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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1908)
With an Eye to the Future. Queen Alexandra attended last spring's annual Mansion House fete in London, and because of that auspicious fact there is a tale to tell—and worth the while. One of the diminutive flow > er maidens was both pretty and plump. • and when her majesty stopped for an \ instant to smile down upon her. what did she do but put up her wee land tempting) mouth for a kiss, which she received. “Molly"’ gasped her astounded mother, and after the distinguished visitor had passed on, "how could you 1 ” And Molly gave a good reason. "1 fought.' said she. “It 'uld be interest in' to tell my grandchildren."—Har i per's Weekly. SPITE. rTouu iiotner—KveryDoay says tne baby looks like me. Her Brother—The spiteful things don't say that to your face do they? In Demand. “I hear yon have a new automobile old man,” said the motor-car fiend "What does it look like?” “Well, to tell you the truth.” replied the amateur motorist. ”it is as ugly as a steam roller, makes as much noise as a traction engine, knocks over as many people as a freight en gine and raises as much dust as a street sweeping machine. The motor-car fiend was wild with enthusiasm. “You don’t say’” he blurted eagerly. “Tel! me where 1 can buy the same make and I’ll give you my old machine as a present.” Cause for Alarm. A young man hat: been courting a girl for nine years. •'Jennie.” he said, one evening, 1 tead the other day that in 50,000 years Niagara falls would dry up.*' Jennie clutched his arm excitedly. "Why, what's the matter?” he asked. “Why, you promised to take me there on our bridal trip. Don’t you think you had better be a little care ful that it does not dry up before we get there?-’ Application Put on File. The Needy One—1 say. old man. could you lend me a dollar for a day or two? The Other One—My dear fellow, the dollar 1 lend is out at present, and I've several names down for it when It comes back.—Harper's Weekly. Every Lover of Good Music should take advantage of the offer tie Jerome 11 Reinick Co. of New York make in the advertising oimmi' of this paper to send for '£> tents ilie words and music of nine of the best pieces of the Merry Widov. Opera, all the rage a’ present in London, Paris and New York The best acting at an amateur per formance is always done by the people who sit down in front and act as though they enjoyed it. A TEMPERANCE WORKER. Says Pc-ru-Ka is a Valuable Aerzv and Blood Remedy. L MISS BESSIE FARRELL. J MISS BESSIE FARRELL 1011 Third Ave.. Brooklyn. N. Y., is Presi dent of the Young People's Christian Temperance Association She writes: ‘•Peruna is certainly a valuable nerve and blood remedy, calculated to build up the broken-down health of worn-out women. 1 have found by personal ex perience that it acts as a wonderful re storer of lost strength, assisting the stomach to assimilate and digest tiie fihjd. and building up worn-out tissues. In my work I have had occasion to recommend it freely, especially to women. • I know of nothing which is better to build up the streugt li of a young mother, in fact, all the ailments peculiar to women, so 1 am pleased to give it my hearty endorsement.'’ Hr. Hartman has prescril>ed Peruna for many thousand women, and he never fails to receive a multitude of letters like the above, thanking him for the wonderful benefits received. Man-a-lin the ideal Laxative. NEBRASKA IN BRIEF NEWS NOTES OF INTEREST FROM VARIOUS SECTIONS. ALL SUBJECTS TOUCHED UPON Religious. Social. Agricultural. Polit ical and Other Matters Given Due Consideration. A Bryan club lias been organized at Nebraska City. While helping to put up ice. Charles Stol ten berg lost two of his fingers Doctors of Grand island have gone on record as .desiring milk inspection. Commissioners ot Douglas county will submit a bond proposition for a new court house. Elizabeth Hamilton and Mrs. S. L. Dodder, sisters, were burned to death at Omaha lit gasoline explosion. About $2u.bud will tie spent lit the Independent Telephone company oi Fairbury in improvements this year. Twelve farm mortgages, amounting to $27,210 were filed, and eighteen, amounting tc $33J>5ti. were released in Cass county during January. Lincoln won out in the high school debate with Beatrice. Governor Sh< 1 don presided. The question for de bate was, "increase of Our Navy." Tic fiftieth anniversary o. the wed ding of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wincamp. of Snyder. Neb., was celebrated at the Catholic church at that place Feb ruary 22. Byron McNally, of Cass county, fell into a dry well eighty feet deep and was in there two nights and almos" three days before being rescued. He was badly bruised, but will recover. During a show given at Ong the film ol' a moving pietim machine caught fire, hi the stampede that en sued as the people rushed for the only exit, no one was serious]} injured. Dr. Boyd, a local practitioner a: Central City, reports a remarkable in cident in ins practice, having attend ed at the birth of a child which was horn with two well developed teeth Jehu Lange, living six miles ottth easr of Cortland, was found dead in bed. The coroner's jury rendered a verdict that death was dm to heart trouble. Deceased was 7|: years of age. Work on the Burlington's new depot at Alliance will be resumed again on March 1. This will be one of the best structures of its kind in the state and will have cost, when complete, about $8u.00p. On the eve of his departure from Norfolk William Boeche. a prominent farmer who had lived two miles southeast of Norfolk for years, feli through the ice of the Eikhorn river and was drowned. The recent snow storm covered tip and smothered many coveys of quail iu Otoe county and a number of farm ers reported finding the dead birds Rabbits were found in snow drifts and were caught by hand. Superintendent .1. T Morey of the Institute for the Blind at Nebraska City, has discovered the young boys of the institute well supplied with to bacco. and they claim to have pur chased it from the dealers in that city. Fulton Jack and R. W Sabin, at torneys for Shumway, the Gage county convicted murderer, are preparing to present the case to the supreme court. The bill of exceptions of the defense has been prepared and covers l.iHH* pages. Nt w; has rear-hod Centra! City of ;he death of George Raser, a former Central City boy, in the mines of South Africa, on the twenty-first of last December. N*o details are given except that he was killed in a mine explosion. The last condition of the settlement of the divorce suit of Calvin Chapman of Nebraska City against hit wife. Harriett Chapman, lias been complied with and deeds have been filed where by he gives her property to the value of $2.1,000. Buy your life insurance this year from the Midwest Life of Lincoln. This is an old line company, writing up-to uate policies at lowest safe rates pos sible. No estimates but clean protec tion for Nebraska homes. This tom pany is hacked by Nebraska capita! and business men and the premiums paid to it remain in this state. Write the company for information. A peddler stopi>ed a' the home of Eiiert Cramer in Gage county over night and asked lodgings. He was given quarters, but soon atter his de parture the next morning Mr. Cramer missed his pockeibook and $10 which he had placed on a clock shelf. Cramer gave chase and catching up with the peddler, gave him a sound drubbing and secured the money. The number of shipments from Broken Bow; during the past year makes a fine showing. Of cattle there were 214 cars; hogs. 217 cars: horses and mules, forty-two cars; wheat, ninety-one cars; corn. oats. hay. flour and feed, ninety-seven cars; t«87 cases of eggs; nearly 30,000 pounds of but ter and 50,715 pounds of hides. Retrenchment in freight service on its branch lines was inaugurated by the Union Pacific, when three trains were laid ofr on the Columbus di vision. The Grand Island local freight was discontinued and traffic will be handled ny the through freight. Dan V. Stephens of Dodge county is highly pleased with the experiment of Inoculating his cholera-afflicted hogs with a new serum it is said will prevent the disease much after the fashion that vaccination prevents the smallpox. There has been no fut ther spread of the disease and no more of the animals have died. HIS LECTURE ON JOB. Brother Dickey i hinks He Was Over rated as Patient Man. •'I dunno what dey call Job a patient tuan fer," said Brother Dickey, "Raze of all de growlers 1 ever beam tell on he sho' wuz de growlinest. But he sho’ did have enough ter make him growl—dat he did. De devil say: 'Lookv yere. Job, you in my power, now, an' 1 gwine ter flict you wad a few bilt*= An Job say: All right; 1 kin stan' it ef you kin.' But de biles commence ter break out so thick an fas' dat Job say: ’Looky yere, man, dese ain't no biles—dis de smallpox, sho’ ez you bo n.’ An' he eetch and eetch so dat he had ter scratch his se'f wid a goat s head. Den de devil git in a high win' and blow down Job s house: an' dat wuz loo much. So ol' Job lif up his voice an' he say: Looky yere, I bargain fer biles, but 1 didn't want no harricane th'owea in fer good measure.’ —Atlanta Consti tution. CURED HER CHILDREN. Girls Suffered with Itching Eczema Baby Had a Tender Skin, Too— Relied on Cuticura Remedies. "Some years ago my three little girls had a very bad form of eczema. Itching eruptions formed on the backs of their heads which were simply cov ered. T tried almost everything, but failed. Then my mother recommended the Outicura Remedies. 1 washed my children's heads with Outicura Soap and then applied the wonderful oint ment, Outicura. I did this four or five times and I can say that they have been entirely cured. 1 have another baby who is so plump that the folds of skin on his neck were broken and even bled. I used Outicura Soap and Outi rura Ointment and the next morning the trouble bad disappeared. Mme. Napoleon Duccppe. 41 Duluth St , Montreal. Quo., May 21. lt>07 ' DIFFERENT EFFECT, Mrs. Goodsole—My boy. it makes me sick at heart to see you smoking. Kid—Dai's funny. It seems to ketch me right in the stummick. Where It Belongs. "Excuse me," said the playwright to his friend who was hissing the piece, "do you think it is good form to hiss my show when i gave you the ’ticket that admitted you?" "Certainly." resentfully replied the friend. "If I'd bought a ticket I would ' have contented myself by going out side and swearing at myself."—Suc cess Magazine. In a Pinch. Use ALLEN’S FOOT-EASE. A powder. It. cures painful, smart ing. nervous ft - t and ingrowing nails, it's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. .Makes new shoes asy. A certain cure for sweating feet. Sold by all Druggists. 25c. Accept no sub stitute. Trial package. FREE. Ad dress A. S. Olmsted. Le Roy. N. Y. How the Governor Felt. Gov. Hughes recently addressed the West End Woman's Republican club of New York and remarked in the course of his talk: "My happiness on this occasion may be compared with the young lady on her first visit to Venice. I believe she wrote her inti mate friend as follows 'I am here on the Grand Canal, drinking it all in.' She added: 'Lite's never seemed so full before.' ” His First Banquet. Friend (in whisperi—The toastmas ter wants you to get off a good joke. The Bashful Man—Beg pardon—er —I didn't know 1 was on it. Digestive Difficulties: Htadacfi ': Sal low complexion? The remedy Garfield Tea, the Herb Laxative. Write fur sam ples. tiariieid Tea t o.. Brooklyn, N. Y. If a young man sits half the time on a hot stove and the other half on a cake of ice it s just like beiug in love. Lewis’ Single Binder coats more than other 5c cigars. Smokers knot why. Vour dealer or i C'.-t- Factory. Peoria, ill. The average man's idea of a good sermon is one tha' goes over his head and hits one of his acquaintances. PILLS Cl RED IN 6 TO 11 I IVYS. PAtto OINTVKNT is gtiui-unteod to cure any case u? 1 ''ten*. Mind. Bidding nr Protruding Pile;, in i) to U days or tuuney refunded. uuc Some silence may be golden, but much of it is ironical. When Run Down _B 25 I [Nerve Prostration is one of the great troubles tliat come to weak women, as a result of neglected womanly ills. Pain acts on your nerves, like rust on steel, and they simply go all to pieces. You can’t build rusty steel back again, and some times you can't renew your nerves, so it’s best to begin in plenty of time to take Wine It will build up the resistance of your nerve substance. Ylrs. J. Bennett, of El Paso, Tex., writes: “I suffered from pains in the back, and nervous prostration. After being laid up for three weeks, I took Car dui. Now I am in good health.” Try Cardui. Sold by druggists, everywhere. Write for Free 64-page Book for Women, giving symptoms, causes, home treatment and ▼aluable hints on diet, exercises, etc. Sent free on request in plain wrapper, by ir-i1 p-epard. Lames' Adviaory Dept„ The Chattanooga Medicine Co. Chattanooga, Tenn. WRITE FOR FREE BOOK Damage Done by Rats. “The western larmer is waking up to a realization of the fact that he is, as the agricultural department told him some time ago, losing not less than 1100,000,000 a year from rats,” says J. H. Van Burden, a Milwaukee grain merchant. "It costs about 50 cents a year to feed a rat. We know this because we have boxed them up and fed them as much grain as they would eat for a year. It is a conserva tive estimate to place our rat popula tion at 150.000,000. About oae-third of them live in the large cities, where they do not get so much grain." The end and object of our existence should be work, or the legitimate em ployment of ail our faculties.—H. R. Haweis. After suffer in? for seven years, tliis woman was restored toliealth »>v Lydia 1C. Pinkliam’s Vegetable C ompound. Itead her letter. Mrs. Sallie French, of 1’aucaunla, Ind. Ter., writes to Mrs. ITukham: *• I had female troubles for seven years — was all run-down, and so ner vous I could not do anything. The doctors treated me for different troubles but did me no good. While in this con dition I wrote to Mrs. 1'inkham for ad ,viee and took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound, and I am now strung and well." FACTS FOR SiCK WORSEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bear ing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tioiL.dizziness.or nervous prostration. Why don’t you try it ? Don’t hesitate to w rite to Mrs. Pinkham if there is anything about your sickness you do not understand. She w ill treat your letter in confideneeandadvise you free. No woman ever regretted writing her, and because of her vast experience she lias helped thousands. Address. Lynn, Mass. CARTERS ITTlE IVER p:lls. Positively cured by j these Little Piiis. j They al<c relieve Di> I tress from Dyspepsia. In* ! digest km and Too 11 arty {Ealing. A perfect rrni ledy for Dizziness, Nan* I sea. Drowsiness, Bad j Taste in t he Mouth, Coat led Ton-rue. Pain in the J s i ti v*, TORPID LIVER. The\ regulate the Bov.d». Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simiie Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES' CARTERS llTTlE *VER PILLS. Tff£ ONLY Sanitary Durable wallcmtws It is marvellous what a beautiful color effect can be secured in a room when the wall is tinted with Alabastine. There is a richness as w ell as a freshness and a dainti ness about it that no other materia! gives. Alabastine Co. Grand Rapids. Mich. New YORK CITY 16 Beautiful Tints. ! pig. covers 300 to 450 square feei of Wall. Ail Good Deal ers Sell It. Do Not Tike Any Substitute. Dye Successfully with Putnam Fadeless Dyes Write for free Booklet “Kow to Dye, Bleach and Mix Colors." Color double quantity of poods — and better for same price of ordinary dye—At your druggists, i0 cents, or sent on receipt of price. Monroe Drug Company, Quincy, Illinois MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC sw£Sot MERRY WIDOW F<$5ct,. On account of the fact that there is no copyright on the mus.c of this wonderful opera, we are enabled to maue this unusual offer. 25c Merry Widow Vocal and Instrumental Gems 25c THIS BEAUTIFULLY BOUND BOOK CONTAINS NINE NUMBERS “For I Love You So” "The Silly Cavalier” “For I’m a True Loving Wife” “Land of Our Home" “My Vilia” “The Lovely Women” “I’m Happy at Maxim’s” “I’m So Parisian” and the celebrated Merry’ Widow Waltr. All for 25c, postpaid—4C pages in all. Lamps art* glow - ing. love t» grow • tng, for yoc Merry Widow Gems complete. 25c. Postpaid. 5 copies for $1.00. 1 0 copies far $ 1.50. ALSO 3 BIG HITS, 25c EACH "Dreaming’' — "Sweetheart Days” — “I'm Afraid to Come Home in the Dark” These 3 Nou^ Hits ami Merry Widow liook $1.00 jiontpaid. Address JEROME H. REM!CK &. CO., 131 West 41st St., NEW YORK The largest publishers and retaaers of DGnuiar music in the wcrid. tir Jit Ul —B——H——■i—■—EBB^m MM Now is the time to plan the trip — now while there’s nothing in particular to keep you at home. Why not make up your mind to get away from the cold for a week or two? Go down and see what a big difference there is between a Northern winter and a Southwestern winter. You’ll find the farmers down there about through with their planting 1 Try and fix things at home so you can be sure to #0 OH 7f?ast/(< Those are the days when round trip tickets will be soid so cheap. Li.ts ot men will go on those dav*— men iust like yourself who are tired of the long cold winters and high priced land — they are going down just to look around—10 see what they can ot the countrv where the land i' so cheap and the winters so short. You will want to see as much of the Southwest as possible on this trip. Y ou can do it by asking the agent to sell you a ticket over the Rock Island-Frisco C. & E. I. Lines Ir vou do that vou can go down through the Southwest by one route and return by another. You can also stop off in the Southwest as often a* you want at any place that interests v ou, within the limit of your ticket, which is 30 days. The Rock Island - Frisco trains always carry comfortable chair car*, and or. excursion days Pullman tourist sleepers in addition to the regular standard sleepers. A double berth in one of these tourist sleepers costs very little, and is just as comfortable as anybody could want. Don’t Fail to Go In March — it vou wr it until April you won’t find it so easy to get awa\. Excursion dates in April, however, are April 7th and 21st. Make a note of them. Let me ti ll you just what vour ticket will cost, just what route to l take to see the best country. I will also tell you what train to take and will send you a schedule for the whole trip. I'll also send you some books you will want to read before ysu start. These books will post you about Mar i the Southwest. What will u round trip tiekt t cost rue Clip out the Coupon and Mail it toaav. I rota . _ like to go S mthwest John Sebastian. Passenger Trarhc Manager To Rork Island-Frisco Lines and y' Ph ase send me full details and Chicago & Eastern Illinois R. R. hooks. 11 bo LaSalle nation. Chicago 116U Frisco Building.‘St. Louis y‘ Address_ NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER FIC AMD MODERN EXTERNAL COi Capsicum-Vaseline. EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLANT TAKEN DIRECTLY IN VASELINE DON’T WAIT TILL THE PAIN COMES—KEEP A TUBE HANDY A QUICK. SURE. SAFE AND ALWAYS READY CURE FDR PAIN.—PRICE -. -:*. COLLAPSIBLE TUBES MADE CF FUf r TiN-AT ALL I CGCISTS AND DEALERS. OR EY MAIL ON RECEIFT OF 15:. IN POST AGE STAMPS. A substitute for and superior to mustard or ary other plaster, ar.d will not blister tne most delicate skin. The pain-allar'incr and curat, e qualities of the !e are wc iertul. It will stop the tooth: at once and relieve Head acne ar.d Sciatica. V.'e recommend it ar the best ar.d safest externa! counter irritant known, also as an external remedy for pains in the chest ar.d stomach and all Rheumatic. Neuralgic and Gouty complaints. A trial will prove -.vhat we claim for it. and it will be found to be invaluable in the household and for children. Once used no family will be without it. Many people say •• it is the bes- of all your preparations.” Accept no preparation of vaseline unless tne same carries our label, as otherwise it is not genutns. Send ycur address and we will mail our Vaseline Booklet describing our preparations which will interest you. 17 State St. CHESE3ROUGH MFG. GO. New York City MEN, BOVS, WOMEN, MISSES AND CHILDREN. «£S9=> IV. L. Dnug'ss makes and se/is more «ST_-'a man's $2. BO. 93.00 and S3.BP than any other manufacturer in ike fo- trorW, because they iioit' their* shape, it natter, wear funner, and BeT an: arwsat or- snan wj uuiur «r?>u a/)<Ms in fne irortd to-dvy. &2K\ r?SdeU Exclusively. W. L. Douglas $4 and $5 Gilt Edge Shoes Cannot Be Equalled At Anj Price OF* t'A 1’TIOV. W. P^nclar name and rr.^ i? stamped on bottom. Take Xo Suhttitnte. Sold by the in^st shoe dealers ererywiierts. Sdoea marled from factory to any part of the world, illus trated Catalog free to an; address. Siloes mailed from factory to any part of the world. VT. L. iHli'iiLAM, Brock.tou, Slam.