The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 19, 1908, Image 8

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Prof. Grasset Proves Truth ot
Pope’s Famous Lines
The erotomaniac
who loves two
young women,
often sisters,
with equal love
at the same time.
He can't bear to
marry either,
knowing that the
other adored one
may become the
wife of some oth
er man.
Tile monomaniac is
insane on one
subject only, gen
erally the inven
tion of a perpet
ual motion ma
chine. or some
other contrivance
which d e fi e s
every known law
of mechanics. On
every other sub
ject he is perfect
ly rational.
The dipsomaniac
suffers from a dis
ease which makes
him drink when
ever an attack
comes on. He
should not be
confounded with
the habitual
The megalomaniac
is the founder of
queer religions
and sects He in
vents new doc
trines and be
liefs and strives
to win converts
to his way of
thinking, general
ly with a small
degree cf suc
The sitomaniac has
ungovernable im
pulses to eat.
Sitomania is a
disease, a mild
form of insanity,
and the sufferer
feels impelled to
eat at all times
and hourj, no
matter whether
he is hungry or
The kleptomaniac,
who is driven in
spite of herself
to take what does
not belong to her.
K I e p t omaniacs
show great skill
and employ many
clever ruses in
their thefts.
At'AREFl/L study of Prof.
Grass-*’’* remarkable book
on t]i.* "deini-fous" leads
to two very decided ami
consoling conclusions; first,
that all great men are more
or less insane: and. second, that it is
not such a very dreadful thing to be
long to the demi-tons." after all.
There is not, as Prdf.Xlrasset points
out. any way in which to draw a dis
tinguishing line between sanity and
insanity. The shades, or brands, of
one overlap and are interwoven with
liie other to sncli a degree’that it is
impossible to show where the one ends
and the other begins. In other words,
you. for instance, ran be both sane
and insane at lit ■ same time—perfect
ly sane on certain subjects, blit insane,
or partly so. on at least one other.
There are so many brands of insanity
that, fortunately, nor all of us are in
sane on tite saute subject.
"fletween calm, cold reason and a
trans|Kirt of passion." says Prof. Gras
set. "between originality and eccen
tricity. between iter\ousness and agita
tion. between a person who is slightly
touched and one who is demented,
there are all degrees of transition, and
it i- ini|>ossihle to say where insanity
Admitting for tin- moment, then,
that everybody is more or less insane,
it is not a question of just how insane
a person-is.-’but of tie- particular brand
of insanity be lias inherited or ac
quired. sitt> a writer in the New York
Sunday World
The brands may !>•* counted by the
score. Soute of them are of real value,
especially to a man of genius. Others
are useless, harmless, or detrimental,
as the case may he.
The erotomaniac, for instance, falls
in love. Hut tlu,t f» not all. lie may
love two sisters with equal love at
i the same time . and. no matter how
! hard ho riiay try. lie cannot make up
his mind which to marry. It is impos
sible for him to bear the thought that
either of the young women he loves
should become ftie wife of another,
lie generally solves the problem by
giving them both up and marrying a
The Dipsomaniac Class.
The dipsouidniar. who must not be
classed with tho habitual drunkard,
suffers from an affliction which impels
him to driuk whenever an. attack
comes on.
Then thorn are the kleptomaniacs.
Prof. Griisset describes them as "sick
people who arc driven in spite of
themselves to take wliat does not be
long to them, just as we have seen
that the dipsomaniacs are driven hr
an irresistible- power to drink.”
Among other brands of semi-insanity
may Ik> mentioned sitomania,. pyro
ntania. monomania and megalomania,
which are illustrated and briefly de
scribed. Thou there are other brands
which are Characterized by illusions,
hallucinations, jealousy, conceit, boast
Iillness, rashness." inertness, impulsive
ness. timidity ami many forms of ec
Prof. Grass- declares that from
i childhood persons of unbalanced mind
are apt to "draw attention to them
selves by their .precocity, their quick
ness In taking hold of everything and
uiiderstandtng it. and at the same time
by their whims, their headstrong ways,
j their cruel instincts, their violent and
convulsive attacks of anger. When
they become m-n they are queer, com
plex. heterogeneous individuals, made
up of ‘contradictor? qualities and
faults. They are often as highly gifted
in one line as they are lacking in an
other. From tlie intellectual point of
view they sometimes possess the fac
ulties of imagination, invention and ex
pression in a very high degree; that is
to say. they are’ gifted in speech, in
tho arts and in poetry."
Those Who Are “A Little Oft.”
The originals and eccentrics show
lack of equilibration to a still greater
degree. ‘ These people,” says Prof.
jGraaset. are wha; the public would
describe as a little off' on some one
subject; they either have some pe
culiar habit oi wear some odd style
of clothes or have a queer manner ot
wearing their hair or of walking or
writing or speaking. It may be either
a strange gesture, a form of speech, a
lie or a grievance; The eccentricity
is often shown by an imperious or
obsessional tendency, as, for example,
to surround oneself with birds or flow
ers or cats, to collect uninteresting
objects, particularly articles of wear
, iug apparel, sueti as cravats, hats, foot
MonarcHs of the Forest Revel in
Luxuriant Lily Ponds.
At first thought it would appear ini
possible that such large, gaunt deni
zens of the fores! as moose could in
anyway be interested in (lowers. They
are, however, exceedingly fond of feed
ing on all kinds of water lilies. Few
people know that these flowers grow
from thick snakoiike rootstocks which
are so firmly attached to the bottom
that the strongest man cannot loosen
them. It is from .hese firmly moored
rootstocks that the much admired
leaves and flowers strive toward, the
A well-known naturalist, who stud
ied tlie habits of the animals la north
ern Minnesota, where moose are more
numerous than in any other part of
the world, often found two or three
big bulls engaged in gathering their
morning meal on the lake bottom. The
great beasts would slowly stalk about
in three or four feet of water and
often their heads would be under wa
ter for, halt a minute* at a time, so
rhat their hacks wouid look like
bowlders just protruding from the
str*-ant. Th’'n a pair of magnificent
antlers would come up, and the water
would he shaken out of the big ears
with a flapping noise that could 13c
heard for a quarter of a mile, and
then the big, long muzzle would be
leisurely chewing a dripping mouthful
of water lily leaves and other plants
gathered from the bottom.
So intent were the huge animals on
gathering flowers that several times
the naturalist could row up close
enough to secure a good photograph
before they splashed noisily back to
(he shore and disappeared in the
black spruce. When the tnoosd find a
good lily pond they continue feeding
in it until the plants are almost ex
terminated.—The Sunday Magazine.
Solve Life’s Problems.
To resolutely and tenderly, day aft
er day. commend ourselves to the hand
of God, to do our best, to decide as
simply and sincerely as possible wbat
our path should be, and then leave
the issue humbly and quietly with
God.—The Upton' Letters.
Boasts How Ho “Works" His Poor
Deluded Wife.
Two men were standing together in
a corridor of a post office. One of
them happened to notice that a [Mist
card, held in the Angers of the other,
was addressed to the holder.
“Why, wliat does this mean?" he
asked. “Do you address letters to
"in this case, yes,” was the answer.
‘.‘That's funny."
“Well, not, so very. See the other
He held it tip. and the other side
read: "Hro. ltlank—There will be a
meeting of the J. O. O. S. B.. No. 387,
at the hall, the evening of October 1.
to - transact special business. Mem
bers not present will be Aned Ave dol
lars. J. —7-, secretary.
“Yes, but 1 don’t exactly catch on,”
protested the innocent.
“Oh. you don’t? Well, I got the
cards printed myself; the society is ail
a myth. When I want to go out of an
evening I direct one of these card3
to my house. X reach home, and my
wife hands it to me. with a sigh. I
offer to stay at home and stand the
fine of the fiver, but, of course, she
won’t allow that. That's all. my
friend, except that the scheme is
worked by hundreds of others, and
our poor deluded wives haven’t tum
bled to it yet.”—Detroit News Trib
Keep the Scalp Clean.
A distinguished physician states that
if the scalp is kept thoroughly clean
one rarely contracts contagious dis
eases. This doctor, who has worked
long among immigrants and the poorer
classes, declares that when the hair
is allowed to become dirty and matted
it is almost impossible to escape in
Nothing to It.
A gentleman, whose name is with
held by request and who conducted
a large bakery until he lost all he
had on the stock market, is quoted as
authority for the assertion that "this
casting bread upon the water don’t
always work out just as some folks
claim it doe3."—Toledo Blade.
wear or wrappers of every style and
color, or to be absorbed in researches
and calculations and ridiculous inven
tions ”
Hut, alter all, scmi-iusqnity In some
forms lias its advantages. Many
world-famous men—.poets, mathema
ticians, philosophers. historians,
writers, statesmen and scientists—
would probably never have been heard
of but for that one little streak of in
sanity which lent luster and impetus
to their minds and prompted them Vo
accomplish something of tremendous
value to mankind.
I'or instance, "Tolstoi belongs to the
category of the semi-insane who are
termed 'originals.' At eight years of
age he was seized with an irresistible
desire to fly. This idea haunted him
to such a degree that he decided to
put it into practice. He shut himself
up in his study room, climbed up to
the window and made the movements
for flying in the air. He fell front a
height of more than 16 feet and was
sick for some time following.”
Tolstoi s Peculiar Mania.
l.ater Tolstoi's particular brand of
insanity prompted him to fall in love,
not. once, but threefold; for. having
met the three daughters of Dr. Ueree,
he "began by being very much taken
by the oldest, then he thought he was
in love with the second, and finally
fell in love with the third.” The triple
romance ended abruptly, for Tolstoi
suddenly decided that instead of get
ting married he’ would mow hay with
the tnoujiks in a peasant's blouse.
Ossip Lourie, who made a psycho
logical study of many of the great Rus
sian novelists of the nineteenth cen
tury. summed tip Tolstoi's case in the
following way:
"Tolstoi is one of those rare men to
whom the English aphorism. 'They
are certainly cracked, but the crack
lets in light.' might apply. In a word.
Tolstoi was a semi insane genius."
Even Socrates must have had a
streak of insanity in him, for he ‘‘went
into ecstaeies which were almost cata
leptic fits. At table, or in the streets
of Athens, or in tile camps, he would
suddenly stop short, sometimes with
out motive At othe- times, on the oc
casion of a sneeze either by himself
01 one of iiis neighbors, he would act.
or would not act. according to whether
the sneeze had taken place on his
right hand or on his left."
Insanity of Some Great Men.
Prof, tbasset cites the cases of
dtany other great men of i>ast and
present limes whose brands of in
sanity were manifested in various
way s. Pascal, for instance, “could not
stand seeing water without falling into
a perfect fit of passion." Then Au
guste Comte who has exerted a y'ast
and lasting influence on the philo
sophical position of the savants of the
ninetenth century, “was undoubtedly
semi-insane when he was not wholly
insane, lie wrote incoherent letters.
While lie was taking a walk one day
he wanted to drag his wife with him
into the l.ake d'Enghein. During his
meals lie would try to drive his knife
into tfie tattle. like Walter Scott's
Highlander, anti he would order the
succulent hack of a pig and recite bits
ot Homer.
Of Gorki. Prof. Grasset writes that
he “made aa attempt to commit sui
cide at the age of 18 and belongs to
the category of the semi-insane who
have been termed vagabonds or wan
Guy de Maupassant died insane. He
had often confessed to Paul Bourget
that he frequently saw his double. In
going into his own room he would see
himself seated ti|>on his own sofa. The
roots of his disease ‘ seemed to be
confused with the very qualities of his
talent. t^llemain had ideas of perse
cution. .lean Jacques Rousseau was
successively clockmaker, mountebank,
music master, painter and servant,
and then followed the paths of medi
c-infy music, theology and botany. He
used to meditate bareheaded in the
sun at midday. He fell in love at 11. j
He would suddenly 'depart from an
inn. leaving his trunk behind him
Gerard de Xerval, the political writer
and poet, was subject to hallucina
tions. He would lie found on the street
corner, his hat in his hand, lost in a
sort of ecs'taey. In the Tuileries he
saw tiie goldfish in the big fountain
putting their-heads out of the water
trying-to-entice him to follow them to
the bottom. The queen of Sheba was
wailing fox him. they said. He was
found ai the Palais Royal dragging a
live lobster-along at the end of a blue
ribbon, lie tried to fly like the birds,
apd one day at a moment, in one of
th[e streets of Paris, when he waited
wffh his arms spread out for his soul
to mount to a star, he was gathered in
by a gendarme “because he had pre
pared for this ascension by taking off
his terrestrial garments."
* Freaks of Men of Genius.
Baudelaire dyed his hair green. He.
was an epicure of odors, and used to
say that his soul soared upon perfumes
as the souls of other men soared upon
music. One day after throwing a
traveling glazier downstairs and break
ing every pane of glass Baudelaire ex
claimed: "-The beauty of life! The
beauty of life.’ He declared later that
he experienced at that moment an ' in
finite joy," because he was. not yet in
sane. at least, not officially so.
Thi* case of Alfred de Musset, who
was "restless visionary and slightly
maniacal,'' is most interesting. In the
Cafe de la Regenee it was his habit to
order a plate of cigars and a frightful
mixture of beer and absinthe, which
he would swallow in a gulp. Then De
Musset would settle himself solidly
against the back of the divan and light
one cigar after another until the plate
was empty. At half-past eleven the
waiter would hail a cab. lead the poet
by the arm, and put him safely into
the vehicle. He would let himself he
taken quietly to his house, where his
old nurse put him to bed like a child.
Kven the great Napoleon had his
particular brand of insanity. He be
lieved in presentiments and horo
scopes, as is well known, and Prof.
(IraSset says further he "suffered from
a habitual twitching of the right
shoulder and of the lips.” Zola used
to count the number of gas jets in the
streets, the numbers on the doors anti
chiefly the numbers on cabs. Balzac
had an ambulatory mania. One eve
ning. w hen he had put on a handsome
new dressing gown, he wanted to go
into the street with it on and with a
lamp in his hand to excite the admira
tion of the public. Schopenhauer al
ways suspected that he was possessed
of a demon. He said he could feel it
within him He used to pass entire
weeks without speaking to anybody.
Swift announced in his youth that he
would go mad, and. as a matter of fact.
he did.
Sorre Curious Hallucinations.
Kdgar Allan Poe drank, as Baude
lain- has said, “like a savage." Me
was subject to the most horrible hal
lucinations. Haller, the celebrated
physiologist, believed he was being
continually pursued by enemies, lie
took enormous doses of opium. New
ton became insane in his old age.
Beethoven, who always washed in ice
water, “would lift it up with his hands
scolding all the while, and dash a
quantity of water on his face and his
hair without noticing that it made a
pool on the floor, in which he splashed
about like a duck."
In connection with Prof. Grasset's
work it is interesting to note that l)r.
Henry S. Atkins of the St. Louis Asy
lum for the Insane has recently been
putting a theory of his own to a prac
tical test. He has been sending insane
women out in small parties to visit
tile department stores and particularly
the bargain counters to do some shop
ping. The insane women were in
charge of keepers, but gave no trouble.
The patients purchased with a keen
regard of appearance and value, just
as their normal sisters were buying
all about them. Apparently the sales
women noted nothing unusual in their
Dr. Atkins said that such recreation
as that afforded by a day in the stores
is a valuable part of the treatment for
the insane. Just as normal persons
are better merry than moody, so, be
says bis charges are improved by any
thing that pleasantly occupies their
minds while not at the same time ex
citing their nerves.
Little Incident That Happened at the
Monthly Musicaie.
Margaret Durham was the latest ar
rival at Miss Simmons’ select board- -
ing school, and being pretty and well
dressed she was popular.
Would she be an usher at the
monthly musicaie? Margaret was hor
ribly shy. She never could do it—
oh. never! Hut the chosen five elected
her for the sixth, so the evening found
her k perfect flutter of white frills
and pink hows (this was the pink
musicaie) awaiting to receive the
early comers. Kach of the hardened
five bore forward an imposing audi
tor, and Margaret found herself in
quiring of a very ancient and elegant
old gentleman in a voice scarcely
audible: “Sir, shall I show you to a
"What. what, what?" demanded the
elderly party, irascibly, holding his
hand to his ear.
"Sir,” screamed the flustered novice,
'shall I sew you to a sheet?”
Then five lace handkerchiefs were
crammed into five tittering mouths
while Miss Margaret bolted from the
scene of her discomfiture, and the five
were left to do the honors.— Harper's
Ice in Dentistry.
The first use of ice in dental opera
tions was in what the public term the
"freezing system." This application
is still in use in provincial towns, but
it has for several years past been dis
continued in London and other large
The first use of ice in this way was
in America. The ice was cut up fine,
placed in small bags so shaped as to
fit each side of the jaw and the
wretched patient held these in his
mouth until the desired temperature
was reached, when the operator ex
tracted the offending molar or molars.
To-day cold air is pumped into the
mouth with more effect and without
any of the pain and inconvenience
that must have attended the more
primitive style. Iced water is always
used by dentists in America, but is
never used anywhere else.—Ice and
Cold Storage.
Miss Mary Woods, with Her Assist
ants, Turned Out 7,000 Last Year
Which Cost an Average of
Ten Dollars Apiece.
New York.—It was considered a
wonderful achievement when patriotic
Betsy ltoss made the first flag for
Cnole Sam. Ever since she has been
glorified in story and song, and there
is not a school child in the land who
has not heard her name. In fact, there
are si ill lo be seen old-fashioned lith
ograph pictures of the prim, quaint
little woman sitting on her back
piazza working on the stars and
But there is a second Betsy Ross
among us who deserves a great deal
of credit, for where the former turned
out one flag our modern Betsy turns
out thousands.
I lie average visitor to the Brooklyn
navy yard has no idea of what goes
on within those grim military walls.
Neither does lie know that up on the
third floor or the equipment depart
ment is our Betsy Ross No. 2,
whose real name is Miss Mary A.
It is 2S years since Miss Woods en
tered the employ of the equipment
department at the navy yard. At
that time she was turning out filmy
gowns and beautiful costumes for the
fair ladies of Brooklyn, when she sud
denly decided to make flags for Uncle
Sam Instead Accordingly, she pre
sented herself at the navy yard with
tile proper credentials and impressed
the officials so agreeably that an arm
ful of piece work was given to her to
take home, as was the custom in
those days. Soon thereafter she was
made "quarterwoman" of the flag
mom in the equipment department,
where she has been for more than a
quarter of a century.
When Miss Woods first became
quarterwoman" — forewoman we
would say in civil parlance—she had
only six assistants. Today she has
under her 32 women and three men.
who last year turned out 700 flags
under her direction. Of these 1,580
were American. 500 were foreign en
signs. and the rest were signal flags.
Miss Woods has made and handled
more flags than any other woman in
jnssjztey-A -ft'coDs
the world, and 90 per cent, of all the
work done at the equipment depart
ment is cut by her. as she is a past
mistress in the art of cutting.
When Miss Woods has cut her bunt
ing emblems they are turned over to
their respective workers, who do
nothing but that particular thing 313
days in the year.
There are eight hand workers who
baste, embroider and do the fancy
stitches required by our fastidious
t'ncie Sam and foreign despots.
These women receive from $1.52.
fourth-class work, to $2.24 a day, first
class work, for the pay in the navy is
always by the multiple of eight. Many
middle-aged women find employment
in this department, and in eight years
not one has been discharged for lack
of work.
Miss Woods herself has taught he:
assistants all that they know of flag
Miss Woods loves the beautiful
soft, all wool bunting, and takes great
pride in displaying it even before it
is transformed into a flag. The vel
vets. laces, silks and satins of her
dressmaking days seem frivolous
compared with the fast colored bunt
ings. the choicest output of the Lowell
•'Last year," said she, "we used
1-10,000 yards. Can you imagine ii?
And ten years ago we used only 40.000
yards It cost Uncle Sam last year
to run this room alone 570,000. Of i
this amount JiiO.OOO was used for ma
terials and $20,000 for labor."
"Xo, the work is never monotonous."
says Miss Woods, "for there is some
thing new to learn each day. For in
stance, just before the fleet started for
the Pacific the signals were changed,
and all the flags had to be altered ac
cordingly. Then you see there are a
great variety of flags—408 in all and
43 foreign ones. So how can the
work be monotonous?
"And what is the most intricate flag
to make? Ily all odds the San Salva
dor, because it is more concentrated.
And the only flag on which the front is
not the same as the back is the Para
guay, which has a lion on the front
and a red five-pointed star on the
back. There is more cutting, though,
on a No. 10 30-inch ensign than on a
No. 1 ensign 3G feet long.”
Paid Enormous Dividend.
A German company has just paid
a dividend which, if not unprecedent
ed. is certainly very rare. A company
cailed the International Boring com
pany. which has only a capital of
$1-5,009, has recently announced a
dividend of 500 per cent.
Rothchilds' Great Wealth.
The wealth of the Rothschilds at
present is estimated at $2,000,000,000,
and is believed to have doubled within
the past 20 years. It is calculated that
in TO years more they will possess an
amount that can hardly be conceived- 1
Congressman Richard Barlholdt, from the
Tenth district of .Missouri, is spoken of as the
probable winner of the Nobel peace medal for
this rear, a distinction which was won by i’resi
dent Roosevelt for his work in bringing to an
end the bloodiest struggle in modern times, the
I! war. The congressman is the
leading figure in the lute: parliamentary union,
a congress of members of national parliaments
in all parts of the world, organized to further
the cause of peace, and ii was due to his efforts
that -bp members of the American congress
were brought in. Both King Kdward and Km
prior William have received him and Andrew
Carnegie made him the custodian of $1,000,000,
the proceeds of which are to be devoted to fur
titering the interests of peaec He took a promi
nent part in ihe last peace conference at The Hague. where lie made this
very practical recommendation:
"To chcIi nation joining the community of nations in such a legislative
body will he guaranteed ill territorial and polilical inleu: i > and local
sovereignt> or home rule; i2> an equal opportunity to Hud** abroad. and <:;>
dtte voice in determining the law to lie recognized by nations in their inter
course with each other.* These ate th< tights, you will observe, which to se
cure and enjoy has always been assigned as the on . ••ason for the main
tenance of military systems.”
Although today an enthusiastic American, Congressman Hartholdt. was
born in flernuiny, but came to tiiis country when a hoy. lie learned the print
ing trade and has been a newspaperman ever since. He was < unueeted with
several eastern papers as reporter, legislative correspondent and at the time
of his election to congress he was editor of the St. I.oui-. Tribune. He is
5:i years of age and has served eight consecutive 'em. in congress.
John H. Rd wards. who resigned ihe position
of assistant secretary of the t rests nr- to become •*
president of the Mercantile National bank to
succeed F. Augustits Heinz, who was forced out
during the flurry that followed die collapse of
the corner in United t'opper in October, is a
liltle past 30 years of age He began life as a
bank clerk in Ohio, and by die time he reached
voting age he had been elected assistant secre
tary of the Bankers' association of Ohio. Con
gressman Weaver of Springfield. O. offered hint
die position of private serretav> some ten years
ago. and Edwards accepted H and went to Wash
ington with him. That position lie held until
l!n)t, when the congressman was retired. His
work had attracted tile attention of Postmaster
C.eneral Payne. who offered him a similar posi
tion. Edwards accepted. His <ia:brought him frequently into contact willi
Secretary of the Treasury Shaw, ami when the latte;- was looking for a private
secretary lie "borrowed” Rdwards from Payne and never paid hitu hack. When
Horace A. Taylor tendered his resignation of the position of assistant secre
tary of the treasury he recommended Edwards He suggested that the an
nouncement lie made on Washington's birthday, then hut a few days off.
■ It is the birthday of Edwards' good old mother." be said, and the birth
day of his young son. I would like to tell him of his promotion on that day. '
"Capital!" shouted the president, enthusiastically. T will go you one
better and send his nomination to the senate on that day."
He was as good as his word and Edwards got the appointment. Because
tlie president of the I'nited States and the secretary of the treasury in these
commonplace, practical and materialistic days, were sentimentalists, lie was
confirmed it: a position which he did not assume for several weeks later.
I>r. Parley A. Baker, head and brains of the
National Anti-Saloon league, shaking of the
temperance wave that is sweeping over the
United States, says: "We are lighting a demor
alized and divided enemy and smile at conces
sions shouted back by a whipped army in full
ret real."
Dr. Baker looks like a country preacher. He
was but he isn't. Once he rode the hills of
southern Ohio in a buckboaid and ministered
to ten isolated congregations. He himself led
the singing. Now he rides over the United
States in parlor cars, an admiral on wheels in
a rigorous and scientific warfare against the
liquor traffic.
Officially lie is described as the superintend
ent of tae Anti-Saloon league of America. Un
officially he i$ described as a corporation lawyer, a rmlitieul boss and a doctor
of divinity. His headquarters are in Columbus. <)., and Washington. He is
quick and nervous, but his head is all the time clear and his brain knows little
if any rest. He dresses like a business man.
As the head of the Anti-Saloon league he has helped lo select 200 paid
workers throughout the country, a considerable number of whom are lawyers.
Dr. Baker was born in the country. At 13 he had a step-father with the
usual results He became a farm laborer. One night be drifted into a revival
meeting. Then the desire for an education seized him. He became a minister
and while laboring in Ohio he saw the effects of intemperance, but didn't
think prohibition could be made practical and successful if it continued in
politics as a separate party. He became interested with Howard H. Russell,
who as a student had gone to the Ohio capital to lobby a township local op
tion bill through the legislature. He resigned his pastorate and took up the
cause of temperance.
The duke of Ijeinster, Ireland’s premier peer,
and *1 handsome, stalwart young man. is coming
to America, and the gossips are hinting that
there is a beautiful young American girl who
may wear the strawberry leaves as a result of
bis \ isit. The duke is said to be the best parti
°f the day, for lie lost his parents while he was
yet a child, and the revenues of the estates
havo accumulated during his minority until to
day he is a wealthy man, even f^r his position.
Hoth lus lather and his mother, tihe latter the
most beautiful woman in Englat'd at the time,
died of consumption, and it was feared at one
time that the young duke would meet the same
fate. He was sent off for a long sea voyage
and to? returned strong and healthy, with his
constitution apparently thoroughly built up.
Consumption was not the only danger that, threatened the life of the
young duke, for shortly after the death of his father he nearly lost his life
in a tire which destroyed Duncombe (.ark. the country seat of his grandfather
the old earl of Faversham, with whom he was living. He was rescued bv one
of the servants, who climbed to his window by a ladder, wrapped him up in a
wet blanket and carried him to th< ground. Both the ladder and the blanket
were scorched by the flames bursting out at the window, but the child was un
The young duke of Leinster is a great-grand-nephew of the famous Lord
Edward Fitzgerald, the Irish patriot, who, after a hard struggle with the
English troops and police, died in Newgate prison. Dublin, of the injuries in
flicted by them. Lady Edward Fitzgerald, who long survived him. was gen
erally believed to have been a natural daughter of the regicide, duke of Or
leans, father of King Louis Philippe, and of Mtuo. de (Jenlis. The latter was
the famous French authoress, who. as governess, was intrusted with the educa
tion of Louis Philippe The romantic circumstances of the marriage of Lord
and Lady Edward Fitzgerald, have found themes for the works of many novel
ists and poets, including Thomas Moore.
Tricked of the Time.
A Philadelphia lawyer, who spends
most of his time at his country estate,
employs a sturdy Irish gardener
whose one desire in life is to live until
the banner of freedom is unfurled over
One evening the lawyer strolled
through the grounds of his place and
stopped to have a chat with the gar
"Michael, do you know that while
we are here enjoying the beautiful
twilight it Is dark midnight in Ire
land?" be asked
“Faith, an' Oi'rn not surprised," re
plied the gardener. Ireland niver got
justice yit."—Judge.
“A boy should be taught to take his
own purt,” said the earnest citizen.
"Of course." answered the pes
simist. "It will save him some trou
ble in the school yard. Hut no maUer
what you do. he'll probably grow up
into the habit of hanging on to a strap
and letting anybody in a uniform tell
him to step lively."—Washington