The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 22, 1907, Image 5

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Woman Uplifting
Her European
By Molly Elliot Sea^well
cAutkor of " Maid Marian’’
Tells How a Wave of Americanism
is Sweeping Over Middle-Class
Women of Europe—Degraded
Condition of Lower-Class Wom
en Abroad—American Customs
Gaining Ground in England—
More Freedom for Women on
the Continent — America “the
Heaven for Women.
v ___J
(Copyright, by Joseph B. Bowles.)
No one who knew Europe before
1890 and who knows It now can fail to
have observed the wave of American
ism which has swept over European
women in recent years. Its effect up
to the present time is confined to the
great middle classes, except in Eng
land, where it has ieached the upper
stratum of society. The lower stratum
seems, so far, quite unaffected by It.
In England the laboring man still
beats his wife and gets two or three
years in prison for it if the woman
happens to die under the operation,
and the man can prove that he was
drunk when he gave the beating. In
France the woman oi the lower classes
still toils in the fields. In Germany
she is still hitched with the dog to
the plow, which the man holds, or,
still with the dog, the woman drags to
market the cart, in which the man
sits. In Italy the women still trudge
home from their labors in the fields
carrying great burdens on their backs,
and sometimes children, too, in their
arms, while the men ride the donkeys
and mules.
The American idea that man shall
be the chief worker has not yet
reached the laboring classes of Eu
rope. In every town and hamlet sights
are witnessed every day of the deg
radation of women which would pro
voke a tarring and feathering, if not a
lynching, conducted by the leading
citizens in any American community.
In the days of slavery at the south the
negro women did only the lightest
of field work and enjoyed a considera
tion from their masters in-illness and
old age which to the European peasant
women of to-day would seem like a
dream of paradise. In Europe the
working woman is never too old, too
feeble or too ill to work. Nor is any
thing, from slaving in the mines to
cleaning house, reckoned too hard for
her, nor is any pittance reckoned too
little for her.
* » * • *
Emperor William says that he pre
fers the women who only know four
K’s—kinder (children), kuchen (kitch
en), kleider (clothes) and kirche
(church). If his majesty would con
sider what the working women in his
own kingdom of Prussia receive as
wages, the enormous toil they undergo
from birth to death, the wretched
clothes and still more wretched fare
to which they are bound, and then
compare their situation with that of
American women of the same kind, he
would be forced to admit that the
women who know- more than the four
K’s have the best of it.
An American may be forgiven for
thinking his civilization the best, which
releases from women the horrors that
are so common in Europe that they are
not regarded as horrors at all, but as
the normal conditions. Emperor Wil
liam may see, any day that he goes
forth, the woman yoked with the dog,
and he perhaps regards it as eminent
ly proper. But no American man or
woman can see that sight without hor
ror and disgust.
The Americanizing of the laboring
classes in Europe would mean an in
dustrial and economic chaos—so it
cannot be expected. Those in whom
hope is not dead and who by striving
and pinching almost beyond belief can
acquire the price of a steerage ticket
to America come here as to their land
of Canaan. The rest work, starve,
freeze and die as their forbears have
done for a thousand years, that a few
may* live and boast of their “civiliza
But In the middle classes the Amer
ican leaven Is working strongly. These
middle-class European women see, in
the tremendous number of American
women of all sorts who come to them
every yedr, what vast privileges and
immunities the American woman has
—and they are following her as fast
as they can. In England the Amer
icanization has reached the upper
J classes. Especially is this notable in
* London society—but it is wholly a de
velopment of the last few years.
Up to aDout the year 1890 all that
English people of the higher classes
saw of American women was in Lon
don, where there was a small colony
of Americans, who conformed strictly
to English standards. The daughters
of these American parents were made
to be, as far as possible, imitations
of the English girl. These bogus Eng
lish girls knew little of their own
country. As the case always is with
imitations, they went far beyond their
prototypes. Just about the time the
daughters of the English earls were
beginning to go out on the street unat
tended by their maids the daughters
of the retired American hardware deal
ers, tobacconists and the like estab
lished In London found they could not
go around the corner without a maid
at their heels. When the English girl
had begun to think i; a little old-fash
ioned to have the footman escort her
to church and to carry her prayer
book the bogus English girl found a
footman absolutely necessary to hex
attendance at divine worship.
But this type of Anglo-American
girl was succeeded In time by the girl
whose parents take a house in London
for the season, go to Homburg for the
late summer, to Paris in the autumn,
'Vand to Rome, Egypt or the Riviera foi
the winter. The new American girl
Is a cosmopolite, and, comparing the
n ways of all nations, finds her own
quite as good %s any. Her American
ism is not blatant, but deep. She goes
hqr own independent but perfectly
proper way, and is politely indifferent
as to what the English girls think of
her. There is nothing like pol:te in
difference to win the favor of the
English, as a race. Straightway they
began to respect, to admire, to copy
the American girl. It has divided
English society into American and
Asti-American parties—one bemoan
ing and lamenting and deriding Amer
ican customs, the other enthusiastic
ally imitating them.
• » * • •
London Is the battleground of these
two factions. The Americans, how
ever, are steadily gaining and invading
the enemy's camp. American cus
toms in entertaining get a 5rmer
footing every season. Ten years ago
the American fashion of smart, dinners,
especially on Sunday nights, at splen
did cafes, with music and llowers, was
unknown in London. To-day it is
rampant, and there are not less than
a dozen superb Loudon hotels where
these dinners are the great feature.
Another evolution is the dance for
young girls alone. It was inaugurated
over a decade ago by the young un
married daughter of Lord Rosebery,
and was a screaming success. Of course
there was an outcry from the reac
tionaries, but the girls and men found
ic a charming change from the dullness
of the typical English ball and the
custom has come ta stay.
Another American innovation in.
English society is a boon both to
health and comfort. This is the fash
ion of wearing gay little bodices, made
high, at family and informal dinners.
All over England until a few years
ago, the ceremony of “dressing for
dinner” was gone through with reli
giously in every family of any social
standing whatever. This meant the ar
raying of every woman, no matter
what her age or health might be. and
in the strictest privacy of the family
circle, in a low-necked gown for dinner.
The gown, of course, was not fresh—it
would take the income of a Roths
child to keep a family of girls in even
ing gowns for every-day wear. The
spectacle, therefore, of an English
family dinner was weird and un
earthly—the seedy and frazzled skirts,
the shabby bodices—the whole a
ghastly travesty on full dress. The
results to health, too, were something
frightful. English houses are badly
heated, the climate is damp and try
ing and rheumatism and consumption
stalked in the train of the dressing
for-dinner habit. But the American
custom of reserving low gowns for
ceremonious occasions is founded on
good taste, and once adopted it will not
be laid aside.
# * 9 m m
In France and Italy the influence
of the American woman is not so ob
vious as in England, but it is there.
The custom of girls going out alone
is yearly making headway. Former
ly it was not safe for a girl to ven
ture alone on the streets in any
French or Italian city. She would
be understood as inviting insult. But
that is now a thing of the past. French
men and Italians are accustomed to
seeing well-dressed girl^ walking
alone, and no longer dream that this
solitariness means anything except
that the girl finds a companion un
necessary. In Paris girls of the up
per middle class think nothing now
of mounting an omnibus alone. They
are certain to find an English or
American woman In the omnibus who
is going somewhere unattended and in
perfect safety. In the higher classes
the F rench young person is still strict
ly chaperoned, but by no means to the
same degree as formerly. One no
longer hears a French girl say to her
mother as they sit in the park: “Mam
ma, may I go and sit by papa?” She
not only goes and sits by papa, but
goes out with him—to their mutual
enjoyment, for it must be remembered
that in no other country on earth is
the tie of parents and children so
strong and so tender as in France.
It is in Germany, however, that the
change is most marked. Jerome K.
Jerome, a very close observer, says the
bicycle did it. He declares that for
merly no German girl who wished or
expected to be married would have
been seen on a bicycle. Now they are
all over the face of creation with their
bicycles. The great number of Amer
ican girl students in the smaller Ger
man towns has had a marvelous effect
upon German women. Seeing the free,
untrammeled lives these young girls
led, and noticing they rarely came to
grief, the German girl® quietly fell into
the American way. The German girl
is almost invariably well educated and
reflective. She is tar more progress
ive than the German man. She seems
to have thoroughly wearied of the use
less and endless drudgery which has
heretofore been the rule In the Ger
man household—useless, because all
German households are very simply
• • * • a
America is recognized as the heaven
for women—or, as the Irishman put it
in his letter to his friend in Cork:
"This is a mighty good country, Mike,
for women and cows; and a mighty
bad country for men and horses.”
How to Be True.
The prayerful purpose to be true
to our own best, is to pledge our
selves to a continuous and unceasing
forward march, to undertake What we
can never again lay down as a com
pleted task. For to trust our own best
involves the thought that we stand
ready to go forward to the better
thing, that only the attainment of
our present best can unfold to us.
Willing to Compromise.
During a match at St. Andrew’s,
Scotland, a rustic was struck in th6
eye, acidentally, by a golf ball. Run
ning up to his assailant he yelled:
"This'll cost ye live pounds—five
pounds!” “But I called out ‘fore’ as
loudly as I could,” explained the golf
er. “Did ye, sir?” replied the troubled
one, much appeased. “Weel, I dins
hear; I’ll take fower.”
Point of Time Is Now.
Concern yourself as little as possi
ble with your past. Unnecessary self
torture over what you have been will
only cripple you in your noble battk?
to be better. Now is the point of
time of great moment to you. If you
devote yourielf to now, the past will
be a dream, the future a present real
■ ization.—Joseph Ruiaell Clarkson.
r • -
QEm To SHOW ROW'S OF CAGES. _-^e=* - • • • •
A peep behind the scenes is always
interesting, and when wre see diverse
and remote regions of the world pour
ing their treasures of bird life into
our country a desire is awakened to
know by what means this is accom
In some cases the method is as old
as the history of maritime commerce.
From the time when vessels began to
make voyages to other countries sail
ors have brought back trophies of
various sorts, including specimens of
the fauna of distant lands. Some
birds are still thus brought in and are
hought by dealers in the various ports
of entry.
This method, somewhat systema
tized, prevails at San Francisco, where
the trade, temporarily suspended by
the earthquake and fire, is now be
ginning to revive. Supplies are here
obtained from the crews of steamei%
coming from China and Japan, who
make a regular business of transport
ing cage birds, usually under an ar
rangement with the steamship com
panies by which they are employed
whereby freight is paid out of the
proceeds of sales. The birds thus im
ported are considerable in number,
but few in species, being mainly Java
sparrows, diamond sparrows, Chinese
mockingbirds, and other common
But most of the birds imported are
secured by more highly organized
methods. Several of the leading im
porters maintain forces of men to se
cure the desired birds either in their
native haunts or in European ports to
which they are brought by the agents
of other importers.
Parrots are generally taken while
still in the nest. During the nesting
season the leading American houses
send men to Cuba. Mexico or South
America to obtain stock. Headquar
ters are established by these agents
at some point convenient to the par
rot country and natives are employed
to secure the young birds, which are
forwarded to the United States in
periodical shipments. * Agents have
sometimes been sent from this coun
try to Africa to secure supplies of the
favorite African gray parrot, but these
.are usually obtained in European ports
from vessels arriving with supplies for
,the large European houses.
Small birds, other than canaries,
are generally captured with nets. Ex
pert netters continually visit remote
regions in the interest of wholesale
houses of Hamburg, London, Liver
pool and other large cities of Europe.
Similar expeditions are . dispatched
from New York and Philadelphia to
Cuba and Mexico and occasionally to
more distant lands—even India; but
the principal American houses main
tain connections with establishments
in Germany, through which their sup
plies of old world and South American
birds are more commonly procured.
Canaries are obtained by agents
who visit breeders in the Harz
mountains, the Tyrol and other parts
of Europe. A few, however, are im
ported at San Francisco from breed
ers in China and Japan.
Most of the small birds received
from Africa and Australia are shipped
in large boxes especially prepared for
the purpose. These boxes are of dif
ferent sizes and accommodate from
one to 125 or 150 birds, according to
- *
size of box or of birds shipped. Shell
parrakeets are sent from Australia in
especially large boxes, sometimes as
many as 500 making the journey in a
single box. The birds so shipped are
of a peaceable disposition and may be
caged together without fear of their
injuring one another; but some birds,
such as bullfinches, goldfinches and
male canaries, are quarrelsome, and
each bird has to be placed in a sepa
rate cage.
Canaries are confined in small
wicker cages, seven of which are
strung on a stick, constituting what is
technically known as a row. When
shipped across the ocean these rows
are crated and a linen or burlap sack
specially made for the purpose is
placed about each crate. A crate usu
ally contains 33 rows. To paraphrase
the old riddle—every sack has 33 rows,
every row has seven cages, every cage
has one canary (or sometimes two if
the occupants are the more peaceable
females). Often more than two dozen
crates are shipped in one consign
ment. Each of these must be opened
every day of the voyage, every row re
moved and food and water placed in
the cages. In this daily re-crating the
rows are rearranged so that the bene
fits of outside positions may be more
evenly distributed among the birds.
On arrival in port consignments of
birds (which pay no duty) are entered
at the custom house under permit from
the department of agriculture, usually
secured in advance by the importer.
It Is the aim of the importer to sell
his stock as quickly as possible, to
diminish his losses by death and so
increase his profit. It is estimated
that the mortality en route and in the
store among some of the more delicate
species of birds, such as African
finches, may reach 14 per cent.
While retailers do more or less bus
iness during the entire year, three
well defined seasons are established.
In February canaries begin to breed,
and for the first two or three months
of the year the trade in breeding
canaries, especially females, is. brisk.
About the time it subsides the first
shipments of young parrots arrive
from Cuba and Mexico. These at once
take the stage and bold it until the
middle of August, when it is no longer
possible to secure young birds. In
terest then turns chiefly to singing
canaries and the many other small
cage birds that are imported. The
sale for these grows greater and
greater and reaches Its maximum by
Christmastide, after which it abruptly
declines. Many dealers probably make
more sales in December than during
all the rest of the year. In the Christ
mas season of 1905 one Philadelphia
department store sold 4,000 canaries,
besides other cage birds.
During the year ending June 3®,
1906, more than 200 species of cage
birds were imported into the United
States. These comprised canaries,
parrots (under which term we may
include parrakeets, cockatoos, macaws
and lories), European birds, Oriental
birds, African birds, Australian birds
and a few South American, Mexican
and Cuban birds.
The most important part of our en
vironment we really carry within us.
U. S. S. West Virginia
Moroccan Slave Market.
1m Marrakesh, Morocco, the slave
market is held three times a week in
the two hours that precede the setting
of the sun and the closing of the city
gates. The market place is an open
apace of bare, dry ground hemmed in
with walls and with a ruinous arcade
stretching along the center. The
wealthy patrons seat themselves on
the ground and the auctioneer, after «
prayer to Allah, marches his wans*
round and round the Inclosure, receiv
ing bids as be goes.
■v. ________
Special Costume for Wear in Kitchen
or While at General Work—Proper
Way to Clean Matting—For
the Invalid.
The houseworker’s costume Is now
an established thing. All careful wom
en keep special gowns of washable
cotton to wear in the kitchen or at
their housework. Nothing is smarter
than a plain striped or checked calico
or gingham, made with a short skirt i
and simple blouse attached to the
skirt band with large pearl buttons.
The sleeves are short and not too full,
with cuffs that do not get in the way.
A simple band is best, and the collar
is of the comfortable kind—a Dutch
neck or a Peter Pan for hot weather.
The buttons hold waist and skirt neat
ly together, and make the garment
one to get into quickly. For such
work as frying or mixing dough, a
large, capacious, but not too full,
apron is worn. The old way of wear
ing out old clothes and semi-soiled
blouses in the kitchen is gone. One
cannot wear old clothes at all these
days, but must give them away. The
gain is perceptible to the receivers, for
these rejected garments do not get
much worn before they are out of
date, and, after all, the family labora
tory, where the family food is pre
pared, is no place for worn finery or
soiled, unsuitable clothing. So the
gain is in neatness and sweetness, and
the greater joy of the rest of the
To clean matting, sweep it thorough
ly first with a stiff broom, following
carefully the grain of the straw, heat
up a soft broom in warm w'ater and
brush across the grain. Finally wash
the matting off with warm water, in
which a handful of salt has been dis
solved. If light in color borax will
aid in brightening and preserving the
*or an invalid witn literary or ar
tistic taste nothing could be more
entertaining that to provide means
of extra-illustrating some favorite
book. A pile of miscellaneous maga
zines containing art or scenery arti
cles illustrated with cuts and photo
graphs, a pair of scissors and a roll
of narrow gum tissue paper will prove
a mine of interest. An article on
Cornwall will add realistic views to
"Lorna Doone,” or “Armorel of Lvon
esse,” while historical portraits can
easily be found for Scott’s novels, or
modern medieval romances. When
chosen to be fastened in the book, a
thin strip of the gummed paper will
hold it in place. A dollar’s worth of
penny reproductions of famous pic
tures is a good prescription for in
creasing the patient’s interest in life.
Chicken Hash.
Chop cold chicken, roast or broiled,
and moisten with a little gravy or hot
cream; season with a little salt and
pepper. Cut up two green peppers,
and take out all the seeds and chop
very fine. Put all together in a sauce
pan, and gently simmer till the pep
pers are cooked, adding more gravy
or cream if the hash becomes dry.
Have ready a large cup of hot mashed
potato; put the chicken on a hot plat
ter, and the potato evenly in a border
around the edge, and bits of parsley
outside. Those who do not care for
peppers can omit them, and when the
dish is ready the potato can be
sprinkled with chopped parsley.—Har
per’s Bazar.
Good Vegetable Soup.
In these warm days, when meat
stock is difficult to keep, the house
wife will find the soups made of vege
tables and cream an agreeable sub
stitute. A cup and a half full of al
most any kind of vegetables left over
from dinner of the day before, if rub
bed through a sieve and smoothly
mixed with a pint and a half of thin
cream sauce in which it is allowed
to simmer for three or four minutes,
will make a delicate and nutritious
portion for six people.
Tomato Sauce for Fiah.
Stew half the contents of a can of
tomatoes with a half of an onion,
sliced thin, three peppercorns and a
bay leaf. Rub through a strainer.
Then cook one tablespoonful of butter
with a heaping tablespoonful of flour
in a small saucepan until well blend
ed; then add the strained tomato, lit
tle by little. Season with salt and
pepper and pour over the fish. This is
particularly good when served with
codfish balls.
Bean Roll.
Cook lima beans in boiling water
until tender. Press through a sieve
and add salt, pepper and a tablespoon
ful of butter to each pint of pulp.
Stir in two eggs well beaten, and suf
ficient bread crumbs to make the
mixture thick enough to roll, wrap in
buttered paper and at serving time
bake 20 minutes in a quick oven.
Serve plain or with tomato sauce.
Grandmother’s Ginger Bread.
One large cup molasses (N. O. is
the best), two heaping teaspoonfuls
soda, beat well together, for here lies
the whole secret; then add two tea
spoonfuls ginger, one-half teaspoonful
salt, one cup water, beat all together,
then stir in your flour, enough to make
a not too stiff dough; beat well and
last add one-half cup of melted butter
or lard; stir again.
Inexpensive Beef Loaf.
To one pound of finely chopped lean
beef add one cup bread crumbs,
squeezed out of cold water, and one
egg, well beaten. Season with one
teaspoon salt, one-eighth teaspoon
pepper, and mix together well. Place
in bread pan, lay over top about four
slices bacon, pour on one cup boiling
water and bake one hour. Serve hot
or cold. \
Summer Dressing.
Steam or soak dry bread until soft.
Beat in three eggs, salt,' and season
with sage or any favorite seasoning.
Let stand a short time, then beat
again and fry in hot butter, a spoonful
at a time like potato cakes. Place
around the fowl or roast, as it makes
a pretty garnish and is like baked
Arthur I. Vorys, of Columbus, O., political
manager for William Howard Taft in his presiden
tial campaign, and insurance commissioner of
Ohio, has scored his first victory in Ohio by hav
ing the Republican state central committee in
dorse Taft as Ohio’s “overwhelming choice” for
the Republican presidential nomination in 1908.
Vorys is a young man. He is also a deter
mined young man. He was picked by Charles
Taft of Cincinnati, brother of the secretary of
war, as chief Taft boomer
The very first thing Vorys struck the snags
that Joseph Benson Foraker, Ohio’s senior United
States senator, had laid out for anyone who tried
to get the Ohio indorsement for president., Fora
ker had favorite son notions of(his own and had
oeen preparing ior years 10 get wnere me presi
dential lightning would strike him. A well-oiled “machine” was at his dis
But Vorys cared little f<?r the Foraker opposition. He went ahead with
his plans and one of them was to nail down the state central committee.
He first broached the subject early in the spring, but dropped it when the
Foraker forces prepared to show fight. Foraker proposed state primaries
to show whether the people of the state wanted Foraker or Taft as favorite
son. Vorys immediately took up the challenge and began to shout for the
primaries. Then Foraker said it was too early in the game and from Wash
ington immediately made dates for several speeches in Ohio.
Vorys waited until the speeches had been delivered, then calmly went
about getting the Taft indorsement in spite of them.
Mr. Vorys is not a noisy worker. He goes after what he wants in the
way best suited to get it, and he generally gets it. If Taft is nominated
land elected, Vorys certainly will become a national figure of some size.
I HI. . - I —H I.. — ...HI .. .. II. ■ ■ . ■—1.1—II. ■ |
The engagement has been announced of Miss
Edith,Root, the only daughter of the Secretary
of State and Mrs. Elihu Root, to Lieut. Ulysses S.
Grant, U. S. A., son of Maj. Gen. Frederick Dent
Grant, and grandson of President Grant. No date
has yet been set for the wedding, but it probably
will take place in the early autumn.
The romance had its beginning and most of
its scenes in Washington. It was while serving
as military aid to President Roosevelt that Lieut.
Grant found opportunity to press his suit for the
hand of the daughter of the secretary of state.
Their social duties brought them into frequent
contact, but so unobtrusively was the lieutenant’s
wooing done that only their most intimate friends
were aware of its progress.
Miss Root has made many warm friends in
Washington society, though she has not been prominent in the gayeties of
the national capital. Her most intimate friends are to be found in the social
circles of New York, and some of them have generally been her house guests
when she was in Washington. Miss Root is a graceful girl, with the quiet
manners of her mother and a good deal of her father’s intellectual attain
ments. She has been less in the limelight, perhaps, than any other girl of
her social position. Very fond of travel and all manner of outdoor sports,
she does not care greatly for society, and accepts as few invitations as pos
sible. She is a splendid horsewoman, and often accompanies her father ‘on
long rides in the country. She is also fond of driving, and in her smart trap
is often seen on the streets and suburban drives or Washington.
President McKinley’s appointment of Lieut. Grant to a cadetship at
W'est Point was in pursuance of a written request made by President Grant
shortly before his death. Young Grant had a good record, graduating in
1902 He was ordered to the Philippines, where he served until 1905, when
he was ordered to the United States as the military aid to the president.
William Sylvester Taylor, former governor of
Kentucky, who has been a fugitive from his state
since the murder of William Goebel, seven years
ago, has been offered immunity if he will leave
Indianapolis and return to Kentucky to testify in
the case of Caleb Powers, his old political friend,
who is charged with murder. Taylor, too, was
suspected of having previous knowledge of the
assassination of Goebel, his Democratic rival for
the office of chief executive of the state, but he
escaped the boundaries and finally located in the
Indiana city, where has been practicing law.
The career of Taylor as governor was not
long, but it was exciting. Taylor lived down in
Butler county, Ky. He was born there in 1853
and was married there to Sarah Taun 36 years
later, upon nmsning nis stuates m the public
schools he became Interested in local politics and secured a position as
clerk of the county. He studied law and was later made a judge in his dis
trict. His next move was to the attorney generalship, where he was act
ing when proposed as a candidate for governor on the Republican ticket to
run against Goebel. With apparently no chances of winning, Taylor ac
cepted the nomination and then began one of the most bitter political cam
paigns ever known to this country.
It is said that there was an enormous corruption fund and scandalous
debauching of the ballot boxes. After the election both Goebel and Taylor
claimed a victory, and when the election commissioners went into session
in Frankfort to canvass the returns, a small army of desperadoes ,from the
mountains of Kentucky were brought into the city by the anti-Goebelites
for the purpose of overwhelming the commissioners. Taylor was declared
elected and Goebel announced his intention to contest the election. The
fight was taken before the state legislature, but on the day before the final
arguments in the case were made Goebel was shot down within 30 feet of
the capitol building by an assassin concealed in the office of Secretary of
State Caleb Pdwers, and only 25 feet from Taylor’s office, then the acting
governor. After the assassination the legislature immediately took Taylor’s
chair away from him and declared Goebel governor. He was sworn into
office on his death bed.
Taylor then went to Washington, D. C., where he stayed for a tine, but
has since made Indianapolis his home.
Martin W. Littleton, who has been selected to
succeed Delphin Delmas as chief counsel for
Harry K. Thaw, slayer of Stanford White, at his
next trial, which is scheduled to begin in the Sep
tember term of court, is a former president of
the borough of Brooklyn and has the reputation
of being one of the keenest criminal lawyers in
New York. In fact, it was his remarkable series
of successes in winning cases considered almost
hopeless by older and more experienced attorneys
that first brought him into prominence ih the
Early in life Mr. Littleton entered the political
arena and with his eloquence and ability as a
vote-getter was soon recognized as a power in
the New York Democratic ranks. He secured a
strong following and gradually worked his way
up unui m iswa ue easuy won me presiuency oi nis Dorough.
Mr. Littleton made the address in St. Louis nominating Judge Alton N.
Parker for president of the United States.
Harry K. Thaw has taken his time in selecting a man to assume charge
of hi3 case and has decided upon Mr. Littleton after receiving advice from
veterans of the legal profession. Littleton will have an advantage over
Delmas in that he is thoroughly posted on New York law. The attorney
from the west was continually compelled to consult his associates, while
Thaw’s new counsel is as strong in this regard as District Attorney Jerome.
It is said that Littleton’s fee is $25,000.
The Oldest Text-Book.
Within the last few years a revolu
tion has been accomplished at Oxford
which ought really to affect the mind
of the nation more than the difference
between Lord Curzon and Lord Rose
bery. A tert-book has been discarded
which was already venerable for its
antiquity at the beginning of the
Christian era. Needless to say, we
are referring to Euclid’s “Elementa.”
For what other text-book ever had
inch a run as that? It has been ac
cepted ever since its publication,
Ptolemy (B. C. 323-285). No writer
has ever become so identified with a
science as Euclid with geometry. The
nearest approaches are to be found
in the relation of Aristotle to logic
and of Adam Smith to political econ
The Man Who Does.
Do you see the Man?
I do see the Man.
What is he doing?
Why 1b hetdoing Nothing?