Loup City Northwestern ~.. . - 1 ' .." .... i ■ i i — ^ VOLUME XXIV. LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA. THURSDAY. AUGUST 29. 1907. NUMBER 42 Professions. Cards’1 A. P. CULLEY, Attorney & Connselor-at-Law (Office: First National Bank) Loup City, Nebr. ROBT. P. S TARR Attorney-At-Law, LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA. AARON WALL Lawyer Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. R. J. NIGHTINGALE Attorney and Cannsebat-Law t _ LOUP CITY. NEB R. H. MATHEW, Attorney-at-Law, And Bonded Abstractor, Loup City, Nebraska O. E. LONG AC RE PHYSICIAN aid SURGEON Office, Over New Bank. TELEPHONE CALL, NO. 39 A. J. KEARNS Phone, 30. Office at Residence Lniip Ritij, - Nebraska S. A. ALLEN. DEJYTIST, LOU I’ CITY, • - NEB, Office up stairs m the new State Bank building. W. L. MARCY. HlflSf, LOUP CITY, NEE OFFICE: East Side Public Snuaie Phone, 10 on 36 *?/. //..?//:./» Bonded Abstracter Loup City, • Nebraska. Only set of Abstract books in connty Try the F• F- F- Dray F. F. Foster, Prop. Office; Foster’s Barber Shop L. A. BANGS The Drayman Phone 7 on 60 Asks Your Patronage FOR A Pleasant Evenitg Call on Pratt at Soutli Side Pool and Billiard Parlors Fixtures New and Up-to-Date S- A. PRATT, - Proprietor ■ " ^ ^ !■. Laurels Again! 4 The r»rii Exposition has made the Gold Medal Award to I.W.HARPER KENTUCKY I WHISKEY; Geld medals were also awarded at I New Orleans l&dS l' and "Hforlds fair Chicago 1B95. I For Sile l)> T.H. Eisner Crive -TIs a Trial Round Front Barn, J. H. MINER. Props. Loup City, - Nebr. Finest Livery Riga, careful drivers, Headquarters ior farmers’ teaiun Com mercial men’s trade given especial atj ' teution. Your patronage solicited. THE NORTHWESTERN TERMS:—11.00 per tear, if paid in advahci Entered at the Loup City Postofflce for tran& mission through the mails as second ' class matter. Office ’Phone, - - - 6 on 108 Residence ’Phone, - 2 on 108 J. W. BURLEIGH, Ed. and Pub. Candidates’ Cards. SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS. 1 hereby announce that I am a can dfdate for the nomination of County Superintendent of Public Instruction of Sherman county, subject to the decision of the republican party at the primary election to be held on September 3rd, 1907. M. H. Mead. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the nomination of County Superintendent of Public ln strnction, subject to the action of the People s Independent Party pri maries, of Sherman county, Nebraska. R. D. Hendrickson. I hereby announce that I am a candidate for the nomination of County Superintendent of Public In struction. subject to the action of the People's Independent Party at the primary election to be held on September 3rd. 1907. L. II. Currier. I hereby announce that I am a can didate for the nomination ol' Countv Superintendent of Public Instruction of Sherman County, subject to the de cision of the Peoples' Independent party at the primary election to be held on September 3rd, 1907. •i. F. Nicoson. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the nomination of County Superintedent, subject to the will of the republican voters of Sherman county, at the primaries to be held September 3, 1907. Mary A. K. Hendrickson. COUNTY TREASURER. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of County Treas urer of Sherman county, subject to the will of the Republican voters at the primary election to be held on the 3rd day of September, 1907. I). C. Grow. 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for nomination to' the office of Treasurer of Sherman county, subject to the will of the People's Independ ent party at the primary election to be held on Tuesday, the 3rd dav of September, 1907. R. M. Hiddleson. COUNTY JUDGE. > * I hereby announce myself as a can didate for nomination to the office of County Judge, subject to the will of the People's Indepennent party voters of Sherman county at the primary election to be held on the 3rd of Sep tember, 1907. J. A. Angier. COUNTY CLERK. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of County Clerk of Sher man county, subject to the will of the Republican voters at the primarv election to be held on the 3rd dav of September, 1907. Thos. E. Lay. I hereby- announce myself a candi date for nomination to the office of County Clerk of Sherman countv, subject to the will of the Peopled Independent and Democratic parties at the primary election to be held on the 3rd of Sep-tember. 1907. C. F. Beushausen. SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself a candi date for nomination to' the office of sheriff of Sherman county, subject to the decision of the Republican party at the primary election to be held on September 3rd, 1907. L. A. Williams. COUNTY ASSESSOR. I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination of County Asses sor, subject to the will of the Repub lican voters at the primary- election to be held Sept. 3rd, 1907. L. W. Callen. I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination of County Asses sor, subject to the will of the’ Repub lican voters at the primary election to be held Sept. 3rd, 1907. Lewis Bechthold. Booney Saved The Day. Col. Boone, the Fats' short stop, who was the brightest particular Starr in that organization, with a few exceptions, played a remarkable game. When a tine little fly came down in hia hands and he ducked and ran away from the ball, it wasall because Grasshopper Starr of the Leans yelled to Jim Burnett to gobble the sphere. Then when that nice little grounder came out and Boone was Starr gazing, it was Lee Arthur, the Fats’ giant third baseman, who wanted to get the persimmon and yelled to Booney, “It’s my ball, don’t let me step on you!’’ and this so rattled and un nerved him that except lor the beau tiful fly he sent almost out of sight, which was caught by Johansen for the Leans, he was almost oat of the game. Boone contends that Starr had fixed Lee Arthur to lose the game for the Fats, but that he would not stand for this and saved the game for the Fats as the score will show. Boone is thinking of joining the Pueblo Fans for the balance of the season, but don't want any grass hopper-Starr’s or sbuab-Arthur's to queer the game on him. Justice. Clear Creek. The weather is hot and dry. Corn is drying up and will soon be dry enough to cilb. Small grain is about all in the bin. Mrs. Thomas is in Morrison, 111., visiting relatives. W. Duck started for Indiana to at tend a regimental reunion. Mr. Reed refused to sell his quarter of land for 3:12,000 last week. The next legislature vzHl have one job to attend and that is to repeal the primary law. The oats yield is from 12 to 25 bushels per acre. Wes Ileapy is cutting ids com. LIKE A FAIRY STORY Our A. P. Culley May Get Slice of Big Fortune. [The following article taken from the Louisville fKy.) Herald reads like a chapter from the Arabian Knights, the principals being an uncle and aunt of A. P. Culley; his mother’s brother and sister.—Ed.] Like a fairy legend of poor people coming into immense fortunes and becoming kings and queens is the story of Prof. C. W. Mattliis, of 759 Eighth St., and Mrs. Annie E. Gore, of 1613 William St., who expect to come into the tremendous estate of Lord Dillard, of Ireland, from whom they claim direct descent. Although a hundred years have passed since the death of Lord Dillard, none of his descendants have attempted to secure the immense fortune, which is one of the largest estates in the world. From father to son the story of the great estate has been handed down, and each in his turn has dreamed of the tremendous wealth which should be his own. Prof. Matfchis and Mrs. Gore have made a serious attempt to secure the wealth, and expect to be entitled to it in a few years. Clarence Brown of Elizabethtown, has written the officials in Dublin, and the records of the family will be opened and com pared with those kept here through many generations, for the family has kept trace of their ancestors back to the American Revolution, when Lord Dillard’s son came to this country and fought for the liberty of America from English rule. In 1780 Lord Dillard died, leaving a vast estate, which comprised thousands of acres of fertile land and many homes near Dublin. His son, William Dillard, had come to America, in 1700 and settled in Virginia. He enlisted in the Revolutionary war under General Israel Putnam, and was killed in the battie of Runker Hill. His son, James Dillard, moved to Kentucky and was one of the founders of Elizabethtown. His daughter, Nancy, married John Matthis, and was the mother of Prof. Matthis and Mrs. Gore. Resides these two in Louis ville, Kentucky, Mrs. Mandy Rrown of Cecelia, Ky., and Mrs. Maggie Rayne of Missouri, will inherit shares of the fortune, which has been the byword of the family for years back. A. P. Culley of Loup City, Neb., a nephew of Mrs. Gore, will start for Ireland in several months to deter mine the status of the estate. Prof. Matthis is a graduate of Eradenburg Academy and a doctor of philosophy. He is an applicant for a Carneigej pension for aged teachers. Mrs. Gore’s husband was Lieut. Dennis Gore, U. S. A. Montezuma Valley is “It.” The Montezuma Valley in south west Colorado seems to have an im mense attraction to our Loup City capitalists. Within the past few months they have, according to the Journal, published at Cortez, the county seat of that valley, purchased $60,000 worth of property there. Geo. Truelsen, just returned from a trip to the Montezuma country last week, purchased a quarter section, paying therefor $8,000, on which the wheat harvest will realize 50 bushels per acre. Geo. and J. H. Lee also last week purchased a quarter section there for $4,000. On the 17th of September, Will Zimmerman will take a party of some forty land seekers to the Montezuma valley, from Loup City and surrounding country, and undoubtedly they will take large Holdings. To give some idea of this country which is attracting the at tention of our people, we asked Mr. Zimmerman a few questions of in terest about that country, having a touch of the fever in our veins, and found the valley comprises 60,000 acres. There are 3,000 acres of orchard, half of which are bearing. About 100,000 young trees have been set out the past spring. The soil is claimed to be of unusual productiveness and two great irrigation ditches fed by a swift rushing and deep river 1,000 feet higher than the valley gives abundant water for all purposes. Land values are from $25 to $40 per acre, and it isclaimed that when they have better railroad facilities, which are promised for the very near future, the values will easily be doubled. The delegation which will leave here on the 17th of September will get a round fare rate of $35.45, and if you want to know more about the coun try and facts relating thereto than we have space to devote to this story, see W. D. Zimmerman and he will tell you all you may want to know. On and after August 26, 1907, “The Overland Limited” trains, numbers 1 and 2, and “The Los Angeles Limit ed” trains, numbers 7 and 8, will handle interstate business only, and passenge/s without proper interstate tickets will not be carried on these trains. Mileage tickets will be honored on these trains for interstate trips only. According to an opinion handed down by the attorney general, saloons ; tppst close all day of primary election. SEEING THE COMET Bob Mathew Not a Suc cessful Astronomer. From Saturday’s Lincoln Star. A desire to see the morning comet under the most satisfactory circum stances of a pretty girl’s company in a sail boat while .the flower scented breezes of early morning were blow ing led to a series of embarrassing consequences to Robert Mathew, who is a practicing attorney in Loup City, and a Lincoln young lady tliao accom panied him. Mr. Mathew and his friend rode horseback to Capital beach this morn ing, about 3:30. They had made ar rangements with the management last night for a sail boat, and it stood rocking in the water at the foot of the pier when they arrived. With a light lunch that they had brought along and a few fishing lines for luck, they piled into the boat, and raised the sail. There was a good breeze and straight as an arrow the boat shot out into the center of the lake. When the middle of the lake was reached Mr. Mathew attempted to lower the sails so that the two could gaze at the brilliant comet that light ed up the eastern heavens. It was not the lowering kind. It could be taken down when the boat was at rest at the pier, but not while it was in mid water. This was embarrassing in it self. The sail must come down or the pleasure of the morning would be lost and the sacrifice of sleep that had been necessitated by this trip would not be compensated for. The jib-sail was jerked down but the main sail could not be released._,They could not rise in the boat for fear of tipping it over and the canvas was too tough to be torn loose. While the two pondered and wor ried, the breeze began to grow stronger and the boat rolled recklessly, they thought. It shot around in a circle and the occupants were juggling with death when they had come for the utmost pleasure. They yelled for help but there was only a small boy with nothing more than a fish pole, within hearing distance, and he could do nothing. While the girl screamed and the man yelled for help, the boat kept up its circling and rocking and threatened to upset at any moment/?. They yelled to the boy to bring a row boat and help them out, but he was heedless to their cries of distress. At last while the wind ceased its play ror a few moments, the pole of the other sail and hands were used to shove the boat to shore. Finally it was w ithin a few yards, but the water was still knee deep. It would go no farther. The girl was brave, and with one leap she jumped from the boat into the dirty mud and water. A moment more and she was on dry land but far from dry herself. The girl was out and now Mr. Mathew thought it was his turn to escape from the cruel waves. He stepped to the front end of the boat to make the leap, but a sudden gust of wind struck the sail and the boat shot back upon the rolling waters of the lake. The girl was safe, but he never learned to swim and did not seem to know what he could do. The girl solved the problem. While he was trying to keep the waves from rising over the rail into the boat the girl was on a dead run for the boat house. There was no one there, but she was equal to the occasion. The boats were all chained and locked, but that did not matter. One stroke of an axe and the girl had a boat free. A moment more and the oars were grasped and the girl was off to the rescue. The rescue was accomplished and now the couple are safe at home in sweet contentTthat only a small boy was present to see their distress and there is no way for the news to leak out. For a Drayman Send a messenger for J. W. Conger He will pay the fee 26.50 IlM. Every Day Sept. 1 to Oct. 31,1907 One - Way Colonist ratds are in effect to San Francisco, Los Angeles and many other Califor nia points To Cortland, Tacoma, Seattle and many other Oregon and Whashington points. VIA ONION PACIFIC Inquire of G. W. Collipriest IFor Sale! WT'S.uM_LL!!».!aw FROM THE LOUP VALLEY HERD OF PolapdGhipas FALL and .SPRING BOARS, sired bv O. K. CHIEF 41973: PAWNEE'S PRIDE, 43393: YOUNG TEC., 42406, and REX TEC., 43756. I have four spring boars by Young Tec. out of G raceful May, my $122 sow that are hard beat. Queen Louise has a litter of seven by Rex Tec., though young, are nice growthy fellows. The youngsters from my standbys are coming right along and are good, heavy-boned pigs. H. J. JOHANSEN. Earn More] S $ $ $ Business and Short hand Courses taught by Nasi Experienced Teachers in the west. Positions for graduates. Work for Board. Help for deserving students. Address Moiher-Lampman College, Information frt: 1700 Farnam St.. OMAHa. Nan. R ^ OVAL ! THE GREATEST BARGAIN SALE OF THE SEASON. - — Extra Special Half Hour and Hourly Sales Saturday Afternoon and Evening We sold at our extra special half hour and hourly sales last Saturday : 20-lbs. Granulated Sugar for - $1.00 6 cans Cremo Corn,..25 10 bars Diamon C Soap - - - .25 25c can of Baking Pov/der - - .15 We will give the same and add many more items to this Extra Special List FOR Saturday, Aug, 31 Com© ExTerytoocLy . u. Cooper E. Gr. Taylor, J. S. Pedler, C. C. Carlson. President. Vice President. Cashier i -DIRECTORS W: R. Mellor, J. W. Long, S. N. Sweetlanu LOUP CITY STATE* BARR LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA.. Capital Stock, - - $25,000.00 Individual Liability, $250,000.00 High Grade Orgap Manufactured by the At Factory Prices Delivered in your town. You Pay $5 Gash apda$] |Pef Week 50 Per Cent Off|on Retail Prices Ask for Catalogue and Prices of the Factory Distributors, Omatia, USTet). The Big Piano and Or jan House.