The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 25, 1907, Image 8

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    A. P. OULLEY, President.
W. P. MASON, Cashier.
Real Estate and all classes of loans
made promptly at lowest rates,
with optional payments.
A Few Market Quotations.
Cattle, per 100 lbs.$2.00 $4.00
Hogs, per 100 lbs. 5.25
Com, per bu. . 36 @ .38
Wheat, per bu.70 ® .71
Oats, per bu.30 ® .32
Rye, perbu.50 @ .56
Butter, per lb.15 ® .20
Eggs, per doz. .12
Hens, per lb. .07
Spring chickens, per lb. 121
Iioaal Daws.
School House Sale.
Notice is hereby given uhat the
school house in District No. 45, Sher
man county, Nebraska, will be sold
to the highest bidder, at auction sale,
on the premises, August 12th, 1907,
at two o’clock p. m. of said day. Said
building is of frame and in dimensions
is 20x26 feet, one story. Said sale to
be for cash.
Hesbebt Bly, Committeeman.
Binder whips at P. O. Reed’s.
Mrs. J. B. O’Bryan visited at Ord
over last Sunday.
A good quality of machine oil at
P. O.'Reed’s.
John McDonall is working in the
car shops at Grand Island.
3 on 62, Ashley Conger, the dray
man. Get him.
Mrs. J. P. Leininger is entertairv
ing Mrs. Persons of Central City.
Loans on Heal Estate, call on
John W. Long.
C. H. Leininger was down to Grand
Island last Thursday on business.
Only $2 per month will secure you
a reliable Singer machine.
Herman Jung returned from Omaha
last Thursday, where he had been to
have his eyes treated.
Sleebh guarantees 20 cents for
butter fat delivered at Chase’s,
Wm. Aufrechband sons of Washing
ton township were guests at the J. P.
Leininger home Sunday.
If you want to buy or sell real
est'Ue, call on John W. Long.
Carl Carlson and Art Eisner left
Monday for their month’s outing in
the mountains of Colorado.
Grand Island woven wire fencing
with barbed borders at P. O. Reed’s.
Miss Edith Smith left last Thurs
day for an extended visit with friends
at Ogden and Salt Lake, Utah.
Plymouth binding twine for sale at
m P. O. lteed’s. Examine it before
The W. C. T. U. will meet at the
home of Mrs. S. N. Sweetland, Aug
2, at 3 p. m. All members should try
to be present.
Don’t you wan’t a first-class sewing
machine? If so, phone H. E. Price,
4 on 53.
The drinking fountain at the south
west corner of the public square is
now in place and dealing out Adam’s
ale to all thirsty.
The Ravenna Creamery Co. will pay
20c for butter fat for tlie last half of
Miss Jennie Sutton returned to
Loup City from Ord last Thursday,
accompanying her father to Grand
Island to the sheriff’s convention on
her way here.
• If you want a sewing machine, call
and see the Improved New Home at
‘ Draper Bros.
Editor Brown arose in the wee sma’
hours of this morn’ and hieing to the
river caught a five pound catfish. He
was as proud over it as a boy with
his first pair of boots.
If your clock, watch or jewelry
needs repairing, take it to Jeffords’
at Cooper & Rawding’s store.
A number of relatives and friends
of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Conger gathered
at their new home Tuesday evening
for a “house-warming,” the evening
being passed till a late hour in social
danra and a good time all-around.
John W. Long is prepared to
make ail Heal Estate Loans on
v short notice at lowest rates.
Emil Cords visited at Grand Island
last Sunday, retaming Tuesday,
X bis family, who had
Notice To The Public
by W. P. Reed, that he has real
estate to sell, and will sell and does
sell choice town property and farms
at reasonable prices.
Farms for Sale
in Nebraska and Virginia. For full
information see or write A. O. Zim
merman, Hallboro, Virginia., or A. L.
Zimmerman, Loup City, Neb.
Phone A. T. Conger, 3 on 62, when
in need of a drayman.
Mrs. Lou Morris of Aurora is a
guest of Mrs. W. F. Mason.
If you want a Steel or Malleable
range, see Draper Eros.
Mrs. John Fink of Arcadia is a
gnest of Mrs. Viola Odendahl.
The Diamond Edge carpenter tools
are guaranteed. Sold at P. O. Reed’s
Will French remembered the North
western handsomely last week.
Jeffords for fine watch, clock or
jewelry work, at Cooper & Rawding’s
Glen Farnsworth on the rural route
is a new reader of the Northwestern.
Be sure and get a ticket redeemable
in trade for All Cash Purchase at
Draper Bros
A. E. Chase is having a cement
foundation and basement put under
his residence.
Trade your old machine for a
Singer, the finest made. H. E. Price
will give you a good trade.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Bly of Schaupps
returned from their extended visit in
Washington last Sunday.
Now is the time to get your screen
doors and windows before the rush,
at the Leininger Lumber Co.
Miss Hattie Froehlich goes to Kan
sas City next' Monday for a season in
the wholesale millinery house.
Draper Bros, will give you a cash
discount of 10 percent on all nets and
fly covers for the next thirty days.
Harry Rawding went up to Sargent
Monday tt see his children, returning
to business the following evening.
Best sewing machine needles for all
makes of machines at the “Singer
Store,” 20 cents per dozen. 25tf
Mrs. Fred Thode called at this office
last Saturday and remembered us
with one of Uncle Sam’s cartwheels.
Don’t forget the Saturday night
dances at the Park. Stewart Conger
has charge, which guarantees the
best of order, good music, good time,
Pritscliau brothers of Boelus are
new readers of the Northwestern.
And still there is room for more good
people on our list,
Safety Deposit Boxes.
We have just added another steel
case of safety deposit boxes, for pro
tection of your valuable papers. Call
and see them. First National
Bank, Loup City, Neb.
Mrs. O. Sherman of Rockville town
ship gave us' a pleasant call a few
days since, renewing for the North
western another year. Thanks.
Be a model husband and present
your wife with a fine Singer sewing
machine. You can do so with only
an outlay of $2 jier month, and you
would never miss it.
Chas. Larsen of Washington town
ship will build a new residence on lots
owned by him in northwest Loup
City and move to town.
Having decided to locate per
manently in Loup City, I am now
prepared to do any kind of Watch,
Clock or Jewelry repairing, also fine
engraving. Come and see me at
Cooper & Rawdiog’s store.
• J. F. Jeffords.
Our people were much interested j
last evening in watching a partial
eclipse of the moon. According to
celculations, it entered the shadow at
8:59 and passed therefrom at 1:41.
During a portion of the time, how
ever, clouds obscured good view.
A mild case of small pox is report
Bd at the home of Theo. Wilson in
Ashton township, his son, Clyde, be
ing the victim. The home is properly
quarantined and no danger of the
spread of the infection is feared.
Prof. Currier’s family is also quar
antined at the Wilson home, where
Mrs. Currier was staying with her
parents while the professor went up
on a visit to his parents in South
Dakota, but heating of the pli
Reduction Sale
Way Morning, July 27tl,
Mi? Evening, August 61
During this sale we will
pay 12 cents per dozen for
eggs, and 17 cents per lb
for butter.
Loup City
Mercantile Go.
Call and see those $37 buggies at
T. M. Reed’s. They’re dandies.
Geo. Lee left for Colorado Wednes
day morning on a business trip.
The M. E. ladies’ aid society will
meet with Mrs. J. I. Depew next
Will Criss started out with his
steam thresher Monday, going down
into the southwest part of the county.
A. L. Zimmerman and family are
expected home this evening from
their trip to the Jamestown Exposi
C. C. Cooper is putting in cement
walks around his new residence. He
expects to move into the new home
the first of next week.
Mrs. Easter and four children of
Chapman, this state, are visiting
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Chase. Mesdames
Chase and Easter were school girl
Mrs. A. Erazim, accompanied by a
sister, Mrs. A. Kozel of Humboldt,
this state, will arrive this evening
from Ravenna to visit her daughter,
Mrs. Gus. Lorentz.
Rev. Bintz, son-in-law of Wm. Au
frecli of Washington township, will
preach for our Methodist friends next
Sunday morning. A cordial invita
tion to all to attend.
For use. on sewing machines, type
writers, bicycles and all purposes re
quiring a fine lubricant, the best is
always the_ cheapest in the end.
Genuine Singer oil can be obtained at
the “Singer Store.” tf
Mrs. Ward Yer Valin and Ray
Kearns go to Kearney Friday morn
ing as delegates from the C. E. society
here to the District Convention
which meets Friday and continues
over Sunday.
C. W. Fletcher last week sold his
residence property adjoining the M.
E. parsonage to Uncle Bob Jackson.
We understand Uncle Bob will engage
in the fancy poultry business. Later,
Mr. Fletcher bought Dick Baker’s
new house in the north part of town,
trading that to Mr. Jackson and tak
ing back the first named place.
Rev. A. L. Nordin of St. Paul,
missionary of the American Sunday
school association, will preach at the
Baillie school house in Washington
township next Snnday afternoon at
3 o’clock. Mr. and Mrs.. Bert Mc
Kinnis will sing at these services and
a number of Loup City people will
attend, if the weather is suitable.
M. L. Miller resigned his position
in the First National bank and left
this morning for Columbus and from
there may possibly go to San Fran
cisco. He went down to Omaha last
Friday on a business trip, returning
Tuesday evening, when he tendered
his resignation. Mr. Miller said he
had a much better position offered
him, and goes to better himself. Good
luck to him.
Lester, the 12-year-old son of
Treasurer Hiddleson, fell from a tree
at the home last evening about 6
o’clock, falling helplessly on his right
side and rendering him unconscious.
Up to this writing, while the boy is
apparently better and perfectly con
scious, he remembers nothing of his
fall, nor the fact of being up in the
tree, and fear is felt that he may be
injured internally. We trust matters
are not so serious as the fears ex
The union services of the Presby
terian and Baptist congregations in
the public square last Sunday evening
were quite well attended, the services
short and effective, the sermon by
Rev. McEwen being especially in
teresting and the music most pleas
ing. The chairs placed to accomodate
toose who were estimated to attend
proved inadequate to seat all and the
grassy plot seated large numbers be
There was a good attendance at the
Mother’s meeting held at Mrs. G. H.
Gibson’s. The article written by Mrs.
J. P. Leininger will long be remem
bered as the subject was taken from
the depths of nature, dwelling on
how we should live with our children.
Mrs. J. I. Depew gave an interesting
article on “Obedience” and Mrs. E. L.
Burns gave an impromptu address on
“A Mother’s Care of Her Boys and'
Girls,” followed by asolo “Somebody's
Child” by Mrs. Holcombe, and a
Diano solo hr Mt*. Geo. Leinimter. ^
Strong music and elocution depart
ments at York college.
Mrs. E. B. Coming went to Lincoln
last Friday to visit a sister.
Mrs. Bolan and daughter of Omaha
are visiting Emil Cords and family.
York college can save you time and
money. Better ask Pres. Schell for
a catalogue.
Dr. Jones lias a fresh Milch cow
and calf for sale. See him for par
Dr. Allen’s mother returned last
Friday evening from her visit to
Council Bluffs.
Sheriff Williams attended the state
meeting of sheriffs at Grand Island
last Thursday.
The Sherman County Telephone
Company strung 1300 feet of cable at
Arcadia yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Leininger of
Arcadia were visiting their relatives
here over last Sunday.
Episcopal services next Friday even
ing in the German church. All are
cordially invited to the service.
Miss Clara Sorensen of Dannebrog
was a guest a few days last week of
her aunt, Mrs. Louie Hansen.
Mrs. J. T. Hale, Miss Lela Chase
and Miss Lena Smith returned from
their sandhills outing last Thursday.
A little daughter of Bert Johnson
out on the route last evening accident
ly got one of her fingers cut off by a
Mrs. E. M. Marcy and son, who
have been guests at the home of Dr.
Marcy the past two weeks, returned
to Chicago last Friday.
Lou Williams was quite ill last
Friday and Saturday with a threaten
ed attack of fever, but got the best
of it and is out again.
Miss Edna Nesbit of Waterloo, this
state, arrived last evening and is a
guest at the home of Rev. McEwen.
Miss Nesbit is a niece of Mrs. Mc
Rev. McEwen goes to Kearney Fri
day morning where on Friday evening
lie will deliver the opening address of
the District Christian Endeavor
The families of Messrs. Angier,
Main, Moon and Callaham bade fare
well to camp life last Monday morn
ing, having enjoyed the few weeks to
the utmost.
Services at the Baptist church Sun
day morning. Subject of sermon,
•Where Are the Nine?” A cordial
invitation is extended to all to wor
ship with us.
Miss Grace Adamson left for
Cheyenne on Monday afternoon for
an extended visit with relatives and
to attend the Frontier Day celebra
tion in that city.
There will be no preaching services
at the Presbyteriah church next Sun
day morning, as the pastor will be at
St. Paul assisting in the dedication
of the new church.
W. R. Mellor came up from Lincoln
last Friday evening for an over-Sun
day visit with old friends, returning
to the state capital Monday morning,
accompanied by Mrs. Mellor.
An infantile party in honor of little
Dol[y Hflsabeck was given Monday
afternoon by her aunt, Mrs. £. C.
Outhouse, quite a number of the little
household angels being present.
Expressmau Lou Williams’ team
engaged for the ‘steenth time, last
Thursday evening, in their pleasant
pastime. No damage of consequence.
Lou’s team is certainly the limit and
breaks all records.
Gene Henry returned from Omaha
last Friday evening, where ha has
been attending business college. He
will do stenographic work for Lawyer ;
Starr at least till that busy attorney
catches up with his rush of business
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Lorentz were
called to Ravenna last Saturday even
ing to attend the-funeral of Mrs.
Lorentz’ grandmother, who died at
Humboldt, this state, the body being
taken to Ravenna for bu rial. Deceased
was Mrs. Erazim’s mother.
Mesaames Angler ana uananam en
tertained the members of the Entre
Nous club last Thursday afternoon
at their camp on the river, the poorer
half of each member being invited to
come down to eat supper and spend
the evening at the camp. A splendid
time was reported.
Mrs. Dodds and Miss Hazel Bridge
ford, who are visiting their sister,
Mrs. M’Belle Burleigh, will leave Sat
urday morning for Hooper, this state,
to visit a brother for a day or two,
thence to Jefferson, Iowa, where Mrs.
Dodd’s husband will join her later,
and return here for further visit.
When in Grand Island last Thurs
day, we met L. C. Everest, who is up
to his eyes in putting up brick build
ings. He has charge of all the brick
work under a leading contractor and
showed us one building nearing com
pletion and another, the foundation
of which is completed ready to begin
the mason work. He has charge of
several other coutracts and says there
is no end of work in his line. We ate
glad he is doing well and trust he
may never find an idle moment when
he wants to work.
The camp life of A. E. Chase and
family ended Monday morning and
they are home again, regretful that
the outing was not longer. Here are
a few who enjoyed camp life with
them a portion of the time: W. T.
Ohase and family, Will Hawk and
family, Art Bennet and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Foster, Mrs. Harry
Easter and children of Chapman, W.
8, Waite ‘and family, Misses Jennie
and Fannie Sutton and Mr. Carl
Johnson of Old, Bud O’Bryan, Qttis
The editor returned from Omaha
last Saturday evening, accompanied
by his sister-in-law, Miss Hazel
Bridgeford of Jefferson, Iowa, who
will visit here perhaps ten days. Miss
Bridgeford has accepted the position
of manager of the millinery depart
ment of a laYge firm at Boone, Iowa,
where she goes the first of August.
Last Saturday afternoon, Master
Howard Starr celebrated his 8tli
birthday anniversary with a party of
his little friends and a very joyful
occasion resulted. Those present
were: Misses Frances Sleeth, Dolly
Hilsabeck, Lucille and Eugenia Pat
ton, Haline Mellorand Hazel Burleigh
and Masters Roscoe Owens, Arthur
Truelsen, Clyde and Karl .Retten
mayer, Earl Taylor, Walter Jones and
Vernon Wise.
For a Drayman
Send a messenger for
J. W. Conger
He will pay the fee
Notice of Sheriff’s Safe
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an
order of sale issued ont of the District Court
of Shermen county. Nebraska, upon a decree
rendered in favor of Hans P. Hansen, plaintiff,
and against A. C. Hammond et al. defendants,
in the sum of $80.87 and costs taxed at $37.88
orf April 9th. 1907, bearing interest at seven
per cent per annum, for the foreclosure of a
tax lien on the land described below; I will, on
the l#tb day of August, 1907, at the hour of two
o'clock In the afternoon, at the south door of
the court house in Loup City. Nebraska, oner
for sale and will sell to the highest bidder for
cash the following described real estate, to-wit:
Tbe Northwest Quarter of Section thirty-five
(35). in Towasbip thirteen (13). Range thirteen
(13). in Sherman county. Nebraska, or so much
thereof as will satisfy the said decree with in
terest and costs and accruing costs, said land
to be sold in separate parcels or tracts of forty
acres each.
Dated this 9th day of July, 1907.
L. A. Williams.
Sheriff of Sherman couut.v. Nebraska.
R. J. Nightingale. Attorney for plaintiff.
(Last pub- Aug. 8) '
Road Notice.
(Woitaszewski Road)
The commissioner appointed to view and
locate a road commencing at the southeast
corner of Section ten (10), in Township sixteen
(16), Range thirteen (13). and running thence
south on Section line three miles and ter
minating at southeast corner of Section twenty
seven (27), Township sixteen (16). Range thir
teen (13). has reported in favor of the establish
ment thereof and all claims for damages or
objections thereto must oe filed in the office of
the county clerk on or before noon of the 2nd
day of September. 1907. or said road will be
established without reference thereto.
Dated this 27th day of June, 1907.
C. F. Beoshacsen. County Clerk.
[Last pub. July 25. ]
Earn More
$ $ $ $
Business and Skort
hand Courses taught
by Moat Experienced Teachers in the weal.
Positions for graduates. Work for Board* Help
for deserving students. Address
Mosher-Lampmtn College.
Information free. 1700 Karnam st.. Omaha Nkb.
For Sale!
bv O. K. CHIEF 41973: PAWNEE’S
PRIDE, 43393; YOUNG TEC.. 4240(5,
ind REX TEC., 4375*5.
I have four spring boars by Young
Pec. out of Graceful May, my $122 sow
jhat are hard beat.
Queen Louise has a litter of seven
ay Rex Tec., though young, are nice
f row thy fellows.
The youngsters from my standbys
ire coming right along and are good,
leavy-boned pigs.
Good Chances
Man}’ low round trip rates to east
ern resorts during July. James
town Exposition tickets include
New York and seashore resorts
with variable routes; excursions to
Saratoga, Philadelpliio, northern
Michigan, Canada and St. Law
rence River resorts, Niagra Falls
and Boston. Consult Agent as to
making use of these excursion
rates for your eastern trip.
Low Bates
During July, low round trip rates
to Pacific Coast, San Francisco,
Portland, Seattle,etc. Yellowstone
Park, Salt Lake, Oolorado resorts
Big Horn Basin, Black Hills, Sher
idan and Spokane. Consult Agent.
Big Horn Basin and
Billings District
We personally conduct homeseek
ers’ excursions on the first and
third Tuesdays of each month to
these localities to assist you to se
cure fine irrigated lands at low
cost.. Write D. Clem Deaver, Gen
eral Agent Land Seekers’ Informa
tion Bureau. Half rates with max
imum of $20.00 from Nebraska;
homeseekers’ excursions west,
northwest and southwest.
Call or write for details.
Ticket Agent, Loup City, Neb.
Ci. W. Waxklky, G. P. A.
Omaha, Nebraska.
■»' - J.."1 |i;»g|-'!»'|"«"|«i-i"S
the Studebaker Wagon stands for the qualities that make wagons desirable*
Light-running and easy on the team, durable because the lumber is sea
soned right before being finished. Made to stand up under heavy loads.
is built from first-class material down to the minutest detail. The slow
growing, fine-grained, tough-fibered black birch from the rocky hills of New
England is used in the hubs, select white oak is made into spokes and fel
loes and choice second growth, butt cut hickory is used for the axles.
Every other part as carefully selected. TJie skeins, tough and hard, are
forced into place on the axles under 100 tons pressure. Studebaker slope
shoulder spokes are driven into the hub under the same tremendous pres
sure. Best and toughest iron and steel strongly reinforces every part
where needed. The Studebaker is •
The Unapproachable Wagon
and we sell it because the name is the best guarantee we can give of its ex
cellence. We keep them in stock, and if we haven’t the kind you want, in
size or style, we can get one for you in the shortest possible time.
We shall be glad to talk wagon to you and if you will come in we will
give yon some interesting reading matter about wagons.
to parties thinking of buying wagons within the next twelve months, will
say: that the stock now in the hands of most of the retail merchants has
been bought prior to the two last advances in price, which took place on
May and J uly 1st, of this year, and that
The Party Who Delays Buying
until the retail man has to replenish his stock, at the prices now
Will be Compelled to Pay at Least 10 per cent
for a wagon than he can buy the some wagon for now. BUY yc
Hayhurst-Gallaway Hardware Co.,
Loup City, Nebraska.
in force,
ur wagon
3-piece Bed-Room Suite, plate mirror I Q Ofl
18x24, ONLY. «P I Di&U
18x24, ONLY. 10 I UiJLU
A 24x24 Solid Oak Center Table - 2,25
5-drawer Golden Oak Chiffonier - 8i50
Good Oak High-Back Rocker - - 2,40
A Full-Sized Iron Bed - - - | ,75
When you po camping come and see our Camp
Chairs and Stools, Hammocks, etc.
And remember, we shall always sell you Good
Goods at the Right Prices.
Christensen & Ferdinandt
Furniture Company.
Christensen & Ferdinandt,
Undertakers and Embahners
J. P. Lilli' Liber dpi!
Loup City, Nebraska,
Posts, Shingles, Lime and Cement
Hard and Soft Coal Always on Hand.
Agents;for Sherwin-Williains Prepared Paints
Blacksmith 9 Wagon Maker ~
My shod is the largest and best equipped north of the Pintle Elver
I have a four horse engine and a complete Une of the latest Improved, ma
chluery, also a force of experienced men who know how to operate It and
turnout a Job with neatness and dispatch. _
Get More Egffs.
Paint the inside of your lien house with
UARBOLINEUM. It is a sure lice and
mite exterminator. For sale by
Loup City, Ashton, Rockville and Schaupps
Goal for Sale at Loop City aid AsMod. Will Bey
Jail and see oar coal and get prices on grain.