The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 19, 1908, Image 4
Professional Cards A. P. CULLEY, Attorney & CoesilOMt-Lav (Office: First National Bank) Loup City, Nebr. ROBT.P. STARR Attorney-at-Law Lone CITY. NEBRASKA. AARON WALL Lawyer Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. R. J. NIGHTINGALE Attorney and Counselcr-it-Law LOUP CITY, NEB R. H. MATHEW, Attorney-at-Law, And Bonded Abstractor, Loup City, Nebraska O. E. LONGACRE PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office, Over New Bank. TELEPHONE CALL, NO. 39 A. J. KEARNS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone, 30, Office at Residence Lnnp City. * Nebraska S. A. ALLEN. DEJYTIST, LOUP CITY, - • NEB. Office up stairs in the new State Bank building. W. L. MARCY, WMETmT*, LOUP 0ITY, NEE OFFICE: East Side Public Sauaie Phone, 10 on 36 ,u. //. .?//;.//> Bonded Abstracter Loup City, - Nebraska. Only set of Abstract books in county Try the F- F- F- Dray F. F. Foster, Prop. Office; Foster'8 Barber Shop GO SOMEWHERE! Make That California Trip Now Low one way Colonist rates daily until April 30tn to Utah, California, Oregon, Washington and Mohtana. Winter Tours: To the South and Gulf resorts until April 30th. Homeseekers’ Rates: 1st and 3rd Tuesdays to Colorado, Big Horn Basin, Montana and Northwest. The Big Horn Basin: Mr. D. Clem Beaver, Land seekers’ Information Bureau, Omaha, will personally con duct landseekers to this coun try the first and third Tues days in April. Write Mr. Deaver for information about very desirable irrigated lands in the Basin, subject to home stead under the big Govern ment ditches 100,000 acres of new Basin land will come under water in 1908. Business Openings: We have a list of excellent business chances in new grow ing towns on Burlington ex tensions; get established early, —ahead of the coming popu lation. Write the under signed. R. L. ARTHUR, Ticket Agent. Loup City, Neb. L. W. Wakeley, G. P. A. Omaha, Nebraska. School Notes. Lee Johnson was a high school •isitor Wednesday. Bert Sevder, a pupil of Miss Nau mann’s room, has stopped school. lailii a -- Mrs. Draper and Mrs. G. Leininger isited in Miss Young's room one day ist week. enu. The literary program last Friday "noon was' well rendered as usual, ’he negative side won in the debate: (pro ved. That capital punishment Kd be abolished in this country. vicBwen and Dr. Turner, ReiVpn’t of Hastings College, visited ,reSiverai of the rooms Monday morn nse e»Ir Turner gave the high "hool pupils an interesting talk. Coming to Loup City World Famous Medical Special* Ists to Visit Three Days Here at the St. Elmo Hotel. WILL CURE THE SICK FREE. Word has been received here that F. Earl Gordon, one of the llot Springs doctors who have their Ne braska State Institute permanently located at 14th and O streets. Lincoln, has decided to pay a three days’ visit to Loup City, and while here will stop at the St. Elmo hotel, where he will receive patients. I)r. Gordon will give consultation and make all ex aminations absolutely free of charge and all curable cases will be treated free of charge except for the bare cost of tlie medicines used. This Hot Springs system of home treatment which I>r. Gordon is bring ing to Loup City on April i>, 7 and K has a national reputation as is attest ed by tlie fact that the United States owns Hot Springs, Ark., and lias es tablished Army and Navy hospitals there where soldiers and sailors are sent after all other methods have failed to cure. The United States government highly endorses the Hot Springs System of treatment and the Hot Springs doctors hold a govern ment license to treat chronic diseases by the Hot Springs System of home treatment. Tlie Hot Springs doctors treat chronic diseases of the nerves, skin, blood, heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, bowels, including rheumatism, i neuralgia, paralysis, piles, goitre, gall1 stones, eatarrah and diseases of women and diseases of men. The i Hot Springs system is all home treat ment, so that frequent visits to tlie office are not necessary and the treat ment may'be used anywhere in any home without inconvenience, annoy ance or publicity and without detain ing the patient from bis or her usual occupation. The leading newspapers, banks, business men and clergy en dorse the Hot Springs -System of home treatment. l lie nauy papers tnrougnouL uie country are continually publishing lengthy reports of the. wonderful cures that have been made by these world famous doctors. The Nebraska State Journal in a recent issue pul> lished the following remarkable article: “Rufus E. Geiger of 210 South 10th street, Lincoln, tells an interesting story of how lie was cured of epileptic tits by the Hot Springs Ikxrtors and is now able to go back to work at his trade as a machinist without fear of falling among the heavy machinery and being killed, while having a tit. because he has no more tits. Mr. Geiger also tells anothfer story of how his letter which was published in this paper telling of his cure has brought him a host of visitors. In a letter to the Hot Springs doctors he says: “Gentlemen:—Since that letter I wrote you ,tielling you how the Hot Springs treatment cured me of epi leptic fits, after I had been treated and experimented on by fourteen doctors for six years without receiving any benefit whatever, since that letter was published in the newspapers. I have had hundreds of inquiries from people who ^wanted to know whether it was a fake advertising scheme. Some evenings when I return home from work I have five or six callers to ask about my cure. It seems funny that so many people would think the letter a fake letter and come to ask about it, but I guess it is because of the experience they have had with other doctors like I had with thpse fourteen that treated me and took my money, but done me no good. I think some of the people are sent by other doctors—the doctors who could not cure me themselves, and it is hard for them to believe that anyone else could cure me. Hut here 1 am sound and well, Hot Springs treat ment cured me after fourteen doctors failed. No more tits for me—let the skeptics keep on coming. I am here as a living testimonial and glad to help any sick person to a cure by sending them to you. K. E. Geiger. “While calling at the omee oi tne Hot Springs doctors at 14th and O streets, the reporter asked Dr. Hen W. Kinsey, who is chief of staff of the Hot Springs doctors, if it was the custom of the doctors to publish a testimonial from each patient. “No, indeed,” said Dr. Kinsey. “There would not be enough room in your paper to do that, so we .publish only a few of the thousands that come to us from patients who express a desire or willingness to have them published for the benefit of others.” The waiting rooms of the Hot Springs doctors are now tilled every day with patients who have come from all over the state and adjoining states to consult with these noted specialists and diagnosticians. This wonderful Hot Springs System of home treatment is what Dr. Gordon is bringing to Loup City. He will be here only three days and while here he will receive patients at the St. Elmo hotel. Examination and consultation is free and curable cases will be treated free except for the bare cost of the medicines used. If your case is found to be incurable by the Hot Springs System of home treatment you will not be accepted for treatment at any price or under any conditions, it be ing the frank and invariable rule of the Hot Springs doctors to accept no incurable case for treatment. Remember the date and place, April 6, 1, and 8. at the St. Elmo hotel, Loup City, Nebraska. Ladies’ Fine Shoes AND OXFOPDS NOW BEADY Come aiu! See Them. All Prices--$l.50 to $4.00 “Topsy” Hosiery! For Children a Specialty. What do you know about this?. Heavy pibbed Pose at JOc CONHISER’s Spring Opening sale With a Wagon Load of Their Onyx Brand, Guaranteed Tlirse-Coated Steel Enameled Ware. This Special Sale Consists of the Following Vessels: No. 8 Tea Kettles, at $1.00 12 quart Water Pails, at 1.00 8 quart Stew Kettles, at .90 6 quart Berlin Kettles, at .90 17 quart Dish Pans, at 1.00 3 quart Coffee Pots, at 1.00 6 quart Dutchess Kettles, at 1.00 WILL BE SOLD AT They will be sold at our Special Sale on Saturday, March 21st. THE NORTHWESTERN r SRMS:—§1.00 PKK YEAH. IF PAID IN ADVANCl Entered at the Loup City Postofllce for trans mission through the mails as second clans matte:. Office ’Phone, - - - 6 on 108 Residence ’Phone, - 2 on 108 J. W. RUKI.EIGIl.Kd. and Pub. April 7th next will in-another royal battle, bet ween the “wets’- and “drys.” Which do you want? Marry Orchard, the wholesale mur derer. who by his own confession lias been the worst human beast of the present century, has plead guilty to ids enormous and almost unbelieva ble record of blood and asks the death sentence. His vivid or crazed imagi nation leads him to believe bis death will be bailed as evidence to the world of the truth of his testimony in the great labor trials at Boise. Idaho. It were a pity to bang this human jackal: this bloody beast of prey. No adequate punishment could tie de vised commensurate w ith the enormi ty of Ills confessed crimes. A lone robber, representing himself to be a postal inspector, is reported to have gained access to a mail car on the Great Northern in Idaho, last Sunday morning, did up a couple of mail clerks, rifled a number of mail sacks and escaped with the booty. The story tpld by the clerks is that one of them was asleep when he entered and put the one awake into a ear closet, and upon himself awakenihg was en veloped in a mail sack and bound, af ter which Mr. Robber leisurely helped himself, kindly taking on and putting off mall sacks at various stations en route till lie left the car. Possible: but Smells fishy, don't it? . Tlie late republican state conven tion is reported by our returned dele gates to have been so smoothly oiled and the machinery so perfectly ad justed by the engineers in advance of the date of its lidding that all they had to do was to ratify or stand help less to prevent its easy capture by Victor, the son of his father, who did things Brown winning with the Field in hjs favor, it was a very well played Shel (don game, llow do you like such political manipulation, and how much influence did the body of the convention have in shaping the results? Great is the grandstand play of the "reformers” who are in the political saddle of republicanism in Nebraska today! Bah! The writer is so constituted that lie has little consideration or affection for a certain element of pap-suckers, hero-worshipers or camp-followers al ways to be found in every party. These fawning sycophants, especially if they happen to burden the columns of their own slush-buckets with their paucity of ideas, will be found kiss ing the hem of the garments of office holders, and expanding upon the mer its of this gubernatorial accident, or that second rate congressman, or the other one-horse politician who earns an official or political preferment by the action of his mouth, and with loud acclaim trying to curry favor by a sickening laudation of some partic ular mark set up in the official or political heavens. As one of the common herd of country newspaper men. with certain papersof the above named breed coming to the exchange table in the past, we have been nau seated with the stuff and have taken particular pleasure in eliminating them from the list. Happily, they are few in number, but such as do exist are plague spots in the newspa per world. What decent newspaper could not name a few? Last week the Northwestern called public attention to the Loup City high school building, regarding' its condition in event of lire. We are pleased to note at this time that a very thorough examination of the building by a committee composed of County Clerk li. Mus ser arid A. L. Zimmerman, accom panied by a representative of the Northwestern, found said building to be in splendid shape and almost im possible of danger to life or limb in case of a conflagration. Every door leading from the various rooms swing outward, with the one exception of a small recitation room off the high school department on the second floor. All the windows open easily. The hallways are quite large and the stairways broad, easy of descent and practically impossible of congestion in event of panic. Two modes of egress from the building—to the east and to the west—are through great folding doors swinging outward, most easily pushed open from the inside, even when locked. This knowledge will certainly cause a feeling of relief to the fathers and mothers of the vil lage. The only suggestion to ire of fered in compliance with all possible human means of safety would be to place tire escapes at convenient dis tances from windows in each room on the upper floor, to be used in case egress by way of the hallways was made impossible. This would perfect all human efforts for the assured safe ty of our boys and girls. Will our honorable school board take imme diate action. thereonV By the State Journal we see that calls have been received by Labor Commissioner Ryder from Hastings, St. Paul, Loup City and other towns in the state to inspect the school houses, opera houses and hotels of the respective locations in compliance with the law regarding safety from such horrors as have recently’visited Cleveland, Chicago and other cities. It is very timely and imperative. Along R. R. No. I. A llie Haves had his sale Tuesday. Henry Apple butchered Tuesday. Corvin Squeirs moved to Comstock Monday. S. Youngland was hauling hay last Monday. Gus Voungland was at Loup Citv Monday. Yerria Kowalewski is down with la grippe. •L NY Ling's family arrived Satur day night. John Jackson went to the country ! Saturday. Joe Blasclike was shelling his corn Wednesday. Tom Parsley shelled his corn on Wednesday. A. Johnson was trading at Loup 1 'it y Monday. Newton lladdix was shelling his corn Monday. Frank Blasclike moved to Loup City Monday. Felix Kowalewski is working for !ohn Warrick. Miss Lizzie Petersen spent Sunday at Bergstrom’s. Will Albers is farming the Lee place this year. Walter Sliettler drove to Gene Whitman's Sunday. J. A. Arnett sold his steers to W. 0. Brown Monday. Joe Kowalewski took a load of hogs to town last Friday. Gust Fossman bought a horse of T. M. Reed this week. S. M. Fross visited at S. S. Rey nolds’ last Thursday. J. A. Arnett finished shelling for W. O. Brown Monday. Thomas Parsley added a new porch to his house last week. Carl Shull left Wednesday to visit his parents in Missouri. Mrs. Fagan is among those on the sick list the past week. J. C. Reed returned this week from his visit to Silver Creek. Charley Johnson bought a horse of Geo. Leininger last week. < It looks good to see the farmers at work again in their fields. Mrs. Mary Coppersmith was at Loup City trading Monday. P. J. Kusek’s new house will soon be ready for the plasterers. Hubert Kowalewski moved on the Janulewicz. farm last week. Mrs. McLaughlin visited with her sister. Mrs. Squier. Sunday. Winter wheat is getting green. Now for a good old soaking rain. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Pinckney visit ed at A. L. Bailhe's Sunday. F. A. Pinckney sold a horse Mon day and delivered it Tuesday. A. J. Budler is filling three cars with baled hay for shipment. Mr. and Mrs. John Warrick visited at the home of W. P. Woods Sunday, j Mrs. Mary Coppersmith sold a horse to the buyers in Loup City Saturday. Miss I)ay finished her term of school in the McMullen district week before last. cir. iwiu I'irs. trust 1 oungiana tins week moved on the farm vacated by Corvin Squelrs. The dance and supper of the season took place on the old Gotlieb Laeir place Friday night. Chas. Rarnes and family and Clif ford and May Bone took dinner at the Foss home Sunday. Mr. Peter Hendrickson is improv ing a little every day. He has had a long siege of sickness. Mr. Miller. S. Foss's landlord, lias been here making improvements on tlie residence property. VV. B. Reynolds had some bad luck while at Mason City, when one of his i horses got sick and died. Miss Silva Kornrumpf is visiting with Miss Eva Tykwart at the home of Mrs. 1 ra Coppersmith. J. I. I>epew. assisted by the “Big Four,” commenced to lay'new planks in the west bridge Monday. Don’t forget to set those trees along the road. It will help the looks of your farms in a few years. Arthur Kowalewski goes to Ashton pretty often lately. There must be some attraction there for him. Mrs. J. A. Arnett went to Hamil ton countv to visit Wednesday. J. A. I and the boys are batching this week. Please put your box number as well as your route on all letters sent away. 1 It will help Uncle Sam to locate you i quick. Mrs. McIntyre, son and grandson' left for Colorado last week after several weeks’ visit with Mrs. J. A. Gilbert. Jim Gouley lias moved to Coosburg, Oregon. He was an old settler on Clear Creek and his many friends re gret his going. Prairie Gem school debated with Loup City High school Wednesday night. Subject: Resolved, That the government should own the railroads. Clarence Johnson will place a mail box on the route In a few days. He is busy hauling out his goods from from Loup City now. There are < several Johnsons on the route. Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Fross went to Hamilton county Saturday to attend i the funeral of their daughter’s little child. It was one and one-half years old and died with pneumonia. Did you see the moon dogs Tuesday < night? [Yes, but they’re not to be considered, when one sees the Loup City dogs—Ed.] Xo wonder it’s cold. [And the average citizen correspond ingly “hot.”—Ed.] Local Notes. (Too late for last week) Mrs. Ross Warrick left for Danne brog Monday. Sam Foss has started to make the sand roll over. Miss Fross closed her school on the 10 of this month. We understand John Blaschke lost one of his little grays. A. J. Budler killed a coyote Tues day evening on Cobb creek. >[. B. Mathews, who has been visit ing in Michigan, returned Saturday. Mrs. Arnett was called by ‘phone to Phillips Wednesday to see her new granddaughter. Clarence Arnett and Oka Clark came home Monday from a visit to Hamilton county. F. O. Johnson had quite a tussle in his hog pen Tuesday: no harm done only to his overalls. Mrs. Annabel, who has been visit ing her sister, Mrs. II. L. Bell, re turned to Poole Siding Monday. Mrs. F. O. Johnson entertained at dinner last Sunday, Mr. Arnett and wife, Gus Youngland and wife and Christ Zwink and wife. Born, Monday, March 9, to Mr. and Mrs.A. J. Budler, a fine 10-pound girl. Mother is doing fine and we guess Tean will recover soon. Mr. Preguler moved on the farm vacated by S. Foss: Jas. Ling on the farm vacated by R. I. Barrick: Everet, Sickles on Walt. Fletcher's place, and Uus. Youngland on the Corvin Squeir place. Lost—One Tenas Budler, about six feet tall, light hair and blue eyes, weight about 300 lbs, as he is con siderably puffed up now. The last that was seen of him he was walking with that new girl. A suitable reward will be offered. Hazard Happenings. John Philpot is taking in the sights in Omaha these days. Mr. Robertson, our stock buyer, shipped a car of hogs to Omaha Sun lay. Mrs. Caldwallader and Mrs. Charles lioldt made a Hying trip to Litchfield Phursday. The Litchfield Woodmen band gave luite a serenade Thursday evening. Jo me again, boys. W. M. Ross of Anselmo arrived nere Sunday and is visiting his sister. Mrs. Clarence Fisher. Ed. Robinson’s family have arrived from York, and moved into the house bought from Arnold Evans. Will Peterson is building anew resi lence in the northwest part of town. (Vill Hogne is doing the work. Geo. Andrews was called to Chicago last week to be at the bedside of his sister who is in a critical condition. The Woodman camp of Litchfield same down Thursday evening and Helped the Hazard camp initiate some j new members. Mr. Trumbull, our new hardware merchant, is replacing his goods and jtherwise improving the looks of his place of business. The chicken pox has thinned out jur school somewhat the past three weeks, but the scare is about over md the pupils are all back to school. John Brewer had quite an accident is he and family were coming to ;hureh Sunday evening, the horses aecame frightened and upset the juggy and ran away. Mr. Brewer and laughter were quite badly bruised up. If the mothers of our land could ind would all vote on the saloon juestion, what the result? You know. ,v^wwwwww> Why Not Get One of Our An Conn Fell Mattes The maufacturer guarantees the cotton used in this mat tress hass been thoroughly felted by the most improved machinery, therefore. It Will Not Become Lumpy Try it for 30 days, and if not satisfactory, return it and get your money back. Christensen & Ferdinandt Furniture Company. Christensen & Ferdinandt, Undertakers and Embalmers I Cure Nerve-Vital Debility, Weak ness, Drains, Rupture, Stricture. Varicocele, Blood Poison, Private Skin and Chronic Diseaees of Men i i ao not »sk you to come to me tirst if you believe others can cure vou. Should they fail, don't give up. It is better to come late than not at all. Re member. that cuiinjr diseases after all oth ers hav«* failed has been my specialty for {years. If you cannot visit me personally. write symptoms that trouble you most A vast majority of cases can be cured by my system of home treatment, which i> the most successful system ever devised. 1 make no charge for private counsel and give to each patient a legal contract In writing, backed by abundant capital, to hold for the promise Physicians having stubborn cases to treat are cordially invited^ AMCM cured ol all to consult with me. ” V/ltla-lv womb and bladder dlseaser. ulcerations, menstrual irouble. etc. Confidential. Privat* home in the suburbs, befor* and during confinement. Motherly care and best attention gur.ran teed. Good hemes found for babies, rnm posjtiyki.y frke: * IvLU. xo charge whatever to any man. woman or chi *i living in Li >1 i* < I i \ or vicinitv, suffering from any CHuONlC DISK ASP. a |10. "0 \-K.\Y IXAM1NA 5 TION. Come and let me look inside of you { absolutely free of charge. rif Pieh SPECIALIST. GRAND ' Vlylvll, ISLAND. NEB. Office op-1 posite City Hall. 103 \Y. Second Street. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior I.ana Office at Lincoln. Neb.. February '.'7. l:« Notice is hereby given that Walter M Shetler of l.oup City. Nebraska, has filed notice of his intention to make final cou.niutu tion proof in support of his claim, viz: Home stead Entry No. 1S303. made Nov. it, l»ot>. for the SE x. 8W k. Section SO, Township 13 N. Range I# W. and that said proof will be made before J. A. Anirier, County Judte, at Loup City. Nebraska, on April IS. ISOs. He names the followinit witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. the land, viz: W. H. Hill of Litchfield, Neb.. Thomas Parsley of Loup City Neb.. Samuel Esterbrook aud H. llurtner. both of Litchfield, Neb. Cnas. F. SnaDD, Register. (Last pub. April 9.) LOW ONE-WAY RATES TO TH E WEST EVERY DAY March 1 to April 30. CQ1 Aci to San Francisco, L*’> ©u i .iw Angeles. Sail Diego, and many other California point'. CQ 1 •il'A To Everett. Bellingham. Vancouver and Victoria, via Spokane. 831.45 831.45 831.45 To Portland and Astoria To Tacoma and Seattle, via Spokane. To Ashland, Roseburg. Eugene, Albany. Salem, including So. Fac. branch lines in Oregon. 831 45 To Spokane and inter mediate O. R. & X points VIA UNION PACIFIC For full information inquire of G. W. Collipriest