The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 06, 1908, Image 5

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    CULLEY, President. W. F MASON, Caslii. r.
T itToIl bank
Real Estate and all classes of loans
made promptly at lowest rates,
with optional payments.
ML Few Market ({notations.
Com, per bu. 55 m ..."
Wheat per bu. .SI
Oat* per bu. .40
' per bo. *><i
Butter per lb...17 <3 .2o
per doz. .20
Hens, per lb. .07
Spring chickens, per lb.05L
Liooal T7«w*
Loans on real estate, call on
Jalin W Long.
Phone A. T. Conger. on 62. when
in need of a drayman.
New York apples $1.7o per bushel
at Loup City Mercantile Co.
Mrs. Geo. Hosier is suffering from
h severe attack of pleurisy.
1 will guarantee 150 cents for cream,
anti: further notice.—A. E. Chase.
■ The ground hog saw his shadow
very plainly Sunday. Now shiver.
^ If you want to buy or sell Beal
9 Estate, call on John \\. Long.
I»r. and Mrs. A. J. Kearns hive
y, both been on the sick list the past
fs. week.
Lee Bras, will pay the highest
■ market price in cash for \our
Grandma Foster was over from Ord
ffvisiting her son and family the past
few days.
Get your hard and soft coal now .
is before prices advance, at the Leinin
ger Lumber Co.
Will Simpson left Tuesday morn
! ing for New Mexico, where we under
t a stand tie will locate.
t"'™ Ask your flour dealer for a sack of
Loup City flour, best grade $1.40.
Every sack guaranteed.
We are indebted to the Ravenna
Cieamery Co of Ravenna, for a nice
financial subscription plum this week.
When you buy flour, buy the liest.
The Loup City Mercantile Co. handles
the Schuvler' and Loup City flour.
Every sack is guaranteed.
I*o you want to shave yourself?
If so read the big safety razor an
nouncement of the Ha' liurst-Galla
way Hardware C >., and get one of 'em.
Will Wharton ga e tinan-ial evi
dence o' his appr ciati .n or Mie
Northwestern the pa*' few da.s. It
is such readers as Will that make life
worth living.
If you employ a traveling piano
tuner! you must pay his expenses.
I tune pianos for $2.50. Organs
i cleaned and repaired at reasonable
^ rates. Max A. Jeffords.
Irvin Barrick the first of March
moves to section one in Scott town
ship. We are glad Irvin is to remain
a Sherman county farmer, as lie is
one of our most desirable citizens.
Trv Gerraan-American coffee once
at the Loup City Mercantile Co. Buy
this coffee direct from the growers.
1 vou save the middleman's profit.
Pt«ce, 20c, 25c and 40c*per pound.
Of course you will attend the
McKinnie recital tomorrow (Friday)
night. It will be the best musical
entertainment ever given in the city,
and you cannot afford to pass it up.
At the Presbyterian church next
Sunday evening another of those
popular "Antiphonal services" will be
adven. There will also be special
jJhusic by a double quartet. All are
cordially invited to attend.
Sheriff Sutton of Ord has our best
thanks for a substantial financial re
membrance this week. He. like
Sherman county’s sheriff, is very
popular with the voters, as witness
his almost unanimous vote last fall.
Make vour arrangements to attend
Alex. Baillie’s big sale of blooded
cattle and tine horses on the 18th. It
will be one of the biggest sales ever
held in this section- loo tine cattle,
two fine registered Shorthorn I ulls
and 14 head or A No. 1 horses and
Henry Dolling wishes us to state to
the patrons of the milk route that life
now has plenty of milk to stipply all
needs. He also states that on and
after February 1st, he will sell milk
at 3 cents per pint or 5 cents per
quart. He also will have cream to
supply the demand from this time on.
Dried peas -V per pound, at Loup
City Mercantile Co.
Highest market price paid for1
chickens at Reynolds .
Geo. Houser of Aurora is visiting
numerous relatives and friends here.!
Money saved is money made by the ;
use of a Manure Spreader. See what 1
your neighbor who lias one will tell
A baby girl was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Florin Lakeinan last Thursday, j
T. M. Reed sells Manure Spreaders
of the best makes.
Mrs. Vioia Odendahl is moving into
her elegant new residence this week.
See T. M. Reed for Feed Grinders.
.1. I’. Hansen is a late advance
reader of the only true-blue republi
can paper in Sherman county.
it w ill make you money by grinding
feed for your stock.
Xeilson & Dweluts remembered the
North western with ahead subscrip
tion the past few days. Thanks.
Tlie Ravenna Creamery Co. will
pay 30c for butter lat until further
Orson Walker and Skip Baker left
Tuesday morning for Montezuma
\ alley where they expect to locate.
Lee Bros, will pay the highest
market price in cash for your
C. F. Peterson of our popular Loup
City Mill ik Light Co., is a new reader
oi me -Northwestern. Charlev is all
ira T. Paine, the popular marble
works man o; Grand island, remem
bers the Northwestern substantially
this week.
Farmers will be interested to know
that P. O. Heed handles harness
Head his ad v. on editorial page lor
The motor came to grief Monday
evening near Dannebrog and the
freight hail to take up the burden
for a day or two.
1 have Canon City. Aztec, Nigger
Head ana Sheridan lump coai on
hand. Try your next mad of coal
from 1 ay lor s elevator.
George Houser went«up to Loup
City Wednesday to visit a couple of
weeks with liis grand mother and
uncles.—Aurora Sun.
All parties knowing themselves in
debted to Lhe Christensen & Ferdi
nandt Funniure Co. will please call
and settle their account at once.
The Me Ki nnie recital tomorrow
(Friday) jught, at the Presbyterian
church, t. L lucre early and get a
preierred sea.. N seats rese.ved. #*
Farmers, we give more pounds of
flour per bushel lor wheat than any
mill near here and every sack guar
Loup Crrv Mill & Light Co.
Conrad K vh ot Clay township was
a welcome caller at our sanctum
Monday and says lie can't get along
without the Northwestern. He will
not have to.
tailor tsurieign, oi me ilemingtora
Journal, is also a preacher and when
he is called upon to occupy a pulpit
he can do it as well as most of them.
—Lincoln Daily Star.
A fault-finding reader of the North
western complains that the paper is
too full of Presbyterian church items
to suit his digestion. At least the
reader cannot complain of it being
too full of booze. He will please re
member that “out of the abundance
of the heart, the mouth speaketh."
The Northwestern takes this oc
casion to return thanks to its readers
for the generous manner in which
j they are responding to their sub
scription accounts since the first of
| the year. We reiterate that the
Northwestern has the very best class
i of pay-up subscribers of any pai>er in
central Nebraska.
Ashley Conger and Frank Grow are
not telling about it. but last Sunday
j they skated to Austin, only to find
Ion returning that the water tiacked
I uuon the ice made it impossible to
return that way. so phoning to Mrs.
I Conger to meet them w ith the team,
hoofed it half way hack to town
before the team came to their relief.
Walter Smith, in remitting for the
Northwestern a year ahead from his
home in Boise. Idaho, says lie has
been busy working at the government
barracks, but times are ipiiet now on
account of the recent money flurry.
He and his family are enjoy ing the
! best of health. He promises to w rite
' us an interesting letter for publica
tion at an early date.
Compare and
Save' Freight
Granulated Sugar. 18 pounds for l.on
Dried Peas, per pound - - - .01:
Best Xavv Beans. 1 pounds for .21 j
Two Cans Alaska lied Salmon .21 j
Three Cans Alaska 1’ink Salmon .211
Five Pounds of liice for - - - .21
Three Cans of Corn for - -- - .21 i
Two Cans of Tomatoes for - - .21
Three Packages of Cornflake for .211
Three Packages Dr. Price's Food .21
Three Packages Egg-O-See - - .21
Eight Bars of Good Laundry Soap .21
Standard Oil.- - .11]
Best Ilosine Coal Oil..21
Potatoes - -- -- -- -- .811
German-American Coffee - .20 to-in
We buy this Coffee direct from the
Growers. Cut out the middle man's:
protit. Try our Coffee.
. , '
Loup Citv
Merca tile Co.
to be given at the First Presbyterian
church, Friday evening, Feb. 7. 19os.
Following is the program by Mr. and
Mrs. McKinnie. assisted by Mrs. li. P.
Witches 1 lance.Wallace
Mrs. Starr
All the World Awakes Today.
. Edward German
Mr. McKinnie
L'armena . H. Lane Wilson
Mrs. McKinnie
The Blacksmith's Hammer.
_Goring Thomas
Mr. McKinnie
See the Pale Moon.F. Campan.
Mr. arid Mr>. McKinnie
part 11
Irand Aria from Opera —
"Her FreFchutz" German ..Wetrer
Mrs. McKinnie
Yalse de Concert.Moszkowski
Mrs. Starr
The Brigand William B. Spence
Mr. McKinnie
a "Hydda Lill." Swedish.
. Beschniit
b i >! Charlotta (Sw«*dish-.
c The Years at the Spring.
.Mrs. Beach
d 1 leva use.d' Hardelot
ei Bonnie Sweet Bessie .Gilbert
Mrs. McKinnie
Passage Bird's Farewell .
.Kugen Hildach
Mr. and Mr-. McKinnie
The piano for this occasion is furf
nished by tlie Boss P. Curtis Co., o
Lincotn. Mr. F. Jeffords, local rep
Bro. Brown of the Times will
xvirpx tire pulpit at the Methodist
church next Sunday, both morning
and evening.
lee Baron < nger F in tilt business
>f putting up congealed acpia with a
vengeance these da\>. For several
lavs now a large force of men have
been piPng up hundreds of tons of
ice. tilling private ice houses, his big
ice hous<‘ and shipping cars of the
summer stomach refrigerators for
parties at a distance. \rrd .still they
ire at it.
Fourth nuniiter lecture course, at
-ipera house. Friday. Feb. 14th. 190“.
the Tenesseeans. Mrs. Wiggs. of
the cabbage patch, advises u> "not to
lie before time. Lots of folks are
walkin' aroun' jes as dead as tin ;
will ever tie." and there I think v.e
have the nepro power to fascinate
the audiente. Whatever mav lx* the
shortcomings of the colored race,
they hare the chief element of
fascination. It is intensely alive,
"nme out and hear the Tenesseeans.
The late severe cold weather has
frozen up the mill race solid, neces
•itating the closing down of the Loup
f'ity Flour Mills for the balance of
•he winter. But as good fortune ha^
it. the company is stock full of all
milling products, made possible by
the weeks of good weather we have
seen having, during which the mills
run night and dav for weeks, putting
in a- high as nineteen anti twenty
lours at a stretch The mill hoys
ire surelv now entitled to a much
needed rest.
On the eve of her depature. Miss
Una Harden, who has made her home
with I>r. Allen and mother for more j
than a year, was thoroughly surprised
Tuesday night by about forty of tier
young friends coming in each laden
with good things to eat and all bent!
in making a happv ending to Ena’s !
stay here. King of Games '•uled and j
:he great Spirit of Fun ordered re-1
eased. After the little feast and I
lime came for goodbvs all united in |
saving they had a tine time and each I
wishing her happiness in her new :
lew home at, Burwell. for which she |
eft Wednesday morning.
Motorman Guy O. Toulouse yester
lav morning had both bones in his
riglit wrist broken. He was engaged
n cranking tlie air compressor of the i
notor car "lien the handle flew back, j
striking him across bis wrist with the
iliove result. The injury is said by
he company’s surgeon. Dr. O. E.
Longaere. to tie especially bad and it
is possiiile lie will not recover the use
if the injured member for three or
four months. In the meantime, it is '
fortunate that Mr. Toulouse has a,
policy in an accident insurance com-1
panv. which will allow him *20 per j
week during his disability.
Splendid Farm for Rent.
5ti0 acres of land west of Loup City,
I no acres under cultivation. 40n acres
fenced: good frame improvements,;
plenty of water. See W. F. Mason,
it the First National Bank, Loup!
City. Neh. I
Tuesday, Feb. 18, 08
At my faun six miles northwest of
Loup City. Neb., loo head of cattle,
consisting of one Registered Short
horn bull, three years old: one Short
horn bull, hi months old: 42 cows and
heifers. 15 yearling heifers. 15 two
year-old steers. 25 yearling steers. 1
have for the hist twelve years kept
Registered Shorthorns at the head of
my herd-. hen<-e my stock is extra
tine. 14 head of horses, all ages,
ranging from colts up to driving and
draft horses: farm machinery: farm
wagon. Moline riding lister. s.(ijsc
2-roe Go-devil, 2-wheel cart and 2
double sets work harness. Sale to
commence at 10 o'clock a. m. Free
lunch at noon.
Terms of Sale: A credit of ten
months will t>e given on all sums over
slo. by purchases giving bankable
note bearing in percent interest.
ALEX I :.\ ILL IE. Owner.
.1. T. Hale. W. F. Mason.
Auctioneer. Clerk.
I Cure Nerve-Vital Debility. Weak
ness. Drains Rupture. Stricture,
i Varicocele. Blood Poison. Private
Skin and Chrcnic Diseaees of Men
-r — I tio not ask you to
come to me tir>t if you
believe others can cure
vou should they fail,
don't give up. Ii is
better to come late
' -- than no1 al ail* Rc*
r Gy• / member, that curing
. diseases after all oth
- er> failed has
^ been my specialty for
\eurs. 11 you cannot
_ irisit me personalty,
write symptoms that trouble you most. A
vast majority of cases can be cured by my
system of home treatment, winch i> the m«»i
succes>l . syetem t v*. r oevisetl i make no
••barge f• • r private counsel and give to each
patient a :> : . *irra 'fc in writing. *-i< i -.1
by abundant capital, to hold for the promise
1 bladder '. ul.-eratious. ir
j irouble. etc ontldentiul. Private heme in
ithe snb'irbs bofoTt* and during confinement.
I Motherly care arti best attention guaran
! teed i.i' -u n in» - round for babies
1 prpsriri positively i i:i:i.
• * fv CL • \ ; > y-e u ii:i: l \
I mat wo;:.m «* - child \’\mg in L.OL'P <’ITY
i <*r vieini • ■ •'.."• ring from an i‘HHoN'ii'
. .»!-» \>1. a; ' - \ % v KXAAtl N.\
| T,oN « -me and let me took inside of you
: nb-oluteh free of charge
e. r \ Iwii, ISLAND. NEB OSiee »p
, posite v ity Hall 1 J.'5 vV . second Street.
are now in effect to many
points m Colorado, Utah,
Wyoming, loaho. Mon
tana. Oregon and Wash
ington. Both irrigated
and unirrigated land may
be bought cheap in all of
these states. No other
part of the world has
greater nr more valuable
opportunities to offer to
inteiiigen and industious
seekers tor homes and
competence than have the
above states.
Every First and Third
of each month during 1908
those low round-trip
tickets will be on sale
CY1A the
Fer pamphlets and information in
regard to rates, inquire of
G. W. Collipriest
Of the Many.
Dr. Shoops Health Coffee, per lb - - $.15
Meadow Sweet Apple Butter, per can - .10
Champion Feas. per can - * - - - .10
Chipped Dried Beef, tin can - - - .12
Eagle Lye, 4 cans for ----- .25
J. M. Gooseberries, per can - .10
J. M. Mincemeat, 3 pkgs for - .25
Barrington-Hall Steel Cut Coffee - - .35
Red Rose and Old Time Coffee, per lb > .25
Smoked Halibut, per lb - .15
Smoked Salmon, per lb - .10
J. P. Coats Thread, per spool - - - - .05
American, Washington. Columbia and
Wm. Simpson & Son Prints, per yd - .07
Bis: Sales,
Small Profits.
C. O* Cooper
Loup City, Nebraska,
Posts. Shingles, luime and Cement
Hard and ISoft Coal Always on Hand.
\seids for Shenvin-lAilliams Prepared Paiids
Have a complete line of the following coals:
Gannon City Lump and Nut, Rock
Springs Lump and Net, Hanna Lump and
Egg, Moi.arch Lump and Eastern and West
ern Anthracite.
E. G. Taylor. J. S. Pedler, C. C. Carlson.
President. Vice President. Cashier
W: R. Mellor, J. W. Long, S. N. Sweetland
Capital Stock, - - $25,000.00
Individual Liability, $250,000.00