The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 12, 1907, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
> ... ■; '* ... ■ .
. r v
Professions. Cards
Attorney & Gonoselor-at-Lav
(Office: First National Bank)
Loop City, Nebr.
Practices in all Courts
Loup City, Neb.
And Bonded Abstractor,
I > Loup City, Nebraska
g Office, Over New Bank.
Phone, 30. OlHce »t Residence
. Lnup Eitg, - Nebraska
* S. A. ALLEN. “■
Office up stairs in the new State
Bank building.
w7l. MAIiCY.
OFFICE: East Side Public Sauaie
Phone, 10 on 36
Jft. JfEEirit D
Bonded Abstracter
Loup City, - Nebraska.
Ouly set of Abstract books in county
* Try the
F. F- F- Dray
F. F. Foster, Prop.
Office; Foster’s Barber Shop
The Drayman
I Phone 7 on 60
Asks Your Patronage
Pleasant Evenirg
Call on Pratt at South Side
c Pool and Billiard Parlors
Fixtures New and Up-to-Date
S A- PRATT, - Proprietor
First National Bank
Ai Loop City In the 8tate of Nebraska, at
tile close of business August 22nd. 19U7.
Isoms and discounts.*100 930 12
overdrafts secured and unsecured 6.482 06
U. S. bonds to secure circulation. 7.000 00
Bonds, securities, etc. 423 36
Banking bouse,furniture, fixtures, 11.066 (4
Due irom approved reserve agents. 6 227 72
(.hecks and otber cash items. 394 71
, w Notes of other National banks. 350 wi
I Fractional paper currency, nickels
•■'A and cents.. .. 88 SO
Lawful money reserve in bank, vix:—
Specie.*11.624 50
Legal tender notes . 2,000 OtH 13,624 30
Redemption fund with U. s. treasurer
(5 per cent of circulation). 3So 00
Total. .*206 943 06
Capital stock paid in.*25,
Surplus fund.. 4,000 0J
U udivideo iirofits. less expenses and
taxes paid. 1.285 80
National Bank notes outstanding. 7,0o0 00
Due to otber National Banks . 5.000 on
Due to State Banks and Bankers. 720 82
Individual deposits subject to
check. 08.684 70
Demand certificates of deposit .... 65,251 71
Totai.*--06 943 06
Male of Nebraska, I
l o'iniy of Unennan. (
I A P C-ITIJ.XT. President ot the alsivt
named Bank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement is true to the beat of my
kmh ledge and in-liet
A. P. CutXEY, President.
R. J. Niuhii oai.b. Director,
M. L. Cnu,m. Diree<or.
W. F. Mason l ector.
Snoacrl ied and sworn to before me till
30th day ol August. 1907.
M. H. MB All.
(eKAis) Notary Public
AWiijiiwuw expires February 2. 1913
f Notice to Non-Resident Defendant
la the District Coart in and (or Slerouti
v> noty. Nebraska. **
Etta 4. Warner, Plaintiff.
Berb a W. Earner, Defendant.
" Bertolt W. Wgrper wjU take notice that 01
fh" Uth day of remember. 1**7. F.ft* A
Warner, the *boye named plaintiff, filed h**i
pa ill on against him In the Diatitot Court ii
end for Sherman county. Nebraska. tb# obj-c
pud prayer of said petition are to obtain ■
r \ deeroe of divorce from the said Berton W
1 Warper, on the ground* of willful deaertl n
and abnndoament for a period of more that
two (2) years. The said defendant la rrqoltei
!•« »Di«*r aaid petition on or before the 28tl
dav of Ootaber. 1907. or- the allegatlnns of nh
petition will he taken as true and decrc
**WTlnk A WABNER. Plaintiff.
Uy Cuumr.ftiu her attorney.
' . V* "- .- -
Entered >t the Loup City Postoffloe for trmnt
mission through the malls as seeoEd
class matter.
Office Theme,-6 on 108
Residence ’Phone, - 2 on 108
J. W. BURLEIGH. Ed. tuid Pub.
"official returns
of Primary Election held in Sherman
county, Nebraska, September 3, 1907.
© ® a 2 2
*B O c ®
= *2.1 Pt
g $ § ff E
S h 3 " S
r a. _r
For Supreme Judge:
M B Reese, rep.103.
Sam'l Sedwick, rep.. 100.
I L Albert, p i-dem... 918....
Geo Loomis, p i-dem.. 75 4-....
Otto Wm Meier, p i-d 53 2*....
Lucien Stebbins, soc.4 ..
Julian D Graves, pro... 1
For Raildoad Com:
P A Caldwell, rep_ 76.
Henry T Clark, rep. .63.
S M Wallace, rep. . 59.
E F McClure, soc. 4 ..
Sam’l Lichty, pro • . 1
For Regents University
Chas B Anderson,rep 167.
George Coupland,rep 100.
Dr A S von Mansfelde 54.
John L Sundean,p i-d 195 9 ..
R J Millard, dem_ ... 11 .. ••
J N Carter, soc..3 . ■
G C Porter, soc. . 1 • •
For Dist. Judge.
B O Hostetler, rep.. .213.
For County Clerk:
T R Lay, rep.189 - • • 12 ..
C F Beushausen, pi.. 8226 9 ..
For County Treasurer: j l
D C Grow, rep. . 203 . -I 5 ..
R M Hiddleson, pi... 514911 ....
John Minshull, pi... 2 98 1 ., ..
For County Judge:
W J Fisher, rep.168 111-.
Geo W Hunter, rep... 3.
J A Angier, pi. 8 227 6 ...
Eor Sheriff:
L A Williams, rep .. 216 1710
L) B Carpenter, pi... 193 2j.. .
For County Supt.,
Mary AKHendrickson 51 -----1..
M H Mead. rep... . 148 ■ ! 4 . .
L H Currier, pi. . 6; 87j 3
R L> Hendrickson, p i 12 95 2! • •
J F Nicoson, pi. 60 2 • •!• •
For Coroner:
Dr Jones. 10u.
Dr Kearns. 1 3.
A S Maiq, rep. 207 16 .....
For Surveyor:
E B Corning. 14 45.
For County Assessor:
L Bechthold, rep.146 2 3
- L W Callen, rep... . 73 38 1 ..
Wm Lewandowski pi 94 ......
FSchroll, pi . 117.
Total vote cast in county 513.
The following named persons were
nominated to the office of county
Dist. No. 2—H B Musser, republi
can: Henry Thode, peoples’ indepen
Dist. No. 4—W T Gibson, rep.; J 1
Depew, p-i.; Will Odendahl, dem.
Dist. No. 6—Wm Jakob, rep.;lsaiah
Vanscoy, peoples’ independent.
The Northwestern still contends
that the new primary law is a dismal
failure. Not only that, but it proves
to be an expensive failure for the tax
payers. The primary law cost the
taxpayers of Sherman county some
thing over $700, it is estimated, while
the taxpayers received about $115.
And what do they get in return ? Do
they get any purer political aspirants
in the candidates named? Nit. And
in at least one instance a candidate
has been foisted on to a party ticket
who could not have received a half
dozen votes in a party convention,
and is distinctly distasteful to the
party and voters in general, and when
the results of the fall election are
made known will be found to have
polled so ridiculously a small vote
that it will be likened to the proverbial
needle in a hay-stack. In general,
however, the candidates nominated
at the primary are just what would
jhave been nominated by party con
j ventions. and such conventions would
! not have cost the taxpayers one cent.
In many counties in the state, how
ever, a per cent of candidates much
larger than is the fact in this county,
have gained nominations they never
could have gained had party conven
tions been held, nor could have been
nominated had there been two or
more men contesting for the same
office, merely getting the nomination
through default- of there being more
than one. The primary proves to be
a good thing for some self-made can
didates whose-only chance to even be
a party nominee is in this way, but
whose election is not to be thought
of in November.
It is not Judge Hostetler's fault,
unless the fact that he is a very
popular jurist makes it so, butaixxmi
lng to the primary returns he has
the nomination for judge from this
district not only from the republi
cans. tut from populists, socialists and
prohibitionists sis well, and by c*nly a
scratch was prevented from beir-g the
democratic nom inee for district judge.
But then, the judge has made a
splendid record, and even his political
enemies, as you see, acknowledge it
and want to share in the honor of
his re-election.
Thos. R. Lay not only secures the
republican 'nomination for oiunty
clerk, by the action of the primaries,
but receives the democratic nomina
tabulated votp. ’Jtom is * Re
publican, but oap smilingly accept
the good offices qf his democratic
friends in boosting him into' the court
ty clerkship. _____
Of course D, 0. (Dow, wifcifl big
1 aldermanic form, it made the repub
lican candidate for county treasurer,
i and no one expected other result,
• when Dar entered the raoe; and bv
7 he way, his election to the oount-v
At a meeting of the republican
county candidates last Saturday even
ing at the office of Aaron Wall, chair
man of the Republican County Central
Committee, and with Secretary Starr
at the desk and every county candi
date present, save Dr. A. S. Main,
candidate for coroner, the following
county central committe was selected
by the candidates under the pro
visions of the new primary law: Loup
City, Aaron Wall; Logan, E. E. Tracy;
Oak Creek, John Chipps: Ashton,
Theo. Ojend.vk: Rockville, Henry
Tangerman: Webster. H. S. Conger;
Washington, Carl T. McKinnie; Elm,
Adam Zahn: Clay. Charles Snyder;
Hazard, Emil Swanson, Jr., Harrison,
M. S. Tafey; Bristol, Bert Edwards,
and Scott, John Greenhalgh. There
will be a second meeting next Satur
day afternoon at the same place to
elect a chairman and secretary of the
central committee, and to elect one
delegate to the state meeting at
Lincoln to form a state central com
mittee, to elect officers and to draft a
platform for the party to stand upon,
as also provided by the new primay
Tnere was a pretty warm little
scrap before the populist primary for
the populist nomination for superin
tendent of schools, in a three-cornered
tight between Rol Hendrickson. L. H.
Currier and J. F. Nicoson, the former
winning the nomination by only eight
votes over Prof. Currier. However,
the voters will leave Rol on the
private citizen list this fall and re
elect Supt. M. H. Mead for the second
term, which the usual courtesy and
his most excellent fitness for the
office entitle him.
Sheriff Williams is not exactly as
young as he used to be, but as a
political sprinter he leads them all.
At the primary no one thought of
voting for any one else, and even the
democrats concluded he was the right
man and he thus becomes the demo
cratic candidate for sheriff as well as
the choice of his republican party.
His opponent will scarcely be known
in the race.
The populist county candidates met
in the court room Iasi Saturday after
noon to select a county central com
mittee for that party, but the North
western was refused access to the
minutes of the meeting, so is unable
to give the names of the central com
mittee named. Is it possible our
populist friends propose to inaugurate
star council proceedings behind closed
doors and leave the public in the
dark as to their doings?
County Assessor Lewis Bechtliold
will not sound bad. Louie has the
republican nomination for that most
important county office and will prove
a race horse of no mean speed and is
liable to come in on the home stretch
distancing his populist opponent.
The republican nominees for super
visors in their several districts are
W. T. Gibson, H. B. Musser and WTm.
Jacobs, and unless the signs of the
times are wrong will be sworn in at
the beginning of the new year as
county fathers.
Ak-Sar-Ben Thrillers.
“More attractions for the Ak-Sar
Ben fall festi vital have been contract
ed for and the carnival grounds this
season will rival any of previous years
in their wealth of amusement novel
ties. The greatest of the free acts is
the exhibition of Harry L. Thomas,
the world’s famous areonaut, who as
cends in a mammoth baloon from the
carnival grounds at 12 o’clock noon
on a set day (weather permitting)
and will remain many thousands of
feet In the air for 27 hours. The
famous La Thoma will also make
daily ascensions and participate in
the baloon and airship races.
The most daring feat of the free
acts is the slide for life that will be
made by M’lle La Blonche, along a
cable suspended from the top of a 44
foot tower erected on the roof of the
eight story Brandeis building, to the
highest point on the steeple of the
First .Presbyterian church, hundreds
of feet away. Her descent is made
without the use of brakes, and is the
most perilous and genuine thriller of
the age. It is the most sensational
feat that has ever been offered to the
A Cat Rate Price
This is the first campaign in Ne
braska in which political bosses cut
no figure. The people will nominate
the candidates and afterwards elect
them. You are one of the people
and should take an active interest in
these primaries and elections here
after. Politics from now on means a
square deal for the masses; lower
passenger .rates, lower -frieglit rates,
less extortion by trusts and com
binations. These things can only be
accomplished by everv honest voter
making it a part of his business. The
people can only know what is really
going on by reading the newspapers.
But ought to read a newspaper that
can print the truth about the candi
dates: a paper that lira no self-in
terest in politics; whose owners are
not office-holders or office-seekers.
The publishers think the STATE
JOURNAL is such a paper and in
order to prove it to you make the
- special offer of only 50 cents from now
until after election:seventy-five cents
if—you want the Sunday also. The
earlier you send in your order the
more you get for you;r money. Lin
coln is the news center.
I, 000 Acres of Virginia
Land for Sale.
A good two-story framehouse, good
barn, two tenant houses. This land
is situated near Norfolk, land within
. two arid ong-h^lf raijiis qf' navigable
canal ana' five miles qf a railroad
station. A snap at 916,(100, pne-tbird
cash, the remainder on easy terms.
, J also have many other small farms
! for sale- A. L. Zimmerman.
, For a Drayman,
; Send a messenger for
J. W. Conger
He will pay the fee
Fair and Carnival
Wednesday, May, Friday,
Sept. 25,26,27,’07
Prospects are bright for a splendid Street Fair and Car
nival this year, $700 having been subscribed by the business
men of this city.
The people of Grand Island will come up on the 26th
in a Special Train of Eight Coaches.
There will be splendid Base Ball games each afternoon
between such teams as the “Prairie Dogs,” Central City, Au
rora, and the “Fats” and “Leans” of Loup City.
Prof. Sorensen, the best aeronaut in the business, has
been engaged to come and make Balloon Ascensions and
Parachute Leaps Daily, and to make Ascensions at
Night, carrying up thousands of feet in the air and Explod
ing Brilliant Fireworks.
There will also be plenty of Free Attractions, includ
ing a splendid Negro Quartet, the High Diving Dog. Duke,
the best of Band Music and many other Free Attractions.
Concessions will line the streets, and the Carnival will be
a continuous round of excitement and pleasure.
Cheap One-Way
Colonist Rates:
Daily during September and Oc
tober to Pacific Coast and far west
points at about half rates.
To the East:
The low rate Jamestown Exposi
tion tickets can be used for your
autumn tripto New York, Boston,
and other Eastern cities. These
are the last cheap rates of the
Trips West:
Low rate excursion tickets to Colo
rado, the Rockies, and Big Horn
Mountains will remain on sale
during aeptember: the low rate
round trip tickets to Pacific Coast
will not be on sale after Septem-1
ber loth.
See the West with its 1907 crops.
Western farm lands, including
irrigated lands, are constantly ad
vancingin value;'beUer locate now
Big Horn Basin
and Hillings Bistre*:
We rup personally conduct, d.
cheap ntfe "homeseekers excur
sions to help you locate on irrigated
lands at the lowest prices; they
will double in value in five years.
Join me on these excursions'. No
charge fur services. Write P
■Clem Pe&ver, Agent Burlington
Laudseekors’ Bureau, Omaha.
Ticket Agent, Loup City, Neb.
To many points in
California, Oregon
and Washington
Everv Dav from
•/ •'
Sept. 1 to Oct. 31,1907
To Butte, Anaconda and Helena.
To Ogden and Salt Lake City.
To Pendleton and Walla Walla.
To Spokane and Wenatchee, Wash.
To San Paanplsco, Los Angeles, San
Diego and many Other California
To Everett, Fairhaven, Whatcom,
Vancouver, Victoria and Astoria.
To Ashland, Boseburg, Eugene,
Albany and Salem via Portland.
To Portland, or to Tacoma and
C. G. Cooper
Clearance and
Removal Sale
Extfa Special Sales
Saturday, Sept. 14
20-lbs. Granulated Sugar for - $1.00
6 cans Cremo Corn, ..... .25
10 bars Diafaon C Soap ... .25
25c can of Baking Powder - - .15
8 packages of Rub-No-More -• - .25
3 cans of Blackberries ... .25
3 pounds 3-Crown Raisins - - .25
4 cans of Eagle Lye .... .25
5 packages of Grape Nuts - - .50
3 cans Lynx Brand Salmon - - .25
We will add to this list, several more
equally as good Bargains..
We Pay 17c Per Doi. for Eggs
Come Everybody
Blacksmith 9 Wagon Maker*
My shoo is the largest and best equipped north of the Platte Elver
I have a four horse engine and a complete line of the latest improved, ma
chtnery. also a force of experienced men who know how to operate It and
turn out a job with neatness and dispatch.
Get More Epes.
Paint the inside of your nen house with
CARBOLINEUM. It is a sure lice and
mite exterminator. For sale by
Ke^rston.© 3_ixnTDr. Co.
Loup City, Ashton, Rockville and Schaupps
\ sfspt S >R x
& 3 iQ H &BH