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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1907)
APPLE IN COOKING MANY WAYS OF SERVING DELI CIOUS FRUIT. FHIed with Nuts They Make a Dainty Deasert—Baked and Served with Meat—Apple Croquettes Something New. Baked Apples.—A baked apple is the meet easily digested of any way of serving apples, but there are baked apples and baked apples. For variety’s sake, try peeling them before baking. Peel and core the apples carefully, fill the hollows wjth sugar and any spice preferred, lay in an enameled baking pan, pour ing just enough water to cover the bottom, then bake in a moderate oven until tender and delicately crisped on the srfrface. Sometimes a bit of butter is placed on top of each apple before putting in the Oven. Meantime take the cores and peel ings, cover with water and stew gent ly for an hour. Strain, sweeten slight ly, add a little nutmeg, cinnamon or lemon, and pour over the apples, cool in the pan in which the apples are baked, then serve cold with cream. Apples should never be baked in tin. which darkens both apples and juice. Fillings for Baked Apples.—as a variety is the spice of life, even in baked apples, here are a few good fillings that may be used from time to :ime. Nuts are specially nice for this. Any kind may be used, but pe cans, black walnuts, hickory nuts or buttcrnats are perhaps besi. For a dozer large apples, a cup and a half of the meats will be required. Chep . fine and mix with sugar, allowing a dessertspoonful for each apple. Fill the cavities and bake in the usual way. A half banana sprinkled with stgar and lemon juice makes a good filling for an apple. Figs and dates steamed, chopped and rolled in sugar, chopped nuts with strips of lemon or orange peel, or honey and butter are all ap propriate =.nd usually approved. Baked Apples to Serve with Meat.— Wash and core tart apples, then fill with equal parts crumbs and mush rooms. Season with catsup or fine herbs as preferred. Put a bit of but ter on top of each apple, add a little water to the baking pan and bake un til tender. Fried Apples.—These are aiso excel lent served with any form of pork. Select large, firm apples rather tart and wash without paring. Core, cut in slices half an inch thick, then brown in pork fat or butter, turning with a pancake turner, so as not to break. They should be tender but not broken. If preferred a trifle sweet, sprinkle sugar and cinnamon over the uncooked side just before turning. Fried Apples are especially nice with fried pork or sausage. Apple Croquettes.—Put over the fire in a sancepan one cup stale bread crumbs and a half cup milk. Cook., stirring constantly, until smooth, then add one large apple chopped fine, and a dozen almonds, ground, the yolks of two eggs beaten with a tablespoonful lemon juice and the grated yellow rind of half a lemon. Cook until thickened, then turn out on a platter to cool. When quite cool form into croquettes; roll in fine crumbs and fry in smok ing hot fat.' Serve with caramel sauce, maple sugar or powdere^ sugar. Indian Relish. Peel and chop one white cabbage and six white onions and arrange in layers In Btone Jar, covering each lay er with salt Stand for 24 hours, then rinse in cold water and drain in col ander. Bring a pint of vinegar to the boiling point, with one-half pound of brown sugar, one-half teaspoon ot alum, a heaping teaspoon each of turmeric, mace, black pepper, allspice and ground cinnamon and two tea spoons each of celery and mustard seed. Stir this spiced vinegar into aabbage and onion mixture, set aside over night. In the morning drain off the vinegar, heat to boiling point again and pour it over the pickle. Do this again on the next day, then set aside over night Now turn the vege tables and vinegar into a kettle, boil hard for five minutes. Then set aside until cold and pack in jars. Fried Com. Cut the com carefully from six ears of nice sweet com. Do not score, and be careful not to cut any of the cob with the com, but have each grain separate. Put one tablespooaful of butter in a frying pan; put in the-corn and fry nutil a nice brown, stirring often. Draw the pan away from the hot fire, add half a cupful of hot cream and salt and pepper to taste. Serve at onoe in a hot dish. Nice for break fast or lunch. i Buying Window Curtains. V* hen buying window curtains al ways allow sufficient for a deep hem both top and bottom, one wide enough to take the lath. On the top hem sew a strip of tape, through which to put the Dalis or clips which secure the blind to the roller. When soiled at the bottom blinds made in this way can easily be turned upside down and need to go to the cleaner's not nearly so often as if made in the ordinary way. Saving the Boiler. When the boiler is dried and ready to put away after the week s wash, set it on the stove, and while hot rub it all over the inside and around the seams with laundry soap. It prevents rusting, and the boiler will keep new and last very much longer. All the soap is not lost either, as it is dissolved In the wa ter for the next week’s wash — Harper's Bazar. Laundry Convenience. For taking the rust and starch from irons take a flat piece of board about ten inches square and tack on it a square of emery cloth. Take a com mon piece of ironing wax and rub well all over the emery cloth and run your Iron over 1L This wilj take all the ■torch off and give a beautiful luster to toe iron. One cup grated cheese; add one cup flour, half of a small cup butter and a quarter teaspoonful salt; knead all together until of the right consist •oey to roll without crumbling; bake. -r— TEN YEARS OF PAIN. Unftble to Do Even Housework Be cause of Kidney Troubles. Mrs. Margaret Emmerich, oi’ Clin ton St., Napoleon, O.. shys: “For fifteen years 1 was a great sufferer Iron kidney trou bles. My back pained me terribly. Every tarn or move caused sharp, shooting pains. My eyesight was poor, dark spots appeared before me,, and I had dizzy spells. For ten years I could not do housework, and for two years did not get out of the house. The Kidney se cretions were irregular, and doctors were not helping me. Doan’s Kidney Pills brought me quick relief, and finally cured me. They saved my, life.” Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Millburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. THE KISS IN JAPAN. One Western Idea That Is Popular with Eastern Maidens. She was a .Japanese college’' student, little and thin, but very graceful in her Paris gown. “The kiss.” she said, blushing faint ly, “was unknown in Japan 50 years ago. Now. amcng the aristocracy, it is becoming quite renowned. “Yet it comes as a, great .shock at first. It is so different, you know, from anything in a Japanese girl's ex perience. I have known maidens who fainted at a first kiss that was per haps too warmly tendered. Yet. these very maids became afterward ardent advocates of the new western em brace. “Frankly. I like the kiss myself. Its stimulus, and the feeling, as ol' red satin, when month torches mouth with a warm, soft chock—yes, frank ly. I like the ki$;;. and T find it ex tremely difficult tb- i.* ft a eager young man so innocent and so delight lightful an embrace. GIVING HIM A CHANCE. Surely Time for Hubby to Do a Live ly Sidestep. Mrs. Wilson's husband was often obliged to go to New York on busi ness. and frequently did not reach his home until the arrival of the midnight train. Mrs. Wilson had been in the habit of sleeping peacefully at these i times without fear, but a number of burglaries in the neighborhood during one of her husband's trips to New York had disturbed her calm. On the night of his return Mr. Wil son was stealing carefully up the front stairs, as was his wont on such occasions, so that, his wife would not be wakened, when he heard her voice, high and strained: “I don't know whether you are my husband or a burglar." came :he ex cited tones, “but 1 am going to be on the safe side and shoot, so if you are Henry you’d better get out of the way.”—Youth's Companion. Willing Hands. There Is a gocd story going the rounds in Pittsburg of a young man. formerly a stock-liroker, who dropped many thousands in speculation during the early spring. One night* shortly after going to bed, the Pittsburger was awakened by strange signs. At his first motion to jump up he was greeted by a hoarse voice. “If you stir, you’re a dead man!" it said. “I’m looking for nos ®y. “In that case.” pleasantly answered the erstwhile speculator, “kindly al low me to arise and strike a light. I shall deem it a favor to be permitted to assist in the search."—Harper's Weekly. Mr. Malaprop Just: Home from Rome. A regular Mr. Malaprop recently came home from his first visit to Eu rope. He grew enthusiastic about Rome. “It was fine," he declared, "to go into them churcLes over there and see the old tombs—cigarrophagusses, they call ’em. And then the Six teen chapel is great, and as for the Vaccination, where the pope lives, well!” But his stock of compliments give out wfien he got to the subject of beggars. “I always refused them pennies,” he said, "because, you see. I didn’t want to set a bad prestige!” What’s in a Name? “Old Amy, you know, who is famous for being arrested, has been sent to jail again. Bnt as she weighs nearly 300 pounds and is a good fighter, it took nearly ail the reserve force to get her in the wagon.” “Then the magistrate who seiit her to jail ought to be arrested, too.” “Why sor “Didn’t he commit big Amy-?”—Bal timore American. To Stop Flow of Blood. To stop the flow of blood bind the wound with cobwebs and brown sugar pressed on like lint, or with fine dust of tea. When the blood ceases to flow apply laudanum. He is great who confers the most benefits. He is base—and that is the one base thing in the universe—to re ceive favors and render none.—Emer son. “Boo Hoo” Shouts the Spanked Baby The “Colic" of “Collier s” treated by a Doctor of Divinity. Look for the “Boo Hoo” article in this paper. ; “There’s a Reason** ' QUALITIES OF WIT AND HUMOR Alike, Yet in Many Ways Fundament ally Different. Wit and humor are such elemental fundamental things that it has always been found difficult to analyze them, says a writer in The Atlantic. Upon some points, however, those who have I essayed this puzzling task agree, for | they all hold that wit Is an intel lectual, humor an emotional, quality; that wit is a perception of resem blance, and humor a perception of contrast, of discrepancy, of Incongru ity. The incongruity is that which arises between the ideal and the fact, between theory and practice, between promise and performance; and per ; haps it might be added that it is al ways or almost always a moral in [ eongruity. In the case both of wit j and humor there is also a pleasurable ; surprise, a gentle shock, which ac companies our perception of the Jjith , erto unsuspected resemblance or In congruity. A New England farmer i was once describing in the pres ence of a very humane person the great asp and debility of a horse that he formerly owned and used. "You ought to have killed him,” interrupt ed the humane person indignantly. "Well,” drawled the farmer "we did i —almost.” i _ BABY WASTED TO SKELETON. In Torments with Terrible Sores on Face and Body—Tore at Flesh —Cured by Cuticura. “My little son, when about a year and a half old began to have sores : come out on his face. They began to j come on his arms, then on other parts i of his body, and then one came on his ! chest, worse than the others. At the end of about a year and a half of suf fering he grew so bad I had to tie his hands in cloths at night to keep him from scratching the sores and tearing the flesh. He got to be a mere skele ton and was hardly able to walk. 1 sent to the drug store and got a cake of Cuticura Soap and a box of Cuticura Ointment, and at the end of about two months the sores were all well. He has never had any sores of any kind since, and only for the Cuticura Rem edies my precious child would have dmd from these terrible sores. I used only one cake of Soap and about three boxes of Ointment. Mrs. Egbert Shel don. R. F. D. No. 1, Woodyille, Conn.. ' April 22, 1905.” Bible Names for Colts. A hostler from the Blue Grass has just found employment in one of the stables of a NTew York man. His darky dialect is so quaint and his stories of “Ole Kaintuck" so unique do member of the household misses an opportunity to speak to him and have him say a word. His employer said to him a few ; days ago: “1 suppose your mas ter down south had a good many t horses?” i "Dat we did. sah. dat we did! And , my oie master had 'em all name Bible names. I^aith, Hope and Char ity, Bustle. Srays and Crinolirm. was all one Spring's colts!" Not a Hit as an Improviser. “Did you ever hear anybody impro vise?" he asked. "No,” said she. and he sat down to the piano and improvised for about an hour and a half. At the end of that time he turned around, his face full of expression, and said to her: i "What do yon think of it?” "Lovely!" she exclaimed. "Beauti ful! I never heard anything like it!” But this is what she said to the hall boy when he was gone: | “If that long, lank lunatic who im | provises asks for me again, you tell ; him I am out.” A Young Composer. Rachel, aged 12, wrote an compo : sition on wild flowers in which she praised the arbntus. the liverwort, ; the spring beauty, the blood root, and ; all of the other blossoms of dell and : dale. But she wrote on both sides ! of her sheet of paper, and when she ' asked her father, who was an editor, to publish her article, he called her ! attention to that fact. •You’ve written on both sides of 1 your paper,” said he. 'Well” was the reply, “and don't I you print on both sides of yoursT’ Cats as Plague Preventive. An Italian correspondent of the North China Daily News writes: “The newspapers have latterly been full of all sorts of suggestions for the stamp ing out of plague. For instance, never kill rats; if you do the fatal rat flea may be driven to feed on you. Also, compel each householder to k^p cats. In fact, let the cult of the cat j as it prevailed in ancient Egypt be re ; vived in India. Plenty of cats, no rats.” Wagner as a Curative Agent. Vernon Dee has told somewhere the • story of the marvelous effects of Wag : ner on a headache. One does, after a j time, succumb to what is a kind of | hypnotism; the sound seems almost to ; clear the' air, or at least to lull one ! into a kind of dream in which only the I sense of hearing exists. j Lightning in Town and Country. Lightning is most destructive in j level, open country. Cities, with their j numerous projections and wires, are i comparatively exempt. RHEUMATISM RECIPE PREPARE SIMPLE HOME-MADE MIXTURE YOUR8ELF. Buy the Ingredients from Any Drug gist in Your Town and Shske Them In a Bottle to Mix This. A well-known authority on Rheu matism gives the readers Of a large New York dally paper the following valuable, yet simple and harmless prescription, which any one can easily I prepare at home: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; compound Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Mix by shaking well In a bottle, and take a teaspoonful after each meal and at bedtime. He states that the Ingredients can be obtained from any good prescrip tion pharmacy at small cost, and, be ing a vegetable extraction, are harm less to take. This pleasant mixture, if taken reg ularly for a few days. Is said to over come almost any case of Rheumatism. The pain and swelling, if any, dimin ishes with each dose, until permanent results are obtained, and without in juring the stomach. While there are many so-called Rheumatism remedies, patent medicines, etc., some of which do give relief, few really give perma nent results, and the above will, no doubt, be greatly appreciated by many sufferers here at this time. Inquiry at the drug stores of even the small towns elicits the information that these drugs are harmless and can be bought separately, or the druggists will mix the prescription if asked to. SEEK TO WIN SOLDIERS. \ Russian Girls Risk Life for the Cause of, Liberty. "When the university opened Iasi autumn 1 started to work again among the soldiers.” said the young woman. "As you know, the revolu tionists are at present working very hard to win over the army, and one of the means is to talk freedom di rectly to the soldiers. For this girls have been found to be more effective than men; the young peasant soldiers are more willing to listen to girls, and are far readier to protect them from arrest. So all over Russia hun dreds and hundreds of girls are now nightly meeting with groups of sol diers, in working men's homes and in barracks. To go into barracks and talk revolution to the soldiers, hard ly anything is so dangerous—for the girl caught is tried by court-martial and in a day or two is executed.— From Leroy Scott's Interview with a Russian Woman, in Everybody's. Man Whose Memory Was Bad. For more than an hour a witness for the defense had dodged questions. His faulty memory was particularly exasperating for the counsel for the plaintiff, who was seeking to recall to the witness' recollection an event of four of five years previous. Event ually the man remembered “some thing about it'' "Ah,continued the lawyer for the plaintiff, "what dd yon think of it at the time?" “Really," said the witness, speak ing before the lawyer for the defense had time to interpose objection, "it was so long ago I can't recall exactly Vhat 1 thought of it." "Well," shouted the cross-examin er, excitedly, "if you can’t recall, tell us what you think now you thought then." ___ A Break in the Ceremony. Little Tom was two years old and talking before his proud parents took him to be christened . Though limit ed, his vocabulary included one or two choice words picked up from his father. Of course, he looked like if perfect little cherub cn the eventful day, with his wide blue eyes and shin ing curls and mother had got him up in great shape for the ceremony. At the most Impressive point Tom turn ed to his father and exclaimed in ag gravated tones: “Why, damn it, he wet my head!” ___________ _ • Reason This Out. An English quarryman was charged with assaulting one of his mates, and when the case was carried into court, an eyewitness of the occurrence gave some curious evidence. “He tuk a pick an’ he tuk a pick,” the witness began, “an’ be hit him wid his pick, an’ he hit him wid ^is pick; an’ if he’d hit him wid his as hard as he hit him wid his. he’d have near killed him, and not him him.” ’TTlth a smooth irou «c.d Defiance Starch, you can launder your shirt waist just as well at home as the steam laundry can; it will have the proper stiffness and finish, there will he less wear and tear of the goods, and it will be a positive pleasure to use a Starch that does not stick to the iron. Most Unhealthy Work. According to a German physician. Dr. Horn, miners age so rapidly be cause of their unhygienic surround ings that they present all the aspects of senile decay at the age of 50, be yond which few are able to ply their vocation. Problems Concerning Wealth. It’s easy to understand why so few of us have money. Those who know how to make It don’t know how to keep it, and those who can keep it can’t get it, and that’s the only reason why they can’t keep it. That an article may be good as well as pheap, and give entire satisfaction, is proven by the extraordinary Bale of Defiance Starch, each package con taining one-third more Starch than can be bad of any other brand for the same money. Italians Go to Sooth America. Italians to the number of 130,000 emigrated last year to South Ameri can ports, as against 237,000 who came to the United States. * A REAL “H0S8" RACE. Country Fair the Place to See It at Its Best. If you would see a horse strap ped, booted, braced and geared to the limit, you must seek such a track as you see at the old-time country fair. Here comes an awk ward flea-bitten gray which never went under 2:50 in his life. He is hobbled and checked and goggled, and hitched up sidewise, lengthwise and crosswise until there is more har ness than horse. Ton wonder bow his driver ever got him into this rig ging, and how he will get him out again without cutting him free with a jackknife. A farmer with a gray beard and twinkling eye ob serves to his neighbor: ^ “Last time John Martin had that plug out on the road I told him he had the old cripple overloaded with fust-aids-to-the-injursd. Them ^straps that was cal'lated to hoist up his knees must ha’ pulled too tight and the critter was yanked clean oil the ground. What John was gettin' ready for was a race for flyin’ ma chines. uot a hoss trot"—From “The Country Fair,” by David Lansing, in Outing. Didn't Need Cyclopedias. The canvasser for a cyclopedia came to the home of a colonel, whose record he had carefully studied be fore his visit. The colonel was es pecially proud of some of his sons, so the canvasser began with: “Those are very fine boys of yours, colonel.” “They are,” replied the colonel. “I reckon you are ready to buy any thing those boys want?” “I am so,” said the father of the fine boys. “Well, then, let me sell you this cyclopedia. There’s nothing will do your sons so much good.” But. the colonel looked at him aghast. “Why, them lads of mine don’t need any cyclopedia. They ride mules!" Laundry work at home would be much more satisfactory if the right Starch were used. In order to get the desired stiffness, it is usually neces sary to use so much starch that the beauty and fineness of the fabric is hidden behind a paste of varying thickness, which not only destroys the appearance, but also affects the wear ing quality of the goods. This trou ble can be entirely overcome by using Defiance Starch, as it can be applied much mere thinly because of its great er strength than other makes. Excusable. “I suppose,” remarked the coy widow, “that you are an advocate of early marriages?” “Oh. yes, I am.” replied the scanty haired bachelor. ‘ Then,” continued the c. w., “why is it you are still a bachelor?” “That's quite another matter.” an swered the Bachelor. “The only mar riages I believe in are early ones, be cause there is some excuse for youth ful follies.”—Chicago News. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, a* iliey cannot reach the dt* ea*c 1 portion of the ear. There 1* only one way to care deafness.and that id by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by aa Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or im perfect hearing, and when it Is entirely closed. Deaf ness is the result, and unless the Inflammation can b? tsfcen out and this tube restored to Its normal condi tion. hearing will be destroyed forever; nine rases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh* that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bend for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY 6 CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists. 73c. Take Hill's Family Fills for constipation. Well Qualified. ‘ So you want the position of ad vance agent for our circus?" inter rogated the manager. “Well, we need a man who can rtir up some life everywhere he goes.” "That’s me. boss,” hastened the applicant. "Had any experience in stirring up life?” “You bet! I rsci to drive a street sweeper and stirred up millions of germs every dar ” Starch, like everything else, is be ing constantly improved, the patent Starches pat on the market 25 years ago are very different and inferior to those of the present day. In the lat est discovery—Defiance Starch—all in jurious chemicals are omitted, while the addition of''another ingredient, in vented by us, gives to the Starch a strength and smoothness never ap proached by other brands. 3ush Over Buried Treasure. There is a tradition in Germany that it was customary in the Middle Ages to put an elderberry plant over buried treasure. A farmer at Oels dorf while plowing close to such a bush unearthed a vessel containing 2,300 silver coins of the eleventh cen tury. Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOHIA, a safe and sore remedy for infanta and children, and see tbat-it la Dm For Over 30 Tears. The Kind Tou Save Always Police of World’s Cities. Berlin's patrolmen are one to 340, Liverpool's are one to 449, London’s one to 496, and Philadelphia has one patrolman for every 511 citizens. On Manhattan island there is but one policeman to every 643 inhabitants. By following the directions, which are plainly printed on each package of Defiance Starch, Men's Collars and Cuffs can be made just as stiff as de sired, with either gloss or domestic finish. Try it. 16 oz. for 10c, sold by all good grocers. Peculiar Ornament. An African queen, the second wife of King Lobengnla, wears for a head dress on Btate occasions a carved and decorated bust of her husband’s first wife. _ lewis' Single Binder straight 5c cigar made of rich, mellow tobacco. Year deal er or Lewis’ Factory, Peoria, 111. Wherever we meet misery we owe pity.—Dryden. PUTNAM Fictitious Impression. "I cannot help thinking of the won derful thought displayed in your daughter's commencement essay last June.” "Yes,” answered Mr. Cumrox, "Judging from that essay, you would think she was as much interested in 1 ‘The Subservience of Individual Am bition to Eternal Destiny,' as she is in ice cream soda. But she isn't.” Hides, Pelts and Wool. To' get full value, ship to the old reliable N. W. Hide & Fur Co., Minneapolis, Minn. There is a place and means for every man alive.—Shakespeare. Lewis’ Single Binder straight 3c. Many smokers prefer them to lOe cigars. Your dealer or Lewis’ Factory, Peoria, 111. Those ills which fate determines, man must bear.—Theocritus. He is a wise man who doesn’t let his business interfere with bis pleas ure at all times.• h < BACKACHE AND DESPONDENCY Are both symptoms of organic de rangement, and nature's warning to women of a trouble which will soon er or later declare itself. How often do we hear women say, “It seems as though my back would break.” Yet they continue to drag along and suffer with aches in the small of the back, pain low down in the side, dragging sensations, nerv ousness and no ambition. They do not realize that the back is the main-spring of woman's organ ism and quickly indicates by aching MISS LENA NAGEL a diseased condition oi loe lemunne organs <~rr Kn.ueys, ana mat acne? m and pains will continue u~}til the cause is removed. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound 1 made from native roots ant! herbs has been for many years the most H successful remedy in such cases. Xo other medicine lias such a record St of cares of feminine ills. Miss LenaXagel, of 117 Morgan St.., Buffalo, X. Y., writes:— “I was ■ completely worn out and on the verge of nervous prostration. My bad H ached all the time. I had dreadful periods of pain, was subject to fits g! of crying and extreme nervousness, and was always weak and tired. Ej Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound completely cured me.” Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound cures Female Complaints, JR such as Backache. Falling and Displacements, and all Organic Diseases. M Dissolves and expels Tumors at an early stage. It strengthens and w tones the Stomach. Cures Headache and Indigestion and invigorates ft the whole feminine system. Mrs. Pinkham’s Standing Invitation to Women g Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to tfi write Mrs Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free. .. n mu \mu\u.. iini—dr W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00 & $3.50 SHOES thI^Jorld *gg»SHOEB FOR EVERY MEMBER .OF ^5-^. THE FAMM.Y, AT ALL PRICES. C9S C To any one who Sitn prove- W. L. >Dougin* doe* not make « sell /more Men’e $3 A S3.SO abacs near ■» nknaa (than any other manufacturer. THE REASON W. L. Douglas shoes are worn by more people In all walks of life than any other make, is because of tbdr excellent style, ea«v-fitting, and superior wearing qualities. The selection of the leathers and other materials for each part of the shoe, and every detail of the making is looked after by the most ooinpleteorganization of .*mperinten<lents. foremen amt skilled shoemakers, who receive the highest wages paid in ilie shoe industry, and whose workmanship cannot Imp excelled, ,9 If I could t ike yonder * my large factories at Brockton,Mass., and show you how carefully W. L. Douglas sines are made. yoo% would thed understand why they hola their shape, fit better, wear longer and are of greater value than any other make. wjf SGgKf atM S5.czO Gin td&c Sht es cannot be eetuarfeit at any price* CAUTIOIV ! The genuine have W.X. Dougins name and price stamped on bottom. Take No Substitute. Ask your dealer for W.X. Douglas shoes. If he cannot supply you. send direct to factory. Shoes sent everywhere by yrrail. Catalog free. WXDoosLa, Brockton. Mass ’ ■ IS I / ll SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by CARTERS -[ They also relieve Dls |^^PI C tress from Dyspepsia. Ic I m n m* ew digestion and Too Hearty | yff P K Eating. A perfect rem nil | (t edy for Dizziness, Nan r ILLOi sea, Dror.siness, Bad Taste in the Month, Coat ed Tong-ie. Pain in the _(Side, TORPID LIVER. They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE, Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simile Signature DEFUSE SUBSTITUTES. * Every Washburn Sells Another TOD CAN GET A GENUINE LYON b HEALY Washburn Piano at the lowest Chicago price and on the most liberal terms of monthly payments. This is the piano that is known as “America’s , Home Piano . because it has the true singing | tone and ugvarantnd for life by LfanfcHeaiy. I JSioJ!I* *** world * lamest music house. The j Washburn catalog explains everything. ei.IL,'.1?, toT 0 piano, mail Otis adver tisement today with your mime and address and Kceim catalog and name of local piano dealer, and sa pieces of beautiful new piano music. Tadele New and Liberal Homestead Regulations in