The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 06, 1907, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
Professions Cards
Attorney & Gonnselor-aMav
(Office: First National Bank)
Loup City, Nebr.
Attorney ud Comelcr-it-Law
Practices in all Courts
Loup City, Neb.
-I—n :
And Bonded Abstractor,
Loup City, Nebraska
Office, Over New Bank.
Phone, 30. Office at Residence
Lnup Eihj, * Nebraska
Office up stairs in the new State
Hank building.
OFFICE: East Side Public Squaie.
Phone, 6-16
.w. //. .Tf/;.//>
Bonded Abstracter
Loup City, - Nebraska.
Only set of Abstract books in county
Try the
F f. f. Dray
F. F. Foster, Prop.
Office; Foster’8 Barber Shop
The Drayman
Phooe 7 on 60
Asks Your Patronage
Pleasant Evenirg
Call on Pratt at South Side
Pool and Billiard Parlors
Fixtures New and Up-to-Date
S. A- PRATT, - Proprietor
Medal Award to
For Saje by T.H. Eisner
Grive Us a Trial
Hound Front, Barn,
\ J. H. MINER. Props.
Loup City, - Nebr.
rme<t Livery Kigs. r.-ireful drivers
H-ndriuarters ii>r rariuers’<‘<nn
m r -i'iJ m-iT* trade given ;u
Ik> U<j». Vour patrouage bvJicited.
Entered at the I.oup City Postofflce tor trant
mission through the mails as second
class matter.
Office ’Phone,-6 on 108
Residence ’Phone, - 2 on 108
J. W. BURLEIGH. Ed. and Pub.
What Her Representative Paper
Thinks ©1 the Queen City
of Loup Valley.
Frank E. Edgerton, who accom.
panied the Lincoln Tradesmen’s
Excursion on its visit'to this city, as
the representative of the Lincoln
Daily Star, reported as follows to the
neur., iuay 6v.— ±iie
cordiality of the greeting accorded the
Lincoln men in this thriving little
city has not been exceeded anywhere
along the line. From the minute the
train arrived Wednesday night until
it pulled out reluctantly yesterday
morning, the citizens of Loup City
made their hospitality felt in a hun
dred ways. They left nothing undone
that good fellowship could propose or
friendship could express.
But Loup City was not only ready
to entertain Lincoln business men
and show them a good time, but the
business men of the Sherman county
capital were willing and anxious to
talk business. In their well stocked
stores were Numerous brands bearing
a Lincoln label and they assured the
visitors that the amount of Lincoln
goods handled in the future would be
greatly increased. Many excellent
orders were booked and many more
will be forthcoming. The good feel
ing engendered in this visit to Loup
City alone has paid for the entire trip.
When the train pulled into Loup
City last*iight, fully 300 citizens were
present as a reception committee. W.
R. Mellor was there to greet his friends
from the capital city and E. A. Brown,
editor of the Times and memlter of
the legislature, met many old and
new friends. J.. W. Burleigh of the
Northwestern, a former official of the
legislature, also met many former
acquaintances. Mayor* Peterson in
troduced President A. P. Culley of
the First National bank, who deliver
ed an address of welcome, which had
a response from T. P. Kennard. Then
the parade was organized and visitors
and citizens marched up to the hotel
where a splendid supper was served.
Oysters, chicken, light biscuits, cake,
strawberries, fresh vegetables and
other tempting eatables were placed
before the Lincoln men in great pro
Consumers, Not Producers.
I think these are the Lincoln con
sumers rather than the Lincoln pro
ducers,” declared Editor Israel of the
Country Merchant, after he had eaten
his share.
w hen the Lincoln men otiered their
money to the landlord of the hotel he
assured them there was nothing com
ing. Both supper and breakfast had
been paid for by the liberal business
men of tht town. Lincoln money was
no good in Loup City.
Thursday morning a number of vis
itors were escorted to the hills back
of the town by J. S. Pedler, W. R.
Mellor and John W. Long to take a
look up and down the beautiful valley
of the middle Loup. The sun was
just breaking through the thin c';ouds
in the east, casting sunshine and
shadow over the quiet town and ver
dant valley. Mists rose from the
shallow Loup almost obscuring the
sleeping hills far across the valley. It
was a beautiful view, one worth com
ing miles to see.
Loup City has two banks that have
deposits aggregating *300,000. Eight
years ago the one bank located here
had deposits to the amount of $16,000.
Loup City has at least two stores with
stocks of goods mi large as any in the
state. Draper Bros, have an enormous
stock of harness, purchased in Lincoln
and Des Moines. The Hay hurst-Call
away Hardware company has a great
double store for harness and hardware
while implements are kept across the
street. Tiiis company buys thousands
of dollars worth of goods in Lincoln.
Editors Brown of the Times and
Burleigh of the Northwestern have
well equipped offices and they live in
peace with each other. They were
remembering today that twenty years
ago yesterday, Editor B. L. Richard
son of the Northwestern shot and
killed Editor O. B. Willard of the
Tiipes op thp streets of the village.
J. S. Pedjef, bapker, was sheriff at
the time and tpok Richardson ip
Charge, The murderer was accqqitted
on the allegation pf self-defense.
The Lincoln men could hardly break
away frpm Loup City yesterday morn
big- Conductor Breedlove was m*
ious to leave on time and he had to
threaton to pull out with 9ome.e*cur
sionLsts still in town in order to get
t Item started. Moat of the band ijoys
and J. A. Manning had to “hot fimt**
it in order to caufe the train.
The Coming Lecture Course
The Lyceum Course Committee foi
’07-08 representing the Protestant
churches, have arranged one of the
most attractive courses we have beer
able to secure. More expensive that
heretofore, and the talent is fur
nished by Slayton Lyceum Bureau
the same as last season. The enter
tainments consist largely of musical
numbers, all entertainers of national
repute; in addition we have Gillmann,
the great humorist of Baltimore, ir
his most noted lecture, “A Sample
Case of .Humor,” and The Floyds
Magicians and Illusionists, presenting
the really wonderful in magic. Even
one should buy season tickets. The
following soliciting committees were
appointed to sell tickets for the
Lecture Course Entertainment*:
Baptist church—A. E. Chase, Mrs
Dr. Main and Mrs. S. N. Criss.
Presbyterian church—Mrs. C. C
Cooper, Miss Beth Zimmermap anc
Ward Yer Valin.
Methodist church—Mrs. J. P. Lein
inger, Mrs. A. B. Outhouse and Jas
I. Depew.
The public should patronize these
entertainments as they are the best
that can be had. Committee.
Jenner’s Park Opening June 11
As will be noticed from bills gotten
out at this office, it will be seen that
Jenner's Park will give it's opening
day of the present season next week
Tuesday, June 11th, with a grand
picnic and dance afternoon and night.
Loup City’s splendid cornet band will
give the music for the occasion and
will also furnish the music for the
dance afternoon and evening, which
insures entrancing music for the day
and night. Let our good people make
this a big day for the park. Jenner's
Park is one of the nicest little re
treats from the business cares of the
day, tfith good shade, pure water and
everything necessary to insure a most
delightful time. Take jour family
to the park on that day and let the
children have the time of their life.
Lovers - of the dance by all means
* should not miss the afternoon and
evening. All sorts of games and
sports will also be given, and the fact
that Stewart Qonger has charge of
refreshments and manages the pavilion
is a guarantee of best of order and
delicious ice-cream, etc.
Gun Club Shoot.
Loup City’s Gun Club is getting
action on itself and the numerous
shoots now being indulged in gives
evidence that we have a number of
good shots among them. At one of
the shoots last week the following
score attests the above. Out of a
possible fifty blue rrcks, the result
gave: P. O. Reed 27 out of 41 shots,
he running out of shells at that time;
W. F. Mason 35, Henry Eisner 43, M.
L. Miller 7, F. Hauck 33, Dr. Allen 36,
C. Johansen 45 and B. Swanson Jl.
And this is the score of one of their
first shoots. We are promised the
full score in detail of the next shoot.
If the murderer of Copple and wife
wants to get clear, he will see to it
that he gets his trial in Omaha in
stead of at Pender. Omaha seems to
be the Mecca for all classes of des
perate criminals. See chapters in the
history of Tom Dennison and Pat
Crowe for particulars, or address the
Omaha Evening News.
The management are actively en
gaged in improvements which when
completed will mark an advanced step
in the history of the Nebraska State
Fair. A number of men and teams
are now employed in the building of
a complete sewer system, extending a
4-inch water main a distance of 1,700
feet around to the new speed barn,
and filling in the low land west of
Administration building, so that will
be a part of the very best land in the
tract. The dirt for this fill is secured
north of the Rock Island track. The
plans and specifications for the new
cattle barn to be built this year
shows a barn 174x257 feet, with stall
room for 032 head of cattle, sanitary
closets for Ladies and Gentlemen and
a Superintendent’s office. The ar
rangement will be so that a person
coming into the building at any of
its numerous doors can see over the
backs of all the cattle at a glance.
Linen Gowns Now the Yogne.
“There are so many different stvles
in the linen gowns this summer that
this fact may be regarded as an im
portant new feature of the season’s
modes,” writes Grace Margaret Gould
in Woman’s Home Companion in June
‘.‘There are linen gowns suitable for
almost every occasion, and some of
them, with their combinations of
Irish lace and artistic embroideries,
are quite as elaborate as the silk frocks.
The linen frock with the jumper
waist having the large armhole, and
the skirt with fan plaits, is a very
Charming model, and will look well
iqade up in any of the fancy linens.
A scalloped edge finishes both the
opening of the waist and the skirt
Which is in the front..
“Many of the most {fashionable of
the hot-weather gowns are made of
linen in dark shades, A dark blue
linen is used for the gown, which has
the waist band-trimmed and made
with a vef t, and the plaited and
cut in seven gores. Lawn tucking in
white or pale tan is used for the vest
and the cuffs. The linen bands which
trim the gown mi " 1
This is your oppor
portunity to make
the trip to San Fran
cisco and Los Ange
les at this remarka
bly low rate.
Every Day
JUNE 8 to 15, and
JUNE 22 to JULY 5, ’07
Round trip tickets
will be on sale to
above points.These
tickets are good in
either Pullman pal
ace or tourist sleep
ing cars and offer
all the advantages
of the
Thro’ Round Service
Upiop Pacific
For full information
Inquire of
G. W. Collipriest
Insurance ! Insurance !!
See Frank H. Hiser, the man who
can write you any and all kinds ot
insurance—Fire. Lightning, Tornado,
Hail or Life insurance, and do it
right and at lowest rates. Gentlemen,
I am located here permanently in
this line of business, only your
patronage is earnestly solicited.
Phone or call and see me. Office with
W. D. Zimmerman. Yours for busi
ness. J£bank H. Hiser.
In the District Court of Sherman County, Ne
In the matter of the application of Levina J.
Sparks, guardian of the estate and person of
WMlliam A. Sparks. Walter K. Sparks. Bertie
A. Sparks. Ray E. Spark* and Vernie Sparks,
minor children of James A. Sparks, deceased,
to sell real estate.
Now on this loth day of May. 1907. this cause
coming on to be hearu upon the petition under
oath of Levina J Sparks, guardian of the
I minor children of James A. Sparks, deceased.
I praying for license to sell the following des
cribed real estate, to-wit: The west half of
I the northwest quarter and north half of the
southwest quarter of Section seven (7). Town
ship fourteen (H). North. Range sixteen ilfli
West of the 6th P. M . Sherman county. Ne
braska. to provide means for the care, educa
tion and maintenance of said minor children,
for the reason that there is not a sufficient
amount of personal property in the possession
of said Levina J. Sparks, and belonging to said
estate to provide said care, schooling and
It is therefore ordered that all persons in
terested in said estate appear Before me at
the court room in Loup City. Sherman Conniv.
Nebraska, on the 25th day of June. 1907. at the
hour of 10 o'clock, a m.. to show cause, if any
there be. why a license should not be granted
said Levina J. Sparks, guardian, to sell the
minors' interest in said real estate, same being
a one half interest therein, to pay for said
care, schooling and maintenance.
, It is further ordered that a .copy of this
order be served upon aU persons interested in
I sa d estate by causing the same to he pub
| lished once each week for four successive
; weeks in the Loup City Northwestern, a
| newspaper printed and published in said coun
1 ty of Sherman. State of Nebraska.
Judge of the District Court.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an
order of sale to me directed from the District
| Court of Sherman county. Nebraska, upon a
I decree of foreclosure rendered in said court
| on the 9th day of April A. D. 1J07. in an action
• wherein Henry B. Leavens was plaintiff and
William F. Patton.-Patton his wife,
tirsi and true name unknown. Lombard Invest
ment Company, a corporation: Abram M. Hyatt
and Osborn M. Bright, assignees of the Lom
bard Investment Company, a corporation;
Investor's Company, a corporation; Milton B
Whitney. Charles S. Fairchild. Sanford B.
Ladd, Harry E. Mooney and Frank Hagerman,
receivers of the Investors Company, and the
N. W. of Section No. 32 in Township 16
north. Range 15 west of the 6th P. M. in Sher
man county, Nebraska, and all persons and
corporations having, or claiming, title to, or
any interest, right or claim in and to said real
estate or any part thereof, were defendants.
1 have levied upon the following described real
estate to-wit: The Northwest Quarter (n w M)
of Section thirty-two (32), in Township sixteen
(16) North, Range fifteen (15), West of the 6th
P. M, |in Sherman county, Nebraska, and I
will on the 22nd day of June, A. D. 1907. at
2 o’clock p. m. of said day, at the south door of
the court house in Loup City. Sherman county,
Nebraska, offer for sale and sell the above
described real estate at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash to satisfy the amount
of Three Hundred and Fifty-seven Dollars and
98-100 with interest thereon at rata of 7 per cent
per annum from the 9th day of April. 1907. and
costs of the above action and accruing costs,
which amount was adjudged to he due the plain
tiff above named from the defendant. William
F. Patton, et al above named, and to be a lien
upon the above described premises.
Dated at Loup City, Nebraska, this 23rd day
of May, A. l>. 1907. L. A. WILLIAMS.
Sheriff Of Sherman County. Nebraska.
Robert P. Starr, Plaintiff's Attorney.
[Last pub. June 20 I
Is a thing of the past, but we
still handle the best line of.....
Carpets, Lineolium, Portiers,
Window Shades, Iron Beds,
Victor Graphophones and Records
Come and look at our Picture Sale this week
Christensen & Ferdinandt
Furniture Company.
Christensen & Ferdinandt,
Undertakers and Embalmers
i. P. Lip Liber Conan?
. Loup City, Nebraska,
Posts, Shingles, Lime and Cement
Hard and Soft Coal Always on Hand.
Agents for Sherwin-Williams Prepared Paints
Blacksmith $ Wagon Maker
My <Boo la the lamect and bent equipped north of the Platte River
I have a four horee engine and a complete line of tbe latest Improved. ma
t°^TuV &*jg*Lz:2?£E£p£3:wbo kmow kow «ope»t“» —
-■-1- .. _ .. ... .. ' .... ■: ■ . ... w *
C. C.
phope, 2 op J03
E. G. Taylob, J. S. Pedler, C. C. Carlson.
President. Vice President Cashier
W: R. Mellor, J. W. Long, S. N. Sweetland
Capital Stock, - - $25,000.00
individual Liability, $250,000.00
Grade Ofgap
Manufactured by the
At Factory Prices
Delivered in yonr town.
You pay $5 Cash
apdi$1 per Week
50 Per Cent Off ion Retail Prices
Ask for Catalogue and Prices of the Factory Distributors,
a. mri oe..
Omaha. IiT©t>.
ritA Ulo TKann om/l a UTaiioa ■