Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick
women to write licr for advice.
She has guided thousands to
health. Address. Lvnu. Mass.
Typical Farm Scene. Showing Stock Raising in
Some of the choicest lands for grain growing,
stock raising and mixed farming in tlu* new dis
tricts of Saskatchewan and Alberta have re
cently been Opened for Settlement under the
Revised Homestead Regulations
Entry may now be made by proxy (on certain
conditions), by the father, mot tier,"son. daugh
ter, brother or sister of an intending home
steader. Thousands of homesteads of jflo acres
each are thus now easily available in these
?reat grain-growing, stock-raising and mixed
farming sections.
There you will find healthful climate good
leigh l*ors, churches for family worship schools
or your children, good laws, splendid crons
ind railroads convenient to market. *
Entry fee in each ease is *10.00 For pampta
et, Last Best West, ’ particulars as to rate*
*pply*t * me to au^l where to locate!
«1 New Yerk Life Buildicfi. Ours ha -Lraaka.