The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 11, 1907, Image 4

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Results of Experiments by Prof. Cyril G. Hopkins, Chief in
Agronomy and Chemistry, Illinois
Agricultural College.
T#ere are'two principal affects pro
duct] by using lime ca 30II3: One
of these is to correct the acidity of
the coil, and'the other is to decom
pose the soil itself. To correct the
acidity of sour soils is certainly a
very desirable and profitable use cr
lime. Clover, alfalfa, alsihe, cow
peas, soybeans, and many other feg
umef vil! not thrive on soils which
are strongly acid. To be sure such
crops, tan be made to grow on acid
•oils by liberal applications of farm
.manure or other complete fertilizers
fjut the nitrogen-gathering bacteria
Of the legume plants do not properly
develop and multiply in acid and con
seQuently the legumes do not have
the power which they should have to
and the economical form of lime
to ^s,e whenever it cjin be «cbtained.
If caustic lime be used we should
make special prevision to maintain
the humus in the soil.
It Is well to have some.regular plan
so that the application of limestone
shall fit into the work with the rota
tion of crops. Thus, one may prac
tice e. five-year or six-year rotation,
as follows:
First leap—corn.
Second year—oats, cowpeas or soy
Third year—wheat (with clover and
Fourth year—meadow for hay.
Fifth year-.meadow or pasture.
Sixth year—pasture.
There should be as many fields, of
approximately equal size, as there are
First Year Clover (Mostly Foul Grass) With no Special Soil Treatment.
accumulate large quantities of atmo
spheric nitrogen by means of the bac
teria which inhabit, or should inhabit,
their roots. Furthermore, the proe
•ess which is termed nitrification by
which the nitrifying bacteria trans
form the insoluble organic nitrogen,
in fa’-m manure and plant residues.
Into soluble nitrate nitrogen the form
in which it becomes available as plant
food, is greatly promoted by the pres
ence of ’ims and retarded by acid con
It will thus be seen that the use of
some form of lime for correcting the
acidity of soils and thus encouraging
the growth of clover and other leg
' years in the rotation, so that every
perry is represented every year. Thus,
every year there is a field in pasture
’ on which the manure can be spread
cs fast »3 it is made; and. it rock
' phosphate is used, it should go on
* 'ih tire manure, to be plowed under
»- -■ corn. The limestC'ne may well be
'.died in the summer of the second
> after the land is plowed for
wheat' in-the further preparation of
i’-o ground the limestone becomes
mixed with the surface soil, and the
packing of the soil in spreading the
limestone and in subsequent prepara
tion is likely to be beneficial for the
wheat crop. Wheat in usually helped
First Year Clover ("Knee Deep*’) With Lime Treatment,
limes with wonderful power to enrich
the soil in. nitrogen is certainly good
farm practice.
Any form of lime which is finely
divided and can be thoroughly mixed
with the soil will serve to correct the
soil acidity, whether it be ground lime
stone, marl, or chalk, or fresh burned
iime, water-slacked lime, or air
slacked lime.
The other effect produced by lime,
the effect for which it has been most
used in past ages, is the decomposi
tion of the soil itself. in this de
composition the organic matter of the
soil is destroyed with the liberation
of nitrogen and phosphorus held in
organic form and the mineral parti
cles of the soil are disintegrated with
the liberation of some plant food ele
ments, as potassium and phosphorus'
held in inorganic form. This effect
is produced by fresh-burned lime or
fresh-slacked lime.
Thus it will be seen that the first
effect of litue, the torrection of soil
acidity, results in a building-up proc
ess through tiie increased growth of
legumes and nitrogen-gathering bac
teria; while the second effect, the de
composition of the soil, is in all re
spects a destructive process, serving
only to liberate and reduce the stock
of plant food stored in the soil.
Whether this "second effect is desir
able will depend upon the nature of
the soil itself.
On soils which are exceedingly rich
In organic matter, such as peaty soils,
gnd other swamp soils, it would seem
altogether rational to make use of
caustic lime to hasten the decompo
sition of the soil and consequent lib
eration of nitrogen, If such treatment
Is necessary.
As a general rule we should use
lime only to correct the acidity of the
•oil, and this Is necessary only where
(here is .difficulty in obtaining a good
stand and luxurious growth of a legu
minous crop, such aa red-clover. As
(o the form of lime to use for this
purpose, the farmer must be governed
somewhat by the cost of the material.
Fine-ground lime will be both the? beat
by liming and the line-stone will be
thus fn the soil to benefit the clover
to be seeded the following spring.
My attention was recently called to
a farm in Dakota county. Minnesota,
where, when the country was being
settled, a strip of apparently poor
land was passed over as worthless for
grain production. Later it was home
steaded by a settler who came in a
one-horse outfit. Instead of raising
grain, this man started In on a sirta’l
scale to feed live stc«k. Screenings
and grain could be cbtained for the
hauling. The manure was judiciously
used and the soil responded to this
method of farming. In a few years
upon this apparently poor soil larger
crops were produced than upon the
surrounding wheat lands. To-day it
is one of the most productive farms
in th» county, tend its fertility is the
result of farm manure.
Farm manures are valuable be
cause they add new stores of fertility
to the soil. They change the inactive
plant food to more available forms
through the production of humates
which are utilized by crops as foods.
They improve the physical properties
of soils, make them warmer, more
responsive to cultivation, and regulate
the water qnpply for crop growth.
They add to the permanent crop pro
ducing power of the soil and regulate
the supply of plant f ood by causing
disintegration and other changes to
take place. They aid in producing
forage crops whtchiio itain the largest
amount of protein and other available
nutrients. Manured glands produce
not onl;r larger but more valuable
No Adulteration for Him.—Hie man
that topi honey syrtti from his own,
wa it la
Long Since Wearied of Smart Set,
They Live Unostentatiously at Arda
ley, Which Mrs. Gcuid Says Is
the “Rest Spot” of America.
New York.—How little Is heard of
the Edwin Goulds! Of the many mem
bers of the Gould family they are the
least often met in the public prints,
and the remaining few quiet, old-fash
ioned members of the 400 genuinely
honor them for their unobtrusiveness.
Edwin Gould is essentially a man of
retirement, and one who never looks
for homage for his millions. He is
unlike the vast majority of the social
stock to which he belongs, in that he
estimates his fellows by their mental
worth and not by the weight, size and
fullness of their coffers. But how
much of his success is due to the wise
influence of his wife? Those who
know the man best say it was a for
tunate day for him when- he wedded
Sarah Shrady. The Goulds live with
out ostentation most the year in
Ardsley. They have long since tired
ot European travel; they are among
the limited few of our multimillion
aires who see beauties in our country
equal to the best the Alps or any of
the garden spots of the continent can
Mrs. Gould is a nature lover, and
she finds ample opportunity to invite
her inclination in this direction in and
around Ardsley. Her favorite pastime,
however, is golf, although occasionally
she is seen on the Ardsley tennis
courts. If' golf ever is to resume its
sway among the smart set it will be
due largely to the influence of Mrs.
Gould and the little circle of which
idhe is the leading figure. Ardsley is
a nook that simply drives the resident
afield for athletic sport. In this it is
the reverse of Newport, sitting lazy
by the sea, and with its level stretches
of highway luring one to’ the listless
luxury of the upholstered automobile.
It is only in the early spring and the
late fall that the Newport atmosphere
is really bracing, while every naanth
|in the year there is snap and life in
the Ardsley air. The place draws cool
ness from the Hudson, and it is saved
from monotony by its well-wooded
hills. It is not strange that it has been
necessary to draw restrictions tighter
to keep the Ardsley reservation from
being overrun with restless million
aires and their families seeking a
It was Mrs. George Gould who, after
a visit to the Edwin Goulds, said that
Ardsley was the “rest spot” of Ameri
ca Of course, it might be said that
Mrs. Gould spoke only for the wealthy;
the poor find cramped area of a park;
still her opinion is of interest as indi
cating how little of rest and content ig
the lot of the men and women with
limitless money to spend. Probably
what Mrs.' Gould meant was that in
Ardsley there was no suggestion of
prodigal outlay, no rivalry of millions,
no ridiculous competition in absurd en
tertainments. Not long before the
George Goulds sailed for Europe a
young matron complained of wearness
as a result of the endless round of the
winter season. “Go to Ardsley,” was
Mrs. Gould's advice, given laughingly,
but with a good deal of earnestess.
And “Go to Ardsley” bids fair to pass
into a slogan among the 400, if a
slogan ever could find refuge in so
poor a haven. The so-called elect of
the 400 are born imitators, or rather
mimics, and within a week, through
(Member of Famous Family Who
Leads a Quiet Life.)
all the different layers of the odd so
cial fabric, every mention of headache
or ennui was followed by the call “Go
to Ardsley!” Well, there is more in
the remark than the thoughtless may
discover. The secret is known to the
Edwin Goulds, and Mrs. George Gould
probably had more than an inkling of
it when she gave such apt expression
to Ardsley's rural charms and decided
to forsake Lakewood.
But how long will Ardsley stand
against the northward march of the
city? How long, too, will the William
K.* Vanderbilts and the Harry Payne
Whitneys stand against the spread of
the city monster toward their Long
Island estates? The millionaire breth
ren it must be known will not wait
until the real estate dealer comes
knocking on their gates. They will
take flight at the first sign of the in
vading speculator.
Only Double Barreled Cannon in the
World at Athens, Ga.
Atlanta, Ga.—The only double bar
reled cannon in the world is one of
the historic curiosities of Athens, Ga.
There is a history of unique interest
that goes along with this old cannon.
Besides being the only double bar
reled “shooting iron” of this kind ever
The Double-Barreled Cannon.
invented, it was conceived with a
peculiar idea by the inventor, John
Gilleland, a member of the Mitchell
Thunderbolts, a local military com
pany at Athens during the war. The
Mitchell Thunderbolts was a company
composed of men too old for active
service in .the field, and was organized
purely for home defense.
Mr. Gilleland, the inventor, believed
that with a cannon of the double bar
rel pattern he could mow down
Yankees by the hundreds. He^ad his
cannon cast at the Athens foundry,
and, when finished, it was hauled out
to the outskirts of the city, where a
test was made. One test was entirely
sufficient to demonstrate that the can
non was a rank failure. A 50-foot
chain, with the ends attached to two
cannon balls was the charge. The
balls were rammed into the cannon
sood and hard. It was the inventor’s
idea that when the cannon was fired
the chain would stretch taut and cut
down everything within its length.
When it was properly loaded it , was
touched off with great ceremony. One
of the balls got out a little ahead of
the other, and the devil and Tom
Jones was to pay. It had a kind of
circular motion, plowing up about an
acre of ground, tore up a corn field,
mowed down saplings, and the chain
broke. One of the balls killed a young
cow in a distant field, while the other
knocked down a chimney from a log
cabin. The members of the Thun
derbolts who went out to witness the
test scattered as though the entire
Yankee army had turned loose In that
That one test was enough to con
vince the inventor that his double
barreled cannon was more disastrous
to the men behind it than to the en
emy in front. It was drawn back to
the city and was never used again
except to celebrate Democratic vic
tories, the number of times for this
purpose being limited, except in state
campaigns. Several years ago the old
cannon disappeared from in front of
the city hall, and it was found in a
junk shop, from which it was rescued,
and after being mounted and placed
in the little park on College avenue,
opposite the federal building, where
it now stands—one of the most inter
esting relics erf the civil war.
Shakespeare and Cervantes.
It is perhaps one of the most re
markable coincidence in all literary
history tha,t April 23, * 1616, should
have been the death day of the two
greatest geniuses of their time, or,
indeed, of any time—Shakespeare and
Cervantes. But it is doubtful whether
they ever heard of each other, just
as Burns and Schiller, who were born
in the same year, twinkled, to use
Carlyle’s fine phrase, like bright par
ticular stars in opposite firmaments,
and never mingled their rays. It
does not appear that Shakespeare
knew any Spanish, and as the earliest
translation — Shelton’s — of “Don
Quixote” began to appear in 1612,
after the author of “Hamlet” had re
tired to Stratford, and was finished
in 1620, he is not likely to have come
under its influence. It was “The
Knight of the Burning Pestle” which
first betrayed this.
Annual Lou of Fleah.
“My class of 50 pupils loses 100
pounds each examination season,”
Heroic Surgery.
Natives of Africa have a great be
lief in the efficacy of fire as a curative
a^ent. When Livingstone’s body was
being carried to the coast one of the
party received a dangerous gunshot
wound in the thigh. His companions
made a hole in the ground , deep
enough to take him, seated with his
legs out in front Leaves were Sound
about the injury, and earth and
thick mud heaped over his legs. A
bonfire was now made over this
mound, and, so that the man might
not suffocate from the smoke, they
thoughtfully reared a mat in front of
his face, jfiy the time that the heat
had made its way to the wound the
man was In agony and'perspiration
poured from him. He roared for
help and was dug out. The native
surgeons now held him fast, while
strong men tugged with ail their
might at the injured limb, then bound
him in splints. This was the treat
ment usual in such cases, and the na
tives said that it had Invariable been
perfectly successful for gunshot
wounds through a bone.
A Horrid Suspicion.
“Maud.” he said, as the carriage
entered the shadowy lane, “Maud are
you sure you—you never had any
man’s arm about your waist as mine
“No. George, I never did,” she mur
mured; “I never, never did! Why?”
“Oh, nothing,” he replied, “only I
wondered whether It was instinct or
experience that made you take the
reins from my hand Just as soon as
we reached this secltfeed spot.”—Roy
al Magazine.
Mrs. Coonley (at the wash tub)—
Oat’s de man ob it, ebry time! Set
around an' smoke while de poo’ worn
^n dees the wuk!
Mr. Coonley (enjoying his pipe)—
But how could we change places,
honey, when yo’ knows yo don’t
Wla Plea.
Jodge—Prisoner, have yon any
thing to say to the court before sen
tence is pronounced?
Prisoner—1 beg the court to consid
i er the youthfnldbss of my attorney.
Will Mystify Ordinary Spectators, and
la Not Eaay to Dotoct.
One of the simplest tricks to per
form, but one not easily detected, can
be executed by using a tapered deck
of' cards as shown in the figure. A
cheap deck of cards is evened up
square, fastened in a vise and planed
along the edge in such a manner that
all the pack wlH be tapered about
one-sixteenth inch. This taper is ex*
aggerated in the illustration, which
shows one card that has been turned
end for end.
It is evident that any card reversed
in this way ean be easily separated
from the other cards in the pack,
which makes it possible to perform
the following trick: The performer
spreads the cards out, fan like, and
asks an observer to withdraw a card,
which is then replaced in any part of
the pack. After thoroughly shuffling
the cards the performer then holds
the deck in both hands behind his
back and pronouncing a few magic
words produces the card selected in
one hand and the rest of the pack in
the other. This is accomplished by
simply turning the deck end for end
while the observer is looking at his
card, thus bringing the wide end of
the selected card at the narrow end of
the pack when it is replaced. The
hands are placed behind the back for
a double purpose, as the feat then
seems more marvelous and the ob
servers are not allowed to see how it is
Inverted Clock a Boon to the "Man
in the Chair."
Every barber shop has a clock
which is Invariably placed on the
wall opposite the big mirror which
faces the customer in the chair. The
clock face is reversed as seen in the
mirror, and it is a severe strain on
the eyes to figure out the correct
time. A jeweler in Glendine, Mont,
has now invented a sane clock for
barber shops. The figures on the dial
are reversed, and the hands move
just opposite to those of ordinary
clocks. The result is the reflection
in the glass is so “you can understand
It.” To demonstrate, hold this page
in front of a mirror and read the time
of the clock in the illustration.
Pet Returned to Owner After Brief
s Hour of Freedom.
A curious instance of animal instinct
and attachment in an otter is related
by a Cork correspondent of the Lon
don Field. A few months ago in that
city a man caught a live otter. Bring
ing the animal home, after some time,
he succeeded in taming it, and trained
it to fish.
One day he took it to the river for
a swim, and while there it killed some
fish, but succeeded in getting off the
strap to which it was attached. After
waiting some hours in a vain en
deavor to induce the animal to leave
the water the owner gave up in de
spair and returned home.
Late that night, while In bed, this
man heard a scratching at the front
doer of his cottage, and to his great
surprise, when he opened the door, in
walked the otter, which he then se
cure. The most remarkable feature
of this story is the fact that this man
lived about a mile from the river and
that his cottage was one in a row.
Odd Place for Bird’s Nest.
A thrush has built her nest at the
back of the neck of the sculptured
angel on the memorial to William
Thimos Kine, the author, in St. Mar
garet's churchyard, Keddington, near
The memorial is protected by a wire
cage, through which the bird managed
to find Its way. The cage also pro
tects the birds, for no boys can pos
sibly get at the nest, which now shel
ters the mother bird and five little
thrushes.—London Evening Standard.
Routed by Snapping Turtles.
As John Patterson, a huckster, was
driving Into town from Darflngton this
morning he came upon a drove of 15
or 20 snapping turtles crossing the
road, says a Beaver Falls correspond
ent of. the Pittsburg Despatch. Think
ing a few of them would meet with
ready sale he attempted to catch
them, whereupon the turtles showed
fight, and, hissing angrily, made for
him with outstreached heads and
snapping jaws.
, Patterson hastily got back into his
wagon, turned his horse and beat a
retreat He says most of the turtles
were as large as a washtub. He
drove Into town by another route.
Jackdaw’s Thefts.
Following the loss of numerous
wooden labels attached to the plants
In the city., part the Tttrro Corpora
tion Issued numerous solemn warn
ings to children, says the London
Dully News.
At a chapel near at hand, however,'
a large pile of the missing labels has
jsst been found under a hole in the
net, having been carried there by s
!-y- -fas j£ jS&JL A.*
People Should Eat More Fruit Than They Do—By C. F.
Langfworthy, Ph. D., U. S. Department
of Agriculture.
As shown by statistics based on the
results of dietary studies of nearly
400 American families, fresh fruits
make up 3.8 per cent, of the total
food and supply 2.5 per cent, of the to
tal carbohydrates. Similarly dried
fruits furnish 0.6 per cent, of tha total
food and 1.2 per cent, of the total
carbohydrates. The values for fruits
as a whole, therefore, are 4.4 per cent,
of the total food material and 3.7 per
cent of the total carbohydrates. These
figures are not large in themselves,
yet compare favorably with the values
for different groups of vegetable foods.
Thus the same compilation shows that
vegetables, other than legumes, po
tatoes, and sweet potatoes, furnish
6.2 per cent, of the total food and 1.7
per cent of the total carbohydrates of
the average American diet.
Besides the fruit consumed at home
a great amount is exported, and there
is no doubt that fruit growing is one
of the important agricultural indus
tries of the United States, and one
which is rapidly developing. The ,
report of the twelfth census shows
that the total value of fruit grown in
contiguous United States in 1899 was
in round numbers $131,099,000, of
which orchard fruits made up $83,
751.000, grapes, $14,090,000, small
fruits $25,030,000, and oranges, lem
ons, and other subtropical fruits, $8,
228.000. Of the individual states, Cali
tal value of the canned fruit produced
in 1904 was in round numbers $11,
644,000, dried fruit, $15,665,000, and
other fruit products $5,571,000, or a
total of $32,880,000. Of the individual
canned and preserved fruits the peach
ranked first, the value of the peaches
canned in 1904 being $3,894,000, with
canned pears at a value of 82,192,000
ranking next.
Considering dried fruits, raisins
ranked first, the total of the raisin
crop in 1904 being $6,349,000.
In 1906 the United States imported
prepared, preserved, and dried fruits
to the value of $5,337,000. The value
of the domestic exports of .dried, can
ned, and preserved fruits was $7,635,
The statistics which have been quot
ed show a decided fjain in the Ameri
can fruit industry, both as regards
fresh and preserved fruits, and there
are reasons for believing that even
the present development represents
only a beginning. This being the case,
it is easy to understand why the agri
cultural experiment stations have de
voted so much of their time to the
study of fruit products, the market-1
ing of fruit, and related problems,
and why the place of fruit and fruit
products in the diet and their value I
as food should be regarded as an im
portant subject for investigation.
In general, it may be said that
e< 6 Y° mter
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Composition of Apple (a), Banana (b), and Dried Fig (c).
forma and New York were the great
est fruit producel-s, the large acreage
of*orchard fruits and. grapes in these
states - being prominent factors in the
The progress of fruit production
during the decade between the last |
two censuses is indicated by the gain
in the number of orchard fruit trees;
the number of these trees in 1900 was
90 per cent, more than the number
in 1890.
Of the orchard fruits the apple has
decidedly the first place, 55 per cent,
of the total number of fruit trees in
the United States in 1900 being apple
trees, and this fruit making up S3
per cent of the total number of bush
els of orchard fruit produced. Judged
by the number of trees under cultiva
tion the greatest increase has been
found in the case of plums, apricots,
and pears, though peaches and cher
ries also have shown large gains. Of
small fruits strawberries, as might be
expected, were the most important
crop, and raspberries next, 257,438,
000 quarts of strawberries and 76,628,
000 quarts of raspberries having been
grown in 1899.
In the case of canned and preserv
ed fruits and similar goods the cen
sus returns give later figures than
those quoted for fresh fruits. The to
fruits are wholsome, palatable, and
attractive additions to our diet, and
may be readily made to furnish a con
siderable part of the nutrients and
energy required in the daily fare.
Fresh fruits are dilute foods and close
ly resemble green vegetables in total
nutritive value, but dried fruits and
many preserves, etc., are much more
concentrated, comparing favorably
with some of the cereals and other
dry vegetable foods in the amount of
total nutrients and energy which they
supply per pound. The characteristic
chemical constituents of fruits are
carbohydrates, and so they are natur
ally and properly used in a well-bal
anced diet to supplement foods richer
in protein, as cereal grains, legumes,
nuts, eggs, dairy products, meats, and
fish. Fruits contain considerable min
eral matter, and as they are dilute
foods they may be added to r.he diet
to supply iron and other mineral con
stituents without unduly increasing
the supply of protein and energy.
Since they are bulky and often con
tain fairly large proportions of indi
gestible material, fruits stimulate
what might otherwise be a sluggish
intestine. Intelligently used, fruits
are a valuable part of a well-balanced
diet and may well be eaten in larger
quantities than at present.
By Purdue (Inc?.) College Expert.
The best yields of corn have been
produced by planting in the first third
of May.
Late-planted corn has matured in
twenty days’ less time, as a rule, than
the early planted.
Thick planting has produced higher
average yield of both coni and stalks
than thin planting.
In very dry seasons thick planting
has produced less grain, but generally
a greater total yield of grain and
stalks, than thin planting.
Plowing eight inches deep has pro
duced slightly' greater yields of corn
than either shallower or deeper culti
Rotation of crops has proved an ex
cellent means of sustaining yields of
grain and of conserving soil fertility.
A liberal application of fresh horse
manure has not been fully exhausted
by a dozen successive crops of com.
Fresh horse manure has produced
an aggregate increase in yield of corn
of about 120 bushels per acre in
twelve years.
Heavy dressings of manure and com
mercial fertilizers have not made
profitable returns In ,yield of com In
dry sensor'
■ V " > . jvJ'ii.V
Different varieties of corn show a
very wide range in proportion of stalk
and ear, which makes it easy for the
stockman to select a variety that will
produce a large or small percentage or
Keep Roosters Vigorous.—Examine
the males that head the breeding pens
and if they are thin in flesh feed each
one meal a day separate from the
members of his flock. Sometimes a
chivalrous bird will not eat his share
of the food if fed with the hens.
Geese Live op Grass.—From this
time forward geese will obtain a good
share of their living at no cost to
their owner if allowed to range about
the farm. Green grass and plenty of
it is one of their most desired foods.
Rains and Corn Crop.—Rains in late
summer and early fall do not affect
the corn crop as to percentage of
grain to stalk. A good supply of
water at that time lncrease» the pro
portion of grain to stalk.
Kill Old Hen.—A hen without any
teeth will scratch the neighbor's gar
den Just as we'll as the younger hen
with a good set of teeth, and she won’t
lay half as many eggs. Kill her.
Red Clover and the Bumble Bee.—
Our red clover does not give itu honey
to the honey bee, bat to the bumble