The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 11, 1907, Image 5

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Power to Protect Coasts of the Coun
try to Be Shown in the Present
Oyster Bay—The significance of
Rear Admiral Brownson’s addition to
the somewhat meagre information
which has come from President Roose
velt regarding the contemplated two
©cean maneuver of the Atlantic battle
ship fleet, is regarded here as having
been o’verlooked in the comment, ex
pert and otherwise, which has been in
dulged in on both continents. Admiral
Brownson came 10 Oyster Bay Friday
to take lunch with the • president, pro
fessing entire ignorance of the ma
neuver plans. When he left Sagamore
Hilf to take the train for Washington
the admiral had one thought which he
wished to emphasize—that it was de
sirable and important to demonstrate
to the world how quickly the Ameri
can navy could transfer its fighting
strength from one ocean to the other.
This was distinctly an addition to the
president’s previous statements, issued
through Secretary Leob, wherein the
object of the maneuver was said to lie
an exercise movement for the benefit
of the navy, to perfect its training
In fleet exercise on an extended .scale,
the purpose and effect of the plan be
ing for the benefit of the navy alone.
What came from President Roosevelt
through Admiral Brownson is decid
edly different and of much broader de
sign President Roosevelt has been
consistent in advocating a large navy
as the surest guarantee of peace, be
tween the United States and all for
eign powers. Heretofore a large navy
has been reckoned solely from the
point of view of the number of ships
tonnage, armor, guns and fighting ca
pacity. With this idea the American
navy has grown steadily ship by ship.
To the somewhat uninteresting ar
ray of ships and tonnage President
Roosevelt now proposes to give the
world a somewhat startling demonstra
tion of what the American navy is
capable of doing to protect either or
both of the extended shores of the
United States. As Admiral Brownson
said, "There is no time like the pres
ent for such a demonstration,” a time
when the United States is at perfect
peace with every nation.
Will Purchase a Navy.
Mexico City—President Cabrera of
Guatemala is negotiating for the pur
chase of a navy to meet the antici
pated attack of President Zelayaa of
Nicaragua. It was learned from a
high source here that Cabrera had
recently secured $500,000 gold on a
forced loan and that with this sum
he will purchase gunboats. The Nic
araguan fleet in the Pacific waters
cnosists of three gunboats. She also
has three gunboats on the Atlantic.
Germany Scents a War.
Berlin—The conviction of a ultimate
conflict between Japan and the United
States appears to be widespread in
Germany. It is one of the subjects
certain to be referred to wherever dip
lomatists and military and naval offi
cials and others accustomed to follow
.International politics meet. The news
papers agree that President Roosevelt
is eamstly trying to satisfy the Japa
nese requests. They agree also that
Japan asks nothing unreasonable.
^ An Irrigation Project.
Engelwood, Kas.—A corps of engi
neers under Prof. C. S. Schlicter, gov
ernment engineer of the reclaimant
department, established offices here
preparatory to the work of reclaim
ing by irrigation 20,000 acres of land
in the Cimarron valley in Oklahoma.
Abundant Sunshine and Rainfall Gen
erally Satisfactory.
Lincoln—Director Loveland, in his
crop circular, says:
The week was mostly warm and
pleasant, with abundant sunshine and
light wind.
The daily mean temperature aver
aged about 3 degrees below the nor
mal. The weekly average was about
72 degrees in the southeastern coun
ties and 68 to 70 degrees in the
northern and western. The maximum
temperatures generally were not high,
but on Monday and Saturday tempra
tures above 90 degrees were recorded
at many places.
The rainfall was above the normal
in most of the southern and extreme
western counties, and below normal in
the rest of the state. Thunderstorms
occurred in the southeastern counties
accompanied by high wind, more than
an inch of rain, and in some places by
hail. Scattered showers occurred in
the state the last part of the week, but
the rainfall was mostly light.
Bombs Thrown at Train.
Grodno, Russia—A number of
bombs were thrown Sunday at a train
carrying the Life Guard regiment to
Tsarskoe-Selo. The bombs exploded
with terrific force, but the train kept
the rails and nobody was injured.
8t. Louis Lid Is Lifted.
St. Louis, Mo.—Despite the “lid"
which has been battened down on
6t. Louis for many months, beer
flowed freely at one place Sunday,
with the consent of Excise Commis
sioner Mulrihill.
Washington—“There is no Buch
thing as, an 'American Dreadnaught’
nor is any projected,” said a distin
guished • naval officer. He was re
ferring to the two great 20,000-ton
battleships, contracts for which have
Just been provisionally awarded, and
which were mentioned in the .congres
sional debates as the “dreadnaught”,
. class. . “The aew ships > should be
* called ‘The Delaware’ classy tor with
out knowing what the second ship is
to be called, the first vssel of the
kind usually fixes the name of the
All Details Worked Out By the Naval
Washington—Details of the vast
movement of th Atlantic fleet to Pa
cific water have been theoreticallly
worked out weeks in advance by the
naval general board. But these details
are necessarily subject to constant
change resulting from the withdrawal
of battleships from active commission
on account of having been declared
antiquated or in need of repairs and
the substitution of other ships just go
ing into commission and fresh from
the builders’ hands.
There is in the Navy department
scarcely any one authorized to afford
any information as to the contemplated
fleet movement. Secretary MetcrJf is
in California, Assistant Secretary New
berry is at Watch Hill, R. I.; Admiral
Brownson, chief of the navigation bu
reau, who is next in line, has gone to
New York, and the acting secretary of
the navy today is Rear Admiral Mason
chief of the bureau of ordanance.
The opinion of the officers on duty
is that the route most feasible fo * the
big ships is by way of the straits of
Magellan. The route across the Atlan
tic and through the Mediterranean and
Suez canal is oj>en to the objection
that it would bring the big ships al
most . in Japanese waters and the
movement might consequently be re
garded as a menace, which Secretary
Metcalf has stated has never been con
templated. The Suez route, too, is
longer by a thousand miles that, the
Magellan route. This, according to the
best calculations and allowing for
short visits, to ports not on the near
est sailing route is about 13,000 miles
in length.
The battleship Oregon covered, the
dirtauce froth San Francisco to Jupi
ter in.’et, Fla., in 1898 in sixty-three
days. But she was handicapped by
the company of the little gunboat
Marietta, which was scarcely able to
make more than eight knots an hour,
and also by the fact that as a precau
tionary measure the Oregon was sent
around the West Indies, sensibly
lengthening her route.
Missouri Pacific and Other Roads
Charged with Spitework.
Washington—A serious charge was
made in a complaint filed with the in
terstate commerce commission against
the Missouri Pacific and a number of
other western roads by corporations,
partnerships and individuals engaged
in the flour milling trade of Oklahoma,
Kansas and Missouri.
It is alleged that an advance in rates
on flour was made by the defendant
companies in revenge against the com
plainants because of a petition which
was filed with the interstate comnerce
commission less than a month ago,
alleging that the railroads charged un
just and unreasonable rates to the At
lantic markets, as compared with the
rates on flour and wheat products
from Minneapolis and other north
western points.
Favors Director General.
Norfolk, Va.—At a conference be
tween Secretary of the Treasury Cor
telyou and the board of governors and
officers of the Jamestown exposition,
Mr. Cortelyou suggested the appoint
ment of a director general. Secretary
Cortelyou was especially encouraging
in his assurances that the exposition
would ultimately be a success, despite
the criticisms, which, he said, charac
terize every exposition in its early
stages. It was explained to him that
all of the governors were in favor of
a director general with similar powers
to those managing other expositions.
Twenty-one Dead in Storm.
St. Paul—Twenty-one persons are
now known to have been killed In the
tornado which swept a path 100 miles
long and from a mile to a few rods
in width through the counties oi cen
| tral Wisconsin on Wednesday night.
Details of the damage done by the tor
nado are still coming in very slowly
and it is believed that the death list
will be somewhat increased when all
points visited by the tornado are heard
Sioux City Double Tragedy.
Sioux City, la.—Nicholas Deidrich, a
laborer, shot and seriously wounded
Chris Johannsen, a widow, who had
refused to marry him. Deidrich fled
along the river tank, pursued by a po
liceman, shot himself and leaped into
the river.
American Soldier Killed.
Havana—During a clash wii:h police
at Holguin, Santiago, resulting from
the alleged refusal of four American
soldiers of the Eleventh infantry to
pay for drinks, Corporal P. J. Green
was shot and mortally wounded and
his companions were arrested.
Earthquake at Bismarck.
St. Louis—Advices were received
from Bismark, Mo, seventy-five miles
south of here, that two distinct earth
quake shocks were felt there Fri
day afternoon. The vibration was suf
ficient ot shake buildings and rattle
windows and dishes. No damage was
Department Orders Inquiry.
Washington—The department of
justice on Friday directed the United
States district attorney for Aiizona
to make an investigation into’ tie al
leged kidnaping from Douglas, Ariz.,
Into Mexico of Manuel Saravia, an al-.
leged Mexican agitator, reported to
have been connected with a Mexican
newspaper published in St. Louis in
the interest of the revolutionary
party. The inquiry is undertaken at
the instance of friends of Saravia, but
so far nothing has been heard from
the territorial authorities.
Kuroki Entertains Wright.
Tokio—General Baron Kurok, the
Japanese imperial envoy to th James
town exposition, gave a luncheon in
honor of Luke E. Wright, the Ameri
can ambassador. Field Marshall Oyama
representing the army, expressed him
self hi the most appreciative terms of
the magnificent and enthusiastic re
ception accorded General Kuroki and
his party everywhere In the United
8tates. His phraseology was one long
chaliuof superlatives of gratifying ap
preciation in .which the Japanese lan
guage is particularly rich.
On All of the Harrlman Lines Full
Particulars of Wrecks Are to
Be Furnished.
New Yorjc—A policy of informing
the public of the deatiis of all acci
dents on the railroads comprising the
Harrlman system was put into effect
Monday by order of E. H. Harrlman,
according to an official announcement
made by the Union Pacific Railroad
It is stated that Mr. Harriman has
ordered that full reports shall be made
and promptly given to the press con
cerning all accidents on the Union Pa
cific and Southern Pacific systems
and on the Oregon lines. It is also
announced that it has been decided,
as an experiment, to invite outsiders,
of local reputation and standing, to
be present and to participate in the
company’s hearings of the company’s
board of inquiry into accidents, mak
ing formal reports, either agreeing or
'disagreeing with the findings of the
The statement quotes the reports of
the Interstate commerce commission
Ito the effect that over 70 per cent of
the serious collisions on American
railroads in the past five years were
(due to negligence of trainmen and
enginemen. On lines protected by
(block signals 94 per cent of the col
lisions are attributed by the Commis
sion to negligence of trainmen and
Signal operators. The plan to make
public full details concerning acci
dents follows a suggestion made by
Julius Kruttschnitt, a director of main
tenance and operation of the Harri
man lines, who said:
“Personal responsibility for acci
dents, whether of officers or laborers,
should be known to the public.
must bring about closer observance of
the rules and greater respect for dan
ger signals than we now get from our
employes. This can be done only by
the widest publicity of the details of
The Union Paciflo also announces
that its steel rails fqr. delivery next
year will be made by the open hearth
process, which, it is expected, will de
cidedly lessen the number of break
ages. *
Cablegram Setting at Rest Rumors of
* Trouble There. '
Washington—vVhat would appear to
be a conclusive contradiction of the
reports recently published In this coun
try to the effect that the army offi
cers engaged in the work of construct
ing the Panama canal are endeavor
ing to be relieved of that task is con
tained In the following cablegram re
ceived at the War department today
from Panama:
Everything going well and harmon
iously. Report of dissatisfaction and
desire tb withdraw absolutely false.
(Signed.) GOETHALS.
Largest Sum Outstanding in History
of Currency Department.
Washington—The monthly state
ment of the comptroller of the cur
rency shows that at the close of busi
ness June 29, 1907, the total circula
tion of national bank notes was JG03,
788,609, which is the largest amount
of circulation outstanding in the his
tory of the government.
Omaha as Grain Market.
Omaha—A phenomenal increase in
receipts and shipments of grain is
shown by the semiannual report of
the Omaha Grain exchange issued
Monday. T9ie increase is of a size
which, if continued a few years longer,
will make Omaha the leading market
for grain shipments. For tjje first
six months of this year, the total re
ceipts at Omaha were 21,339,400
bushels as compared with 19,019,100
bushels for the same perioa last year.
The total shipments for fhe first six
months of this year were 24,214,500
bushels as compared with only 19,
3S2.900 bushels last year.
They Meet Upon the Level.
San Francisco—An important legal
point developed by the earthquake of
a year ago was settled when Judge
Seawell decided that contractor and
property owner were put on a level
by the act of God and neither could
recover from the other in cases of
misfortune resulting from the earth
Prudential Quits Texas.
Newark, N. J.—The Prudential In
surance company announced that fol
lowing the example of a number ot
other life insurance companies it
would withdraw from Texas, consider
ing it impossible to comply with the
law recently passed in that state.
War Practice Will Begin.
Newport, R. I.—Preparations for
war practice began Monday at the
coast defenses of the Narragansett
district, in obedience to orders from
the war department at Washington.
The program, which extends over two
weeks, ending Monday, July 15, in
cludes the encampment of eight coast
artillery companies at Fort Adams
and five at Fort Greble, which will
later be augmented by the state mi
litia. Both the regulars and volun
teers will go into camp, and the strict
est discipline will be maintained. •
Queen Receives Delegates.
The Hague—Joseph Choate and
other heads of delegations to the peace
conference were received in audience
by Queen Wilhelmlna on Monday in
the great reception hall of the royal
palace. Prince Henry of the Nether
lands, the prince consort, accompanied
the queen, who was surrounded by the
| court dignitaries. Dr. Van Teta Van
OoudrUn, the minister of foreign af
fairs to the Netherlands, introduced
the delegatee to her majesty, 'who ex
changed n few words with each ot
A Tornado Sweeps Through Western
Wisconsin With Disastrous
St Paul, Minn.—It Is now believed
that at least fifteen lives were lost
in the severe storms which swept
over a portion of western Wisconsin
Wednesday evening. Numerous other
jpersons were injured and much dam
age to farm property and to dwell
ing houses Is reported. According to
reports received here the little town
of Oakdale, on the Milwaukee road,
near Camp Douglas, was entirely
wiped out. Four persons are reported
;to have been killed there. 'At Grand
.Rapids, Wis., there are said to be five
dead as a result of the storm, but
communication has not been re-estab
lished with this place and the extent
of the calamKy cannot be ascertained.
I Miss Wensel was driving a horse
and buggy along the road when the
storm struck her. The vehicle and
horse were blown away and have not
been found. Miss Wensel was blown
into the top of a tree, from fchich
she was rescued in an unconscious
Many farm houses and outbuildings
in the vicinity of Neillsville were de
stroyed and much stock was killed.
Wires were prostrated in all direc
tions and it has been difficult to learn
details of the storm.
The Poll district school near War
rens was blown away and a summer
resort near Tomah suffered much dam
Most of those killed dr injured were
caught in the ruins of their falling
houses and crushed by the heavy tim
At the home of Lyman Charles near
Neillsville a social gathering was in
progress when the storm struck the
house. The host was caught beneath
the ruins of his house and fatally in
jured, dying while being taken to the
hospital. One of his guests also was
probably fatally injured, while several
were severely hurt.
Cent a Mile for Harvestsrs.
Omaha.—The railroads have respond
ed to the call for help for harvest
hands in Kansas and have made a rate
oi 1 cent a mile for parties of five
or more for points within the state of
Comes From a Distinguished Family
and Will Honor the High Posi
tion Assigned Him.
Washington—The new battleship
Nebraska, which has recently been
accepted from the builders, Moran
Brothers, Seattle, will be put in com
mission this week. It will be under
the command of Captain Reginald F.
Nicholson, and that means that one
of the ablest sailors in the American
navy will control this latest addition
to Uncle Sam’s fleet of battleships.
Captain Nicholson comes from a fam
ily distinguished in the naval history
of the United States. But he does not
have to go back to his ancestors for
his record. He created that record
for himself.
Everyone who has any recollection
of that little scrap between the
United States and Spain, commonly
known as the Spanish-American war,
will recall the wonderful trip made
by the battleship Oregon from the
California coast to Santiago, when it
was believed that every available in
the American navy would be needed
in Cuban waters. The Oregon made
the record trip for speed. Its engines
were crowded to the utmost limit and
it was brought around to join Samp
son’s fleet, and the announcement of
its arrival was greeted with the shouts
of 80,000,000 peole. ‘‘Reggy” Nichol
son was the navigating officer on that
trip. To him was assigned the duty
of getting the big ship around on time.
He performed his duty without fuss or
feathers, and his only reward, aside
from the gratification which he felt,
was the acquisition of the big flag
which flew at its peak when it went
into action in Santiago. That flag
was presented by Captain Nicholson
to the Bohemian club in San Francis
co and was probably destroyed during
the earthquake last year.
Captain Nicholson is one of those
officers of the navy who have been as
signed all sorts of service. He has
seen duty on the old sail-driven vessel,
On the modern cruiser, gunboat and
battleship. He has had setvice in the
hydrographic department and the va
rious mechanical bureaus of the navy,
Battleship Nebraska, Now in Commission.
Kansas. The wheat crop of Kansas
has grown to such immense propor
tions that the resident population is
absalutely unable to handle it iu the
short period in which it must be takes
care of, and for some years it has
been aecdssary to import outside labor.
Protection for Maclean. „
London—The British government
has demanded of the Moroccan gov
ernment that prompt steps be taken
to insure the release of Caid Sir Harry
MacLean, commander of the sultan's
bodyguard, who was captured by Ra
suli, the bandit chief.
Boycott of American Goods.
Tokio—In well fnformed quarters
there is an inclination to smile at the
denial of tiie associated chamber of
commerce of an intention to inaugu
rate a boycott against American
goods. 'While there is no doubt that
the chambers of commerce would not,
as such, take any action of that na
ture, yet in this connection, however,
it is necessary to remember that pub
lic bodies like chambers of commerce
do not give out positive information
in a ma tter the consummation of
which requires great secrecy.
Went Away With
New York—A reward of $2,500 was
offered by a surety company for the
capture of Chester B. Runyan, paying
teller of the Windsor Trust company,
who, it is charged, on Saturday after
noon walked oat of the truat com
pany’s omcb with |»M17 of the bank’s
money staffed swpy la his dress au$
ease. The theft was deteeted ifoaday
morning. It h*ft b«on Me**K*iwtth a
boldness as startling an the deed )
and is regarded as one of the most
efficient men wearing the uniform of
Uncle Sam today, so that it is felt
that in assigning him to command
of the Nebraska the Navy department
has given that battleship a command
er who will make good in any posi
tion in which he mar find himself.
Washington—The Navy department
is informed that the new battleship
Nebraska was placed in commission
Tuesday at the Bremerton naval sta
tion on Puget sound, making the only
American battieship. in Active service
in Pacific waters.
Western Trip Mapped Out.
Oyster Bay, L. I.—The details of the
itinerary of President Roosevelt's west
ern trip, which Is to begin at the ter
mination of his summer vacation, was
announced by Secretary Loeb. The
president will leave Oyster Bay for
Canton, O., September 29. He will
make an address at Canton at the ded
ication of the McKinley national monu
ment September 30, and leave Imme
diately for Keokuk, la. From there
he goes to St. Louis, Cairo, UL, Mem
phis, Tenn., and then hack to Wash
ington, where he will arrive Oct 5th.
Governor Names Johnson.
LlnCbln—Joseph W. Johnson of Lin
coln has been appointed deputy food
commissioner by Gov. Sheldon. The
position pays f 1,300 a year. Since the
resignation of Food Commissioner
Thompson a year ago. State Chemist
Rodtern has been Siting the place.
The last legislature increased the sal
ary from HJW and provided a apiary
of I1.M0 far the chemist. A stenog
rapher and chemist are jot to be ap
pointed to complete tils department,
hut It is presumed Mr. Redfern will
First Step of Retaliation Likely to Be
at Tokio.
Tokio—The impression is growing
here that the anti-Japanese feeling and
demonstration in San Francisco are
the outcome of a deeply laid plan
based upon racial hatred, and the re
cent developments apparently support
this impression.
The newspapers here, which had
special correspondents of American
nationality in San Francisco, have
ceased to rpceive news from them. No
explanation was offered for the dis
continuance of news dispatches, but
the impression here is that pressure
was brought to bear upon the corre
spondents in San Francisco not to
serve the Japanese papers.
The fear is expressed that the dan
ger point will soon be reached. Al
though war is not dreamed of, the mu
tual feelings of good will and friend
ship will be seriously alienated if
prompt measures are not taken to al
lay the general indignation here
against the latest discrimination in
San Francisco, which, according to
Japanese contention, is a flagrant vio
lation of treaty rights.
Apparently certain measures of re
taliation are seriously being contem
plated by influential men in political
and business circles. Just what action
will be taken has not yet developed,
but a boycott against American goods,
it is believed, will certainly be one of
the steps taken.
Washington—For many months the
bureau of immigration has had inspec
tors Ih Mexico watching the trend of
Japanese immigration. According to
reports received at the department of
commerce and labor, it is evident that
hundreds of Japanese laborers who ar
rive in Mexico have no intention of
remaining in that country, but regard
it merely as a stopping place en route
to the United States.
It is not believed by the immigration
ment is a party to such an arrange
ment as this, as it has discouraged
immigration to the United States in
every possible way. Thousands of
Japanese laborers are known to be In
Mexico, merely awaiting an opportu
nity to enter the United States. The
border is about 2,000 miles in extent,
and as it cannot be adequately covered
by the immigration inspectors, the
smuggling of Japanese into this coun
try is a comparatively easy thing to
Secretary Taft Sends Cablegram to
Governor Magoon.
Washington—Secretary Taft threw
some additional light upon his plans
respecting the American evacuation of
Cuba by sending the following cable
gram to Governor Magoon at Havana:
“I am in receipt of a cablegram from
General Loiuaz Castillo as to some
thing I have said with reference to the
restoration of Cuba to the public. The
plan for the devolution of the govern
ment of the island upon the person to
be selected by a fair election, as out
lined in my letter to you, has not been
changed in the slightest. The ques
tion of the time within which that can
be worked out, due to the doubt as to
the time in which the census can be
taken, is a mere matter of opinion.
Please advise General Castillo accord
ingly. TAFT.”
Will Hold Annual Meeting in Yellow
stone Park in August.
Helena, Mont.—On invitation of
Brigadier General Young, in charge or
Yellowstone National park, the Na
tional Association of Fish and Game
Wardens has decided to hold its fifth
annual meeting in the National park.
President W. F. Soott has issued a
call for the meeting to be held' August
9 and 10.
Educator for Porto Rico.
Oyster Bay—President Roosevelt
approved the placing of Captain Perry
Garst on the retired list with the rank
of rear admiral. The president ap
pointed Dr. Edwin Grant Dexter, head
of the school of education of the Uni
versity of Illinois, as commander of
education of Porto Rico. He will as
sume office August 1.
Registration in Manila.
Manila—The result of registration
for the coming election has proved a
disappointment. When the books
were closed on Sunday only 7,300
voters, including -800 Americans, had
registered. The native leaders antici
pated that there would be about 19,000
General Humphrey Retires.
Washington—Upon his own applica
tion, Brigadier General C. F. Humph
rey, quartermaster general of the
army, was placed on the retired list
with the rank of major general, and
Major James B. Aleshire, assistant
quartermaster general, has been ap
pointed to be quartermaster genera}.
Coldest »une Ever Recorded.
Washington, D. C.—The weather bu
reau announced that the month closed
was the coolest June on record in
Washington, D. C., in the last seventy
five years.
Fear an Indian Uprising.
El Paso, Ter.—Troops at Fort
Apache, Ariz., it is announced, have
been ordered to be in readiness to pro
ceed to Fort McDowell, Ariz., where it
is said an outbreak of Indians is
feared as a result of the killing of
Austin Navajo, an Apache, last Satur
day by W. H. Gill, substitute agent at
McDowell, who claims to have shot
the Indian in self-defense. GUI has
been warned by Indian friends .that it
is not safe for him to remain on the
reservation. ^
Beggars to Learn Trades.
San Antonio, Tex.—A special to the
Express from Saltillo,^Mex., says:
A plan to rid the siirewalbs and pub
lic gardens of the street beggars Is
under advisement by the federal au
thorities of Mexico. A commission Is
to be appointed to investigate the mat
ter. It Is the intention to compel all
able-bodied men who are found beg
ging to learn some trade by which
they can make a Mvlng. Already ;
there Is a law In Mexico prohibiting !
becking «■ certain days.
What ia Going on Here and There That
is of Interest to the Readers
Throughout Nebraska.
The Methodists of Davenport are
building a f12,000 church.
Smallpox patients at Beatrice art
getting well, and it is thought therj
will be no further cases.
Congressman Conner of Iowa haa
bought the O’Keefe ranch near Al
liance, paying $68,000 spot cash there
At Fremont the Chicago ft North
western is enlarging and re-arranging
its yards on account of the construc
tion of a new freight depot.
A voluminous transcript, contacting
645 typewritten pages was filed in the
district court of Otoe county in tho
Bernard Carls Dunbar saloon case
from the decision of the Dunbar town
Jttev. unaries i. wneeier oi Kan
sas City concluded a successful series
of evangelistic Meetings at Stockvllle.
The meetings continued from June 8
to 30, Inclusive. About fifty conver
sions are reported.
Nebraska City did not celebrate this
year, but is saving all its energies for
the Chautauqua which will be held
August 2 to 11, and the stock show
and sale in September. The last will
be larger and better than ever before.
A- heavy hailstorm visited the vicin
ity of Campbell which completely
ruined crops in its path. The hail
started southwest of Campbell, cover
ing a strip from a mile and a half to
two miles wide for a distance of some
six or seven miles long tnd the crops
were beaten into the ground.
The sheriff of Smith county, Kansas,
was in Republican City several days
looking for K. Ferris, but was unable
to find him then. The sheriff came
again later, followe'd him to Alma
where he caught and arrested Ferris
on a breach of promise charge. He
was taken to Smith Center, Kan.
A plan is in process of incubation
for a reunion of the Third Nebraska
regiment of volunteers in Hastings
some time during the later part of the
summer. Judge H. S. Dungan, who
was major in the Third regiment, will
begin preparations for the event soon
after the Chautauqua season is over.
Austin Nutt, a farmer 77 years old,
living about eight miles west of Ash
land, committed suicide by hanging
himself from a tree in a grove on his
farm. For a number of years the old
gentleman has been in poor health
and since his wife died two years
ago had been more or less mentalfy
Some of the boys who are home,
from school to spend the summer va
cation, when passing the stars and
stripes waving in the breeze salute it
by lifting' their hats. Some may
claim there is too much sentiment in
this, but we think not; too much hon
or cannot be shown the flag of this
country, says the North Platte Tri
The State Board of Purchase and
Supplies is buying the quarterly sup-1
plies for state institutions and it has
worked a new wrinkle by picking out
the lowest bid on seperate items.
HeretoSore most of the buying has
been done by letting the contract to
the lowest bidder in bulk and this
plan, it is believed, will save the state
considerable money.
Hail, reported in a special to a
Grand Island paper, to have been as
large as a base ball in some instances,
fell over a strip seven miles long and
from two to three miles wide in the
extreme western part of Hall and east
ern part of Howard. Mr. Claus Stol
ley, a farmer, who was driving a fran
tic team at the time, was struck on the
head with one of the hail stones and
was quite Dacuy bruised.
At the rate of half a mile a day the
Union Pacific is installing its new
double track between Omaha and the
west. This has now reached a stage
where the road has a double track
almost all the way to Grand Island
with a few gaps to be filled. It is
proving one of the greatest booms the
railroad ever had, lor the business is
increasing at such a rate that it is
doubtful if it could be cared for at all
without the double track for the en
gine men and train men.
The railroads which have filed their
rate schedules with the State Rail
way ccsnmission showing the 15 per
cent reduction, in accordance with the
provisions of the Aldrich maximum
freight rate law, which went into ef
fect July 5, have placed another ob
stacle in the way of the enforcement
of the law, by failing to reduce the
rate on cement. The law provides
for a reduction on “lumber or building
material.” The railroads have Inter
preted this to mean lumber, or laths,
shingles, etc.
Sarah, the 11-year-old daughter of
Mr. David Gels, living t seven miles
northeast of Culbertson, was thrown
from a horse. She had a haltar strap
tied to her arm and was dragged half
a mile. She lived two hours. ;
Jones Pilkins was killed at Battle
Creek by the west bound passenger at
the railroad crossing in the north part
of town. He lived across the track
and was going home to supper. He
was intoxicated and tried to cross just
before the engine. The body was bad
ly mutilated. He leaves a wife and
several small children.
County Superintendent Matzen of
Dodge County has received very favor
able reports from the competitors in
the school boy’s corn growing contests,
which was inaugurated.two years ago
with great success. There will be
more contestants this year than last.
Frank Brink, the Ponca young man
recently tried for the murder of his for
mer sweetheart on the eve of her mar
riage to another man, and aquitted on
the grouud of insanity, has been re
leased from the State Insane hospital
at Norfolk, just three months to a day
after his entrance to the institution.