The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 03, 1907, Image 4

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    news notes 6f interest from
. *
Religious, Social, Agricultural, Polit
ical ar.d Other Matters Given
Due Consideration..
The new opera house at Tekamuh is
ijcaring completion.
Humboldt will hold a special elec
tion on the question of putting in a
The new Y. M. C. A. building at
Hastings has been dedicated. The
structure cost $3u,000.
Thomas McComas died at Bassett
a; the result ot an injury received by
falling out of a wagon.
Kimball is discussing :t water works
proposition and will vote bonds on
that question in a few weeks.
Bishop Keeae of Cheyenne, Wyo.,
confirmed a class of fifty at Holy
. Rosary Cathode church in Alliance.
Flank Robinson, the most prosper -
« v.s and respected colored man in Ne
1 *aska City, died suddenly of heart
i.din re.
The Law and Order league has or-’
ganizc-1 in Hall county for the pur
pose, it is believed, of closing every
saloon in the county on Sunday.
The barn of S. J. Rice, in the north
east portion of HarvarS, and a long
distance from the nearest fire-plug,
was destroyed by fire last week.
Kimb;.\U county is ovorryn now with,
buyers of real estate. Land has ad
vanced ar.d is still going up. Good
mops prevail generally all over the
t o.mty.
The Sheridan County Agricultural*
society closed a very successful four
days’ fair and carnival. The attend
ance was the largest of any fair ever
held in the county.
' Reliable information has been re
ceived tha* the Burlington will, in a
very short time, commence the re
building and enlargement of its paint
shops in Plattsmcuth. \
Airs. J. H. Chamberlain, living north
of Ashland, who was bitten by a rat
tlesnake, is improving and is past the
critical stage. While walking in the
orchard she was bitten.
Superintendent Avery of Pawnee
county recently received from the
State Fair association a check for $63
for the premiums won on his educa
tional exhibits at the state fair.
judge ar.d Mrs. W. H. Newell of
Plattsmouth have gone to Portsmouth,
()., where they will attend a reunion
of the surviving members ot the Fifty
sixth au:i Ninety-first Ohio regiments.
York college opened with an in
ti ease ir. attendance over last year
end with good prospects for the year.
The enrollment of the York schools Is
3.025, of whom 280 are in the high
H. .7. Wolcott, a fireman ou Union
Pacific local freight No. 58, was in
jured at Waterloo quire severely, be
ing struck on the hear! by the gate of
the battle chutes while the eugine was
A substantial building boom has set
in at Clarks The Clarks State bank,
just incorporated with an authorized
eapitl of $25,000, is beginning the erec
tion of a fine building to be finished
about November 1.
Word has been received in Oakland
of the death of Mrs. Ira Thomas at
Wenatche, Wash., of malarial fever.
iC:’. and Mrs. Thomas were residents
’ of Oakland from 1880 until a few years
ago. when they moved to Washington.
William Koefcner, formerly of Elk
8;orn, who has been residing with his
_ son near Osmond, was accidentally
killed while returning from Osmond (
with a load of'lumber. His horses be
came frightened at a camp of gypsies
and threw him out o£ the wagon, the
wheels passing over him.
Contracts baye been let at Exeter
for an up-to-date system of water
■works, city hall and jail, and a fran-,
< hise granted private parties for fur
nishing electric light and power serv
ice. In addition to these, contracts
have been let for nine brick business
Secretary to the governor. Djmery.
has returned from Central City and
Chapman, where he^ investigated the
causes leading up to the -death of
James McGirr, near Central City., July
16 last. He is rather inclined to be
lieve McGIrr was struck by a Union
Pacific train-and met his death in that
way rather than at the hands of a
0. M. Robison, from five acres of
ground on his ranch just north of
Bridgeport, cut the heads of wheat
grass and threshed more than 1,000
pounds of seed, which he sold direct
to the government for $175. He then
cut the remaining grass and found
that he had ten tons of choice hay
worth %8 per ton. His five acres marie
just $255.
E. O. Puller, who for more than two
years was clerk to the register and rev
eeiver of the United States land office
at North Platte, in the civil service,
has been reinstated and has returned
to assume his former office at an in-'
-•creased salary.
William Graf of Grand island, aged
70 years, was dragged a quarter of a
mile behind a runaway horse and yet
no serious results are feared. He had
hitched up the family horse for his
daughters. It managed, while defend
ing itself from flies, to free itseir from
the bridle and started to run away.
A report eomes from Nehawka, in
Cass cpunty, that the orchards or Con
gressman E. M% Pollard, numbering
12,000 trees, will' this year yield fbut
500 barrels of apples, less than 5 per
cent of the average crop.
When the corner stone of the Meth
odist church in Blue Hill was lemoved
last week it was found some one had
removed all the money, keepsakes,
etc., which had been put in the recep
tacle at the first dedication, seven
years ago. The stone was removed
last week to Bed Cloud to be repol
Economical Rations in the Matter of
V . Beef Production.
Bulletin No. WO, entitled ‘‘Economi
cal Batons In Beef Production,” just
igsued:' by the department of animal
husbandry of the Nebraska experi
ment 'station, contains forty pages of
experimental data, together with
comments upon each of the problems
investigated. The results cover a
period bi four years and are briefly
summarized at (he dose of the re
port as .follows:
PraiHe hay when fed with corn alone
to fattening cattle gives small and un
satisfactory gains and very little or
no profit.
Alfalfa hav with corn alone gives
large and profitable gains.
The use of well cured corn-stover
with alfalfa and corn, while it may •
not produce larger gains, will make
tiie gains less costly because of its
low market value, thereby increasing
tiie profits over corn and'alfalfa alone.
Ir. feefling only prairie hay as
roughness to fattening cattle, much
larger and more profitable gains can
be made if linseed meal or possibly
some other protein concentrate is fed
with corn in small quantity rather
than feeding corn alone.
The results of two experiments indi
cate hat linseed meal is a little more
valuable than cottonseed meal and j
much more valuable than wheat bran ,
for supplementing corn when fed with'
prairie hay or corn-stover.
When alfalfa is made at least half
of the roughness with prairie hay or ,
cnrn-stoeger. good gains may be made'
and at less cost than when no al-,
falfa is fed, the protein being supplied'
by the use of linseed meal. In other-'
words, it is possible to grow protein
on tiie farm at a price much below!
wbat it will cost on the market in the
form of some commercial protein food./
Corn-stover cut immediately after'
the oars ripen and cured In shocks
possesses a value fully two-thirds as
great as prairie hay. The part usu
ally consumed, viz., the leav“s and
upper portion of stalk, is quite the
equal of prairie hay pound for pound.
Tiie results of a single experiment
In which but little more than half a’
full feed of oojn was supplied two’
lots of fattening steers suggest the
possibility of making a larger use of
hay in finishing cattle for market than
is ordinarily made and at less eost.
especially where hay is relatively low
and corn high in price.
From a commercial point of view
the results of this entire series of ex
periments go to show that cattle feed
ing can be made profitable when dls
eretion is used in ihe selection of foods
, for tiie ration. On the average farm
in Nebraska where grain and hay
c.ommand figures below Lincoln prices
and •hen> cattle' art undisturbed by
fn-ou” t weighings which experiment
al feeding necessitates, the profits can
be trade much greater than those re
ported In this bulletin. Good, feeding
will make our corn bring more as beef
than when said direct to the elevator
companies., even though the selling
price of finished cattle is not r«r in
advance of cost price, as was true in
many of these experiments. The im
portance of manure and the growing
of alfalfa and clever as agencies con
tributing to the maintenance and in
crease! of land fertility argue.further
for tics mode of selling a larger part
of our annual corn crop. The cattle
industry deserves much greater atten
tion in this state than has been given
it in tiie past.
This bulletin will be sent free to
all residents of Nebraska who request
it liy writing'-,to the Nebraska Expor
tin' it Station, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Nurse Gets Big Money.
Lincoln—Mrs. A. M. Shevalier, wife
<••' the locu4 baggage agent of the
Northwestern, has fallen heir to the
$100,000 left by Mrs. Helen A. Horn.
Vi ho died here. Mrs. Horn lived alone i
and eared for her property and re
cently became ill. Mrs. Shevaiier. who her constant friend, took her to
1 er own home and nursed her. When.
<tho will was opened it was found the
good Samaritan had been left the en
tire fortune, estimated at $100,00, con
sisting of two buil lings in the busi
ness part of Lincoln, two farms and a
home here. -
Dismantling Sugar Factory.
Fremont—It is reported here that
the machinery of ^the beet sugar fac
tory at Leavitt is to be taken out and
moved to Scott’s Bluff. If the litiga
tion now pending concerning the plant
results in fav'w of the bondholders, it
is thought that the building itself will
also be moved to that point. This
wee a a quantity of syrup, left over
from last season, was worked up.
Northwestern Earnings.
Omaha—A statement of Nebraska
earnings of the Northwestern road
for July show's the money received
-from state business to be $28,977.37,
and from interstate business in Ne
braska $6,956.82, or a total for the
month from passenger business of
Cochran Given Freedom.
Kimball—A reminder of former stir
ring times in the return of "Al" Coch
ran from the penitentiary at Canon
City, Colo., after an absence of eleven
years. Cochran was sent up from
Colorado eleven years ago on convic
tion of rustling cattle, under a sen
tence of thirty years.
Texas Fever Breaks Out.
McCook, Neb.—Inspector W. J.
Jones of the United States bureau of
animal Industry reported an outbreak
of Texas fever among cattle just
across the Nebraska line in Cheyenne
county. Kansas. Thirty-two head have
Suspects Are Identified.
Lincoln—At the preliminary hear
ing of the alleged Rock Island train
robbers in Justice Risser’s court, Con
ductor Harry L. Duval positively
identified them as the men who he’d
up the passengers of his train. Other
witnesses also identified them.
Makes Big Fish Stories.
Central City—The Platte river is so
low at this point that several fine
catches of fish have been made in the
shallow pools left by 'the receding
waters. The largest reported is a
twenty-five-pound catfish taken from
the river Tuesday by Merle Rowland,
and other large catches of carp, cat
and pike are reported. Most years
the river goes dry at this point about
the middle of August, and rises again
in September when the water is re
leased from tho irrigation ditches at
the headwaters.
Baptists Condemn Lynching.
Palmyra—Tl^- state Baptist associa
tion passed resolutions condemning
the recent lynching of the murderer,
Higgins at Bancroft and calling upon
Governor Sheldon and Attorney Gen
eral Thompson to- punish the men
guilty of the cflme.
Back to Colorado.
iLncoln—Harry Brophy. now un
der arrest at Omaha, will be taken
bade to Colorado to stand trial for at
tempting to sbopt the town marshal
of Florence, Colo. • . v
-—— ■ " -
* /
_ t
Road’s Physical Condition Found
Good—Unification of Shonts-Haw
ley Properties Will Follow.
New York.—The directors of the
Toledo, St. Louis & Western railway
at a meeting here Friday voted to
sign a contract for the purchase of
the Chicago & Alton railway from the
Rock Island interests, in accordance
with the Agreement that such should
be done provided the Alton received
immunity in connection with the
Standard Oil rebating investigation.
Attorney General Bonaparte recently
announced that such immunity would
be granted.
Before the directors acted, a com
mittee submitted an exhaustive re
port of the physical condition of the
rcp.d, which was declared to be highly
The oiu Chicago & Aiton board will
probably meet during the coming
week and resign in a body, after
which the new interest will assume
formal control. It is expected that
some .unification of the so-called
Shonts-Hawley properties, namely the
Toledo, St. Louis & Western. Chicago
& Alton, Iowa Central and Minne
apolis & St. Louis roads, will speedily
It is planned to make direct connec
tions between the Iowa Central and
Chicago & Alton and the Toledo. St.
Louis & Western road, thereby ef
fecting a link with Minneapolis and
St. Louis. This will give the unified
system direct lines between Detroit,
St. Louis and Kansas City, as well as
direct lines between Chicago and
Kansas City.
Four Vessels from Asiatic Station
Arrive in Pacific Port.
San Francisco. — The first di
vision of the Pacific fleet, the fore
guard of the American navy which is
to assemble in Pacific coast waters
Thursday or Friday, steamed through
the Golden Gate at sunrise Friday
The four armored cruisers passed
the Heads in file formation, led by the
flagship West Virginia flying at her
masthead the two-starred flag of the
commander of the fleet. Rear Admiral
James H. Dayton. Five hundred yards
to the rear came the Colorado, fol
lowed at a like -distance -by the Mary
land, and that by the Pennsylvania.
The arrival of the four big sister
ships marked the end of a 36,000
mile cruise, which began at Newport,
R. I., last September.
Nebraska Food Commissioner Starts
Out to Enforce the Law.
Lincoln, Neb. -— Food commission
er Johnson is beginning a cam
paign against the packing houses
which are offending against the pure
food law. Packages of meat must
hereafter have the net weight
stamped upon them.
To start his campaign for packages
of honest weight. Johnson Wednesday
ordered the county attorney of Doug
las county to institute proceedings
against the South Omaha packing
houses. It is found that packages of
bacon and ham are wrapped with pa
per and cloth until five or six per
cent, of the stamped weight is thus
accounted for. The order is that all
Nebraska packers must comply with
the law. If outside packers do not,
the retailers handling the goods will
be held responsible.
Jury, However, Asks Clemency for
Slayer of Dr. Harris.
Chicago. — A verdict of man
slaughter, with a recommendation
to the state board of pardons for ex
treme clemency, was given by a jury
in Judge Windes' court Tuesday even
ing against Amasa C. Campbell, the
lumber dealer of Antigo, Wis., who
shot and mortally wounded Dr. Ben
jamin S. Harris last December in the
Stock Exchange building. Campbell
suspected Harris of improper rela
tions with the former’s wife.
Attached to the verdict was a peti
tion to the state pardon board, signed
by every member of the jury, recom
mending that Campbell be confined
In the penitentiary not to exceed the
minimum term prescribed by law.
This is one year.
President in Capital Again.
Washington.—President Roosevelt
arrived here from his summer vaca
tion at Oyster Bay at 5:57 p. m.
Wednesday. A large crowd was at
the Pennsylvania station to greet
him. Postmaster General Meyer,
Secretary Straus, Assistant Secretary
Murray of the department of com
merce'and labor and a number of
other federal officials met the presi
dent at his car and accompanied him
to his carriage in Sixth street, where
it was surrounded with people who
cheered lustily.
Grand Duke of Baden Dying.
Constance, Grand Duchy of Baden,
—Grand Duke Frederick, who has
been suffering from intestinal inflam
mation for a week or more, is rap
idly growing worse and is not expect
ed to survive long.
Alleged Murderer of Chicago Womar
Caught in Springfield.
Springfield, 111.—Richard Walton,
the negro charged with the murder of
Mrs. Lillian White Grant in Chicago
by strangling her Sept. 18, was ar
rested Thursday morning and is be
ing held awaiting orders from Chicago.
Walton was picked up on the charge
of vagrancy and when taken before
the police magistrate was dismissed
and ordered out of the city. Before he
had left the station, however, he was
recognized from* a photograph fur
nished the police, and was rearrested
on suspicion. He later admitted that
he was Walton.
Secretary of State Declares Rcoseveit
Wil.l Not Run.
Little Rock, Ark.—Elihu Root, sec
retary of state, spent a short time
here Friday, en route to the City of
Mexico, traveling la the private car
“Signet” attached to Iron Mountain
train No. 5. When pressdtt for a po
litical statement, he said: “President
Roosevelt will not be a candidate of
the Republican party. It is true that
from many sections of the country
there are coming requests that the
president allow his name to be pre
sented to our next national conven-'
tion, but this will not be the case.”
Police Shoot Crap Players.
Pittsburg, Pa.—During a raid Tues
day by fhe police on a crap game par
ticipated in by a number of negroes,
the officers opened fire on the men
when they ran and Daniel Murphy, 12
years old, white, was fatally shot and
Hays Kessler, colored, was shot
through the back. The others es
President Dines Bishop of London.
Washington.—The first entertain
ing done by the president and Mrs.
Roosevelt since their return to Wash
ington was a dinner given at the
White House Friday evening In honor
of their house guest, Rt. Rev. A. F.
Winnington-Ingram, lord bishop of
London, who arrived here Friday.
Taft Reaches Yokohama.
Yokohama.—The steamer Minneso
ta, with Secretary Taft and Ws party
on board, arrived here at seven
o’clock Saturday' morning.
Ex-Judge Morse Stricken in Court.
Ionia, Mich.—Ex-Judge Allen B.
Morse, former justice of the Michigan
supreme court, was stricken with apn.
plexy while on the witness stand in
court. It is believed that the stroke
will prove fatal. Mr. Morse is 69
years old.
200 Railway Clerks Strike.
Toledo, O.—Two hundred railway
clerks, representing six roads, struck
Friday demanding a working agree
ment with the roads. More than that
many remained at their desks.
Nebraska Wins Rate Victory.
Omaha.—Judges T. C. Munger and
W. H. Munger, in the^ United States
court Thursday night denied the in
junction asked for by the railroads
operating in Nebraska to prevent the
state railway commissioner from en
forcing the laws reducing grain rates.
The restraining order issued some
time ago by Judge T. C. Munger was
dissolved. This is regarded as a de
cisive victory for the state, although it
is presumed Ciat the case will be car
ried to the United States court of ap
peals by the railroad companies. , r >
Fourteen Drown in Alabama.
Mobile, Ala.—A ferryboat crossing
the Tombigbee river at the govern
ment works at McGrew Shoales near
Jackson, Ala,, late Thursday was cap
sized, drowning one white boy and 13
negroes. The boy was Leslie Ver
nuille, 16 years of age, residing in
•Oaksdale, a suburb of this city.
Nine Poieoned by Ice Cream.
Statesboro, Ga.—Cone Hagan, a
farmer living near here, and eight chil
dren were poisoned .by ice cream 1b
which condensed milk had been used.
■_;_ 4
By Them Kellogg Hopes to Prove
Combine Didn’t Dissolve—Disap
_ peared Without Secretary
Seeing Contents.
New York. — Evidence of the
existence recently of a mysterious
steel safe in the Standard Oil com
pany’s offices, brought out in the gov
ernment’s suit Friday, Indicated that
Attorney Frank B. Kellogg was close
on the trail cf the books of the Stand
ard Oil trustees and liquidating trus
When the hearing was concluded,
Mr. Kellogg said that he was closer
to the books, from which he hopes to
prove that the oil combine never un
derwent a legal dissolution, than he
had been at any time since the gov
ernment’s action was commenced.
Assistant Secretary Doesn’t Know.
Charles White, the assistant secre
tary of the Standard Oil company of
New Jersey, said on the witness stand
Friday that when he went to the sec
retary’s office to assume his ne6 du
ties there were two steel safes in the
office. One of them contained the
books and records of the Standard
company; what' was in the other safe
he did not know. Mr. White said that
no one told him the nature of the con
tents of the second safe, which was
removed two weeks after he had been
there. From whom the order came or
where it was taken to, the witness,
said, he could not answer.
Mr. White said that he had _ never
seen the records of the Standard Oil
trustees or the liquidating trustees
showing the various transfers of stock
in the trust liquidating period. He had
hunted for the records recently but
was unable to And them.
French Special Carrying Americans
Wrecked—All Escape Death.
Paris.—The rear coach of the sec
ond section of the special train carry
ing 150 first-class passengers from
Paris to Cherbourg to embark on the
White Star line steamer Adriatic, for
New York, was telescoped Wednes
day by the regular Rouen express at
beyond Nantes. Strangely, no one
was killed, and according to the latest
authentic information, no one was
seriously injured.
Ail the passengers in the last coach,
however, were badly shaken up and
seven or eight were injured. A man
sustained a fractured leg, and a wo
man, it is feared, suffered internal in
juries. AH the injured American pas
sengers, with the exception of one.
continued on their way to Cher
Great Victory for the Federation of
Ship Owners.
% _
Antwerp—The strike of the dock
laborers of this city, which has been
going on since last June, came to an
end Tuesday afternoon with a sweep
ing victory for the Federation of Ship
Owners. At a meeting of the strike
leaders, it was decided that the men
should return to work unconditional
ly. at the terms of the employers.
The men have been astonished and
overawed by the solidarity of the
federation, and there will not be an
other dock laborers’ strike in Ant
werp for many years to come. The
power of the strike organizers has
been completely broken. This strike
has brought about a coalition among
i the ship owners of the world' for mu
tual protection which, in the future,
will make a shipping strike - -an ex
tremely hazardous undertaking.
Parra and Others of His Gang Put
Under Arrest.
Washington.—Official word of the
arrests of conspirators in Havana
reached the war department Thursday
in the following cablegram addressed
by Gov. Magoon to Acting Secretary
“Information more specific and cer
tain than heretofore received was se-'
cured late Wednesday night that
Maso Parra, angered by failure to
bring about an uprising, threatened to
dynamite some building in Havana
and then escape. The local police ar
rested him and two of his gang named
Lara Miret and Ducassi and they are
now in jail.”
Wife Slain; Aged Man Held.
Chicago. — Mrs. Cyrus Baldwin,
, 83 years old, wife of a wealthy pi
oneer of Hampshire, Ilf., ten miles
northeast of Elgin, was the victim of
a pitiful murder tragedy Wednesday.
New Boxer Outbreak.
Shanghai.—An outbreak of Boxer
ism has occurred at Nankangsien, in
the southern part of the province of
Kiangsi. An Italian priest and a num
ber of converts have been murdered
at the village of Tawouff,
Actress Found Dead in Bed.
Washington.'—Mrs. Marguerite Bow
er, the leading lady in the “Broadway
After Dark” company, playing at a
local theater, was found dead in bed
at a hotel Friday. Her husband lives
,at Mineral City, O.
Lipton Depends on Fife’s Advice.
London.—Sir Thomas Lipton was in
terviewed Thursday night after he had
learned the reasons why his challenge
to race for the America’s cup had been
declined by the New York Yacht club,
and said:
“I still have plenty of time to issue
another challenge but all depends
upon what I am advised to do. Mr.
Fife is coming especially to consult
with me on the situation. I know the
New York Yacht club feels its respon
sibility and I am quite willing to abide
by its decision."
—ftm'i II iir II ‘ '
Await Sanction of National Officers
and .Ask Them to Take Action
New York.—The New York local of
the Commercial Telegraphers’ . union
voted Wednesday night to call out all j
leased wire operators employed by
the press and brokers’ offices in this !
city, if such action shall be sane- i
tioned by the national officers. Ac
tion by the national officers will be
awaited before anything further is
done. '• - >
it was voted also to ask'tbe national
officers to issue a call for tbp brokers'
and press telegraphers throughout the
country to quit work. The demand
upon the nffin who are n6w working
under contract is made in the; inter
ests of those who have struck. against
the Western Union and Postal Tele
graph companies.
The decision to call upon the press
and broker operators to break their
individual contracts and go out in a
sympathetic strike was reached after
a heated debate which occupied sev
eral hours of a meeting of the New
York local No. 16. On the final vote it
was declared that the strikers were
practically unanimous.
Daniel Li. Russell, chairman of the
strike- committee, who until Wednes
day bad opposed the movement &ot a
sympathetic strike, made a vigorous
speech in which he reversed his posi
tion and declared that expediency de
manded such a war measure as was
An amendment introdtjeed by John
G. McCloskey of the Hearst News
Service, exempting from the- strike
operators of leased wires ’who were
bound by a union contract with their
employers, signed six months previous
to the strike of the commercial men,
was defeated, amid much cheering,
and the original resolution passed
with little opposition.
After the meeting Chairman Rus
sell said if the present course was not
effective the railroad operator^ would
be called upon to quit work.
Plant of Sterling Company at Mari
etta, O., Destroyed.
Marietta, O. — Many, thousands
of dollars’ loss was caused Tues
day by a fire that destroyed most
of the plant cf the Sterling Oil re
finery. The conflagration raged for
seven hours, dying down only when
there was nothing more for the flames
to feed upon.
The water pumps were out of order
but several lines of steam were played
into the fire and by strenous efforts
ten tanks of. crude oil on a hill above
the works were saved as the wind was
blowing in the opposite direction. The
origin of the fire is unknown, but it
is supposed to have originated in a1
retort in which bones used in clarify- j
ing oil are reduced to char. Over 200
barrels of machine oil and 14 tanks of
refined oil and much finished product
was destroyed. The officials of the
company aefuse to give the amount oi
The Sterling company is one of the
independents mentioned in the list as
making agreements to sell the entire
product to the Standard Oil company
in exchange for crude oil. The plant
was modern and well equipped.
Rev. W. P. Ferguson Resigns from the ^
Nebraska Methodist Conference.
Lincoln, Neb.—Rev. Wilbert P. Fer
guson, of University place, Friday re- j
signed from the state Methodist con
ference rather than proceed with the ‘
church trial in which he was being
tried for unbecoming conduct with
Mrs. E. A. Cross, a member of bis
congregation. His counsel declared
the withdrawal took place because of
the prejudiced rulings of Rev. J. T. !
Roberts, the minister presiding at the
trial. Mr. Ferguson’s counsel asserted
that the ruinig preventing depositions
in favor of Mr. Ferguson or reflecting
on Mrs. Cross was highly unfair.
Striking Car Men Violent. 1
Latrobe, Pa.—After cutting the trol- <
ley wires, causing the stoppage of 1
traffic, striking employes of the West ’
Moreland Street railway attacked a
car in charge of Supt. Schwartz early <
Tuesday near here, and put the crew <
to flight The strikers then smashed 1
the car windows and destroyed the <
seats and furnishings.
Conspiracy in Cuba.
Havana.—A conspiracy to start a '
revolutionary movement in Cuba has 1
been discovered. Under instructions
issued by Gov. Magoon, a number of 1
suspicious persons believed to be con- '
nected with the conspiracy have boon
shadowed for several days past. It is '
believed that the movement is backed '
by New York capitalists.
_ ' i
Woman Testifies Against Minister.
Lincoln, Neb.—The church trial of
Rev. Wilbert P. Ferguson «f the
Methodist church of University place
was resumed Thursday afternoon,
with Mrs. E. A. Cross, the accusing
witness, on the stand. Her testimony
waS similar to that given during the
preliminary investigation, alleging
that she had been guiity of miscon
duct with the minister, who was her
boarder. Mrs. Cross stated that she ,
loved the minister, and that -he had |
assured her that love was greater than
Mexican Foreign Minister Hi.
Mexico City.—Ingacio Mariscal, the
minister of foreign affairs, is reported
to be seriously ill. Senor Mariscal
will not be able to take part in the en
tertainments to be given in honor of
Secretary Root.
Leap for Freedom Is Fatal.
Dayton, O.—William E. Burch, of !
tJlendale, O., a federal prisoner en ■ -
route to Cincinnati, plunged from a 1,
last flying train near here Tuesday. I
His neck was broken and death was 1 j
instantaneous. ] t
-• — ■ — -
jaejife-v: ■ - "■ - ■ ;
Complete Review of Happenings of
Greatest Interest from All Parts of
the Globe—Latest Home and For
eign Items.
The federal grand jury at San Fran
cisco returned indictments against
the Southern Pacific Railway com
pany and the Pacific Mail Steamship
company for secret cutting of rates.
The armored cruisers West Vir
ginia, Colorado, Maryland and Penn
sylvania arrived at San Francisco
from the Philippines.
Two army surgeons were named to
physically examine every officer re
quired to make thel5-mUe test ride:
Those not healthy enough will not
take the test.
Secretary of State Root, on his way
to Mexico, declared that President.
Roosevelt would not be a candidate
for renomination.
The steamer Minnesota, with Secre
tary of War Taft on board, arrived at
Rev. Wilbert P. Ferguson of Lin
coln, Neb., resigned from the state
Methodist conference rather than pro
ceed with the church trial in which
he was being tried for unbecoming
conduct with Mrs. E. A. Cross.
The directors of the Toledo, St.
Louis & Western railway at a meet
ing in New York voted to sign a con
tract for the purchase of the Chicago,
& Alton railway from the Rock Island
Methodists of Indiana refused to
elect Vice President Fairbanks a lay
delegate to the general conference be
cause he served cocktails at a dinner
in honor of President Roosevelt.
Mrs. Marguerite Bower, the leading
lady in the “Broadway After Dark"
company, playing at a Washington
theater, was found dead in bed at a
President Roosevelt defeated the
Bishop of London at tenuis and then
gave a dinner' in his honor.
Richard Walton, colored, confessed
to the murder of Mrs. Lillian White
Grant in Chicago.
Six hundred lives were lost by, the
jverflowing of the river Otonashiga
wa in Japan.
Hundreds of houses and boats were
iestroyed by fire in Wuchow, China,
ind it is feared many lives were lost.
Theodore F Rice, a resident of Chi
cago for over 40 years and well
known In the whAesale paper trade,
lied after a month’s illness.
Eight persons were injured in a
ivreck on the Pennsylvania railroad
it Duncannon, Pa., when the Altoona
iccommodation train ran into a
'reight. ,
Henry T. Scott, builder of the Ore
gon, said in a New York interview
hat in future warships could not be
milt on the Pacific coast owing to the
ligh prices of labor and material.
Three men—James Cooper, James
rteiyy and Richard Smith—^ho were
oading a sprinkling cart with oil for,
ise on the Morris park automobile
rack at New York, were killed by an
?xplosion of oil at a tank in the
Children playing with matches in a
lay shed on the Traflord farm, near
'few Haven, 111., started a fire that re
sulted in the loss of four lives. <
Two hundred railway clerks in To
edo, 0., representing six roads,
struck, demanding a working agree
nent with the roads. More than that
nany remained at their desks.
President Roosevelt announced at
he White House that he assumed
here would be no objection to the
ippointment of Wu Ting-fang sts min
stei- from China to the United States.
The handsome home of Francis G.
^andon. ex-secrgtary of the American
embassy at Vienna, was robbed by
wo men at Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
High officials of the Persian army
lave signed a document presented to
he shah saying that unless full ac
ceptance is given to their demands
or a constitutional' government' they
vill resign in a body.
The union labor city and county
convention of San Francisco nominat
:d a ticket headed by P. H. McCar
hy, president of the Building Trades'
council, for mayor.
The bishop of London preached in
trinity church, New York, to a great
hrong of financiers and business men.
,nd scored the dishonesty of the
wealthy. \
Gov Folk of Missouri, was the guest
(f honor at Nashville, Tenn., on home
iomer's day.
Trinity Episcopal cathedral at
Cleveland, O., was dedicated with
■laborate ceremonies. The edifice cost
11,000,000 and has been under con
.truction five years.
Gov. Folk lost his suit against the
:ity of St. Louis for back pay as cir
:uit attorney.
George W. Beavers, who was sen
enced to Imprisonment in connec-1
ion with the postal frauds several
rears ago, was released from the peni
entiary at Moundsville, W. Ya.
William E. Burch, of Glendale, O.,
t federal prisoner en route to Cinc
innati, plunged from a fast flying
rain near Dayton and was killed.
Mrs. John Routh, aged 40, a deaf
nute, was burned to death at Koko
no, Ind., when she tried to start a fire
vith kerosene.
In a fire at 3425 Morgan street. St.
xrnis. Miss Grace Slocum attempted
o lower her sister Nellie from a sec
md story window with a blanket, but
Nellie lost her grip and fell headlong
o-tbe pavemeht, fracturing her skull.
Trace jumped from the window and '
ractured both ankles.
The postoffice at Mindoro, Wis., waia
down open by a gang of burglars and £
he safe demolished with dynamite.
[Tie robbers got a large quantity of
aluable jewelry.
The Hotel Ampersand at Saranac
.ake, N. Y., horned down, the loss be
ig $270,000. .