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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1907)
As was predicted, the black and white stripe is first favorite among dress goods, especially when it bears a smooth surface, the blhok being broken by the white, the white clear. One of the prettiest models in this has a kilted skirt with bjinds of the stripe cut horizontally, together with a short coat having the wide sleeves and a turned-down collar of embroid cry tied with a silk tie. IThe wide sleeves are the distin guishing feature of the season, either cut in one with the coat, or put in separately, they appear on every jack et, and, besides these, l would note as a most prominent fancy, tassels. These, small and long, depend from tunics and sleeves, and hoods and cor ners; of capes. Another fancy Is the glace coat made in black and worn with a checked skirt, and again l have noticed a tendency to adopt coat and skirt of different shades of one color, light grey and dark grey, light biscuit and brown being perhaps the most successful of such combinations. There is no diminution to the favor being accorded to the blouse and skirt i both is the last figure in an illustra ! tion. This is made of dull blue fine i cloth, and trimmed with bands of Chi nese embroidery, and It bears many tassels of mixed colors at the corners. The dress in the center is of cloth with embroidered lawn collar and ciuTs, it might be well achieved in dull pink and crowned with a hat to match, and trimmed with a mass of red roses. The first picture—which 1 have. In no spirit of contradiction, but by mere accident, kept to the last—is of dull green cloth trimmed with copper and oxidised braid, and l would liave it for its best success crowned with a black hat encircled with green aud/ brown ostrich feathers. I note that, while the short skirt is a recognized favorite, it is never per mitted to do duty on festive occa sions: for this, the skirts are cut to touch the ground and cling closely round the hips and bear a measure of fulness at the back, a graceful order of affairs. The Japanese outline remains con spicuous on evening cloaks and travel ing cloaks, and tassels are indispen gg-g POP THE* SPRING of the lingerie description, these hav ing been placed within the possibili ties of the multitude. A pretty chape of coat rounds from the front to a tail at the back, and there is much attention being paid to the short jacket which has a seam just above the waist and a kiit to reach this. The sacques have a very modified fulness, and a little mantle which de serves admiration being neither ex actly a coat, nor yet a domino, but yet possessing virtues belonging to .f. sable decoratiocs to these, which are. however, invested, with complete in difference to tradition, with a distinct waist-line, the Japanese effect being mainly retained by the shape of the sleeves. Fashion, indeed, is a tale of sleeves, and the garments of yester-year may at once be distinguished by these; unless, of course, such garments hap pen to have been the property of the fortunate few who, by always buying in the most expensive markets, often manage to forestall fashion. There has not been a season In many a long year when we could so aptly say that old things had passed away. Old materials, old colors, old ideas may still he used, but they must enter into calculation rather as aeees cories to be a combination with new suggestions than as a whole. The spirit or change is abroad in the land, and it makes itself felt nowhere more potently than in dress. We may wear last season's clothes, but not as they were, and to the economically inclined this must be a season of pure delight, for the old things never lent them selves so adaptably to refurbishing as now, and here the popular silks are their salvation. It is the exception when a gown of silk itself is not trim med with a silk of another weave, if not of a different color. Taffeta is used rather for ornamental purposes than as entire costumes, except in black, which is as popular as ever. The majority of silks are figured, yet piain weaves are, strictly speak ing. just as good. Satin duchesse, which has been on the market for many aeons, is heralded as a novelty for coat suits, and those of its con struction are indeed very smart. For this purpose, both colors and black are in order. Tuscan, shantung, tussah, rajah, and mirage, all are popular for day and evening costumes, for coat suits, for formal or informal occasions, for sep ! arate coats or for entire suits. They require but little trimming, drape gracefully, wear well, and altogether possess those qualities which go to ; make up a satisfactory spring fabric. Use Old-Fashioned Methods. In Russia offices of every descrip tion and all retail stores invariably use the ancient abacus in their daily business transactions. The abacus is an oblong frame, across which are stretched several wires, each supplied with ten balls. The bals on the un der wire represent units, those on the next above It tens and so on to hun dreds. thousands and so forth. The mother of the king of Portu gal is said to have been bankrupted through her passion for dress. The king has virtually banished her to Italy. MOST ANCIENT APPLE TREES. Planted by Spaniards in New Mexico, They Have Borne Fruit 300 Years. The oldest apple orchard in America, if not in the world, is in the center of the ancient town of Manzano, 18 miles southwest of Estancia, Torrence coun ty, New Mexico. Many of the trees are more than six feet in circumference, but all are still fruitful and vigorous although neglected for generations. Little is known of the history of .this orchard, but the oldest inhabitants of the valley of the Rio Grande remem ber the orchard from chil.dhood and claim that the trees have not changed in appearance since then. Venerable Mexicans and Pueblo Indians tell of visiting the orchard as far back as they can remember and finding apples on the ground in all stages of decom position at least two feet deep. The Estancia valley has been peo pled for ages, probably by tfc- kins men of the natives found by the Span ish explorers at Gran Quivira, Abo., and other ancient cities. Probably in the early days of the Spanish occupa lion some Franciscan monk found his way to Manzano and there planted the seeds that have developed into these venerable trees. They are no doubt ful ly 300 years old. Close by the orchard is a little lake fed by a large spring. A short dis tance away is a grove of pine and ce llars, making an Ideal place for picnic and camping parties.—Boston Post. Siamese Object to Walking. The Siamese, above all nations in the world, hate to walk; no such mode of progression is tolerated by a Siamese if he or she can by any means ride. A Venetian gondolier will walk sometimes; even a Hol lander will ride on his rough cart; but a Bangkok man—not if he can help it. His family boat for him. -———— Irrigation in India. There are now approximately 40. 000,000 acres of irrigated land in In Ilia, ol' which 20,000,00o acres of canal irrigation are under state control In British India. The total length of the irrigation canals, which in 1891 was 9,000 miles, is aprpoaching 50,000 miles. Discovered Compound for Burning Ashes. from ttereofraph. copyright, by Uuderwood A Uni»-w <yl, N. ?. John Ellmcre, a cobbler of Altoona, Pa., says that he has discovered a compound for burning asl :s which will revolutionize the industrial world. He says that tests have demonstrated that ashes treated with the compound make i «• fire hotter and at the same time cheaper than the fire produced by the ; burning of coal. Should the new process prove practicable, it is asserted, the price of fuel, especially coal, will be reduced to but a fraction of its pres ent cost. Another advantage claimed for the new compound is that it almost wholly does away with smoke. COAL IN SP1TZBERGEN. ANTHRACITE DEPOSITS OF GREAT VALUE BEING WORKED. Mines on West Coast Have Proved Most Profitable—First of Arctic Islands to Send Fuel to Market. Washington.—The prospect bright ens that Spitsbergen may become a source of anthracite of some impor tance. The more the archipelago is examined, the more promising, it is said, are the coal mining prospects along some of the coasts, and in a number of the valleys. The railway, which was built three years ago a lit tle inland from Advent bay to bring coal down to the shore, is to be ex tended further into the main island to tap new sources of supply recently discovered. This is in about 78 de grees north latitude, or a little more than 800 statute miles from the north pole/ In order to make the short rail road already in operation available the year around the miners built it all the way under cover. Many tons have been hauled down to the shore on these tracks to await the arrival of steamers that have carried several loads of excellent coal to European markets. The chief discoveries of coal have been made in Ice fiord, the deep in dentation of the west coast, and espe cially in Advent bay, where the rail road was built. Here about 50 miners are living in small, warm dwellings. They have already proved the practi cability of winter mining, and two years ago they installed electricity to illumine the long Arctic night in the coal mine, and in their little settle ment, so that they may add to the coal output every month in the year. It was in Advent bay that Mr. Conway, who made the first crossing of Spitz bergen, replenished the coal supply of his little steamer 11 years ago. The world will not be indifferent to any important coal resurces which the Arctic regions may afford. Some day it may be drawing appreciable sup plies from Greenland, and news of fresh discoveries of coal in any part of the accessible Arctic will be heard with interest. Meanwhile Spitzbergen, the first of the Arctic islands to send coal to mar ket and to be the goal of tourists [ every summer, is still a neglected waif whom none of the family of nations has yet sought to adopt. Some benev olent party of tourists may give it a flag of its own, unless the protection of one of the nations is extended over it. SNIFF KISS ORIGINAL CARESS. Ancients Did Not Understand Art of Osculation, Says Professor. Philadelphia.—The clirr-ax of inter est at the recent session of the Ameri can Oriental society was reached when Prof. Hopkins of Yale read his paper on "The Sniff Kiss in Ancient India." The paper was a history of the kiss as we know it. The learned professor traced it from its birth and proved that the earliest peoples and earliest times knew it not. That there might be no mistake be labeled the kiss of to-day “the genuine kiss” and “the perfect kiss." Oddly enough, he finds that the genuine kiss was invented by a woman. The description is given in the epic of ancient India which treats of the science of love. “She laid her mouth to my mouth,” recites the poet, “and made a noise which gave me pleasure.” With that discovery, said Prof. Hop kins, grew the fashion which has since known no abatement. "The early peoples," he continued, "knew nothing of the kiss in any form. Had they known of it they would have told something of it in the mass of records that has come down to us, for, surely, an act which conveys such pleasure could not have been forgot ten. "With the development of the gen uine kiss, the sniff kis* disappeared, never to reappear. It had served its purpose and soon was forgotten." Mothers Have 33 Children. San Francisco, Cal.—Statistics pre pared by the immigration board at this port show that according to the claims of all the Chinese who swore they are native born every Chinese woman in this country must have been the mother of 38 children. This interesting condition was made kjiown when the figures collected from vari ous points in the country were tabu lated. SOCIETY OF £7 New Iowa Organization Fines All Sick Members. Des Moines. la.—“The First Society of Eternal Youth” is the name of an organization founded here, which has for its object the prolongation of life and which purposes to fine every member who becomes sick. That the association is in earnest is evidenced by the fact that 100 men already have enrolled in tne scheme, the preamble of which reads as follows: The special object and business oi this society shall be to renew and perpetuate the mental, moral and physical youth and strength of all its members; to build up and continue in the highest degree the mental vig or in each individual member; and imperatively requiring from each and every member that he live the life of health, thereby contributing his share in banishing the specter of dis ease and death from the face of the earth. Any member who Is reported sick from any disease, and so remains sick *.id is confined to his bed for a con tinuous period of three days or more, shall be fined in a sum not less than one dollar nor more than ten dollars for the first offense. For the second offense under'.this article any mem ber shall be suspended from member ship, and for the third offense of any member in violation of this article ex j pulsion from the society shall be the I penalty. All members upon joining must sign a pledge that he or she will con tinually assert that there is nothing but custom and habit of thought that causes people to be sick, grow old, or die. Had Tapped Hemlock Trees. Vermonter ^oses Maple Sugar Yield Throuj*-. Ignorance of Worker. Pomfret. Vt.—The next time Law rence Pratt hires a new farm hand he will be certain that he under stands his work before he sends him into the sugar bush to tap. It will save him a lot of trouble and much chaffing. Mr. Pratt hired the man. Henry Jones by name, to do general work about the farm and tyelp him out dur ing the maple sugar season. He knew that Jones had been employed during haying last summer by a neighbor and had given satisfaction, so he didn’t go into particulars. When it came time to prepare spiles, or taps, for the maple trees, 1 Jones appeared a bit rusty as to their manufacture, but after watching the boss for a few minutes he proved a master hand at whittling them. The farmer delegated Jones to tap the trees. Everything went well until the first | run was boiled. The sap seemed ex ceptionally sweet, but when it had been boiled down the syrup tasted bitter and he and Jones were nauseated. “You are sure you didn’t tap any thing but maples?” inquired Mr. Pratt. "Why, there ain't nuthin’ else in the orchard, is there?” asked Jones. "Nothing else!” shouted the farm er. “Why, man, there must be 30 hemlocks sticking around.’ "Well, then, l must have tapped 'em,” groaned the hired man, "for I tapped every tree on the hill.” To Ride Horse 4,000 Miles. Junction City, Kan.—Second Lieut. E. R. W. McCabe of the Sixth cavalry at Fort Riley on special duty has re ceived notice from Washington that he has been selected to make a ride from Portland, Ore., to New York on an Arabian stallion. The purpose of this long ride is to test the endurance of this breed of horses with the view of determining their value as cavalry horses. ERNAL YOUTH. WILL EAT SALTPETER UNIVERSITY STUDENTS TO SET TLE MOOTED QUESTIONS. Year’s Experiments in Interest of Beef-Eating Public—One-Half to Be Fed on Meat Cured with Solution. New York.—For a period of from six to twelve mouths a squad of vig orous and healthy men will be the subjects upon whom a small company of savants, working in the interests of humanity in general and beef-eat ers in particular, will test the effects of meat that has been cured with saltpeter and other supposedly injuri ous preservatives. This was settled the other day, when what will be known as the na tional commission for the investiga tion of nutrition problems was formed in New York at the Fifth Avenue ho tel. Tills organization will act under the auspices of the University of Illinois and it is composed of Prof. H. S. Grindley of that institution. Prof. R. H. Chittenden of Yale university. Prof. J. .1. Abel of Johns Hopkins uni versity and Prof. A. P. Mathews of Chicago university. The movement was inaugurated by Prof. Edmund J. James of the Univer sity of Illinois, who will also take an active part in its progress. The ex periments will be carried on at the University of Illinois, and it is said that they will be the most thorough of the kind ever undertaken in the United States. “There has been great difference of opinion among experts,” said Prof. Grindley. “as to the effect of certain preservatives used in the curing of meat and the commission will direct its attention first to the determination of some of these important questions. The first experiments will be to dis cover the effects upon the human body of the saltpeter used in curing meats. “It is a well-known fact that salt peter taken in considerable quantities is a poison, but whether the small amount consumed by the eating of cured meats is in any way injurious has long been a mooted question. “The data obtained will be of prime importance in aiding the enforcement ■ of the present pure food laws and of the utmost importance in aiding in the formulation of further just regu lations as to the use of this and other preservatives in food products." The “saltpeter squad,” as it might be called, will be boarded in a special ly equipped house in such a way that the weight of all foods eaten by each man can be accurately determined and the food completely analyzed. A physician will keep a daily record of the physical condition and health of each member of the squad. The diet of half the men will in clude cured meat products now on the market containing saltpeter and the other half will be fed on a diet exact ly similar except that the cured meats will contain none of the preserva tives. Another interesting feature of the experiments will be that efforts will be made to have the men housed pleasantly and their raeals so pre sented to them as to eliminate if pos sible the influence of the mental con dition of the squad on the processes of digestion and nutrition. It is the purpose of the commis sion also to make experiments of a similar kind upon the lower animals, so that at the end of the work the an imals may be killed and a thorough examination made by the most ap proved methods to determine the ef fect of the saltpeter upon the internal organs connected with the processes of digestion and assimilation. Sheep Annoy Trainmen. Cripple Creek, Col.—The law for bidding the killing of mountain sheep is a good thing for the sheep but a frequent source of annoyance to train men, for the animals make a high way of the tracks and will not take to the right or left when a train ap proaches but will stick to the path. Trains have to stop while the train crews with loud cries and much pro fanity personally drive the sheep away. Frisco Chinese to Open Bank. San Francisco.—Arrangements are almost complete for the organiza tion of a commercial bank to be financed and conducted entirely by Chinese merchants of this commun ity. The bank will be known as the Canton bank. So far $200,000 of the capital stock has been subscribed, and it is the intention of the directors to incorporate with a capital sto?k of $1,000,000. Entered in the Wrong Race. “That horse was capable of win ning in a walk. “And did he?" “No. They foolishilv entered him in a run ning race.” Nitrate of Soda to Be imported. Mobile, Ala.—The first cargo of nitrate of soda ever brought to this port has arrived on board the steam er Brantwood from Chili. Further shipments will follow to supply not only the territory adjacent, but those points in the middle west where the inland freight is cheaper than from Baltimore and Philadelphia. A few cargoes have been received at New Orleans during the past 18 months. Nitrate is used in this coun try for a variety of purposes, the principal ones being for the manu facture of powder and fertilizers; par ticularly in the latter field consump tion of same has increased rapidly, especially in the south. Chili, it is said, is the only country in the world where nitrate of com mercial value is found. Etiquette of a Real Gent Weary Willie—I’ll talk straight, sport. I’m dyin’ fur a drink. Gimme a quarter, will yer? Gailey—But you don’t need a Quarter to buy one drink. Weary Willie—One? Why, ! ain't de kind of a gent w'at'll drink at anudder gent’s expense an' not ask him ter join me. In The Waiting Room ) By Cmily Watson (Copyright, by Joseph B. Bowles.) the notes ot a popular song echoed sentimentally through the big station waiting room. With one accord the despondent occupants of the benches, turned to look in the direction whence it came. A young man had entered at the south door and was making his way across the floor. His clothes were those of the well-to-do mechanic; over his shoulder was slung a canvas bag of tools. Behind him came a col- | ored porter bearing a step ladder. The young man paused beneath the i big station clock and glanced up at the dial. The hands pointed to nine. ! in open disregard of the fact that the j afternoon sun was streaming in I through the western windows. "Darn ; thing’s taken to going two hours fast ; a day." explained the porter. “Put the ladder here," said the j young man, "and we ll soon see what's . gone wrong." Still carolling, he 1 mounted and began observations. It still wanted three-quarters of an hour to the departure of the New York express, when a girl entered. She glanced round the room, then crossed over to the full length mirror, which hung on one of the walls. After a critical survey of herself she opened a satchel and drewr out a hand-glass, a comb and a perforated chamois pow. der bag. Raising her spotted veil she combed to a still greater height her already exaggerated pompadour, readjusted the angle of her hat, care fully powdered her face and studied in the hand-glass the result of her operations. Finally satisfied, she pulled down her veil, returned the toilet articles to the bag, and shut it with a snap. She smoothed down her jacket, hitched out of place by the raising of her arms; and then, shoul ders well hack, and with an exagger ation of the fashionable gait, she haughtily strolled to an empty bench and seated herself. The clo^c-maker had finished his job to his liking, and was stowing away his instruments, preparatory to “I Suppose You're Awfully Mad with Me.” descending the ladder. At the sound of his singing the girl started, and looked nervously round. "Jim!’' she murmured incredulous ly. Then, after a moment's hesitation, rose and stealthily moved to a bench directly in front of the clock. He caught sight of the girl and paused abruptly. The girl was elaborately gazing in a direction away from the clock, and had assumed a pose calculated to show at once the lines of her figure, and the abstraction of her mind. 1 "Nelly,” said the clock-maker, stand- 1 ing humbly before her, “Nelly”— 1 Slowly she forced her thoughts and 1 her eyes from the far distance, and 1 looked him up and down. For a moment a little bewildered frown | * drew her neat eyebrows together. ' then a smile of enlightenment brought ' a dimple into play. "Why, if it isn’t Jim Morris!" she i ' exclaimed. “I came to fix the clock," he ex- * plained. “I’m a clock-maker, you t know. But I suppose you've forgotten i that as well as everything else.” i “I’ve such a lot of gentlemen I i friends,” she apologized, "and it’s so long—” ( “It’s only three months,” said the t young man, reproachfully. "I sup pose,” he went on dejectedly, as he I sank into the bench. "I suppose you're | i awfully mad with me?” j t "Why Mr. Morris, the idea!” “Of course I ought to have known < anyone as pretty as you was bound to 1 have mord fellows than one,” he con j i tinued, "and I oughtn’t to have chewed 1 the rag when I saw you playing up to j c Michael Donovan, and swallowing his t compliments as if they were ‘Huyler's ' best,’ but”—his voice grew choky— 1 ' you don't know, Nelly, how a chap 1 feels when he loves a girl. Why, he’ll plan for hours how to bring one kind look to her eyes, and he’ll hug himself for days remembering a smile—and then when he sees her looking up to another man, and blush ing and dimpling the way he’s come to believe she only does for him— why it's awful—that’s what it is," and he brought his hand so violently down on the bench that his tools were set a jingling. “But even if I was jeal ous,” he went on, “that wasn’t any reason I should have acted the way I did. Insulted you by refusing to take your word when you swore that you meant nothing—left you alone at the picnic to get home any old way you could, and gone off and sulked for three months. I don’t deserve you should forgive me, and that’s a fact.” t “I’m sure I forgave you long ago," , interrupted the girl softly. “Nelly,” Incredulously. “But what are you doing at the station? Not going away? I couldn’t stand for that you know, now I've got you again.” r “I am going to New York.” t "And so it’s because you’re going to a New York that you are so fine, and look so pretty.” ‘‘Do you like niy things?" she asked, eagerly. “Do I look pretty, really and truly?” “Your things are up in (I, and you're as pretty as a picture, Nelly. But what's the use of words, if all these people were’nt here I’d show you what I think of you. What are you going to do in New York?” She looked at him sideways. “I am going," she said slowly, “I am going to be married to Michael." He gave a gasp. That’s not true, tit cried. She shrugged her shoulders. “Nelly,” he besought, “forgive me. 1 shouldn't have said that, hut you gave me a fright. 1 know it isn’t true, i know you're just teasing me. But I’ve lost my nerve and i can’t stand for it. Say you don't mean it.” "What's the use of my saying any thing," she asked him, ‘‘when you think I'm not felling you the truth? I’m going to marry Michaei Don ovan. For two years 1 was straight to you. and put up with your jealousies and tempers, and turned, down lots of better men because— well, because I was silly about you. But when you threw me off, and left, me to be a public laughing stock, did you think I was going to put on sack cloth and ashes, till you got good anti ready to come back to me? Not much!" "You needn't say any more,” inter-, rupted the man. "I quite understand. Miss McCullough. Weli, 1 hope you’ll be happy and have lots of good luck.” He lifted his hat with awkward dig-, nity, and turning on his heel, marched towards the door. The girl watched his retreating form with frightened eyes, then "Jim,” she called, almost under her breath, “Jim." He heard her and came strid ing back. "Well?” he demanded. "I—I didn’t speak,” she stammered. “I beg your pardon. I thought you did. "Oh. Nelly,” he cried, “you can't mean to do this thing. If Michael were a decent sort I’d not have a word to say. But he isn't. Why, he hasn’t a friend in the world. It was knowing the things I do about him that made me so riled wh?n I saw him hanging round you. Nelly, even if it's all over now, I ask you, please wait!" The girl gazed at him spelibouna. her hands nervously opening and clos ing. u ny, ->euy, witn a sudden joyrut conviction. "I believe you love me still.” "Oh, Jim," she sobbed, "l do—I do But I’ve given Michael m.y word, and i’ll have to keep it.” "Why look here, Nelly," he pleaded, 'if it’s a question of keeping prom ses, you promised me long before vou promised Michael, and it’s the irst promise that holds in law, you <now.” “East bound express, stopping at. Hudson, Poughkeepsie and New ifork,” chanted the station official, rhe girl made to rise to her feet, jut the clock-maker’s arm drew her jack. "Sweetheart,” he whispered, “you ion’t want to go and marry Michael io you?” “No,” said the girl, “I don't want to narry Michael, but—” "But what?” "Well, you see," she explained, “it’s ike this: I told all the girls at the store that I was going to get married ind about my trip to New York, and f I go back and tell them there wasn't iny wedding, and there wasn’t any rip, why they’ll josh me to death. (im—it’s dreadful for me to say it— >ut you love me, don’t you Jim? Let's ;o away to New York, you and me, sow, and let us get married. Then hey couldn't throw anything up to ne." , “But Nelly," he protested, taken back, "what would the boss say if I vent off at a moment’s notice that vay?” "I guess he’d say nothing, seeing you vent to be married.” "Look at my clothes,” he cried. And, sweetheart, I haven't the money o buy a ticket, let alone to get mar ied with. “I’ve got the money, Jim, she whis iered, "$50 I've saved." “Nelly," he said, desperately, “1 an’t take your money like that. I’d ie a regular sponge." “East bound express, stopping at ludson, Poughkeepsie and New York. , ill aboard,” called the official with a 4 one of finality. “Oh. well,” the girl acquiesced, "I !on’t wonder after the way I’ve be laved that you don’t want, to marry ae." “Not want to marry you!” cried th<* lock-maker, "not want—hold on here,” he shouted to the gateman. we’re going” Thrusting his arm brough the girl's they ran together uwards the closing wicket. What Does It Matter. Helen’s lips are drifting dust. Hector is but pulseless clay; Nero sizzles on. vre trust, With no chance to get away. Cleopatra flirts no more. Antony may now be mud; On the togs that Caesar wore There is not a splotch of blood. Romeo and Dante care Little how the world Is run. Nor do I. since she is fair. Thinking I'm the only one. —Chicago Record-Herald. Gun Is Quicker. “I see the Bowie knife has been bandoned down in Texas.” "Yes. I always maintained that hose things were too slow.”—Mil taukee Sentinel. Wanted Particulars. “Will you share my lot?” he asked. "If it is a corner one :in the busi esa district,” she replied, “I will be ery glad to. '—Chicago Record-Hor Id.