The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 03, 1907, Image 7

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    Republican, Democratic and Populist
State Conventions.
The Respective Meetings highly Harmonious, AH
Nominations Having Previously Been Made
in Recent State Primary Election.
The republican state convention
■which met in Lincoln on the 24th,
presided over by Gov. Sheldon, had
but little to do but to frame a plat
form and appoint the state central
committee, as nominations had been
made in the primaries. Two sessions
were held, both short, the last of
which put forth the following as
The Republican Platform. •
As the representatives of the repub
licans of Nebraska, in state convention
assembled, we again commend the in
spiring character and undaunted lead
ership of Theodore Roosevelt. We es
pecially indorse what he has accom
plished. with the support of a repub
lican congress, toward subjecting the
overweening railroads engaged in in
terstate commerce to the regulating
arm of the government and in curbing
the rapacity of the lawless trusts by
forcing them to desist from their crim
inal practices. These policies have our
unqualified approval and In order tliai
no backward step be taken, we will
insist that his successor lie a man
whose record pledges a continuance or
the distinctive polices of the Roosevelt
While not presuming to forestall tlte
action of any future convention, we
express the belief that the republicans
of Nebraska recognize in the Honor
able William H. Taft of Ohio one
whose personal character and whose
long public servtcg mark him as pre
eminently the man under whose lead
ership these policies would be perpetu
ated. We indorse the present state
administration. State affairs are be
ing conducted with integrity and sa
gacity. Our public institutions are be
ing neither injured by parsimony nor
scandalized by profligacy.' The state's
credit is high, and its long standing
debt is being rapidly extinguished and
will soon be paid. Its public school
funds are growing enormously and be
ing wisely invested in interest-bearing
We commend our republican delega
tion in congress for their faithful rep
r sentation of the interests of the peo
ple of Nebraska. We especially com
mend the last legislature for faithfully
fulfilling republican pledges made to
the people. It was a record of legisla
tive fidelity without precedent in Ne
The platform pledges of political
parties mean something only when
read in the light of the record of
achievement. It is our rare privilege
to call attention anew to the platform
promulgated by Nebraska repnnilcans
a year ago. whose every promise has
been carried out in scrupulous gooo
faith. The .republicans promised the
peopel of this state the following re
1. A state-wide direct primary.
1. Abolition of the free pass evil.
3. Comprehensive powers for the state
railway commission.
4. More equitable rates or transpor
tation of passengers and freight.
5. Equal taxation of railroad prop
erty for city, purposes.
6. Abolition of fellow servant law
and full employer’s liability.
7. A pure food and dairy law.
S. Rigid economy in appropriations.
Every one of these pledges has been
We express our satisfaction with the
operation of the new primary law. It
gives to. tlie individual the same equal
voice in the selection of all candidates
that is given in the election that fol
lows. Its first experiment was to ob
tain a freer and fuller expression of
sentiment than has heretofore been
possible to obtain under the caucus
system. We pledge such amendments
to the law as experience demonstrates
are necessary to make It a more per
fect system of choosing candidates.
We Indorse the work of the state
railway commission and expect it to
continue to be a serviceable instru
ment in enforcing the laws without
fear or favor and to deal speedily, im
partially and justly with all com
plaints against the roads. And we
especially indorse the present efforts
of the commission to effect a reason
able additional reduction in gram
rates. We call upon the railway com
mission to investigate if only those
giving the railways "the major portion
of their time” are on ghe list of pass
holders, and we insist upon a rigid en
forcement of the anti-pass law.
We believe the federal judiciary law
should be amended to define the citi
zenship of interstate corporations for
the purposes of jurisdiction of federal
courts by providing that for the pur
poses of original jurisdiction and juris
diction on removal from state courts,
or federal courts, a corporation shall be
deemed a citizen of every state where
It has filed or is required by the law
of that state to file in the manner re
quired of domestic corporations, its ar
ticles of incorporation. And in addi
tion thereto tiiat every foreign corpo
ration, or its successors, assigns, or
lessees, exercising or claiming the
right of eminent domain, under a state
law, shall be deemed a citizen of that
state for the purposes of jurisdiction
- of federal courts.
We favor the enactment of a federal
law, and. if necessary, an amendment
to the federal constitution, which will
forbid the federal courts from issuing
writs of injunction against statp offi
cers charged by law with the enforce
ment of state statutes.
We regard with high favor the nom
inees of our state ticket, and invite all
voters who believe in official probity
and efficiency to join in electing them.
sonian maxim, ‘'equal rights to a;l and
special privileges to none. '
We heartily approve of the laws
prohibiting tlie pass and the rebate,
and insist upon further legislation,
state and national, making it unlaw
ful for any corporation to contribute
to campaign funds, and providing for
publication, before the ejection. <f ail
individual contributions above a rea
sonable minimum. 1
Believing, with Jefferson, in "the
support of the state- governments in
all their rights and the most com
petent administrations for our domes
tic concerns and the surest bulwark
against anti-republican tendencies,
and in “tlie preservation of the general
government in its wh ile constitutional
vigor, as tlie sheet anchor of nor peace
at home and safety abroad," we are op
posed to the centralisation implied 1:1
tlie sugestlons, now frequen: I;, made,
that the powers of the general govern
ment should he extended by judicial
construction. While we favor tlie ex
ercise by the general government of all
its constitutional authority for tie- pre
vention of monopoly and for tlie regu
lation of interstate commerce, we in
sist that federal remedies shall be add
ed to. and not substituted for. siare
We favor the election of United
States senators by dirt c-t vote of the
people, and regard this reform ns the
gateway i > a t ijl.or re
A private monopi I.' '= indefensible
and intolerable. We, liienfore. favor
the vigorous enforcement of the crim
inal law against trusts and trusr
magnates, and demand tlie enactment
of such additional legislation as may
be necessary to make it impossible for
a private monopoly to exist in toe
United States. Among the additional
remedies we specify three: First, a
law compelling corporations engaged
in interstate commerce to sell to alt
purchasers in all parts of the country
on the same terms, after making due
allowance for cost of carriage; second,
a law preventing the duplication or
directors among competing corpora
tions; and third, a system
which will, without abridging the
right of each state to create corpora
tions. or its right to regulate us it
will foreign corporations doing busi
ness within its-limits, make it neces
sary for all manufacturing and trad
ing corporations engaged in interstafe
commerce to take out a federal license
before it shall be permitted to control
as much as 25 per cent of the product
in which it deals, the license to pro
tect the public from watered stock and
to prohibit tile control by such corpo
ration of more than 50 per cent of the
total amount of any produce consumed
in the United States.
We insist upon the recognition of the
distinction between the natural man
and the artificial person, called a cor
poration. and we favor the enactment
of such law as may be necessary to
compel foreign corporations to submit
their legal disputes to the courts of
the states in whirh they do business,
and thus place themselves upon the
same footing as domestic corporations.
We favor an immediate revision of
the tariff by the reduction of import
duty. Articles entering into competi
tion with articles controlled by trusts
should be placed upon the fre^ list;
material reductions should be. made in
the tariff upon all necessaries of lire,
and reductions should be made in such
other schedules as may be necessary to
restore the tariff to a revenue basis.
We favor an income tax as a part of
our revenue system, and we urge the
submission of a constitutional amend
ment specifically authorising eongress
to levy and collect a tax upon individ
ual and corporate incomes, to the cno
that wealth may bear its proportion
ate share of the burdens of the federal
government. We favor a national in
heritance tax to reach the "swollen
fortunes" already in existence, but we
believe that it is better to permanently
prevent "swollen fortunes" hy abolish
ing the privileges and favoritism upon
which they are based.
We assert the right of eongress to
exercise complete control over inter
state commerce, and we assert the
right of each state to exercise just as
complete control over commerce with
in its borders. We demand, such an
enlargement of the powers of national
and state railway commissions as may
be necessary to give full protection to
persons and places from discrimina
tion and extortion. We believe that
both the nation and the various states
should, first, ascertain the present
value of the railroads, measured by
the cost of reproduction; second, pro
hibit the issue of any more watered
stock or fictitious capitalization; third,
prohibit the railroads from engaging in
any business which brings them into
competiton with their shippers; ana
fourth, redure transportation rates
until they reach a point where they
will yield only a reasonable return on
the present value of the roads—sucri
reasonable return being defined as a
return sufficient to keep the stoeg or
the roads at par when such -roads are
honestly capitalized. To supplement
the reductions made by the various
states in passenger rates, we favor an
act of congres requiring the railroads
to sell interstate tickets at a rate not
exceeding the sum of the local rate.
We favor th? establishment of state
and national boards of arbitration
which shall have authority to investi
gate. cither upon their own initiative
or at the request of either party, any
industrial dispute between corporate
employers and' their employees, the
findings of such hoards not to be
binding upon either party, but to serve
as a guide to public opinion and as »
The democrats gathered in the sen
ate chamber, where organization was
perfected. Ererything passed off
smoothly, there being no hitch or lack
of harmony in the proceedings. W. J.
Bryan delivered an earnest political
address but the convention refrained
from endorsing him for president.
There was some little conflict in nam
ing the ^tate committee, but the bus
iness was soon got through with in
a highly satisfactory manner. In gen
eral there was no disposition to fuse
between the democratis and the popu
lists in the convention. Each party I
paddled its own canoe without con
. ferences. Following is
The Democratic Platform.
We. the democratic party of Ne
braska. in delegate convention as
sembled, express our continued confi
dence in. and admiration for. Honor
able William ejnnings Bryan; and re
nsert our fidelity to the principles
which he bap so ably advocated, ana
which at this time are so generally
accepted by a large majority of the
people of the United States.
We rejoice at the increasing signs
of a moral awakening in the United
States. Tlie Various investigations
have traced graft and political cor
ruption to the representatives of pred
atory wealth and laid bare the un
scrupulous methods by » which they
have debauched elections and preyed
upon a defenseless public through the
subservient officials whom they have
raised to place and power. The con
science of the nation is now awak
ened and must not sleep until the
government Is freed from the grip of
those who have made It a business as
set of the favor-seeking corporations;
It must become again "a movement of
the people, by the people and for the
, people,” and be administered In all Us
and capital.
We favor the eight hour day.
We are opposed to "government by
injunction." the system under whlcn
the writ of injunction is used to deny
to laboring men the protection of trial
by jury. We favor full protection, by
both national and state governments
within their respective spheres, or alt
foreigners residing in the United
States, under treaty, but we are op
posed to the admission of Asiatic emi
grants who can not be amalgamated
with our population, or whose pres
ence among us would raise a race is
sue and involve us in diplomatic con
troversies with oriental parties.
We welcome Oklahoma to the sister
hood of states and heartily congratu
late her upon the auspicious beginning
of her great career.
We favor separate statehood for Ari
zona and New Mexico, and demand for
the people of Porto Rico the full en
joyment of the rights and privileges of
a territorial fortri of government.
We sympathize with the efforts put
forth for the reclamation of the arid
lands of the west, and urge the largest
possible use of irrigation in the devel
opment of the country.
We favor the speedy completion of
the Panama canal.
We favor a generous per.siojf policy,
both as'a matter of justice to the sur
viving veterans and their dependants
and because it relieves the country ot
the necessity of maintaining a large
standing army.
We condemn the experiment in im
perialism as an inexcusable blunder,
which has involved us in an enormous
expense, brought us weakness in
stead of strength, and laid our nation
open to the charge of abandoning the
fundamental' doctrine of self-govern
ment. We favor an immediate decla
ration of the nation's purpose to rec
ognize tiie independence of the Philip
pines as «oon as a stable government
can be established, such independence
to be guaranteed by us. as we guar
antee the independence of Cuba, until
the neutralization of the islands can be
secured by, treaty with other powers.
In recognizing the independence of the
Philippines our government should re
tain such land as may be necessary tor
wherever possible, we believe that our ;
nation should announce Its determlna- •
tlon not to use our navy for the col
lection of private debts, and its will
ingness to enter into agreements with
other nations, providing for the inves
tigation, by an impartial international
tribunal, before any declaration of war
or commencement of hostilities, of
every dispute which defies, diplomatic
Undoubtedly the railroad commission
which was created by an amendment
to the constitution has no power to tlx
rates, therefore we demand that the
governor shall call an extra session of
the legislature and that that body shall
establish maximum rates upon grain,
live stock, fruit, vegetables, building
material, fuel, and such kindred prod
ucts as enter Into the necessities pt
life. Also a stringent anti-pass law, a
reciprocal demurrage law, and a law
directing the governor of this state to
appoint a competent commission of at
least live, no more than two of whom
shall be of one political party, who
shall, after due investigation, report
upon the physical values and the m«ii -
ket values of all common materials
doing business within the state for the
guidance of the legislature and the
taxing powers. ‘
The populists held their meeting in
| the supreme court room. Delegates
( were present from twenty-five coun
| ties. At the meeting of tie state
committee C. B. Manuel of £t. Paul,
! the present chairman was re-elected.
' The same l;onor was conferred upen
E. A. Walrath of Osceola, secretary.
J S. Canaday of Mindcn was elected
treasurer. The committee is in faver
i of tusion and authorized the state
; committee to arrange for fusicn
wherever it can be accomplished, and
where it has not alreday been brought
ai.out by the primaries. Another
meeting will be held--to locate state
headquarters. The platform, among
other things, declares:
We call the attention of the people
to the fart that since 1887 efforts have
1 hc"n made by the people of tn:s state
■ to fix railroad freight rates, a righr
given to them in the constitution of
the state. All such efforts have proven
a failure. The legislation of the. last
year in our opinion will be as great a
T'rtdoubfcdly the railroad commis
sion. which was created by an amend
ment to the const itutioA has no power
to fix rates. We theferore demand that
the governor shall call an extra ses
sion of the legislature and that Potty
establish maximum rates upon grain,
live stock, fruit, vegetables, building
material, fuel and such kindred prod
I acts of protection that enter in the ne
j res si ties of life; also, a stringent anti
! rass law. a reciprocal demurrage
[ law. and a law directing the governor
of this state to apop.nt a competent
commission of at least five, no more ,
than two of whom shall be or one po
litical party.'who shall, after due in
vestigation. ascertain and r, port upon
the physical values and the market
values of the properties of all common
carriers doing business within this
slate, for the guidanee of the legisla
ture and the taxing powers.
Destroyed His Status.
Within the last month there was
displayed in the fine arts hall of ihe
Tokio indust, ial exhibition a marble
statue of a young girl bending over a
lower which she held in her hand.
Its sculptor, Shikai Kltamura, becom
ing incensed at the jurors who were
to make the awards, determined to
punish them by destroying his statue.
So he got a chisel and mallet, went
to the hall and knocked off the head
and arms of the statue before he could
bo stopped.
A Near-Professicnai.
The Ingenue—So our sterling young
leading man. Mr. Hogstnge, is going
to wed a non-professional, eh?
The Comedian—Not exactly. I hear
that the prominent young society wo
man, who will soon bear his name,
has been divorced twice, lost her jew
els more than once, been reported en
gaged to four different titles, owns a
French bulldog, has written a tooth
powder testimonial, and is devoted to
a simple home*life and her books!—
Beginning Right.
The surest way of making the
world better is to begin with our
selves. Until we have fought our own
sins, and come up against the deceit
fulness of our own hearts, we cannot
be wise warriors for the right, or mer
ciful helpers to the fallen. Until we
have learned self-denial, obedience
and love, we will be, of very little use
in the world’s dark places. Being
good is the threshold of doing good.
Corks Made from Paper.
A machine for making corks out of
wa3te paper an dpaper pulp has re
cently been perfected and patented.
This machine makes corks out of all
kinds of waste paper, which are much
superior to the ordinary corks, as
they are impervious to acids or oils.
Tests made by chemists and the
larger users of corks say they are far
superior to the old style in every way.
A Great Distinction.
“Yes,” said Mrs. Dubley of Jeffer
son City, “I reckon that feller that
writ out the declaration of indepen
dence deserved the honor.” “You mean
the honor of being assigned to write
It?” “No, sir! I n\ean the honor o’
bein’ named fur our town. They
called him ‘Jefferson,’ you know.”—
Philadelphia Press.
Cause of Her Pensivencss.
“Young Mrs. Oldrox seemed to be
in lather a pensive mood today.”
“I don't wonder. The doctor says
her husband’s Jays are numbered.”
“Really? Ah! I suppose she was
thinking how soon he would leave
“Either that or ‘how much.’ ’’—Phil
adelphia Press.
“I thought that prisoner was re
poited in a dying condition,” said the
visitor, pointing to a husky specimen.
. “He was,” replied the warden, “but
when he found the public didn’t care
whether he died or not, he seemed to
lose interest in the plan.”
The Doing of Him*
“Better keep away from that old
hayseed,” cautioned the first bunko
“What for?” demanded the other.
“Because I did that old fellow my
self a couple of months ago.” •
“Well, ‘what man has done man
can do.'”
Lost Hope in Georgia.
Billville must have lost hope. The
following advertisement appeas in
the Banner: “For Sale—Six acres in
Mint and two oonshine Distilleries
. that ain’t never been levied on
la 8aid to Promptly Relieve Backache
and Overcome Kidney Trouble and
Bladder Weakness Though Harm
less and Pleasant to Take.
What, will appear very interesting
to many people here is the article
taken from a New York daily paper,
giving a simple prescription, as formu
lated by a noted authority, who claims
that he has found a positive rem
edy to cure almost any case of back
ache or kidney or bladder derange
ment, in the following simple prescrip
tion, if taken before the stage of
Bright’s disease:
Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half
ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce;
Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three
ounces. Shake well in a bottle and
take in teaspoonful doses after each
meal and again at bedtime.
A well-known authority, when asked
regarding this prescription, stated
that the ingredients are all harmless,
and can be obtained at a small cost
from any good prescription pharmacy,
or the mixture would be put up if
asked to do so. He further stated that
while -this prescription is often pre
scribed in rheumatic afflictions with
splendid results, he could see no rea
son why it would not be a splendid
remedy for kidney and urinary trou
bles and backache, as it has a peculiar
action upon the kidney structure,
cleansing these most important or
gans and helping them to sift and
filter from the blood the foul acids
and waste matter which cause sick
ness and suffering. Those who suffer
can make no mistake in giving it a
trial. _
Aunt Susan’s Heart Went Out tc
“Pore Missus Astor.”
Uncle Eli felt he knew the metropo
lis pretty well. Had he not been there
three times in four years—and twice
he had ridden on the elevated. So
when he brought Aunt Susan with
him (on the fourth trip) he naturally
assumed the role of guide.
She marveled at everything until
they sat down for luncheon. They
had gone into the Astor house for that
meal, but all its other marvels seemed
lost on the visiting country hostess, as
she looked open-eyed at the crowds
that filled not only the corridors but
the restaufcnts. Scarcely had they
found seats, when this amazement
took definite shape.
“Eli,” said she in a stagey whisper,
“I ean't set here an’ eat peaceably. I
jes’ must go downstairs an’ help pore
Missus Astor with the cookin’ an’
Itching, Bleeding Sores Covered Body
—Nothing Helped Her—Cuticura
Cures Her in Five Days.
“After my granddaughter of about
seven years had been cured of the
measles, she was attacked about a
fornight later by a furious itching and
painful eruption all over her body,
especially the upper part of it, forming
watery and bleeding sores, especially
under the arms, of considerable size.
She suffered a great deal and for three
weeks we nursed her every night,
using all the remedies we could think
of. Nothing would help. We tried the
Cuticura Remedies and after twenty
four hours we, noted considerable im
provement, and after using only one
complete set of the Cuticura Remedies,
in five consecutive days the little one,
much to our joy, had been entirely
cured, and has been well for a long
time. Mrs. F. Ruefenacht, R. F. D. No.
3, Bakersfield, Cal., June 25 and July
20, 1906.”
When the Orator Soared.
In the course of an address extolling
the virtues of the medical profession,
Dr. L. B. MeBrayer of Asheville, N. C.,
used the following characteristic
southern language:
“Could I borrow from the sun his
cheery smile, from the mbon her
golden beams of light, from the south
ern zephyrs their softness, from the
rose its fragrance, from the rainbow
its celestial beauty, from the babbling
brook its laughter and song, from the
sea its awe and wonder, from the val
! ley its serenity, and from the moun
tains their majesty and put these
down upon a piece of azure blue sky,
with comets for commas and planets
for periods, I might then paint for you
what the practice of medicine is like.”
Pure Food.
The pure food law does not prohibit
the sale of Cream of Tartar Baking
Powders because Cream of Tartar is
as pure as Alum—but it is a well
known fact that a baking powder in
which Alum is used instead of Cream of
Tartar is less injurious. Dr. Herman
Reinbold, the expert German chemist,
in a recent official report concerning
Baking Powders, declares that a pure
Alum baking powder is better and less
injurious than the so-called Cream of
Tartar powders. He says that if the
quantity of alum contained in a suf
ficient quantity of baking powder for
a batch of bread or cakes for an ordi
nary family, be concentrated to one
mouthful of food, and taken into the
stomach of any one person, no matter
how delicate, it could do no harm.
Caused Him to Warble.
“How funny! Grandpa has been
singing like a bird all the morning.”
“Yes, that Is on account of the mis
take tpe dear old gentleman made at
breakfast." "What mistake?” “Why,
he piade a porridge out of the pack
age of birdseed and thought it was a
package of oatmeal.
With a smooth free aid Defiance
Starch, you can launder your shirt
waist just as well at home, as the
steam laundry can; it will have the
proper stiffness and finish, there will
be less wear and tear of the goods,
and it will be a positive pleasure to
use a Starch that does not stick to the
iron. ''
- If we cannot live so ns to be happy
*e can at least live bo as to deserve
The Winnipeg (Canada) Free Press
of a few days since contains account
of the success that followed the ef
forts of William Knowles, an English
man who located near Winnipeg, Man
itoba. This is but one of many let
ters giving experiences of settlers,
and should be encouraging to those
who are looking about for a new
home in which they may better their
conditions. The following is a copy
of the article referred to:
William Knowles, who cultivates
some twelve acres of land just below
Middlechurch ferry on east side of the
Red River has probably as fine a dis
play of horticultural products as any
in Manitoba. The whole of his hold
ing is in a high state of cultivation
and literally crowded with splendid
vegetable specimens, which have for
tunately escaped damage by hail, al
though heavy storms have more thau
once occurred within a few miles. The
potatoes are a wonderful crop, and he
expects to raise 1,500 bushels from
his patch of 4</2 acres. A half dozen
of tubers selected yesterday average
more than a pound each. Adjoining
the potatoes may be seen a marvelous
collection of tomatoes. There are 600
plants, all growing under an enor
mous weight of fruit. One single
stock picked yesterday contained
eighteen tomatoes and weighed four
pounds. This extraordinary example
of marvelous growth, together with
some of the potatoes were sent to the
Free Press office.
The proprietor was the first in
town with several specimens, includ
ing green corn. The season has been
favorable for onions, and one square
patch of nearly an acre is looking re
markably healthy. In addition there
are good crops of cabbages, cauliflow
er, turnips, parsnips, carrots, pump
kins, marrows, cucumbers, celery, peas,
lettuce, rhubarb, etc. The floral de
partment has not been neglected and
a charming display of all the well
known blooms were shown, including
a specially choice lot of asters.
Mr. Knowles, who gained most of
his gardening experience in England,
is loud in his praise of Manitoba soil
for vegetable raising, and is gratified
with the result of his first attempt at
extensive horticulture.
“I suppose your family had a good
time in Europe.”
“Well,” answered Mr. Cumrox, “I
don’t think mother and the girls en
joyed themselves all the time. You
see, they had so much trouble figuring
foreign money back into dollars that
every now and then they were em- j
barrassed by finding they had acci
dentally ordered something that
wasn’t expensive.”
$100 Reward, $100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to learc
thai there la at lean one dreaded disease that ocieuce
has been able to cure la all its stages, and that is
Catarrh. Haifa Catarrh Cure 13 the oniy positive
cure n »w known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional disease, require* a constitu
tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Care is taken In
ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and giving the patient ,
strength by building up the constitution and assist
ing nature in doing its work. The proprietors have
so much faith in its carat!ve powers that they offer
One Hundred Dollars for any case tnat it fails to
cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address F. J. CHENEV A CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Tender-Hearted Girl.
Miss Koy—Do you know that horrid
Mr. Hansom insisted upon kissing me
last night?
Miss Ascum—Why didn’t you
Miss Koy—I didn’t want to scare the
poor fellow.
Revenge Is a momentary triumph,
of which the satisfaction dies at once,
and is succeeded by remorse; whereas
forgiveness, which is the noblest of
all revenge, entails a perpetual pleas
Tough Proposition.
“The devil take him!”
“Hush! ’Twixt you an’ me, I don’t
think the devil wants him!”—Liouis
ville Courier-Journal.
Guns, Traps, Decoys, Etc.
_ Lowest prices. Write for freeeatalopXo. 1
N. W. Hide & Fur Co., Minneapolis. Minn.
Love never dies of starvation, but
often of Indigestion
You always get full value in Lewis’
Single Binder straight 5c cigar. Your
dealer or Lewis’ Factory, Peoria, III.
Circumstances are aot in onr pow
er; virtues are.—Dean Farrar.
>e installed •
i Mason and mason 17
srwork and lumber
tts forever
For Htcel and Wood Frames. 125 and
up. Write u8 before you buy.
Wc save you money. Also
Pumps and Wind Mills.
BECKJUS BKQ8., Pes Moliiss. Is.
nil irAnuii Irrigated Fruit, Alfalfa Farms. '
I aloe free. Wooster. 7<B Market St.. San Francisco.
j W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 40, 1907.
Women Avoid
When a woman suffering from
female trouble is told that an oper
ation is necessary, it, of course,
frightens her.
The very thought of the hospital,
the operating table and the knife
strikes terror to her heart.
It is quite true that these troub
les may reach a stage where an ope
ration is the only resource, but a
great many women have been cured
by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Compound after an operation has
been decided upon as the only cure.
The strongest, and most grateful
statements possible to make come from women who by taking
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound
made from native roots and herbs, have escaped serious operations, ar,
evidenced by Miss Rose Moore's case, of 307 W. 26 th tit.. N.Y. She writes:
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:-“Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has
cured me of the very worst form of female trouble and I wish to express
to yon my deepest gratitude. I suffered intensely for two years so that
I was unable to attend to my duties and was a burden to my family. I
doctored and doctored with only temporary relief and constantly objecting
to an operation which I was advised to undergo. I decided to try Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound; it cured me of the terrible trouble
and I am now in better health than I have been for many years.”
This and other such cases shonld encourage every Woman to try Ly
dia B. Pinkham’s V ege table Compound before she submits to an operation.
Mrs. Pinkham’s Standing Invitation to Women
Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to
promptly communicate with Mrs. Pinkham. at Lynn, Mass. From the
symptoms given, the trouble may be located and the quickest and surest
way of recovery advised.
$3.00 & $3.50 SHOES Th|SWORI.D
(Off /l/lll ( To any one mho can prara W. L
9*«lfWUU \ Douglas doom not make £ sell
)moro Man's S3 & S3,SO shoos
ffHrWani {than any other manufacturer,
THE REASON W. L. Douglas shoes are worn by more people
In all walks of life than any other make, is because of * their
excellent style, easy-fitting, and superior wearing qualities.
The selection of the leathers and other materials for each part
bt the shoe, and every detail of the making is looked after by
the most completeorganization of superintendents.foremenand
skilled shoemakers, who receive the highest wages paid in the
shoe industry, and whose work man shin cannot be excelled.
If I could take you into my large factories at Brockton.Mass.,
and show you how carefully W.L. Douglas shoes are made, you
would then understand why they hold their shape, fit better,
wear longer and are of greater value than any other matt'.
25 ounces for 25 cents
Made from pure, carefully tested
Makes all baking healthful.
Why pay more for infe
l powders?
My $4.00 and $5.00 Gilt Edom Shoe a cannot ba egualhxl at any price.
CAUTION! The genuine have W.L». Douglas name and price stamped on bottom. Tako
No Substitute. Ask your dealer for W. L. Douglas* shoes. If he cannot supply you. send
direct to factory. Shoes sent every where by mail Catalog free. W.L.Dou;;!aa, Brockton, Mas*
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
N«w and Liberal Homestead
Regulations in
New Districts Now Ooeoed for SetlleiDem
Some of the cho»recl
lands in the grain grrv
ing belts of Sashas* .
wan and Alberta hn\«
recently been cpenr.d
for settlement nndei
the Revised Homrstf ad
Regulations of Canada.
Thousands of home
steads of ifoacres t*acb
.are now available. The new regulations make it
possible for entry to be trade by proxy, ti e oppor
tunity that many in the United States have hi ♦ n
waiting for. Any member of a family may make
entry for any other member of the family, who maj
be entitled to make entry for h uiself or herself
Entry may now be made before the Agent or Sub
Agent of the District by proxy, (on certain condi
tions) by the father. mother, son, daughter, brotbe*
or sister of intending homesteader.
“Any even numbered section of Dominion
Lands In Manitoba or the North-West Province*,
excepting * and 26. not reserved, may be home
steaded by any person the sole head of a family,
or male over It years of sge. to the extent of ore
quarter section, of 160 acres, more or less."
The fee in each case will be Bio oo. Churches,
schools and markets convenient. Healthy climate
splendid crops and good laws. Grain-growing and
cattle raising principal industries.
For further particulars as to rates, routes, best
time to go and where to locate, apply to
Ml New Terk Lilt Building, Omaha, Nebraska.
equal of
Lyon 8 Hcaly’s
But why seek or waste time on some?
thing “just as good” when you can get
a genuine Washburn Piano at the lowest
price and on the most liberal terms ever
offered on a high-grade instrument.
If ia the market for a piano, mail this ndver
t.seincnt today with your name and address and
receive catalog and name of local piano dealer,
and six pieces be^itiful new piano music.
| Address, LIPS ft HBALY,
Cleanses and besotifies the !»•!*_
Promotes s luxuriant growth.
Never Fails to Restore Gray
Hair to its Youthful Color;
Cures scalp diseases fc hair fcdUng,
—-ge^idgLOOat frrgggiata
"■SSSw*. Tfcowmow’t Eye Water