A. P. GULLET, President. W. P. MASON, Cashier. THE FIRST NATID1AL RINK of Loup guy. Conser vative and Strong Real Estate and all classes of loans made promptly at lowest rates, with optional payments. THE NORTHWESTERN A Few Market Quotations. Corn, per bu.. 56 ® .58 Wheat, perbu..83 «« .85; Oats, per bu.37 <§ .42 Rye, per bu .58 5 62 Butter, per lb.18 @ .20 Eggs. per doz. .lo Hens, per lb. .07 Spring chickens, per lb.05*a Licaesl Wkws To Our Patrons: The Loup City Mills are sending out a large amount of flour. We have a large amount of bran, shorts, ground corn, etc., on hand at all times. Call and let us supply your wants. Lorp City' Mill & Light Co. Village election April 7th. Eyes tested free at Jeffords'. Take your produce to Conhiser's. Fine line of ready-to-wear hats at Mrs. Mead's. I). C. Grow went to Omaha yester day morning. Loans on real estate, call on John \Y Lons. T. M. Reed sells Manure Spreaders of the best makes. Phone A. T. Conger. 3 on 62. when in need of a drayman. 11. P. Starr had legal business at Sargent last Friday. If your eyes trouble you see Jeffords. He can tit you in glasses. R. J. Nightingale was at Ashton on legal business Monday. Have you seen the new gloves—50c. 75c and $1.00 at Conhiser's. Biemond shipped a car of hogs to the Omaha markets Friday last. If you want to buy or sell Real Estate, rail ou John Vi. Lons:. Call and see me for harness and strap-work. Resp. Yours. P. O. Reed. Lee Bros, are now ready to smoke meats for the farmers. (Jet in your orders. Fine millinery stoek now- ready for patronage at Mrs. Mead's, south side of square. Burt McKinnie had a bad case of throat trouble last week, but is all right again. Jeffords cannot be undersold on fine Watches. Rich Jewelry and Musical Merchandise. Ask your flour dealer for a sack of Loup City flour, best grade *1.40. Every sack guaranteed. J. B. O'Bryan and wife were over from Ord last Friday, returning home Tuesday of this week. The Loup City Mercantile Co. are taking measures for new spring suits every day, except Sunday. County Assessor Beclithold went to Lincoln Monday to attend the state meeting of county assessors. Olives, the finest, in bulk, for sale by Lee Bros. They are choice. Hurry up and get some before they are gone. Mrs. R. P. Starr and son. Howard, visited friends at Aurora a number o; days following the McKinnie recital We sell Alfalfa and Molasses, gaur anteed fifty per cent molasses and all new, for $1.25 per sack. Hinsdale & Son. Judge Wall and R. P. Starr left for Omaha Monday morn.ng to be in at tendance on the republican state con vention. Parties wishing to purchase good Refrigerators can do well by leaving their order with Christensen & Fer dinandt. Mrs. Hilsabeck and children re-, turned to Loup City last week to con tinue their visit at the home of C. C. Outhouse. Your horses need feed, so does your ground. To raise the feed try a Manure Spreader and you will have feed to sell. The ladies of Loup City will be pleased to learn that Miss Hattie Froehlich, who for the past two months has been in Kansas City and Chicago looking up the newest styles in millinery and up-t;>-date fashions will receive’before Easter a nice stock of the latest creations in feminine loveliness. Watch these columns for the date of the opening of her new - >-k and be prepared to make your - i ■ lions early and thus get your lirst choice. Notice. Parties wlio have my woven wire fence stretchers please return. Resp. Yours. P. O. Reed. Alfalfa Seed Those wanting Alfalfa Seed for spring sowing-, please call and make your wants known. T. M. Reed. Horses and Mnles Wanted. Col. Ben Miller, the noted horse buyer, will be in LoupCity next Mon day. March ltith for one day only, and wants several carloads of horses and mules. hX» Graft Horses from 1400to 2<>00 lbs. loo Farm Chunks from loon to UOo lbs. 100 horses and Mules from 12oo and up: they must be fat. hXi Good Big Mules. 50 Old Fat Horses. 10 to 20 years old. As we ship to three different markets, can use any kind that are fat. Bring in your horses if you want to take the market price. One day only. I come to buy. rain or shine. Col. Ben Miller. Light calicoes, tic at Conhiser's. JohnOhlsen had business at Ashton yesterday. Latest thing in veils at Mrs. Mead's. ] Call for prices. 3 on 62. Ashley Conger, the dray man. Get him. A. E. Chase made a business trip to Omaha Monday. What do you think of the men's gloves at Conhiser’s. Don’t fail to note the newsy supple ment with this issue. Mrs. H. B. Musser went to Lincoln yesterday for a few days' visit. 1 will guarantee 27c for butter fat. I test and pay cash.—A. E. Chase. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Long went to Lincoln Saturday for a few days visit. The Loup City Mercantile Co. can. save you money on a tailor-made suit. Frank Otlewski moved into his new residence the first of the week. ] will give special attention to re trimming and re-modeling. Mrs. Mead. The county board convened Tues day. lasting over the following day, in regular session. Positively the greatest values at the lowest price ever offered on high grade watches at Jeffords'. Mrs. Orrel! of Payette, Jdaho, ar rived Tuesday evening for an entend ed visit to her daughter. Mrs. Frank Foster. Those who are wanting Grand Island woven wire fencing this spring call early and leave your orders. Resp. Yours, P. O. Reed. John \\. Long is prepared to make all Real Estate Loans on short notice at lowest rates. I>r. A. S. Allen left Tuesday to at-! tend the organization of the seventh District Dental Society at Kearney, this week. Lee Brothers have on hand a fine j quality of hulk olives, about the' finest you ever ate. Call early before j they are gone. Mrs. G. W. Gage of St. Paul was \ the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stork I over last Sunday, returning to her home Monday morning. Why not go to the Loup City Mer cantile Co. and have your measure taken for a new suit? They under stand the business. Theo. Ojendyk of Ashton was a welcome caller at this office last Fri day. being in attendance at the re publican county convention. Don't forget the date that Barnes, the Eye-specialist of Omaha, will be at the Wharton hotel. Loup City, on Thursday, the 19tli. Mrs. Viola Odendahl on Tuesday of this week entertained Rev. and Mrs. MeEwen and Dr. and Mrs. Kearns at six o'clock dinner at her elegant new home. Farmers, we give more pounds of flour per bushel for wheat than any mill near here and every sack guar anteed. Loup City Mill & Light Co. Barnes, the Eye-sight Specialist of Omaha, who has traveled over this road for seven or eight years, will lie at the Wharton hotel.* Loup City, Neb.. Thursday. Feb. 19th. Please call as early as convenient. .ludge and Mrs. .1. A. Angier left this morning for Gentry, Arkansas, to see if a change of climate will not tenefit the judge's failing health. The county board has appointed .1. S. l’edler to attend the duties of county judge during Judge Angler's atisence. it is now J udge Pedler, if you please., Spring Opening Sale We have just come home from the! St. Louis markets and found many Bargains which we have nowr placed on our counters ready for sale. Grocery List: Good grade of Alaska Salmon k)Sfl :: cans for. Best Alaska Red Salmon, 2 cans for. vl'1 ti Cans of Corn for. ti Cans of Fancy Tomatoes . 50c 75c 5 lbs broken Rice. 5 lbs. Dried Peas. 25c 25c 1 lb. package Corn Starch. 5c 8 bars good Laundry Soap . 25c Egg-O-See. 3 for 25c Dr. Price's Food. for 25c Maze All. i>est of all. 1! for 25c Pure New York Buck wheat. ti lbs. for. 25c WTATOES 85c Tn nr Gnu Yon Will Use 1 n GOODS DEPARTMENT Laces and Embroideries: Reg ular 8c to 20c values, all go at one price. Ribbon Sale: 12c, 15c, 18c to 20c, on one counter.. Ladies' Hand Rags: oOc, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, one price One Lot Turkish Towels, worth 25c to 35c, now. One Lot Linen Towels. Fancy Border, regular 25c to 35c, now. SHOE SALE One Counter—Reg ular $2.50 to $5.00 value, your choice $1.98 SUMMER GOODS: White Organdies Swisses Mixed Batiste Lerona Batiste Tissue De Soie Silk Zephyr Silk Plaid Chiffons Tonkin Silks. Loup City Mercantile Company LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Erazim were over-Sunday visitors here. H. H. Thompson was up from Hazard last Saturday on business con nected with the estate of Mr. Van Buskirk. deceased, lie having been appointed administrator of the same. E. A. Draper was taken very ill last week Wednesday with inflammation of the bowels, his condition being quite serious for a few days, but we are glad to note he is convalescing nicely at present. Mrs. B. 1*. McKinnie. is enjoying a pleasant visit from Miss Amy C. Ramsey, of Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., Mrs. SlcKinnie's former home, who arrived last Friday. Miss Ramsey is also a vocalist of note in musical circles, and the “Northwestern trusts it may be possible for our people to have the privilege of hearing her dur ing her visit at the McKinnie home. We received a pleasant call last Friday from Messrs. W. M. Smelser and H. S. Hartman of Rockville. Mr. Hartman has recently purchased the general store of Mr. Smelser at that place, coming therefrom .lulesburg. j Wyoming. He is a very pleasant ap-; pearing and business-like gentleman, and we feel assured will be a valuable addition to the business interests of 1 the little city on the south. Mr. j Smelser and family will remove to' Julesburg, where lie will make his future home, but as he says has made no definite business calculations for the future. May success follow each. Boyd Burrowes’ “A Wise Member.” Boyd Burrowes and a strong sup porting company will present the great farcial comedy success, “A Wise Member,” at Pilger’s opera house. Saturday, March 14. ‘A WiseMember’ is an exceptionally strong farce on the order of ‘ Brown’s in Town,” “Why Smith Left Home,” etc., and is strengthened by the addition of a big array of singing, dancing and novel specialties. Boyd’s new company in cludes some old favorites and' has l)een strengthened by tiie addition of Mr. Laurence Lond'en, late leading man with the Woodward Stock Co., Miss Gladys Bush, singing soubrette and violinist. Mr. John Ferguson, dancing comedian and parody singer. Lewis and Norah Kline, Leroy Bell, old favorites, are appearing in new specialties and the addition of hand colored moving pictures and illustra ted songs completes the list. Boyd is appearing in the part of “Obediah Lawson,” an eccentric old man char acter which his advance agent says ”Boyd eats up,” and the balance of the cast are “joy makers.” Seats are now on sale at Conhiser’s. Dr. Bernard, the Grand Island Veterinary Surgeon, will be here March 25th till 2 o’clock p. m. Bring in your horses before 1 o’clock to Miner’s barn. GET TOM EYES ON THESE BARGAINS ONLY A FEW Of the Many. Dr. Shoops Health Coffee, per lb > - $.15 Meadow Sweet Apple Butter, per can - .10 Champion Peas, per can - - - .10 Chipped Dried Beef, tin can - - - .12 Eagle Lye, 4 cans for .25 J. M. Gooseberries, per can - .10 J. M. Mincemeat, 3 pkgs for * - .25 Barrington-Hall Steel Cut Coffee - - .35 Red Rose and Old Time Coffee, per lb > .25 Smoked Halibut, per lb .... .15 Smoked Salmon, per lb .10 J. P. Coats Thread, per spoof - - - .05 American, Washington, Columbia and Wm. Simpson & Son Prints, per yd - .07 Biff Sales, Small Profits. C. C. Cooper WHV DON’T you 3UV fc LINTKOTE n or service like Rex KCA FHntkote Roofing. It is the result of years of labor, and is made of the best mat ted wool fibre treated ed by our own com pounds. It is water proof, fire-resisting, and is not affected by vapors of acids or alkalies. It costs less than shingles, and can be laid by any one. Our book tells more about it. and will be scut free, with samples. ROOFING LeiningerLbr.Co lex Flintkote Rooting used on thoul sands of build ( ngs in the United States and Canada. KEYSTONE LUJVIBEP CO. Have a complete line of the following coals: Cannon City Lump and Nut, Rock Springs Lump and Nut, Hanna Lump and Egg, Monarch Lump and Eastern and West ern Anthracite. E. G. Taylor, J. S. Pedler, C. C. Carlson. President. Vice President Cashier DIRECTORS W: R. Mellor, J. W. Long, S. N. SWEETLAND LOOP C1TI STATE BANK LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, Capital Stock, - - $25,000.00 Individual Liability, $250,000. OO