The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, December 19, 1907, Image 5

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    ■ u*
(Copyright, by Joseph B. Bowles.)
‘'Which 'I've told you," observed the
Old Cattleman, puffing at his eob-pi]>e T
—"which I've already told you how j
Missis Rucker goes on surroundin' old j
Rucker with connoobia! joy to sech a
degree that, one morarn when her
wifely back is turned, he ups an
■stampedes off into the hills, an' takes ,
refutcb with the Apaches. But I never ;
relates how be gets aroused to his ,
dooty an' returns. That mir'cle comes j
to pass in this wise."
Following a reminiscent, smoke- j
filled pause, the old gentleman con- j
"When Rucker is guilty of this yere '■
desertion. Wolfville says nothin’ an' |
does nothin'. It is no pari of Wolf- !
vllle's coumona! respons’bility, as it '
sees the same, to go pirootin' off on
the trail of Rucker, with a purpose of
draggin' him back that-a-way to his
domestic happiness. His eiopement is
wholly a private play, an' one wharin
we ain't entitled to ask for kyards.
“On the immc'git heels of Rucker's
plunge into savagery, Missis Rucker
never aloods to him—never lets on
she so much as notices his absence.
She continyoos to deal her game at
the O. K. Restauraw onmoved: she
fries our daily salthoss an' compiles
■our daily flap-jacks—six to the stack
—an' neither bats an eye nor wags a
year concernin' that vanished bus- .
"Naeherally. thar ain't no one so
prodded of a morbid curiosity as to go
askin' Missis Rucker. With her view
as to what's cornin’ to her as a lady,
an' her bein' alters in the kitchen, sur
rounded b;. sech wee pons as flatirons
an' griddies an' stove-lifters, any sech
impolite break might result disaster
ous. Oid Man Enright puts it right,
an’ his views gains endorsement by
Doe Peels, an' among the best intel
lects of the camp.
*’ To go pesterin' around Missis
Rucker,' says he. 'in her bereave
ments, would be ong«yitiemanly to the
verge of bein' rash, an' the gent don't
live in Wolfville who's that foolish or
"If mem'ry is siltin' squar'ly in the
saddle i reckon it's mebby a year
be fort Missis Rucker mentions her
loss. It's one time when we-all shows
up for chuck, and finds her in a dress
as black as a spade flush.
” 'The same bein' mournin'.' she ex
plains. in answer to a remark by Dor
Peers complimentin' her looks—which
Peets was the genteelest sharp, an'
the l>es- edicated, that ever shows up
in Arizona. I'm mournin' for my de
parted he'pmeet. I hears about it in
Tucson. Pore Rucker is deceased:
an’ of course 1 dons black, as markin'
his cashin' in.'
"Yere Missis Rucker' snuffles a lit
tle, ark gouges into one corner of her
eye with her handkerchief. like she's
roundin' up a tear: after which, she
sort o' "tins t calclatin' glance over
us gents, then an' thar assembled,
like she's sizin' us up as to our do
mestic p'ints.
"That's a heap of silence follows
thaT look. Not bein' gifted none as
a mind reader. 1 can': say how it af
fects the halance of the outfit: but
stakin' for myse'f, a chili like ice
creeps up an' down my back. Also.
I observes a apprehensive look on the
faces of Enright an' Boggs, as though !
they smells perils. As to Texas
Thompson, who is camped next to me
at the table, an' has had marital ex
periences which culminates in a di- !
vorce down Laredo way, I overhears
him grind his teeth, plenty determin- i
ed. an' mutter:
•' 'By the Lone Star of my natif
state. I won't be took!’
"We're all some eager to ask about
them tidings which Missis Rucker!
ropes onto in Tucson, but none has
the nerve. It's Faro TVell who comes
headin to the general rescoo. She's
perched next to Cherokee Hall, an’
looks gently up from a piece of pie
she's backin' off the hoard, and says:
" Good sakes. Missis Rucker! An'
whatever do you-all track up ag'inst
about pore Mister RuckerT
" 'That onfortunate pard o' my bos'm
has departed this life.' responds the
v idov. moppin' away her grief. ‘I
crosses up with a Tucson party, who
ashores me that when them Apaches
goes all spraddled out last spring,
they nacherally begins them hostili
ties oy prouncin' on Rucker, an'
leavin' him on both sides of the can
" That's right.' chimed in Dave
Jutt. who, bein' married a whole lot
to Tucson Jennie, feels immune from
further wedlock. ‘Whenever them sav
ages digs up the war-ex. they yoosu
aliy inaugurates negotiations by lavin'
out what palefaces is weak-minded
enough to be caught among 'em, too
dead to skin. No; it ain’t crcoelty.
it's caution. Which they figgers
them squaw-men if spared, will be off
to the nearest army post, with pree
matoor word of the uprisin'. V.'har
fore. they descends on 'em like a
failin' star, an' blots 'em out. After
which the? proceeded with their regu
lar killin' an' skelpin' more at leis- i
"It's over in the Red Light, to
which we reepairs when feed is
through, that the subject comes up in
form. Black Jack, the bar keep, ie so 1
impressed by the gravity on our faces 1
as we files in. that he announces the i
drinks is on the house. We refooses; !
it bein' too dost on the hocks of that j
saltboss an' them flapjacks for nose- j
paint, an' we take seegvars instead.
When we're smokin' sociable, an' has
become somewhat onbuckled an' con
fident ag'in in spite of them alarmin'
fulminations of Missis Rucker. En
right brings the topic for ard.
•' 'About her bein’ a widow that
a-way. Doc’’ he says, addressin
Beets. ’What do vou.alL as a,scientist,
think ymrael’?'
“ 'Which it seems feasible enough."
responds Peels, bitin' thoughtful at
his seegyar. You know what Injuns
be. Startin' out to slay, they ain’t
apt to overlook no seeh bet as Ruck
er. They'd be onto him. first Has'
out o' the box. like a mink onto a
settin’ hen.'
" 'Yes.' returns Enright, some on
easy as to tone. ‘I reckon you calls
the turn. Doc. They'd about bump
off old Rucker by way of curtain
raiser. as they calls it over to the
Bird Cage op'ry house.’ ”
“ ‘Don't you allow now,' breaks in
Boggs, some agitated, appealin' to En
right an Petits together—don't you al
low. now. that old Rucker bein' wiped
out that a-way sort o' leaves the camp
“ As how?' returns Pete.
" As how?' repeats Boggs, his ex
citement risin'. 'What's to preevent
risin'. What's to preevent her de
scendin' on one of us. like a pan of
milk from a top shelf itself, an' wed
din him a heap? She's a mighty res
oloote female is Missis Rucker, an'
it's only last week she ups an' saws
it off to me. abrupt, that she's jest
38 years old last grass. I sees her
drift now: That lady's makin' ready
for a spring. Which she's aimin' to
snatch a husband from our shrinkin'
midst; an' nothin' short:'
" After what 1 passes through with
that Laredo wife of mine,' says Texas
Thompson, grim as a tombstone, 'you
can gamble a bloo stack I'll never be
married alive.'
" As to myse'f,' reemarks Peers,
imitatin' a cheerful countenance. Tm
barred. Drug sharps, onder the rooles.
cannot be claimed in private matri
mony—belongin' as they do to the
commoonity. Enright yere is like
wise out. bein' too old.'
" That's right:’ coincided Enright,
relief stealin' into his eyes; Tm too
far gone in years to be raw materia!
for nuptials. Speakin' what I feel,
however, I looks on the sityooation as
serious. As Dan says, it's plain she
has intentions. Then thar's that black
Irock: Which widows is dangerous
in precise proportion as they sheds
tears an piles on mournin'. It's my on
biased jedgment she's fixin' her sights
for Dan or Texas that'.'
' Gents.' interrupts Texas Thomp
son ag'in. his manner iron, 'you hears
what J say a moment back: Wolf
vilie may foliow me to the tomb, but
never to no altar.'
“ ‘If I tnollght this yere widow was
that imminent.' says Boggs, pacin' to
an' fro like a startled wildcat. ‘I'd
iine out for Tucson ontil the footure's
more guaranteed. I'm naeheraHy
plumb nervous: I can’t camp down in
the shadow of a great threat on
moved. We was shore locoed to ever
let Rucker get away that time. We
might have ltuowed it would end in
some sech bluff as this. If 1 had fore
seen the trap he was settin' for us.
1 d have reestored that old profligate
to Missis Rocker's arms, or got
downed by tile Apaches tryin'. What
ever s your advice, Sam?' he con
clooas.' anxious-eyed at En
right. ‘If it. nothin' worse than a
hostile sheriff on my trail. I'd stand
my hand: but this yere is when I re
quires counsel."
.f'Seein Boggs so Keyed up. Enright
goes off on a soothin' angle, Peets
ehippin’ in encouragin'. They both
suggests to Boggs that thar s no ca!»
to be preeciipitate. It'll most likely be
weeks before Missis Rucker realty do
ctor's herse'f. an' sinks them widowed
talons into her seelected victim.
Meanwhile, as preitarin’ for the worst,
ali Boggs lias to do, they argues, is
to keep his mind on his number, an'
sing out ‘No’ to everything she says.
Likewise, it might be welt to hold a
pony saddled, in case of sudden
in which event, says Enrigm, ‘if
it turns out we onderestimates her
activities an' she wheels on you ab
rupt' thar't the pony; an' you plays
the same—Quir: an' heel as a last re
sort. Still it's possible we're seein'
unnecessary ghosts. She may have
it in her heart to make happy some
other gem entire.'
” 'Thar s one thing,' chimes in Poets.
I wants It understood, in case this
conference comes to Missis Rucker's
notice later that 1 say she is an fex
teemable lady, an- calk lated to raise
the man. so fortunate as to become
her husband, to pinnacles of bliss.'
“ Also.' declar'd Enright, some
hasty, ‘let it be onderstood I'm in
on them observations. As the pre
sidin' inflooence of the O. K. ResUo
raw. Missis Rucker is ortapproached I
an' onapproachabl? — her pies is :
poems an' her beans a dream.'
“No; as 1 states, the timidities of
Boggs an the balance ain't upheld.
Not that Missis Rucker don't frame
it up none to come flatterin' from
her lonely perch: only it ain't Boggs,
or Texas, or any of the boys proper—
it's old Col. Coyote Clubbs on whom
she's closin' down
"You recalls how. vest of ore, I on
furls to you concernin' the little colo
nel—now he's grizzled, an' harmless,
an' dried, an' lame of the nigh hind
laig—how he's got a face like a
squinch owl—innocent an' wide-eyed
an full of ignorant wonder, like life
is an onendin' s'prise party? As I
then explains, he's p'isenin' coyotes,
a dollar a pelt, an' at first has a camp
au hour's ride over towards Tuc
• Mebby it's two months prior to
when Missis Rucker gives it out she's
alone in the world, an' goes to ghost
dancin,’ that he done give up his dug
out. an' takes to boardin' at the O. K.
Restauraw. Bein’ gregarous, the
colonel likes company; an' as for
them little wolves, they're as prolific
an' apt to find his arsenic in the sub
bubs of Wolfville itse’f. as farther
out on the plains. So. as 1 observes,
he's now gettin' his chill-con-came at
Missis Rucker's an' workin' out from
camp instead of into it.
“Which it's plenty like we-all would
have seen it was the colonel's per
sonal trouble from the jump, only
the day Missis Rucker goes into black
an' scares us up idiat-a-way. the old
cimmaron is across to Red Dog. deal
! in’ for a train of burros to pack his
wolf pelts to Tucson. As it is, it
ain't a day alter he gets back be
fore we identifies him as the gent in
interest. Missis Rucker, as though
concealment is now at an end. an’
the hour ripe for throwin' off dis
guise. takes to hoverin' over him at
chuck time, with a terrifyin' solici
tood that comes mighty dost to bein'
i tenderness. She takes to heapin' his
| plate with viands, to a degree that's
[ enough of itse'f to set any sport of
thoughtfulness to pumpin’ sideways.
I It shore rattles the colonel, you can
! bet. an' his appetite gets less the
1 more she lavishes them delicacies
upon him.
“ ‘Which you ain't eatin' more than
| sparrow birds, colonel.' she says.
; givin' him a most onmistakable grin.
Yere: let me get you some plum pre
. serves—which they ought to tempt a
■ angel I'
“With that she toies forth one of
her partic'lar airtights. which even
Enright don't get a glimpse of only
Fo’th of Jooly an Christmas, an' on
I loads the same on the colonel. He
j grows white at this: for. jest as the
good book says that it's vain for the
fowler to spread his nets in the sight
of any bird, so also it is footile for
j a widow to go inondatin' any special
I gent with plum preserves, an hope
to have them sweetmeats miseon
‘ Shore, the colonel—for all he's
the guileiessest party that ever makes
a moccasin track in Arizona—realizes
she’s put him in nom'nation to be
Rucker's succession Likewise the
whole outfit grasps this trooth; an'
while the colonel is turnin' gray about
the gills, Boggs is breathin' freer,
an' even the desperate look in the
eyes of Texas Thompson begins to
fade away.
"Which the same shows how at bot
tom man is a ammile utterly selfish.
Once Boggs an Texas an' them others
feeis safe, the knowledge that the
pore old colonel must go cavortin'
across the red-hot plowshares, don’t
bother ’em a bit. They all likes him
plenty sincere at that. But sech is
life! They coldly leaves him to
trend the wine-press alone, an’ all as
onfeelin as a band of prairie dogs.
Which I don’t scrupple later, to ree
proach Boggs with this yere lack of
" What can we-all doT he replies-.
‘I’m a friend of the colonel s; but
what then? This is a case whar every
gent most kill his own snakes. Be
sides. I see now she’s doo to make
him happy. Do you note how free
she plays them plum air-tights on
him? An no more boldin' back, than
if they're canned tomatters! Rightly
looked at, the colonel's in a heap of
‘Enright is plumb crrect in his
count-up of the colonel. As Boggs ob
serves, he's game as t rantlers; still,
it s his sand, it’s his onswervin' p'lite
ness. an' good manners that’s bound to
hold him. Which said trooth is evi
dent, when the colonel discusses this
new an’ surprisir,' slant in his for
tunes with Enright an’ Peets. This
yere caucus occurs two days later,
after Missis Rucker ofiers him her
“It's about second drink time in the
evenin when the colonel, lookin' pale
an shaken, comes totterin' into the
Red Light, askin' for Enright. Cher
okee Hail, with Faro Nell ij*e look
out's stool, is deal in' bank at the time,
an' divers of us is seein' what we
can do ag’lnst him; but, at sight of
the colonels face, one an' all we
cashes in. Cherokee cleans up his !
game, an' we all gathers about to
" ‘Which you've no objections, j
coionel,' asks Enright, mighty urbane, j
'to the camp bein' iu on this powwow
none? From the rapt look in your ■
eyes, 1 sort o' guesses what joyful j
things has happened, an' of course ;
if—bein' over-delicate, mebby. in af-1
fairs of the heart—you prefer this |
confab to be private, why then, nach- j
eraliy, YtHlf wishes should be regard- j
ed, an' private* the word.'
“Bui the coionel say* he waives
privacy. The carnf to a man is his
friend, an' plumb welcome to his con
fidence. Hearin' wliich. we draws up
in silence, waitin' for him to begin.
As we does so. Cherokee whispers to
Faro Nell that mighty likely she'd
better put on her shaker, stampede
across, an' congratulate Missis Ruck
er; which su'gestion she yields to re
luctant. preferrin' to listen to them
adventures of the coolnel.
“ ‘It's this a-way.' says the colonel,
when Faro Nell is gone an' every
body's organised comfortable. Which
it's onneceasary for me to go tellin’
a pastel or sech experienced sharps
as you-all, what's took place. Suffice
it that this evenin', after supper ie
over, she drives me into a corner an'
tells me she is mine. Now, onderstand.
gents all; I'm too much a slave to eti
quette, an' was too well brought up
by my folks, to go backin' out of the
offections of any lady. Which I've
allers held that a lad?' is not to be re
foosed. Her heart is ever a boon;
an’, once she bestow «, it. no gent so
distinguished is possessed of any
; crooel license to thrust it aside.'
“ ‘Which sentiments does you
credit, colonel.’ observes Enright, as
I the ccmin' bridegroom pauses to wipe
his for’head.
“ ‘That's whatever!' chimes in
I Boggs, emphatic.
j “ ‘No. sir.’ resoomes the colonel,
when he ag'in commands himse'f. 'a
! lad?' is not to be declined. That is.
; she's not to be declined. aBsoomin'
her to be free. It's on that p'int. an'
! that alone. I've come meanderin' over
to be heard. What 1 asks is the one
question: Is this yere old man Ruck
, er shore dead? Wha: I urges is that
t until the same be proved, fm entitled
j to a stay of exeeootion. I leaves it
afl to you—to you. Enright, an' to
1 you. Peers—do I ask too much? Look
in' at the play from ever; angle, an'
beepin' it before yotl that my sole
reason for balkin’ is a reason of mor
| a!lt?\ I puts it to you. as gem to gent,
whether I ain't right?"
“This yere is a mere quibble!"
shouts Boggs, plenty heated; but En
right. who's the soul of fairness, stops
" ‘It's impossible to den?*.' responds
Enright, when Boggs growlin']?* sub
sides, tha*. the proof, techin' the wip
: in' out of Rucker, an' the consequent
widowhood of his relict, is at present
I some meager. Also. I'm bound to
add. that olfville. as a strictly moral
outfit, ain’t hungerin’ for no Enoch
Arden games. What’s your jedg
ment, Doc?’
• Which I entertains feelin's sim
lar. returns Peets. ‘We shore don’t
want to go ribbin’ up no sityooation.
where one lady has two husbands.
Thar's everything to be said ag’inst
sech a social solecism, not only from
siandp'ints moral but economic. Be
sides. Red Dog, onr hated rival,
wouldn’t cease to throw it up.'
"'The question bein' gen'ral in its
op'rations,' breaks in Boggs agin—
he s been whisperin' mighty feverish
to Texas Thompson—'an' speakin' for ;
Texas yere. as well as myse’f. I'd
like to ask the co.onel. now he casts !
doubts on a reevered lady's widow
hood. whatever is to be his ensooin' !
move? Also. I desire to be heard as i
savin' that, offerin' as he does them '
doubts by way of defense, the bur- !
den of proof is on him. It's for him !
to stow the lady's married, not for j
Woifville to demonstrate she's single
“ ’Gents, said the colonel, interrupt
in' Enright as he's about to reply,
words is onnecessary. 1 accepts the
p sititjn ol Mr. Boggs as bein’ sound j
an’ solid as a sodhouse. All I asks is j
time. I've but one request—an' I
bases it. as yeretofore announced, on j
purely moral grounds. I merely asks !
that yon hold Missis Rucker at bay i
w'hile I takes the trail of that former
husband, an' runs it out. Mebby them I
hostiies don’t kill him none. Mebby
he lives an breathes, while gems who I
are blameless an’ innocent go facin' !
dangers which of right belong to him i
" 'How long.' asks Enright, ‘do yon
ail alow it'll take to settle the life
or death of Rucker? Yon can Bee
yourse f, c olonel, thar's a limit ought
to go with this. It would be prepos
terous to assoom that you are to hold
the affections of a lady in abeyance. !
while you go romancin' about in the
hills indefinite.'
“ ‘Six months,’ returned the colonel.!
plead inly: -six a tile mnmh. is all I ;
ask. If I don’t drive this yere ab- •
return an' accept my bliss wt»h«nt a
*' 'Thar's nothin' to it, Sam'’ re
marks Peets. an' his manner is deci
sive; the colonel's plumb inside his
rights. That Rucker is dead rests
wholly on the feather-blown bluff of
some unnamed sport in Tucson. At
the most, sech a condition furnishes
us nothin' more cogent than suspi
cions. an' the good repoote of Wolf
ville ought not to be resked. or trifled
sway, on arguments so insecure.'
*' ‘You’re right. Doc.' says En
right. musin'ly. 'Which bein' settled,
it's my jedgment the colonel had bet
ter begin his still bunt instanter, an'
not Wait until the lady becomes privy
to his designs She might take them
doubts about her widowhood invid
"Enright's uotion as to prompti
toode prevails, an' the colonel allows
he’ll go trackin' off for Rucker that
very evenin . Tharupon Boggs—lie s
been watchful as a lynx throughout—
ag'in intervenes.
" As gents possessin' colia 'ral in
terests.' says he. 'Texas an' I'll jest
about accompany the colonel a whole
" 'Which you ain't intimatin' that
I'd break my compact none about re
turnin'?' asks the colonel. bi» eyes be
ginnin' to sparkle.
“'Not at all’! returns Boggs. 'We're
goin" along in the c'pacity of guardian
angels to you personal. Them Apaches
might down you: an' thar's too much
dependin’ on your life for us to take
them chances.'
“While the ponies is bein' saddled
an’ brought up. an' Black Jack is
fillin' the canteens. Enright draws
Peets aside.
“ How about it. Doc?' he whis
!>ers. 'Would you let Dan and Texas
both go?'
“ An' why not?' asks Peets.
‘ This why not! Sposse. for any
conceiv'bie reason, none of them par
ties come back. You don't want to
forget that you an' ae are the next
two chickens on the roost. How do
you know that, in sech events, your
profession as a medicine sharp or my
years protect us? Remember. Missis
Rucker ain't no girt?'
■' That's all right." returns Peets.
confident and firm: if Dan an' Texas
an the colonel fails us. as a last re
: sort we’ll emyoolate the ancient
Romans. When they wanted wives,
they jumped an outfit called the Sab
ines. an mavericked 'em. That's what
■ we'l! do jf forced. When things get
dealt down to the turn, an' thar's
nothin' but you an' me in the mat
rimonial box. we'll nacherally ride
over to Red Dog. aa rope 3Iissis
Rocker up a b^'pmeet from among
tiuir hamlet's deboshed citizenry.
Thar's ;hem fh Red Dog who. at the
simple mention, would come a-run
i Bin'.’
“It's the next day before Missis
Rucker learns how the colonel, with
Boggs an' Texas coverin' the piay. has
gone rummagin' off after the refautt
er. When she hears of it she search
es out Enright, whar he's bnyin’ shirts
in the New York store. Faro Nell
| an' Tucson Jennie is with her, an'
i the three looks plenty ominous an'
“ . ‘Which. I deemands to know. Sam
Enright, says Missis Rucker, an’ her
manner is miglitj trucoolent. what
do you an' Doc Peets mean?'
'Yes!' chorus the other two:
‘what do you-all mean?'
" Do you reckon I'll allow you two
sots to go knockin' round in my desti
nies like blind dogs in a meat shop?'
adds .Missis Rucker.
“ ‘My dear madam.' reemonstrates
Enright, placatin' her; what we does
is wholly for»your Says wre:
‘ Colonel, you can't have that lady
on til you proves concloosive she's n
single footer. She's a prize worth
strugglin' for. an' waitin' for: an’, if
you're worthy of her. you won't be
grech the time an' labor to prodooce
evidence that her former husband is
detunct." The Coionel struggles
ag'inst this dictum, for his Jove is
overpowerin'. But he is also a gent
of reason, so a* last he submits.’
“ ‘This yere’ll do for a sing-song.
Sam Enright!' returns Missis Rucker
—none the less she's softened by them
encomiums—but whyever then don't
the colonel bid me a fond adoo?'
‘Which he couldn't have stood it
none, declars Enright. ‘He says so
himse'f. "Let us start at onct!” is
his observation. "If ever I sets eyes
on her f^echures. their alloorin' love
liness will carry my resolootion off its
feet." An’ so—the Doc an' I an’
Boggs an' Texas concurrin'—they goes
prancin' off far the mountains, with
out further procrastinations.'
" "All right. Sam Enright.’ remarks
Missis Rucker after thinkin' a spell,
her tones full of meanin'; since you
all sees fit to pick up my hand an’
play it. you'd shore better make it
Our Daily Flapjacks.
win. You can gamble the limit, if
my colonel don't come hack to me no
more. I'll jest the same know what to
“ You hears her, Doc!- whispers |
Enright ; an cool and steady as he I
is, he can’t repress a shudder.
“However, the kyrds falls as they
should. It ain’t three weeks before
the colonel, with Boggs an" Texas,
comes ridin’ in. whoopin’ an’ shoutin'
triumphant. Which thar's reason in
their whoops; for along with 'em, his
feet tied underneath a pony, is Ruck
er, lookin' as morose as a captive
badger. Thar's an Apache ridin’
along, who's out to offer explanations *
an' take the Rucker pony back ag’in
—the same bein' his chattel.
" 'Which I informs this aborigine.’
explains Boggs, in eloocidation of the
Apache that a way, that he's been
harborin' a criminal in this yere foo
gitive Rucker. I tells him he'll plat
in luck if the Great Father don’t
send his big thunder guns to blow
him an' his outfit off the map. I
hands him these fictions for fear, if
once he grasps what we really aims
to do with pore Rucker, his hooman
ity gets to millin’, an' he turns loose
in hie blinded way an' gives us a bat
" Well, well!’ says Texas Thomp
son. as he swings from the saddle an'
sa'nters into the Red Light to wash
the dust from his throat; ‘now it's
over. I'm yere to say I feels a lot re
lieved. It ain’t overstatin' the case
when I announces that it's the first
time, since Missis Rucker puts on
black an' hands it out she's single.
I've felt my old-time self.’
"As to the Apache. Enright as
! soores him no apologies is necessary.
: Meanwhile the colonel—who's sort o'
| hysterical—heaps that savage with
I presents to the y'ears. He certain
j ly does endow that painted outcast
j with half the N'ew York store!'
I “ ‘Whar did you-all run up on
him. Dan"' asks Peets. alloodin' to
*' ’Which we discovers the old
ground-hog,' says Hogg* 'in camp with
them Apaches, an' ail te contented
as a toad onder a cabbage leaf. The
outfit he's with warn't on no war
path. It's that bunch over by the
Cow Springs, with which these yere
Injuns of Rucker's ain't been on speak
in' terms for moons, that dug up the
war-ax last spring. It's my belief
this deceitful Rucker starts them
talcs about his death himse'f. It
would lie jest hi:; size; for he's as
cuituiu' tha; s-way as a pet fox.’
"When the foogitive is reestoreti
to Missis Rucker that lady never
says a word. She looks sour as
! lemons, though; an' the glances she
I casts at Enright an' Peets borders on
the baleful.
*' An' I ain't above remarkin'. Sam.'
observes peets to Enright, comment
1 in' on them glances, "that—only I
knows her to be honest an' troo an'
humane at hear:—1 figger she'd half
way like to put a spider in your
biscuit, for roundin' Rucker up.'
"It's the day followin' that exile's
return, an' from whar we sits in the
Red Light, we can see him settin'
the table for supper, rattlin' cups an'
slam mil: plates permiscus, an' all a
heap egreegious an' recalcitrant.
" 'Go over. Jack.' says Enright to
Jack Moore, which latter gem acts
in the dona! role of marshal an' kettle
tender foi the stranglers—of which
arm of Wolfvilie jestice. Enright is
chief—go over an' bring that mis
erable tarripin to me. I wants to
give him warnin'.'
"In a moment Jack is back with
the old felon, who looks as genial as
a sore-head bar.
“See .yere, Rucker!' says Enright,
his tones ringing hard an' cold, like
iron on ice. 'a word is as good as a
thump in the ribs to a blind mule.
Now remember! If ever von-all plays
the domestic nooant in the footure,
an' go to abandonin' them feelicities
which surrounds you—an' which I
fears you are far from appreciatin'—
Wolfvilie rides forth on your trail in
a body, an' swings an’ rattles thar
*'ith ontil you're took. Also, your
next return to camp will be signalized,
not by reestoration to the lovin' em
braces of a wife who dotes on you be
yond your measly deserts, hut by
stringin' you up to the windmill, by
way of warnin' to husbands with
tastes for soiitood an travel, an as
showin what happens to a married
gent who persistently omits to come
home. You go back now to settin’
them tables; Tint as you do. bar in
mind that the Wolfvilie eye from now
has got you focused.' ”
Simple Precautions That Will . Save
Paying Jewelers’ Bills.
“Why do watches get dirty?" said
the jeweler. “You’ll find the answer in
your watch pocket. Turn it out.”
The patron turned out his natch
Pocket, sheepishly bringing forth a I
pinch of mud-colored dust, some lint i
and a small ball of black fluff.
"There’s the reason. ” said the
jeweler. “Watches get dirty because
the pockets they are carried in are
never clean. A watch jjocket, my dear
sir. should be cleaned out regularly
once a week. Observe that rule and
your watch's works will not get clog- I
ged up again.
"Another and a seasonable rule is j
never to lay your watch ddfcn an
stone or marble. The cold deranges
the delicate works.
“Never lay your watch down, in
fact, anywhere. Haag it up on a hook,
vertically, in the same position tt oc
cupies when in your pocket. Watches
are made to lie. or rather stand, in
that position only.
“Wind your watch in the morning,
never at night”
I _
| Preparation Will Dissolve and Entire
ly Remove the Blemish.
In two quarts of water, previously
boiled and cooled, dissolve four
ounces of citric acid. Add six to eight
ounces of a strong strained solution
of borax, after which the whole may
be put in a bottle. Then to two quarts
of water previously boiled and oooled
add three-quarters of a pound of chlor
ide of lime Shake and let stand from
four to six days, after which strain
and add from six to eight ounces of
borax in a strong solution, and piace
in a separate bottle.
To remove ink from paper, cloth or
other absorbent substances, the com
position in bottle No. 1 is applied so
as to saturate thoroughly the ink-cov
ered spot: a blotter placed underneath
will absorb all waste moisture. Rinse
out, then apply fluid No. 2.
By the combined use of the two
fluids thus described writing inks or
other fluids will be immediately dis
solved and removed. If ink spot is on
paper the paper can then be rewritten
little labor savers.
Have system in your work.
Keep a high stool in the kitchen.
Cse a wooden-handled spoon for
; stirring.
See that knives are kept sharp
A potato slicer will be found a most
useful device.
Get all the materials together be
fore starting baking or cooking.
A stiff brush will be useful for
cleaning greasy pans.
Keep a little scrubbing brush for
scouring potatoes.
A whisk broom is invaluable for
cleaning out comers.
Keep a house painter's brush for
dusting tufted furniture.
Cheesecloth dusters are best, and
a feather duster is indispensable.
Keep a large lump of washing soda
on grating over the sink.
Fill dishes and pans with water as
soon as empty. *
Wash dish towels daily. When
greasy throw them into hot water,
strong with borax or household am
monia. They should be boiled at least
once a week.
Oysters Roasted.
Allow four or five oysters for each
person. Drain them from the liquor
and look them over carefully to free
them from bits of shell. Place them
in buttered scallop shells, having gg
many shells at Individuals to bs
served. Sprinkle with salt and pei;
PCI. bits of butter, and one drop of
tabasco sauce to each shell. Place the
shells in a dripping pan and cook in
hot oven until the oysters are plump
and the edges curled. Garnish with
toast points and a little sprig of
parsley. j
The oysters should be prepared but
not cooked until the guests are seated
at the table, as they cook very quick
ly and should be served immediately.
Soft Hermits.
j Onehaif cupful butter, one cupful
j sugar, three cupfuls raisins seeded
I and chopped, two eggs well beaten,
one-half cupful milk, one cupful fiour,
one-half level teaspoonful each of cin
namon and clove, one-fourth level tea
spoonful each of mace and nutmeg,
three level teaspoonfuls baking pow
der. flour to make a soft dough.
Cream the butter, add the sugar,
! 'hen the raisins and egg. Beat well,
add the milk and the flour, spices,
and baking powder sifted together.
Add enough more flour to make a soft
dough; roll out, cut and bake in a
quick oven.
Oysters a la Francesca.
Scald 25 oysters in their own liquor
until plump, then drain and strain the
juice, melt two tablespoonfuls of butter
in a saucepan, and rub on four table
spoonfuls of flour When smooth add
the oyster juice, then add a cupful
of milk or cream and season to taste
with salt, pepper, and a pinch of
paprika. Remove from the fire and
stir in the beaten yolks of three eggs
and again place over the fire and stir
until creamy and smooth, then turn
out on a heated dish with a border or
triangular pieces of toast. Do not al
low to stand after adding the cream
and egg.
Pea Pudding.
An old-fashioned pea pudding may
be revived now and then in a hungry
family. Wash and dry a pint of split
peas by the fire, tie them loosely in a
cloth, put them in a kettle of warm
water and let them boil a couple of
hours or until perfectly tender. Take
them up. turn them out of the cloth
and mash them thoroughly, with salt
and white pepper to season and a
generous lump of butter; add the
ireaten yolk of an egg. stir until quite
smooth; then tie up in the cloth again
and boil an hour longer. This is real
!y excellent with corned beef.
Creamed Finnan Haddie.
Soak the fish eight or ten hours in
cold water, to freshen. Butter a sheet
baking pan. lay in the fish, sprinkle
with pepper, put on generous bits of
butter and nearly cover with milk.
Bake in fairly quick oven 4» minutes
to an hour. Take out fish on platter,
thicken gravy with one tablespoon
each Hour and butter blended together,
pour over fish and garnish with pars
ley and slices of lemon. If there is
more gravy than is liked on platter
serve in gravy boat.
Salad Dressing.
One egg well beaten, one teaspoon
salt, two teaspoons sugar, little bit
of pepper, three large mixing spoon
fuls of vinegar, four large mixing
sjioonfnls of cold water, one and one
half mixing spoonfuls melted butter,
, three teaspoonfuls flour, three-fourth
teasiioonfui mustard. Stir with a lit
tle water until like gravy thickening.
Stir all together and eook in double
boiler until thick like custard.
Codfish Balls.
Boll one cup of codfish with fonr
good sized potatoes. When done mash
potatoes and fish together, add good
stred piece of butter and little pepper
and one egg. beaten. Roll in a little
flour to form balls and place in fry
psui. Fry brown on one side, turn and
brown on the other side. These are
very good. Serve hot on hat platter.