The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 18, 1907, Image 8

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    A. P. GULLEY, President.
W. P. MASON, Cashier.
Real Estate and all classes of loans
made promptly at lowest rates,
with optional payments.
A Few Market Quotations.
Cattle, per 100 lbs.$3.00 $5.00
Hogs, per 100 lbs. 5.80
Corn, per bu.. 25 @ .29
Wheat, per bu.. .54 4 .57
Oats, per bu.30 <«c .32
Rye, perbu.45 @ .4S
Butter, per lb.18 @ .20
Egg^, per doz. .14
Hens, per lb. .09
Spring chickens, per lb. .08
Lioaal Visws.
Alfalfa, millet and cane seed at
P. O. Reed's.
H. E. Price adds his name to our
list of readers.
The best stock food made, for sale
by C. H. Leininger.
Wm. Hancock is a new reader of
the Northwestern. \
Feed your chickens Meat Meal. For
sale by C. H. Leininger.
Harry Rawding is convalescing from
his recent serious illness.
C. H. Leininger sells Loup City,
Grand Island and Crete Flour.
Frank Dzingle is a new reader of
the Northwestern. Thanks.
Sleeth guarantees 26 cents for
butter fat delivered at Chase’s,
H. H. Thompson of Hazard is a new
reader of the Northwestern.
Who raised the price of eggs'? The
Locp City Mercantile Co.
H. H. Thompson of Hazard proved
up on his homestead last Friday.
If you want to buy or sell real
estate, call on John W. Lony.
Bud O'Bryan returned home Mon
day from school at Omaha.
Highest price paid for butter and
eggs at the Loup City Mercantile Co.
Frank Lorclieck remembered the
Northwestern financially last Friday.
Sewing machine, harness, separator
and farm machine oils at P. O. Reed”s
W. W. Morsman remembered us
financially last Friday for a year’s
A fine lot of satchels and trunks
receivedatCliristensen & Ferdinandt’s
Furniture store. Call and see them.
You will fall in love with “The Girl
From Chili.” See if you don’t. Opera
house Tuesday, April 23rd.
B. Plymouth Rock eggs from the
famous E. B. Thompson strains, $1.00
per fifteen. Mrs. E. C. Dyer,
19 Loup City, Neb.
You will miss one of the best home
talent entertainments ever given in
Loup City if you miss the Milk Maids
Convention, April 30tli.
For Sale—A nice refrigerator, a
new six quart ice-cream freezer and a
ton of alfalfa, kept under cover.
Mrs. Clemma Conger.
Memorial services will be held in
the Methodist church, on Sunday,
May 26th. The sermon will be
preached by Rev. Wise, assisted by
the other pastors.
Wanted—Stock to pasture. Cattle
at $1.25 the season; horses $1.50 the
season. Four miles south and two
miles west of Loup City, Neb.
Frank F. Dietz.
J. W. Conner lias moved his house
on to the northeast corner of his lots,
adjoining the alley, and commenced
the erection of a new tfottage, to be
24x40 feet. Will Rettenmayer has the
contract for the building.
Parties wanting Grand Island field
fencing will please leave their orders
a week or ten days before they want
to use it, as the demand is so great
it is almost impossible to keep a
supply on hand at all times. Yours
resp., P. O. Reed.
Tuesday afternoon at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. A. Boone occurred the
marrikge of Mr. Samuel £. Carpenter,
a nephew of Mrs. Boone, to Miss Mary
Tangerman, daughter of Henry
Tangerman. These young people are
well and favorably known in the
county. They will reside on a farm
near Austin occupied by the groom.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
L. C. McEwen.
I Fine April this, with snow today,
j If you want a buggy see T. M. Reed.
Mrs. J. W. Conger is suffering from
i measles.
For garden seed, hoes, rakes, etc,
| see P. O. Reed. \
Miss Sylvia lvornrumpf is a victim
of measles.
Loan ft on Real Estate, call on
' John W. Long.
Bird Draper is one of our newest
readers. Thanks.
Phone A. T. Conger, 3 on 62, when
in need of a drayman.
Miss Frances Sweetland is another
victim of measles.
ALFALFA seed for sale.
C. H. Leiningek.
Miss Elva Zimmerman entertained
her class last Saturday evening at her
Go to T. M. Reed for well work,
windmills and supplies of all kinds.
C. W. Conhiser has the frame work
of his new residence up and rushing
toward completion.
We can save you money on your
Loup City Mercantile Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Heizner were up
from Hazard last Saturday dealing
with our merchants.
Have you seen the ‘•Billy Twister”
wash machine at P. O. Reed's? It is
a dandy.
The Milk Maids'Convention will be
given at the opera house April 30th.
Don.t forget the date.
Buy your storm sashes and doors
now. Sold by the Leininger Lumber
Miss Mabel Cowling came up from
Marquette last Saturday for an over
Sunday visit at home.
Try some of that Carsolium Dip,
kept by C. H. Leininger. It kills lice
and mange on hogs.
Remember “The Girl From Chili”
Co. deal out nothing but fun at the
opera house on Tuesday, April 23rd.
Leave your order for a new tailor
made suit.
Loup City Mercantile Co.
Leslie Sweetland has recovered from
the measles, and expects to leave for
Bellevue college Saturday to resume
his studies.
John W. Long is prepared to
make all Heal Estate Joans on
short notice at lowest rates.
C. C. Cooper has purchased the
home of Mrs. Katie Burrowes and she
will erect a new home on her lots east
of Frank Robbins’ property.
See samples of home grown alfalfa
seed and seed potatoes at Grow’s
store for sale by Geo. Leatherman.
Decoration Day will be observed in
Loup City and a cordial invitation is
extended to all to come and make it
an occasion worthy of our fallen
Please get your ice contracts signed
up before the 2oth of April, as I pos
itively will not make contracts after
that date. J. W. Conger.
The Ladies’ Industrial Society of
the Presbyterian chnrch will give a
Kensington at the home of Mrs.
Carsten Truelsen, April 25th, from
2:3*3 to 5:00 p. m. Everybody is cor
dially invited to attend.
For Sale—Department store and
buildings, $8,000 CASH. Reason for
selling, other business. Will stand
closest investigation. W. M. Smelser,
Rockville. Neb. 22-3t
Mrs. Elmer Baltcock of Rockville
township was last: week enjoying a
visit from her fattier and mother, Mr.
and Mrs. A. M. Corbin of Fairfield,
this state. We received a pleasant
call Saturday, from the Messrs. Bab
cock and Corbin, while in town on
Breeders will be interested in know
ing that Basco B. will be found Mon
days and Tuesdays at the St. Elmo
barn in Loup City on Wednesdays and
Thursdays at the iarm of G. A. Curry,
the owner, eight miles south and one
and one-half miles west of Loup City,
and on Fridays and Saturdays at the
Round front bam in Litchfield. Bear
in mind the timet and places.
Henry Ohlsen went to Omaha Tues
The very latest—a 3-inch snowfall
last night.
F. M. Henry went to Omaha Tues
day for treatment.
Mrs. Carsten Truelsen entertains
the Entre Nous club this afternoon.
E. A. Brown on Tuesday sold the
three vacant lots north of his home
! to Mrs. Anna May.
Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Smith enter
, tertained A. B. Outhouse and family
at dinner Tuesday.
The warmest baby in the bunch—
I “The Girl From Chili.” Opera house
on Tuesday, April 23rd.
Last Saturday was a fine day for
! D. M. Cue's sale of household effects
i and the sale was very successful.
Come and see the Milk Maids Con
, | vention given for the G. A. R. lodge
at the opera house Tuesday, April 30.
The last legislature made a change
in the law governing the election of
county assessors, making their elec
tion this fall instead of a year later.
J. S. Pedler went to Lincoln Mon
day morning, where he will remain
the most of the week and be initiated
into all the mysteries of the higher
| degrees of Masonry. Now listen for
j the muddled murmur from the
R. P. Starr went down to Ashton
last Friday, and from there went to
, St. Paul on business matters. Mrs.
Starr went down to Ashton Saturday,
They returned home Sunday evening,
after being delightfully entertained
by friends at Ashton.
Mrs. C. C. Cooper entertained at
fi o’clock dinner, Monday evening in
honor of her birthday anniversary,
Mrs. Dr. Main. Misses Effie Moon,
Mamie Gibson, Minnie and Etta
' Lofliolm and Messrs. Roy McDouall
and Lawrence Lofliolm. Games
i pleasantly tilled out the evening.
There is a growing demand for two
• ordinances in Loup City and that the
same be strictly enforced. One against
the filthy habit, of spitting on the
sidewalks, and the other against
throwing waste paper on the streets.
Will the village trustees take action
along these lines and speedily?
Northwestern readers will be in
terested in the fact that Mr. and Mrs.
H. E. Price, representing the great
Singer Sewing Machine Company,
have established an office here and
will be a permanent fixture of the
business of Loup City. They handle
all the grades of the Singer, together
with repairs, oils and fixtures and
would like to interest all the people
i of Sherman county in what is univer
sally considered the standard sewing
machine of the worid. Readers of
the Northwestern who are in need of
this most necessary adjunct of the
home, or who have second hand sew
ing machines they would like to ex
change for a Singer should lose no
opportunity tosee Mr. Price in regard
to the same. It would be useless for
us to praise the good qualities of this
great family'necessity to the average
housewife, as she knows better than
we what the Singer is. Call and see
the work done by the Singer as shown
at the office, next door to Pilger’s
opera house.
The Girl From Chili.
Among the strong attractions
booked at Pilger’s opera house is that
of “The Girl From Chili.” This bril
liant comedy was first presented at
the Madison Square Theatre, New
York, where it enjoyed a phenominal
run. That was three seasons ago but
it has been on the stage ever since
and lias never failed to make good.
As Juanita Dawkins, “The Girl From
Chili,” Miss Emily Le Febvre is said
to have achieved her greatest char
acterization of comedy. She is sup
ported by a well-balanced company
and the attraction comes to us very
highly recommended. The play will
be presented here only one night,
Tuesday, April 23rd.
Loup City School Notes
Miss Nellie Janulewicz and Arthur
Brown were high school visitors Mon
day morning.
Frances Sweetland has been absent
from school on account of those
“measly” measles.
Miss House was not able to be at
school Monday and Tuesday on
account of sickness. Meroe Outhouse
taught in her place.
Arthur Brown was a high school
visitor Tuesday afternoon.
Christian Sorensen has re-entered
school after an absence of two weeks.
Miss Nellie Janulewicz was a visitor
in Miss Crews’ room Monday.
W. R. Jackson’s Missouri Home
We have received a letter from
W. R. Jackson, at Birdsong, Mo., who
wishes his paper fdrwarded to that
address. Mr. Jackson says: “I have
purchased 120 acres of land here, with
good orchard. I have finest of water
from a well 70 feet in depth, and have
also three good springs on the farm.
We have in profusion, walnuts, hazel
nuts. hickory nuts, blackberries, rasp
berries, strawberries, peaches, apples,
cherries and plums. The weather is
warm and the children can go bare
footed. Some corn planted. Stock is
on pasture and timothy and clover
looks fine. I think I shall like it here
very well. I have lots of work before
me as the farm is all timber but 35
acres of farm land, 15 acres of fall
wheat and 10 acres of timothy and
clover. One good thing 1 remark and
that is that all produce brings cash
at the stores—potatoes, eggs, butter.
In fact everything, even to a pumpkin”
For a Drayman
Send a messenger for
J. "WV Conger
He will pay the fee
Dora Truelsen entertained her class
schoolmates Tuesday evening.
Jas. Johansen has been confined at
home since Saturday with a bad
attack of lumbago.
Chas. C. Perry, the piano tuner of
Grand Island is in town for a few
days. Will be in Loup City again in
two weeks for balance of piano tuning.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Nightingale
entertained the ministers of the city
at a 6 o’clock dinner, Tuesday even
ing, in honor of Bishop Graves of the
Episcopal church, who was here con
ducting services of that society.
Mrs. J. A. Gilbert, accompanied by
Dr. Main, went to Lincoln on Monday
to have her eyes treated, Dr. Main
returning home Tuesday. All who
know the kindly old lady, will trust
she may be helped from her blind
condition into the sunshine of light.
Rev. McEwen returned from Lex
ington last Thursday evening, where
he had been in attendance upon the
spring meeting of Kearney Presbytery
to which the church here belongs.
Presbytery accepted the invitation of
the Loup City church to hold its next
stated meeting here. The time set
is Sept. loth. It also honored the
Loup City church and its pastor by
electing Rev. McEwen its moderator.
This is a deserved recognition of the
work accomplished here the past year
by both church and pastor.
The Northwestern added a half
dozen new readers to its list last
week. And the best of it was they
came unsolicited. The Northwestern
adds new readers each week, who
come unsolicited, and our list is main
taining a steady growth, and has done
so from the time we purchased the
paper, until at the present time we
feel satisfied we have a list of readers
equal to if not larger than that of
any other paper in Sherman county.
Our list is not “padded’- to the ex
tent of one name, and we feel proud
of the record made. We gladly wel
come all who wish the Northwestern
to visit their homes, and can assure
all that we publish a clean, newsy
paper, and one that in its every
method is for the upbuilding of Loup
City and Sherman county, and not is
sued to vent spleen on any person or
number of persons, nor the tearing
down of any interest whatsoever that
is for the good of the people.
The people of Loup City are
especially interested in school matters
of late, and the school board seems to
be laboring under the head of un
finished business. Prof. Dale refuses
1 to contract for the salary offered;
Albion was first in hiring Miss Clark,
and Miss Crews has a better prospect
near home. Patrons of the school,
thinking perhaps Miss House might
accept the position of superintendent
if assured of the unanimous support
of the board, requested that another
effort be made to secure her services.
Complying with said request the board
met informally Friday evening and
while unanimously in favor of Miss
House as principal, and as we under
stand almost so as superintendent,
some thought it a difficult position
for a lady. The board instructed the
director to communicate with the
officials in charge of the educational
institutions of the state, asking them
to assist in securing teachers to fill
vacancies. The next morning Miss
House received a telegram requesting
her acceptance of a position in the
Pender schools and bv telephone was
requested to accept a similar position
in the Bancroft schools. We are not
from Missouri, but since Miss House
has demonstrated her ability as prin
cipal, we feel satisfied she would have
done so as superintendent, and that
her election would have met with the
approbation of the patrons and pupils
of the schools.
Special to
Round trip rates to San Francisco
and Los Angeles, about lialf rates,
April 25th to May 18th. Be sure to
go one way via the Shasta Route
and Puget Sound—only $12.50
more. Stopovers, variable and at
tractive routes.
Cheap One Way
Daily during April one way rates
to Utah, California, Oregon, Wash
ington, Idaho, Montana and Big
Horn Basin—nearly 50 per cent re
duction. Daily through standard
and tourist sleepers.
Frequently each month from
Eastern "Nebraska to Eastern
Colorado, Wyoming and Big Horn
Landseekers’ Infor
mation Bureau:
Irrigated lands along the North
Platte River, in the Big Horn Basin
anti Yellowstone Valley on terms
cheaper than paying rent, and, money
paid on a water right is money saved.
Send for new descriptive folders.
Ticket Agent, Loup City, Neb.
L. W. Wakeley, G. P. A.
Omaha, Nebraska.
Road Notice.
The commissioner appointed to view and
locate a road commencing at southeast corner
of Section four (4). Town thirteen (13). Range
thirteen (13) and running thence south one
mile between Sections nine (B) and ten (10),
Township thirteen (13). Range thirteen (13i,
and terminating at southeast corner section
nine (9;, has reported in favor of the establish
ment thereof and dll claims for damages and
objection thereto must be filed in the office of
the county clerk of said county on or before
noon of June Mth. 1907. or said road will bp
established without reference thereto.
Dated this 8th day of April, 1907.
O. F. Bkushauskh, County Clerk.
Last pub. May 11
We now have our samples on the floor, showing
our Spring Line of Implements, consisting of.
Good Enough Sulky
and Gang Plows
Nebraska Clipper
Walking Plows
Economy Double
Lever Disc Harrows
Gretchem Corn Planters
(with shoe and disc runners)
Riding and Walking
The Goods are right, tne Prices are right, and
you can not make a mistake when you buy any
of these Tools.
Notice To The Public
by W. I\ Reed, that he has real
estate to sell, and will sell and does
sell choice town property and farms
at reasonable prices.
Those wanting alfalfa seed for
spring sowing see T. M. Reed.
3 on 62, Ashley Conger, the dray
man. Get him.
A small fire-proof safe for sale. In
quire at this office.
Farms for Sale
in Nebraska and Virginia. For full
information see or write A. O. Zim
merman, Ilallboro, Virginia., or A.L.
Zimmerman, Loup City, Neb. .
Safe, quiet, easy
to start and run.
l Motive Power—
' Fcel—Gasoline,
Coal or Wood.
Omaha, Ntb
Carpets, Lineolium, Portiers,
Window Shades, Iron Beds,
Bed Boom Suites
CouchuS, Tables, Chiffoniers
And in fact-the Most Complete Line of
Ever shown in Loup City. Come in and
Get Our Prices Before You Buy.
Christensen & Ferdinand!
Furniture Company.
Christensen & Ferdinandt,
Undertakers and Embalmers
Do Not You Want One?
I have a good stock to select from. Call and see. Also a good
stock of Disc Harrows, Cultivators, Planters, etc. Also, do a gen
eral Well and Wind-Mill work. Call ar d see what I have that
you may want.