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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1907)
—--- —— - • -tmmmmmmauUmmmm A. P. GULLET, President, ^ W. P. MASON, Cashier. FIRST ifiAL RANK . OF LOUP CITY Conser vative '■ * 1317 j and Strong Beal Estate and all classes of loans made promptly at lowest rates, with optional payments. THE NORTHWESTERN A Few Market Quotations. r Com, per bu. 48 @ .50 Wheat, per bu. .84 Oats, per bu.38 .40 Rye, per bu. .60 Butter, per lb.11 @ .20| Eggs, per doz.20 Hens, per lb.05' Spring chickens, per lb. .05 Iioaal Daws { E. G. Taylor is still confined to the house with quinsy. 3 on 62, Ashley Conger, the dray man. Get him. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Mellor came j home from Lincoln for Christmas. Senator Fries was a business visit or from Arcadia between trains last Friday. Loam on Real Estate, call o?i | John W. Long. Dr. Marcy and family went to Chi-1 cago Monday to spend Christmas with j relatives. i The next number of the Lyceum1 Bureau will be the Floyds Magicians, who will be here Jan. 3d. 9b Phone A. T. Conger, 3 on 62, when iu need of a drayman. ' Dr. Longacre left for Omaha and ; Lincoln, Monday morning on a busi ness trip. Will be back this evening. If you want to buy or sell real est>Ue, call on John W. Long. Mrs. H. M. Mathew went to Arcadia last Monday evening to par take of Christmas cheer with her [parents. Ask your flour dealer for a sack of Loup City flour, best grade S1.40. Every sack guaranteed. We hear that Mrs. Katie Burrowes has sold her restaurant, the new owner to take possession the first of the year. Lyman and Earle Pray arrived home from the State Agricultural school last Saturday evening for the holidays. Miss Nellie House arrived from Pender last Saturday evening for a holiday visit with her numerous friends here. Mrs. Guy Holmes arrived here from her home in Colorado Saturday even ing, called by the death of her father. •Mr. Geo. Lee. Prof. Carlton, formerly principal of our city schools, now principal of the schools at Scotia, is here visiting his many friends. It is reported that the little 4-year 2 old son of Wm. Rowe has the scarlet fever. The residence has been proper ly quarantined. Miss Frances Sweetland. Leslie Sweetland and Ben Swanson came home from Bellevue college. Satur day. to enjoy the holidays. E. G. Taylor who lias been suffer ing with quinsy for some time, went to Grand Island this morning to take treatment at the liospital. Misses Jess Culler. Lela Chase. Meroe and Emma Outhouse came home from the State University last Friday evening, for the liolidays. Ask jour grocer or flour dealer for a 5-pound sick (T) Breakfast Food, only 4 cents per pound. Manufac tured by Loup at? Mill & Light Go. To Our Patrons: Owing to so much ice in the river we cannot run the mill at present, but have a large a nount of flour and feed of all kinds on hand and will ex change flour for wheat at any time, also wish to sell you feed or flour when you need it. Lottp City Mill & Light Co. Money saved is money made by the use of a Manure Spreader. See what your neighbor who has one will tell you. Dr. Allen’s mother left for her old home at Council Bluffs last Thurs day irorning to visit during the holidays. T. M. Reed sells Manure Spreaders of the best makes. Prof. Dale went to York, Monday, for the holidays. It will make you money by grinding feed for your stock. C. J. Tracy is reported quite ill with typhoid fever. See T. M. Reed for Feed Grinders. Mrs. C F. Beushausen is able to be out after her illness. L. A. Bangs has quit the dray busi ness and moved on to a farm on Cole creek. Chas. Bennett came home Tuesday evening to spend Christmas with his parents. * • Mrs. Leonard of Anselmo is visit ing over the holidays at,the tame of Mr. and MrsJT. M. Reed: r The Ravenna Creamery Co. will pay 25c for butter fat the last half of December. Farmers’ Institute, Jan. 14 and 15. Plan your work and session. L. Miss Lizzie Dinsdale the of Mr. Johai Christ Parties havjif me get gilb-dged se' H. Mathew •u its meeting hern on mui«i of last week ex handed a vote of thanks to the Unity Club for the receipt of 125, balance in full for putting up public foiptain. Barker Mason was confined to his domicile last Sunday and Ifonday with a severe attack of bonsilibis. Mrs. Mason and the baby were also victims of the same ailment for a few days. All are better at present. Services as usual at the Presby terian cnurch next Sunday, bhetiast Sunday in the year. In the eveilng there will be special music bejdes the anthem. There will be a soprano solo with violin by Mifc Jeffords. The evening ‘‘That Unsettled Account.” The county judge wishes to inform the people of the county that he is g ling bo take a short vacation, leav ing home Dec. 28th and returning Jac. 3rd. office will be open a part of every and the county clerjt wHl walt on you as far as possible.—J. A. Angler, County Judge. Among the Chrism as dinner enter tainments were: Mrs. May and chil dren at Editor Bfpwn’s; Ward Yer Yaiin and family*at C. 0. Coopers: E. G. Taylor family at fch^James Johan son home, and Rev. MeMwen and fam ll.v at the Burleigh edforlal domiciler And there were ienetnermble others not repotted, no doMtt. A recent letter from Geo. Marvel says he and Mrs. Marvel are enjoying the liest of health and are at present Visiting their niece. Mis. Rae Searle. at Wallowa, Oregon, who is also en joy* rg the very best of health. He panic has hurt that part Xorth* at an exercises at the of a very interesting chtnder. Rev. •’ • , i -ir --n •■■1111 ■™. . Compare and Save Freight Best Schuyler Flour - - - - $1.40 Granulated Sugar, 18 pounds for 1.00 Dried Pears, per pound - - - .05 Best Navy Beans. 5 pounds for .25 Two Cans Alaska Bed Salmon ,25 Three Cans Alaska Pink Salmon .25 Five Pounds of Rice for - - - .25 Three Cans of Corn for - - - .25 Two Cans of Tomatoes for - - .25 Three Packages.of Cornflake for .25 Three Packages Dr. Price’s Food .25 Three Packages Egg-O-See - - .25 Eight Bars of Good Laundry Soap .25 Wisconsin Cheese..18 Standard Oil..15 Best Bosine Coal Oil - - - - - .23 Potatoes..85 German-American Coffee - .20 to .40 We buy this Coffee direct from the Growers. Cut out the middle man’s profit. Try our Coffee. Loup City Merca itile Co. Christmas at the Churches. The Christmas exercises at the Presbyterion church were witnessed by a large number of the congregation and were in splendid spirit and well done in every particular. The sing ing, recitations and drills were thor oughly prepared and the little ones, misses and masters of the Sunday school entered heartily into the exer cises, while the organ duets and the congregational singing had the correct Christmas enthusiasm. Santa Claus, of course, appeared and made merry time for the little ones and the dis tribution of presents was anxiously looked for and thoroughly enjoyed by all. Christmas eve at the Methodist church was an exceedingly joyful one. There was, of course, a tree filled with presents for the dear ones from loving hauds, besides presents for everybody. The exercises were for the most part rendered by the grown ups, as Supt. Tracy was ill and could not work up the Sunday school exer cises by the little ones, but it was a joyful time all the same. At the Baptist church the little folks gave a most excellent program on Christmas eve, and a tree filled with presents for every child, with the proverbial Santa Claus, filled witn delight the childish mind and made the older folks equally happy. A. P. de Lyster came home from Spofofcne last Saturday. He expeets to return west again in about six weeks and take his family with him. On last Saturday evening occurred tfee second, recital given by Miss Beth Zimmerman’s class in music. The recital was given in the parlors of the home to a few select friends and the parents of the class, and was very pleasing and showed marked improve ment over the former recital. Seven teen members of the class rendered the program, which was both vocal and instrumental, and were composed Along R. R. No. I. Chas. Sickles’ family were quar antined last Saturday for scarlet fever. Two of the children have the fever and are getting along as well as might be expected. Did you attend the sale at Prairie Gem school house on Friday, Dec. 20? If not you missed a good thing. Some of the baskets brought as high as $4.35. It. D. Hendrickson was the auctioneer: he is an all around man. If you have any sales to cry, call on Rol. Miss Grace Craft will spend her two weeks' vacation at her home in Aurora. She left for that place Saturday morning. H. S. Conger and Charley Peterson have been setting up with the mill race the past week. Mrs. R. I. Barrick came home from from her trip last week. Luther Goodwin and Ray McFadden were hauling hay over the west bridge. Clarence McLaughlin has bought the restaurant fixtures and business of Mrs. Katie Burrowes and will take possession Jan. 1st. Miss Kate Cross, sister of Mrs. Andy Coppersmith, is spending the holidays with her sister. Thomas Parsley had the corn shelters at his place Monday. Frank Blaschke, Jr., sold his farm on Clear Creek last week to L. Smith. R. D. Hendrickson went to Lincoln to spend Christmas. Mrs. Abbie Gilbert came home last Friday nignt from a visit of several montlis with relatives 4Cnd friends. A fine entertainment was given at Lone Elm school house on Clear Creek Tuesday nignt, which was enjoyed by a full house. Miss Etta Guilford is visiting at the home of C. D. Guilford. E. A. Guilford and family from Marquette are visiting at the home of Chas. Guilford this week. H. S. Conger made the carrier a present of a dressed hog Christmas. Mr. Gus Youngland and Miss Ellen Arnett, both of Webster township, were married at high noon Wednesday at the home of the brides’ parents. Long life and happiness to both. Married, at the home of the brides’, parents on Christmas day, Mr. John Foy and Miss Anna Blaschke, both of Webster eownship. Best wishes for a long and happy life. This makes two weddings on the route in one day. If the young folks want to get married let them move on the mail route, and the carrier would kindly ask that they will not move off again. Cleoria Notes. Near Smith Center, Kansas, Dec. 18, 1907, the angel of death took Mm. Dorje Barnes, mother of Charles Barnes, to her long resting place. She was brave and fearless to the last, as she always had been through life, being one of Kansas* old time settlers. Many times during her youth and after marriage she would take her horse and saddle and ride along the Indian trail for miles t<o do her shopping and come home singing as if her path was only strewn with rabbits and flowers, while the Indians skulked near by in the bushes, but alas, that dreaded disease, consump tion, closed in and claimed her. She leaves to mourn her loss her husband, an aged mother, two sons, two daugh ters and five grandchildren. Farewell mother, we’ll miss you, but we loved you. We understand Mr. Chas. Sickles’ are quarantined for scarlet fever. . John Bell is home from St. Paul to spend the holidays. The Christmas entertainment was postponed on account of the scarlet fever scare. Ethel Guilford and a cousin from Aurora came home Saturday evening? They expect some of the brothers and sisters to hold a reunion Xmas dinner. Mrs. Emma Bell Sickles closed her school in Dist. No. 35 Friday. John W- Long is prepared to make ad Real Estate Loans on short notice at lowest rates. .-V- ■ ■■ ....... .I.',. . - Get your hard and soft coal now, before prices advance, at the Leinin ger Lumber "Co. Farmers, we give more pounds of flour per bushel for wheat than any mill near here and every sack guar anteed. Loup City Mill & Light Co. Farms for Sale in Nebraska and Virginia. For full information see or write A. O. Zim merman, Hallboro, Virginia., or A. L. Zimmerman, Loup City, Neb. I Curs Nerve-Vital Dsbility, Wssk ness, Drains, Rupturs, Stricture, Varicocele, Blood Poison, Private Skin and Chronic Diseases of Men | i do not a>k you to ;come to me Urst if you believe others can cure yuu. Should they fall, don’t give up. It is better to come late than not at all. Re member, that curing > iseases after all oth rs have failed has > en my specialty for years. U 'you cannot - visit me personally, write symptoms that trouble you most. A vast majority of cases can be cured by my system of home treatment, which Is the most successful sys’etn ever devised. 1 make no charge for private oounsel and give to each patient a legal contract In writing, backed by abundant capital, to bold for tbe promise Physicians having stubborn cases to treat are cordially invltedWAIIFN cured of all to consult with me. womb and bladder diseaser. ulcerations, menstrual trouble, etc. < on&dentlal. Private home in the suburbs, before and during confinement. Motherly care and best attention guaran teed . Good homes found for babies. eorri positively free; ■ No charge whatever to anv man. woman or child living in LOUP CITY or vicinity, suffering from any CHRONIC DiShASE, a *10.00 X-RAY EXAMINA TION. Come and let me look Inside of you absolutely free of charge. Dr Rich specialist, orand ISLAND. NEB. Offlceop poslte City Hall, lu3 W. seoond Street. I GO SOMEWHERE Winter Tourist Rates Winter Tourist excursion rates to Florida, to the Gulf country, and to Southwestern and Cuban re sorts. Homeseekers’ Excursions: C heap rate excursions the first and third Tuesdays in Dec ember to points in Kansas, Okla homa, the Gulf country, Colo rado, Utah, Wyoming, Big Horn Basin, Montana and the North* west. Ask your nearest agent or write the undersigned. Watch This SpacB Hayhurst - Callow® Harare Co. 1 A HB When Yi Are Looking for X-masf Presents and don't know what to get come in tell your troubles to us. have. BEAUTIFJL PICTURES Wall Pokets, Phonographs and Roclers, Reception Sets Indian Biske£s, Sewing and Child’s Rckers, Leather Up holsterec Chairs, and most complete line of Furniture in Loup lity. .. Christens j & Ferdinandt _furniture Company, ; Christensen & Ferdinandt, Undertakers and Embalmers Posts, Shingles, Lime and Cement Hard and Soft (’oal Always on Hand. \gents for Sher^m^illiams Prepare! Fa in«s E. G. Taylob, J. is. Pedler, C. C. Carls*1 President. vice Preaidenv. - W; R. Mellor, LOUP LOU Oapital ,000.00 j