The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 11, 1907, Image 8

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    of Loup eiTY*
Beal Estate and all classes of loans
made promptly at lowest rates,
with optional payments.
k Few Market Quotations.
Cattle, per 100 lbs.$2.50 $4.00
Hogs, per 100 lbs. 5.10
Com, per bu. 33 @ .37
Wheat, per bu.70 @ .73
Oats, per bu.30 <<« .35
Rye, perbu.50 @ .50
Butter, per lb.15 @ .20 i
Eggs, per doz. .10
Hens, per lb. .07
Spring chickens, per lb. 12i
Iioaai Dews.
Binder whips at P. O. Reed’s.
Dr. and Mrs. Evans are at Sargent
for a week.
A good quality of machine oil at
P. O. Reed’s.
Ollie Howard was over from Ashton
last Satusday.
3 on 62, Ashley Conger, the dray
man. Get him.
Loans on Real Estate, call on
John W. Long.
Mrs. John I'isher was a Grand
Island visitor last Saturday.
Only $2 per month will secure you
a reliable Singer machine.
■Willie Rowe and Louis Perkins spent
the Fourth at Litchfield.
Sleeth guarantees 18 cents for
butter fat delivered at Chase’s,
Eighty-hundredtlis of an inch of
rain fell here last Saturday.
If you want to buy or sell real
estate, call on John W. Long.
Mr. and Mrs. Sami. Daddow and
children spent the Fourth at St. Paul.
Grand Island woven wire fencing
with barbed borders at P. O. Reed’s.
Miss Mary Minshull and Mrs. W. F.
Mason drove over to Litchfield yes
Plymouth binding twine for sale at
P. O. Reed’s. Examine it before
Don’t you wan’t a first-class sewing
machine? If so, phone H. E. Price,
4 on 53.
Leslie Sweetland and Roy Fross are
working in the harvest fields in
Hamilton county.
If your clock, watch or jewelry
needs repairing, take it to Jeffords’
at Cooper & Rawding’s store.
A baby boy was born to Mr. and
Mrs. S. C. Osborne, four miles east of
Loup City, Sunday, July 7th.
John W. Long is prepared to
make all Real Estate Loans on
short notice at lowest rates.
s Best sewing machine needles for all
makes of machines at the “Singer
Store,” 20 cents per dozen. 25tf
Mrs. Paul Peterson and two daugh
ters of Holdredge visited her sister,
Mrs. J. C. Sorensen of Webster town
ship a few days last week.
Don’t forget the Saturday night
dances at the Park. Stewart Conger
lias charge, which guarantees the
best of order, good music, good time,
G-rand Ball at Pilger’s opera
house, July 13th. Music by
Becker’s orchestra of Grand
The W. C. T. U. will meet at the
home of Mrs. Geo. Gibson, July 19th
at 3 p.m. A mothers’ meeting will
be conducted by Mrs. G. H. Wise. All
mothers are especially invited.
For use on sewing machines, type
writers, bicycles and all purposes re
quiring a fine lubricant, the best is
always the cheapest in the end.
Genuine Singer oil can be obtained at
the “Singer Store-” tf
Charley Mellor and Skip Baker are
sinking a well Chlnawards at the cor
ner of the square as a sink for the
drinking fountain. Skip doesn’t say
they have reached within hearing
distance of the celestial jargon.
. M»
Notice To The Public
by. W. P. Reed, that he has real
estate to sell, and will sell and does
sell choice town property and farms
at reasonable prices.
Farms for Sale
in Nebraska and Virginia. For full
information see or write A. O. Zim
merman, Hallboro, Virginia., or A. L.
Zimmerman, Loup City Neb.
Hon. H. Smelser of Ashton was a
business visitor in Loup City Tuesday.
The Diamond Edge carpenter tools
are guaranteed. Sold at P. O. Reed’s
Mr. and Mrs. M. Enevoldsen and
baby visited at Boelus and Poole last
Jeffords for fine watch, clock or
jewelry work, at Cooper & Rawding’s
store. •
Mr. and Mrs. L. Hansen entertained
Mr. and Mrs. W. Sorensen of Arcadia
over the Fourth.
Notice—I refuse to repair any more
bicycles, so please do not bring them
to me. A. F. Elsneb.
Loup City Mercantile Co. handle
the best line of corset 30U ever saw.
They are called the Kabo.
Now is the time to get your screen
doors and windows before the rush,
at the Leininger Lumber Co.
Ed. Veeder’s little daughter was
down from Sargent the Fourth visit
ing him and her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. S. F. Reynolds.
Be a model husband and present
your wife with a tine Singer sewing
machine. You can do so with only
an outlay of $2 per month, and you
would never miss it.
The county board met Tuesday noon
of this week and finished their busi
ness and adjourned the same day.
You bet it is a business board and
wastes no time in doing its work.
Safety Deposit Boxes.
We have just added another steel
case of safety deposit boxes, for pro
tection of your valuable papers. Call
and see them. First National
Bank, Loup City, Neb.
The editor and wife had the pleas
ure of entertaining at dinner at the
St. Elmo, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. B. P.
McKinnie, Mrs. Helen J. Dodds of
California and Mr. C. C. Cooper of
this city.
Jenner’s Park the Fourth was alive
with celebrators and a glorious time
was had by all from early in the day
till the small hours of the morn.
Jenner’s Park has been so improved
the past few months that it looks
almost like a new pleasure resort.
Having decided to locate per
manently in Loup City, I am now
prepared to do any kind of Watch,
Clock or Jewelry repairing, also fine
engraving. Come and see me at
Cooper & Eawding’s store.
J. F. Jeffobds.
It was pretty warm in this section
on the glorious Fourth, but the fol
lowing day it was so much warmer
that people spoke of the Fourth as so
cool that celebraters had to hug the
fires to keep from freezing.
Clias. Post, county clerk of San
Bernardino county, California, was a
guest of Dr. Marcy on Tuesday and
Wednesday of last week. Mr. Post
was a resident of Loup City twenty
three years ago, and met many for
mer friends. He complimented them
on the beauty and enterprising ap
pearance of the city.
A phone message to W. S. Waite
from Sheriff Sutton at Ord Sunday
morning told of a most damaging hail
storm which swept the valley almost
clear of crops. The storm extended
the full- length of the valley and the
damage in and around Old alone Is
estimated to be at least $100,000.
That’s mighty tough.
The school board met last Saturday
evening and reorganized with the
election of J. S. Pedler as director,
J. B. O’Bryan as moderator and Sam
Daddow for treasurer. Gluts. French
was elected janitor and the date for
commencing the fall term of school
made for the first Monday in Septem
ber. The new members of the board,
W|a'rd VerValin i
s’ in workh
Sugar, 171bs for.$1.00
3 cans good corn for.. .26
3 boxes Dr Prices food .£5
Good California prunes
per pound..05
Bacon, per pound..... .18
Ham, per pound.18
Coal oil, per gallon.15
8 bars laundry soap .25
Coffee .15 to .40
Canned apples .10
d'-Try one and you will use no other
We pay the highest mark
et price for produce.
Loup City
Mercantile Go.
Lan Benschoter was in town a few
days last week.
FOR SALE—A good gentle cow.
Inquire of R. M. Hiddleson.
E. G. Taylor made a business trip
to Bradshaw and Omaha Tuesday.
Willis Waite and family were down
from Valley county to spend the
Trade your old machine for a
Singer, the finest made. H. E. Price
will give you a good trade.
Be sure you have your eyes ex
amined while Dr. Barnes is at the
St. Elmo hotel, Thursday, the 25th.
On Saturday afternoon of each
week farmers can secure any quantity
of ice from Conger’s wagon on Main
The Leininger Lumber company
have put in a manufactory of portable
corn cribs, with C. H. Leininger as
Don’t^ miss the dance at
Pilger’s opera house, July 13.
Music by Becker’s orchestra
of Grand Island.
The farm residence of Mike Chil
ewski, six miles north of Lonp City
was damaged by lightning during the
storm last Saturday. •
Tingley (la.) Vindicator: Mrs. Jas.
Mooney returned Thursday from a
several weeks’ visit with relatives
near Loup City, Neb.
Dr. Barnes, eye-specialist, of Omaha,
will be at the St. Elmo hotel, Thurs
day, the 25tli inst. Remember the
date and call as early as convenient.
At St. Paul on the Fourth, Boelus
shut out St. Paul in a game of ball,
at the same time scoring seven. Chris
Christensen was in the box for Boelus.
Hatry Hinman and wife returned
Monday evening from a visit with
Harry’s parents at St. Edwards, bring
ing home little Edna Hinman for a
Mrs. E. M. Marcy, of Chicago, ac
companied by her son, arrived last
Thursday evening for several weeks’
visit with the family of her brother
in-law, Dr. W. L. Marcy.
Raymond, son of John Oilman
of Ashton township, was thrown from
a horse into a barb wire fence one
day last week and severely injured,
as was also the animal he was riding.
Only one little fracas disturbed the
pleasant observance of the Fourth in
Loup City, two young fellows engag
ing in the pleasantry about noon, of
course while the marshal was at
dinner. And it was all over the care
less handling of blank cartridge pistols.
A good sized tarantula was found
in a bunch of bananas just opened up
at A. E. Chase’s store on the Fourth
and may now be seen in a glass bottle
at the store. In the bunch was also
found a tarantula nest. Is is quite
a curiosity to those who have never
before seen one of these dangerous
One of the fellows on the Fourth
perpetrated the be-whiskered joke
that the weather was so warm that
an old lady in the country engaged a
load of ice from King Conger to put
in her pond to keep her ducks from
laying boiled eggs. Whereat the boys
took the ancient joke to Frank Fos
ter and had him shave off its whiskers
to make the thing look original and
A couple of boys, who, if they had
been caught would have received a
severe spanking, threw a giant cracker
in the midst of a party at Jenner’s
Park, Fourth of July evening, badly
burning little Mary Matey on one
lower limb and causing the rest of
the party to make a hasty getaway.
Such Idiotic action on the part of
young scamps is disgraceful and it is
too bad they were not apprehended.
Mr. F. Beck of Oklahoma City,
brother of Mrs. Clemma Conger, ac
companied by bis wife, daughter and
two grandchildren, arrived here the
evening of the 3rd for a ten days’
visit. They had been at Manitou
Springs, Colo., where they have a
cottage and spend a portion of each
season. They1 left for Manitou today,
taking with them for an outing their
Miss Nettie Conger.. Mr. Beck
once a
Early Settler Passes Away.
Rev. McEwen was called to Ashton
last Saturday to officiate at the
funeral of Mr. Joseph Seifert, one of
Sherman county’s old settlers. Mr.
Seifert was born in Austria in 1830,
married Theresa Nesner in 1861, and
came to America in 1874 and to Ne
braska in 1888, taking up a homestead
3 miles south of Ashton, where he re
mained up to the time of his death.
Ten children were born to them, six
of whom are living. He had been ill
for over a year. Two months prior
to his death he went on a visit to his
daughter in Omaha and passed away
at her home. The funeral was largely
attended, friends coming for miles to
pay their respects to their old friend
and neighbor. His wife and six chil
dren are left to cherish the memory
of a kind and affectionate husband
and father.
Miss Jessie Leininger and Mrs. L.N.
Smith visited with friends in Omaha
last Sunday.
Jeweler Jeffords went down to York
last Saturday to be home with his
family over Sunday.
E. G. Taylor’s good father and
mother were here from St. Paul over
last Sunday for a short visit.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Beard returned
last Saturday evening from their trip
to the Jamestown Exposition and
will have rooms in the elegant home
of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Pedler deciding
not to go to housekeeping for the
present. Mrs. Beard is a charming
young lady and she and her talented
husband will make valuable additions
to Loup City society.
Rev. Guernsey, wife and little son
returned last Thursday evening from
their protracted visit to their old
home in New York state. At this
writing, Friday, the good brother has
been too busy straightening out the
tangled threads of history and getting
his household matters in ship-shape
to tell us what we already fully under
stand, that he and his family have
had a most delightful yme while
We received another postcard from
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Eisner, last Fri
day, dated at Berlin, Germany, June
24th. Mr. Eisner writes: “Another
three weeks and we hope to be with
you Loup City folks again. Will sail
the 2nd of July for America. Travel
ing is getting mighty tiresome. Hav
ing lots of rain here, only seen a half
dozen days of sunshine. Nebraska
beats them all for climate in general.
Berlin is a nice, clean city, the best I
have seen yet, and has over two mil
lion inhabitants.” The postcard
gives a pretty street scene in Berlin,
with magnificent business blocks on
either side.
The editor’s wife was agreeably sur
prised last Thursday by the arrival
of a sister, Mrs. Helen J. Dodds, from
Dunsmuir, California, situated in
the northern part of the state at the
foot of Mt. Shasta, who is on her way
to visit her mother and other sisters
and brothers in Iowa. She will not
return to the Pacific Coast till fall,
when her husband will also come for
a visit and to return with her. She
is the mother of three stalwart sons,
two of whom won honorable dis
tinction in the Phillipine Islands as
Uncle Sam's boys during the Spanish
American war.
About seventy-five people, thirty of
whom were from Loup City, picnicked
at the Musser home up on the river
the Fourth and a most enjoyable «ime
was reported, only one unfortunate
accident being recorded. It seems
one young lady in handling one of the
blank cartridge pistols shot a young
man near the base of the brain, mak
ing the victim think his time to die
had arrived, but after a physician
had picked the wadding out of his
neck and dressed the wound he found
he was liable to be on earth, barring
a worse accident, for future indepen
dence day celebrations.
The largest morning audience of
any so far occupying the Presby
terion church, assembled last Sunday
morning, the special musical program
being a solo by Mrs. B. P. McKinnie,
who delighted the audience with a
volume and magnificence of voice in
her musical number seldom heard
outside of grand opera. Mrs. McKin
nie has for a number of years been
engaged in grand opera, singing in all
the larger cities of this country, and
our people are fortunate in being
able to hear a lady of her musical
ability. Mr. and Mrs. McKinnie have
consented to give a musical recital in
the Presbyterian church some time
this fall, and on that occasion we feel
assured will occur the irchest musical
treat ever offered to our people.
During the heavy rainstorm last
Friday night, the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Alex Baillie in Washington
township was totally destroyed by
lightning. The fire occurred right in
the midst of the heavy rain, about
one o’clock in the morning, Mrs.
Palllie fortunately waking from a
heavy slumber by the smell of smoke
and rousing her husband and son,
Alex, in time for all to escape from
the burning building, but not in time
to save anything of value, two trunks
and contents being the dnly things
taken therefrom, save a few pieces of
wearing apparel. We understand Mr.
Baillie carried $1,000 insurance on
tha home and contents. They will
immediately begin the erection of a
n«W home on the site of the old. The
host of friends of the estimable fami
ly will sympathize with them in their
financial loss, but loss of life
of limb Is recorded. By good, fortune
Baillie had all his valuable
It is heavy, hard work to handle hay the old
way, besides help is hard to get and wages are
very high.
Buy the Improved Stacker and Sweep which
lightens the work and saves you money; at the
Hardware and Implement
Store of
Agents for Deering Binders, Mowers, Rakes and Binding Twine.
Phone A v T. Conger, 3 on 62, when
in need of a drayman.
For a Drayman
Send a messenger for
J. W. Conger
He will pay the fee
Fox* Sale!
by O. K. CHIEF 41973: PAWNEE’S
PRIDE, 43393; YOUNG TEC., 42406,
and REX TEC., 43756.
I have four spring boars by Young
Tec. out of Graceful May, my $122 sow
that are hard beat.
Queen Louise has a litter of seven
by Rex Tec., though young, are nice
growthy fellows.
The youngsters from my standbys
are coming right along and are good,
heavy-boned pigs.
Route i
Good Chances
Many low round trip rates to east
ern resorts during July. James
town Exposition tickets include
New York and seashore resorts
with variable routes; excursions to
Saratoga, Philadelphio, northern
Michigan, Canada and St. Law
rence River resorts, Niagra Falls
and Boston. Consult Agent as to
making use of these excursion
rates for your eastern trip.
Low Bates
Dining July, low round trip rates
to Pacific Coast, San Francisco,
Portland, Seattle,etc. Yellowstone
Park, Salt Lake, Oolorado resorts
Big Horn Basin, Black Hills, Sher
idan and Spokane. Consult Agent.
Big Horn Basin and j
Billings District *
We personally conduct homeseek
ers’ excursions on the first and
• third Tuesdays of each month to
‘ these localities to assist you to se
cure fine irrigated lands at low
cost. Write I>. Clem Deaver, Gen
eral Agent Land Seekers’ Informa
tion Bureau. Half rates with max
imum of *20.00 from Nebraska;
homeseekers’ excursions west,
northwest and southwest.
Call or write for details. s
. ; R. L. ARTHUR,
Ticket Agent, Loup City, Neft.
3-piece Bed-Room Suite, plate mirror I Q Ofl
18x24, ONLY. tP I UlLU
A 24x24 Solid Oak Center Table
5-drawer Golden Oak Chiffonier
Good Oak High-Back Rocker
A Full-Sized Iron Bed
■ 2.40
When you go camping come and see our Camp
Chairs and Stools, Hammocks, etc.
And remember, we shall always sell you Good
Goods at the Right Prices.
Christensen & Ferdinandt
Furniture Company.
Christensen & Ferdinandt,
Undertakers and Embalmers
Loup City, Nebraska,
Posts, Shingles, Lime and Cement
Hard and Soft Coal Always on Hand.
Agents for Sherwin-Williams Prepared Pain* 8
*^J. I. DEPEW1N*
Blacksmith 9 Wagon Maker,
My shop is the largest and best equipped north of the Platte River
I have a four horse engine and a complete line of the latest improved, ma
chinery, also a foroe oP experienced men who know how to operate it and
turn out a Job with neatness and dispatch.
Get More Egars.
Paint the inside of youriien house with
CARBOLINEUM. It is a sure lice and
mite exterminator. For sale by
lEZo’vstoii© Lm “top- Co.
Loup City, Ashton, Rockville and Schaupps
B. & |tfl. ELEVATORS
Gail for Salt at L01 City aid Asia. Will Bay
Gall and see oar coal and get price* on grain.