-- —■utwun luc kuiui, rruucn aw nammatlon. allay* pain, cure* wind colic. SScaOoUta. , - A bird in the bush is worth three io jh the hand—from the bird’s viewpoint. Old Sofas, Backs of Chairs, etc., can be dyed with PUTNAM FADELESS D\ E25, fast, bright, durable colors. No conquest is so severe as ms wno labors to subdue himself.—T. a Kem pis. Lewis’ Single Binder cigar—richest, most satisfying smoke on the market. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111. The Lutheran church has recently issued t. call for 1,000 new ministers to fill vacancies in that denomination. Take Garfield Tea in the Spring—it will save you many days of headache, lassitude and general ill health. This natural laxa tive purifies the blood, cleanses the sys tem and establishes a normal action of liver, kidneys and bowels. Astonished the Professors. At a recent examination a British candidate in the London College ol Music defined a musical interval at “a short pause ffir refreshments.” Unique Souvenir. A souvenir issued by a western cork manufacturing concern consists of a picture of the company's plant printed on a sheet of cork one five hundredths of an inch in thickness. An Animal-Lover’s Ambition. To be a genuine lover of animals, end to be able to efTect an Improve ment in the breed of those which ap peal most to one's fancy, is to add a Iresh and lasting source of enjoyment to life.—Country Life. WEIGHT MD HEALTH THIN, NERVOUS PEOPLE NEED THE TONIC TREATMENT. This Woman Took Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, Gained Thirty Pounds and Has Been Well Ever Since. How many women—and men too— are suffering from a general decline in health which the ordiuary remedies seem nnable to cheek! How many hus bands see their wives wasting away, steadily losing health and beauty, and are powerless to help! Consumption and other germ diseases find in these debilitated systems easy prey, for the lowered vitality is unequal to the task of fighting off the infection of these diseases to which most of us are almost daily ex posed. The symptoms indicating the decline which may have results so fatal could Scarcely be better described than in the statement of Mrs. William Manley, of 92 Court street, Utica, N. Y. Her'case is a typical one. She 6ays: “For six months after the birth of my baby, I suffered from sick, dizzy head aches, which seemed like a rush of blood to my forehead, just back of my eyes. Some days they twitched so 1 could hardly see and black spots floated before them. The least exertion brought on this sickness. My appetite was poor and I was often sick'to my stomach, “If I tried to work my feet soon be came swollen, paining ine terribly. I had sinking spells and grew pale and nervous. I was so thin that I weighed only 95 pounds. “One day when at. the drug store to get headache powders I decided to try Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills instead. I soon noticed that my headache was dis appearing and my nerves gradually grew stronger. The pills gave me a hearty appetite and I now weigh over 130 pounds. I believe the pills to be the best tonic and builder a woman can take, as they certainly helped me when my condition was critical and I have never been seriously ill since.” Tho great value of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills lies in the fact that they actually make new blood and this carries health and strength to every portion of the body. The stomach is toned up, the nerves are strengthened, every organ is stimulated to do its work. If yon are ill and the treatment you are taking does not cure yon, write for proof of what Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills liave done in similar cases. Your druggist, sells them or they will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of price, 50 cents per box, six boxes for f 2.50, by the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., fciehenectady, N. Y. BATH OF BEAUTY For Preserving, Purifying and Beautifying tbe Skin, . Scalp, Bair, and Hands. THE GENTLEMAN BURGLAR Raffles Proved to Be No Match for Georgia. “I see," said the Burlesque Queen, “that they have caught another gen tleman burglar.” “Gentleman burglars," replied the ward man, “as a rule do not exist, for this leason: a gentleman would not be a thief, and a man possessed of the qualities that go to make a successful cracksman couldn't be a gentleman; but since Bellew played Raffles, every time they land a fellow who wears a clean collar and cleans his teeth and nails they announce Another Society Burglar. The last real gentleman crack I know of was the one that Georgie Lindsay got some years ago. “When Georgie was playing in the Casino she created quite a sensation with her flaming red head, enormous eyes, little hands and feet and the king's ransom of jewels which she habitually wore, plastered all over her so that she looked like a jeweler’s showcase. Everybody knew her and knew her sparks, and it was a sure bet that sooner or later she would be robbed. “She lived in a little bijou house in Bensonhurst. One summer night she woke up and heard some on scuffling around the room. She spoke and the Intruder came up to her bed. and, turning his lantern (the thiefs elec tric light wasn't invented then) on her. told her to shut up or he’d blftw her roof off. Georgie-Porgie was as cool as the Ice Trust. 'I won't move,' says she. Go ahead and get what you want.' The fellow looked at her pretty sharply, made a threatening gesture with his gun. and went to work looking for the sparks, while Georgie lay in bed, the covers drawn up to her nose, and watched him with big eyes, like a naughty child who has just been punished and put to bed. “He couldn’t find them, and he came back to her bedside. 'Here,' said he, ‘you get up and give me those diamonds, and don't you make any noise, or—’ “So Georgie stepped out of bed in her pajamas and crossed the room barefoot, and dug up the sparks from under a lot of skirts and frippery, and handed them over. Now, a good cracksman, having the stuff, would have beat it; but Georgie-Porgie had sized him for an amateur, and so ‘May I light a cigarette, Mr. Burglar?’ says she, with an adorable lisp. 'Thank you. Have one yourself?’ And the dub took one, and she began to talk to him. You know Georgie could be a brother to a prince or fellow to a begfar, and they had quite a conver sation. She asked him why he was in that business, if he wasn’t afraid, and all about it, and he got quite in terested in her and began to tell her the story of his life and try to justify his mode of life to her, and Georgie Porgie sat on one foot and listened and they got quite chummy. “ ‘Let me mix you a cocktail.’ says she. and she led the way into her din ing-room and mixed one for him and one for herself. He had enough sense to keep an eye on her and not let her from in front of him, and she, with her baby face and lisp, kept her eyes open to catch him offside. At last some lingering remains of sense whis pered to him it was time to go. “‘You must go?’ said she. ‘I really can't say I am pleased to have met you, but it has been a most interest ing experience.’ “ ‘Good evening,’ says the gentleman burglar, a la Raffles. 1 am sorry that I should appear in such a light, and 1 can say I am charmed to have met you.' "He was at the door then, and for one minute he turned his back to her. “So nice of you to say so,' lisped Georgie-Porgie, and quick as a Hash she snatched a Moorish dagger from a panoply on the wall, and drove it hard between his shoulders. Simul taneously she gave him a violent jolt in the. back with her knee which drove him through the door and slammed the door and locked it. He gave a horrid hiccough and she heard him thrashing round like a hen with its head off, then bump-bump-bump, he fell down the stairs and Georgie threw open the window and yelled. ‘Fire! Murder!' and so on. “In a few minutes she heard the clumplty-clump of a cop’s boots as he came running. The unfortunate Raf fles was lying at the foot of the stairs. Georgies servants were afraid to go down, so Georgie went herself and let the policeman in. Poor Raffles lav groaning with the knife sticking in his back, and in a broken voice begged them to pull it out. ‘I’m dying.’ he groaned. Not a bit of it.' said Georgie cheer fully, as she extracted the knife and did some^lrst aid work with wet tow els. 'you’ll live to do ten years.' “And he did. The doctors pulled him round and he got ten for that job. He didn’t mind the stretch so much, as the way she fooled him. “ ‘That little devil,’ says he to me. ‘I thought there was no more harm in her than in a kitten.’ ‘ Lots of people thought that abanit Georgie-Porgie,” said the Burlesque Queen. Saw the Ballet. Uncle George—So you went to the theater this afternoon, and saw the grand spectacular drama? How did you like it? Small Nephew (who spent last sum mer at a fashionable seaside resort)— Oh, it was awful nice! Right in the middle of it a whole lot of stylish young ladies came out and danced in bathing dresses.—N. Y. Weekly. Regretted That, Too. Her Husband—ir a man steals—no matter what it is—he will live to re gret it. His Wife—During our courtship you used to steal kisses from me. Her Husband—Well, vou heard what I said. His Own Supply. “I can't see why that theatrical press agent complains of cold in his flat.” “Well, you know,, those flatfi are really not well heated.” "Yes, but just look at his own sup ply of hot air.”—Baltimore American. (From The Chicago Tribune.) ADVICE TO RHEUMATICS Noted Physician Tells How to Prevent and Cure Rheumatism, Kidney and Bladder Troubles. tBy Geo. Edmund Flood, M. D.) If you would avoid Rheumatism and Kidney and Bladder Troubles, be mod erate in the consumption of heavy, rich foods, substitute as far as possible soups, broths, fresh milk and drink water—lots of water. Take plenty of time to eat, and don’t eat after you have had enough, even if it does taste good. If your work Is confining take a moderate amount of exercise each day in the open air. Of course, neither diet, water, rest nor exercise will cure these afflictions. I advise them as preventives only. For the benefit of the readers of this arti cle who are now afflicted with Rheu matism. Kidney, Bladder or Urinary trouble, and desire to be cured quickly, I give below, complete in every detail, the famous prescription which has made me so successful in the treat ment of these diseases. It is the most certain cure for these diseases that I have ever used. It is pleasant to take, it is not expensive, it can be filled by any druggist, and I believe it is the greatest prescription for Rheumatism, Kidney and Bladder Trouble ever writ ten. It is also a valuable spring tonic and blood purifier. If you are a suf ferer, save this, take it to your drug gist and have it filled, or get the in gredients and mix them at home. Fluid Extract Cascara Aromatic, 14 ounce. Concentrated Barkola Compound, 1 ounce. Fluid Extract Prickly Ash Bark, 14 drachm. Aromatic Elixir, 4 ounces. Adult dose, take one teaspoonful after meals and at bedtime; children, one-fourth to one-half teaspoonful after meals. After you are cured follow the ad vice 1 have given you in regard to diet, exercise and water, and you will not need the services of a physician again for these ailments. Of fur faftrs art trii'iUjyrd tt cafy. GONE FOREVER. Ten years ago a farmer put his ini tials on a dollar bill. The next day he went to the nearest town and spent it with a merchant. Before the year was out he got the dollar back. Pour times in six years the dollar came back to him for produce and three times he heard of it in the pocket of his neigh bors. The last time he got it back four years ago. He sent it to a mail order house. He never has seen that dollar since, and never will. That dollar bill will never pay any more school or road tax for him, will never build or brighten any of the homes of the com munity. He sent it entirely out of the circle of usefulness to himself and his neighbors. Patronize your local merchant who helps you to pay your taxes, support your schools and churches, and lends a helping hand in times of sickness and trouble. Out of His Line. A man living in the country far from any physician was taken sud denly ill. His family, in great alarm, not knowing what to do, sent for a neighbor, wno had a reputation for doctoring cows. "Can't you give father something to help him?” asked one of the sons. "Wa-al, I don’t know nothin' about doctorin' people." “You know more than we do, for you can doctor cows. Now what do you give them when they are sick?” “Wa-al," I alters give Epsom salts. You might try it on him.” "How much shall we give him?” inquired the son. •'Wa-al, I give cows just a pound. Your father is a quarter as big as a cow—give him a quarter of a pound.” French Sailor* Use Drugs. The extent to which the narcotic habit prevails in the French navy was illustrated a few days ago by the pro ceedings of a court-martial at Brest. The defendants were half a dozen seamen of ordinary rating, who were charged with a considerable number of robberies. All the men were vic tims of opium or the the ether habit, or both combined, and were in the habit of bemuddling themselves daily with these drugs and the robberies had been committed to gratify their passion. Severe sentences were passed. APPENDICITIS. Not at All Necessary to Operate in Many Cases. Automobiles and Appendicitis scare some people before they are hit. Appendicitis is often caused by too much starch in the bowels. Starch is hard to digest and clogs up the diges tive machinery—also tends to form cakes in the cecum. (That's the blind pouch at entrance to the appendix.) A N. H. girl had appendicitis, but lived on milk for awhile—then Grape Nuts and got well without an opera tion. She says: “Five years ago while at school, I suffered terribly with consti pation and indigestion.’’ (Too much starch, white bread, potatoes, etc., which she did not digest.) “Soon after I left school I had an at tack of appendicitis and for thirteen weeks lived on milk and water. When I recovered enough to eat solid food there was nothing that would agree with me, until a friend recommended Grape-Nuts. “When I began to eat Grape^Nuts I weighed 98 lbs., but I soon grew to 115 lbs. The distress after eating left me entirely and now I am like a new per son.” (A little Grape-Nuts dissolved in hot water or milk would have been much better for this case than milk alone, for the starchy part of the wheat and barley is changed into a form of di gestable sugar in making Grape-Nuts.) Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read the little book. “The Road to Wellvtlle,” in pkgs. “There’s a Reason.” A MISSOURI WOMAN Tells a Story of Awful Suffering and Wonderful Relief. Mrs. J. D. Johnson, of 603 West Hickman St., Columbia, Mo., says: “Following an operation two years ago, dropsy set in, and my left side was so swollen the doctor said be would have to tap out the water. There was constant pain and a gurgling sensation around my heart, and I could not raise my arm above 'V\& yyv my neaa. me Kta c<;' nev action was disor dered and passages of the secretions too frequent. On the advice of my husband I began using Doan’s Kidney Pills. Since using two boxes my trou ble has not reappeared. This is won derful, after suffering two years.” Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. HOW CLASSIC WAS WRITTEN. Bret Harte’s Great Poem Result of an Inspiration. The war correspondent. Frederic Villiers, has recorded a talk with Bret Harte apropos of the poem, "Dickens in Camp:” "We all felt his loss most keenly in the States,” said Harte: “On hearing of his death (I) sat down about three in the afternoon to write an editorial on the great au thor. I wrote one and then tore it up. Then another, after much pains, was written. This did not please me, so I tore it up. I wrote yet another and threw it into the waste paper basket; it would not do. It was get ting late, and I was now keeping the paper waiting for press. 1 was drum ming on my desk, absolutely without another thought in my head; i had rdb dry. Suddenly I mechanically began to write and the result was the thing you seem to like so much. Well, Mr. Villiera, you are not far out. I like it, too.” BLOOD GETS SOUR. Gives Advice and Tells of Simple Home Mixture. At this time of year, says a well known authority, the Kidneys become weak, clogged and inactive, falling to filter out the poisons and acids, which sour the blood, causing not only facial and bodily eruptions, but the worst forms of Rheumatism, Nervous and Stomach troubles, Backache and pain ful, annoying Urinary afflictions. It is worth anyone's time now to get from some good prescription pharmacy the following ingredients: Fluid Ex tract Dandelion, one-half ounce: Com pound Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Mix by shaking well in a bottle and take in teaspoonful doses after your meals and at bedtime. This simple home-made mixture will force the Kidneys to normal, healthy action, so they will filter and strain all uric acid and poisonous waste matter from the blood, and expel this in the urine, at the same time restoring the “full blood count"—that is, 95 per cent, red blood corpuscles—which is abso lutely indispensable to perfect health. HENS KNEW THEIR BUSINESS. Never Would They Lay Anything but the Freshest of Eggs. There is a German dairyman and farmer, whose place is not far from Philadelphia, who greatly plumes him self upon the absolute superiority of his products above all others in the vicinity. On one occasion he personally ap plied to a Germantown housekeeper for a transfer of her custom to him self. “I hears dot. you haf a lot of drouble with dot dairyman of yours,” he said. “Yust you gif me your gus tom and der vill be no drouble." “Are your eggs always fresh?” ask ed the woman. "Fresh!” repeated the German, in an indignant tone. "Let me dell you madam, dot my hens nefer, nefer lay anything hut fresh eggs!” SKIN SORE EIGHT YEARS. Spent $300 on Doctors and Remedies but Got No Relief—Cuticura Cures in a Week. “Upon the limbs ^nd between the toes my skin was rough and sore, and also sore under the arms, and I had to stay at home several times because of this affection. Up to a week or so ago I had tried many other remedies and several doctors, and spent about three hundred dollars, without any success, but this is to-day the seventh day that I have been using the Cuticura Reme dies (costing a dollar and a half), which have cured me completely, so that I can again attend to my busi ness. I went to work again to-night. I had been suffering for eight years and have now been cured by the Cut icura Remedies within a week. Fritz Hirschlaff, 24 Columbus Ave., New York. N. Y., March 29 and April 6, 1906.” World’s Cheapest Gas. According to the Gas World, pride of place as the suppliers of the cheap est gas in the world is now shared with the Widnes corporation by the Sheffield Gas company of England, who have just announced a reduction Df one penny per thousand cubic feet In the price, making the new scale la. Id., Is. 2d., and la., according to con sumption, and Is. for gas used in gas engines. The Widnes scale is Is. Id. and'Is. 3d., with lid. for gas used for power purposes. In a Pinch, Use ALLEN’S FOOT-EASE. A powder. It cures painful, smart ing, nervous feet and ingrowing nails. It’s the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Makes new shoes easy. A certain cure for sweating feet. Sold by all Druggists, 25c. Accept no sub stitute. Trial package. FREE. Ad dress A. S. Olmsted. Le Roy. N. Y. Illinois Pheasant Hatchery. Out of 5,500 English pheasant eggs lately imported by the game commis sioner of Illinois 3.000 healthy chicks have been hatched. DON'T GRUMBLE AT TRIFLES. Twenty-five Bushels Wheat and Forty five Bushels Oats Per Acre Are in Western Canada. Saltcoats, Sask., 8th December, 1906. To the Editor. Dear Sir, I willingly give you the result of my four and a half years’ experience in the District of Saltcoats. Previous to coming here I farmed in Baldwin, St. Croix County, Wisconsin, and as I have heard a great deal about the Canadian North-West, I decided to take a trip there and see the coun try for myself. I was so impressed with the richness of the soil that I bought half a section of land about five miles from the town of Saltcoats. I moved on to the land the following June and that year broke 90 acres, which I cropped in 1904, and had 39 bushels wheat per acre. In 1905, with an acreage of 160 acres, I had 24 bush els wheat and 35 bushels of oats per acre. In 1906, with 175 acres under crop, I had 25 bushels wheat and 46 bushels of oats per acre. From the above mentioned yields you can readily understand that I am very well pleased with the Canadian West. Of course, I have had to work hard, but I don’t mind that when I get such a good return for my labor. To anyone thinking about coming to this country I can truthfully say that if they are prepared to work and not grumble at trifles, they are bound to get on. Some things I would like dif ferent. but take the country all round, I don’t know where to go to get a bet ter. Yours truly. (Signed) O. B. OLSON. Write to any Canadian Government Agent for literature and full particu lars. Coming Popular Craze. Signs are not wanting that amateur photography will have a vast increase of raw recruits in 1907. From the cloistral retreats of the learned it has transpired that we are an the verge of discovering the art of direct color photography. And the masses —there is abundant evidence of it— are beginning to turn their eyes to wards this hobby which promises so many wonders for the near future. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the dis eased portion of the ear. There Is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of tha Kustacblan Tube. When tbls tube Is Inflamed you bare a rumbling sound or Im perfect hearing, and when It Is entirely cloeed, Deaf ness la tbe result,and unless the Inflammation can be taken out end tbls tube restored to Its normal condi tion, bearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases nut of tea are cansed by Catarrh, which Is nothing bat an Inflamed condition of the mneoua surfaces. We win glee One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cura. Sand for circulars, free. r. J. CHENET ft CO., toledo, O. Sold by Druggists. 75c. Take Hall’s Family fills for constipation. Bishop Potter’s Answer. A young clergyman in a remote country district wrote last Easter time to Bishop Potter, saying that iie was about to take a wife, and ask ing if, to save some other clergy man a long and weary journey, he could not marry himself. The bishop's reply was marvelous ly concise. It said: “Could you bury yourself?” The extraordinary popularity of fine white goods this summer makes the choice of Starch a matter of great Im portance. Defiance Starch, being free from all injurious chemicals, is the only one which is safe to use on fine fabrics. Its great strength as a stiff ener makes half the usual quantity of Starch necessary, with the result of perfect finish, equal to that when the goods were new. The executive board of the Wesley brotherhood has referred to its gen eral convention to be held in October, 1907, the resolutions from the Broth erhood of St. Paul requesting the ap pointment of a committee to confer with a similar committee from the St. Paul Brotherhood concerning the uni fication of Methodist brotherhood*. Famous Book Free. Every reader of this paper can get free of charge one of Dr. Coffee's famous books which tells of a new method by which persons afflicted with Deafness, Head Noises. Sore Eyes. Failing Sight from any cause, can cure themselves at home at small expense. Write a letter immediately to Dr. W. 0. Coffee, 360 Century Bldg.. Des Moines, la. Change Wrought by Time. Dlnizulu, the Zulu chief once wide ly known and feared in war. has a graphophone with which he enter tains his guests. He has also an or gan built in England, on whlih he plays. Important to Mothers. Examine carefully erery bottle of CASTORIA, a aafe and aare remedy for infante and children, and aee that it Bearatbe Signature of la T7SS For Over 30 Yean. The Kind Yoa Bam Always Boaght. Chivalrous English Candidates. Ia a recent municipal election at Chard, England, two male candidates withdrew in order that two women might have an uncontested election. l*ure! Pleasant! Potent! three inter esting facts about Garfield Tea. the Nat ural laxative. It is made of Herbs and is It’s usually the man who has some thing to say who doesn’t say it. Lewis Single Binder straight 5c cigar is sood quality all ihe time. Your dealer or L«wis Factory. Peoria. IU. It’s difficult to make light of tho shadow of suspicion. The Change of Life Sensible Advice to Women from Hrs. Henry Lee, firs. Fred Certia and firs. Pinkham. MRS. FRED CERTIA MRS HENRY LEE Owing to modern methods of living not one woman in a thousand ap proaches this perfectly natural change without experiencing a train of very annoying and sometimes painful symptoms. This is the most critical period of her whole existence and every woman who neglects the care of her health at this time invites disease and pain. When her system is in a deranged condition or she is predisposed to apoplexy or congestion of any organ, the tendency is at this period likely to become active and with a hostof nervous irritations make life a burden. At this time also cancers and tumors are more liable to form and begin their destructive work. Such warning symptoms as sense of suffocation, hot flashes, headaches, backaches, melancholia, dread of im pending evil, palpitation of the heart, irregularities, constipation and dizzi ness are promptly heeded by intel ligent women who are approaching the period of life when this great change may be expected. Mrs. FredCertia. 1014 So. Lafayette Street, So. Bend, Ind., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham:— “Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound is the ideal medicine for women who are passing through Change of Life. For several months I suffered from hot flashes, ertreme nervousness, headache and sleep lessness. I had no appetite and could not sleep. I had made up my mind there was no help for me until I began to use Lydia E. Pinfcham's Vegetable Compound, my l*d symptoms ceased, and it. brought me safely through the danger period, built up my system and 1 am in excellent health. I consider Lydia E. Pinkbam’s Vegetable Compound unsurpassed for women during this trying period of life.” Mrs. Henry Lee, 60 Winter Street, New Haven, Conn., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham:— "After suffering nntold misery for three years during Change of life I heard of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I wrote you of my condition, and began to take Lydia R. Pinkhams Vegetable Com pound ami followed your advice, and to-day I am well and happy. I can now walk any where and work as well as anyone, and for years previous I had tried but could not get around without help. 1 consider your medi cine a sovereign balm for suffering women.” Women passing throngh this critical period should rely upon Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. If there is anything about your case you don’t understand write to Mrs. Pinkham. Lynn, Mass., for advice. It is free and has guided thousands to health. w hen a medicine has been successful in restoring to health, actually thousands of women, you cannot well say without trying it, “I do not believe it will help me.” It is your duty to yourself and family to try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Those who believe in quality use BAKING POWDER 25 ounces for 25 cents Made from pure, carefully tested materials. Makes all baking healthful. Why pay more for inferior powders ? JAQUES MFG. CO. Chicago * W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00 AND $3.50 SHOES W. L DOUGLAS $4.00 6ILT EDGE SHOES CANNOT BE EQUALLED AT ANY PRICE. SHOES FOR EVERYBODY AT AIL PRIDES: j Men'. Shoes, S5 to SI.50. Boys' Shoes, *3 to SI.23. Women’s Shoes, M to S1.AO. Misses’ & Children’s Shoes, S2.2S to Sl.OO. W. L. Douglas shoes are recognized by expert judges of footwear* to be the best in style, fit and wear produced in this country. Each part of the shoe and every detail of the making is looked after watched over by skilled shoemakers, without regard to and time or cimt. 11 x count tatte you into my large lactones atl Brockton. Mass., and show you how carefully W. I>. Douglas| __ ^__ shoes are made, you would then understand why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are of greater value than any other makes. W. I,. Douglas name and price is stamped on the bottom. which protects the wearer against high prices and interior shoes. Take No Snlutiinle. Bold hjr the best shoe dealers eVrywhere. last Color ivclett uiai aclunvclv. Catalog mailed Jrce. W. L. UOUSLAS. KrackioB.Ms I Mica Axle Grease J lengthens the life of the wagon — saves horse power, time and tem per. Best lubricant irv the world—contains powdered mica which i Iformsf • smooth, hard coating on axle, and reduces friction. If yon want your outfit to last and earn money while it lasts—grease the axles with Mica Axle Grease. STMURD OH CQMPMY U. S. NAVY enlists for foor rears Toons men of rood character and sound pbrslcal condition be tween the ages of IT and X as apprentice sea -'» opportunities for advancement; par o 170 n-- “■—— --- ‘— •1S to I month. Klectricians. machinists. in special ratings wild suitable par; boepital apprentices IS to » rears. Retirement on tnree-fourths par and allowances after .« rearS'Serrlce. Applicants must be American First clothing outat free to recruits. Upon discharge travel allowance 4 cents per mile to place of enlistment. Bonus four months' par and Increase In par upon re-enlistment wltMn four mouths of discharge. Offices at Uncoln and Hastings. Nsbranks. Also, daring winter. iv$r«Ti‘ss READERS ZnUltS'JZ thine advtrtisad in S**4 upon hnTine ££ "h“tac “ «a®5« ELECTROTYPES in grvat varisty for ml, at the lowast prices bj INVENTIONS NEEDED tB^aaMgSEtSaS; w. N. U„ OMAHA. NO. 17, 1907. I Canadian Government OVER NINETY . MILLION BUSHELS of wheat from the harvest of 19M means good money to the farmers of Western Canada when the world has to be fed. Cattle Raising, Dairy ing and Mined Farming are also profitable call ings. Coal, wood and water in abundance; churches and schools convenient; markets easy of access. Taxes low. For advice and information address the Super intendent of Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, or aw. wuilrwwiwwJ r»_ __It_ as_, . ' V. V. BENNETT, Ml New York life Osaka, Nebraska. Over 200,000 American farmers who have set tled in Canada during the past few years testi fy to the fact that Cana da is, beyond question. Free Farms any authorised Canadian Governmen' * FREE To convince any woman that Pu. Un* Antiseptic will improve her health and do all we claim ■end her absolutely free a large trie! box of Paxtlne with book of lnstruo tlona and genuine testimonials. Bend your name and address on a postal card. PAXTIHEil factions, such aa nasal catarrh, oelvle eatarrb and Inflammationcausedfeyfunt i .*** wye throat and moirth, by direct local treatment Its eur aUvd power over these troubles la extra ordinary and gives Immediate relief. Tnousanas of women are using and rec ommending it everyday, fio cents at IT to’ wr?: -XL PAXTON CO.,- - SECURIT Y GALL 3 A L V El