The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, December 19, 1907, Image 4

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Religious. Social, Agricultural, Polit
* ical and Other Matters Given
Due Consideration.
I -
' Wymore is taking steps toward an
occupation tax.
Two cases of smallpox hate devel
oped near David City.
The Burlington has altered its right
of-way at Minersvil!# to escape the
A dollar dinner in Mr. Bryan's
honor will be given in Lincoln Janu
ary 15.
Thomas Gillespie, one of the early
settlers of Greeley county, died near
Fire on the ranch of H. H. Bacon
destroyed a barn and a large amount
of wheat.
Humboldt is going right ahead with
improvements, regardless of any finan
cial panic.
The new gas plant at Columbus is
now in operation. The plant cost
about $30,000.
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Keene of Kear
ned will scon start on their second
trip around the world.
The Adams County Bar banqueted
Judge Adams, who is retiring from the
bench of the Tenth judicial district.
Farmers around Ansley have organ
ized a stock company for the co-oper
ative shipment of live stock and pur
chase of coai.
Mrs. Acenith Robinson of Tecum
seh, a sister of the late Sells brothers,
circus men of wide renown, is setting
up a claim to the estate.
B. P. Reynolds, jr., one of Wvmore’s
prominent and respected citizens and
a man known all over the country in
railroad circles, died last week.
A soldier from Fort Crook, belong
ing to the Sixteenth infantry, was
killed at Omaha by a negro, robbery
being the object. The murderer Is in
One of the biggest prairie fires seen
in many years swept the country be
tween the Middle Lcup and Dismal
rivers and extended from Thedford to
Plans of the new’ government post
office building at York were received
by G W. Shreek. postmaster, and are
now on exhibition at the Commercial
club rooms.
Land Commissioner Eaton and State
Treasurer Brian visited the feeble
minded institute at Beatrice. They
expressed themselves as well pleased
with the management of the institu
Jacob Meyers swore out a com
plaint in the county court of Gage
county, charging David Neher with
assault with intent to kill. The men
are brothers-in-law and reside on ad
joining farms.
Sheriff Bauman of Dodge county
arrested an 18-year-o!d girl by the
name of Nellie Kern, who is said to be
wanted ar Valentine on a charge of
forgery. She was taken to the city
jail and declines to talk.
Jesse Statts. a wealthy Saunders
county farmer, is so anxious to hold
the office of read supervisor of Po
hocco precinct that he has begun pro
ceedings against Herman Baltz teboa
test his election to that position.
7'he Blair Independent Telephone
company has succeeded in closiug the
final arrangements with the Interstate
Telephone company of Iowa, by
which a wire will be put across the
Missouri river at that point and near
the present railroad bridge.
William Gorman, an Ames farmer,
telephoned Sheriff Bauman of Dodge
county that he had caught a burglar
in his house and to come and get him.
Gorman found the man in his house
and a pretty stiff scrap ensued, in
which the farmer came out ahead.
The family of Harry Dclmont, liv
ing east of Beemer. W&s~surprised to
see a man wandering about their
place bareheaded, coatless and bare
footed. Mr. Delmont, on questioning
the man, soon learned that he was
badly demented and unable to give
him any information of who he was,
or about his condition. The authori
,, ties took him in charge.
Resembling the caravan of an Ara
bian merchant prince, a long line of
^ wagons passed through Central City
laden with a portion of the harvest
from Dave Burke's farm in West Lone
Tree. There were fifteen teams in
the procession and the double-box
wagons were laden with shelled corn,
which was being hauled to the Clay
ton place, across the river.
August Mischnick, a wealthy farmer
of the Cortiand neighborhood in Gage
county, was granted a divorce from
Garnett Mischnick. whom he married
in Indianapolis, Ind.. last summer
through a matrimonial bureau while
the bride was serving a jail r/mtence.
He secured the release of his wife
after the marriage and they came to
'Cortland to make their home.
The Commercial club of Beatrice
met to discuss the question of erect
ing a $25,000 opera house. A com
mittee was appointed to formulate
plans and another meeting will be
held in a few days to take action on
The First National bank of Wal
thilt secured $13,000 worth of the
Panama canal bonds, according to offi
cial notice received by Cashier Ma
thewson. The bid submitted by this
bank wag $102,125. This was the low
est figure at which any of the bonds
were awarded..
The York Commercial club believes
that more patronage can be brought
to York by advertising York county
aud in sending out thousands of pieces
of literature calling attention to
York’s industries, its large and varied
stock of goods and the low prices.
Labor Commissioner Ryder has fig
ured that the com and wheat crop of
Nebraska alone this season will bring
enough money to pay the expenses of
the fleet of the United States on its
trip to the Pacific and will buy all the
new battleships needed and hare a
goodly number of million^ left over.
Failure of National Mutual Recalls
Old Fight in Legislature.
Lincoln—The appointment of a re
ceiver to wind up the affairs of the
National Mutual Fire Insurance com
pany of Omaha, in which former Gov
ernor Holcomb is interested, recalled
to a state house visitor the fight in
the legislatures of 1895 and 1897 over
the passage of the insurance bill which
permitted mutual companies to insure
town and city property. ■ The bill was
first passed by the legislature of 1895
and vetoed by Governor Holcomb, and
in 1897 it was passed by the legisla
ture in practically the same form and
signed by Governor Holcomb, who on
the same day became president of the
Nebraska Mercantile company, organ
ized under the law which Governor
Holcomb approved. This company is
still doing business. Among those who
held office in the Nebraska Mercantile
company when it first started besides
Governor Holcomb were E. M. Bartlett
“and C. E. Coffin, Who are also inter
ested in the company now in the
hands of a receiver. Governor Hol
comb. it is understood, has had noth
ing to do with the Nebraska Mercan
tile company for some time. ;
The National Mutual Fire Insurance
company was known at the time of
its organization as the Tr&nsmissiSsip
pi Mutual Fire company and was or
ganized August 1, 1896, under the
laws, however, of 1873. Its officers at
that time were: J. B. Hall, president:
H. F. Cady, vice president; Dan Far
rell. treasurer, and E. P. Davis, secre
tary pro tern and state agent. On
January 26, 1905, so the records show,
the company changed its name to the
National Mutual Fire Insurance com
Kills Wildcat Near Fairbury.
Fairbury—Henry Oberhelman, who
lives alone in a cabin on Rose creek,
near Kesterson, in Jefferson county,
has the distinction of killing the only
wildcat slain in this part of the state
for many years. One night recently
Oberhelman, who is cutting timber
near Kesterson, heard peculiar noises
emauating from near his cabin. He
arose from bed. secured his shotgun
and fired. Next morning he found the
animal dead.
Petition in Stock Yards Case.
The attorney general filed his peti
tion in the supreme court asking for
a mandamus to compel the Union
Stock Yards company of South Omaha
to file with the state railway commis
sion its schedules of rates charged.
This suit is brought to decide whether
the stock yards comes within the jur
isdiction of the railway commission.
Boy Promises to Be Good.
August Schroeder of Creighton has
! asked Governor Sheldon to commute
his sentence of imprisonment in the
Lancaster county jail so that he may
j go home to his parents and be good.
He is 19 years old and was given a
long jail sentence for taking money
from his employers.
Crawls Mile with Brcken Leg.
Hyannis—While riding on the Coble
ranch Bert Beem's horse fell, break
ing Beem's leg below the knee. He
crawled nearly a mile on his hands
and knee.3 before becoming exhausted.
Then he set fire to the range to at
tract attention.
Attempts Suicide.
A. R. Nattlehofer, who has been vis
iting relatives in Plattsmoutii for
some time, attempted to commit sui
cide in Gering s drug store Sunday by
talcing vitriol. He was saved by med
ical help.
1 An Opinion in Regard to Compulsory
Religious Training.
Lincoln—Deputy County Attorney
Matson holds, in an opinion given out
here, that a school teacher has no
right to compel a pupil to say the
Lord's prayer. The question was
ased of him by a Johnson county
teacher, one of whose pupils refused
to join in the daily devotional exer
cises. In hi3 opinion Matscn said:
‘ la conclusion, I will say that under
the constitution of this state, as inter
preted by the highest court of the
state, whether it is prudent or po
litic to permit Bible reading in your
school is a question for the school
board to determine, but whether it has
talien the form of sectarian instruc
tion is a question the courts alone can
determine upon evidence. The courts
will not attempt to interfere to pre
vent the legitimate use of the Bible
in the public school, but you do not
have nor does the board have the
right to enforce pupils to conform in
any way to any requirements in con
nection with such services or to join
in them. Parents* have the right lo
object to their children participating
in any religions service conducted by
a teacher in the school rood during
school hours, no matter whether this
objection is reasonable or unreason
able. No school official c:- teacher has
the right to discipline in any way,
either by expulsion of otherwise, any
student who refuses to participate in
such exercise.’’
General Black to Speak.
Teeumseh—The management of the
Teeumseh Chautauqua association has
closed a contract for an address on
July 1 next by General John C. Black,
the well known civil war veteran and
president of the United States civil
service commission. "It is proposed to
mate the day an old soldiers' reunion
and the program throughout will be
of a patriotic character. The pro
gram for the 190!? assembly is now
nearly completed and first class at
tractions only have been given a place
on it.
Counties Paying Up.
Elemittances by county treasurers
to the state treasurer for six days in
December amount to $252,862.81. The
greater part of these payments go to
the general fund and the fund for the
redemption of state warrants.
Penitentiary for Life.
Omaha—Charles Pumpbrey, the 18
y^ar-old bellboy, was found guilty and
mutt be confined In the penitentiary
for remainder of his life for the
murdeNpf Ham Pak, proprietor of a
Chinese restaurant last July.
President’s Daughter Has Vermiform
Appendix Removed and Is on Way
to Recovery.
Washington. — Mrs. Alice Long
worth. wife of Representative Nich
olas Longworth. and daughter of j
President Roosevelt, was operated
upon for appendicitis Thursday. The |
operation, which was performed at |
the White House by Dr. Finney of ■
Johns Hopkins hospital. Baltimore, as
sisted by Dr. Sophie Xordhoff-Jung
and Surgeon General Rixey of the
navy, was declared by Dr. Rixey to
have been successful in every par
ticular and to have left the patient in
excellent condition.
The following bulletin was issued at
the White House at nine o'clock Thurs
day night:
“Mrs. Longworth has had a com
paratively comfortable day. Her gen
Mrs. Alice Longworth.
eral condition is satisfactory. No
more bulletins will be issued during
the night."
At the conclusion of the operation
Mrs. Longworth emerged from the in
fluence of the anaesthetic in a very
short time and after exchanging a few
words with Mrs. Cowles, her aunt,
and with her husband, she fell asleep
naturally and enjoyed a nap lasting
two hours. Her condition was such
that President Roosevelt felt little
apprehension and in fact did not hesi
tate to engage in bis afternoon tennis
game with Ambassador Jusserand, Gif
ford Pinchot and Assistant Attorney
General Cooley.
The preparations had been making
for the operation for nearly a month,
it being known during that time that
Mrs. Longworth was suffering from
; incipient inflammation of the vermi
I form appendix. About a week ago
'-preparations were begun for the oper
ation which it was deemed expedient
1 to undertake before she had suffered
i a loss of strength that would be sure
to ensue from a severe attack of ap
Washington.—The following bulle
tin was issued at the White House
Friday night at 9:30 o'clock: “Mrs.
Longworth had a very good day. She
is progressing rapidly and her condi
tion is entirely satisfactory."
Peculiar Suicide in Paris.
Paris.—An old man was run down
and killed Friday afternoon on the
Champs Elysee by an automobile
owned by James Watson, of Calumet,
Mich. Neither Mr. Watson, who was
in the car, nor his French chauffeur,
who was driving it. was detained, as
the policeman in charge of the regu
lation of traffic at the spot where the
man was killed, declared it was a case
of suicide.
New York Banks Swindled.
Augusta, Ga.—It was learned here
Friday that parties in New York have
swindled banks in that city out of a
large sum of money on fictitious cot
ton warehouse receipts purporting to
be from Augusta.
Butte Miners Kidnap a Man.
Butte, Mont.—Five hundred men,
members of the local miners' union.
Friday seized a miner at work as; a
carpenter on the Bell Telephone
buiding and escorted him to their hall.
Later the man disappeared. At one
time a riot seemed imminent.
Veteran River Pilot Is Dead.
St. Charles. Mo.—Capt. Edward L.
Fulkerson, aged 71 years, who had
been a pilot on the Mississippi river
since he was 18 years old, died here
from malarial fever.
New York Banker Is Dead.
New York.—William H. S. Wood,
president of the Bowery Savings
bank, an institution with more than
$100,000,000 in deposits, died at his
residence here Wednesday night from
a complication of diseases.
Hunter and Deer Die Together.
Tilton, N. H.—The body of George
Whitney of Canterbury was found in
the woods near Northfleld Thursday,
lying beside a deer which he lad
1 killed. Death probably resulted from
heart failure.
Lillian Wufff of Chicago Located at
Momence, III.
Momence. 117. — Little Lillian
Wolff, who was kidnaped in Chi
cago Saturday while playing near her
home, was found Friday five miles
south cf Momence. The man and
woman who were her captors were ar
rested. They gave their names as Mr.
and Mrs. William Jones, and said they
were on their way from Pennsylvania
lu Missouri, where they intended set
tling. They refused to discuss the
kidnaping. Jones is about JO years of
age and the woman about 25. The
child declared they picked her up on
the streets of Chicago; put her in a
wagon and drove away.
The arrest of the couple was brougt
about through the fact that a farmer's
wife, living south of Momence, notified
Deputy Sheriff Reilly that she had
seen a man and woman with a little
girl drive past her house in a wagon.
Deputy Sheriff Reilly followed them
and placed them under arrest.
The child acknowledged that her
name was Wnlff. but said she had been
traveling under the name of Jones.
According to her story she escaped
once while on the road between Kan
kakee and Chicago, but was recap
tured. The child has seemingly been
neglected since she was stolen away a
week ago. her appearance indicating
that in all that time she has gone
without bathing.
Victims of Fairmont Disaster Reach
High Total.
Monongab, W. Ya. — Over 300
bodies have been removed from
the scene of the Fairmont mine ex
plosion. making the probable death list
i about 500, according to figures of the
! rescuers. The opening* of the cor
oner's inquest has been set for next
Monday. Gov. Dawson announced
Thursday that he will personally at
tend the inquiry' for the purpose of in
stituting a rigid investigation with a
view to ending West Virginia mine dis
Relief funds are sufficient for the
immediate wants of widows and or
phans, but many of these will be de
pendents for a long time, making nec
essary a much larger fund.
Bishop P. J. Donahue of the Catho
lic diocese of Wheeling will provide
for many of the orphans. He is con
sidering the leasing of property for a
temporary orphanage and later build
ing a permanent institution.
Ohio Temperance and Church Leader
Is Arrested.
Norwalk, O.—Mrs. Martha A. Camp
bell, president of the Woman's Chris
tian Temperance union, superintendent
of the Congregational Sunday school
at Steubenville, and wife of a wealthy
Greenfield township farmer, was ar
rested Friday in Sandusky on a secret
indictment charging incendiarism.
The indictment charges that Mrs.
Campbell burned a dwelling owned by
Miss Loa Mather, a neighbor, in Octo
ber. Miss Mather also has been in
The fire insurance company asserts
the women framed a plot by which
Miss Mather was to take the insur
ance money and pay off the mortgage
on her home, and on that condition
Mrs. Campbell would buy the place.
Both women are on bonds.
Oklahoma’s Senators Elected.
Guthrie. Okla. — The election of
the first two United States sena
i tors from the new state of Okla
homa was consummated late Wednes
day afternoon by the two houses in
joint session when Speaker W. H. Mur
ray, announcing the vote of Tuesday,
declared Robert L. Oweu of Muskogee
and Thomas P. Gore of Lawton duly
Will of Judge George Baldwin,
Appleton. Wis.—The will of the late
Judge George Baldwin was made pub
lic Friday and, except for a bequest of
$25,000 to a cousin and four daugh
1 ters in Vermont, the entire estate, es
timated at $5,000,000, is left in trust
for ten years to the widow, Mrs.
Catherine M. Baldwin, and two sons.
George B. and Charles Baldwin. At
the expiration of ten years the estate
is to be divided. Lands in Washing
ton. Oregon, Michigan, the Dakotas,
Wisconsin and Oklahoma are included
in the estate.
Tragedy in Iowa Town.
Jefferson, la.—For love of his neigh
bor's wife, who had first accepted his.
advances, but later decided she loved
her home and her babies more, D. H.
Ereese, a wealthy farmer 48 years old,
sent a bullet through his brain.
French Museum Is Robbed.
Amiens, France.—Five most valua
ble pictures, the works of Fragonard,
Boucher, and Vanloo, have been stolen
from the Musee de Pi cardie, together
with a collection of coins and art ob
jects valued at about $50,000.
Formal Statement Issued by Mr.
Roosevelt Repeating That Made
the Night Of Election
in 1904.
Washington. — President Roosevelt
will not be a candidate for a third
term. All doubt on this point was
dispelled Wednesday night by tbe
authoritative statement from the
White House that Mr. Roosevelt still
adheres to the declaration of renuncia
tion made on tbe night of the election
three years ago.
In tbe statement issued President
Roosevelt says be has not changed
and shall not change the decision com
municated to the American people in
It appears that President Roosevelt
has been awaiting the call for the
Republican national convention to af
ford the proper opportunity for mak
ing his position clear and unmistak
able. thus leaving the field clear for
Fairbanks. Taft, Cannon, Knox, For
aber and other declared or receptive
| candidates for the- Republican nomina
tion. The president's statement fol
“In view of the issuance of the call
of the Republican national committee
for the convention, the president
makes the following statement:
“On the night after election I made
tbe following announcement: ‘I am
deeply sensible of the honor done me
yy (he American people in thus ex
pressing their confidence in what I
have done and have tried to do. I ap
preciate to the full the solemn respon
sibility this confidence imposes upon
me. and I shall do all that in my pow
er lie^pot to forfeit it. On the fourth
of March next I shall have served
three and a half years, and this three
and a half-years constitute my first
term. The wise custom which limits
the president to two terms regards the
substance, and not the form, and un
der uo circumstances will I be a can
didate for or accept another nomina
“I have not changed and shall not
change the decision thus announced.”
The announcement that the presi
dent would not accept the Republican
nomination, if tendered, came at too
late an hour to become generally
known in political circles, but among
those who learned of it. Democrats
and Republicans alike, the feeling was
general that it left no element of
doubt in the presidential situation, so
far as relates to the third term talk,
and that it definitely eliminates Mr.
Roosevelt from the contest now being
waged. Some Democrats, however,
express a belief that a Roosevelt stam
pede in the Republican convention
would shake his resolution and that he
would prove no exception to the his
toric precedent that no American citi
zen ever refused a presidential nomi
Administration Republicans declare
that the announcement gives a great
impetus to the Taft boom, while tbe
Democrats, many of the leaders of
which party are here attending the
meeting of their national committee,
are shouting that it means "Bryan in
a walk.”
Pictures Pettibone As His Paymaster
for All His Crimes.
Boise, Idaho. — Showing signs of
deep emotion, Harry Orchard, in
the Pettibone trial Thursday after
noon, told of the assassination of ex
C!ov. Steunenberg. In minute detail
he testified in regard to the deliberate
! preparations for the crime; of his un
successful attempt to end the life of
the governor, and finally of placing the
homb on the night of December 30,
Before telling of the Steunenberg
murder Orchard detailed his alleged
attempts on the lives of Fred Bradley
at San Francisco; Justice Gabbert,
Justice Goddard and Gov. Peabody at
Denver, and of plans which he said
were made to kill Sherman Bell, Frank
Hearne, David Moffatt and John Ne
ville. Throughout his story he pic
tured Pettibone as his paymaster, and
in some of his attempted crimes he
implicated the defendant as an active
participant. In every detail his narra
tive was the same as given in the Hay
wood trial.
Brooklyn Bankers Arrested.
New York.—John G. Jenkins and his
three sons, John G., Jr., Frank and
Fred, all bankers of Brooklyn, were
indicted jointly Wednesday for crim
inal conspiracy in having illegally ob
tained loans aggregating $947,000 from
trust companies of which they were
officers. The father, John G.. Jr., and
Frank were indicted for perjury in
having made false statements to the
state superintendents of banks. The
four men were arrested, arraigned and,
after pleading not guilty, held under
bonds for a hearing.
Murder Case Witness Shot.
Burlington, N. J.—Augustus Rose,
who was expected to be an important
witness at the trial of the men
charged with the murder of Grocer
Jefferson, was shot and seriously
wounded by an unknown assassin.
Frank Losee, Actor, Is Missing.
Providence, K. I.—The police were
notified Thursday that Frank Losee
of New York, an actor of "The Rose
of the Rancho” company, now playing
at the Providence opera house, has
been missing for two days.
, Kentuckian Fatally Shoots His Son.
Clay, Ky.—Lee Pemberton, of this
place, shot and fatally wounded his
son Chauncey, aged 17, late Wednes
day afternoon. It is said the elder
Pemberton bad been drinking and be
came enraged at his son.
Senator Mallory Seriously III.
Atlanta. Ga.—A -special from Pen
sacola, Fla., says United States Sen
ator Stephen R. Mallory is seriously
ill at his home in that city. Senator
Mallory has been confined fa) his bed
since Novembre 20.
ACCEPTS $100,000 JrUND.
Several Members Look on' Sum
Offered as Bribe—July 7 Nanlfd
as Date.
Washington.—After deciding to hold
the next Democratic national conven
tion at Denver, Col., and fixing the
date of the meeting for July 7, 190$,
the Democratic national committee
late Thursday entered upon a spirited
debate on the propriety of accepting
more of the $100,000 offered by Den
ver for the convention than actually
needed to pay the convention ex
penses In that city.
The opposition to the acceptance of
the cc_iribtttlon took the for* of a
resolution by Representative Clayton
of Alabama, declining money not
actually needed (or convention pur
poses, but after a long debate the
resolution was laid on the table by a
vote of 31 to 14.
Mr. Clayton, Representative John
Sharp Williams of Mississippi and
Gov. Hoke Smith of Georgia all spoke
in. favor of the passage of the resolu
tion; Mr. Smith was especially em
phatic in saying that the $100,000
which had been offered- to secure the
Republican convention and refused by
the Republican national committee had
been offered to and was about to be
accepted by the Democratic commit
tee. He said the Republicans had
turned down the offer because it was
regarded as in the nature of a bribe
and that Democrats, in view of that
circumstance, could not afford to ac
cept it. Mr. Williams spoke in similar
vein, as also did Mr. Clayton.
Mr. Taggart advocated the accept
ance of the $100,000, saying it
be needed now even worse than money
was needed in 1904, and that at that
time it would have been practically im
possible to have opened: headquarters
for Judge Parker if they had not had
the extra money secured from St.
Louis, where the convention was held.
In selecting the convention city on
first ballot, Denver received 22 votes
as against 17 for Louisville, five for
Chicago and one for St. Paul. July
7 was selected after a very brief dis
The committee held two sessions
during the day and adjourned finally
at six o'clock.
President Sends Labor Department Of
ficials to Investigate.
Washington.—Assistant Secretary
Murray, of the department of com
merce and labor; Charles P. Xeili,
commissioner of labor, and Herbert
Knox Smith, commissioner of cor itera
tions, left Washington late Wednes
delay afternoon for Goldfield. Xev.. to
make a thorough investigation of the
trouble between the miners and mine
Ofterators at that place. Secretary
Murray and Commissioner Smith made
this announcement after a conference
with President Roosevelt Wednesday.
Goldfield. Xev.—Gen. Funston ar
rived at 12:20 Thursday and was !
driven direct to the Casey hotel, where
he went into conference with Gov.
Sparks. Gen. Funston stated to the !
governor that he would remain here ;
until the labor situation had cleared j
up and there was no longer danger of
trouble. Gen. Funston says he is de- :
termined to take control of the camp j
under martial law upon the first out '
break of serious violence, but that he j
will not take any such action until the !
conditions warrant it.
Last Sacraments Administered to A!
bert of Saxony's Widow.
Dresden.—The condition of Queen
Carola, widow of King Albert of Sax
ony, who is suffering from nephritis, is
hopeless. The last sacraments were
administered Friday and the queen is
not expected to live many hours.
Queen Carola is a daughter of Prince
Gustave Vasa of Sweden. She was
married to Prince Albert of Saxony ir.
Minneapolis Pigeon Holds Record.
Boston. — At the twenty-seventh
annual meeting of the International
Federation of American Homing
Pigeon Fanciers, which closed its
session here Wednesday, the best rec
ord for the year was awarded to Tor
nado. belonging to Fred May, of Min
neapolis. Minn., with a flight of 600
miles in 15 hours. Another record
flight was by a bird owned by Dr.
John Schilling, of Fort Wayne, Ind..
which covered 1,000 miles in 47 hours.
Carnegie Donates $2,000,000.
Washington.—Andrew Carnegie has
added the sum of $2,000,000 to the $10.
000,000 endowment fund of the Ca -
aegie institute. Announcement of the
fact was made at a dinner Tuesday
night at the Xew Willard, of the board
of trustees of the institute, to which
had been invited a number of scien
tists and men prominent in public af
Beloit Company in Trouble.
Beloit. Wis.—Creditors of John
Thompson & Sons Manufacturing com
pany, makers of gasoline engines,
asked that they be declared bankrupt,
and J. W. Ferguson, of Rockford, was
appointed receiver Friday. Liabilities
are $100,000; assets, $300,000.
Shoots Wife and Kills Self.
Parkersburg, V7. Ya. — William
Shields, a steamboat, man, committed
suicide Friday by shooting, after fail
ing to kill his wife, whom he shot
through the hand.
Majestic Brings Record Mail.
New York.—The west-bound trans
atlantic mail-carrying record was
broken Thursday when the White |
Star liner Majestic sailed from Queens
town for New York carrying 5,050
sacks of mail.
Two Children, Perish in Flames.
Cobalt, Out.—Fire Wednesday night
destroyed the house of William Hewitt
and caused the death by suffocation of
his two little girls. Mr. ami Mrs.
Hewitt were away at the time of the
^ ■
Complete Rdvidw of Happenings »f
Greatest Interest from All Parts of
the Globe—Latent Home and For
eign Item*.
President Roosevelt ended tie hi'-t
term talk by issuing a statement £-* »
fog be Will adhere*! to the declaration
of renunciation made on the ulgf" Of
the election three years ago
Senator .Jefferson' Davis of Arkansa*
made an impassioned speech again*:
the frusta and the tariff.
ft was announced at the departcieo
of justice that the nominal ion of WH
liam C. Bristol as United State* at
torney for Oregon, which bad t*?eii
sent to the senate, wsmtd be with
drawn ire accordance wa* the depwrt
mem's recommendation to the p-—,.
Commissioner of India* Affair
Leupp, in his annual report, says ha
liis hope that the sate of intent a tag
liquors to Indians would he greatly
diminished by the employment of -?>•*
1 cial officers out of the fund appro
priated for the suppression of 'he
liquor traffic has been realize* beyond
all expectation*
Senator Tillman introduced te- >7 '
tions directing the commiitee ou
finance to investigate the recent pro
ceedings of the secretary of the- tr*'a.
ury in connection with th“ financial
crisis and also to make inquiry ion
cerning clearing house certificates.
Mrs. Alice Longwonb, wife u< Rep
resentative Nicholas Longworth .uwl
daughter of President Roosevelt, was
operated upon successfully fo1 atq.en
Delegates to the- Central American
peace conference in Washington mad
public an abstract of the "general
treaty agreed upon* providing for he
establishment of a pennanencnt court
to settle all disputes that ma aris*
between the countries oi Cen'rai i
America in the future.
After deciding to hold the n-x: Dem
ocratic national convention at t>r -r.
Col., and fixing the dare of the meet
ing for July 7. 1S08. the D**m.» r. ti -
national committee entered agon a
spirited debate on the propriety >>f ac
cepting more of the IIOO.'KH) e*T--ed
by' Denver for the convention titan
actually needed to pay the convent -m
expenses in that city. It wx- tina
decided to take it all.
A brilliant naval and military ! ai
was given at the Hotel Cham > a, a
Old Point Comfort, in honor of Ad
niiral Evans and the other office's of
the 1C battleships assembled ai lamp
ton roads.
Mrs. Martha A. Campbell, president
of the Woman s Christian T*»:np* a:x.
union, superintendent of th* Coagr**ga
tionai Sunday school at S:-v.iv*a.l -
O.. and wife of a wealthy Gr-», nti.-fi
township farmer, was arrested in 3 m
dusky on a secret indie’nsent cha r .r;
The condition of Qu *°ti < a re la.
widow of King Albert of Saxony. »a.
stated to be hopeless. Th last racra
ments were administered and the
queen was not expect 1 to live t:un
An old man committed suicide
Paris by throwing himself in front oi
an automobile owned by James ! >1
son. of Calumet. Mich.
New York banks w* «• s.; :nd!- i
of a large sum of money on fieri’i i;
cotton warehouse receipts purpurlag
to be from Augusta.
Capt. Edward L. Fulkerson. a-f-d 7!
years, who had been a pilot on th
Mississippi river since he was
years old, died at St Charles. Mo
from malarial fever. ,
William Shields, a steamboat cu:
committed suicide at Parkersburg
Ya.. by shooting, after failing
his wife, whom he shot th _ ta
Clarence Darrow. the Chicago at: »
ney who is conducting the def*t>e of
George A. Pettiboue at Hois. had
Harry Orchard, the states chi* wii
ness, on the rack for two hot s and
half, but failed to discredit his ,*
A flock of nearly ll.OtMshep ru-V
over a precipice in Washington am*
were drowned in the Mad river.
William Hliss. president of the it <
ton & Albany railroad for the pa*: i b
27 years, died in Boston.
High water caused the collapse of a
new bridge in course of erection ov-"
the west branch of the Susquehanna
river at MifflinviHe. Pa., and res -•■*(
in the death of seven men and the ia
jury of nearly a score of other
Great damage was doae by floods n
central and eastern Pennsyivan:..
The Mine Owners' association V
Goldfield. Nev.. announced that Hi
mines would be reopened, the wage
scale reduced, no member of tit**
Western Federation given on: pay
ment and living expenses in the to* a
cut down.
Assistant Secretary Murray of tine
department of commerce and labor
Charles P. Neill, commissioner of lx
bor, and Herbert Knox Smith, commis
sioner of corporations, left Was
ton for Goldfield. Nev.. to make a thcr
ough investigation of the trouble be
tween the miners and mine operators
at that place for the information of tfc •
president. The federal troops at Gold
field were ordered not to take sides
Gen. Funsion arrived in Goldfield
and announced that he would stay u :
til the danger of trouble was over aad
trat the troops probably would remain
there for some time.
Gov. Folk, of Missouri, eommut-d =*
life imprisonment the death senteme
of Martin Paulsgrove, who murcered
Miss Mary Newman.
Little Lillian Wulff. who was kid
naped in Chicago, was found live
miles south of Momence. The man
and woman who were her caiitots
were- arrested.