Loup City Northwestern •_♦ VOLUME XXIV. LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA. THURSDAY. MAY 2. 1 HOT. NUMBER 25 Professional Cards A. P. CULLEY, Attorney & Gonnselor-at-La v (Office: First National Bank) Loup City, Nebr. ROBT. P. S TARR Attorney-at-law, LOUP CITY, NEBR3SK3. R. J. NIGHTINGALE Ataty iad unnsslcr-it'L'iW LOUP CITY. NEB AARON WALL Lawyer Practices in all Courts t Loup City, Neb. R. H. MATHEW, Aitorney-at-Law, And Bonded Abstractor. Loup City, Nebraska (). E. LONGA C HE Office, Over New Bank. TELEPHONE CALL, NO. L t A. J. KEARNS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone, 30. OCIce at Residence Loup Eitij, - Nebraska sT\. ALLEN. LOU I* CITY, - - NEB. Office up stairs in tbe new State Hank i»niMinsr. W7L MAIiCY, DEOTIBT-, LOUP 0ITY, NEB OFFICE: East Side Public Squaie. Phone, 6-16 .?/. //. .«/:.//> ' Bonded Abstracter Loup City, - Nebraska. Only set of Abstract books in county Try the f. f. F- Dray F. F. Foster, Prop. Office; Festers Barber Shop ' X. A. BANGS The Drayman Phone 7 on 60 Asks Your Patronage Again! y The Paris EdmHIn bn made the Gold Medal Award to KENTUCKY k WHISKEY c Gold_ _ also awarded at NrwOHem 1083 and Mferldefair Chicago 1893, For Sale by T.H. Eisner jrive Us a Trial a Hound Front Barn, J. H. MINER. Props. Loup City, - Nebr Finest Livery Rigs, careful drivers Headquarters ior farmers’ team* m iner tial men’s trade given especial ai I* ti«>* Your patronage solicited. Pasre Woven Wire -- is the best and will prove most satis factory—28 inch has 10 bars. 20 ind has 8 bars. Can be found at Leiningre Lumber Co.'s or at m.v place. L. N. SMITH. THE NORTHWESTERN TERMS:—il.OO P*R tiab . ip paid m ADTABCW Entered at the Loup City Postofflce tor trai.t mission through the malls as second class matter. Office ’Phone, - - - 6 on 108 Residence Thone, - 2 on 108 J. W. BURLEIGH. Ed. and Pub. Additional Local News. The postotfice wits moved into its new quarters in the bank building on Tuesday evening of this week and we now have a postoflice up-to-date in all its appointments.—neat, airy, com modious. with combination boxes and city-like in everything. The State Journal of last Sunday contained the group picture of the *9 pilgrims who took the higher degrees of Masonry there a few days previous. Among them the good looking counte nance of Uncle Joe Pedler looms up like an oasis in a desert. Another small pox case was re poll ed to the health board Wednesday of this week. The victim is the 14-year old daughter of Geo. Zeigler, living a few miles northeast of Loup City, near John Fisher’s. The health ottieers put up the necessary quarantine regu lations at the Zeigler home on that day. Married, in this city April 25th, at the home of the groom's brother. C. E. Reynolds, Miss Florence Bently of Perry, Iowa, and Frank Reynolds, who is employed in the meat shop of his uncle. S. F. Reynolds. The bride arrived in the city last Wednesday evening from her Iowa home. May success attend the young couple. The Kensington given by the Pres byterian ladies. last Thursday after noon at the home of Mrs. Carsten Truelsen, was a very pleasant and profitable one. and the receipts com mensurate with the occasion. Spare the editor's blushes when he recites of the sixty or seventy patrons of the Kensington, he was the only one of the male suasion wlio was brave enough to face the great number of the handsomest ladies of Loup City who congregated there. The Odd Fellows of this county had a big blow-out at Rockville last Sat urday evening, the occasion being the organization of a Rebekah lodge at that place. A delegation of t»7 went down from Loup City on the motor to help swell the crowd and make the evening one of great pleasure. Large numbers were there also from St. Paul, Boelus. Dannebrog and other points. A lodge of large numbers was instituted, a fine banquet served and the hours later were passed in the enjoyments of the dance. The services at the Presbyterian j church last Sunday were of an un ! usually interesting character. Rev. W. .1. Shallcross of Omaha, who is out in the interests of Bellevue College, a Presbyterian school, preaching the ■ sermons both morning and evening, ! devoting his discourse in the evening ; to higher education and giving good ; words for the aforesaid college. He will be with us again next Sunday in the interests of said college. Those who are interested in maintaining this excellent Presbyterian education al institution should be present. I Boyd Burrowes seems to have a penchant for securing- players for his company who have in the past be longed to the “Art*Preservative of Arts.” Himself a printer, he evident ly likes those of the craft. One of the latest members of his company is Mr. R. J. Booth, a,n old-time printer from Wisconsin, who like so many of the manipulalors of the leaden mes sengers of thought, has drifted from the newspaper to the stage, and who. like all the old boys, still has a liking for the looks of the print shop, tho' practically weaned from its workings. We acknowledge a pleasant call from Mr. Booth who will always be a wel come visitor to our sanctum. The Sherman County Medical Society met in regular session at Society Hall, Loup City, at 2 p. m , April 18th. Members present were: Drs. Hendrickson. Kearns and Main of Loup City and Dr. Dickinson oi Rockville. Members absent: Drs. Rydberg and Wanek of Ashton: visit ors present: Dr. Longacre of Loup City and Dr. Taltiot of Austin. Two very interesting subjects were present ed and informally discussed by all present, namely: “Spinal Analgjsin and Hyascine Morphine” and “Cactine Comp, for Surgical Anasthesia.” The officers elected for the coming yeai were: President, Dr. A. S. Main, Loup City: vice president, Dr. A. J. Kearns, Loup "City: secretary and treasurer. Dr. L. E. Dickinson j Rx-k ville-.censor Dr. G. A. Rydberg, Litch field; delegate to State Association, which meets at Omaha May 7th, 8th and 9th, Dr. Wanek of Ashton. 'Our people were agreeably surprised by the return to Loup City last Sat urday evening of Dr. Long for a few days' visit. The doctor has purchased a drug store at Garrison, a snail station between Seward and David City and will devote his time and energies in directing its fortunes and incidentally take life easy while he i; trying to regain his health, which wt regret to say has; not improved :is it was hoped by h is treatment at the sanitarium at Lincoln. While out people sincerely regret the doctor’! health was such that he was compelled to dispose of his big practice Ire re vet one and alnri&h for him the best of success in his new field of laboi and send greetings to the people o Garrison and surrounding covntn over their igood fortune in securing as good and com petent a physician at the State of Nebraska holds todat and that only Ids failing health lia! gained for them the competent physician and surgeon Loup Cit-v hat thereby lost. The doctor left fo; Garrison yesterday. Was It An Earthquake? Yesterday afternoon between 4 and 5 o’clock. Loupr City experienced what seemed to be a slight shock of an earthquake. The shock seems tc have been general over the village and from the country rourtdabout came phone calls to the village ask ing if some explosion had taken place. Dozens of our citizens, especially the women in the homes, felt the shock quite perceptibly, which seemed to come from the north. Messrs. Night ingale and Mead in the second story of the First National bank building came down to the Northwestern tc see if some heavy body had fallen, evidently thinking the lighting editoi had been ejecting some one who had come to pulverize the editor. But seriously, there is little donbt but that this section experienced the re sult of a slight quake, as out of the mouths of many it seems to be sc established. We understand there will be a game next Saturday', on the Loup City grounds, between the junior base ballists of Arcadia and Loup City. It will be remembered the Loup City boys got skinned in the first game at Arcadia, two weeks’ since, and at this coming second game the Loupites expect to thoroughly scalp the A rcadians. The Milkmaids’ Convention at the opera house Tuesday evening of this week was a pronounced success ir point of numbers and in the excel lence of the entertainment. There were some 24 young lady characters in the convention and each did the part assigned in a most perfect manner and greatly to the delight ol the vast audience present. In the acting they could give pointers tc many of the traveling entertainments that visit Loup City. The students of the eleventh and twelfth grades of our city schools were the innocent victims of a huge joke, one evening lately. They had gone out on the evening in question for a “trot,” stopping at the new Catholic church and at the court house grounds for partial lunches, their rendezvous being fixed for the old Boone gallery, where they arrived for the final entertainment of ghost stories and sieh. In the meantime, practical jokers had gotten the lead strings of their route and were at the gallery in advance of the invasion, had a'life-like dummy suspended o’er head, and just as the crowd was in the midst of a hair-raising episode ol one of the imaginative members, the dummy was swung down in front of their affrighted eyes, when with a whoop and yell that would do credit to a band of Comanche Indians, the crowd broke for the doors, nor stayed their flight till the several doors of their habitations closed with them selves inside the portals. And even now a good quality of glue will not prove efficacious in smoothing down the covering of their caputs, even when assured “There are no such things as ghostly visitations.” John A. Thompson has four of as fine stallions as ever made the season in Sherman county. They are as follows: COMMONER No. 7945—A hand some Shire, chestnut color with stripe ; in face, weight 19Q0 pounds, 5-years | old, has light mane and tail. Import ed August 1905. Not a sharp cornet about him, always looks fat: the kind horse buyers want. Got the size and quality, best disposition and does his work as nice as any horse. NESTRAL 46995, PRINCE 18271 Percherous, low-set and blocky, im ported by Frank Imes. They have been here long enough to be well known and they show for themselves. KENTUCKY BOY is a strawberrj roan, is a saddle and harness horse, weighing 1340 pounds He has beer here four years and everybody knows him. BRYN is a Missouri Jack, 3-years old last fall. The best jack that evei came to Sherm: n county. The Seasons stand will be as follows —Commoner and Nestral. at home Sundays’ Mondays’ and Tuesdays’ the balance of the time in Loup City. Prince at home Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Loup City Friday and Saturday. Kentucky Boy at home Sunday and Thursday, Loup Ciiy Friday and Saturday. The Jack will always be at home, but on Friday and Saturday there will be no one tc attend him. TERMS:—Commoner 120.00 for colt at nine days old. $14.00 to insure with foal, due at eight months. Nestral and Bryn. *12.50 to insure colt nine days old, *10.00 to insure colt tostanc and suck. Prince and Kentucky Bov. $10.00 and $8.00. IiOUP €IT 3 THREE BIG NIGHTS, STARTING Thursday, May BOYD BURROWES’ GREAT COMBINATION Dramatic and Specialty <0 H SHOWS UNDER LARGE WATERPROOF TENT New Plays - Great Specialties 25 ACTORS AND MUSICIANS’" “25 BIG ELEVATED STAGE AND FINE SCENERR BAND PABADE DAILY AT NOON FREE EXHIBITION 7 P.M. Doors Open at 7:30 p. m. Performance Begins at 8:30 p. m. Sharp. Grand Concert by our Superb Orchestra starts at 8 p. m. General Admission 25 cents. Children under 10 years 15 cents. Reserve Seats 10 cents extra. Private Boxes-6 seats each 50 cents Each Seat. Numbered. Reserve and Box Tickets on sale at Regular Ticket Office Only. Loup City, Nebraska, LUMBER Posts, Shingles, Lime and Cement Hard and Soft Coal Always on Hand. Agents for Sherwin-Williams Prepared Paints High Grade Ofgap Manufactured by the f I At Factory Prices LJeuvereu in your ],own. vou pay $5 Cash apcL$] Per Week 50 Per Gent Off on Retail Prices Ask for Catalogue and Prices of the Factory Distribotors, a The Omaha, ZCsTet). o and Organ House. General mu Phone. 2 on 103 E. Gr. Taylob, President. J. S. Pedler, C. C. Carlson. Vice President. Cashier -DIRECTORS W: R. Mellor, J. W. Long, * S. N. Sweetland LIP CITY STATE BANK LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA.. Capital Stock, - - $25,000.00 Individual Liability, $250,000. OQ Get More Egars. Paint, the inside of your hen house with OARBOLINEUM. It is a sure lice and mite exterminator. For sale by KEYSTONE LUMBER CO. Loup City, Ashton, Rockville and Schaupps mm 'Ml MID IMS BOUGHT AT THE B. & |WI. ELEVATORS MCALPINE, LOUP CITY, SCHAUPP SIDING, ASHTON AND FARWELL. Coal-for Salt at Lou City ail Asia, fill Soy , HOGS AT SCHAUPP SIDING AND FARWELL Cal) and fee oar coal and get prices os grain. E. C. TAYLOR.