A. P. GULLEY, President. W. F. MASON, Cashier. fust mil UK of Loup GJTY Conser vative and Strong Real Estate and all classes of loans made promptly at lowest rates, with optional payments. THE NORTHWESTERN A Few Market Quotations. Corn, per bu. 56 @ .58 Wheat, per bu.83 .85 Oats, per bu.37 @ .42 Rye, perbu.58 s .62 Butter, per lb.18 @ .20 Eggs, per doz. .12 Hens, per lb. .07 Spring chickens, per lb.05}£ Lioaal W«ws. Eyes tested free at Jeffords’. Take your produce to Conhiser’s. Max Jeffords sells and tunes pianos. Fine line of ready-to-wear hats at Mrs. Mead's. Loans on real estate, call on John W. Long. T. M. Reed sells Manure Spreaders of the best makes. Attorney Starr had business at Rockville Tuesday. Phone A. T. Conger, 3 on 62, when In need of a drayman. Work is progressing rapidly on Ed. Jones' new residence. If your eyes trouble you see Jeffords. He can tit you in glasses. Prof. Currier of Ashton was a Loup City visitor last Saturday. Have you seen the new gloves—50c. 75c and $1.00 at Conhiser's. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hiddleson were visitors to St. Paul Tuesday. If you want to buy or sell Real Estate, call on John W. Long. Call and see me for harness and strap-work. Resp. Yours. P. O. Reed. Mrs. C. C. Cooper went to St. Paul Tuesday to visit a few days with friends’ Lee Bros, are now ready to smoke meats for the farmers. Get in your orders. The Ravenna Creamery Co. will pay 25c for butter fat until further notice. Will Rettenmayer has added im provements to his cottage in the past few days. Light calicoes, 6c at Conhiser’s. Get Max Jeffords’ prices on pianos. Latest tiling in veils at Mrs. Mead’s. , Call for prices. 3 on 62, Ashley Conger, the dray man. Get him. What do you think of the men’s gloves at Conhiser’s. Miss Lula Lee left yesterday for a visit to relatives in Wisconsin. PIANOS! PIANOS! PIANOS! See Max Jeffords. County Attorney Mathew went to , Lincoln last Friday on business. 1 I will guarantee 23c for butter fat.! I test and pay cash.—A. E. Chase. The Loup City Mercantile Co. can save you money on a tailor-made suit, j Most of the convention delegates returned from Omaha last Friday and Saturday. 1 will give special attention to re trimming and re-modeling. Mrs. Mead. County Attorney Mathew returned Tuesday evening from his business trip to Lincoln. Positively the greatest values at the lowest price ever offered on high grade watches at Jeffords'. Mrs. Katie Hurrowes on Monday left for Alliance Monday, where she intends remaining for some time. Don't fail to hear Miss Cline at the Methodist church Wednesday even ing. March 25. Admission, 15 and 25c Parties wishing to purchase good Refrigerators can do well by leaving ;their order with Christensen & Fer i dinandt. Miss Rose Mulick went to Grand Island Monday for an extended visit ] to her sister, Mrs. Frank Goodwin. Your horses need feed, so does your. '■ ground. To raise the feed try a ; Manure Spreader and you will have j | feed to sell. Those who are wanting Grand Island woven wire fencing this spring; call early and leave your orders. Resp. Yours, P. O. Reed. John W. Lons is prepared to > make ail Real Estate Loans on short notice at lowest rates. ! Prank Robbins went up into the sandhills at Erickson. Monday, to look after business matters and to re turn the last of the week. Farmers, we (five more pounds of Hour per bushel for wheat than any I mill near here and every sack guar anteed. Loup City Mill & Light Co. There will be an examination of candidates for carriers on the south ! route this week Saturday. We under stand there will be nearly a dozen of the interested ones. Attorney Starr wascalled to Ashton Monday on legal matters connected with trouble arising over the death of the little child in the runaway accident near that village mentioned in a previous issue of the Northwest ern. Will Odendahl and Henry Eisner returned from their hunting and fishing trip down on the Platte last Saturday and Bob insists it was a mallard duck they brought him. We told you he would not know the difference. Mrs. J. W. Burleigh entertained the ladies of the Entre Nous club Tues day afternoon. The decorations were in green, in honor of St. Patrick’s Day. Mementoes of fresh violets were presented eacli guest at a six o’clock dinner given. Twenty ladies were present. Miss Helen Forlriges of Kansas City, Mo., lias been engaged by Miss Hattie Froehlich as head trimmer in her millinery store, and arrived in our city Saturday and assumed her duties at once. Miss Forlriges comes recommended as a first-class trimmer and can please the most fastidious. Call and get acquainted and see the new styles. tine millinery stock now ready tor patronage at Mrs. Mead’s, south side of square. Jeffords cannot be undersold on tine Watches, Ricli Jewelry and Musical Merchandise. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fletcher of Boelus visited their son here the first of the week. Ask your flour dealer for a sack of Loup City flour, best grade $1.40. Every sack guaranteed. The elegant stained windows were placed in the Catholic church the early part of the week. The Loup City Mercantile Co. are taking measures' for new spring suits every day, except Sunday. Mrs. Harry Taylor visited at Ar cadia Tuesday evening, returning home the following morning. I. N. Syas and family who have been visiting at Burwell and other points for some time, returned the tlrst of the week. Wre sell Alfalfa and Molasses, gaur anteed fifty per cent molasses and all new, for $1.25 per sack. Dinsdale & Son. Mr. Drummond of Illinois was a fuest last Thursday of his cousin, !. G. Taylor on his way home from a tour of California. Why not go to the Loup City Mer cantile Co. and have your measure taken for a new suit? They under stand the business. The Northwestern this week re turns to the enlarged size of 7-col quarto, made necessary by the in creased advertising patronage. If you are afflicted, read the column adv. of [the Hot Springs Doctors, and a visit to them at the St. Elmo on April 6, 7, and 8, may fix you up right. Col. Ben Miller purchased twenty three head of horses for the market at the St. Elmo barn, Monday, one span bringing the fancy price of $325. He will be here again buying horses in a couple of weeks. Next Sunday, March 22nd, Rev. I). W. James of Kansas City. Kas.. will preach morning and evening to the Baptist congregation. He is a candi pate for this place and we desire that as many as can will attend these ser vices as we hope to find in him the man we have been looking for. At the morning service we have provided a special service for the Home Departs merit members of our Sunday school. We earnestly desire that each one make a special effort to be present and remain during the Sunday school hour, if possible. A teacher will Ire provided for this class in Sunday school to review with the class the quarter's lessons. Come everybody.* The next and last number of the lecture course to be given here will lie the Hrubv Brothers Quintet, with Miss Gertrude Canfield as impersona tor. The Hrubv Brothers come to us with gilt-edged reputations as enter tainers. and together with Miss Can field will give us one of the best repertoires of the lecture course. The brothers, five in number, ranging from 12 to 22 years of age, are said to be born musicians, playing sixteen diff erent instruments during the even ing's performance. This surely will tie the attraction of the season. Miss Canfield, as reader and impersonator, is said to be exceptionally fine, and the press speak of the entire enter tainment as lieing par excellence. At 1‘ilger's opera house, Monday, March Jotii. Don’t fail to hear them. Boyd Burrowes was greeted by a crowded house last Saturday evening at Pilger's opera house, and gave our people one of the best shows of the season in “A Wise Member” present ed. But everyone knew Boyd would do so. hence the big turnout. Miss Cline, an elocutionist from the Wesleyan University, will appear at the Methodist church Wednesday evening. March 25, under the auspices of the Epworth League. This will be something interesting. There will be some musical numbers by home talent. Admission, 15 and 25 cents. The congregation at the Presby terian church last Sunday morning were favored by a very sweet con tralto solo by Miss Ramsey, who was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. I*. Mc Kinnle. from Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Miss Ramsey is on her way to the Pacific Coast for her health, which has not been of the best for some time. We trust the lady will be much benefited by her stay in the far west and returning again visit here and favor our music loving people. FIRST EXPOSITION Spring Millinery Opening Every woman in Loup City and vi cinity will be pleased at this an ! nouncement. Exclamations of sur j prise and delight will he heard Friday and Satnrday, Mar. 21-22 over these novel and pert looking shapes. In addition to these Pattern i Hats, we will show many original con jceits from our own special artists that ! are remarkably clever in adapting the I latest Parisian ideas to American I taste and popular prices. Miss Hattie Froehlich. Arcadia Flour Mill Destroyed by Fire The Arcadia mill was totally de stroyed by lire last night, with all the machinery and contents, in cluding about 500 bushels of wheat, three carloads of flour and other mill ing stutis. The loss entails several | thousands of dollars and it is reported ; with no insurance. The lire isa mvs j tery and was only discovered and the i alarm given when the roof and upper 1 portion of the mill was in flames. Prof. Dale’s sister is here from York j visiting him for a few days. Frank Blaschke lias moved to town i and is draying for Ashley Conger. Fred Foster received an unfortunate ! fall from his dray wagon Tuesday, but | luckily received only a few bad bruises. Attention, men. Don't forget the j meeting of the Brotherhood next I Sunday afternoon. Bring a man with ] you. Report readies us that Harry ! Rawding and Miss Etta Wisner, for I mer Loup City people, were married | at Aurora one day last week. , It is reported that Fred Winkle ; inann and Mrs. Mary Winklemann were married at Fairfax. S. I)., one day last week, where they have taken up homestead rights. “How to Improve Men', is the sub I ject of the sermon at the Presbyterian ; church next Sunday night. Besides ' the regular music by the choir, Mr. Fred James will sing a solo. Tiie ladies of the M. E. church will ; hold an exchange at Jetfords’ jewelry ; store Saturday of this week, com i mencing at II a. m. All kinds of | liome-baked goods will be on sale. Henry Sawyer and wife of Mason ! City are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Engle for a couple of weeks, after which they start for Oregon, visiting Walter Smith at Boise. Idaho, enroute. John de la Motte wes up from Hazard on business Tuesday. John advanced his good father’s subscrip tion to the year 1910 while here, putting his name farthest ahead of any on our books. Last Sunday Mr. ana Mrs. K. L. Arthur entertained Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Conhiser, Mr.and Mrs L. Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. .1. S. Pedler. Mr. and Mrs. C. Truelsen. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Bennett and C. C. Carlson. R. R. Nimmoandson. R.B. Nimmo, of Pidllipps county, Colo., who have been \isitinjjr Mrs. A. Gilbert forsome time, returned to their western home the tirst of the week. Mr. Ximmo, Sr., is a cousin of Mrs. Gilbert and left here 17 years ago, and this was his tirst visit to his old home. Carl August Lindstrom, a native of Sweden, who for some time has been making his home with Mr. Peterson and family, four miles west of town, passed away after a short illness last Wednesday evening and was buried Friday afternoon, Rev. McEwen con ducting the funeral. Mr. Lindstrom was in his thirty-third year and un married. He is highly spoken of as a \voung man of most excellent habits. A brother from Polk City was with him at the time of iiis death and re mained until after the funeral. Our people will regret to learn that R. L. Arthur, one of the most ef ficient and popular railroad men e\er connected with the railroad interests at Loup City, has tendered his resig nation as B. & M. agent at this place, to take effect the tirst of next week when the new agent may arrive. However, we are glad to learn that Mr. Arthur will not leave us for a season at least, but will take a much needed vacation and rest before he accepts some other position with the company at some preferred and more important station. At a meeeing of the school board last Saturday evening, they selected Prof. Jas. O’Connell of Trenton, Neb., for superintendent of our schools for the coming year and also Miss Lena Smith as teacher of the fourth and fifth grades. Prof. O’Connell was superintendent of schools of Hitch cock county for some six years and comes highly recommended by State Superintendent McBrien, acd also ex State Superintendent Fowler. The secretary of the board was instructed to write to Miss Nellie House and offer her the principalship of our schools if she could be induced to accept. As it stands now, all the teachers for the coming year have been selected with the exception of principal and assistant. Those who did not attend the lec ture by I)r. A. E. Turner. President of Hastings College, at the Presby terian church on Monday evening, missed a rare treat, as his lecture was one of the few great lectures delivered in Loup City in recent years. Dr. Turner is a genial, affable gentleman or commanding presence, strong per sonality and scholarly attainments. He handled his subject most admir ably and held his audience spell-bound for an hour and a quarter. His ever ready wit and apt illustrations were met with such hearty response that the speaker was under the necessity of pausing again and again for the applause to subside. Dr. Turner will always meet with a cordial welcome from the people of Loup City who had the pleasure of hearing him on this occasion. G. Barton Wilson, advance agent of the Hot Springs doctors, who was here last week arranging for their coming, is a newspaper man and was correspondent for a leading daily of this country in China during the Boxer rebellion. During a portion of that time Mr. Wilson was an inmate of a Chinese prison for six months. Mr. Wilson was also a newspaper cor respondent in the Phillipines for a season during the Spanish-Ameriean war and carries deep scars in the forehead and on his right forearm, as mementoes presented him by the Filipinos in their endeavor to mop Uncle Sam’s boys off the islands. He has also been an extensive traveler in the old countries and we should opine has seen enough of old Mother Earth and Neptune’s deep to satisfy any old man, let alone one of his rather tender age—only 27 years. He is the owner of two country newspapers, one in Kansas and one in Nebraska. Mr. Wilson is also a contributor to a num ber of magazines and periodicals, and one of the brightest young men it has ever been our good fortune to meet. Spring Opening Sale We have just come home from the St. Louis markets and found many Bargains which we have now placed on our counters ready for sale. Grocery List: Good grade of Alaska Salmon 3 cans for. Best Alaska Bed Salmon. 2 cans for. . tj Cans of Corn for. 50c t> Cans of Fancy Tomatoes.. 75c 5 lbs broken Bice 25c 5 lbs. Dried Peas... 1 lb. package Corn Starch. 25c 5c 8 bars good Laundry Soap.. Egg-O-See, 3 for 25c 25c DRY ROODS DEPARTMENT Laces and Embroideries; Reg- _ ular 8c to 20c values, all go Zmfl at one price Ribbon Sale; 12c, 15c, 18c to 20c, on one counter.. Ladies’ Hand Bags; oOc, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, one price One Lot Turkish Towel9, worth 25c to 35c, now... 48c 18c One Lot Linen Towels. Fancy Border, regular 25c to 35c, now. 18c Dr. Price's Food. 3 for 25c I Maze All, best of all, 3 for 25c ! I’ure New York Buck wheat. 6 lbs. for. 25c j POTATOES. 0£)Q I SflOE SALE One Counter—Rejj- -4 ular $2.50 to $5.00 I value, your choice f • SUMMER GOODS: White Organdies Swisses Mixed Batiste Lerona Batiste Tissue De Sole Silk Zephyr Silk Plaid Chiffons Tonkin Silks. Loup City Mercantile Company LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. •*3SJ. I. DEPEWffi* Blacksmith $ Wagon Maker, My sbop is the largest and beat equipped north of the Finite Klver I have a four horse engine and a complete line of the latest improved, me chtnery, also a force of experienced men who know how to operate It and turn out a Job with neatness and dispatch. MY PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS unii mi iiiuiaiiiiiinnuiiiinnunaMMi^ Mrs. Harvey O'Bryan came up from Grand Island yesterday for a few days’ visit with friends. Sunday last was quite a busy day for the churches. At the Presby terian church in the morning- Dr. Turner, president of Hastings college, spoke to the people on educational themes, and gave one of the best lectures ever heard in this city. The same morning and in the afternoon, Mrs. Mary Hopper of Chicago spoke at the Baptist church on the tem perance question, aud in the evening at the Methodist church there was a union temperance rally of all the churches, at which Mrs. Hopperspoke fifty-five minutes and Dr. Turner seventeen minutes, the church being well filled and most interested in the themes presented. On Friday evening of last week the Philathea class of the Baptist church entertained the Baraca class. A few days previous invitations were sent out on past cards bearing the Phila thea class colors. At about 7:30 the two classes gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Sweetland where the evening was spent in games and guessing contests, when a light lunch was served by the ladies. Each mem ber of the Philathea class wore their class colors and pin. At a late hour the guests departed, the president of the Baraca class first thanking the Philathea class for their entertain ment and promising that their class would in the near future return the compliment. Notice. Parties who have my woven wire fence stretchers please return. Resp. Yours, P. O. Reed. Alfalfa Seed Those wanting Alfalfa Seed for spring sowing, please call and make your wants known. T. M. Reed. Farms for Sale in Nebraska and Virginia. For full information see or write A. O. Zim merman. Hallboro, Virginia, or A. L. Zimmerman, Loup City, Neb. To Our Patrons: The Loup City Mills are sending out a large amount of flour. We have a large amount of bran, shorts, ground com, etc., on hand at all times. Call and let us supply your wants. Loup City Mill & Light Co. Road To Be Closed The road running through the south half of Sec. 23, Twp. 14, R 15 will be closed after April 1st, IMS. C. M. Snydcb. Dr. Folsom, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Sur geon, will be at the St. Elmo hotel, on Wednesday, March 25. Spectacles fitted. Examination free. CLOSING OUT My Entire .Line of )Vlep’ Wopiep’s & Ghildfep’s S-H-O-E-S! Men’s Hats, MEN’S DRESS SHIRTS, Men’s Work Shirts Ladies’ Two-piece Suits And numerous other lines. These goods are go ing to be sold, and Sold at a Reduction of 25 to 50 Per Cent For Cash, or in Exchange for Produce. Do not ask us to extend your credit on the above lines. We can rot do so. C. C. Cooper MWHV DON’T you fruy N.INTKOTE rwnv or service lice Kei IVLA Fllntkote Roofing It is the result of years of labor, and is made of the best mat ted wool fibre treated ed by our own com' pounds. It is water proof, fire resisting, and is not affected by vapors of acids or alkalies. It costs less 1 than shingles, and can be laid by any Our book tells more about it. and will be sent free, with samples. ROOFING LeiningerLbr.Co ex Flintkote Roofing »* used on thoul sands of build I ngs in the United State 3 and Canada. LOOK FOR THE BOY' Wr rou KEYSTONE LUjVIBEp CO. Haye a complete line of the following coals: Gannon City Lump and Nut, Rock Springs Lump and Nut, Hanna Lump and £gg, Monarch Lump and Eastern and West ern Anthracite. E. G. Taylob, J. S. Pedler, C. C. Carlson. President Vice President Cashier I -DIRECTORS W: R. Mellor, J. W. Long, 8. N. Sweetland LOOP CITY STATE BANK LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. Capital Stock, • - $25,000.00 Individual Liability, $250,000.00