UNCLE SAM PAYING TOO MUCH FOR THE WORK. FIGURES FROM ANNUAL REPORT • Large Profits Suggest Desirability of Equipping Lines With Elec tric Lighted Cars. Washington—According to data taken from the report of the post master general for 1905, the govern ment that year paid the New York Central and the Lake Shore railroads $67.40 per ton for hauling the mail be tween New York and Chicago. The ex press rate on matter similar to mail matter between these two points is $50 per ton. The railroads haul the bus iness of the express companies for one-half, or less, of the total charges. Thus the railroad got $67.40 per ton for carrying the mail, and $25 per ton for hauling express. In that year the Chicago & North western railway handled 23,307,076 pounds of mail on its route between Chicago and Omaha, a distance of 489 miles. For this service it received $447,701, of which $99,395 was rentals for postal cars. This made the mall rate between these two points $38.60 per ton. The express rate on matter similar to mail matter between these two points was $40. Of this the rail road got one-half or less. Thus the government paid the Chicago & North western $38.60 per ton for service sim ilar to that it rendered the express companies for $20 per ton. During the same year the govern ment paid the Erie railroad $228,508 for carrying 8,938,850 pounds of mail between New York and Dunkirk, in cluding $53,156 paid for rental of pos tal cars. This made the service cost the government $49.60 per ton. The express company charged the public $30 per ton for carrying express of a similar nature. Of this the railroad got one-half, or less. Thus the rail road rendered a service to the govern ment for which it got $49.60 per ton, while it got only $15 per ton for ren dering a similar service to the express company. These comparisons are fairly repre- | sentative of what is going on all over the United States. The profits are pretty generally conceded to he suffi cient to require the railroads to equip their lines with modern all-steel, elec tric lighted postal cars, like the one recently turned out of the Omaha shops of the Union Pacific. , THE JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION. Fully 80 Per Cent Will Be Finished by Opening Day. Norfolk, Va.—Despite the energetic efforts of officials and workmen the Jamestown ter-centennial exposition will be opened this week unready. Many of the structures that are to house domestic and foreign commer cial exhibits and shelter the achieve ments or the industrial arts are in complete. Yet the sum of what has been done, as compared with unfin ished work, forms a satisfactory re sult. In the beauty of the water show, with its amazing gathering of foreign fleets, representing the most formid able types of naval fighting machines of nearly every power in the world, and in the opening program President Roosevelt in the leading role, with dip lomatic, military and naval representa tives of great and small foreign na tions participating, the public will have its recompense. The grounds and buildings at the exposition are about SO per cent finished. CONGRESSMEN TO HONOLULU. Party Makes the Start from Chicago on 26th of April. Washington — The congressional party to visit Hawaii on the invitation of the territorial legislature will as semble at Chicago on April 26. The members will go to San Francisco in a special sleeper attached to the Over land Limited and will sail on the transport Buford April 30., The Bu ford is going to Shanghai with famine relief supplies for the Chinese, and the war department has permitted" the members of congress to be taken out on it as far as Honolulu. Hoosicrs for Fairbanks. I.afayetet, Ind.—At a meeting of the republican eflitors of the Tenth In diana congressional district resolu tions were adopted unanimously, in dorsing Vice-President Charles W. Fairbanks for the republican presiden tial nomination. N?w Ru!? at White House. Washington—Secretary Loeb an nounced that ' hereafter newspaper men will not be allowed to congregate in the white house grounds after night fall, or to go to the door of the white house in search of information. Swipes $50,000 Bonds. New York—W. O. Douglas, loan clerk of the Trust Company of Amer ica, was arraigned in police court and remanded without bail on the charge of taking from the company $50,000 in bonds. He was arrested on the complaint of Oakleigh Thorne, presi dent of the Trust company, who dis covered the los3 of the bonds. Mr. Thorne saysi Douglas admits taking the bonds and also told where they were. He also made not attempt to dispose of them and that he did not know why he took them. To Study on immigration. Washington—An exhaustive investi gation into all phases of immigration, as it affects the United States, is about to be begun by a national com mission. The commission will meet at once to perfect its organization and to discuss plans for its work. Vice Governor Assassinated. Rostov-on-Don, Russia—The vice governor of the prison was shot dead in the streets here Sunday. His as sassin wa arrested. - CONVICT THREE MEN. Pronounced Guilty of Defrauding the Government. Omaha—“Guilty as charged in the indictment/’ is the verdict of the jury in the case of the United States against Thomas M. Huntington, Fred Hoyt and Ami B. Todd, who have been on trial for thp last eleven days on the charge of conspiracy to de fraud the United States out of title, use and possession of about 350,000 acres of land in Sheridan and Cherry counties, Nebraska, by means of false, fraudulent and fictitious entries and for subornation of perjury. A mo tion for a new trial was made. The trial of the case before Judge T. C. Munger was almost identical with that of the case against Bartlett Richards, Will G. Comstock, Charles C. Jameson and Aquilla Triplett, who were convicted in the former trial, lasting thirty days, before Judge W. H. Munger. , , The present trial began April 8 and constituted the second group of de fendants, namely. Thomas M. Hunt ington, Fred Hoyt, Ami B. Todd and James K. Reid. It was shown, how ever, at the outset of the 1 rial there was scarcely sufficient evidence to im plicate James K. Reid in the matter and his name was eliminated in the present trial, Huntington, Todd and Hoyt being the only defendants. It was also agreed between counsel that the trial should be had only on thirty three of the thirty-eight counts of the indictment as the five eliminated counts were such as to preclude proof being given regarding them. These were, however, immaterial its the same general charges were implied in the remaining thirty-three counts, and the government asked a conviction' only on these thirty-three counts, and' a verdict of guilty was returned on each of them as to each defendant. The eliminated counts were the eleventh, twenty-third, twenty-eighth, thirty-sixth and thirty-eighth. When the jury came in all the de fendants with their attorneys were present. When the verdict had been announced Mr. Gurley, of counsel for the defense, asked that the jury be polled, and each said this was their verdict. Mr. Gurley at once gave notice that he would file a motion for a new trial for each of the defendants. Under the rules of the federal court the defend ants will be given ten days in which to file a motion for a new trial and a bill of exceptions, and they will re main under their old bond until this motion is dispose ! of, which is $5,000 in each instance. CATASTROPHE IN PHILIPPINES. Iloilo, Island of Panay, Destroyed by Fire. Manila—The town of Iloilo was to tally destroyed by fire Friday morning, and 20,000 people rendered homeless. The fire has passed beyond control of the civil and military authorities. The damage has not been estimated. Only meager reports have so far been re ceived here, as telegraphic communi cation is affected. Iloilo is the capital of the island of Panay, located on the east coast. AFFECTS 160,000 EMPLOYES. Hand Window Glass Plants at Pitts burg Shut Down. Pittsburg, Pa.—The fires in hand window glass plants under nearly 1, 400 pots will be drawn Saturday as the result of a. decision of the manu facturers to close for the seascn. Be tween 150,000 and 160,000 employer, will be affected. The closing down of the plants two months ahead of the usual date, it is said, is to seep down stocks. PEACE FOR CENTRAL AMERICA. Nicaragua and Salvador Reach Terms for Ending the War. Washington—A tenative agreement for peace, has been arranged between Nicaragua and Salvador, which prob ablyy will end the Central American war. Orders have been issued for the withdrawal of all Nicaraguan troops' from Honduras and the peace negotia tions are proceeding. Adverse to Dowie Estate. Springfield, 111.—The supreme court on Friday handed down an opinion ad verse to the estate of John Alexander Dowie in the Sutton will case. This was a case where Frederick Sutton, who was a native of New Zealand, be came a convert to Dowieism and left an estate of $54,000 to Dowie. It was contended by Sutton’s heirs that the testator was unsound in mind and had been unduly influenced. The supreme court sustains the findings of the low er courts in favor of the Sutton heirs Suits to Recover Land. Boise, Idaho—The government has filed a suit in the United States cir cuit court against the Barber Lumber company to set aside 215 patents, in volving 40,000 acres of timber land in Boise county, worth over $1,000,000. Fraud in securing title to the lands is alleged. Swettenham Incident Public. London—A white paper issued gives verbatim the letters of Admiral Davis and Governor Swettenham concerning the embarassing Kingston incident and also the cabled comment of the colonial secretary. Lord Elgin The latter notified the governor January 22 that “if such a letter is correctly attributed to you I must observe that both in tone and expression it is im proper and especially unbecoming to bis majesty's service in addressing an officer of a friendly power engaged on an errand of mercy.” To Honor General Booth. Tokio—The emperor of Japan has joined in the popular welcome to Gen eral Bmrth of the Salvation a my and will re*ive the general in special au dience. Bank President is Guilty. Chicago — Former Judge Abner Smith, president of the defunct Bank of America; Gustave Sorrow, its cash ier, and John V. Pierce, its vice pres ident. were found guilty by a jury of conspiracy to wreck the bank. Stranger In New York—My Goodness, My Good Man, Can You Tell Me What All This Racket Is About? Guide—Oh, That’s the Peace Conference in Session, with Mr. 8tead Talking. CHARGE DECLARED DNLAWFDL ELEVATOR CASE IS DECIDED AGAINST UNION PACIFIC. Allowance is Declared a Rebate Com mission Holding That It Exceeds the Cost of Service. Washington—The interstate commis sion announced its decision in the mat ter of allowances to elevators by the Union. Pacific railroad. This was the Subject of an investigation by tbe com mission prior to June 25, 1904, on which date the opinion of the commis sion was announced. Subse quently in July, 1906. the pro ceeding was reopened upon the pe tition of railroads interested in the grain traffic tributary to Council 'Bluffs and Kansas City, and much additional Testimony was taken up on which, as well as upon the original record, the whole matter has been fully reheard and the commission’s present decision is based. The decision prepared by Commissioner Harlan is as follows: Elevation is defined as unloading grain from cars or grain carrying ves sels into a grain elevator and loading it out again after a period of not to exceed tea days; it does not include ’•treatment” or grading, cleaning, and clipping of grain; and retention in an elevator beyond ten days lecomes storage and is not a part of the ser vice of elevation as that word is used hi the statute. The law clearly recognizes elevation as a facility which the carrier may provide, and this authorizes the carrier to grant grain elevation at destination or while the traffic is in transit, subject only to the restriction imposed by the act that elevation, like any other ser vice offered by the carriers or ship pers, must be open to all on equal rea sonable terms. Since a carrier subject to the act to regulate commerce Is entitled to pro vide elevation for grain shipments, such carrier may either construct and operate the elevator itself or furnish elevation by arrangement with the owner of an elevator, and the amount of compensation paid by the carrier to the owner of an elevator rendering the service is of no concern to shippers or to other carriers, unless it operates to affect the rates charged by the car rier upon the grain traffic or by some device a portion of the allowance is re tained to shippers and thus becomes a rebate. An allowance made to a shipper of grain who furnishes elevation service under an agreement with a carrier is a rebate and an unlawful discrimina tion when it involves a profit over and above the actual cost to such shipper of the service rendered. It is not a rebate when the allowance does not exceed the actual cost. The commission orders that the al lowance by the Union Pacific Railroad company to the Peavey elevators shall be reduced and shall not exceed % of a cent per 100 pounds, such order tak ing effect on June 1, 1907. PRESIDENT ASKED^TO^RETRACT. Seattle Labor Council Thinks He is Prejudiced. Seattle, Wash.—The Seattle Central Labor council passed resolutions scor ing President Roosevelt’s action in re ferring to E. H. Harriman as undesir able citizen as Moyer, Haywood or Debs. The resolutions criticize the president for prejudging the alleged murderers of ex-Governor Steunenberg of Idaho before they have been tried and for denying them the rights of American citizens to be presumed in nocent until proved guilty. African Church Matters. Washington—African board of the Episcopal church is holding its ses sion here, with delegates present from many of the large cities. The annual report of Financial Secretary Lampton, which has been submitted to the board, shows receipts for the last year of $161,293, of which $74,195 had been retained for salaries of bish ops, general officers and general church purposes, $12,903 disbursed for education; $16,i29 for ^urch exten sion and $58,065 for widows, orphans and indigent preachers. Train Kills Five Austrians. Denison—On Thursday, the fast mail on the Illinois Central, running from Fort Dodge to Omaha, ran down a hand car near Ells, twelve miles north of here, killing instantly five Austrians, part of a surfacing gang for the road. Dr. Oliver Haugh Executed. Columbus, Ohio.—Dr. Oliver Crook Haugh of Dayton, O., convicted of the murder of his father, mother and brother on the night of November 4, 1905, was electrocuted la the annex at the Ohio penitentiary. A CAMPAIGN OF DECEPTION AN INDULGENCE THAT THE SEC RETARY DOES NOT APPROVE. Food and Drug Manufacturers Impos ing Upon the Public Be yond Endurance. Washington—“If this outrageous misrepresentation does not cease the department will publish a list bearing the names of manufacturers indulging in this campaign of deception.’’ Secretary Wilson of the department of agriculture made this remark in an authorized statement regarding the fact that there had come to his knowl edg® information that a number of manufacturers of foods and drugs were freely advertising that the United States government was guar anteeing their products. The secre tary said that the serial number and guarantees by the pure food and drug act to be placed on food and drug pro ducts were being used by these manu facturers for this purpose. “The serial number,’’ said Secretary Wilson, “is assigned to fix the respon sibility where it belongs—upon the manufacturers—and to protect inno cent dealers who have a right under the law to rely upon this guarantee. It is the guarantee of the manufac turer, not the government.” The secretary declared every effort would be made by the department to put a stop to these statements. “I will do a little advertising myself,” he said, “in behalf of the people. I am growing tired of seeing these untruth ful statements on the advertising pages of magazines, the walls of the New York subway and the advertising space of the street cars of the princi pal cities. Manufacturers who will deceive the public about the guaran tee will lie about the quality of their product.” He added that the law would be administered fairly and that no hon est manufacturer need fear that the department will take “snap judgment” on him or harrass him in any way.” SECRETARY TAFT AT PONCE Head of War Department Talks to Porto Ricans. Pouce, P- R.—Secretary Taft and his party, Governor Winthrop and the insuiar officials accompanying them have arrived here. A banquet in honor of the secretary was given by the city. The speech of welcome was delivered by Augusto Gautier, president of the city council. Senor Gautier compli mented Governor Winthrop on the ex cellent work done during his tenure of office. Secretary Taft spoke at length. Harry Thaw Says He Is III. New York—Harry K. Thaw informed the keeper in the Tombs prison that he was ill when A. Russell Peabody of his counsel called at the prison Wednesday. Thaw was still in bed, but on being informed that he could not confer with Mr. Peabody in his cell, he. went to the conference room and consulted with Mr. Peabody for two hours. France for Small Armamnent. Paris—The announcement of the withdrawal of Italy's compromise prop osition ia the matter of a discussion of the limitation of armaments at The Hague peace conference owing to Aus tria's and Germany’s decided attitude in opposition to it was made public here. It does not greatly affect France's position relative to the limi tation of armaments. Russian Judge Removed. St. Petersburg, —Judge Arnold, president of the Moscow supreme court, who some time ago sentenced for excesses several of the reactionists of the Kostroma district, has resigned at the request of M. Chtchogloviloff, the minister of justice. The liberal press contrasts the minister’s action in this case with his speech in the lower house of Parliament, April 12, advocating an independent Russian judiciary. Judge Arnold, who is a sen ator. is an outspoken opponent of drumhead court-martial. Bonilla Ordered Away. Washington—The navy department is informed that the gunboat Prince ton left Ampald on Saturday with President Bonilla of Honduras aboard. It was stated that President Bonilla would be landed at Salina Cruz, Mexico. John P. Dunning is Dead. Philadelphia—John P. Dunning, well known in newspaper circles through out the country, died Wednesday In a hospital here of tumor on the brain. He was 44 years of age. PUBLICITY WANTED. Campaign Committee Asked to Open the Books. New York—A resolution intended to secure the publication of the contri butions made to the republican and democratic committees at the last can vass was offered at a special meeting Tuesday of the National Publicity Law organization. It caused the members to engage in a lively discussion. The meeting had been called by President Perry Belmont to further the move ment for an effective national publicity law which would require a public rec ord of campaign contributions and ex penditures. The resolution, which was offered by Alexander Troup of Con necticut of the democratic national committee, recommended the chair men and treasurers of the two great parties who served at the last con vention to make public a statement as to how the campaign funds were raised. The attitude of President Roosevelt on campaign funds was brought into the question by Mr. Troup’s insistence that the president should favor the throwing open of the books of the last campaign as well as those of the coming national contest.. The memorial was referred to the national executive committee, which will report later. William J. Bryan urged the passage of a law by congress providing for a public declaration both by the donor and the recipient of all campaign funds. He wanted violations of this law punishable as criminal offenses. By this means alone, he held, could the secret contributions given for a sinister purpose be stamped out and a great hindrance to honest politics be overthrown. Other speakers were Samuel Gompers, the president of the American Federation of Labor, and Governor Warfield of Maryland. Mr. Belmont after pointing out that the publicity law of the state of New "York was brought about by the com bined efforts of organized labor, demo crats and republicans, and that this law already had proved beneficial, urged united and nonpartisan effort to secure a national law. In a brief s'peech Mr. Bryan told what he thought the national publicity law should be. He said that all con tributions over the minimum should be made public before the elections, both by the committee receiving it and by the person or corporation mak ing it. Failure to comply with this, he said, should be punished as a penal offense. SHORT COINS FROM THE MINT Twenty Dollar Gold Pieces Made in Denver Are Fve Cents Shy. Denver, Colo.—Department heads of the United States mint in this city and three government agents connec ted with the mint headquarters began checking up the coinage of the mini and making the annual settlements', several weeks in advance of the usual time for the settlements. This action, following the government report that the gold coins from the Denver mint have been found to be under value in fineness of gold. The government report states that the coins are found to be under fine to the extent of 5 cents on every $20 gold piece. EXPRESS OFFICE ROBBED Clerk Forced to Open the Safe, De livers $25,000. St. Paul, Minn.—A bandit held up the Northern Pacific Express com pany’s union depot office and com pelled the cierk to open the safe and give him a package containing $25,000. At 10.30, night, an accomplice of the robber called at the office and induced one of the clerks to step outside. Fred Zimmerman, the other clerk, soon afterward found himself con fronted by a masked robber who pointed a pistol at his head and made him hand over the safe's contents. ___ t RUNS UP WHITE FLAG Honduran Gunboat Surrenders to Nicaraguans. Puerto Cortez—Via New Orleans— Honduras' only war vessel, the gun boat La Tumbla steamed into this harbor Monday flying the American flag. The Stars and Stripes were quick ly succeeded by a white flag, which the La Tumbla run up in token of sur render to the Nicaraguan gunboat San Jacinto, which had steamed out to meet the Honduran gunboat. ANTI-FUSION BILL VETOED. Governor Holds that Measure Violates the State Constitution. Denver—Governor Buchtel vetoed the anti-fusion bill passed by the last general assembly, which made it un lawful for the name of any candidate to be placed upon the official ballot as the nominee of more than one polit ical party. The governor holds that the bill is a violation of the consti tution. President’s Cousin Dead. Washington—George W. Roosevelt, a cousin of President Roosevelt, died at Brussels, where he, was consul gen eral. He served as consul in various countries since 1878. Thaws to Leave New York. New York—It is stated that after District Attorney Jerome returns and the question of bail is discussed with him, the entire Thaw family with the exception of Mr. Evelyn Nfcsbit Thaw, will leave New York. The countess of Yarmouth will sail for England, Mrs. William Thaw will go to Cres cent, Pa.; Josiah and his wife will go to Watchliff, R. I., and Mr. and Mrs. George L. Carnegie will make a tour of the south. Evelyn Nesbit Thaw will continue to live at the Lorraine.' Gets Sentence of 99 Years. St. Louis, Mo.—Robert Smith was convicted in the criminal court of hav ing attacked Buelah Libbard, a 14 year-old girl, and was sentenced to ninety^nine years in the penitentiary. Smith is 45 years old. To Test 2-Cent Fare. Indianapolis, Ind.—A suit in equity, apparently to test the legality of the 2-cent fare in Indiana, which went into effect April 1, was filed by Anna M Boyie in the United States court. OWNERS OF MORTGAGES Attorney General Thompson Tells How to Find Them. Attorney General Thompson has given the following opinion regarding a way to find the owner of mortgages, in answer to an inquiry: L. H. McKillip, Esq.. County Attor ney of Seward County, Seward, Neb.— Dear Sir: I have your letter of the 9th inst., in which you ask for an opinion on the following proposition: Where the records of a county show mortgages payable to various banks, and the bank officials, when interro-' gated by the assessor concerning the same, declare that the mortgages have been sold, but decline to disclose the names 'of the owners, what is the as sessor's duty and how can the names of the real owners of the mortgages be ascertained? The law contemplates that every owner of a mortgage obligation shall pay a tax thereon. The assessor is net compelled to take the unsworn statement of any peison that he does not own specific property. If upon in vestigation he is unable to ascertain the names of the true owners of such mortgages he should make a list of the same, stating the names of those who appear to be the owners thereof from the county records, and present the list and report to the county board of equalization. The board, having the list and report before it, has sufficient information to enable it to exercise the authority vested in it by sections 121, 122 and 123 of the revenue law, and can by process com pel the attendance of such persons and receive their sworn testimony relative to the ownership of the mort gages. I apprehend that by pursuing this method it will not be difficult to ascertain the names of the real own ers. After obtaining this information and giving to the owners the notice required by statute, the board can add the property to the assessment roll. The board may also act in such a case without a report from the assessor, but the above is one way in which the assessor may substantially aid in get ting taxable property entered for taxa tion. RATES FOR HOMESTEADERS. Railroads Plan to Get People Out to Vacant Lands. OMAHA—With the discontinuance of issuing free transportation to the land agents of the west the railroads are moved to devise some other scheme to upbuild the unsettled por tions of the western states. Some will work along one line and some another. The passenger department of the Burlington has arranged for four personally conducted land-seek ers’ excursions into the lUg Horn basin* the dates of which are May 7 and 21 and June 4 and 18. These will bo run on cheap homeseekers’ rates. The Burlington will advertise these excursions most extensively from the Allegheny mountains to the Missouri river. The rates will also be good to the Yellowstone valley, where is located the Huntley project, the tract of 30, 000 acres irrigated by the government and which will be thrown open to set tlement this summer, according to plans yet to be determined by the gov ernment. This will be, when com pleted. one of the most complete tracts ever thrown open by any government for settlement, as telephones will run to the farm houses, which will also be supplied with electric lights. This tract, together with the other large area's along the iBig Horn river which will be open for settlement this sum mer, is expected to attract large num bers of prospective settlers to (he northwest. Will Comply With Demands. Lincoln—In conference with the railway commission the Northwestern officials declared that they were will ing to do anything demanded by the commission. Ben White, S. F. Miller and R. J. McGinnis represented the railroad Commissioner Clarke said that the commission would shortly adopt the schedules in effect January 1. as a maximum, but White did not approve of this. He declared his road would make no changes in rates with out permission. Street Car Passes On. And now passes on street cars are barred. The State Railway commis sion has sent notices to all street car companies doing, business in the state that, under the anti-discriminating clause in the commissicyi law. they would be expected to extract from the pocket of every passenger the little charge made for carrying people. Fruit destroyed at Kearney. Kearney—Kearney was visited by a snow storm and cold weather which destroyed the fruit. N. C. Dunlap, manager of Watson's ranch states that the late cold weather has destroyed the peach crop, especially all the ear lier budded varieties, and that some damage has been done to cherries. Big Prices for Nebraska ..and. Hartlngton—Three thousand two hundred and eighty acres of !and*in Cedar county sold for nearly $6S per acre, which establishes a new scle of prices for northern Nebraska lands and crowds the high priced lands (Of eastern states for prices., The land is all located in the north half of Cedar county and was sold at the referee sale of the funds' zl the estate of Jor n hammers. Much of these lands were pasture and hay lands and some cf the choice prices brought unheard of prices west of the Missouri river. Rushville Rifles. Lincoln—The Rushville Rifles will henceforth be officially designated as company I. according t<^ an order is sued by Adjutant General Culver. The disbanding of the Wahoo company has made room in the regiment far the Rifles, Fear for Oat Crop. Friend—The continued cold weather has caused some grave apprehensions is to the safety of the oats, as well is the prospects for a fruit crop Pears ind apricots are beyond redempticn. I 'QUAKE III MEXICO SOUTHERN HALF OF THE REPUB* LIC BADLY SHAKEN. TWO TOWNS ARE DESTROYED Chilpancingo. Population 7,498, Ruined and Eleven Persons Killed and Twenty-seven Injured. Chilpaneingo, Mexico—This city has been completely destroyed by an earth quake. The known dead number eleven and the badly injured twenty seven. The greatest panic prevails and people are fleeing to the open country. The earth continues to rock at half hour intervals and minor shocks are completing the work of de struction. Word has raeched here that the town of Chilapa, forty kilometers to the north-eastward, has also been de stroyed. No details have been re ceived as to the number of the dead and injured. The population of Chil panciugo is 7.49S and until the panic into which the citizens have been thrown abates it will be impossible to state the ntfmber of casualities. The population of Chilapa is 1,500. No word has been received from Tixtla, and it is feared it also has been de stroyed. According to the movement of the earthquake Tixtla would be in its direct line. The following message was sent to the federal telegraph office in Mexico City from Chilapa: “Our boys are wonting in a public garden. A terrible panic prevails as the earth continues to tremble at reg ular intervals. Send us tents that we may establish an office out in the country.” All communication with the west coast has been cut off since the mo ment of the first; big shock, and it is not known to what extent that region suffered. The nearest large town, Acapulco, 131 kilometers to the south west of this place, has not been heard from. Both the volcanos of Colima and Jorullo are in this region. The earth quake, it ts feared, may cause these mountains to become more active and to destroy much property and many lives. Shock Felt in New York. Albany, N. Y.—The strongest and longest earthquake shock recorded on the seimograph at the state mu seum here since the instrument was installed began at 1:14 a. m. Monday and continued more than two hours. The record is much more pronounced than that made by the San Francisco earthquake of last year. The maxi mum vibration was so severe as to swing the pendulum clear off the re cording cylinder. PRIMARY LAW TO BE TESTED. Former Senator Allen Says He Will Take It Into the Courts. Lincoln, Neb.—The statewide pri mary election law enacted by the last legislature is to be tested in the courts even before the people of the state have an opportunity to try it. Former United States Senator W. V. Allen himself, if no other, said he intended to attack the constitutionality of the act during the summer previous to the primary. Senator Allen holds the law is unconstitutional because it pro vides a person must tell his party affiliation before voting at a primary, and other points, he said, are radically, in opposition to the constitution. Cleveland Speaks of Eckels. Princeton, N. J.—Former President Cleveland was deeply touched when he learned of the death of Mr. Eckels. He said: “I was closely related to Mr. Eckels and his death comes to me with a peculiar shock. In impor tant work I learned to know that he intelligently and industriously devoted himself and I learned to know and ap preciate his rare qualities. These in cidents have personal touch with my deceased friend and cause me to mourn -his death as* a great personal sorrow.” D. M. DELMAS’ FEE $25,000. First Open Indication of Rupture Be tween Thaw’s Lawyers. New York—D. M. Delmas on Tues day received $10,000 from the Thaw family, and with the payment came the announcement that his fee, which had been estimated variously from $50,000 to $100,000, was $25,000. Two-Cent Passenger Law. Lansing, Mich.—The two cent rail road fare bill recently passed by the senate was passed by the house Thurs day with only one dissenting vote. The bill allows upper peninsula roads and those roads of the lower peninsula which earn less than $1,200 per mile per year from passenger trains to charge three cents per mile, but all other roads are required to charge only two cents. Lieutenant is in Trouble. Seattle, Wash.—A dispatch to tho Post-Intelligencer from Port Town send. Wash., says that Lieutenant Her bert Millar of the coast artillery, at tached to the Fort Flagler garrison, will be tried by court-martial, which will convene in a few days. Lieuten ant Millar is a nephew of James A. Garfield, one of the presidents of the United States who was assassinated, and a son of a wealthy steel operator of Harrisburg, Pa. He IS charged with conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman. New Japanese Battleship. Kure, Japan—The battleship Aki was launched here. It Is said that It will be fitted with turbine engines. The Aki is of 19,000 tons and will carry four 12-inch, twelve 10-inch and twelve 4.7-lnch guns. Burlington Crop Outlook. Omaha—The Burlington soil and crop report for the Wyoming division shows the wheat acreage considerably increased over last year, the fall wheat starting nicely. The soil is in fair con dition on the Sheridan division.