The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 30, 1908, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
Catastrophe Overtakes the People at
Early Hour When Without
Warning Slide Occurs.
Buckmingham. Ont.—Half of the lit
tle French hamlet of Notre Dame
<le Saietre, sixteen miles from here
on the Lievre river, lies buried under
a sliding mountain and at least thirty
of its small population are known to
have perished. The hamlet has no
telephone or telegraph and it is not on
a railroad. Meager bits of news of
the disaster come in by messenger
from the physicians and other rescu
ers who were hurried there when the
first calls for aid came in the early
morning .
The river Lievre winds at the loot
of the hamlet and a mountain towers
behind it. Spring rains for days past
have been melting the snow and ice
on th*1 mountain and streams have
been coursing down the river. At
o'clock this morning, just as the
little hamiet began to stir for early
mass, part of the mountain started 'o
slide toward the river. It tore a path
oi '\-rh and destruction for its way
and those who were not hilled when
their homes were engulfed were left
buried under the mass of rock and
Camille l.a Poiute's house stood
first in the path of the avalanche. He
and his family of eleven are known to
have perished. Eight others whose
name.- have not been obtained are
known to be missing and in the panic
the rescuers are attempting to find
definitely how many more are miss
Mrs. Des .lardin's cottage also was
swept away and she, with her two
children, a domestic and a hired man.
are known to be buried in the land
I)e Saiette. like many hamlets of its
hind, rambles into gardens and little
fields on the mountain side, so about
half of o was not in the path of the
The sliding maes rushed with a roar
and spread fanlike over part of the
place and dumped itself in the swol
len stream at its foot.
Cut off from the outside world, mes
sengers were dispatched 10 Poupere,
the nearest hamlet. Those who ar
rived first estimated that at least, a
dozen houses were crushed in the
path of the landslide. Buckingham
was appealed to but the flight of the
messengers across the spring roads
was slow Those first on the scene
found De Saiette in a panic, with the
nninjured packing their belongings
for a flight.
Hatesr reports from De Saiette
make the number of known dead thir
ty. of which eleven bodies have been
recovered. In all twenty houses were
engulfed in the slide.
Securities Taken from Foreign Mail
Bags Bound for America.
London.—The London postal author
ities have learned that tw* bags of
wail from this city containing securi
ties and other valuables worth 5500,
iHlO were stolen in New York the lat
ler part of last month. According to
reimrts received here, one of the bags
was destined for St. Louis and was
shipped bv the Majestic, which ar
rived in New York on March 20. the
other, destined for Brooklyn, was
shipped by the steamer Philadelphia,
which arrived at New York March 2S».
Both bags disappeared in transit be
tween the steamers and the postoffice.
Thirty Thousand Thrown Out.
Spartanburg.—The closing down of
the cotton mills of North and South
Carolina July 1, which was decided
upon at p meeting of representatives
nil mills here will throw 30.000 or
more people out of work.
Dolliver Temporary Chairman.
Washington.—A report is in circula
tion that I'nited States Senator .T. P.
Doiliver (la.> will be selected by the
it publican national committee as tern
pvary chairman of the Chicago con
Thurston One of Speakers.
Washington.—The fourth annua!
dinner was rally of the League of Re
publican State clubs of the District ot
Columbia, was held at Masonic temple.
The’ speakers included former Sen
ator John M. Thurston of Nebraska.
Instructed for Foraker.
Washington.—Senator Foraker to
night received telegraphic advices that
the republican convention of the Sixth
district of Mississippi had. at Gulf
port, elected two delegates to the CYli
. cage convention and instructed them
^ for hint.
Bogus Whisky May Come In.
Washington.—By a ruling which ha?
been arranged between the depart
ments of state, justice, treasury and
agriculture. whisky manufactured
abroad at d alleged to be misbranded
Tinder ,t*e American pure food law
i^ eaft r will be allowed to come intc
j^thc o<*.itry, after which it will be sub
^ jeet toithe adjudication of the courts
under 'hat law. This ruling is a re
versal of the former regulation which
madf it possible to hold up such ship
metjSybefore they entered into the
ma J v< this country.
! A v
Senators Urge Necessity of Provid
ing Ships.
Washington.—Arguments in favor
of the president's program for four
battleships consumed most of the ses
sion of the senate Friday. Senator
Piles (Wash.) opened the debate, de
claring that the Asiatic situation
affecting the Pacific coast was a
menace to that section, as war clouds
might quickly rise there over some
clash between Americans and the
Japanese. He wanted a fleet kept in
the Pacific. Mr. Hale laid before the
senate a statement of battleships and
other features of the American naval
program, which he said showed that
as large a fleet as is now in the Pa
cific can be kept there and at the
same time there would l>e ships for a
still larger fleet for ilie Atlantic.
Senator Beveridge concluded the
debate tor the day with a strong ap
peal to senators to vote for four bat
tleships. He was constantly engaged
in exchanges of words with other sen
ators. He Insisted 'hat peace and
not war would be promoted by build
ing up the navy.
"We are here with responstbilty
for legislation equal to tile president's
responsibility.'' said Mr Aldrich when
the senator front Indiana referred to
the president's program of four bat
tleships as the number he would
build. Insisting that Mr. Beveridge
state the size of the navy he would
have the senator from Indiana said
he would prefer five or six new ships
’his year and that next year we could
see wliitt would be desirable.
Mr. Beveridge reminded the senate
that "the president is the greatest
peace maker in the world." Was it
not possible, he asked, that he had to
day tile same idea of promoting
peace by asking for four battleships
as when he brought altout a cessation
of hostilities Ue'ween Russia and
Mr. Beveridge made a strong ap
peal to the senate to make no mis
take and do what he said the Ameri
can people desire to provide an ade
quate navy to help maintain peace.
Son-in-Law of Theodore P. Shonts
Dies Suddenly in Paris.
Paris—In the presence of his brid°
of less than three months. Emmanuel
Theodore Bernard Marie TAlbert de
I.uvnes d'Ailly. ninth duke of Chatlines
and of Picquigny and marquis of Dan
geau, died suddenly from heart failure
at 11 o’clock Thursday night in his
apartments in the Hotel I.angham. in
the Rue Boccador. The physicians
summoned to attend the duke in his
sudden seizure officially gave the cause
of death as embolism of the heart.
The Duke d'Caulnes and ihe duchess,
who was Miss Theodora Shcnts, young
est daughter of T. P. Shouts of New
York, were married in New York Feb
ruary 16 of this year. The wedding
was a brilliant social function and the
end of the brief honeymoon was sud
den and tragic.
Tornado Sweeps Across Louisiana.
Mississippi and Alabama.
New Orleans—Belated reports have
swelled the total number of deaths by
tornadoes in Mississippi. Louisana and
to 225. Mississ shrdletaoemfwyetacmf
Alabama to 225. Mississippi apparent
ly suffered most, but poor communica
tions kept the full extent of the dis
aster front becoming known. The
death list was suddenly swelled by
nearly 100 additional victims in Pur
vis and McLaurin. Miss., towns no
previously heard from. The first re
ports Indicated that four-fifths of the
victims were negroes, but tbo later re
ports showed an increasing number of
Appeal to Government.
Chester. Pa.—A committee of the
board of trade and representatives of
the striking conductors and motor
men formerly employed by the Ches
ter Traction company have arranged
to go to Washington Monday to see
If the interstate commerce commis
sion of the department of commerce
and ialtor can take any action wit' re
ference to the street car strike situ
ation in this city. It is believed that
the interstate commerce commission
can look into the matter and arrange
Helie Greets Mme. Gould.
Naples.—Mme. Anna Gould arrived
from New York on board the steamer.
Freiderich der Grosse and was met
in the harbor by Prince Helie de Sa
gan who arrived in England a few
days ago and hurried hither to wel
come Mme. Gould. The steamer
cafe into the harbor at C o'clock in
the morning and the prince was one
of the first to go on board. He rushed
to Mme. Gould's cabin, met her at
the door, lifted his hat and kissed
her hand. The prince refused to be
interviewed or ma,ke any statement.
Associated Press Officers.
New York.—The board of directors
of the Associated Press before their
final adjournment re-elected all the
present officers.
Taft to Hasten to Panama.
Washington.—As the result of deli
berations at the cabinet session it was
determined that Secretary Taft should
■go to Panama. He will sail April 3fl
from Charleston. S. C. A number ol
questions between the United States
and Panama, and between Panama
and Colombia will be negotiated dur
ing the secretary’s stay on the isth
mus. It is said to be necessary that
the concessions the United States ob
tained from Panama provided for in a
protocol should be embodied in a per
manent treaty.
Date of Adjournment Fixed.
; Elements Ravage Portion cf Thurs
ton County. Nebraska. Destroying
Much Property.
Ponder. Xeb.— A destructive tornadi
averaging about thirty rods in widt!
struck the farm of Richard Wac-ker
six miles southwest of her about 12 :;i
Thursday, completely wrecking tk<
house, carrying with it seven mem
bers of the family and the hired man
who was the onlj one seriously in
A mile north at the home of Emi
Magnuson. his wife and two smal
children and the aged mother of Mag
nuson were eating dinner. The hous<
was lifted into the air and strewn al
over the farm. The 1-year-old (hilt
was killed, the aged mother was picket
tip a quarter -of a mile away arnont
the debris almost lifeless She wil
die. Other members of the family wen
bruised almost beyond recognition
One mile further the home of Joht
Glover was demolished, all but th<
house, which was badly damaged
The barn was taken up and some o
the house was found a half mile away
On the next farm was Henry Glissm
where two large barns were com
pletely wrecked and blown away, mow
ing his grove down as if by a sickle
Following in its path was the i'arn
v\ r- II \ ' U
ui ncm» o" in a i
renter, Henry Schaefer. Here th<
house was torn into fragments, hard!;
a piece being left whole. The hart
and cribs were all swept away, killinj
several horses and other stock. Cross
ing the railroad on its northeasterl;
direction, the storm passed Pender oi
the east, hardly a quarter of a mile
It wrecked the home of 1-an .lames oi
the reservation.
Further along the house and ban
of Jacob Karsp was completely swep
away. One-lialf mile further wa:
Claus Swanson, whose house and oth
er buildings were also wrecked. Th<
next was William Kelly, whose fim
house and bam was taken up the bot
tom. Further over to the north wa
the house of Albert Nash, east of th'
village of Thurston. His building
were also swept away, where tin
whirling billows spent thir force.
Paris Banker Suicides.
Paris.—Fritz Perrugia. brother-in
law of Leopold de Rothschild, who i
prominently indentified with th
Anglo-Jewisb association of London
committed suicide Thursday in hi
apartments at the Grand hotel here
His motives for killing himself an
not know, but it is reported that In
had lost heavily through speculation
in the companies promoted by Hem
Rochette. who recently was arrestei
in Paris on the charge of swindling oi
an enormous scale. Mr. Perrugia con
ducted a banking business in London
Iowa Woman in the List.
Washington—The result of the elec
tion to fill vacancies in the list of vie
presidents general of the Dnughiers-o
the American Revolution, was ar
nounced Friday. The suceessfn
candidates include Mrs. \V. E. Stanlej
Kansas, and Mrs. D. \V. Bitshnel]
Masked Men Make Big Haul.
Bandana. Kv.—Four masked robbers
after taking possession of the Cnn,
berland Telephone exchange and beat
ing the operator into insensibility, coir
pelled Assistant Cashier H. H. Hans c
the Ballard County bank of Bar.dan;
to open the safe for them. The rot
bers got *3.000.
Mayor Speer Nominated.
Denver, Colo.—Mayor Robert A
Speer was renominated by the demc
cratic city convention. He had a!
ready been nominated by the Busines
Mens' league. The election will taki
place May 19.
Dolliver Starts for Iowa.
Washington—Senator Dolliver lef
for his home at Fort Dodge Thursday
He will spend a day or two in Chicagi
and then go on to Iowa to deliver >
number of speeches in behalf of hi
colleague. Senator Allisou.
Opinion Asked for and Received From
Attorney C-enera^Tnat Measure
is Constitutional.
■ Washington. — President Roosevelt
on Wednesday signed the employers'
• liebility bill upon receiving an opini
on from Attorney Genera! Bonaparte
that the measure was eonstitutional.
The bill makes railroads or other
common carriers while engaged in in
terstate commerce, liable for the in
jury or death of an employe if the in
jury or death results, in whole or in
part from the negligence of any of
the officers, agents or employes of
i such carriers, or by reason of any de
fect or insufficiency of equipment.
This provision is made applicable also
10 carriers in the territories, the Dis
trict of Columbia, the Panama canal
zone and other possessions of the
.; United States.
It is provided that irt any action
i brought tinder the provisions of the
. bill, the injured employe shall nor be
held to have assumed the risk of his
■ employment in any case where the
violation by the carrier of any statute
enacted for the safety of the employes
. contributed to the injury or death of
. the employe. Any contract, rule, re
gulation or device to enable the car
, tier to exempt itself from liability un
der the act is rendered void by a spe
, cific declaration to that end. Provi
. sion is made, however, that the ear
! rier shall receive credit for any con
. tribution made to the employe or his
family in the form of insurance, relief,
benefit or indemnity. An action for
! the recovery of damages must he com
menced within two years from the
, date of the cause of the suit
In his opinion the attorney general
indicates that the bill is confined in
1 its scope to "common carriers h.v rail
road" as distinguished from the act
declared unconstitutional by the su
preme court which embraced “all com
mon carriers engaged in interstate
commerce and foreign commerce.”
The attorney general then shows
] through court decisions and constitu
tional interpretations that this restric
tion does not make the act repugnant
to the constitution, but is in line with
state statures which have been upheld
in the highest tribunals.
> __
Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman
Passes Away in London.
London— Sit Henry Campbell-Ban
. r-crnian. former British premier, died
, at his official residence, 10 Downing
. streel, The end was peaceful. The
j i "-premier had been unconscious most
I cf the time during the la.d two or
i three days and his sinking was
. gradual. A few hours before his death
telegrams were dispatched to King
Edward, who. with Queen Alexandra,
is visiting the Danish royal family at
Copenhagen: the prince of Wales and
the cabinet ministers,
j. Sir Henry's final illness dates from
February 12. when he last appeared
i in the house of commons and moved
the closure of the Scottish land bills,
although he had been ailing since No
vember 13. 1907. when he partici
pated at an entertainment in honor of
Emperor William at the Guild hail.
Nebraska Soldiers Paid.
Lincoln, Neb—Governor Sheldon re
- eeived a warrant on the government
- treasury for $5,227 to be distributed
! among the officers of the Third Ne
1 braska regiment which served in the
- Spanish-American war under com
mand of Colonel W. J. Bryan.
May Veto Naval Bill.
Washington—President Roosevelt
- will veto the navy appropriation bill
• should the senate, as did the house,
! fail to make any appropriation for the
■ two battleships which are authorized
in the measure. The prompt an
nouncement. of this fact to the senate
leaders is regarded as responsible for
t the announcement by Mr. Hale that
• he would propose an amendment ap
> proprlating $7.u©0.Q00 towards the con
i’ struction cf those ships. The presi
i dent stated his position on this point
with usual emphasis
Senators Piles and Beveridge
argued earnestly for four new battle
ships. the former urging that a fleet
be kept in the Pacific.
The house passed more than a thou
sand pension bills.
Representative Lilley admitted to
the special house committee that his
charges against the Electric Boat com
pany were based on rupiors.
Senator Piles of Washington pro
posed an amendment to the naval bill
increasing from two to four the num
ber of new battleships to be author
ized. An amendment to the bill was 1
| adopted appropriating $7,000,000 to be
! gin construction on the two battle
i ship.- authorized by the bill as it was
i passed by the house.
The house adopted the senate joint
! resolution authorizing the attorney
general to tile suits against the Ore
I sron &: California Railroad company
! tor the forfeiture of all or part of
2,800,000 acres of laud grants in the
western part of Oregon.
President Roosevelt announced that
ne would veto the naval appropriation
i hill should the senate, as did the
| house, fail to make any appropriation
| for the two battleships which are aa
j thorized in the measure. Consequent
| ly Senator Hale gave notice that he
would propose an amendment appro
priating $7,000,000 towards the con
struction of those ships
Speaker Cannon's resolution provid
| ing for an investigation of the paper
j trust was adopted by the house by a
\ strict party vote. The speaker then
j announced the committee of six to
conduct the inquiry, as follows: Mann
(111.). Stafford (Whs.). Ryan (N. Y.),
Miller (Kan.), Bannon (O.), and Sims
President Roosevelt signed the em
ployers' liability bill after Attorney
General Bonaparte had declared it
The house committee on banking
tod currency voted to lay on the table
he financial bill offered by Represent
ative Vreeiand of New York as a subs
ume for the Aldrich bill, and decided
: to report favorably the bill Introduced
; by Chairman Fowier, providing for a
currency commission.
The house by a party vote upheld
Speaker Cannon's summary action in
squelching the filibusters.
William D. Haywood was dropped
from the employ of the Western Fed
“ration of Miners.
Secretary of War Taft is preparing
to go to the Isthmus of Panama in
Rev. Russel! .1 Wilbur, who left the
Episcopal church for the Catholic, was
deposed from the former by Bishop
Grafton of Fond du Lac. Wis.
A writ of habeas corpus was granted
at White Plains N. Y„ by Justice
Morschauser on application of Harry
K. Thaw.
Rev. Dr. Russell J. Wilbur, former
dean of the Chicago cathedral, left the
Episcopal church and entered the
Catholic church.
Ferd Warner, member of the house
of delegates of St. Louis, was convict
ed of bribery by a jury and sentenced
to serve two years in the penitentiary
William Cooke, husband of Grace
MacGowan Cooke, the well-known au
thoress. filed suit for absolute divorce
charging desertion.
Preliminary steps were taken for
the release of Harry K. Thaw from
the insane asylum by habeas corpus.
Gov. Deneen granted reprieve to
June 12 to Herman Billik of Chicago,
condemned poisoner.
About 225 persons, mostly negroes,
were killed and nearly 800 were in
jured in a tornado that swept over
parts of Louisiana. Mississippi and
Alabama. Dozens of small towns
were wrecked.
The battleship fleet sailed from Iyjs
Angeles to Santa Barbara for a five
days' stay.
Capt. F. B Hart, a Minneapolis at
torney who severely criticised the Min
nesota supreme court, was disbarred
for six months.
Mercy hospital in Big Rapids. Mich.,
was destroyed by fire. Aii the pa
tients in the institution and the 40
sisters of mercy were rescued unin
Three vagrants expelled from Shaw
nee, Okla., fell off a raft and were
drowned in the Indian river.
The business section of Vergennes.
111., was wiped out by fire.
The Alberta government has issued
a warrant for the arrest of Capt. Sar
bottle, who disappeared recently and
is said to be $7,oo« short in his ac
counts as collector of inland revenue
for that province.
Turkey conceded Italy’s rights to es
tablish post offices in Turkish ter
ritory and the Italian squadron did not
sail for Asia Minor.
The grand jury in Kansas City re
turned Indictments against 142 actors,
managers and employes of local play
houses for violating the Sunday laws.
Many buildings in Eagle River,
Wis., were shattered by the explosion
of 600 pounds of dynamite in a burn
ing warehouse.
T. A. McIntyre it Co., members of
tlie New York stock, cotton and
produce exchanges, wiih branches in
many cities, failed for about $1,000.
An attempt was made to burn the
Allis-Chalmeia* plant at West Allis,
Burglars dynamited the safe of
Solon Kugler's store in Pinckney -
ville. 111., taking about SI,600.
•Joseph Miller, a wealthy oil opera
tor of Butler, Pa., was shot by a
Winston Spencer Churchill, just
made president of the board of trade
in tlie Asquith cabinet, was defeated
for re-election to parliament from
Charles D. Pierce of New York, a
prominent engineer, committed sui
cide by inhaling gas.
Tornadoes in Texas. South Dakota
and Nebraska resulted in several
deaths and great destruction of prop
The Illinois Democracy adopted the
unit rule and instructed its delegates
to tile national convention at Denver
to vote for William J. Bryan and to
"use all honorable means" to secure
his nomination.
President Cabrera of Guatemala is
authority for the statement that IS of
the ringleaders in a conspiracy
against him have been shot to death
and that probably more executions
will follow.
The supreme court of Illinois
handed down an opinion holding that
the local option iaw which was passed
by the legislature last year is consti
tutional in every respect.
Mouris Bengston of Belvidere, 111.,
dangerously wounded Miss Sigrid Ap
pleholm. to whom he was engaged,
and then committed suicide.
Four men were killed by an explo
sion in a coal mine at Ellsworth. Pa.
A hundred others narrowly escaped
Fire destroyed nine business blocks
in the town of Richmond, Vt.
The murder of a poiiceman in Lub
lin. Russian Poland, was followed by
the arrest of 300 workmen in local
factories where the police found stores
of arms, ammunition and melienite
A remarkable woman's rights peti
tion has been received liy the Rus
sian duma from the Mohammedan
women of Orenburg province, demand
ing that the Mohammedan deputies
take steps to free them from the "des
jKitism'' of their husbands and give
them their share of the privileges
granted by the emperor to the pete
The North sea and Baltic treaties
were signed by Germany, Holland.
Sweden. France and England.
Residents of Skidoo. a California
mining camp, lynched Joseph Simp
son for murder.
i Fire^t Cape May Point. X. J., de
I stroyed a dozen buildings, the loss be
ing over $100,000.
Theodore Roosevelt. Jr., with Capt.
Fitzbugh Fee. the president's military
aide, and Capt. Chandler of the signal
corps, in charge of the experiments
with army balloons, made an ascen
sion from Washington, landing safely
near Wilmington. Del.
Six hundred editors and publishers
gathered at the Waldorf-Astoria in
New York to attend the joint banquet
of the Associated Press and the Ameri
can Newspaper Publishers' associa
Two men were killed, several in
jured and the electric light plant in
Waukegan. 111., destroyed when a huge
fly wheel broke from its shaft.
The village of Mosinee, Wis.. was
reported to be surrounded by forest
fires and in great danger of destruc
Representatives Tawney of Minne
sota and Chaney of Indiana were in
jured in a street car collision in
Nine men were killed and 15 hurt
when a work brain was wrecked near
! Laquin, Pa.
The home for rich women reduced
to needy circumstances, built and fur
nished by the widow of Charles Os
borne. the Wall street banker, was
dedicated at Rye-on-the-Sound. N. Y.
Harvard defeated Annapolis Naval
academy in the eight-oared shell race.
Father J. H. Kiel of Holy Name par
ish, near Hamel, Minn., was drowned
while out rowing.
Two new White Star line steamers,
which will be the largest vessels yet
projected, will be laid down at Bel
fast next June.
Instructions for William H. Taft
were refused by the state and Second
district conventions of New Hamp
William Wolcott and Charles Wol
cott, brothers, of Milan, Mich., were
instantly killed near Dearborn, Mich.,
when the automobile in which they
were riding was struck by a Michigan
Central train.
N. D. Harlan and W. E. Valk, former
clerks in the land office, testified in
the land fraud case in Washington
that they were paid large sums of
money for expediting land deais and
for divulging information about
boundaries of proposed forest reserves.
The bravery and coolness of John
Truby, an employe of the Adams Ex
press company at Oil City, Pa., pre
vented a burglar from getting a pack
age containing $20,000. Several Bhots
were exchanged between Truby and
the robber.
Burglars dynamited a safe in the
grain store of Y'ouland & McManus at
Lynn. Mass., and escaped with $1,800.
Too proud to accept aid from his
countrymen, Prince Constantine Paleo
logue of Greece, who is related to
many of the royal families of the old
world, is seeking emplo}ment in New
York. -
_ >
Religious. Social, Agricultural. Polit
ical and Other Matters Given
Due Consideration.
Aurora High School Loss Settled.
This certifies that we have this day
received from Mr. W. C. Went/.. Agetr
for the Nebraska Underwriters Insur
ance Company of Omaha. Nebraska
draft for $2,850.00 which sum added >
the amount realized from said coin
pany from sale of materials from o.d
building. J150. makes a total amount
of being the full lace value of
Policy No. 13115 on the brick High
School Building in Aurora which
burned April 5, lbbS.
We wish particularly to commend
the Company for the promptness of
ihe settlement in adjusting this los
and this Board is especially pleased
to know that a Nebraska Cotnpanj is
first to make payment of the los> oa
our High School Building.
I. N. Jones,
Pres, of Board of Education.
C. W. Wood
T. A. McKay.
H. Cole.
O. Gunnarson.
L. A. Steinberog.
Members of the Board or' K<b a ru:
A good deal of the state was v-ry
well wet down by rains last week.
The Missouri Pacific is preparing to
fix the tracks all along its line.
Ilr. Walden, a prominent dentist of
Holdrege. suicided last week by tak
ing poison.
An enthusiastic meeting was held
at St. Paul in the interes of secur
ing beter prices for grain.
Thirty girls of Wymore. ranging
in age from 12 to 17 years, have or
ganized a military com pan >.
The outlook now is that there will
be but one town in Gage county this
year where intoxicants can be se
The first serious hail storm of the
season struck Adams county. Con
siderable damage was done to blos
soming trees.
Charles Adkins, the young man to
jail at Nebraska City, charged with
forgery, was let off on his promise to
so and sin no more.
State Health Inspector Wilson re
turned from Miller, where he went
to inspect smallpox conditions. One
case was discovered.
Arlie, the 5-year-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. l-ucius Granscom of Box Elder,
Red Willow eouaty, died from l.wk
jaw, the result of a horse kick.
Secretary Mellor of the State Board
of Agriculture, has been sending out
a circular relative to the state fair
races. August 31 to September 4. in
Tile Beatrice Board of Education
disposed of the new $S0.0ub school
bonds to ti)“ Bumphus Stephen.' rum
pany of Detroit, Mich., at a premium
of $2,000.
A telegram from Representative
Hinshav.- says that in the public build
ing bill to be reported to congres
Fairbury has been provided with a
public building.
Dr. John Creighton, nu.-tor of the
Presbyterian church at York, has ju
closed seven years' successful pastor
ate with the church and will move
with his family to Arizona
At Kilgore, twenty-two miles w-V
of Valentine. Max Francke. a man of
about 55 rears of age. living in a
claim shanty, was found burned to
death just a few rods from his hous.
\ The four meat dealers of Grand
Island, complaints against whom were
filed by the Nebraska state food com
mission. have pleaed guilty to the un
intentional violation of the pure food
The union evangelistic campaign in
Lyons, conducted by Rev. Milford H
Lyon, closed with nearly 650 conver
sions. Six thousand people thronged
the big tabernacle at the three serv
Near usrnona l. j. \oru ana s>n
Earie were burned to death. They
had been plowing in a field three
miles north of Osmond and led their
horses close to a straw stack and then
took shelter there. A bolt of light
ning killed five horses, the animals
falling on Mr. York and his son. The
stack was set on fire and Mr. Tors,
and his son were burned to death.
The Empire Insurance company of
Denver has written the insurance de
partment asking about the license of
agents in this state. The company
says it intends to cover the state
with insurance by giving the same to
merchants and hotel keepers and
newspapers, who in turn can give it
to their customers as advertising. The
insurance department answered that
only agents of authorized companies
would be licensed in Nebraska.
Group Four. Nebraska Bankers’ as
sociation has been called by Presi
dent Carson Hildreth of Franklin to
meet in Hastings on Wednesday. May
6. Mr. Hildreth says this will be by
far the most interesting and import
ant meeting ever held by this asso
Blancet S Hayden celebrated his
ninety-second birthday anniversary at
his home in Nebraska City, where
he and his wife entertained all of
the members of his family and a large
number of friends. He is a well pre
served man and attends to business