The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 03, 1907, Image 2

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    Loip City Northwestern
A Significant Nickname.
The unfeeling frankness of youth
does not stop at unpleasant truth-tell
ing. Bren the gentle sex may suffer
at the hands of Its brothers. It is
dangerous for a’girl—at least for a
girl at a coeducational school—to echo
Bum’s wish,
“O wad some Pow’r the giftie gle us
To see oursel’s as others see us!
lest her desire be realized with unex
pected fulness. For—could mind of
women ever think it?—the boys of
these schools have nicknamed their
sister students “fussers!” Was the
name born of the numerous sofa pil
lows and footstools with which the
maidens fill their rooms, the chafing
dishes and teatables and hatpin-cases
and ring-boxes and alpenstocks and
rocking chairs which make dangerous
a hasty progress through the femi
nine study? At all events, the com
bination of these feminine acquisitions
has embodied itself in the crisp, mas
culine epithet, “fusser.” Perhaps the
phrase is a comment on a state of
mind as well as on a method of house
keeping. In the opinion of the college
boy, Maid Marian “fusses” about les
sons, about “marks,” about commit
tees, about what faculty or classmates
think of her. She lacks his cheerful
fatalism, and he tags her with the
epithet which, he thinks, fits her con
science and her mind, as well as her
room and her wardrobe. The modern
girl, says Youth's Companion, must
find a way to free herself of impedi
menta, both physical and Intellectual,
if she would induce her critics to drop
the objectionable nickname and grant
her rank as an artist in the pleasant
business of living.
All the iron furnaces in the world
produced less iron in 1894 than will be
turned out of the furnaces in the
United States during the current year,
if the rate of production for the first
six months is maintained. This fact
indicates a marvelous expansion in
the iron business. No more convincing
proof of the solid foundation of the na
tional prosperity could be afforded
than this, for it is well known that a
nation's consumption of iron is an in
dex to its business condition. This
is not because there is any mysterious
virtue in iron, but because iron is used
extensively only in prosperous times.
Nearly 13,500,000 tons of pigiro^ were
turned odt from January till June.
This is more than the total yearly out
put for any 12 months prior to 1S99,
and more than either Germany or
England have ever made in any full
year. There are no indications of a
falling off in the American production.
On June 30 29 new furnaces were un
der construction, and 13 more were
projected. The United States produces
snore iron and more cotton than any
ether country. It exports the greater
part of the cotton, but uses nearly all
ef the iron in its own industries.
The soarabaeus, the sacred beetle
of Egypt, was an object of worship in
elden days, and, was most carefully
embalmed at death. The ancient
Egyptians believed the heart to be the
center of intellect as well as the
source of life, and rembved this organ
when the embalming process took
place, a model of the scarabaeus be
ing put in its place. There are many
varieties of this sacred beetle, as the
monuments in Egypt show. The scarab
was the favorite insignia of both men
and women, and was worn as a charm
to protect from harm and insure de
sirable qualities to make them attrac
♦ tive. Many hard stones were used for
these models, and turquoise matrix,
lapis-lazuli, jasper, amethyst, agate
and onyx being much in favor. Some
of the ancient ones are cleverly cut
and were used as coin of the realm.
The finest are found with the mum
mies in old tombs.
What a pity it would have been had
the Bastile been taken in the winter,
rather than in the sumiher. No doubt
those who participated in that famous
victory found it full hot enough at the
time, but those who now recall their
doughty achievements with feast and
dance would have found far less in
centive from a French winter than
from a French summer. In this way
does a kindly fate look heedfully to
the future. The perspiring and pow
der-grimed fighters of the Place de la
Bastille a hundred years ago little
thought how much their descendants
would appreciate the July weather
which is an established part of the
great national fete.
In mottoes and similar inscriptions,
appropriateness is as important as
sentiment. During Boston's recent
“Old Home Week” a conspicuous part
of the decorations in one of the sub
urbs was “Welcome,” displayed in
large letters, over the door of the po
lice station.
Knabenshue’s airship bumped into a
schoolhouse in Toronto with unpleas
ant results for the operator. The air
ship may have been aware that its
early education had been neglected.
* Consul, the monkey that has figured
as a guest of honor at Newport din
ners, smokes two packages of cigar
ettes a day. And there are others.
‘ It is calculated that there are about
110,000 vessels in the world, not count
ing the schooners that are smothered
in foam as they cross the bar.
A Cincinnati man dropped dead
while buttoning a waist for his wife,
a fitting punishment for saying un
r , ,
Unscrupulous Dealers in Large Cities
the Medium for Disposing of
Such Goods—Purchase
at Home.
For years one of the matters which
has received the careful attention of
the department of agriculture is food
adulteration. Who has not heard of
the old libel on the state of Connecti
cut—the wooden nutmeg, but there
are worse things thhn wooden nut
megs. Unprincipled manufacturers
and dealers for many years have re
sorted to adulteration of foodstuffs to
increase profits. In the matter of
spices, only a short time since the
food commission of one of the states
discovered among 50 samples analyzed
more than 30 that were adulterated.
In pepper, stems and barks were
ground, In every class of ground
spice foreign substances were added
to give weight, and in numerous cases,
particularly flavoring extracts, the ar
ticles supposed to he made from pure
fruits, were found to be synthetical,
or entirely artificial, preparations
from coal tar.
These goods were prepared by con
cerns that have no regular trade, but
depend upon agents to sell goods for
them to whoever they can. It is rare
ly that a reliable wholesale grocery
house sells such goods, as retailers
will not knowingly keep them in
stock, as they cannot be legally sold,
and some officer of the food depart
ment of the state is likely to drop into
the store at any time, confiscate the
goods, and impose e. heavy fine on the
A short time ago health officers in
Philadelphia found a number of Ital
ians in a cellar putting oil in bottles,
and labeling the same with a foreign
looking label. An analysis of the oil
proved it to be mainly a poor quality
of cetton-seed oil, and the lowest
grade of olive. Hundreds of cases
of the stuff were traced to a city in
the middle west, where it was dis
posed of under contract to houses who
sell direct to consumers through
agents and by mail. Not alone Are
spices, extracts, olive oil and sim
ilar foodstuffs adulterated this way,
but the fraud extends still further.
Cheap Unde of fish, such as hake, cat
flsh, etc., are prepared and placed on
the market as genuine codfish. Toma
te catsups are made of a good quality
of pumpkin and given the right color
by dye stuffs, and flavored by the
use of coal tar extracts. Hundreds of
other articles are “doctored" the same
way. It is rarely that such artificial
goods find their way into the hands
of regular grocers throughout the
eeantry, but are disposed of by con
cerns who depend upon doing busi
ness at points distant from their loca
tion, and who seek protection in the
interstate commerce law, and who
seek to dispose of their goods directly
to the consumers, as no federal or
state officer is likely to call at a pri
vate house and make an analysis of
foods used.
It seems that neither the national
or state laws can be so closely ap
plied as to prevent this evil. If the
masses of people would study into this
question the buying of foods from
others than local dealers, who are
known to be honest, would be the re
sult, and the daily reports of people
being mysteriously poisoned by eating
some article of food would not be so
Trust "Graft,”
One of the practices of the trusts in
the marketing of their products, is
the prize schemes. In order to induce
the consumers to use their various
brands of goods, attractive offers are
made to exchange different articles
for certificates and coupons. But it
is always intended that the consum
ers "pay the freight.” Generally
where premiums are offered with
goods, the packages are short in
weight, or a few cents more charged
than goods of like kind sell for. Thus
it can be seen how the premiums
given are paid for by the consumer,
and he pays a high price for the
prizes he draws. Goods that are
given away with purchases cost
money. Their cost does not come out
of the pockets of the manufacturers,
but out of the purses of the people
who use the goods. If one desires to
buy sugar, he does not care to pay
for the scoop or shovel. He wants
sugar, and at the lowest price con
sistent. He knows that if he takes
the scoop or the shovel some one
pays the bill. Various systems of
premium giving have been devised.
Some call for a certain number of
coupons of tome sort, and so much
cash, or some article just for the
coupons alone. Where cash is re
quired along with coupons there is
apparently an additional profit in the
deal aside from that made on the
goods with which coupons are given.
It is well to buy goods on their merits
alone. Buy what you want and at
the right price, and you will be ahead
of the premium plan.
Another Meanest Man.
We've heard of the meanest man
in town, and his faithful wife in her
faded gown, and of Maud in the stub
ble raking hay, when the good old
judge rode her way; and the famous
liar with line and pole, and the truant
boy and swimming hole; but the freak
of all is the man who goes and buys
for family food and clothes on credit
for six months or more, from the keep
er of the local store, and when for
cash he sells his crops, at tbe local
store he never stops; forgets the bill
he ought to pay, and for things he
wants he sends away to Make &
Fake who want the "mon,” and who
sell “for cash” to everyone. This
man with mind of little strength, can't
see liie “plunk” at arm’s length, but
grabn the penny near his eye, and lets !
the lettering dollars lie.
How Some Mammoth Fortunes Have
Been Built Up.
Many of the great fortunes in Amer
ica have been gained by the judleious
use of printers’ ink. The wealthiest
merchants attribute their success to
advertising. Millions and millions of
dollars’ worth of manufactured prod
ucts are annually sold to the people
of the United States through the ad
vertising pages of the public press,
the only medium. Consider the new
fangled breakfast foods, the numerous
natural food preparations! It is more
than likely they would never have be
come known without their merits
were exploited before the people
through the newspapers. Great exclu
sive mail-order houses. Institutions
that have come into existence during
the past 20 years, have been built up
entirely through judicious advertis
As to the mail order houses, there
is a loud clamor against their en
croachments throughout the country.
There is every cause for alarm that
they will eventually grow into such
mammoth institutions as will monop
olize the business that is now the
backbone and spine of the country
towns. There is one way that the
merchants can lessen the evil. It is
by persistent use of the public press.
Use advertising space, meet the com
petition rightly and squarely and let
the people know about it.
Hundreds of would-be business ven
tures have failed just because there
was no proper advertising. Hundreds
and thousands of small merchants fall
for the same cause. The paper in a
small town is of greater force than
the average merchant thinks, if the
storekeeper desires to test his home
paper as an advertising medium, let
him insert an advertisement of some
article and put the price lower than
it is generally sold at. Then await
results. He will find that the people
will learn of it, and call to see about
Dollars to the editor for advertis
ing space are never lost if the adver
tising is of the proper kind. The in
vestment will bring greater returns to
the merchant than money invested in
any other way. One trouble is that
the average merchant knows little
about proper methods of advertising.
A simple oard “John Joaes, Grocer,
sells groceries” is of but little ase.
Make advertising attractive. Tell
about goods, about prices, and every
thing that a prospective purchaser
may wan: to know. Keep persistently
at it. Change advertisements week
after week. The people look far it,
and it will pay.
System* That Are Oppeeed te the
Welfare of the Maaaes.
Nearly a century age, Disraeli, the
elder, In his. essay on gassing sad
gambling, wrote: “The savage and the
civilized, the illiterate and the leara
ed. are alike captivated by the hope
of accumulating wealth without the
labors of industry.” In this saying the
great statesman and writer sounded
the keynote of much of the woes met
with in life. It is the desire to seeure
wealth without labor, to gain some
thing for nothing, that causes maay to
go to their graves “unwept, uahouored
and unsung."
The man who gleefully sings “Make
a few dollars earn you a living,” will
be sure to find many people ready to
believe him. They will take a
"chance” anyway, and the gullible are
so numerous that the promoter really
succeeds in “accumulating wealth
without tbe labors of industry,” but
the others—his victims—generally
During the past few years one large
concern that has for long been drain
ing the rural districts of surplus
wealth, has built a city of its own,
and has erected buildings for the ac
commodation of 7,000 people. This
concern does not draw a cent of trade
from the people of the city wherein it
is located. All its wealth and the
means by which it built up its “own
city” has been contributed by people
scattered throughout the country.
How few there are who think that
when they send money to this great
concern for supplies that might as
well be bought in their home town,
that they are helping to deal a death
blow to the place they call home? Yet
such is the fact. Every dollar sent
to the large city, assists in the build
ing up of greater trusts, and great
er combinations, that seek to control
the manufacturing, the mercantile
business, and as well the prices ol
labor and all the products of the work
shop and the farm. It means busi
ness oligarchy to which the common
people should not submit.
Millions Are Lost Annually.
xFifty millions of dollars annually is
a conservative estimate of the amount
that the people of the United States
are swindled out of through the opera
tion of fraudulent investment and in
surance concerns.
How easily people are influenced to
make investments in questionable con
cerns. has been recently strongly il
lustrated through the operations of
the different alleged cooperative mer
cantile, home-building and investment
schemes which have been declared
fraudulent by the postal authorities.
It is during the times of prosperity
that the schemers find the richest,
field. People who never had the hand
ling of much money, and who find in
their possession a few hundreds of
dollars, just have enough for the
“taste” of wealth so that they are
easy victims for the sharpers who op
erate “fake” enterprises which hold
out alluring promises of great re
turns on small investments. State
laws for the control of such concerns
should be stringent, and severe pun
ishment meted to those who operate
Catch-Penny Advertisements. '
Beware of 'the advertisements in
which it is stated that “this article
will be sent on approval for one dol
lar.” It means that you will have
something on your hands, and a good
Thomas T. Ryan, James D. Stillman,
John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and Oth
ers Have Joined King Leopold in
Effort to Open Up Dark Continent
and Incidentally to Turn Their
Millions Into Billions!
New York.—In the heart of Equa
torial Africa a group of New York
millionaries has acquired an empire.
Out of this empire, representing in
direct and indirect control a region of
166,000 square milfs, they expect to
Increase their millions, perhaps to
turn them into billions.
The men who are eiploiting this
untrodden wilderness of forest, moun
tain, jungle and morass are Thomas
F. Ryan, James D. Stillman, John D.
Rockefeller, Jr., H. P. Whitney, E. B.
Aldrich and the Guggenheim brothers.
Other names have been mentioned, in
cluding those of J. P. Morgan, Thomas
F. Walsh and Anthony N. Brady, who
may own stock in the two great com
panies which have been formed, but
they are not directors in either and
have taken no active part in their or
These men have as partners Leo
pold, king of the Belgians, and a few
Belgian financiers.
Their empire is in the heart of the
Congo Free State; in fact it stretches
almost across its greatest breadth,
from east to west, and consists of be
tween 8,000,000 and 9,000,000 acres,
or, roughly speaking,, an area about
the size of New Hampshire and Ver
mont. Over this they have powers
which are virtually absolute. Nom
inally th Congo courts have jurisdic
tion over the territory and it is gov
erned by the laws of the Congo, but
actually these Americans are its mas
ters. They have the right to police
it and the terms of their concession
impose this upon them as a duty.
They may employ native labor or may
import coolies or Americans, just as
they like, but there is no doubt they
will employ natives.
Thomat F. Ryan.
is from rubber, the minerals being
virtually untouched. So Mr. Ryan and
his associates have every reason to
hope for large profits.
Exact Investment Unknown.
The exact amount they are invest
ing in the Congo is difficult to ascer
tain, but it is known that they paid
King Leopold $1,500,000 for the con
cession, and that he and the Belgian
stockholders retain a substantial block
of stock in the Societe Internationale
Forestiere et Minere du Congo, one of
the companies they have formed. The
other company is the American Congo
company; just how the shares in this
are allotted is not yet known. Be
sides these companies there are the
two great Belgian corporations which
have had enormous concessions for
many years: these are the Anglo-Bel
gian India Rubber company and the
Katanga company. In both of these
the Americans have bought large
blocks of stock—enough to secure a
dominating influence. The former has
a concession for 25,000 square miles,
the latter for an area averaging 420
miles long by 300 miles wide.
These latter companies are im
mensely profitable. They collect the
taxes and police their own territory,
and the methods used by some of
their employes in collecting the taxes,
which are paid in rubber have sup
plied the enemies of King Leopold
with ammunition for their campaign.
Whatever truth there may be in the
stories of “atrocities" must be laid at
the door of these concessionaries.
Their experience with the natives as
workers will be valuable to the Amer
icans, as the latter will have precisely
the same conditions to meet and have
almost as plenary powers as thei^
forerunners. These powers have
been curtailed within a year, as a re
sult of the abuses which a Belgian
commission discovered. The conces
sionaires have been forbidden, for in
stance, to use armed native sentries
or armed overseers.
Difficulties in the Way.
The great difficulty ahead of Mr.
Ryan's men is the improvidence and
savagery of the natives upon whom
they will have to rely to do the work.
Money means nothing to them. They*
must be paid, at any rate at first, in
something they can use—such as cot
ton, beads or knives, and it is the in
tention of the, Americans to furnish
the natives with food and lodging as a
return for their labor. But it is ex
ceedingly difficult to persuade these
men to labor at all. They care noth
ing for the development of the coun
Project Originally Hammond’s.
King Leopold secretly sold these
Americans this concession some
months ago. Mr. Ryan is not a man
who is in the habit of going into gi
gantic transactions without knowledge
of what he is doing or without some
definite assurance that he will reap a
substantial profit from his investment
The man who advised him that there
was big money to be made in the
Congo was John Hayes Hammond,
the famous engineer, who had looked
Central America over in a general way,
and who knew the vast mineral wealth
that lay hidden in its immemorial
rocks. He had traveled through its
forests of rubber trees, ebony, ma
hogany and other valuable woods, and
he knew that, even if the gold, the
copper, the silver should not pan out
as he expected, there was enough
money to be made out of the rubber
and the wood to reward handsomely
the men who should open up the coun
try. Upon his report, supported by
th* reports of ether experts, Mr. Ryan
Map of Western Africa Showing the
by the American Syndicate Throuj
accepted the suggestion of the king
of the Belgians that he take a long
lease of this vast territory.
Of course it is something of a gam
ble, for the American explorers are
going into what is virtually unknown
country, and the difficulties, sanitary,
engineering, economical, etc., may
prove so great that they will not im
mediately make any profits. But the
odds are so heavily in their favor that
the chance was well worth taking.
The crown domain, which is a large
part of the Congo, returns at a con
servative estimate a profit of at least
1700,000 a year, and almost all of this
l _
166,000 Miles of Territory Controlled
h Concession and Stock Ownership.
try, preferring to live by hunting, fish
ing and gathering the fruits and nuts
with which nature has supplied them
so bounteously. Many of them are
canibals still and would practice their
gruesome rites if it were not for their
dread of the stern punishment that is
meted out to any who may be caught
eating human flesh. This is made a
ciime by the laws of the Congo and is
punishable by death. Cannibalism
has been stamped out of the parts of
the Congo along; the coast and the
banks of the great rivers, but there is
no doubt that it still flourishes in the
wilds of the. interior, where are situ
Warned by the Minister
“Did you ever eat a pate a choux?”
asked Ross of McKinstry. They Vvere
early arrivals at the annual banquet of
the Men's club of the Fourth church,
and were standing aimlessly around,
greeting other members as they en
tered and carrying on a rambling con
versation with^fech other.
try. "Hav»
of Mrs. Hig
“Have I?
ago the tro
daughter hi
culinary ex
things to m
ly enrichin;
flavor. Here's Bangs. Well, old chap,
we’re discussing the Higgs cooking
lectures and their effect on the com
munity. I understand that Mrs.
Bangs attended them. What did you
“Oh, salads and souffles (Bangs)
pronounced it to rhhyme with ruffles)
and Turkish pilar.”
“Turkish how?” queried McKinstry.
“Pilaf," answered Bangs. “It’s got
rice in it, but I don't like rice. Then
we had dream biscuit.”
“Dream biscuit?"
“Yes, but they gave me insomnia.”
“Oldham must have had an experi
ence;” said Bangs. “Mrs. Higgs told
my wife that Mrs. Oldham came to her
one morning and reproached her for
furnishipg recipes that wouldn’t work
oat. Under close questioning she ac
knowledged that she had substituted
lard for the olive oil cabled for by the
James D. Stillman.
ated the concessions of the American
To induce these natives to work,
the Belgians devised a plan by which
each man is taxed an amount of rub
ber each other day that a careful cal
culation estimates should be collected
in 40 hours. For this he is paid at
the market rate. Some such system
as this which the missionaries in the
employ of Congo Reform association
persistently call “slavery” will have
to be adopted by the Americans.
Rockefeller, Jr., Interested.
The American Congo company was
formed especially for dealing in rub
ber. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., is in
terested in this company and plans to
apply a newly discovered process to
the manufacture of rubber. The So
ciete Internationale is to exploit the
mineral resources' and it is this in
which the Guggenheims are interest
ed. This latter company's engineers
are now in the Congo making a sur
vey. The party is in charge of A.
Chester Beatty, an associate of John
Hays Hammond; with S. P. Verner,
Dorsey Mohun and L. N. Boll. They
Started last spring and it is their task
to make the preliminary surveys for
a complete geological survey of the
The concession was granted on con
ditions that make certain the immedi
ate opening of the country. The
Americans must open 30 miles within
six years, and they are to have the ex
clusive right to the product of 20 of
these for 99 years.
Copper and gold are the minerals
they expect to find in the greatest
quantities. Gold has been found in
rich deposits in the adjacent British
and French territory, and the same
veins run into the Congo. The ex
istence of copper, all ready to be
mined, has long been known.
Plan to Benefit Natives.
It is thd plan of these Americans
whom King Leopold has interested in
his African territory to treat the na
tives on a plan that differs slightly
from that of the Belgian concession
aires. They will start plantations of
bananas, peanuts and all the other
fruits, grains and vegetables, for ,
which the climate is adapted; they
will develop the fisheries of the great'
rivers and employ the natives to can
the products of both. They will at
first supply the natives with every
thing they need, including food and
lodging, and pay them in beads and
trinkets, gradually teaching them the
use of money as a trading medium
They will have to start schools and
hospitals, and here Mr. Ryan will find
wide scope for his philanthropy, al
though the field is not virgin soil, for
the priests and nuns of several re
ligious orders are already in there
and have done much splendid work
among the natives. *
Thus it is that New York million
aires are at work exploiting alto
gether about 166,000 square miles of
African jungle, surveying virgin for
est. boring into unknown mountains,
building roads and railroads through
trackless wildernesses and exercising
absolute sovereignty over millions of
naked man-eating savages, with a rea
sonable prospect, whether they strike
mineral wealth or miss it, of raising
their millions to the billion mark.
She Said the Wrong Thing.
“I shall never forget the breakfast11
gave to a pretty girl when I first knew
her,” the short man began. “It would
make your mouth water to hear what
it was. Grape fruit to begin with, the
most delicate of breakfast food, with
cream, a choice broiled chicken, a
small champagne cup with it—it was
a late breakfast—the finest of • fruit,
coffee. 1 can’t remember the things
I ordered for her at that breakfast,
and what do you think she said when
she finished? She said; ‘You needn’t
have gone to so much trouble. I don’t
care for anything but a couple of eggs
for my breakfast and a piece of
toast.’ ”
“It was the wrong thing to say, I
will admit,” sighed his wife. “I was
that girl and I have been living ever
since on a couple of eggs for my
breakfast and a piece of toast.’ ”
A light heart lives long.—Shake
pose it made any difference. I under
stand that Oldham’s discussion of the
creation covered by. the recipe forced
him for two weeks after to a diet that
consisted mostly of pepsin.”
“Here comes the minister,” said
Ross. ‘Looks pleased, as if he had
some valuable information to im
The minister's greeting was most
cordial. In a delighted whisper he
“I have just learned that the boun
tiful collation of?which we are about
to partake is composed for the most
part of dishes prepared by Mrs. Buck
meister from suggestions given by the
famous Mrs. Higgs, whose recent lec
tures have been of inestimable value
to our dear women. I hope to see you
As he left the group the men
glanced at one another significantly.
“That was indeed valuable informa
tion,” Bald Bangs, solemnly, as he
reached for his hat.
At intervals, so as not. to excite 1
The kidneys have a great work tc
do in keeping the blood pure. When
they get out of order
it causes backache,
headaches, dizziness,
languor and distress
ing urinary troubles.
Keep the kidneys
well and all these
sufferings will be
saved you. Mrs. S. A.
Moore, proprietor of
a restaurant at Wa
terville. Mo., says:
“Before using Doans Kinney ruis i
suffered everything from kidney trou
bles for a year and a half. I had pain
in the back and head, and almost con
tinuous in the loins and felt weary all
the time. A few dosfes of Doan's Kid
ney Pills brought great relief, and I
kept on taking them until in a short
time I was cured. I think Doan’s
Kidney Pills are wonderfuj."
For sale at all dealers. 50 cents a
box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Middle Ground.
“Babies who are weaklings should
be killed at birth," remarked the ad
vanced doctor. “We are getting to be
idiots and imbeciles,” he added.
“You are too radical,” remarked a
hearer. “I wouldn’t kill an idiot or
an imbecile, but I wouldn't try to
make a doctor out of him, either."
It was at this point debate took a
turn almost acrimonious.—Philadel
phia Ledger.
That an article may be good as well
as cheap, and give entire satisfaction,
is proven by the extraordinary sale of
Defiance Starch, each package con
taining one-third more Starch than
can be had of any other brand for the
same money.
She Enters Finance.
“John, where is Skinnem’s broker
age office?”
“Why,do you ask?”
“I understand he is offering some
bargains in stocks, slightly damaged
by water.”—Washington Life.
The greatest cause of worry on
ironing day can be removed by using
Defiance Starch, which will not stick
to the iron. Sold everywhere, 16 o*.
for 10c. _.__
Not Saying Much for Ma.
“Pa, is ma your best half?”
“I suppose so.”
“Still, that ain't sayin’ much for ma,
is it?” _ _
lewis' Single Bin W straight. 5c cigar.
Made of extr™ quality tobapco. Your
dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111.
There never was any heart truly
great that was not also tender and
[TTZIZ^jT] Positively cured by
tres« 'romDvspepsia.In
S9Tl%#£vh digestion and Too Hearty
M I VrR Eating. A perfe.t rern
Hi m I I j I' •dy for Dirziness, Nau
B-8 r I LL9. sea. Drowsiness, Bad
* Taste in the Month. C'oat
ed Tongue, Pain in the
They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegeta oie.
riDTED'cl Genuine Must Bear
bAnlCno Fac-Simile Signature
■iTTi.E - * _
Omaha Directory
you are after
Ship Your Gream
to the Farmers Co-Operative Creamery,
Omaha, Nebraska. We Furnish Cans.
Whenever you come to Omaha, remember
.this,make your headquarters at
Brandeis New Store
The Biggest Store West of Chicago
One block long, Vi block wide, 8 stories high.
Free waiting rooms. Baggago checked free.
Earn More
5 9 5 5
Business and Short
hand Courses taught by Moat Experienced
Teachers in the West. Positions for gradu
ates. Work for Board. Help lor deserving
students. Address
Information free. 1700 Farnam St., OI-aha, Neb, j
tt yearn in Omaha. Neb., Room 4. Bushman Block. N. F.
comer tlth anti Douglas Sts, Good set teetk. *4 SO; gold
crowns. 14.60; bridge teeth. §4-60; Amalgam HHlnar*. §fc*..
•liver Mil Inga. 76c; gold tilling*. §i and up. H»EK 4U'ak
AKTKKD ]• 1 K4U*. Bring tUis advertl»»mci t with yon