The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 17, 1907, Image 1
Professional "" Cards A. P. CULLEY, Attornay & Gounselor-at-Law (Office: 'Kikst National Bank) Loup City, Nebr. ROBTAR STARR Attorney-at-Law, LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. AAROJi WALL Lawyer Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. R. J. nightingale” Attorney and wounselcr-at-Law _ LOUP QITY. NEB R. H. MATHEW, Attorney-at-Law, And Bonded Abstractor, Loup City, Nebraska O. E. LONGACRE PHYSICIAN aid SURGEON Office, Over New Bank. TELEPHONE CALL, NO. 39 A. J. tKEARNS Phone, 30. Office Residence J Lnnp Rita, - Nebraska S. A. ALLEN. OEiVTMS'C I.01IP CITY, • - NEB. Ortiee it]> stairs m the new State Bank bnildin?. N WLMAItCY. 0EHTI8T-, LOUP CITY, NEB OFFICE: East Side Public Situate • Phone, 10 on'36 .?/, //. .w/;.*/> Bonded Abstracter Loup City, - Nebraska. Only set of Abstract hooks in county Try the F* F- F- Dray F. F. Foster, Prop. Office; Fester’s Barber Shop L. a. bangs r The Drayman Phone 7 on 59 , Asks Your Patronage FOR A Pleasant Evenirg Call on Pratt at South Side Pool and Billiard Parlors Fixtures New and Up-to-Date S A- PRATT, - Proprietor • For Sale! # FROM THE LOUP VALLEY HERD OF PolapdGhipas Spring and Fall Boars. Brood Sow Sale February 5th, 1907. H. J. JOHANSEN. Notice to Non-Resident Defendant. State of Nebraska. I t ss Sherman County, \ To Arrow Lumber and Shingle Co., a corpo ration, non-resident defendant: You will take notice that on September 10th. 1907. the Keystone Lumber Company filed its bill of particulars against you before J. A Angler. County Judge of Sherman county. Ne braska. the object and prayer of which are to recover the sum of $100.00. now due and pay able for the breach of a certain contract for the delivery of certain lumber, and that an order of attachment was duly issued in said action by said County Judge (or said sum of $190.00. which was made returnable on Sept 20th. 1907. at nine o’clock In the forenoon and that said order of attachment and a notice of garnishment were duly served upon the J. P Lelitinger Company, as garnishee in said action, and that on -ept; 20th. 1907. said garnishee appeared ami answered and admit ted that it was indebted to you in th- sum of $190 00, and was ordered to pay the said sum into court. -Said cause was continued to the seventh day of November. 1907. at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon, at which time you are required to appear at the office of j. a. Angier. county Judge of Sherman county, Nebraska, in Loop Citv. Nebraska, and answer said petition, or judgment will be ; endered against you. and said Indebtedness so attached and garnished, be applied in satisfaction thereof. Dated this 21st day of September. 1907. , KrvsTott* LpubkuOimi’anv Plaintiff. By K. J. Ni-iHTiNGALx, its attorney. THE NORTHWESTERN rflBMS:—*1.00 l*«R TSAR. IP PAID I* ADVAPC1 Rntered at the Loup Cl tv PostoCBce for trans mission th rough the mails as second class matter. Office ’Phone, - - - 8 on 108 Residence ’Phone. - 2 on 108" f. W. BURLEIGH. Ed. and Pub. NOTICE OF SALE OF LANDS FOR DELINQUENTTAXES For the year 1906 and F'rlor Years. Slate of Nebraska, i \ SS: Sherman County. ' To all whom it may concern: You will take notice thut all lands and lots on which taxes Tor 1906 and prior years have not been paid, will be sold at the County Treasurer’s office in the Court House in Loup City. Nebraska, on the first Monday in Novem ber. 1907. between ihe hours of 9 o'clock a. m. and-4 o’clock p in . said sale to adjourn from day to day until all the lands and lots have been offered for sale. The following is a list of lands and lots to be sold, and the amount set opposite the descrip tion is the amount due and unpaid. May 1st. 1906.. To each amount will be added interest and costs of advertising: OAK CREEK Township 16 Range 13. Des. Sec. Amt. sel.8 I 15 2u nel. St 20 00 nwl. 9 17 31 sw4. 9 19 60 swl.17 13 73 sel .17 13 73 9 99 e2se4.IS 6 42 nel .22 16 33 sel .22 18 35 swl.23 14 29 w2ne4.25 7 75 sel.25 25 50 sel .26 23 94 nel ..........45 2.i 4, LOGAN Township 16. Range It swl.1 |U 56 nwl .2 11 64 swl.». 2 26 01 nel . 3 32 94 sel ... 7. 3 23 92 nwl.4 13 2n swl. 4 15 47 Bel .II II 72 nwl..12 IS 7t sel.15 25 72 uwl.IS 17 57 swl.IS 17 57 uwl.20 13 66 nelselu2ne4se nel .16 24 80 nel . 22 13 76 swl.22 15 81 sel .22 15 81 swl.29 11 27 nwl.321 15 8s Township 16, Range 15 swl. 1 13 11 sel. 1 17 59 nel.26 12 51 WASHINGTON Township 16, Range 15. sel...20 | 7 66 Lot 5.21 4 20 Lot 6.21 1 93 nwtnwlLot 3. .28 3 6o n2nel.30 4 71 swl.34 9 19 sw4se4.34 2 10 Loti. 34 2 32 Township 18. Range 16. swl. 5 15 41 sel.6 17 37 sel.7 15 13 w2nw4 . 8 8 37 w2swl . 8 8 3 S2swl. 9 10 26! s2sel. 9 10 2G1 nel.12 11 11 sel.13 12 35 nwl ..15 14 11 n2swlsw4nw sel.15 11 65 ne4. 17 16 76 sel .17 12 88 e2nwl.18 9 69 Loti.18 2 85 Lot 2 ...18 3 421 n2ne4.19 5 15 s2nel.19 5 55 nel. 25 9 19 sel .25 9 49 e2nwl.28 5 30 swl . ..28 10 52 swl .29 11 75 nwl.30 11 75 ELM Township 15. Range 36. e2se4.-6 130 70 s2swl.6 17 08 n.neln2nwl....l0 18 36 n2s2nel.10 3 83 swl .13 17 25 s2nw4.14 6 61 swl.11 16 59 e2sel.20 9 73 Selswl.20 5 66 w2swl .21 10 49 e2nele2sel... .2! 16 15 n !0aw2.24 7 81 w2nwlmv4sw4.27 13 0<l! uwl.29 12 98 selnel .33 4 06 e2sel.33 7 M Sw4sw4.,..31 3 33 W KHSTEK 1'ownshlp 15, Bang? 15. [ ne4..3 «1U is: II w4. 3 16 58 set.3 18 03 net.... 6 13 86 DWt.10 25 07 set.23 24 09 sl5anwt.30 2 12 net.32 15 27 SWt .32 21 42 UW4.32 IS 113 net.34 17 61 net... .35 .11 05 set.35 II 05 nw4.35 11 sH »wl.35 11 05 LOOP CITY Township 15, Kang? 15. pt s2nw4. 1 $.!0 08 sw4 . 2 42 (10 e3nw4 and lots 2 to4 ... . 2 '15 54 lot 1.11 1 09 Township 16, Kango H. swt. 1 21 :iP >wtnw4. 2 4 62 nw4.9 1.2 iL ne4 and se4_13 ill 37 sw4 ....... 13 14 !E w2net.15 7 36 ne4.17 S3 119; pts2nw4.,.17 41 ne4nw4.20 2 76 net., 8 20 53 ne4 . 36 1.9 77) Township 14. Kango 14. e2se4. 10 8 27 n2nw and u2ne4.14 9 11 sw4ne and se nw4 and ne4 se4, ne4sw4. .14 9 11 ne4.22 24 17 lot 1.35 25 lot 1. 13.14. 1 4 28 L.OUPC1TY VILLAUIv Original Town Lot Ullc Amt 8 and 7.3 J» Ju 22x75ft4nI3tOl5 5 14 10 17 to IS.6 g 85 ft to 17.7 #30 1310 14.10 80 15 to 18 .10 80 I to 12..11 21.30 0 to 12.16 SOD n 100ft in 1... .18 V 71 7.18 19 43 IS 48 «t a; ■■ IH II 94 H * 70 46 32 IM 14 36 7 14 || 24.25 42 1 to «.26 7 74 10 to 12.26 - 8 91 n 115ft 1, 2, 3...27 172 18 .28 52 19. . 28 15 82 22 and 23.34 93 31 and 35 . 34 93 36 to 40.31 198 41 to 42.34 62 43 Id 47 . 34 1 45 | 1 to 5 . 35 1 98 1 10 . . . 35 41 22 to 23.35 2 06 ‘ 19 to 21.35 2 25 | 24 to 33 . 35 10 83 • First Add. n2 and sw4_ 5 9 71 ' Pt 8...:. 7 75 | Pt 8. 1 46 , pt 8... 8 75 Pt 8. 931 ne4 150x150ft.. .12 172 1 si-i and nw4...12 5 16 i 50xI50ftIn se4.14 34 Hogue 8 Sub Div I all blk . 5 4 81 i>u!k & Kriechbaunr’s Addition t to 5. 2 411 0 .2 17 i 8 to 9.2 41 ! 1 to 6. 4 1 72 I 13 to 14. 6 1 97 I 13 to 20.11 18 93 I to 3.12 1 78 19.13 1 IP 27 and 28.13 2 33 13.14 9 26! 8 to 12.16 14 16 ; Marker's First Add. 9 to 10 . 6 9 71 ! 11 and 12 . 6 8 94 1 7 to 12. 7 42 20 19 to 21. 7 3 52 7 to 10 . 8 33 54 II arid 12 .... 8 111 Blackman a Sub-Div 1 to 4 . 12 7 28 Barker's Second Add. 12 .II 92 90x20011.. 1. 1 72 240x300ft. 2 93 Smith’s Add. 13 to 24. 4 15 28 1 8 to 10.6 6 Is . 1 to 2.9 17 19.. . . 9 11 ' I to 3.11 59 9 to 12.11 59 1 to 8.11 59 1 to 3 8 26 19 t o 22. 8 42 33 to 24.8 17 7 to 9.12 86 10 to II..12 52 12.12 26 I to 24.14 54 33 7 to 12 ...'. ...18 1 11 13 to 16. ......18 67 17 and 18.18 42 13 to 18. 23 2 32 9 to 12.24 20 64 5.25 42 7.25 43 8.. r.25 42 it.25 43 10 .25 42 II .25 43 5 5nd 6 . 26 60 7 and 8.26 60 it to 12.26 1 11 13 to 15.26 86 16 . 26 26 17 to 20.26 111 7 to 12 .32 11 60 r5*!50ft between hlk 30 and 32.. 172 In Seclion 18 and 7. pt sw sw4.7 10 47 pt SW4.18 36 37 pt SW4.18 3 52 pi ne4ne4.18 67 ASHTON Township 15, Range 13. ne4 .. 1 18 44 sw4.1 18 40 *e4. 1 20 55 se4 . 3 20 13 nw4..*. 5 15 25 nwl.6 19 87 ptsw4....... 7 94 pt swl. 7 47 ne4 .10 22 16 nelsel .10 5 91 selnwl. 10 5 40 ne4 .11 20 60 nw4.11 17 30 se4....'.n 20 60 swl. ...13 17 16 sel .13 21 63 s’ne..... 11 8 21 Klnwl.11 10 16 nwl..'.15 27 00 swl.17 17 71 nwl.18 20 90 swl. 18 20 81 se4.18 22 22 nel.„.. 18 23 50 nwlne4.2-2 3 19 ptse4sw4.22 3 50 nel.23 12 98 n w4 ...23 11 60 pt w2nel.27 2 48 pt w2nel.27 05 pt sene.27 63 pt nenwl.,,. ..27 >68 pte2nwl.?7 43 pte2nw4.27 1 57 pt e'nwl..27 3 35 pt swlne4.27 63 pte2nw4.2T 47 Pt e2nw4..,,..27 30 sel .37 16 61 swl.....27 13 46 swl.....28 22 (H nel.31 14 99 nwl.t ..33 23 50 sel.34 18 03 nwl....35 .15 28 ASHTON VILLAGE ■ Lot * B)k Amt 9. 2 36 10. 2 57 12. 3 70 1 . 1 43 2 .4 36 3 . 4 36 Land n«2.... 5 129 s(42 and 3 .... 5 1 20 8. 5 73 7 and n22ft 8,, 5 11 32 15 . 5 36 16 to 18. 5 I 14 1.8 43 5 . 4 30 e2nw4. 30 0 05 6 . 4 37e2sw4.30 8 13 Taylor' sAddltlon sw4nw4 .30 3 31 w*42 and all 3. 4 22 w2sw4.30 8 lo 15 . 2 70se4.30 20 33 17 . 30 nw4.31 14 53 18 . 30 w2sw4.31 8 10 19 . 3 41 selse4.31 4 00 22 . 36 82864.33 8 04 23 . 43 ne4ne4&pt nw4 24 . 43 ne4.33 12 03 25 . 2 27 ne4.35 19 40 Taylor.s Second Add pt «e4.35 1 43 3 . 1 2'9LITOHFIELD VILLAGE 4 .. 1 26; Original Town 5.../. 1 26 Lot Block Amt 6 . t 26 *1 1 2 36 7 .1 26,10 1 36 12 .1 2615 5 2«.-> 13 .[ 3713 6 41 11. 1 , 20 4 6 41 15. 1 26,5 6 42 20 .1 26 0 6 41 21 . 1 26 7 6 1 81 22 . 1 26 8 6 41 23 . 1 26 11 6 63 24 . 1 26 12 6 6 60 25 . 1 26 10 7 3 30 26 . 1 37 11 7 47 1 . 2 26 12 7 2 64 2 . 2 26 13 7 47 5 . 2 26 14 7 43 6 . 26 15 7 41 7 . 26 16 7 41 8 . 3617 7 _ 42 14 . 26| 18 7 47 15 .. . 2616 8 5 31 16 . air 8 5 66 17 and 18 . 3 64 8 8 63 19 to 24 . 6 56 11 9 1 35 1 . 3 26 12 9 4 65 2 .'. 3 26 4 10 47 3 . 3 26.834 8 10 58 4 . 3 26 11 10 1 36 5 . 3 2612 10 5 00 6 . 3 26 16 10 6 66 7 . 3 26 17 10 .48 H. 3 26 18 10 6 66 9 . 3 26 4 11 5 31 10 . 3 26 9 11 5 31 11 . 3 26lnorth‘4 10 11 2 01 12 . 3 26 south'. 10 II 265 13 .*3 26111 11 3 30 ROCKVILLE 12 11 5 66 Township 13, Range 13. 1 12 99 se4sw4. 5 5 19 14 15 3 3o pt ne4swtne4.. 8 3 50 7 16 48 pt nwew ne... 8 llll 18 48 ptnwswne...8 14 12 16 61 nwl.9 17 91 FAIRVIEW FAKE ne4.12 11 96 Lot Block Amt sel.12 15 8011 2 07 s2se4.13 8 87! 2 2 07 lot 1.17 1 803 2 07 pt lotg2 and 3.22 35M 2 07 Township 14, Range 13. 5 2 1 86 nwl. 1 15 6o!8 2 07 ii2sw4. 1 6 02.1st Add to LITCHFIELD swl. 2 tl 84, uot Block Amt ne4. 5 18 46! north 14 1 1 2 16 nw4. 5 20 83 5 1 4 , sel. 8 21 79!', and 2 5 9.'.!.10 9 So il 6 47 swi. li i8 8.- scorrTwp. nw4.11 18 47 Twp. 13, ltg. 16, Sec uel..17 15 48 |,t e‘4een..1 46 nwl.17 15 42 |)t n‘4se>i.1 1 04 nwl.18 16 0j pt nen.1 69 NW4__ ..18 13 44 own. 3 23 79 n2se4.18 8 9s neLsnen.« 4 17 pt ne4se4.29 6ti nw4ne4&n2nw4.. .6 12 76 ROCKVILLE Village stri|> adjolo'g ry 12 18 Lots Block Amt |»t ue>4.13 1046 16. 5 lOjswH.13 18 is all . 9 1 13 sen.13 24 3o all.17 32ltiwn.14 20 81 1 .18 lOsen.14 20 83 2 .18 ItlNwn.13 25 01 3 .18 -19 sen.18 18 29 4 . 18 It' •e4ne4.kne4se! . .20 9 51 5 .18 10n‘iswn.21 9 55 6 .18 19 s2sw4 4cs2se4...21 19 16 7 .18 lllnennen.24 7 32 8 .18 lOwLiuen.24 1169 ».,18 lOjSjQensen.24 3 58 10 ..18 lUs'Jsen.24 9 07 11 .18 10 arisen.26 10 97 12 .18 10 S\v4nw44w24g4 27 13 26 6 .19 I0e‘.swn-....T:. .27 892 9 .19 10 nen.28 15 23 10 .j..19 10 sen.29 IN .5 11 .19 10 awl*.31 26 02 12 .19 10-j'wnnwn.34 4 *45 1 .25 10|s»-n. :.34 18 48 2 .25 10 HAZARD TWP. 7 .26 1 64|Twp. 13, K, 15 Sec 2.28 3 43 sen.1 18 22 5 .28 10 nen.7 14 01 6 .28 10 own.12 16 , 7 .28 10 swn. 12 17 7 4 : 8 .28 lOe'inwn.14 12 56 9 .38 10w>4nwn.14 10(1! 11.28 ;U;n*>4.22 25 85 2 .29 F s‘iawn.24 8 59 3 .,..29 19 sen.24 18 04 4 .29 10 ne‘4.29 15 77 5 ..29 19 awn.29 16 92 6 .29 10 -in..29 23 57: 7 .29 10 e,in.31 15 0t 8 .29 lOswn.|-32 15 18 9 .29 lOuen.34 21 14 10 .29 10 n2ew4, SW4 sw4 11 .29 10 nw4 ee4.34 20 77 12..*.29 10 ptswnswn.35 ,,28 13 .29 10 pt awn.35 48 H.29 10 HAZARD VILLAGE n2 1.30 1 62 Lot Block Amt 82 1......30 Kill 6 12 4..30 10 12 6 12 8 .30 10 13 6 12 9 .30' 10 14 6 12 10 .30 10 16 6 13 13 and 14.30 19 16 6 12 8.31 83 18 6 12 1 .33 1115 10 17 2 .33 1118 10 l»j 3 .33 113 11 29 4 .T... 33 114 11 29 5 .33 111 13 171 6 .33 117 14 12 7 .33 11 8 14 7 01 8 .33 11 li 14 9 and 10.33 19 1 17 2 ol I 11 and 12 . 713 19 2 17 util CLAY TOWNSHIP 3 17 06; Township 14 Range 14 4 17 061 sw4. 8 27 52 BRISTOL TWP. ne4.18 19 46 Twp 13, R 13, sec nwl.19 19 30 awn.17 1187' lots 3 and 4...27 25 15 sen.18 20 So ' W'2se4*se4se4. .27 13 77, c2aw4&sw4ae4. .19 16 36 j se4 . 33 18 67 n\t nsen.19 soil Township 14 Range 15 tionnen.21 3 36 swl.14 15 50 a2ne4S:iie4se4... 21 1925 sw!.22 18 08 ....21 5 28 sw4.24 14 24 tni4sw4 lot 5 A nwl.27 14 10 s pt lot 6.. ..22 8 73 t»2s^4*s2se4...30 15 78 n pt lot 6.-22 52 ne4 .31 15 39 own.30 27 19 se4.3! 13 96 «l*ne!4.33 7 P sw4.32 15 99 own.35 1329 se!.36 16 16 Twp 13. R 14 HARRISON TWP. awn .... 6 14 14 Township 14 Range 16 nen. 7 13 67 sw4. 3 18 00 sen. 7 15 23 nw4. 3 16 91 sen.18 16 18 se4. 3 12 61 nen.19 17 91 W2nw4&n2sw4 7 11 73 nw'4.20 20 31 se4. 7 11 25 sw H.20 13 22 n2sw4*s2nw4. 8 15 06 own.21 15 3(1 s2nw4.It ■ 8 10 sen.21 15 96 n2sw4.1! 8 lOsw’4.24 21 %> se4.12 17 13 nen.25 2H 13 o2nw4.12 9 22 e Vine 34.26 9 96 sel.IS 27 36 nen.28 24 SS ad. 17 16 52j.sen.28 24 58 nw4.17 16 52!nwn.29 21 S7 sd.17 17 28 swn.31 13 31 n2nel.18 5 63 nen • -y.32 20 71 pt sw4sel.18 19 tl6,„nn.«.33 8 47 r‘2ne4.20 8 10»Mnw34...-..33 9 83 pt e2ne4.28 50 In witness whereof. I have hereunto set my hand an4 official seal, this 1st day of October, 1907. [9BAL1 R. M. H1DDLESON. Treasurer of Sherman County. Nebr. The Northwestern this woek calls attention to the candidacy of that old veteran of the civil war^ Lewis Bechthold, for county assessdrT Louie has had six years’ experience as as sessor for Loup City township, which gives him the edge over an untried man and tie has given good satis faction to all in the above capacity. This fact, coupled with the further fact that he leone of the few remain ing old veterans of the rebellion, should make the heart of the patriotic voter warm toward him and see that Ire is given the office sought for. Mr. Bechthold is In every way qualified for the office and there Is no good and sufficient reason why 'he should not be elected county assessor hands down Vote for Lewis Bechthold for countv assessor, and in thus honoring the old soldier, do honor to the stars and stripes for which lie fought four long years and over in a Hoosier regiment. * Mr. Bechthold is an old resident of Loup City, having been here for the past twenty-nine years. Whoop it up for Louie. WANTED—Five year farm Joans at 6 per cent. Can pay #100 the first of any month or any multiple there VILLAIN FOILED. Assault on Child Fails But Dastard Escapes. An attempt at an atrocious crime on a little ten-year-old daughter of Thomas Busier, a farmer living in the extreme southeastern part of Sherman county, near Boelus, was perpetrated last Saturday by some man, said to be one of two men driving through the country collect ing junk for a man named Jones of Grand island. The story as we have it from Sheriff Williams and other good authorities, is as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Busier went to Boelus to do some trading Saturday, leaving their two little daughters, agiki ten and live years, respectively, at home. During the afternoon a man driving a junk wagon came to the home and attempted to assault the eldest child, rather badly bruising and handling her, but her cries aroused nearby parties aiid the man desisted and drove away before accomplishing his purpose. The parents arriving home in the evening and having passed a' man such as was described by the children while, on their way home, tlie alarm was given and the'marshal of Cairo landed a suspect at Cairo, whom the children claimed to recog nize as the assailant. The marshal took the man to Grand island and turned him over to the deputy sheriff of Hall county, who in allowing the man to go home to see his family carelessly allowed him to escape. Monday evening Mr. Busier came to Loup City and swore out a warrant againsta Greek, who had been driving one of the junk wagons aforesaid, and Tuesday Sheriff Williams went to Grand Island to get his man. but found the man who had taken leg hail was not the man wanted, but in stead was wanted a man who lives in Omaha and who had thrown up his joh with Mr, Jones the Saturday night in question and up to the present writing (Wednesday afternoon) has net been found, although the chief of police of Omaha lias been notified and thinks lie can land the accused man. Sensational articles in the Grand Island Independent of Monday and in the State Journal of Tuesday are stated to be almost entirely devoid of the real facts, which are stated here as succinctly as possible. The Northwestern avoids giving names of suspected or accused parties, owing to possible effect on jury in event of future arraignment in court here. Public Sale. 1 will offer at Public Auction, on my farm on Section 23, Township 14. Range 14, Sherman county, being eight miles southeast of Loup City, and four milesnorthwvt.of Rockville on the valley road, on Wednesday. Oct. 23,1907. commencing at 10 o'clock a. in. sha^p, the following described property, to-wit: 4 head of horses. 9 head of cattle, 13 head of hogs, farm machinery, household goods, etc., hay oats and corn. Free lunch at noon. Terms of Sale:—All sums of $lo and under cash; all sums over $10, a credit of nine months will he given by pur chaser giving a bankable note draw ing 10 per cent interest from date of sale. Hiram L. Hartwell, Owner. J. T. Hale, W. F. Mason. Auctioneer. Clerk. _m m m__ Public Sale. 1 will offer at Public Auction on on the John Fowler farm, on the northeast quarter of Section 20,1 Township 10, Range 10—known as the old Ed Slawson farm, on Cole Creek, being nine miles northwest of Loop City, on Thursday, Oct. 24, 1907, com mencing at 10 o’clock a. m. sharp, the following described property, to* wit:—6 head of horses. 40 head of cattle, 55 head of spring pigs. hay. corn in Held, alfalfa, millet, farm machinery, etc. Free lunch at noon. Terms of Sale:— All sums of $lo and under cash: ail sums over $10. a credit of nine months will be given by purchaser giving a bankable note drawing 10 per cent interest from date of sale. Annie Fowler. Administratrix. J. T. Hale, W. F. Mason, Auctioneer. Clerk. Only $2 per month will secure you ' a reliable Singer machine. I have some High Grade Short Horn bulls and Choice Poland China bears, for sale at my ranch one mile east of Loup City. L. N. Smith. Some More Theatre Talk No. 2. EUGENE MOORE WHO WILL APPEAR in the city in the near future in the delicious comedy drama, “My Boy, Jack," is a sterling representative of the actors of the old school— a school-in which the mania for starring did not exist and WERRE A .. PLAYER BUILT Listen to This i epertory" of I . CLASSIC PARTS and so in the course of years became qualified to interpret any role that suited . his age. THESE ACTORS KNEW VERY LITTLE ABOUT PUBLICITY of the kind in which the people of the stage now bask, and knew more about the art of acting than most of the flutter-budgets now conspicuous on the hill-boards ever will know, BUT STELLAR EXPLOITATION WAS NEVER A GOAL THEY STRUGGLED FOR; they were too busy acting, occupied with the task cf differentiating the hundreds of parts they played and with making each one a definite, solid, enduring study of human nature. MOST OF THEM GOON FROM YEAR TO YEAR SERVING THEIR PUBLIC CONSCIENTIOUSLY and delight ing by their finished art the judicious observers in the play-going body. f § \ "I M&H 70 R|gSQyr GrUMT 3C0ffj / STRANGE EVENT IN THE LIFE OF A 3EAG"'r~T, OPERA SINGER, Mar guerite Otto, is the secret ca which is hmged the outcome of the play, “My Boy, jack.” bv z£wm Milton Royla, author of “The Squaw Man.” THE STORY 13 WONDERFULLY WELL TOLD IN TEE DRAMA red there is so much irrcsitable, genuine, wholesome burner that critics have a tendency to speak of the play as a comedy. THE STAR PART PARTAKES OF TErS FINE MIXTURE OF SERIOUS NESS AND WIT AND HUMOR. Eugene Hoore, who is iha -tar ct the company, is ore of the few leading men in the country v. i'.c is *e:;actijr suited and completely prepared ay unlimited experience to play si-chan admirable end difficult role. The ’ 0/ Karje, the poor young composer, is . .. .s ri: llmt rises to distinction in the • ether’s ;•?> - IT IS THE SORT OF l " AY ''SO" ir~w rmiT mi 11—i—i ■ I rr.E Li/z TO S You’ll Be sen. it 13 herd thy-g Surprised one awakens zym- 1 - -. • - .f path— for people we ail'admire. It is the sort of play that demands good acting, and it get3 that same thing withthi3company. We'll he mighty glad to see^you at the theatre and xessw old acquaintances. We can’t possib'y “cheat you’ as we ' give you “YOUR MONEY’S WORTH OR FOUR MOSEY RACK.” USUAL PRICES WILD PREVAIL. Loup City Opera House, Nov. 12 The best equipped man in Sherman county today, from an educational standpoint, is the present republican county superintendent of schools, M. II. Mead. As .-a;. rsV e'1'-.-- of our county educational matters, he is master of every detail and has our schools in point of Excellence the equal of any county in the state. His first term which he is at present serving has been so..ably handled and lie has proven so faithful and compe tent in tiie discharge of the duties appertaining thereto, that there is not one- good reason for making kny change and we believe the voters of Sherman county vviil wisely return him for the second term. * -n -~r tti .... m Everybody knows and everybody agrees tliat Uncle Lou Williams wiil be re-elected to the sheriff’s ollicethis fall. He has made as good if not a better sheriff than any of iiis pre decessors, and on this, too. there is an unanimous verdict. Of course you. and that means almost every voter in all parties, will vote for him, and his majority will be little less than the total vote._ Home grown Alfalfa Seed for sale See Geo. Lkathekman. 42 tf 3 Three Big Days 3 ’.<vi^^»«rsMr4HaKuxriMa*EunnDKBaaEinaerB Burwell Street Fair, Horse Races October 23 to 25,1907. 6 SIX BIG ACTS G&CH PAY, 6 III)! Hi !M MI IT PROF. Mi. """ ' *"" , .'■■"■i .. i .. A BIG PROGRAM, SOMETHING DOING ALL THE TIME. EXTRA t SPECIAL BARGAIN SALES • ' | FOR THE Next Thrty Days Our stock is too large and will be reduced and we are going to give yon some Extra Special Bargains in Everything in the Dry Goods line, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, and in fact EWTTIIEU ■ STORE - ___®_ _ We must raise same some money and are gomg to do so. Cash Is what we want and cash is what we must have. All people knowing themselves indebted to us will confer a great favor by helping us on their accounts. Extra Special Bargains every hour of the day - Every Day in the Week and Every Week in the Month Until Demands on Us Are Satisfied. ■ ------ . C. Cooper I. DEPEW®* Blacksmith $ Wagon Maker, My shod is the largest and best equipped north of the Platte Slver 1 hnve a four horse engine and a complete line of the latest improved, ma chlnery, also a force of experienced men who know how to operate It and tnrn out a Job with neatness and dispatch. MY PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS Maas 111 i a1 aaaa»3a^a-aaagga«wt«nni———um* Get More Eggs. Paint the inside of your nen house with CARBOLINEUM. It is a sure lice and mite extermimitor. For sale by Keystone Go. Loup City, Ashton, Rockville and Schaupps mmrinii BOUGHT AT THE I Ml ASttJUW AJNLi DA-KW-EIA.. -Goal for Sale at Loop City and Asltou. Will Bif HOGS AT SCHAUPP SIDING AND FARWELL Call ami see our coal and get prices on grain. ■_E. G- TAYLOR E. G. Tayloe, J. S. Pedler, C. C. Carlson. President. Vice President. Cashier 10 \ . ' ' --DIRECTORS W: R. Mellob, J. W. Long, S. N. Sweetland '"3 ’ • ^ . . — • v [ifnfm ui LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. Capital Stock, - • $25,000.00 Individual Liability; $250,000.00