The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 14, 1907, Image 1
N< . ■_ . . .-_ . •• — ■-^ ■■</•: *.■ ' ?;_._ • - > -. ;-. ■«. ; • • , - ■ ^ , .- ' - .■ ... •.. . - . • YOU ME XX1T. LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 14. 1907. NUMBER 52 Profession/t Cards A. P. CULLEY, ittoroiy & GiQinlor-et-La v (Office: First National Bank) Loup City, Ne'br. ROBT.P. STARR Attorney-at-Law. LOUP CITY, NEBRSSKS AARON WALL Lawyer Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. R. J. NIGHTINGALE Attoneyaitmbit'liw LOUP CITY. NEB R. H. MATHEW, > Attorney-at-Law, And Bonded Abstractor, Loup City, Nebraska O. E. LONGACRE PHYSICIAN aM SURGEON Office, Over New Bank. TELEPHONE CALL, NO. 39 A. J. KEARNS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone. SO. OOce nt Residence Lnnp Etiy, - Nebraska S. A. ALLEN. DEJTT1ST, LOUP CITY, - - NEB. Office up stairs in the new State Bank building. W. L. MARCY. DENTIST, LOUP CITY, NEB OFFICE: but Sid** Public 8un*«ie Phone, 10 on 36 .w. //. I Bonded Abstracter Loup City, - Nebra-ka. Oulv set nf Abstract hooks in county Try the F F- F- ^ray F. F. Foster, Prop. Office; Foster’s Barber Shoj. L. A. BANGS The Drayman Phone 7 on 59 Asks Your Patronage FOR A Pleasant Evenir g Call on Pratt at South Side Pool and Billiard Parlors Fixtures New and Up-to-Date S A- PRATT - Proprietor For Sale! FROM TUB LOUP VALLEY HERD OF PolapdGhipas Spring and Fall Boars. Brood Sow Sale February 5th, 190". H. J. JOHANSEN. ROAD NOTICE (Deininger Vacation.) To whom it may concern: The commissioner appointed to view am: vacate a road commencing about thirty rod south sort ten rods east of the northwest cornet of Section ten (10) Township sixteen 1I6). Range fourteen (14), and running thence in i> souths n ditaction a few rods west of tin Section line between Sections nine and ten and terminating at Section line about ten rod north of northwest corner of Section fit ee (IS) Town-hip -Ixteen ( #>. Range fourteen (14. said road 'wing a part of Road No. *72. has im ported in favor of the vacation thereof, and al objections thereto must be died In the office of the county clerk on or before noon of the 29th day of ttoeembe . 1807. - r said road will be established without reference thereto. Dated this i«U> day of October. 1907. C. F. BkCSHatj-.Es. County Clerk. (Laat pub. Nov. 14 j Hydraulic Walls. , I wish to inform the people of Loup City, adjoining towns Mid coui* ties that 1 am prepared to ppt down hydraulic wells, also repair wells awl give satisfaction. Phone&on 12. 42 c. a. Hdnwa. THE NORTHWESTERN T SUMS:—>1.00 HB TUI. nr PAID XU ADTAROl Enured At tbs Loup UUy Pomoffloe tor mat mission through the molls as second class matter. Office ’Phone, - - - 6 on 106 Residence ’Phone. - 2 on 106 J. W. BURLEIGH. Ed. and Pub. Where, oh! where is that petition? Billy Jacobs was elected supervisor in the sixth district. Division of Custer county was beaten at the election. The jaw bone was unusually meek in last week’s scavenger. A great many counties in Delaware went “dry” at the last election. For a wonder Custer county will have no jury work at the coming dis trict court. Charles E. Perkins, former presi dent of the Burlington road, who died last week, had his body cremated Congressman Kinkaid will introduce a bill this winter giving sectional homesteaders two sections instead of one. _ Is it not wonderful the way the anti-whiskey sentiment is sweeping over the Southland? And just look at Kentucky: ‘ Henry Thodt was elected supervisor in the fourth district over H. B. Musser, local feeling being responsible for the result. Jack Riglitenour was elected justice of the peace. C. W. Gibson clerk, and D. W. Titus treasurer at the late election in Harrison township. The great banking troubles in New York City may be followed by crim inal prosecutions of some of the high financiers. Let it proceed to a finish. Sekurera (sic:) robbers (sic!) thieves (sic!) grafters (sic!) Esterhazy (sic!) Boss Mellor (sic!) Pedler (sic!) “I Am for Men” (sic!) Oh! how (sic-k!) it is! The great telegraphic strike was called off by the operators last week. Tl»e telegraphers claim a moral vic tory, but that will hardly make up for their defeat financially. A movement is being agitated to invite all the county attorneys in the state to meet in Lincoln to hold a conference in regard to the enforce ment of the new state laws. Loup City has the first Anti-Saloon League we ever personally knew of that did more than to meet and talk and resolve. The opponents of the saloons evidently mean business. The corn report shows the average yield over the United States to be 26 bushels, the quality rating at 82.8 per cent. Illinois comes first with over three hundred and fifty millions of bushels, with Iowa seconn, Missouri third and Nebraska fourth. In Illinois, under the new law, seven to sixteen counties went “dry” at the recent election, and in the other counties the prohibitionists were in a measure victorious. Some 250 saloons have been forced out of business. The mining towns in the south went “dry.” When there is small pox around, it is the patient who is quarantined and not the whole community. If those petitioners want the infection of bad language, bad grammar and badness generally to cease, they should quar antine the fountain head and the source of the stuff. Have you noticed the sun spots on old Sol? In another column will be found the prediction of an eminent scientist to the effect that the last of this month will occur violent mag netic disturbances, storms, earth quakes, etc. Now see how near the truth the scientist gets. As a study in figures we give the majorities of the principal candidates for county office received at the election two years ago. Compare them with the majorities received for the same offices at the last elec tion and make your own deductions: Hiddleson, 83; Beushausen, 85: Mead, 164; Williams, 451; Angler, 165. At the meeting of the county board yesterday, County Clerk Beushausen called the board's attention to the fact that ex-County Clerk George H. Gibson bad collected fees to the amount of 8266.69, which had never been fee-booked. The board was unanimous in passing-a resolution ordering the county attorney to in vestigate the matter. The cue of alleged assault on a young woman named Hudson by Prof. Searson, one of the teachers in the state normaf at Peru, and well known bare m > teacher In our county ,normal a couple of. yei» since, fell mediately returned %g*esdSet of not guilty, the case sbowwpS* girl to fas mentally a UtUe eg. Abstract of votes cast in Sherman Co. Nov. 5,1907. ! I If : S s - I : I': l r \ B _:_i II • g- = • ? ; l I ; ; ; -M For Supreme J udge: I I M. B. Reese, republican. 20 36 *6 24 39 215 58 39 72 22 41j 35 71.' 116 George L. Loomis, Demo-Peoples-Independ’ 35 28 22 15 21 93 84] 88 25 55 30 32 69 59' Julian D. Graves. Prohibition.. . 2 0 3 0 4 8' oj 2 3 9 2 2 0 35 Lucien Stebbins. Socialist... 1 2 5 1 0 1 9j 5 1 13. 6 o 3 41 For Regents of the State University: j ! Charles B. Anderson, republican. 24 37 47 23 38 211 62 55 38 743 24 47 37 717 George Coupland, Republican. 21 34 44 23 40 195 65 55 37 70 21 46 38 689 R. J. Millard, Democrat . 26 1ft 8 4 21 52 40 38 14 18 14 15! 25 285 John L. Sundean, Dem. Peo-Indpendent... 35 25 18 15 24 891 ' 81 83 26 54, 27 28; 66 571 John H. Von Steen, Prohibition. 022059112 8 3 2 635 J. N. Carter, Socialist . - 1 4 6 2 0 6 10 7 3 12; 1 li 3 56 G. C. Porter, Socialist. 1 3 7 1 0 5 9 8 3 15! 1 lj 3 57 For Regent of University (to till vacancy) W. C. Rogers, Socialist... 6 20 14 6 tl 46 35 32 16 27 7 18! 22 276 For Railway Commissioner (to fill vacancy) Henry T. Clarke, jr. Republican. 27 46 54 25 42 238 83 73 43 75 24 54; 47 831 711 Samuel Lichtj, Prohibition. 4 5 5 3 9 25! 6 10 9 22 8 & 9 120; E. F. McClure, Socialist. 1 5 9 4 4 15 21 12 7 19 3 5j 15 120 For District Judge, 12th Judicial District: Bruno O. Hostetler, Republican....__ 34 49 58 26 51 259 93 89 49 95 29 60 61 952; For Special Ten Mill Bond Levy—Yes..... 7 13 23 1 29 95 27 36 25 60 19 33 28 396j “ “ “ “ “ “ —No. 42 45 37 30 33 123 90 76 35 53 18 30 55 667 ! 271 For Countv Clerk: C F Beushausen, fusion. 40 54 40 18 39 202 10o 77 39 94 30 48j 57 843 210 T R Lay, republican. 24 25 23 33 147 64 87 33 54 19 30 56 633; For County Treasurer: I I I ! R M Hiddleson, peop.'es-indcpendent:. 42 35 411 20 36 138 104 109 35 100 32 49 90 831 187 D C Grow, republican. 22 43 35 22 37, 217 60 52 36 53 16 30 21 644 For County J udge: J A Angier. peoples-independent. 38 44 33 15 45 219 112 100 41 97 29 45 75 893 332 W J Fisher, republican. 25* 33 41 27 27 128 49 56 31 55 22 32 35 561! For County Sheriff: 1 ! D B Carpenter, peoples-independent. 18 14 22 10 13 54 29 69 17 84 25 32 66 453 LA Williams, republican. 46 63 58 31 60 296 136 90 55 67 25 47 44 1018 565 For Countv Supt. of Schools: R D Hendrickson, peoples-independent_ 32 37 38 18 58 159 73 100 40 94 35 34 72; 790 121, M H Mead, republican. 32 41 40 22 16 19l 89 56 31 54 16 44 37j 069 For County Surveyor: E B Corning, peoples-independent.j 4 10 8 4 18 56 3 12 8 21 6; 5 5 160, For County Coroner: A S Main, republican.1 40 63| 57 27 56 283 110 88 57 92 31 56 60 1020; For County Assessor: ! I F Scbroll, peoples-independent.i 34 43 33 16 27 71 107, 98 28 77 27! so 711 668' Lewie Bechthold, republican. 31 32 45 26 44 272 06 54 44 69 2.!; 39 37 ; 772 104 For Supervisor Dist. No. 2: H B Musser, republican. 20 41 , 61 Henry Thode. by Petition. 56 24 I 80 19 For Supervisor, Dist. No. 4: W T Gibson, republican.. 136 136; James I Depew, by petition. 184 184 48 For Supervisor, Dist. No. 6: Wm Jakob, republican...... j 40 43 83 5 Isaiah Vauscoy, bv petition.. 22 56 78 Total vote. 66 81 81 43 74 360| 174; 166 73 159 56 82 1151530 The county attorney on Tuesday, in compliance with the demands of the Anti-Saloon League of this city, ordered the removal of screens from the various saloons. The order was complied with. An exchange says: “A lawyer char ges a man *10 for ten minutes con* versation—the man insists on paying it. A doctor charges one dollar for a prescription and the patient says: “Oh! pshaw—is that enough?’’ An undertaker charges a hundred dollars for conducting a funeral and he is just perfectly lovely with everybody inside and outsike the family. A man buys a goldbrick and apologizes for not having bitten before. An editor walks a mile in the hot sun to get the facts of a death or wedding or social function and spends three hours writing it up and tells lies and and praises people till he hates him self. Then if he makes an insignifi cant omission or error, or charges five cents straight for three extra copies he is a stingy, careless, good for nothing old cuss, who never gets anything right and charges four times the price of city papers twice as large. In short, he is a confounded any old thing and ought to be run out of town. Talk about the ice man. How would you like to be a news paper man? Cruise of Big Fleet. The Navy Department has issued the official itinerary of the battleship fleet which will take the m uch dis cussed trip to the Pacific coast: Port Arrival Departure Hampton Roads, Dec. 9,’07 Dec. 16,’07 Trinidad., Dec. 24,’07 Dec. 29,’07 Rio de Janeiro.., Jan. 11,’07 Jan. 21,'06 Punta Aronas.., Jan. 21,’08 Feb. 5,’08 Callao.. Feb. 18,’08 Feb. 28,’08 Magdalena Bay.,Mch. 14,'08 San Francisco.. About April 15, 1908. After arriving in Magdalena Bay the vessels of the fleet will have the record practice which will consume about one month before they go to San Francisco. The distance to be traversed is 13,772 nautical miles and the battle ships to make the voyage are the Connecticutt (flagship of Rear Ad miral Evans), Kansas, Louisana, Ver mont, Virginia, Georgia, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Alabama, Illinois, Kearsage, Kentucky, Ohio, Maine, Minnesota and Missouri—sixteen in all. Then there will be supply ships, colliers, and six torpedo boat destroy ers. When tiie President reviews this fleet as it passes out from Hampton Roads, he will see the most powerful fleet ever assembled under the flag of the United States. Ensign Papl P. BlIckbubn, U. S. N. Koud Notice. (Holmes Road) The commissioner appointed to view and locate a road commencing at the southwest corner of Section eight <«). Township thirt- en (!*>. Range fourteen (M) and run ing theuce north on Seotlon line two mile* between itaetion aeven <7) and eight (8), five (&) and six lit. and terminsting at northwest corner or Scotian Ove <6), Township thirteen ill) north Kongo fourteen Utt. hew reported in favor of eassftMj&ssaftSttiiSe •WjH to. the.pwoc of the oonoty^clerk aa or S’ Be a model husband and present your wife with a fine Singer sewing machine. You can do so with only an outlay of $2 per month, and you would never miss it. Fob Salk—White pedigreed boar. Inquire of Hempel Jones. 49-3 Farms for Sale j in Nebraska and Virginia. For full j information see or write A. O. Zim merman, Hall boro. Virginia., or A. L. Zimmerman, Loup City, Neb. NEW YORK CLIPPER IS THK SREATEST THEATRICAL I SHOW PAPER IN THE WORLD. $4.00 Per Year. Slagle Copy, 10 CIS. ISSUED WEEKLY. Sample Copy Free. FRANK QUEEN PUP. CO. fUd), iUEir J BO RIF., PUBLISHERS, «■■■»■» 47 W. 18th st., Snr York, CALIFORNIA YOU HEAR ABOUT IT EVERY DAY P iThis Year and y JSee it Yourself; It is certainly worth a two week’s ateence from your business.' It braeks the monotony and makes yc>ur spirits rise to the full enjoy ment of everything. Try this tonic. Prove that everything you’ve heard of CALIFORNIA is wonderfully true. WRITE TO THE Union Pacific . ; •- ' for Booklet on CALIFORNI A ADDEESS * .'*> . *■ ^ ^ G. W. Coliipriest '■ Hi »• - - - J I Cur* Nerve-Vital Debility, Weak' ness, Drains, Rupture, Stricture, Varicocele, Blood Poison, Private Skin and Chronic Diseases of M« n : l do not as it you ti. come to me Ur»i If yt«i believe others can cui ■ you. should they fun don't irtve up. It i better to come lat* than not at all. Be member, that curim diseases after ail oth ers have failed has been my specialty foi years. If you cannot visit me personally. write symptoms that trouble you most.. A vast majority of cases can be cured by m\ system of home treatment, whu-b is i be mo. successful system ever devised. I matte n ebarge fur private counsel and give to each patient a legal contract in writing, baekeo by abundant capital, to bold for the promise Physicians haviug stubborn cases to treat are cordially invitedmyg|||Em cured of all to consult with me. " womo an(j bladder diseaser. ulcerations, menstrual irouble. etc. • onQdentlal. Private home ii the suburbs, before and during continemei-t. Motherly care and best attention guaran teed. Good homes found for babies. \ CD «| POSITIVELY FKGE! * jgG charge whatever to auv man. woman or child living in LOUP OITY or vicinity. sutTering from any CHRONIC DHt-.ASE. a *10.00 X-RaY EXAMINA TION. Come and let me look inside of you absolutely free of charge. Dr Rich ..specialist, grand Wr< "'vn, ISUHD, NEB. Omee op posite City Hail, m3 W. Second street. NOVEMBER SPECIAL RATES To the East: The low rate Jamestown Exposi tion tickets can be used for your autumn tripto New York, Boston, and other Eastern cities. These rates expire November 30th. Winter Tourist Kates Daily, commencing November 15th, to Southern, Southwest ern and Cuban resorts. Homeseekers’ Excursions: Cheap rate excursions the firstand third Tuesdays of each month this Autumn to Kansas, Okla homa, the Gulf country, Colo rado, Utah, Wyoming, Big Horn Basin, Montana' and the North west. Ask your nearest agent or write the undersigned. Biff Horn Basin and Yellowstone Velley Dis trict: I conduct landseekezs excursions to this country the first and third Tuesdays during November and December to heip you secure irri gated land at the cheapest price. An excellent chance lor you is one of the four hundred 40-acre Gov ernment irrigated farms in Yel lowstone V alley, Montana, near Ball&ntine on this road, tor which you can make homestead entry for 834 per acre, including perpet ual water rights, by paying this price in ten annual installments without interest. Write me, and join tbm Mcuisiona. No charge for my services. D. Clem Denver, Agent, Burlington Landseekers' £ "ili'V4 ' ■ 1 u •pctetAtJk Bargains Offered THIS WEEK * . Loup City Flour, per sack, - - $1.30 and $1.40 Old Times Steel-Cut Coffee, per. pound, - .30 Old Times Buckwheat Flour, 10-lb. sack, - .50 % Advo Pancake Flour, 6 lbs., ----- .25 Advo Maple Syrup, per quart, ----- .40 Two Cans of Pears for ------- .25 Two Quarts of Cranberries for - - - - .25 J. M. Hominy, per can, ------- .10 J. M. Pumpkin, per can, -------- .10 Canned Peaches per can, - - 18c, 2 for .35 Husking Mittens, per dozen, - - - — .40 Good Comforts, each, - - - - 75c to 1.00 Men’s Overshoes, per pair, - - - L25 * C. C. Cooper I. DEPEWfe Blacksmith $ Wagon Maker, My Mod is the largest and beat equipped north of the Platte Hirer I hare a four horse engine and a complete line of the latest Improved, ate ohtaery. also a force ot experienced men who know how to operate It and torn out a Job with neatness and dispatch. MY PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS Get More Epgs. Paint the inside of your nen house with CaRBOLINEUM. It is a sure lice and mite exterminator. For sale hy * Keystone Lmbr. Co. Loup City, Ashton, Rockville and Schaupps, bmid» m m Mm BOUGHT AT THE B. & pi. ELEVATORS MCALPINE, LOUP CITY, 8CHAUPP SIDING, ASHTON AND FAR WELL. Goal for Sals ai Lou City ail Aaktaa. Will Bay HOGS AT SCHAUPP SIDING AND FAR WELL • ’all and see oar coal and get prices on grata. _E. G. TAYLOR E. G. Taylob, J. S. Pedleb, C. C. Cablsox. President Vice President Cashier -DIRECTORS W; R. Mellob, J. W. Long, S. N. Swketlajjd LOUP EifYlTr! liffi 1 LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA Capital Stock, - - $26,000. Individual Liability, $260,000 i" . . “ •’