The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 02, 1908, Image 4
Professions. Cards A. P. CULLEY, Attoiw&Coiosalor-at-Law (Office: First National Bank) Loup City, Ne'br. ROBT.P. S TARR Aitorney-at-Law LOUP CITY,. NEBRSSKR AARON WALL Lawyer Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. R. J. NIGHTINGALE Attorney and CsnnsebaUaw LOUP CITY. NEB R. H. MATHEW, Attorney-at-Law, And Bonded Abstractor, Loup City, Nebraska O. E. LONGA C RE PHYSICIAN aid SURGEON Office, Over New Bank. TELEPHONE CALL, NO. 09 A. J. KEARNS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone, 30. OfHce at Residence Lnup City. - Nebraska S. A. ALLEN. DEJYT1ST, LOUP CITY, - - NEB. Office up stairs in the new State Bank bulletin?. W. L. MARCY, BINTIST, LOUP (3ITY, NEE OFFICE: East Side Public SauHie Phone, 10 on 36 .11. H.* Bonded Abstracter Loup City, - Nebraska. Only set of Abstract hooks in county Try the F- F- F- Dray F. F. Foster, Prop. Office; Foster’s Barber Shop For Sale! p.iiij.. jinjjmi FROM THE LOUP VALLEY HERD OF Polapd Ghipas Spring and Fall Boars. Brood Sow Sale January 16th, 1908. H. J. JOHANSEN. Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. To John J. Reed, and-Reed, wife of John J. Reed, first and true name unknown, and Lots No. 7. 8 and 9 in Block No. 12 in J. Woods Smith’s Addition to the town, n w village oi Loup City, Sherman county, Ne braska. Notice is hereby given that on the 4th day of December, A. D. 1907, William Rowe, as plain* tiff. Hied his petition in the District Court in and for Sherman countv, Nebraska, against John J. Reed.-Reed, wife of John J. Keed, first and true name unknown, and Lots Nos. 7, 8 and 9, in Block No. 12 in J. Woods Smith's Addition to the town, now village of Loup City, Nebraska, and all persons and corpora tions having, or claiming, title to or any in erest, light,claim, equity or estate in, to or upon said real estate or any part theieof. The object and prayer of said petition are to foreclose a certain Tax Sain Certificate No. 1128, issued to the plaintiff by the treas urer of Gherman county. Nebraska, on the 9th day of May, 1905. against said lots No. 7. 8 and 9 in Block No. 12 in J Woods Smith's addition to the town, now village of Loup City. Nebraska. That the time for redemption of said Tax Sale has expired and no redemption has been made. Plaintiff prays that he may have judgment for the amount now due on said l ax Sale Certificate No. 1128, to-wit: The sum of $33.95 with interest thereon from the 4th day of December. A. D. 19*»7. at the rate of 10 per cent per annum, and also for an attor ney’s »ee of 10 per cent of the amount recovered, as a part of the costs in this action and that the court decree that if these amounts are not paid said property shall be sold as upon execution and the proceeds of said sale be applied in payment of the judgment and costs. You are required to appear and answer in said action on or before the 20th day of Jan uary, 1908. William Rowe. By Robert P. Starr, his attorney. (Last pub. Jan. 2i Farms for Sale in Nebraska and Virginia. For full information see or write A. O. Zim merman, Hallboro, Virginia., or A. L. Zimmerman, Loup City, Neb. Hydraulic Wells. I wish to inform the people of Loup City, adjoining towns and coun ties that I am prepared to put down hydraulic wells, also repair wells and give satisfaction. Phone 5 on 12. 43 ’ C. B. Haines. THE NORTHWESTERN r ffiBMS: —II.00 PER TEAR. IF PAID IS ADVA*Cl entered at the Loup City Pohtoffee (or tram mission through the mails as second class matter. * Office ’Phone, - - - 6 on i08 Residence ’Phone, - 2 on 108 J. W. BURLEIGH. Ed. and Pub. New Year’s Resolutions. That I will do better. That I will be more cheerful, and will wear a smile. That I will be as careful about forming associates as I would like my wife to be. That I will climb the ladder of pood fellowship without treading on the rungs of intemperance. That 1 will at all times give the devil his due, and that j will Ire equally just with my friends. That I will not use language 1 would be unwilling to have my chil dren overhear. That I will not depend upon luck to bring me what other men accom plish by hard lalror. That I will consider the well being of others more, and be guided by selfish impulses less. That should I have an opportunity to lend a helning hand to a fallen brother, I will make the loan, and ask return of neither interest nor principal. That should 1 break any or all of these resolutions. 1 w ill at once mend them with a liberal application of the glue of repentance. Wisconsin says Lafollette. Nebraska lias endorsed Taft. Indiana endorses Fairbanks. Kansas pledges itself to Taft. Pennsylvania is claimed by Knox. Ohio lias given Foraker the official glad hand. New York seems to want Hughes, but Platt does not say “Me, too.'' Pettibone. the great labor union man on trial at Boise, Idaho, is dying and his death may stop tne trial before finished. Chancellor Andrews of the State University was made president of the State Teachers’ Association at Lin coln last week. All the land fraud cases in Colorado have been quashed by an accomodat ing judge, and the government has taken exceptions. The Burlington will allow no more liquor served on its dining cars thro’ Iowa, on account of the liquor crusade in that state. A Lincoln man on Monday mistook a bottle of carbolic acid for a bottle of whiskey, and taking a drink of same died in great agony. The Douglas county district court upholds the Omaha “blue laws’’ as being entirely constitutional and in future the Sunday laws will be strict ly enforced. Bishop Andrews of the Methodist church died at his home in Brooklyn, N. Y., New Year’s day at 4 o’clock in the morning. He was one of the most famous men of the Methodist bishopric. Lincoln has lost two prominent men In the past few days—Tom Worrel, the man who is accredited with breaking up the Nebraska grain trust: and Zirari Dw iggins. a promi nent real estate man. Frank W. Burleigh, the editor,s nephew, who is a member of 169th Company Coast Artillery and stationed at Fortress Monroe, Va., was privi leged as his Colonel's orderly to ac company him and witness President Roosevelt review the Pacific fleet as it left Hampton Roads on its voyage around Cape Horn. Frank was born at Mt. Ayr 20 years ago. Another Ringgold county boy heard from.— Tingley (la.) Vindicator. One of the best friends the North western has, living in the southwest part of the county, was in to see us last Saturday and took exceptions to item published a fortnight since, in which we mentioned another time tried and true reader of the North western as being the oldest sub scriber to this paper. The gentleman, who objects to us making a personal item of his call, as he was not look ing for publicity, says he also has been a reader of the Northwestern from its initial number down to the present, which according to the volume and number given, is 24 years and over, and while he is willing to divide honors insists he is just as old a reader as any, and as he laid down one of Uncle Sam's cartwheels, added, ! “And here’s for another year in ad vance. and expect to take the paper as long as it is published, and you remain good.” Meeting such sub stantial friends of the paper does an editor a world of good, and we trust the gentleman will live to celebrate the century mark on life’s troubled seas and not have to weather a storm of any consequence. And by the way. we would like to have the name and address of every reader of the North western who have been readers of the paper from its first number down to the present. Will each one send us , In his or her name and address? A Happy Reunion. December 25th was observed in a double sense at the home of Mrs. Abbie Gilbert. Besides the usual Christmas cheer it was the occasion of a jubilee over her restoration of sight and her return home after an absence of over live months. Both the weather and the occasion were conducive to the pleasure of the twenty-three guests present. It would be a task indeed to try to men tion the good things with which the table was bountifully spread. A most prominent feature of the gather ing was the meeting of three sisters and their brother, who had not all been together in nearly forty years. They are. Mr. Walter Moon. Loup City: Mrs. Pheobe Mclntire, La Porte. Iowa:*Mrs. Abbie Gilbert. Loup City, and Mrs. Lucy M. Hartman of St. Joseph, Mo. The other guests were: Judge and Mrs. Angier, Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Main, Mrs. Knowlton, Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Callaham and Walter and Mildred Callaham, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Angier and son, Julius, Mr. and Mrs. Milo Gilbert and family, Mr. Walter Moon, Miss Eftle Moon and Mr. Bert German. *** Entre Nous Entertain. The Entre Nous club gave a fine 6 o’clock dinner, musicaleand general evening's enjoyment Wednesday even ing to themselves and their husbands at the comfortable home of Mr. and Mrs. Carsten Truelsen. It was by far the most enjoyable evening of feast, fun, wit, mirth, music, with toasts and papers by the members and short speeches by the invited guests, that it has been our good fortune to attend since good fortune brought us to Loup City. A six course dinner was followed by all the above, with Mrs. Mathew as toast mistress, and she presided as to the uiauur uoru anu receiveu main nearly and well-earned encomiums over the grace and wit with which she in troduced those who were on the pro gramme and the apt remarks at the close of the same. Each number given was received witli the utmost pleasure, and when the hour of mid night had arrived all departed for their homes, feeling nothing could have been added to make the enjoy ment more complete, unless, indeed it were regrets for the unavoidable absence of two or three of the mem bers and their husbands on account of sickness and sorrow in their house holds. We trust these enjoyable re unions may occur many times during the year 1908. The Northwestern has received from Secretary Mellor of the State Fair Association a few reports of the Association for the vears 1901, 1902. 1905, 1906, 1907 and *1908, copies of which may be secured free by the readers of this paper as long as' they last. Call and secure a copy for any one year mentioned or lor all the years. The Floyds Magicians, the third number of the lecture course, is dated for Loup, City, Jan. 3d. This is con sidered the very best of magic enter tainments ever before the public Don't forget the date. Clear Creek. A few more warm days and the snow will be gone. Will Thomas is here from Canada. John Heapy and family are visiting Mrs. lleapy's parents near Dunning. John Mead and family spent Christ mas in Loup City. John Clippenstine is spending the holidays in the eastern part of the state. It is generally supposed that lie will bring a wife home with him. Jud Kisling is here from Canada after an absence of five years. A big time was had at Hedlun’s Friday night. The young people made merry the greater part of the nignt. The Clear Creek Ladies’ Aid meets every Thursday. Everybody invited. Mr. Snodgrass has relatives visiting here from Illinois. Fred Shipley spent Christmas with his brother at Grand Island. Leporsy Not so Bad. “If it were given to me to choose between being compelled to live in Molokai for the rest of my life, or in the East End of London, the East Side of New York, or the Stock Yards of Chicago, I would select Molokai without debate.” Thus writes Jack London in the Woman’s Home Companion of his visit to the Hawaiian leper colony of Molokai. “In Molokai the people are happy. I shall never forget the celebration of the Fourth of July I witnessed there. At six o’clock in the morning the ‘horribles’ were out, dressed fan tastically, astride horses, mules and donkeys (their own property), and cutting capers all over the settlement Two brass bands were out as well. Then there were the pa-u riders, thir ty or forty of them, Hawaiian women all superb horsewomen, dressed gor geously in the old, native riding cos tume, and dashing about in twos and threes and groups. In the afternoon Mrs. London and I stood in the judges’ stand and awarded the prizes for horsemanship and costume to the pa-u riders. All about were the hun dreds of lepers, with wreaths of flowers on heads and necks and shoul ders, looking on and making merry. And always, over the brows of hills and across the grassy level stretches, appearing and disappearing, were the groups of men and women, gaily dressed, on galloping horses, horses and riders flower bedecked and flower garlanded, singing and laughing and riding like the wind. And as I stood in the judges’ stand and looked at all this, there came to my recollection the lazar house of Havana, where I once beheld some two hundred lepers, prisoners inside four restricted walls until they died. No, there are a few thousand places I wot of in this world over which 1 would select Molokai as a place of permanent residence.” -Notice of Guardian'* Sale of Real Estate. In the District Court of Sherman county. Ne braska. , In the matter of the application of Lev ina J. Sparks, guardian of the estates of William A. Sparks, Walter K. Sparks. Bertie A. Sparks. Ray E. Sparks and Vernie Sparks, i minor children of James A. Sparks, deceased. ; for a licens- to sell the real estate ol said I minors. ' Notice is hereby given that, in pursuance of an order of the Honorable Hruno O. Hosut er. Judge of the District Court of Sherman county. Nebraska, made on the 2Alh day of June. 1907. for the sale of the interest of each and all of said minor defendants in the real estate here i .after desrrited, there will be sold at public venat.e to the highest bidder for cash at the south door of the court house in Loup City, ia Sherman c unty, Nebraska, on the 28tb day of January. 190k, at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of said aay. the interest of each and ail of s ild minors, the sam, being an undivided o interest, and t ge her consti tutini; the undivided five-ninth interest in the following described . eal estate situate in s-herman county, Nebiaaka. to-wit: The west half of the northwest quarter and the north half of the southwest quarter of section seven in township fourteen, north of Range sixteen, west of sixth principal meridian. Said sale will remain open one hour. Dated this 30th day of December. 1907. Levina J. Spahks, guardian of tne estates o:’. said minors. By Alpha Morgan, her attorney. (Last pub. Jan. 23.1 Road Notice. (Hughes Road) The comnfissioner appointed to view and locate a road commencing at the southeast corner of Section six. Township fourteen. Range fourteen and running thence north one mile on section line between Section five and six and running thence west on Section line between section six. Township four teen. Range fourteen, and Section 31. thirty-one, township fifteen. Range fourteen, about 185 rods, and terminating at Road No. 178 has reported in favor of the establishment t eroof and all claims for damages or objec tions thereto must be filed in the office of the j county clerk of "herman county on or before j noon of the 10th day of March, 1908, or said I road will be established without reference thereto. Dated this 31st day of December. A. D.. 1907. C. F. Beusbavsen, County Clerk. ROAD NOTICK. (Thomson Hoad.) The commissioner appointed to view and locate a road commencing at the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of Sec tion four (4>, Township fourteen (14), Range fourteen ,14), and running thence north on the half section line of section thirty three (33). Township fifteen (15). Range four teen (14). and terminating at center of Section thirty-three (33/, which connects to th • main traveled road running to Loup City. Neb . in Township fifteen (15). Range fourteen (14). has reported in favor of the establishment thereof and all claims for damages or objections there to must be filed in the office of the county clerk on or before noon of the 10th day of February. 1908. or said road will be established without reference thereto. Dated this 30th day of November. 1907. C. F. Beushausen. County Clerk. (Last pub. Jan. 2) I Cure Nerve-Vital Debility. Weak ness. Drains. Rupture, Stricture, Varicocele, Blood Poison, Private Skin and Chronic Diseaees of Men 1 I do not ask you to itome to me first if you believe others can cure you. Should they fail, don’t Itive up. It is better to come late than not at all. Re .member, that curing diseases after all oth ers have failed has !been my specialty for [years. If you cannot -"ion uic puisuunu^ write symptoms that trouble you most. A vast majority of cases can be cured by my system of home treatment, which is the most successful system ever devised. 1 make no charge for private counsel and (five to each patient a legal contract in writing, backed by abundant capital, to hold for the promise Physicians having stubborn cases to treat are cordially InvitedWAMFN cured of all to consult with me. " vrlrlCls womt) and bladder diseaser. ulcerations, menstrual trouble, etc. ■ onadentinl. Private home In the suburbs, before and during confinement. Motherly care and best atteution guaran teed. Good homes found for babies. PPCp POSITIVELY FREE! 1 * ***■*“• No charge whatever to anv man. woman or child living in LOUP CITY or vicinity, suffering from any CHRONIC DISEASE, a 110.00 X-RAY EXAMINA TION. Come and let me look inside of you absolutely free of charge. Dr Rich specialist, grand Ur. IXKin, ISLAND. NEB. Office op posite City Hall. 103 W. Second Street. Burlington Route THE WONDERFUL BIGHORN BASIN To Renters: I have a selected list of irrigated farms in the Basin for rent; why not rent for a year or two and learn the profits from irrigated farm ing in the Basin, and be come acquainted with the climate and desirability of settling in that region? We also help yon homestead ir ' rigated lands, or to buy them at prices that will make you money. Millions of dollars are now being spent irrigating Basin lands Homeseekers’ excursions first and third Tuesdays of 1908. Write D Clem Deaver, General Agent, Landseekers’ Information Bureau, Omaha. Winter Excursions: Homeseekers, excursions first and third Tuesdays to Colorado, Wyo ming, Big Horn Basin, Northwest. Southwest and South: WINTER TOURIST RATES daily to Florida, the Gulf Country, the South and Southern California. Ask Agent, or the undersigned for rates and details. R. L. ARTHUR, Ticket Agent, Loup City, Neb. L. W. Wakklky, G. P. A. Omaha, Nebraska. Watch This Space * Hayhurst ■ Galloway Hardware Co. When You Are Looking for Happy New Year and don’t know how to get it come in tell your troubles to us. We have. BEAUTIFUL PICTURES Wall Pockets, Phonographs and Rockers, Reception Sets Indian Baskets, Sewing and Child’s Rockers, Leather Up holstered Chairs, and most complete line of Furniture in Loup City. Christensen & Ferdinandt Furniture Company. Christensen & Ferdinandt, Undertakers and Embalmers I, DEPEW®* | Blacksmith $ Wagon Maker My shoo Is tbe largest and beat equipped north of the Platte Hlver I have a four horse engine and a complete line of the latest Improved, mi chtuery, also a force ot experienced men who know how to operate it and turn out a Job with neatness and dispatch. MY PRICES ARE RKASONABLE AND PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS -MamraMNmBif! Motor Car Service Daily to St. Paul and Return Leave Loup City at 7:10 a. m. Arrive in St. Paul 8:55 a. m. Return \ Leave St. Paul at 3:50 p. m. Trip ( Arrive in LoupCety5:40 p. in. VIA UNION PACIFIC For tickets and full information inquire of G.W. Colli priest A