The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 22, 1907, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
Professions t. Cards
Attorney 4 Gonnselor-at-Law
(Office: First National Bank)
Loup City, Nebr.
Practices in all Courts
Loup City, ' Neb.
Attorney and Csunselcr>it>Lav
And Bonded Abstractor,
Loup City, Nebraska
Office, Over New Bank.
Phone, 30. Office :it Residence
Lnup Ritij, - Nebraska
OlHce up stairs in the new State j
Hank bmldinu.
OFFICE: East Side Public Soume
Phone, 10 on .56
.?/, //. .11 Mi.lit
Bonded Abstracter
Loup City, * Nebraska.
Ouly set of Abstract books in county |
Try the j
f. f. f. Dray
F. F. Foster, Prop.
Office: Foster’s Barber Shop
The Drayman
Phone 7 on 60
Asks Your Patronage
Pleasant Evenirg
Call on Pratt at South Side
Pool and Billiard Parlors
Fixtures New and Up-t6-l>ate
S A- PRATT - Proprietor
^ Again! j
r TV Paris Exposition
has made the Gold
Medal Award to
G old medals i
For Sale by T.H. Eisner
jive Us a Trial
Round Front Barn,
J. H. MINER. Props.
Loup City, - Nebr.
. Finest Livery Rigs, careful drivers.
Headquarters iorfarmers’teamo ''om
men ial men’s trade given especial at*
tention. Your patronage solicited.
TERMS:—$1.00 pea tear, if paid ih advance
Entered at the Loup City Postofflce for trans
mission through the mails as second
class matter.
Office ’Phone, - - - 6 on 108
Residence ’Phone. - 2 on 108
J. W. BURLEIGH. Ed. and Pub.
Candidates’ Cards.
superintendent of schools.
1 hereby announce that I am a can
didate for the nomination of County
Superintendent of Public Instruction
of Sherman county, subject to the
decision of the republican party at
the primary election to be held on
September 3rd, 1907. M. H. Mead.
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the nomination of
County Superintendent of Public In
struction. subject to the action of
the People's Independent Party pri
maries, of Sherman county, Nebraska.
R. I). Hendrickson.
I hereby announce that I am a
candidate for the nomination of
County Superintendent of Public In
struction, subject to the action of
the People's Independent Part#-at!
the primary election to be held on
September 3rd. 1907.
L. H. Currier.
I hereby announce that I am a can
didate for the nomination of County
Superintendent of Public Instruction
of Sherman County, subject to the de
cision of the Peoples' Independent
party at the.primarv election to be
held on September 3rd, 1907.
•I. F. Nicoson.
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the nomination of Countv
Superintedent. subject to the will of
the republican voters of Sherman
county, at the primaries to be held
Septemlicr 3. 1907.
Mary A. K. Hendrickson.
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the office of County Treas
urer of Sherman county, subject to
tlie will of the Republican voters at
the primary election to be held on
the 3rd day of September. 1907.
I). C. Grow.
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for nomination to the office of
Treasurer of Sherman county, subject
to the will of tlie People's Independ
ent party at the primary election to
be held on Tuesday, the 3rd day of
September, 1907. R. M. Hiddleson.
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for nomination to tlie office of
County Judge, subject to tlie will of
tb$ People’s Indepennent party voters
of Sherman county at the primary
election to be Held on the 3rd of Sep
tember. 1907. J. A. Angieb.
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the office of County Clerk of Sher
man county, subject to the will of the
Republican voters at the primary
election to be held on the 3rd day of
September. 1907. Thos. R. Lay.
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for nomination to tlie office of
County Clerk of Sherman countv,
subject to the will of the Peopled
Independent and Democratic parties
at the primary election to be held on
the 3rd of Sep-tember. 1907.
C. F. Brushausen.
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for nomination to’ the office of
sheriff of Sherman county, subject to
the decision of the Republican partv
at the primary election to be held oh
September 3rd, 1907.
L. A. Williams.
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the nomination of Countv Asses
sor. subject to the will of the* Repub
lican voters at the primary election
to be held Sept. 3rd. 190".
L. W. Callen.
1 hereby announce my candidacy
for the nomination of Coqnty Asses
sor, subject to the will of the Repub
lican voters at the primary election i
to be held Sept. 3rd, 1907.
Lewis oeoitthold.
The county clerk will place blank
lines on the primary tickets, the
same as on regular election ballots.
So now you may have the full ex
ercise of your freemans choice of
candidates at the primarv. That’s
We have yet to hear one word in
commendation of the new primarv
law from our readers, as they under
stand it. According to it, any plug
ugly can become a candidate on any
party ticket, provided he is in posses
sion of a few dollars to buy himself a
place on the same. It appears to be
the rankest, rottenest specimen of
the kind ever placed upon the
statute books.
If a person is asked why lumber is
skywards in price, the usual answer
in part is that the tariff is one prime
cause. To settle a tariff dispute on
lumber the other day. ti e governor
instructed his private secretary to
look up the tariff schedules on that
article and found that the duty on
common lumber was 50 cents per
1,000 feet, while on the dressed or
high grade stuff it was $2. This
being the case, the prime cause will
have to be looked for elsewhere.
Secretary of State .1 unkin has re
eeived numerous inquiries whether a
vote should be counted for a repub
lican who bias been voted for in the
democratic or some other column,
same being written in by the voter.
Mr. Junkin holds this will not count
as a republican vote, blit must be
counted for the party in whose
column the name is writlen—thas is,
if Jonn Jones is running for a repub
lican nomination and some democrat
writes his name on the democratic
ticket, the democrat vote will not
count for John Jones, republican.—
Omaha flee.
By all political precedent, a man is
supposed to be given by his party a
second nomination for any office, pro
vided his official acts are in accord
with that party. This thought is
brought to the fore by the case of
State Railway Commissioner Henry
T. Clark of Omaha, who was appoint
ed by Governor Sheldon to fill the
vacancy made by the resignation of
Commissioner Cowell, and who asks
for a nomination to that office by the
republican party. Notwithstanding
that by precedent he should be given
the nomination by his party, there
being nothing against his record since
his appointment, there are two or
three other men asking for the nomi
nation to the office which so far as
we can learn he has filled with entire
satisfaction. Just why these other
men are up for the office, or on what
ground they wish Mr. Clarke turned
down, we are unable to learn, and
until we know of some good and
sufficient reason for theirelevation, to
the consequent defeat of the present
incumbent, we shall lie for Henry T.
Clarke, Jr., the present member of
the State Railway Commission, for
election to that office, and urge the
readers of the Northwestern to do
likewise. Vote for Hon. Henry T.
Clarke. Jr., present member of the
State Railway Commission, to succeed
himself in that important office. It
is but justice to Mr. Clarke.
There is strong talk of government
investigation into the great telephone
monopolies as an outcome of the tele
graphic operators’ strike. It is well
understood that the Western Union
monopoly is about two-thirds to three
fourths watered stock and on this
they seem to be able to make a 5 per
cent dividend every two months or
so. which would give at least 30 per
cent dividend on the actually invested
money. And then when the men
working for said monopoly wish a
fair remuneration for their work,
they are turned down. Our sym
pathies are with the working meri jn
this fight and we believe a govern
ment investigation would develop
startling facts in regard to the
methods of this great grasping tele
phonic monopoly.
If people ever had an itching ear
for slanderous stories concerning their
neighbors it is not so now. Personal
abuse is deservedly unpopular and
human nature at the best manifests
so many defects that eacli individual
will find plenty of material within
themselves if they are of a criticising
turn of mind.—O'Niell Frontier.
The State Fair September 2-6 will,
have "Ducky” Holmes' Lincoln “Gos
lins" and the Sioux City ‘•Duncanites”
play Western League baseball before
the grand stand at the race track at
10:15 a. m.. on Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday. This will give an
opportunity for our boys to see if
Western League ball is superior to
our own brand.
Cleoria Items.
Mr. Nelson is building a new house.
Ogle Bros, are threshing in our
vicinity this week.
Mr. Fred Weedin is up haying with
his twin brother, Frank.
Mrs. A. L. Zimmerman called on
on Mrs. Foss Wednesday.
Little Paul McLaughlin was quite
ill last Saturday evening.
Floyd Warrick returned home from
Aurora Saturday evening.
John Wheeler's baby was quite sick
last week, but is improving.
Mr. Clias. Guilford intends to make
a trip overland to Hamilton county
this week.
Very hot and windy in our vicinity
and prospects for corn not more than
a half crop.
Mr. Tucker of Aurora is here build
ing a house on ills farm, the old Tom
Burton place.
Mr. Dietz' lost their little one last
Sunday. So willetli our Master, bnt
yet how sad.
The DeMarandervill family had f
reunion last Sunday at the home o1
Corvin Squires.
Mrs. Bell received word from her
brother in Colorado that their crops
were all gone and his wife lying near
death's door.
We wish to correct a mistake in
the Cleoria items Jast week. Mrs.
Ed. Shipley and brother and Mrs.
Bone were visiting twenty miles north
of Sargent where they' missed the
train, so drove home overland that
da-v- _ _ .**
Hazard Happenings.
F. W. Fuller was a Litchfield visit
or Monday
Fred Fuller spent Sunday (as usual)
in Ravenna.
John Cressler of Ravenna was doing
business in Hazard Monday.
Mrs. H. fl. Thompson is visiting
relatives at Amherst this week.
The Norwegian minister has moved
into town, adding one more to our
quiet burg.
Quite a number of our people at
tended the Woodman picnic at Litch
field Thursday.
Mrs. Nellie Treadway returned a
few days ago after a month's visit at
Lincoln and other points.
The B. & M. has changed* night
operators twice in the past week. It
is hard to beat a record like that.
The new bridge south of town is
nearing completion. Tins will be of
great advantage to the farmers who
live south of town.
Mr. Anthony Ward, who has been
visiting in these parts for the past
month, left Monday evening for his
home in Denver, Colorado.
A large crowd gathered at the
home of Mr. Jacob Benson to greet
their daughter. Ida, who was married
about a months ago and has since
been away on her wedding trip.
The new meat market has opened
up for business. This fills a long
felt want, as the town has been in
need of something of this kind. We
wish success to the new enterprise.
To The East: KJ™
sion tickets to Jamestown Exposition,
eastern cities and resorts, northern
Michigan. Canada and New England.
To The West:
sion rates to the Pacific Coast. Yel
lowstone Park, Utah. Colorado. Big
Horn Mountains. Black Hills.
Big Horn Basin and
Billings District:^;;:
ducted cheap rate homeseekers' ex
cursions first and third Tuesdays: we
assist you in locating irrigated* lands
at the low. original price. Write 1>.
Clem Deaver. Landseekers' Informa
tion Bureau, Omaha.
Colonist Rates Spu“"‘uj
To The Coast: 2»ct oau
fornia. Washington. Oregon. Mon
tana, Wyoming. Big Horn Basin.
Call or write/or details.
Ticket Agent, Loup City, Neb.
L. W. Wakeley, G. P. A.
Omaha, Nebraska.
For a Drayman
Send a messenger for
J. W. Conger
He will pay the fro
Notlcf To Contrnvtors.
Sealed bids will be received a: the oitlce of
the County Clerk or Sherman County. Nebras
ka, at Loup City in said county, on or before
uoon of the 10th day of September. 1907. for the
building of a cement walk Three Hundred and
Twenty feet long and Ten feet wide along the
South side of the courthouse square The
street Bide of said walk to rest on a base Two j
feet deep and Eight inches wide. Bottom of
walk to be Three and three-fourths inches |
thick and composed of Six parts sand free
from clay and One part cement top of walk to 1
be three-fourths Inches thick and be composed j
of Two and one-half parts sand and One part of walk to be finished rough. The i
county board reserves the right to reject any :
and all bids.
Dated at Loup City, Nebraska. Aug. 7, 1907.
C. F. BKCSHArsEN. County Clerk
Last pub. Sept. 5.
$s ss
^-' Business and Short
hand Courses taught
bj Most Cxpariesetd Teachers in the west.
Positions for graduates. Work for Board. Help
for deserving students. Address
Mosher-Lam pm an College,
Information frae. l?w Kam»m < »mau*
Loup City, Nebraska,
Posts, Shingles, Lame and Cement
Hard and Soft Coal Always on Hand.
Agents for Sherwin-Williams Prepared Paints
This is your oppor
tunity to make the
trip to San Francis
co. Los A ngeles. San
Diego, and many
other points in Cali
fornia at just half
the regular fare.
Sept. 1, to Oct. 31, 1907,
Low one way Colo
nist ..rates will be in
effect to the above
points. These tick
ets are good in tour
ist sleeping cars and
offer the advantages
of the
Exteiiem Through
Train Servicei
Uniop Pacific
For full information
inquire of
G. W. Collipriest
For Sale!
bv O. K. CHIEF 41973: PAWNEE'S
PRIDE. 4:1393: YOUNG TEC.. 42406.
and REX TEC., 43756.
I have four spring boars by Young
Tec. out of Graceful May, my $122 sow
that are hard beat.
Queen Louise has a litter o." seven
by Rex Tec., though young, are nice'
growthv fellows.
The youngsters from my standbys
are coming right along and are good,
heavy-boned pigs.
Saturday, Aug. 24
Prices Lowest Ever
Given in Loup
Copie Eaf!y Saturday
Apd We’ll Prove Jt to You
E. G. Taylor, J. S. Pedler, C. C. Carlson.
President. Vice President. Cashier
W: R. Mellor, J. W. Long, S. N. Sweetland
Capital Stock, - - $25,000.00
Individual Liability, $850,000.00
High Grade Orgap
Manufactured by the
Kimball Op Cun
At Factory Prices
Delivered in your town.
You Pay $5 Cash
apda$1 per Week
50 Per Cent Off |on Retail Prices
Ask for Catalogue and Prices of the Factory Distributors,
The Big Piano and Organ House.