The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 10, 1907, Image 4

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Complete Review of Happenings of
Greatest Interest from All Parte of
the Globe—Latest Horn# and For
eign Items.
President Roosevelt in a speech at
St. Louis declared it the nation’s duty
to restore the Mississippi river to its
proper place as a great artery of com
merce. and termed the proposed 14
foot channel from the lakes to the
gulf a “national task.” He warned
against plans which might “entail
reckless extravagance or be tainted
with jobbery," but urged a liberai
waterway policy.
President Rccsevelt delivered a
characteristic speech at Keokuk, la.,
before a large assemblage in which
were governors of a dozen states and
many members of congress. He then
started on his steamer trip dowti the
President Roosevelt made a speech
at Cairo, III., in which he advocated
the building of a strong navy. He
then continued his trip down the
Mississippi river to Memphis, where
he addressed the deep waterways
The Lakes to-ihe-Gulf Waterways
association began its second annual
meeting in Memphis. President
Roosevelt addressed the gathering
and then departed for Lake Provi
dence, La., for a hunting trip.
President Roosevelt announced that
he would call a convention to be held
in Washington January 3 next, to ad
vocate the preservation and conserva
tion of the natural resources of the
country, including coal, water-power,
oil, etc.
An omnibus contract, whereby the
Standard Oil company obtains from
every steamship company operating
between New York and all ports in
Africa a rate for the shipment of
lubricating oil that is about one-half
what its competitor, the New York
Lubricating Oil company, pays, was
' produced in the hearing of the federal
suit against the alleged oil combine.
James H. Farrand. superintendent
of delivery in the Davenport (la. *
post office, was arrested charged with
opening registered mail. Soon after,
he committed suicide.
Miss Katherine Rittenhouse, a stu
dent at Northwestern university, in
Chicago, has fallen heir to an estate
worth 120,000 by the will of Col. Isaac
Wing, who was rejected by her moth
er when a gil l.
Owen V. Anderson, recently ap
pointed to a lieutenancy in the United
States army, was blown to atoms at
San Antonio, Tex., while handling a
bottle of uitro-glyeerine.
Ambassador Tower has written
President Roosevelt asking that he be
permitted to retire from the diplomat
ic service next spring.
The captain of the steamer Fred
Hartweg imperiled the lives of Pres
ident Roosevelt and his party on the
steamer Mississippi by reckless navi
gation and on order of the president
his license was suspended for 90 days.
The -immense cotton shipping busi
ness of New Orleans was tied up by
the strike of S.000 members of the
Dock and Cotton Handlers' union.
Herbert R. Morton of Australia,' a
millionaire, slipped on the steps of the
Vancouver opera house and fractured
his skull.
John £. Daley, United States sur
veyor general, slipped on the stairs
in the Selliug-Hirach building in Port
land, Ore., and broke his neck.
Clarence S. Darrow, the spectacular
genius of the Chicago bar and of Chi
cago politics, lies seriously ill in a
hospital at Boise City. He went
through an operation for tumor on
the brain.
A tremendous forest fire in Sonoma
county Cal., burned over thousands of
acres and did vast damage to prop
Three American Mormons have been
expelled from Germany as the result
of persisting, despite final warnings
prohibiting them-from spreading their
propaganda, in conducting river bap
tisms and making converts.
The Union Pacific in federal court
at Omaha, Neb., pleaded guilty and
confessed judgment to the indictment
of violations of the safety appliance
Prince Peter A. Kropotkin, the so
cialist leader, has been arrested at
Luga. Russia, on the charge of par
ticipating with a band of revolution
ists in the robbery of the country
house of the metropolitan Antonius.
Illinois sheriffs met at Springfield to
form a state association.
Mrs. Russell Sage gave $20,000 to
the St. Paul Young Woman’s Chris
tian association toward its new build
The next congress of the National
Drainage association was called for
November 25-27 at Johns Hopkins uni
versity, Baltimore.
Announcement was made of the or
ganization at Halifax, N. S.. of the
Aerial Experimenting association, with
a membership including Prof. Alexan
der Graham Bell, the inventor, and
Capt. F. W. Baldwin of Toronto, aero
naut The association will carry on
Prof. Ball’s aerial experiments.
Seven indictments were found by
the special judge in the Cuban con
spiracy cases and the men indicted
4 were held in default of $10,000 bail
_ each.
A young woman was beaten to death
in/a New York rooming house, her
murderer escaping.
Attorneys general in convention at
St Louis formed a permanent or
ganisation, adopted a memorial to
congress asking , a law to curb the
federal courts and put In the hands
of • committee the drafting of a
scheme for anti-trust litigation.
Boise Greets Verdict with Cheers,
Bells Are Rung and Band Plays
“Hail to the Chief.’'
Boise, Idaho.—United States Sena
tor William E. Borah was acquitted
Wednesday night of the charge of con
spiracy to defraud the government out
of valuable Idaho timber lands.
The case was submitted without ar
gument on the part of the defense j
and the jury was out just long enough
to take one ballot. The verdict was
greeted by cheers and applause which
the court officers made no effort to
restrain. This demonstration in the
courtroom served only as a beginning.
As soon as the news reached the out
side bells were rung and the lire de
partment made a spectaculer run
through the principal streets, stop
ping eventually at the Idaho hotel, to
which Senator Borah, surrounded by
several hundred of his fellow citizens,
was escorted.
A brass band appeared as if by
magic, as the senator reached the
hotel steps, and played “Hail to the
The streets about the hotel were I
blocked by a cheering throng, whose ■
shouts mingled the screech of the |
fire engine whistles and clanging of ]
trolley car bells.
Senator Borah thanked the people |
for their demonstration and for the
confidence they had reposed in him
throughout the trial.
“I have felt the humiliation deeply.”
he continued, “especially because of
the manner in which the name of my
dead friend. Frank Steunenberg, has j
been brought into the case, i am glad I
to say' I was his friend—the friend of !
a man who gave up his life for his i
state and his country. Political cap-!
ital has been or tried to be made out i
of my indictment, but I am glad to:
say some of my staunchest friends
during this trial have come from the
other side. The only reason I was j
indicted appears to have been that 1
was the friend of Frank Steunenberg.”
The demonstration over the acquit- j
tal continued until late in the night, ;
with street parades, band concerts, I
fireworks and general celebration.
Story Told by Mrs. Hathaway of
Oquawka Is Proved False.
Burlington, la.—It is now believed
that the story told by Mrs. John Hath
away Wednesday that a tramp tied
her son to a fence post and burned
him to death because she had refused
to give the tramp food is untrue. The
Hathaways liver near Oquawka. 111.,
and the woman’s story had produced
intense excitement in that neighbor
The coroner's investigation devel
oped that Mrs. Hathaway had left her j
children alone while she went to a
neighbor's, and it is thought that dur-1
ing her absence the boy set fire to his
clothing while playing with matches.
The officials at Oquawka believe that
Mrs. Hathaway invented the tramp
story in order to placate her husband.
The coroner s jury returned a verdict
of accidental death.
Daughters of America Adjourn.
Cleveland. O.—The annual conven
tion of the Daughters America closed
Wednesday with the election of offi
cers and the adoption of a resolution j
protesting against the indiscriminate j
immigration of paupers and criminals, j
Next year’s convention will be held at
Chattanooga, Tenn.
“Hold-Up” Play Is Fatal.
Oxford. Pa.—Edward Kauffman, aged
nine years, was shot and instantly
killed at Nottingham,‘near here, Fri
day by his brother, Harry. The older
boy recently won a revolver at the
county fair. Armed with the weapon
he went to meet his brother and pre
tending to be a highwayman, he held
the little fellow up at the point of the
pistol. The weapon was discharged
and the bullet penetrated young Kauff
man's brain. The brother was exon
erate! from blame at the inquest.
Thaw Alienists’ Bill Is $23,000.
New York, Oct. 3.—Ten of District
Attorney Jerome's alienists in the
trial of Harry K. Thaw, it is an
nounced, have rendered bills for their
services. The total of these bills is
sligh'.ly in excesB of $23,000.
Police Arrest Entire Society.
Warsaw,—The police Wednesday
took Into custody almost all the mem
bers, together with 60 chiefs of dif
ferent local branches, of the society
fatyown »» the "Ruddists of Hol
Ambassador to Germany Wants to Re
turn Next Spring.
Berlin.—Ambassador Tower has
written President Roosevelt „ asking
that he be permitted to retire from
the diplomatic service next spring.
Mr. Tower's reasons ace understood
Ambassador Tower.
to be that, having been abroad for
nearly 11 years, he desires again to
live In his own country in order to
have a home there tor his sons, who
are now nearly ready to go to Harvard
college, and to give his personal at
tention to his extensive financial, min
ing and railroad interests.
Steamer Fred Hartweg Causes Trouble
on President’s Trip.
Evansville, Ind.-*-United States In
spector of Hulls Williams for the lo
cal port Friday afternoon received a
telegram signed by President Roose
velt directing that the license for the
steamer Fred Hartweg, carrying the
Pittsburg delegation in the present
river trip, be immediately suspended.
The telegram follows:
“Memphis. Tenn., Oct. 4.—On Board
It. S. S. Mississippi.—Supervisor In
spector of Vessels, Evansville, lud.—
I direct that the license of the master
or whoever is responsible for. the
'Fred Hartweg' during The present
voyage be suspended at once for 90
days. I wish this done by telegraph,
wherever the boat may be, if such pro
cedure is possible. Col. Sears can
give you the details of the misconducL
which has been of serious nature and
might have at any time caused an ac
cident to this boat as well as to other
boats.—Theodore Roosevelt.”
The steamer Fred Hartweg’s home
port is Cairo and it is inspected at
Theaters on Ocean Liners.
Liverpool.—It was announced Wed
nesday that the Cunard Steamship
company had accepted the offer of
Charles Frohman to give theatrical
performances on the big liners by reg
ular players, who, for the time being,
may be traveling to and from the'
United States and England. The com
pany is now planning specially de
signed halls for plays and concerts on
board three of the ships of the line.
Other transatlantic line /companies
are considering Mr. Frohman's prop
Wild Trip for Ballonist.
Coshocton, O.—Caught in a gale of
wind. Frank Fuhr, a Coshocton
aeronaut, was driven a distance of 40
miles, 5.000 feet above the earth and
ianded safely ten miles north of this
city at seven o’clock Thursday night.
Fuhr had been showing the Coshocton
airship at the Licking county fair and
at 4:30 in the afternoon ascended for
an exhibition flight.
St indent Falls Heir to $20,000.
Lincoln, Neb.—Miss Katherine Rit
tenhouse, s. student at Northwestern
university, in Chicago, has fallen
heir to an estate worth $20,000 by the
will of Col Isaac Wing, who was re
jected by her mother when a girl.
Arrested, He Kills Himself.
Davenport, la.—Janies H. Farrand,
superintendent of delivery In the Dav
enport post office, was arrested Fri
day morning, charged with opening
registered mail. Soon after he com
mitted suicide.
Made Postal Agent at Shanghai.
Washington. — Postmaster General
Meyer Thursday announced the ap
pointment of John M. JDarrah, for
merly connected with the American
consulate in Shanghai, China, to be
United Stides postal agent at that
More “Dry” Land in Kentucky.
Owensboro, Ky.—Another county
has gone “dry,” in local option elec
tion. In McLean county temperance
people were victorious Thursday by a
majority of 1,055 votes. '
• ><- -•••
Ida Tarbell’* Brother Telle of His
Troubles with Standard—Hear
ing of Miesouri Ouster
Suit Set.
New York.—An omnibus contract,
whereby the Standard Oil com
pany obtains from every steamship
company operating between New
York and all ports in Africa a rate for
the shipment of lubricating oil that is
about' one-half what its competitor,
the New York Lubricating company,
pays, was produced Friday in the
hearing of the federal suit against the
alleged oil combine.
This contract was placed in .evi
dence and Philip Harrison, a manager
of the New York Lubricating Oil com
pany, declared that his company was
forced to pay double the Standard
rate, notwithstanding his protest to
the steamship companies.
Mr. Harrison said that by reason
of the freight discrimination the
Standard could place its products in
Africa at less than the cost price of
the oils of his own company, and that
to maintain African trade the New
York Lubricating Oil company was
forced to purchase from the Standard
the cheaper grade of oils which it
sold to Us customers.
The witness declared that he wrote a
letter to the steamship agents demand
ing equitable rates for the company,
but no change was made.
W. W. Tarbell, of Philadelphia,
treasurer of the Pure Oil company and
of the United States Pipe Line com
pany. related the difficulties his com
panies had encountered in competition
with the Standard. Mr. Tarbell stated
that the business of the Pure Oil com
pany was placed in district's selected
with a view to avoiding business rela
tions with certain railroads whose
rate discriminations, he said, were
more feared by the company than the
opposition of the Standard in open
Mr. Tarbell is a brother of Miss Ida
Tarbell, who has written much about
the Standard Oil company and John
D. Rockefeller.
Jefferson City, Mo.—It was an
nounced late Friday that the Stand
ard Oil company ouster suit has been
set for hearing before the, supreme
court en blanc October 23. The case
is to be argued on the report of the
special commission which is alleged to
have found an illegal combination of
the Standard Oil company, the Wa
ters-Pierce company, and the excep
tion filed by the companies to the re
Minneapolis Accused of
Scheme to Badger Firms.
Minneapolis. Minu.—Several Minne
, olis and Chicago firms engaged in
the mail-order business of sash, doc •
and blinds expect to fasten on Minne
apolis lumbermen the blame of pub
lishing and distributing the “Little
Black Book." They hope to show tlf*
connection of these men with the Lum
bermen’s association. The investiga
tion was begun before the federal
grand Jury in Minneapolis Tuesdry.
These firms contend that the distri
bution of the "Little Black Book” was
part of the scheme in a conspiracy to
defraud by the use of the mails. The
fraud, they say, consisted in the in
structions in the book, that the re
cipient carry on a correspondence
with certain listed firms, causing an
noyance and cost, but transacting no
business with them. Fifty witnessc.,
from Minnesota, North and South Da
kota and Iowa have been subpoenaed
to appear before the grand jury.
Railroads of Northwest Begin Action
for Permanent Injunction.
Sioux Falls, S. D.—AH leading rail
roads having lines in South Dakota
Thursday afternoon commenced a
united action in the United States
court, this city, for a permanent in
junction pieventing the state board
of railroad commissioners from put
ting into effect October 15 an order re
ducing passenger rates in the state
from three to two and one-half cents
a mile. The commission was tem
porarily restrained from putting the
new rate into effect pending a hearing
from Judge Garland October 29 on
the application for a permanent in
Young Women Quit Germany.
Hamburg.—Several hundreds of
young German women left Hamburg
Thursday on board the steamer Fled
marschal, bound for German South
west Africa, where they will take
positions with the families of the Ger
man settlers and government officials.
Whole County in Meat Strike.
Augusta, Me.—Nearly 1,200 of the
people of Kennebec county are in
open revolt against the high prices de
manded for meat and have pledged
themselves to abstain from all meat
for ten days, .
- i
Army Lieutenant Blown to Pieces.
San Antonio, Tex.—Owen V. Ander
son, recently appointed to a lieuten
ancy in the United States army, was
blown to atoms Friday while handling
a bottle of nitro-glycerlne. The house
was wrecked.
Rev. James M. King Dies.
Phi)adeh>hia.—Rev. James M. King,
LL. D„ executive head of the board
of home missions and church exten
sion of the Methodist Episcopal
church, and known throughout the
world of Methodism, died Thursday.
Firm Falls far $245,3*7. ,
Pittsburg, Pa.—H. J. McCracken &
Co., the oldest wholesale produce
commission firm in Pittsburg, has filed
a voluntary petition in bankruptcy in
the United States court The liabili
ties are placed at. 9*45,387.47.
Refund vOver Maximum — Pennsyl
vania Road Bought Lubricating
Oil at Less Than Cost,
New York.—That the Galena Signal:
Oil company, a subsidiary of the
Standard Oil company, controls 97 per
cent, of the lubricating oil business
with the railroads of the United States
and that the prices for its products
are not uniform with all railroads was
written in the record of Thursday’s
hearing of the federal suit against the
so-called oil trust.
C. C. Steinbrenner, an accountant
for the Galena company, told is detail
how contracts were made with rail
roads whereby they were guaranteed a
maximum cost for the- lubrication of
the road,, based on mileage • for en
gines and cars, and when the maxi
mum cost was found at the end of cer
tain periods to fall short of the stand
ard invoice which all railroads paid
when they received the oil, the Galena
company made a refund of the differ
From statements compiled from the
Galena company books, Mr. Kellogg
was able to show that in some cases
the amount of the refund' was nearly
iiO per cent, of the. invoice- price. Mr.
Steinbrenner testified that the libri
cating oil furnished to the Pennsylva
nia railway was solid at a< loss.
One of the railroads that the Galena
company did not supply with oil, Mr.
Steinbrenner said, was the Tidewater
railway, owned by Henry H. Rogers,
vice president, of the Standard Oil
company. The witness said the Ga
!ena company had tried to obtain the
contract with the Tidewater railway,
but tailed. Mr. Kellogg suggested that
perhaps Mr. Rogers thought he could
get better oil elsewhere.
- I
Private Audience Followed by Lunch- J
eon with Japan’s Ruler.
Tokio.—William H. Taft, American
secretary of war. officially bade fare
well to Japan at 6:l"i Wednesday even
ing and left the brilliantly decorated
Shimbashi railroad station for Kobe
amid the firing of an artillery salute
and a great display of fireworks.
At noon Mr. au'd Mrs. Taft, accoru
pauied only by Brig. Gen. Edwards,
chief of the bureau of insular affairs. ;
and Frederick W. Carpenter, Mr. j
Taft's private secretary, drove in an
Imperial carriage, escorted by a troop
of cavalry, to the emperor's palace,
with all the ceremony surrounding a
royal reception.
Entering the audience room, ac- j
compauied by Gen. Edwards, Mr. Taft j
was greeted pleasantly by his majesty, t
who invited the secretary to accom )
pany him to an adjoining room, where ;
they conferred * in private, with the i
aid of an interpreter, for ten minutes, j
after which they returned to the audi- !
ence room.
While the private audience was in
progress Mrs. Taft was received by j
the empress. Both their majesties i
showed groat cordiality in their re
ception of the American visitors.
After the audience Mr. and Mrs. !
Taft called on the crown prince.
Yoshihito Haiunomiva. and upon
Prince Fushimi, the emperor's cousin,
and then returned to the palace. On j
their arrival there they were ushered }
into the banquet room, where a lunch- !
eon was served, and emperor and era- j
press sitting on one side of the table j
with Mr. and Mrs. Taft opposite them. |
_ 1
Clanks in Whicfi Nebraska Money la
« Depositid,
NhfTcinaT 'bank. Ashland.:.-.... $ 3,009.00
Alliance National ... 1.000.00
Citizens State. Arapahoe._ l.OoO.OO
Citizens State. Aina worth. 3.000.00
First Nations 1. Blue Hill.... 1.000.00
Battle Creek Valley hank..' l.000 00
First National. Ba-.ile Mills.. 1.500.00
Citizens State.* Blair.. 5,0<ht'.#>:»
Bloomington State . 1.000.00
Custer National. Broken Bow' l.OOO'.OO
Security .State. Broken Bow. , 1,000.00
Central City National. 1,000:00
First National. Cliadron. f,000:00
State hank. Cornlea. 2.000.00
Craig State hank. ... 2.500.00'
State hank. Curtis. 7... 1,000.00
Dakinebrog State . 1,000.0.1
First National. Dodge. 3.000.80'
Elgin Slate hank. 3,00«:C0
Bank of Gicnville. 1.500.00
G-eeley State bank. 2.000.00
1'nion State. Harvard. 2,100.27
Harvard State bank. 1'.500:00'
Farmers Zi Meeh . Havelock 1,800.00
First National. Henderson.. 2.000.00'
First National. Holdrege.... 2.517.48
Bank of Commerce, Hastings 3.000.00'
State bank. Jansen. 1.000.00'
Central National. Kearney... 1,000.00'
Islington bank . ... 1.000.0a
City National Lincoln. 14.487.00
Farmers- .V Merch., Lincoln 4.433.79
Nat. Banli of Com.. Lincoln 15,020.78
First National. Loomis. 1.008.00
Loup City State bank. 2,072.33
Security bank. Meadow li ve 1,500.00
Newport’ Stale bank. 1,500.00
Norfolk National bank. 1.000.00
Nebraska National, Norfolk. 1.000.00
First National. North Bend 2.500.00
Antelope C. bank. Oakdale.. 3.000.00
Citizens State. Ogalalla.... 1.008.0
J. I,. Braudels Zi Sons. Omaha 2,991.32
Farmers State, Orchard. 1,500.00
Bank of Petersburg. 3.000.00
Pierce State bank. 1.000.00
Rising City hank. 3,000.80
South Omaha National bank 13.433.58
First State bank. St. Paul.. 1.000.00
Silver Creek State bank.... 2.500.00
First National. Spalding.... 4.000.00
Spalding Citi bank. 2,500.00
First National. Scott's Bluff 1.308.93
First' National. Superior. 1.000.00.
Sutton National btink. 2.000.00
Hunk of Syracuse. 1.224.18
First National. Valentine. . . . 1.009.08
Vaie.ntine State bank. 1.000.00
Saunders Co. Nat.. Wahoo... 1.000.00
Farm. Z. Traders. Wakefield 1.500.00
First National. Wayne. 1,000.00
West Point National. 1.000.00
First National, Wisner. 1.000.08
First National. Woibacli.. .. 1.500.00
First Nat.. Weeping Water. 1.000.00
Wisner State hank. 1.000.00"
City National. York...._ 1.000.00
First National. York. * 1.000.00
Total .$154,570.44)
Injuction Will Have to Be Amended
Before November 1st.
Lincoln — The federal injunction
granted to the creamery companies
in Chicago by Judge Kohlsaat will!
have to ne amended belore November
1 or t{ie new cream rates of the Ne
braska railway commission cannot go
into effect, as some of the points cov
ered by the federal injunction are in
cluded in the Nebraska schedule.
The attorneys of the Wells- Fargo
Express company have notified the
commissioners of the complication that
is about to arise and have asked tor
advice. They do not want to obey the
I Nebraska commission if they are to
get into trouble for disobeying a fed
eral injunction.
The question involved in this case
| illustrates the conflict that is con
stantly taking place between the
state and federal jurisdictions. The
federal judge granted a "blanket in
junction" covering a number of states,
prohibiting any change in rate. The
stare commission sets about to fix in
tra-state rates and now runs squarely
up against a federal injunction.
Kearney Hog Man Wins Prize.
Kearney-—L. W. Hamilton, the Po
land-C’hina hog breeder, returned from
the Internatkmad Live Stock show
held at St. Joseph., where he won
first on junior yearling boar and
grand champion on his hog, Nebraska
Special. He naturally feels elated
[ over his success, considering the fact
that this is a very fine stock hog. in
which he had to compete against hogs
from Michigan. Iowa, Missouri, Ken
tucky and Kansas in his class.
Texas Fever in Kansas.,
McCook—Inspector W. F. Jones of
this city, of the United States bureau
of animal industry, ran onto a- case
of genuine Texas fever in a herd of
cattle in Cheyenne county, Kansas,
notwithstanding this point is 400 miles
north of the quarantine line. Thirty
1 two head have already died and the
owner of the herd stands to lose many
more, as the disease is fatal. The
disr-iso at present is confined to- one
Came cn Andy's Ship.
Hastings—Samuel Nichols, aged 78,
one of the men wrho received an an
nuity of .600 from Andrew Carnegie,
died at his home in Wanda township..
The annual allowment was made to
men who came to this country from
Scotland on the same s-hip with Car
negie, and Nichols had received the
annuity for five years. /
Test of New Pure Food Law.
Lincoln—State Food Commissioner
Johnson, through the county attorney
at Lincoln, began a test of the pure
food law of Nebraska. Complaint was
filed against a firm at the town of
Raymond, charging the merchants
with selling packages of butter with
out putting the specific weight on the
Roads Go to Highest Court.
Lincoln—Judge W. D. McHugh noti
fied Attorney General Thompson that
the railroads would present a motion
in federal court asking for a modifies- i
tion of the order prohibiting the roads
from enjoining the promulgation of
grain rates. Purpose of the modifica
tion is to permit an appeal to the
1 rnil:ed Staw supreme court. This
will take the Nebraska railroad com
mission’s rights into the highest court,
if permission is granted. Judge Mc
Hugh represepts the Burlington, and
was spokesman.for all the railroads.
Bill for Maps of State.
The voucher for the 20.000 maps is
sued under the direction of the State
Railway commission has been filed.
The cost of the maps was $1,257. This
is the first map of the kind issued in
Nebraska since the days of the old
Board of Transportation.
Admiral Longnecker Sued.
Lincoln—Edwin Ixmguecker. an ad
miral now or recently in the United
State* navy, iKmade defendant In a
Bolt which will be tried at the next
term of the district court at Lincoln,
Religious, Sceial, Agricultural; Poflt*
ical and Other Matters Given
Due Considerable**
A York county boy trfed a shot at
. % bog belonging to James Rea. Hr
bit the hog, but the shot cost him
I fttUff.
Frank Reynolds, Jr., livlrtg east of
Arlington, has some fine tobacco
plants which are pronounced equal ir*
quality to the finest varieties wTilcb
grow ia Kentucky. .
The Russians in Jefferson - county
are paying ccns.derable attention to
the raising of silk worms. They cul
tivate very extensively the Russian
mulberry, which is essential to the
production ot the worm. Peter Theis
son will ship about two hundred dol
lars’ worth of cocoons to Philadelphia
Arnold Martin. Pawnee county’s ■ fa
mous "20-aore farmer,” is to have an
exhibit at the com contest to be held
in Chicago the first of next month. It
was under Mr. Martin’s supervision
that the Pawnee county exhibit' was
collected and managed at the state
fair this fail and which was awarded
third place.
In the district court of Bodge
county Martha Martin was granted a
decree of divorce from Archibald, who
is a Northwestern brakeman. Archi
bald pitched her out of the bed room
window at 3 a. m. about a year ago
inflicting various bruises and injuries.
She gets the custody of their 3-year
old child and $10 per month for her
These recent sales give an idea of
the present value of Valiev county
land: Thomas J. McClatchy to Ja
cob J. Beehrle, 100 acres in section
18, Ord township. $3,900. George W.
Rogers to John H. Fellows. nel4 sec
tion 24, Vinton township. $9,600. El
mer E. Dowhower to John Ctochot!,
33-4 acres in northeast comer .nw’4
section 36. Elyria township. $375.'
At Farnam fire was discovered in
the building which was occupied by
J. O. Martin as a residence and
store. At the time of its discovery
the fire was beyond control and the
entire block south of Martin’s was de
stroyed. Martin lost everything, stock
of merchandise and household goods,
with some insurance. A carload of
flour just received was also burned,
with no insurance.
Edwin Longnecker. an admiral now
or recently in the United States navy,
is made defendant in a suit which
will be tried at the next term of the
district court at Lincoln. His brother,
Gustavus A. I-ongnecker, is the plain
tiff. and seeks satisfaction of a claim
for $17,300. The action grows out of
an alleged contract between the broth
ers by which Gustavus Longnecker
w'as to prospect for iron ore.
The Garret post, Grand Army of the
Republic, 105. Arapahoe, celebrated a
flag raising and gave a dinner to the
veterans from Holbrook, Edison and
adjoining towns to the number of
300. There was an address by Rev.
Mr. Ebhart and an interesting pro
gram of entertainment. Inquiry as
to the age of the veterans at time of
enlistment developed that they were
nearly all minors or under 21.
Consul General Church Howe, who
expected to spend his sixty days’ va
cation at his home In Auburn, received
a message from Washington request
ing him to meet a delegation of Eng
lish manufacturers, who will arriva in
Washington on October 4; and aivotn
pany them to the International Cot
ton Growers’ and Manufacturers’ conv
vention at Atlanta, Ga., October 6 to
9, as a representative of the Depart
ment of State.,
Registration at> the state normal at'
Peru began last week Tuesday. The'
faculty is all in attendance and la
the same as last year, except that
Prof. J. H. Aller. formerly of Franklin
academy, lias charge of the music de
partment and Miss Lueas of Boston
has been elected to the department of
expression. Prof. E. L. Rouse of
Plattsmoutfr. Miss Lalley of Lincoln
and Miss Louise Meats are added to
the teaching force of the training de
Accurate statistics would probably
show that the breaking up of the
larger Nebraska farms into smaller
farms is a steady tendency. This
item, from a Benedict correspondent
of a York paper is an mstance: Geo.
W. Post sold his line farm of 560 acres
on Monday for $49,200. Henry Fusby
taking one quarter, a Hamilton county
man the old Myriok homestead and
three of Edward Blender’s boys
bought 80 acres each. This is quite
a surprise to the people of Benedict,
as the farm is one or the beat in
the county, and one of the best
stocked farms.
J. F. Jackson, of Fremont, received
a dispatch from Hallam, Neb., stating
that his son Harry had been acci
dentally killed at that town. He had
been working for the railroad there
and his death is supposed to have been
caused by some railroad accident.
Superintendent Palmer of Beatrice
received from the state superintend
ent of schools his official recognition
of the Beatrice High school as a nor
mal training high school. This rec
ognition carries with it an apportion
ment of *350 for the year, whch will
be - aid by the state to that district.
Special Agent Jamc-s Malone from
Lincoln for the Burlington road passed
through Plattsmouth to Glenwcod, la..
With four prisoners, who lie asserts,
have been robbing freight cars on
train No. 77 between Pacific Junction
and Louisville for six months.
A wreck occurred on the Albion
branch of the Chicago & Northwester.!*
road between Petersburg and Lorettb.
Two freights came together head on.
Several of the train crew were eon
o less Injured, but It is believed none
fatally. The responsibility tor the bM
Uslon has not been fixed.
Miss Catherine Wood Takes New Tack
in Her Litigation.
New York.—Mae Catherine Wood,
the former government clerk who has
been suing United States Senator
Thomas C. Piatt for several years.
Monday brought action in the su
preme court for absolute divorce from
the senator, alleging that she had
been married to him in the Fifth Ave
nue hotel. New York, in 1901.
.1. D. Lee, representng the plaintiff,
announced the action as “Piatt against
Platt,” and he said the motion was for
the purpose of framing an issue. He
said he wanted the details to become
generally known.
John B. Stanchfleld. who appeared
for Senator Platt, asked that the mat
ter be heard in private' by a referee.
He said Senator Platt was never mar
pied to Miss Wood, and therefore
there was no ground for divorce. Jus
tice Seabury reserved decision.
Has Killed Fourteen Men.
Chattanooga, Tenn. — D. D. Ed
vards, ori trial for the murder ol
Sam Brook, a negro, made a startling
statement under cross-examination
Thursday. He was asked by the at
torney general if he had killed any
one previous to the killing of Brooks
”1 have shot and probably killed 14
men in my time,” said Edwards.
He said that a majority of the kill
ings occurred in the Kentucky moun
tains and during the labor strike in
Yseht Cruise Around World.
New York.—Fifteen friends of Rob
ert M. Thompson, financier, retired
naval officer and lawyer, are to be his
guests on one of the most remarkable
yacht cruises on record. The yacht
upon which they will voyage around
the world is the S,000 ton steamer
Mineola. The journey will occupy
nine months and the estimated ex
pense of the entertainment is half a
million dollars. Among those invited
by Col. Thompson to be his guests are
i^ord Brassy and Admiral Sir Charles
Abd-EI-Aziz Counts His Army.
Rabat, Morocco.'—Sultan Abd-El
Aziz Wednesday held a “sarthe” or re-,
view of his army for the purpose of as
certaining the number of desertions.
Seated in an arm chair with the grand
vizier standing beside him, his majes
ty counted aloud the Soldiers and
beasts of burden as they trooped by,
while the scribes entered the numbers.
In this way it was discovered that
600 men, mostly foot soldiers, who re
ceive less pay than the horsemen, had
deserted with their rifles and cart