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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1908)
Loup City Northwestern J. W. BURLEIGH, Publisher. LOUP CITY, - * NEBRASKA Waste of Life in Coal Mining. During the year 1906 nearly 7.000 men were killed or injured in the coal mines of the United States, and indi cations point to an increase in that number since that period, due to a lack of proper a«d enforceable mine regulations; to the lack of reliable in formation concerning explosives used in mining, and the conditions under which they can be used with safety; to the presence of gas and dust en countered in the mines and to the fact that in thp development of coal min ing not only is the number of coal miners increasing, but many areas from which coal is being taken are either deeper or farther from the en trance. where good ventilation is more difficult and the dangerous accumula tions of explosive gas are more fre quent. To remedy this state of af fairs, says Review of Reviews, the United States must adopt the means that have proved successful in Euro pean countries. In 1S95 our ratio of killed in every 1.000 employed in mines was 2.67. In 1906 it reached 3.40. Effective mining legislation teils a different tale in Europe. In this country 50 per cent, of all the fatal ac cidents and 39 per cent, of all the non i'atal accidents were due to falls of roofs and coal. In all European coal producing countries the use of exces sive charges of explosives is prohibit ed by law, and definite limits are set to the amount of any explosive that may be used. In the United States there is no limit, in this country dur ing 1906 11 per cent, of deaths in coal mines were due to gas and dust explo sions. Abroad, governmental testing stations are maintained, where inves tigations into the use of explosives are conducted. Be Careful of Your Eyes. Rest is essential in the treatment t>f diseased or overworked eyes—rest of eyes, rest of body and mind. Avoid also wind, dust and smoke. Personal habits enter into the question of the causation of eye disease, and their regulation becomes, therefore, a part of the hygienic treatment. Diet is im portant, chiefly through its effects upon indigestion and general health, which frequently have much to do with the condition of the eye. Th“ first offense against the eyes is read ing with a poor light. This requires the ciliary muscle to do extra work to sharpen sight. It' applies to dim lights, twilight, and sitting too far from the light. The second offense, says the New York Weekly, is one of posture. Stooping or lying down con gests the eye, besides requiring un natural work of the eye muscles. Reading in railroad trains is a third offense, the motion causing such fre quent changes of focus and position as to tax the muscles of accommodation as w II as the muscles of fixation. Reading without needed glasses, or with badly fitted ones, is the last im prudence. Eye-strain is certainly a factor in producing disease of every part of the eye. Old age is the time of retribution for those who have sinned against their eyes. Y'oung folk, take good care of your eyes, and when you are old you will reap a rich re ward by retaining good eyesight till late in life. The forthcoming trip by Mrs. Roose- I velt and a party of her friends up the | Mississippi from the gulf to St. Paul is evidently a direct result of the president's journey down the river when on his way to the Louisiana bear hunt. He expressed himself publicly at the time as enjoying the experi ence, and no doubt went home and talked enthusiastically about it. The tour planned is well worth taking, re marks the Indianapolis Star, and when it is ended the travelers will know many new things about their country. River travel has many attractions for people who wish an outing and are not afflicted With the mad American haste to “get somewhere.” The report by the Illinois Pupils' Reading Circle that, during the year 1907 22,739 books were distributed among the school children of the state may well encourage the formation of circulating libraries in every populous school district in other states. For adults, as well as for the children, the good literature thus provided greatly relieves the tedium of the long winter evenings and cultivates a taste fur reading that is altogether beneficial. In the rural districts there are already many such libraries, but not enough of them, says the St. Louis Republic. 1 he editor of one of the fashion pa pers declares that the men of Sait Lake City dress better than do those of New York. The editor should re member that the men of Salt Lake City have been a long way from Wall street during the past few months. England dreads the kaiser’s in fluence with the heads of the British admiralty, but a study of the portraits of the members of that body makes it doubtful if Emperor Wilhelm wouldn't prefer a pull with their coachmen. A western editor has solved the problem of “how to keep the boys on tho farm.” Answer -. “Have plenty of girls on the farm and the boys won’t go away.” Now the only question is how to keep the girls on the farm. A Boston man has been arrested for whistling on the streets. Possibly he imagined he was in Philadelphia, where he could have burst his lungs if he pleased without awakening more WNTIOWMEitoFD AilHil£lJ» mm tSEHIDRffl) HUE SCENES" The ordinary political convention is a collection of wild animals, whose an tics are extremely amusing, but abso lutely without form and void. Nothing outside of a cage full of monkeys can present such an example of futile ac tivity. Each delegate is duly ticketed and loaded with his proper credentials and fondly imagines that he really is of some importance in the gathering; that is. he does if he,, is a "green hand." If he is a seasoned campaign er. he knows that he merely “repre sents the people," and the chairman and secretary of the convention “rep resent" the delegates, and the "boss es" "represent" the chairman and sec retary. By means of this sliding scale of actual power it will be seen that the "bostes" represent, the people! It was my deep delight to have at tended a number of political conven tions. The "will of the people" stood about "deuce high" in the political deck. The will of the "bosses" was always the "ace," and it could be ant! was turned from the bottom or top just as the emergencies demanded. Imagine a long. low. rakish hall, the atmosphere a wavy blue with tobacco smoke. Aisles are cut through to tie* platform, generally three in number, to admit of committees on this, that and the other to go forward to the platform and hand in their cut-and dried communications. The different wards and districts are ranged about the hall, each with its particular spot to stay in. like checkers on a board before the game begins. Many of these delegates are in their shirt sleeves. and many are talking wildly, gesticulating powerfully and in other ways molding the destinies of their country. The very few who are not smoking are choking. On the platform are two tables, at which the chairman of the convention sits, he having been chosen by the powers that be. He is a mere puppet in their hands, understanding what they want, and at any and all times ready to carry out their wishes. The ! secretary is a mere echo: the assist nut secretaries mere assistant echoes. Two or three highly respectable stoughton-bottles of various titles sit on the stage to deceive the unintelli gent observer into the belief that things are "on the squat:*.’' A pitcher of water is on the chairman's desk, for he will open the convention with a speech. In that speech he will glori fy the proud history of his own party and skin, salt and nail to the political smoke-house the hide of the opposite party. This is a species of buncombe which is always indulged in. Sometimes a convention is opened with prayer. This is something which I cannot he touched on at length, for | the devil himself could not conceive a : more grotesque blasphemy. Most con- | v-sntions are opened with political "jimmies." being burglarious aggrega tions, brought together for purposes of plundering men of their political 1 rights. The chairman has his speech carefully learned by heart, and he is invariably eloquent, pungent, witty, scholarly, terse, dense, flowery and iong-winded. Hut he finally stibsides, and then, after the committees' re ports and the platform are finished, and some more political red tape is gotten through with, the work of nominating candidates is begun. But before the convention has reached the point of being ready to vote there have been a number of battles fought, to a finish before the various commit tees on credentials. In certain wards of the cities, or certain districts in the country, there may be a dispute about some dele gates. these claiming the right to rep resent “the people." those putting in a counter-claim for recognition. In such cases, contests are begun and the respective claims thrashed out be fore the committee on credentials, which have the power to review these disputes in the various districts or wards. No one but the contestants and the committee and the other delegates are allowed in the committee rooms in these contests, it being a sort of fam ily affair. Usually, the contests are determined according to the way the "bosses" want them to be decided, but if it doesn't matter about a vote or two, the “bosses” allow the com mittee to do as they please. Evidence is heard, speeches are made, and the committee picks the winner. The “bosses" keep accurate “tab” on the number of votes they need, but are ready to achieve results by any means they consider necessary. One unseated delegate rushed madly up to a “boss" on the floor of the con vention and screeched out: "What d'ye mean by throwin' me out? There ain’t no contest on me at all.” The "boss” looked smilingly down at the fiery face of his questioner, sur mounted by its bright red covering of locks and responded easily, gracefully and most urbanely: "I don't like the color of y«ur hair.” And the delegate remained “unseated.” Men were let out of their delegations for any or no reasons. The only question was to have the majority, or at least the loud est and most pugnacious minority. This latter, with the able aiu of the chairman and the secretary, will ena ble any combination to jam through the nomination of their candidates. Supposing, for instance, that Smith is the candidate the "bosses” want, and Jones the opposition candidate. \ AUDITORIUM AT DENVER 'WHERE THE DEMOCRATIC I \NATIQNAL CONVENTION VEIL BE NEED. To coiiseun at Chicago where The republican o2> NATIONAL CONVENTION Will BE HERD ^ S The Seventh ward, we will say, is called on and the chairman of the del egation roars out ' Fourteen votes Jpr •tones and one for Smith. " An assist ant secretary repeats to the main so rotary. "Fourteen votes for Smith and one for Jones," and it is so recorded The chairman front the Seventh ward may think the vote of his delegation has been recorded properly. Some times. when tilings appear to be run ning too close, they will not even give the opposition candidate any votes until the "bosses' ” candidate is safe. Any motion for a roll-call is “gaveled down" by the chairman, and the ser geants-at-arms, always chosen by the "bosses." arc eager to eject any ob streperous patriot who begins any jargon about his "rights.” To "gavel down" a motion is simply to hammer on the table with the gavel and proclaim that a motion has been "carried." or "defeated," just as you want it to go. In this way. no matter what the majority is. the "bosses” and the chairman and secretaries can thwart the will of any convention, un less the convention splits and "a boil" is started. To "holt” is to leave the hull, organize a separate convention and proceed as though the other con vention was not in existence. This is a last resort, and is seldom done. Delegates are timid and they rarely have any independent action. They may fume in private, but they "take the gaff" in public. Party fealty, party cohesion, party this, that and the other weighs on them and makes them cowards. For the most part the delegates hope to get some crumbs front the party table and they fear to revolt, knowing well they will be marked nten with "the organization.” Oh! potent phrase, "the organization." There is the "ward organization," the “county organization," the "state or ganization." the "national organiza tion." all inextricably linked and welded together, and the national com mitteeman can put liis finger on a garbage wagon driver in a remote ward and separate him from his job if the driver doesn't do exactly as he is told. It's a beautiful system. Don t imagine that it is not perfected so far as it can be. Occasionally some lossi! of respecta bility, galvanized into spasmodic ac tion by something particularly brazen on the part of the powers that run the convention, will get up front the plat form, where he is supposed to be ac quiescent, to the program, and stait the animals by a fiery diatribe against the bare-faced robbery going on under his very nose. At such a time it is really delightful to see the perfect re spect in which his remarks are lis tened to by the chairman and the ' bosses.” His remarks may be punc tured by cheers by the malcontents In the delegates’ seats, but the “strong arm'' contingent governed by the “bosses" sits quietly until he fires his broadside. Then possibly a “boss” gets up, or the chairman gets in a happy remark or two .and there is a thunder-rell of applause from the "bosses' ” gang. The respectable gen tleman has simply talked for the pleasure of having his cerebellum vi brate. He might as well have recited “Mary had a little lamb.” Our ward stood eight to seven in one convention, and our. chairman an nounced it correctly. He was an op ponent of mine, but he did not try to change the vote. But when the vote was announced front the stage it was 15 for the other side. Several of us yelled "bloody murder" at the steal, but, bless you, that convention went right ahead with its business as easily as if seven men standing upright in their seats and howling "Mister Chair man; Mister Chairman,” was a mere tableau and nothing that concerned the convention in the remotest ue gree. By the way, convention oratory is divided into two kinds, the "turned loose” and the "squelched." The "bosses" and the chairman have their eyes on their own orators, and very little latitude is allowed the opposition "jaw-smiths.” It is laughable to watch the frantic gyrations of some silver-tongued word-juggler, especially if he be a young man, who is trying to get the chairman's eye in order to let off a philippic against the chairman's tyranny. His companions may hoist him high on a chair, where he bal-, ances himself precariously while he shrieks “Meestair t’hairmannnn," and froths like something stricken with hydrophobia, but the chairman goes placidly on. “Twenty-second ward. IS for Smith" is the announcement, when in fact, the announcement was just the other wav. This raises a counter-irri tant and the Twenty-second ward dele gation goes on the war-path. Rut, ■ tush, what's the use? The game goes merrily on and at last the youthful orator is let down from his pinnacle and expends his energy in loud talk in his immediate vicinity, until some low browed gentleman advises him to “cut it out," at the same time casting a perfectly annihilating look in his direction. The old stagers always enjoy these interludes. They smile grimly, get a fresh grip on their cigars and elevate the weeds reminiscently in a skyward angle. They keep watchful cognizance when their wards are about to be reached and, if chairmen, rise in stantly at the word, shout clearly the vote and, whether it be recorded lint once the business is concluded, over the cigars and cocktails these genial gentlemen will unbend and re late delightedly and with rare humor the amusing comedies played on the convention floor. They have remem bered the very voices and gestures of the reformers and patriots. the> can imitate, and perfectly, the surprised scream of the plundered delegation, or the stentorian yawp of the hard-boiled orator. They enjoy these things with the gusto of the connoisseur, the po litical bon vivant. But at the hall, and in the midst of the carnage, they are as suave as panthers and as remorse less as cannibals. "Everything goes in politics," is their motto, that is. everything but honesty. Coming back from my last political convention I met Jack Derby in the "smoker." Jack was from the ward next to mine, and 1 had missed him just before the voting began. I had noticed a stranger in his seat when I came in rather late, but still in time to vote. Jack was moody and his head was done up in a gaudy handkerchief. "What's up?" 1 said to him. "I didn't see you when the votes were being cast." "They thrun me out," was his re ply. "1 went over to see a friend o' mine in the fourteenth and when I got back to me seat they was a guy there in it. 1 grabbed him and he caught hold of me arms. The “sarge" iser ! geant-at-anns) came runnin’ up an' this guy gives him the wink an' says this feller's a pick-pocket. Before I could hand him one the “sarge" grabs me—he's seven feet long and four feet through—and he wings me to the door in four jumps and fires me by the neck and pants. See? An' I lose me vote an' I don't get in the hall again. " "That's tough, Jack," was my con- , i solatory reply. "Tough," said Mr. Derby, with an injured air. "an' I was goin' to vote light all the time. I think that ser geant must be bugs." (Copyright, by Joseph It. Bowles.) WHAT SAVED “UNCLE JOE” Old Lifting Machine That Long Ago Proved a Health Preserver. The secret of perpetual youth, which has permitted “Uncle Joe” Cannon to be as young as he is at 72. has just been rediscovered here by a former senator from New Hampshire, says the Washington correspondent of tlie Roston Herald. Henry W. Blair, who is no youngster himself, having been born in 1831, and the present speaker were fellow members of the house 30 years ago. Both at that time were in poor health. They suffered from in-1 digestion and were so frail and puny looking that each anticipated the ne-j cessity of purchasing a bouquet to place with reverent hands upon the grave of the other. They lived in the same boarding house in those days and, to prolong their lives, entered into partnership for the purchase of a lifting machine, which they erected in a hallway outside of their rooms and upon w’hich they practiced diligently night and morning with a view to the improvement of their physical beings. The other day Mr. Blair, in rum maging around his i\ouse, stumbled in an attic upon the lifting apparatus long since discarded. It reminded him of the days when he and Cannon were on the verge of the grave and de spaired of attaining old age. In great excitement he went down to the capi tol. hunted up “Uncle Joe'' and broke the news to him. "Joe,” said he, “do you remember way back yonder when you and 1 didn't think we w:ould live more than a week?” “I certainly do," said “Uncle Joe." “I think you were the thinnest, sickest man in the world and I lived in con stant fear that I would have to buy a pair of black gloves and walk slow be- | hand your hearse. 'Member that old lifting machine we used to have?" "You bet 1 do," said Senator Blair, “and 1 found it this morning. Just as good as new, too." “I’ll be over to try my muscle in a day or two." laughed the speaker. "It certainly was a health preserver, all right.” Laughing Bird if Australia Biped by No Means Popular with Its Human Neighbors. To the outside world the greatest ornithological oddity in this country is the kookaburra, says the Sidney, Australia, Times. Though Australians take little notice of it (except oc casionally in a hostile way), its cac chination appeals irresistibly to the newcomer. Like the shrikes and par rots, the curlew and the mopoke, it is a conspicuous figure in the scenery of a typical bush home, and therefore too common to be worthy of notice, in ! earlier times it was known as the "settler's clock," from a belief that its joyful paeans were vented regularly at morn, noon and dusk, being quies cent through the heat of the forenoon and the wane of the afternoon. That belief has long been shattered. The kookaburra laughs just when excited; and it laughs as readily at the violent death of its mother-in-law as it does at the enraged settler when he falls off his hay stack. A wounded bird makes a demoniacal row, which will bring all j others within hearing into the neigh- j boring trees, and these at once set up an echoing cackle that is repeated again and again. The kookaburra is also known as the laughing goburra and the laugh ing jackass. Remedy for Leaking Fountain Pen. If the threads in the rubber con nection of a fountain pen are worn a little the joint will leak enough to soil the lingers. Dry the threads with a blotter and cover them with melted paraffin. Turn the nozzle into the barrel while the paraffin is still warm and you have an ink tight joint.—Pop ular Mechanics. Flag of Pennsylvania City. The city of Easton. Pa., has adopted a municipal Hag, said to be a copy of the flag which waved over that town during the revolutionary war. The flag has 13 red and white stripes in | the upper corner, and the remainder ! of the flag is blue with a circle ol eight white stars in the center. right or wrong, they settle down stoically into the attitude of mere 1 spectators. Far be it from them to ‘holier’ if the cards are "stacked j against them. They would do the same if they had the power. The other fellows have the whip-hand to day; when it shifts, they will give their opponents the same dose. But to cavort around on the floor wailing out "Meestair Chairmannn,” not for them. They are too wise to resort to such puerile foolishness. Nothing can exceed the perfect re pose which marks the proceedings is relates to the officers and head men who have it in charge. There is not a shadow of a smile on the counte- i nances of the chairman and his assist ants .and the ' bosses” move around j on the floor of the convention or as cend to the platform with an entirely serious and virtuous air which would indicate extreme self-sacrifice and th<* most absolute fairness to their op ponents. She Did Her Duty by Him. One Monday morning the colored “wash lady” did not arrive at the usual hour to do the weekly washing of a family residing in a Pennsylvania town. When she appeared seme time later the mistress of the house descended to the kitchen and was greatly ediGed by the woman’s explanation. "No’m”—carefully removing a hat ornamented by a voluminous black veil—“I wasn't sick. I had to stay home lo receive my diseased brothers remainders that was sent from Pitts burg day before yisterday.”—Lippin cott’s. No Occasion for It. "My dear." said the old man to his only daughter on the morning of her wedding day, "1 don't see how I am going to get along without you.” "Now, don't let that worry you, papa,” replied the fair maid, as she ad justed her bridal veil. "^George con fessed to ma last night that he hadn't enough money even to buy a second hand stove, so instead of losing me it looks as if we were going to stay right with you.” Responsive. The lecturer had announced that among the Athabascans, on the Kos kowine river, the females were su preme. "Pardon me for the interruption," said a resolute looking spinster, "but i must go.” "Are you ill?” asked the speaker, with proper concern. "Never better," responded the de parting, "but I’m hitting the trail for the Koskokwine.” Laundry work at home would be much more satisfactory if the right Starch were used. In order to get the desired stiffness, it is usually neces sary to use so much starch that the beauty and fineness of the fabric is hidden behind a paste of varying thickness, which not only destroys the appearance, but also affects the wear ing quality of the goods. This trou ble can be entirely overcome by using Defiance Starch, as it can be applied much more thinly because of its gieat er strength than other makes. Thoughtless. "Why doesn't Mrs. Flighty wear that pink dress with her red hair?" "She probably bought the dress be fore she changed from a brunette." The more a woman tries to look young the more she doesn't. ■ ■■ I 111! I Bill ..■mil. Habitual Constipation May be pcvmar,cn))} cwercomeby proprr persona! efforts with the aSMJ-tancc of the one truly Ijencjioal t<uative remedy, Syrup of Kgs and bjuirojSesa which enables onet© form regular habits daily so that assistance to na ture may be gradually dispensed with token no longer needed as tine best of remedies, when repaired, are to assist nature and not to supplant tbo natur al functions, which must depend ulti - mately upon proper nourishment, proper efforts,and right living gcnirot/y To get its beneficial effects, always buy the genuine Syrup^Kgs^El it it “/Senna * _ , manufactured by the California Fio Syrup Co. «my SOLD BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS one size only, regular price 50t ftoiU* SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by these Little Pills. They aifLo r*ii«»ve Dta* treKSfrom I'y^p^p^i*. L»» Ulprei-tion and Too /•*»j-iy Eating A per fee* rem edy for Dizrlne«R, N:i»* »eat Drcwsinrss. Bad Ttiiste ii; t;i« Mouth. Coafr* • . —11 " "^ >_J Side. T< »I.' tt They regpiiate tbe Bowel*. P .r .» .a. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PBICE. 5TTLZ IYER P8LLS. CARTERS IS£:ttie HtVER m PILLS. Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simile S.gnatute REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. GR’S BALSAM I Clcftnsnu sod * IT. I Promote* a hnu:;i-.t | .Never Falls to Ff*’,: -ic5 Hair to jta Tout; * . Cc ?. I Cures scalp diwu-* « * la 60c. and $ 1 < * at I rv *s \VIBOWS’un': 'r N £'.«/ LAW * ni?xTai(tvo l,y John a rt>sll»i» .. ; a. i. a ,f^ccey«sTu»; Thompson’s Ejc Water DEFIANCE STARCH W. N. U., OMAHA. NO. *.8. J 3 i ALCOHOL—3 PER CENT Jjj i AYegetable Preparation for As tHis similciting Hie Food and Reg ula ting the Stomachs and Bowels of Infants/Cmluken i Promotes Digestion,Cheerful ness and Rest Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral Not Narc otic Prapt cfOU DrSAMVEimVMR Pun\pJun St«A - j4fx Stnna - Mfrrhellt Sa/fs - Am ft Sttd - ftpptrmint - fiiCt*rtonaUScA<\ - Horm Setd - CforSted Suyar totnbrqrrrn f’/mor A perfect Remedy forConslipo lion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP Fac Simile Signature of The Centaur Company. For Icfants arid Child ,ter.. The Kind Ton Hive Always Bought Bears the Signature of Thirty Years ^Guaranteed under the Foodaij^ Exact Copy of Wrapper. TW! CKNTAUft OOMNNT, M(W Y54K OfTT. Stands for Quality Economy Purity In providing the family’s meals,don’t be satisfied with anything but the best. K C is guaranteed perfec tion at a moderate price. It |gf^ makes everything better. gp—. Try and see. Mw OUNCES Fq& vf M,CAO°«»S -lTH k. ***‘tTit ml Jaques M C \ Perfect or Money Back. TAkr Wo lory to anv part of th* wend. >VQLA8, Brotkt