The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 19, 1908, Image 3

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    ten years of backache. of Women Suffer in the
Same Way.
Mrs. Thomas Dunn, 153 Vine St., Co
lumbus, Ohio, says: “For more than
misery with back
ache. The simplest
housework complete
ly exhausted me. I
had no strength or
> ambition and suf
fered headache and
dizzy sueils After
these years of pain I was despairing
of ever being cured when Doan’s Kid
ney Pills came to my notice and then
use brought quick relief and a perma
nent cure. T am very grateful."
•■'Old by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Fostei-Milbuni Co., Buffalo. X. Y.
The Hottentot Tot.
if i Hottentot taught a Hottentot tot
To tot ere the tot could totter.
Ought the Hottentot tot
To be taught to say “aught"
Or "naught." or what ought to be taught
If hoot and toot a Hottentot tot
it.- taught by a Hottentot tooter.
Should ttie tooter get hot if the Hottentot
Hoot and toot at the Hottentot tutor?
—Hilaries S. Putnam, In The Sunday Mag
In a Pinch. Use ALLEN’S FOOT EASE.
A powder. It cures painful, smart
ing. nervous feet and ingrowing nails
Its the greatest comfort discovery of
the age. Makes new shoes easy. A
certain cure for sweating feet. Sold
hv all Druggists, 25c. Accept no sub
stitute. Trial package, FREE. Ad
dress A. S. Olmsted. Be Roy, NT. Y.
N’othing is more amiable than true
modesty, and nothing is more con
temptible than the false. The one
guards virtue, the other betrays it.—
Proof is inexhaustible !
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable |
Compound carries women safely
through the Change of Life.
Read the letter Mrs. E. Hanson, !
304 E. Long St., Columbus, Ohio, !
writes to Mrs. Pinko am:
*• I was passing through the Change ;
of Life, and suffered from nervous
ness, headaches, and other annoying
symptoms. >ly doctor told me that
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com
pound was good for me, and since tak
ing it l feel so much better, and 1 can
again do my own work. I never f >rget
to tell my friends what Lydia E. 1 ink
ham’s Vegetable Compound did for mo
during this trying period.”
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink
ham’s Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female ills,
and has positively cured thousands of
women who have been troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcera
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, that bear
ing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges
tion, dizziness or nervous prostration.
YVky don’t you try it ?
Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick
women to write her for advice.
She has guided thousands to
health. Address, Lynn, Mars.
Missouri River Terminals
to April 30, 1908
to San Francisco, Los
Angeles, San Diego, and
many other California
To Everett, Bellingham,
Vancouver and Victoria,
via Spokane.
To Portlandand Astoria.
To Tacoma and Seattle,
via Spokane.
To Ashland, Roseburg,
Eugene, Albany and
branch lines in Oregon.
To Spokane and inter
mediate O. R. & N.
Union Pacific
For full information inquire of
E. L. LOMAX, G. P. A.
CletnsM and bet tit: fie* the haty.
Promote* a Inxor.ant growth.
Never Falls to Bestore Or«y
Hair to its Youthful Color.
Cure* *ralp disease* It hair 1 tiling.
Uf A MTrn Men and Women tolearn watch
* ril/ making and engraving. After four
months will pay 115 per week. Board earned w4iila
learning. Railroad fare paid. Knclose stamps.
IHikt^oe ITiteiuukJarb|rafia| Uibtfoe, Im.
■% i Tri^TO _
"JIT\LhiO ^'ul»r>-w-*«*•
nturr Bid*., Wut, D. C
bob m?m
'vmmm&mRm' mmfMm
’Hisrm/iLimm ^
\C0PYfiiawr noe by tsjari’jGc i?o.
A detachment of the Eighteenth In
fantry from Fort Bethune trapped by
Indians In a narrow gorge. Among them
la a stranger who introduces himself by
the name of Hampton, also Glllls the
post trader, and his daughter. Gillls and
a majority of the soldiers are killed dur
ing a three days' siege. Hampton and
the girl only escape from the Indians.
They fall exhausted on the plains. A
company of the Seventh cavalry. Lieut. 1
Brant In command. And them. Hampton i
and the girl stop at the Miners’ Home in I
Glencaid. Mrs. Duffy, proprietress. Hamp- |
ton talks the future over with Miss Gil- •
I la—tile Kid. She shows him her moth- ,
er's picture and tells him what she can
of her parentage and life. They decide
she shall live with Mrs. Herndon. Natela
the Kid— runs away from Mrs. Herndon's
and rejoins Hampton. He induce* her to
go back, and to have nothing more to do
with him. Hampton plays his last game
of cords. Me announces to Red Slav in
that ho has quit, and then leaves Glen
caid. Miss Phoebe Spencer arrives in
Glencaid to teach its first school. Miss
Spencer meets Naida. Rev. Wynkoop,
etc. She boards at Mrs. Herndon's.
Naida and Lieut Brant again meet with
out Ills knowing who site is. Site informs
him of the coming Bachelor club ball in
honor of Miss Spencer. Lieut. Brant
meets Silent Murphy. Custer’s scout. He
reports trouble brewing among the Sioux.
Social difficulties arise at the Bachelor
club’s ball among the admirers of Miss
Spencer. Lieut. Brant meets Miss Spen
cer but she is not his acquaintance of the
day before. She tells him of Naida. and
lie accidentally meets lu r again as he is
returning to the ballroom with a fan for
Miss Spencer. Brant accompanies N.ilda
home from the dance On the wav she
informs him as to who she is. ami that
she is to meet Hampton. Brant and
Hampton meet. Hampton informs the
lieutenant that liis attentions to Naida
must cease, and proclaims an authority
over her that justifies the statement.
Brant tells Hampton of the presence of
Silent Murphy, and of the fact that Red
Slavin receives government messages for
him. Miss Spencer called on Boh Hamp
ton. Tells i;im of a red-faced stranger
mistaking her for Naida. Brant inter
views Red Slavin. Finds that he is an <x
trooper in the Seventh cavalry. It was
Slavin’s and Murphy's testimony that
more than t- n years before had convicted
Robert Nolan, then a captain in the Sev
enth. of the minder of Maj. Brant. Sr.
Hampton attempts to force a confession
from Slavin. Slavin insists it is Murphy
he want*, and Murphy had left. In a
scuffle Slavin is killed by a knife thrust.
Hampton surrenders to Buck Mason,
marshal. Mob attempts to capture him.
Mason and his prim §er escape to a hill
and defend themseh .-s. Mob lights lire
to burn them out. Brant tells Naida that
lie loves her. She tells him there is an
Insurmountable barrier between them,
but that she does not fully understand
It. Brant ami his troop rescues Hampton
and Mason from the tires set by the
mob. Brant carries the unconscious
gambler through the lines of tire. Hamp
ton Is taken to the hotel and Naida comes
to nurse him. Miss Spencer- accepts the
heart and hand of Rev. Wynkoop. Brant
is ordered to take the field. Before he
goes Naida tells him she loves him. but
cannot become his wife, or offer an ex
planation. He insists he will return to
her. Hampton goes on the trail of Silent
Murphy, then at Cheyenne*, sis the one
man who can clear (’apt. Nolan of the
charge of murder of Maj. Brant 1.1 years
before. Hampton arrives at Cheyenne
after Murphy had left with dispatches
for Custer. He follows the scout, deter
mined or> wring from him a confession.
€«>m«6 Vitliin sight of Murphy on the
edge the lndhm country. Murphy
confesses to t!ve killing of
Maj. Brant for which (’apt. Nolan was
convicted and sentenced to dismissal from
the army and ten years in the peniten
tiary. Murphy goes insane.
CHAMtK XXX.—Continued.
At ilawn they were in a narrow
gorge among the hills, a dark and
gloomy hole, yet a peculiarly safe spot
in which to hide, having steep, rooky
ledges on either side, with sufficient
grass for the horses. Leaving Murphy
bound, Hampton clambered up the
front of the rock to where he was
able to look out. All was silent and
his heart sank as he surveyed the
brown sterile hills stretching to the
horizon, having merely narrow gulches
of rock and sand between, the sheer
nakedness of the picture unrelieved
by green shrub or any living thing.
Then, almost despairing, he slid back,
stretched himself out amid the soft
grass, and sank into the slumber of ex
haustion, his conscious memory the
incoherent babbling of his insane
He awoke shortly after noon, feeling
refreshed and renewed in both body
and mind. Murphy was sleeping when
he first turned to look at him, but he
awoke in season to be fed, and ac
cepted the proffered food with all the
apparent delight of a child. While he
rested, their remaining pack-animal
had strayed, and Hampton was com
pelled to go on with only th j two
horses, strapping the depleted store
of provisions behind his own saddle.
Then he carefully hoisted Murphy into
place and bound his feet beneath the
animal's belly
It was already becoming dusk when,
they swept down into a little nest ot
green trees and grass. It appeared so
suddenly and was such an unexpected
oasis amid that surrounding wilder
ness. that Hampton gave vent to a
sudden exclamation of delight. Hut
that was all. Instantly he perceived
numerous dark forms leaping front
out the shrubbery, and he wheeled his
horses to the left, lashing them into a
rapid run. It was all over in a mo
ment—a sputtering of rifles, a wild
medley of cries, a glimpse of savage
figures, and the two were tearing
down the rocks, the din of pursuit
away behind them. The band were
evidently all on foot, yet Hampton con
tinued to press his mount at a swift
pace, taking turn after turn about the
sharp hills, confident that the hard
earth would leave no trace of their
Then suddenly the horse he rode
sank like a log. but his tight grip upon
the rein of the other landed him on
his feet. A stray Sioux bullet had
found its mark, but the gallant animal
had struggled on until it dropped life
less; and the brave man it had borne
so long and so well bent dow-n and
stroked tenderly the unconscious
head. Then he shifted the provisions
to the back of the other horse, grasped
the loose rein once more in his left
hand, and started forward on foot.
On the Little Big Horn.
N troop, guarding, much to their em
phatically expressed disgust, the more
slowly moving pack-train, were follow
ing Custer's advancing column of
horsemen down the right bank of the
Little Big Horn. The troopers, car
bines at knee, sitting erect in their
saddles, their faces browned by the
hot winds of the plains, were riding
steadily northward. Beside them,
mounted upon a rangy chestnut. Brant
kept his watchful eyes on those scat
tered flankers dotting the summit of
the near-by bluff. Suddenly one of
these waved his hand eagerly, and the
lieutenant went dashing up the sharp
“What is it, now', Lane?"
"Somethin' movin' out yonder, sir.”
and the trooper pointed into the south
east. "They're down in a coulee now,
I reckon; but will be up on a ridge
agin in a minute. I got sight of 'em
twice afore I waved."
The officer gazed earnestly in the
direction indicated, and was almost
Immediately rewarded by the glimpse
of some indistinct., dark figures dimly
showing against the lighter back
ground of sky.
"White men." he announced, short
ly. "Come with me."
At a brisk trot they rode out, the
trooper lagging a pace to the rear, the
watchful eyes of both men sweeping •
suspiciously across the prairie. The
two parties met suddenly upon the;
summit of a sharp ridge and Brant
drew in his horse with an exclamation
of astonishment. It was a pathetic
spectacle he stared at—a horse scarce
ly able to stagger forward; on his back,
with feet strapped securely beneath
and hands bound to the high iwmmel,
the lips grinning ferociously, perched ;
a misshapen creature clothed as a!
man. Beside these, hatless, his shoes
“That Man Could Tell, But He Has Gone Mad/*
barely holding together, a man of
slender figure and sunburnt face held
the bridle-rein. An instant they gazed
at each other, the young officer's eyes
filled with sympathetic horror, the
other staring apathetically at his res
"My God! Can this be you, Hamp
ton? What does it mean? Why are
you here?"
Hampton, leaning against the trem
bling horse to keep erect, slowly- lifted
his hand" in a semblance1 Cf military
salute. "Dispatches from Cheyenne.
This is Murphy—went crazy out yon
der. For God's sake—water, food!”
"Your canteen, I>ane!" exclaimed
Brant. “Now hold this cup." and he
Jashed into it a libera! supply of
brandy from a pocket-flask. "Drink
(hat all down, Hampton."
The man did mechanically as he
was ordered, his hand never relaxing
its grasp of the rein. Then a gleam
of reawakened intelligence appeared
in his eyes; he glanced up into the
leering countenance of Murphy, and
then back at those others. ‘ Give me
another for him."
Drant handed to him the filled cup,
noting as he did so the strange steadi
ness of the hand which accepted it.
Hampton lifted the tin to the figure in
the saddle.
“Drink it," he commanded, curtly,
“every drop!”
For an instant the maniac glared
back at him sullenly; then he appear
ed to shrink in terror, and drank
“We can make the rest of the way
now,” Hampton announced, quietly.
“Lord, but this has been a trip!"
Lane dismounted at Brant’s order
and assisted Hampton to climb into
the vacated saddle. Then the trooper
grasped the rein of Murphy's horse,
and the little party started toward
where the pack-train was hidden in
the valley.
“Is Custer here?” said Hampton.
“No; that is, not with my party. We
are guarding the pack-tram. The oth
ers are ahead, and Custer, with five
troops, has moved to the right. He
is somewhere among those ridges
back of the bluff."
The man turned and looked where
the officer pointed, shading his eyes
with his hand.
“Can you give me a fresh horse, a
bite to eat, and a cup of coffee, down
j returned the look. “I do, I have
asked her to become my wife."
"And her answer?”
"She said no; that a dead man was
between us.”
“Is that all you know?"
The younger man bent his head, his
face grave and perplexed. “Practical
ly all.”
Hampton wet his dry lips with his
tongue, his breath quickening.
"And in that she was right,” he
said at last, his eyes lowered to the
ground. “I will tell you why. It was
the father of N'aida Gillis who was con
victed of the murder of Maj. Brant.
"Oh, my father? Is she Capt. No
lan's daughter? But you say ‘convict
ed.' Was there ever any doubt? Do
you question his being guilty?"
Hampton pointed in silence to the
hideous creature behind them. “That
man could tell, but he has gone mad.”
Brant endeavored to speak, but the
words would not come; his brain
seemed paralyzed. Hampton held him
self under better control.
“I have confidence, Lieut. Brant, in
your honesty," he began, gravely, “and
1 believe you will strive to do what
ever is best for her, if anything should
Calls Trains by Odd Device.
“Telemegraphone” May Supplant the
Unintelligible Station "Barker."
New York.—The telemegraphone,
the newest device for reducing wear
and tear on human throats, is being
tried for the first time at the Grund
Central station by the New York Cen
tral road. If, after a fair trial, the in
vention proves practical, shouting of
departing trains by station attendants
will be dispensed with. The telemeg
raphone consists mainly of seven large
brass horns distributed over the sta
tion. These horns are connected by
wires with a centrally situated booth.
A railroad employe standing inside
uus uuuui speaas aooui me trains in
a mouthpiece resembling somewhat a
telephone mouthpiece and the words
are carried to the seven brass horns
by the wires. But the original sounds
are magnified when they issue from
the mouths of the horns. Thus far.
aside from a certain harshness of
tone, the train announcements seem
quite intelligible to passengers.
A system almost identical with the
one being tried in New York has been
in use in the union passenger station
in Chicago for some time.
No Change of Venue.
All electric concerns should have
their cases tried in a circuit court
there?” he ashed, anxiously. “You |
see I've sot to go on."
"Go on? (rood God! man, do you |
realize what you are saying? Why, ;
you can hardly sit the saddle! You :
carry dispatches, you say? Well,
there are plenty of good men in my
troop who will volunteer to take them
on. You need rest."
“Not much," said Hampton. "I'm ;
fit enough, or shall be as soon as I get !
food. Good Lord. bov. I am not done j
up yet. by a long way! It's the cursed i
loneliness out yonder," he swept his !
hand toward the horizon, "and the;
having to care for him that has broken
my heart. He went that way clear
back on the Powder, and it's been a
tight between us ever since. I'll be
all right now if you lads will only look
after him. This is going to rearh Cus
ter. and I'll take it!" He Hung hack
his ragged coat, his hand on the dis
patch-bag. "I've earned the right."
Brant reached forth his hand cor
dially. "That's true: you have. What's
more, if you're able to make the trip,
there is no one here who will attempt
to stop you. But now tell me how this
thing happened. 1 want to know the
story before we get in."
For a moment Hampton remained
silent, his thoughtful gaze on the near
by videttes. Ills hands leaning heavily
upon the saddle pommel. Perhaps he
did not remember clearly: possibly he
could not instantly decide just how
much of that story to tell. Brant sus
pected this last to be his difficulty,
and he s]*cd;e Impulsively.
"Hampton, there has been trouble
and misunderstanding between its. but
that’s all past and gone now. 1 sin
cerely believe in your purpose of
right, ami 1 ask you to trust me.
Hither of us would give his life if need
were, to be of real service to a little
girl back yonder in the hills. I don’t
know what you are to her: I don't
ask. 1 know she has every confidence
in you, and that is enough. Now. 1
want to do what is right with both of
you, and if you have a word to say to
me regarding this matter, I'll treat it
confidentially. This trip with Murphy
has some boating upon Naida Gillis,
tas it not?"
"Will you tell me the story?"
The thoughtful gray eyes looked at
him long and searching!)-. "Brant, do
you love that girl?"
Just as unwaveringly the blue eyes
happen to me out yonder. But for the
possibility of ray being knocked out. t
wouldn't talk about this, not even to
you. The affair is a long way from
being straightened out so as to make
a pleasant story, but i'll give you all
you actually require to know in order
to make it clear to her. provided I
shouldn't cotue back. You see. she
doesn't know very much more than
you do—only what I was obliged to
tell to keep her from getting too close
1) entangled with you. Maybe I ought
to have given her the lull story before
I started on this trip. I’ve since
wished i had. but you see. I never
dreamed it was going to end hero, on
the Big Horn; besides. I didn't have
the nerve.
"Yon see. Brant, i feel that I simply
have to carry these dispatches
through. I have a pride in giving
them to Custer myself, because of the
trouble I've had in getting them here.
But perhaps 1 may not come back,
and in that ease there wouldn't be
anyone living to tell her the truth It
seems to me that there is going to be
a big fight somewhere In these hills
before long. So I want to leave these
private papers with you until I come
back. It will relieve my mind to know
they are safe: if I don't come, then 1
want yott to open them and do what
ever you decide is best for the little
girl. Yon will do that, won’t you?”
He handed over a long manila en
velope securely sealed, and the young
er man accepted it. noticing that it
was unaddressed before depositing it
safely in an inner pocket of his fatigue
certainly, Hampton, he said. Is
that all?”
“All except what I am going to tell
you now regarding Murphy. There is
no use my attempting to explain ex
actly how I chanced to find out all
these things, for they came to me little
by little during several years. I knew
Nolan, and I knew your father, and I
had reason to doubt the guilt of the
captain, in spite of the verdict of the
jury that condemned him. In fact. 1
knew at the time, although it was not
in my power to prove it. that the two
principal witnesses against Nolan lied.
1 thought I could guess why, but we
drifted apart, and finally I lost all
track of every one connected with the
affair. Then I happened to pick up
that girl down in the canyon beyond
the Bear Water, and pulled her out
alive just because she chanced to be
of that sex, and I couldn't stand to see
her fall into Indian clutches. I didn't
feel any special interest in her at the
time, supposing she belonged to Old
Gillis. but she somehow grew on me
—she’s that kind, you know; and
when I discovered, purely by accident,
that she Was Capt. Nolan's girl, but
that it all had been kept from her, I
just naturally made up my mind I'd
dig out the truth if I possibly could,
for her sake. The fact is, I began to
think a lot about her—not the way
you do, you understand; I'm getting
too old for that, and have known too
much about women,—hut maybe some
what as a father might feel. Anyhow,
I wanted to give her a < bance, a
square deal, so that she wouldn't be
ashamed of her own name if ever she
found out what it was.
phy and Slavin there in Glencaid. I
never got my eyes on Murphy, you
know, and Slavin was so changed by
that big red beard that I failed to rec
ognize him. But their actions aroused
my suspicions, and I went after them
good and hard. I wanted to find out
what they knew, and why those lies
were told on Nolan at the trial. I had
an idea they could tell me. So. for a
starter I tackled Slavin. supposing we
were alone, and I was pumping the
facts out of him successfully by hold
ing a gun under his nose, and occa
sionally jogging his memory, when
this fellow Murphy got excited, and
chasseed into the game, but happened
to nip his partner instead of me. In
the course of our little scuffle I
chanced to catch a glimpse of the fel
low's right hand, and it had a scar on
the back of it that looked mighty fa
miliar. I h$id seen it before, and I
wanted to see it again. So, when I
got out of that scrape, and the doctor
had dug a stray bullet out of my
anatomy, there didn’t seem to be any
one left for me to chase excepting
Murphy, for Slavin was dead. 1 wasn't
exactly sure he was the owner of that
scar, but I had my suspicions and
wanted to verify them. Having struck
his trail, I reached Cheyenne just
about four hours after he left there
with these dispatches for the Big Horn.
I caught up with the fellow on the
south bank of, the Belle- Fourche, and
being weli aware that no threat or
gun play would ever force him to con
fess the truth, I undertook to frighten
him by trickery. I brought along
some drawing-paper and drew your fa
ther's picture in phosphorus and gave
him the benefit in the dark. That
caught Murphy all right, and every
thing‘was coming my way. He threw
up his hands and even agreed to come
in here with me and tell the whole
story, • but the poor fellow's brain
couldn't stand the strain of the scare
I had given him. He went raving mad
on the Powder; he jumped on me
while I was asleep, and since then
every mile has been a little hell.
That’s the whole of It to date.”
! May Ik* permanent)) overcome ty proper
persona) efforts with the assistance
of the one truly beneficial laxative
remedy. Syrup of Kgs and Elixir efSetra,
which enables one to form regular
habits daily so lh«d assistance to na
ture may fee gradually dispensed with
when no longer needed a$ the best of
remedies,when required, arc to assist
nature and not to supplant the natur.
exjunctions, which must depend ulti
mately upon proper nourishment,
proper efforts,and right liv ing generally.
To get its beneficial effects, always
buy the genuine
SvrupfFigs^JD ixir^Setuui
* manufactured i>y the
i Fig Syrup Co. only
o«e sue only, regular price 504 Hr Bottle
What’s a Widower?
Is a widower a married or a single
j man?
This question continually crops up
and it is continually being answered
both ways. Certainly a widower is
married—he is not a bachelor. That
is one answer. Certainly, on the other
hand, no matter what the man once
was, he is single now. That is the
| other answer. Thus in all match
games of single against married men
' —games of hockey, football, baseball,
; cricket—the poor widower is tossed
. from one side to the other like a shut
j tleclock. The solution depends solely
upon his skill.
From Terrible Eczema—Baby's Head
a Mass of Itching Rash and Sores
—Disease Cured by Cuticura.
“Our little girl was two months old
when she got a rash on her face and
within five days her face and head
were all one sore. We used different
\ remedies but. it got worse instead of
better and we thought she would turn
blind and that her ears would fall off.
She suffered terribly, and would
scratch until the blood came. Th;s
went on until she was five months old,
then I had her under our family doc
tor's care, but she continued to grow
i worse. He said it was eczema. When
i she was seven months old 1 started
j to use the Cuticura Remedies and in
1 two months our baby was a different
' girl. You could not see a sign of a
sore and she was as fair as a new
born baby. She has not had a sign of
the eczema since. Mrs. H. F. Rudke.
LeSueur, Minn., Apr. 13 and May U, ’07.”
Thief’s Visit Resulted in Nice Margin
of Profit to Farmer.
If there are any more chicken
thieves like the one who eniered his
henn«ry three weeks ago, Thomas In
grahaci of Park Mills, X. Y., will glad
ly furnish a chart of the grounds and
guarantee to tie up the dog. A few
mornings ago Mr. Ingraham entered
the hennery, and to his amazement
found a dozen fowls in place of the
ones that he had missed after the
visit of the thief. He also found hang
ing to a nail in the building a scrawl
which said: ■•Ulster Farm*-, I was
wicked when I stole them chicks of
you, but wringed their necks when I
hooked ’em from the roost, so could
not put 'em back. Am awful sorry I
done It, and will prove what 1 say by
bringing you other chickens which I
never stole. Them I took were com
mon chicks, these are blooded. Never
will I steal any more. Sinner." With
such a conscience, the sinner’s resolu
tion is evidence of good business judg
ment, for Mr. Ingraham says the
fowls he received are worth at least
twice as much as the ones whose
necks were “wringed" when they
were “hooked.’’
Toole’s Practical Joke.
John Lawrence Toole, the most i>op
ular low comedian of his day, once
gave a supper to 80 of his friends, and
wrote a note to each of them privately
beforehand, asking him whether he
would be so good as to say grace, as
no clergyman would be present. It is
said that the faces of those 80 men
as they rose in a body when Toole
tapped on the table, as a signal for
grace, was a sight which will never
be forgotten.
Should Have Steady Nerves.
The nervous system of the musician
is often very sensitive and any habit
like coffee drinking may so upset the
nerves as to make regular and neces
sary daily practise next to inti>ossib!e.
• "I practise from seven to eight hours
a day and study Harmony two hours,”
writes a Mich, music student. "Last
September I was so nervous 1 eould
only practise a few minutes at a time,
and mother said I would have to drop
my music for a year.
"This was terribly discouraging as
I couldn't bear the thought of losing
a whole year of study. Becoming con
vinced that my nervousness was
caused largely by coffee, and seeing
Postum so highly spoken of, I de
cided I would test it for a while.
"Mother followed the directions
carefully and I thought I had never
tasted such a delicious drink. We
drank Postum every morning instead
of coffee, and bv November I felt more
like myself than for years, and was
ready to resume my music.
"I now practise as usual, do my
studying and when my day's work is
finished l am not any more nervous
than when I began.
"I cannot too highly recommend
Postum to musicians who practise half
a day. My father is a physician and
recommends Postum to his patients.
Words cannot express my appreciation
for this most valuable health bever
age, and experience has proven its
superiority over all others.” "There's
a Reason.”
Name given by Postum Co.. Battle
Creek, Mich. Read "The Road to
Wellvllle,” in pkgs. ,
New Episcopal Church Will Follow
French Gothic in Architecture.
New York.—New York's new Si
Thomas’ Kpiscopal church at Fifth
avenue and Fifty-third street will
cost $1,000,000. There has been a dir
rerence of opinion in the congress
lion over the cost of the proposed edi
fice. one faction holding to the belief
that $.100,000 ought to build a house
of worship sufficient to all demands
Hut it was found that the church de
stroyed by fire in 1905 had cost $600.
How Cathedral Will Look When Com
000. and the advocates of a more ex
pensive building urged that building
operations were more expensive now
than ever.
The expensive brownstone walls of
the old church, which stood intact,
have been discarded because the ma
terial has developed poor resistance
to New York's flexible climate.
This new church will be French
Gothic in architecture, rather plainer
for such style than is usual, and the
material will be stone. The Cathedral
of Hourges will be followed, and also
that of Amiens and Westminster ab
bey. There will he a tower with four
spires and smaller spires elsewhere.
A special feature will be a spacious
entrance in the avenue front, en
riched with statues.
Freak Envelopes a Fad.
Freak envelopes are making extra
work for clerks at the (tost office
There seems to be a new fad now for
irregular-sized envelopes. The ran
ceiing machhino is not adjustable lo
the extreme sizes in letters. The
freaks must be laid to one side ami
canceled by hand. Some of the en
velopes are not much larger than a
postage stamp. In these sizes the
stamp leaves just pnough room for the
address. The largest business en
velopes are lL. feet iu length. Be.
tween the envelope one inch square
and the one 12 by 18 inches in siz -
there is an infinite number of com
binations. Some of the envelopes are
long and narrow, others are three
cornered. There is no regulation in
the post office department about the
size or the shape of envelopes, and all
freak letters are accepted and deliv
ered if they are properly stamped —
Kansas City Star.
Might Need It Again.
Little Marjory, after having fallen
from the sofa, got down on her knees
and began looking about as if in
search of something.
"What are you doing, dear?" her
mother asked.
“I lost my balance, and I'm hunting
for it."
Full many a pickle diah la born.
As you surmise.
To be a wedding gift, or lust
A pedro prise.
—Detroit Free Press.
Dolphin a Welcome Sight.
The dolphin is a weatherwise fish.
During a fierce gale or storm at sea
the mariner knows that the end is
near if he can see a dolphin sporting
on the high waves.
Something Wrong.
New Servant—“Please, mum, te
water is cold." Mistress—“What
water, .lane?” New Servant—“Th' hot
water, mum.”
Omaha Directory
Little “Pride”
goes a long way
towards making
home, clothes
and people
and clean. SWIFT’S PRIDE
SOAP is the IDEAL soap for
general home use.
your dealer for it
TLMTC iWNIMRQ Stack Covers, T.rpa..
I til ! W| Mwmnud line*and cover* • >f all k nd*
Tent* for rent. Camp Furniture. Cot*. Awning Stripe*.
Hail Duck. Watfnn Umbrella*. Ktr. Write foe our Cat
alogue and Price* before ordering
Wolf Bros. & Co. >3 3 HOWARD ST.. 0M2IU. HFI
Phones: Douglas 604, Independent AI604
New Brandeis Block. First-class Watch
Repairing and Engraving. Charges rea
soaable. Eyes tested free for Classes. Stu
dents taken in all branches.
Rooms from $1 up single, 7r»c up double.
Tents, Awnings, etc. Largest west of
Chicago. Write for prices and estimates
before buying. Cor. lith and Harney Sts.
If In Doubt, Buy A
Do You Drink Coffee
Why put tho cheap, rank, bitter-flavored coflee in
youratomaeh when pure GERMAN-AMERICAN
COFFEE TOBtano more! ia*x*t on having It. Your
grocer .*ella It or can get it.
'©'■'© DON’T KSfeWK
By having them experimented on bv trav
eling fakers. Como to us for Free Exami
nation. H. J. PEN FOLD A CO.. Leading
Scientific Opticians, 14OS Farnam, Omaha.