Old Coins Discovered. Workingmen in demolishing the old smelter house of the first United States mint, on Seventh street, Phila delphia, have uncovered a number of relies of the early days of the repub lic. These gplics consist of a number ef foreign and domestic coins, dating as far back as 1793. Some of the In teresting finds are a number of test coins that were experimented with by the officials in the olden times. These coins are similar to Chinese money, each containing a hole in the center that was filled with various kinds of metal to bring up the value of the cota. Hospital Story-Telling. It is curious that philanthropists in search of a novel means of doing good do not engage reciters and story tellers to visit hospitals and amuse the patients. A rich man in New York engaged Marshall P. Wilder, the dlminntive entertainer, who has given pleasure in nearly every city, to visit regularly certain hospitals in New York. Mr. Wilder was welcomed en thusiastically by the convalescent pa tients, and his merry stories did them good. John Brown Juror.-'' Williams Abrams Martin, the scli tary survivor of the 12 men who con victed John Brown, is still living in Virginia. He has celebrated his seventy-fifth anniversary. Omaha Directory A Desirable Thing about the Twentieth Century Policy of the Bankers Reserve Life Co. of Omaha. Nebraska, is the GUARANTEED ANNUAL 1 DIVIDEND if Agents can Increase their income selling it Write to B. H. Robison, President. IVORY POLISH For Furniture and Pianos Good for Any Wood It cleans and gives a hijlh polish to old furniture, requires no laborious rubbing, and leaves the surface clean and drv. Can in no way injure tlie finest furniture made. No "just as good" made; this is abso lutely the best, and guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. Try a bottle—you will never use any other kind. Sold direct or through your dealer. Price 25 and 50 cents. MANTTACTURED BY ORCHARD £t WILHELM OMAHA, NEB. NEW BELL FI AN 0, SI 65! By inquiring at once we will sell this mahogany finished Bell Piauo (fully guaranteedi, for only $165. Terms, cash or payments. A. HOSPE CO.. OMAH A. NEB. Cut this out and mail with letter. CREAM WANTED We are in the market the year round for number one cream. Our price is always right and tests correct. For full inform;: ti«n write OMAHA COLO STORAGE COMPANY. Inc., Omaha, Nebraska. MAKE MORE MONEY S LIVE STOCK Ship to ALEX G. BUCHANAN ft SON Live Stock Commission, 154-156 Exchange Bldg-, fa. Omaha, Web. 32 Years ta the Bxdxcts. HIDES—“FURS The 0. B. McDonald Hide ft Fur C«. Omaha, Nsbraaka Highest prices. No commission or drayage. Full information, tags and prices furnished on application. A trial shipment will con vince yon that it pays to ship to os. When in Omaha SEE US ABOUT OMAHA REAL ESTATE Yon ea.n net invest jour money in anything a ay Mgjer and get a big rate of inters sit, from 6% to lt% net, and the benefit of the advance in priee. Write ns ho a- much you can invest. HAS 11 NOS a HAYDEN 1794 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska. ANDREWS' PLUGS stop Toothache Instantly. Temporarily Fill and Preserve the Teeth, it "Plug*"! n a Bottle for IO Cents. At DmggiMt* or by MalL NDREWS DENTAL CO- ChkftfO.UL (O AMSONsIDEAL X WINDMILLS W CRANE CO. OMAHA WESTERN FUR CO. tit to. talk. <1, V Mtk. M., to. Oakhm. Fkrm and Repairing, Men-, and Ladies coats* and Scarfs for sale or made to order at lowest pNcbs. Write or call on n. DENTIST Styeare tn Omaha. Room 4. Bushman Block. K. K. corner jflth and DougiM* him. Good wet teeth. P4.»; gold «rOvn«.94J*>: bridge teeth, HJ4; Amalgam fillings. tor.*, •liver filling*. 75c; gold filling*, tl and r.p. MOBfc MAM aSTKED It TUBS. Bring till* advertisement with you. mMpENTISfS Omaha, Nbb. Bert equipped Bnilal office in the Middle West. Latest appliances. High grade Dentistry. Reasonable prices. HU A DRV 9. PR »st* DODGE STREET • RAnUI Ok IfUt OMAHA. Wholes*!* TOYS AMD HOLIDAY 0000S Can or Write For Descriptive Lists THE IRON THAT IRONS Ow Hi ewry hast Jubilee Self-Heatra* Flak htm A brti-r. qmcktr, rgsOit sow.flTH