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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1907)
Loup City Northwestern VOLUME XXIV. LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA. THURSDAY, APRIL 1!!. 1 !I07. NUMBER 23 ✓ Professional Cards A. P. CULLEY, Attorney & Connselor-at-Law (Office: First National Bank) Loup City, Nebr. ROBT.P. STARR Attorney-at-law LOUP CITY, NEBRSSKS R. J. NIGHTINGALE Atisrasj ud CnusIcmUot LOUP CITY, NEB AARON WALL Lawyer Practices in ail Courts Loup City, Neb. R. H. MATHEW, Attorney-at-Law, And Bonded Abstractor, Loup City, Nebraska (). E. LONGA C RE PHYSICIAN aid SURGEON Office, Over New Bank. TELEPHONE CALL. NO. 39 A. J. KEARNS PHYSICIAN AND SIMEON Phone, 30. Office at Residence Loop Rity. - Nebraska STa. ALLEN. BEJVTMST, LOU I* CITY, - - NEB. Office up stairs in the new State Hank txul<liner. w7 L. MARCY, DENTIST, LOUP CITY, NEE OFFICE: East Side Public Squate. Phone, 6-16 .>/. //. .?//;.//> Bonded Abstracter Loup City, - Nebraska. Ouly set of Abstract books in count v Try the F. F- F- Dray F. F. Foster, Prop. Office; Fester’s Barber Shop L. A. BANGS The Drayman Phone 7 on 60 Asks Your Patronage The r*rta taoddM tktMd Award to I.W.HARPER KENTUCKY WHISKEY For Sale by T. H. Elsnor Give X7s a Trial Hound Front Barn, J. H. MINER- Props Loup City, - Nebr. Finest Liven Rigs, careful drivers. Headquarters ior farmers’ icaiur. ' nm mercial men’s trade given especial at tention. Vonr patronage solicited. Page Woven Wire is the best and will prove most satis factory—28 inch has 10 bars, 20 inch has 8 bars. Can be found at Leininger Lumber Co.’s or at my place. L. N. SMITH. THE NORTHWESTERN TERMS:—11.00 P«R TEAR, rp PAID III ADVARCl Entered at the Loup City Postoflice for trant mission through the mails as second class matter. Office ’Phone, - - - 6 on 108 Residence ’Phone, - 2 on 108 J. W. BURLEIGH. E<1. and Pub. The western roads are getting ready to tight the 2-cent passenger rate. Minnesota also passed a 2-eent pas senger rate. Railroad Magnate Hill's home. too. James II. Eckles,former comptroller ! of the currency, died at his home in ! Chicago, Sunday. The brewers of the state have an nounced their intention of lighting the new law forbidding their owner ship of saloon property in the higher courts. Wonder if Lancaster county has not finally got enough of McKesson? Joe Burns is bad enough, but he's sweet scented by the side of pretty boy McKesson. Referee Post has decided there is no lumber trust in Nebraska, whereat Attorney General Thompson has filed a bill of objections to the report of the referee post. Senator Burkett says what a great many of us feel, that Roosevelt must be renominated for the presidency by the republican party. Nothing is now wanting to do that except Roose velt's consent. In Indiana last week the Standard Oil Co. was found guilty <x rebating and made liable to fines aggregating nearly thirty millions of dollars. If the Rocky-fellers have to pay that it will necessitate another fraction of a cent raise in oil, eh? The Harriman - Hill - Rockefeller combine to buy up the country in opposition to Rooseveltism fixes the price at live million dollars, eh? The late Nebraska legislature would have been difficult material for them to work on. don’t you think? Snow and a forty-mile gale at Chicago, eight feet of snow in Mich igan, a blizzard throughout Wisconsin and fruit prospects killed in Missouri and Kansas, are some of the results of the weather last Friday in those benighted countries. Stand up for Nebraska. J udging by the late explosion of the Kearney Hub over the loss of the normal appropriation, there will be more gubernatorial foot washers of the Hub variety who will find the hero they worshiped during the cam paign is just an ordinary mortal in stead of an immaculate deity. Iowa has passed a very stringent anti-pass law, differing from that passed in Nebraska, practically pro hibiting the giving of passes to any body except bona fide employes. The lawyers and doctors In the Iowa senate fought hard to save to them selves an exception, but failed to win out. In this regard Nebraska did better by them. A most dismal wail comes from the Kearney Hub, because, forsooth, the governor saw fit to daaw his pen through the appropriation made by the last legislature of $85,000 for the benefit of the Kearney State Normal. The Hub was one of the papers that lauded Sheldon to the skies during the campaign as one of the greatest! Now it finds the governor is pig headed. inconsistent, a man of wealth given him by his people, a sort of an aristocrat, incapable of understanding matters of interest to the common 1 people and the possessor of ‘‘the evil genius of the intolerant and the in tolerable ego." And the Hub man only found it out after the governor had in the interests of state economy swiped Kearney and the normal out of a nice little plum of $85,000. What a difference it makes whose ox is gored. The Farmers Co-Opera Live Shipping Association, operating numerous ele vators in Kansas, Oklahoma and Ne braska, on April 4 decided to wind up its affairs and quit the grain business. The company had a good line of ele vators in the country, its own selling offices at Kansas City, and at one time had a splendid manager. Its books showed at the annual meeting that the expenses of doing business, such as handling the grain and selling it, made necessary a margin between the price paid the grower of the grain and the price realized in the terminal market. This knowledge made the farmers lukewarm in their support, reasoning that by selling grain to independent dealers whose margin of protit was no more they escaped the liability of loss through ownership of an interest in the co-operative con cern, which was on an unsafe basis through admitted lack of capital. It Is said to be *72,000 behind. v Rockville Items. Mr. Holcomb spent Sunday at E. F. Gray's. Willard Lay and wife drove down to Boelus Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wineteer drove to Boelus Saturday. Ed. McDonal is rapidly recovering from his broken limb. Miss Lena Smith and Miss Bracli spent Sunday at Kittell's. I. Vanscoy and H. Mumey made a business trip to Boelus Saturday. Win. McDonal is building a tine new residence, which is almost finished. Mrs. .1. L. Gray and daughter, Mrs. L. Sparks, visited Wineteer's Tuesday. Everet Sickles spent last week in Rockville with friends and relatives. Mrs. E. H. Kittell is enjoying a visit from her mother. Mrs. Callens. I of Arcadia. Geo. Gray and wife left last week I to travel. They think they will go i to Colorado. ! The dance given by MessrsOgle and I Carpenter in Rockville Saturday night was well attended. The ice-cream social to be given last Saturday was postponed until the weather gets warmer. Quite a large number attended Sunday school last Sunday. We hope the weather will be better hereafter, so the country folks can attend. Mrs. M. H. Mead spent last week with her sister. Mrs. Everett Kittell. Mr. Mead drove down Sunday and both returned home Sunday evening. Along R. R. No. 1 John Kratzer lias put upa mail box. W. P. Clark was shelling corn last Thursday. Geo. McFadden is going to build a new l»use. Miss Ellen Arnett is working for VV. P. Clark. Glenn Farnsworth is a new patron of the route. Geo. Gilbert is home after several weeks' absence. Adam Haustr is building a new house for O. S. Fross. The rural route started one year ago the 18th of April. Miss Nettie Fowler is working for F. Blaschke this week. C\ Guilford purchased a line team from Lan Benschoter. Eliza Butler is working for Tlios. Parsley on Clear Creek. Miss EiTie Coppersmith is visiting at Litchfield tl is week. Roy Eaton lias put up some line hog sheds the past week. \V. O. Brow n has had his house painted and it looks line. J. O. Douglas has built a new chicken coop on his place. .1. Warrick and wife were visiting at Litchfield over last Sunday. Carl Squires has put up a mail box. making the 83d on the route. W. II. Creery has been working for W. O. Brown the past few days. Ira Coppersmith and wife were trading at Loup City Wednesday. L. B. Foeht was taken ill at the Domgard party Tuesday evening. A son of F. A. Pinckney has been very sick, but is better at present. Anna Lescliinsky is home after a week’s visit with friends at St. Libory. II. S. Conger is looking up a mail route east frcm Loup City for the farmers. Now is the time to plant trees along the road to improve the looks of your farm. Mrs. Frank Blaschke has been quite ill the past three weeks, but is better at this writing. Now is the time for Loup City township to bay those road drags to keep the roads to the bridges in good shape for the summer. While discing with four horses last Wednesday, one of D. C. Leach’s animals was badly cut in a runaway, nearly bleeding to death before the flow of blood could be stopped. A very pleasant surprise partv was given at the home of Mr. ard Mrs. L. Domgard on the 16th, in honor of their daughter, Miss Mary’s 18th birthday. About 20 people were pres ent and a line time was reported. Tom Barton Likes His Home. Aurora, Mo., April 11,1907—Editor Northwestern: I thought I would write a few lines to let you know that I am still living. I arrived in Aurora March 8th, and found things quite different to Nebraska. The trees were budding, the grass was green and cattle were making their own living, except milch cows. This is not a farming country like Nebraska. The farmers sow a little fall wheat, also a small patch of oats and from five to twenty-five acres of corn. They do not husk their corn, but snap it and haul most of it to town- In the spring they cut stove wood and sell it to buy feed for their teams. On Saturday afternoons one wlil see a great many lvadsoi" stove wood on the street, ar.d in the evening the farmers take home a sack of corn and a bale of hay. This is a great fruit and mining country. All kinds of fruit does wel. here. The fruit trees are loaded with fruit, apples, peaches, pears, plums, cherries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberrieshuckleberries and wild fruits till you can't rest, while there are hickory nuts, pecans, hazelnuts, chestnuts, persimmons, paw-paws, etc., too numerous to mention. White clover is coming in bloom, blue grass is heading and red clover is from four to eight inches high, wild gmss is as far along as it is in Nebraska by the 1st of June. This is a nice country to live in and the farmers don't yvork as hard as they do in Nebraska, or keep as much stock, from two to six head of cattle and one brood, sow being about all, except a teair. I think it is a tine place to raise hogs, as grass and clover grow everywhere. It would take less than half the corn it does the Nebras ka farmer to put his hogs on the market. Well, I guess I have written enough for this time. Yours truly, Thokab Bmmnr. ROAD NOTICE. (Stanzyk Road) The commissioner appointed to view and locate a road commencing at southeast corner stake of’ the southeast quarter of Section twenty-seven (27), Town sixteen (16). Range fourteen f 14> and running thence south one mile between Sections thirty-four (34) and thirty-five <35> same town and range and ter minating at southeast corner of southeast quarter of Section thirty-four (34 >. Town six teen (16). Range fourteen < 14) on township line has reported in favor of the establishment thereof, and all objections and claims for dam ages must be filed iiethe office of the county clerk on or before Slay 17. 1907. or said road will lie established without reference thereto. Dated March 8th. 1907. C. F. Beushaesks, County Clerk. [Last pub April 18 ] ROAD NOTICE. (de la Motte Road.) The commissioner appointed to view and locate a road commencing at a point between the northwest quarter of Section fifteen [15], Town thirteen- [13J. Range fifteen 115] and southwest quarter of Section ten f 10]. same towu and range, in Hazard township where the road now ends and terminates and running thence east between the southeast quarter'd Seetion ten [10], and northeast quarter of Section fifteen [15], between Sections eleven [11] and fourteen [14] and Sections twelve [12] aud thirteen 13) all in Hazard township and terminating at the southeast corner of Section twelve (12; and northeast corner of Section thirteen (13) has reported in favor of the esiablishment thereof and all claims .for dam ages and objections th -reto must be filed in the office of the county clerk on or before noon of May 20,1907. or said road will be established without reference thereto. Dated this i3th day of March. 1907. C. F. Bkeshacskn. County Clerk. Last pub. April 18. ROAD NOTICE. (Else Road.) The commissioner appointed to view and locate a road commencinK at the quarter stake on the south line of Section twenty-seven (27). Township thirteen (13), Range sixteen (16j. in said county (on road X'o. 20h) and running thence north two miles on the half section line through Sections twenty-seven (27) and twen ty-two (22) in said town and range and ter minating at the quarter stake on the north line of said Section twenty-two (22). Town thir teen (13i. Range sixteen (lti)at road Xo. 214 has reported in favor of the establishment thereof, and all claims for damages and objec tions thereto must be filed in the office of the county clerk on or before noon May Is 1907. or said road will be established without reference thereto. Dated March 9. 1907. C. RaBECPHAUSES County Clerk [Last pub. April is ] LIQUOR LICENSE NOTICE. Notice is hereby givrri that on ih>- 3rd cay of April. 1907. Emil Cords and William Giaefe filed with the village clerk of Loup City. Ne braska. their petition for the issuance of a license to sell malt, spirituous aDd vinous liquors within said village, during the fiscal year next ensuing, from and after Tuesday. May 7th. 1907. Objections to the issuance of such license must be filed with the village clerk on or before the 6th day of May. 1907. Dated April 3rd. 1907. W. J. Fisher, village Clerk. (Last pub. Apr. 18) NOTICE OF DRUGGIST'S PERMIT. Notice is hereby given that Odendahl Broth ers. a co-partnership composed of the follow ing named persons, to-wit: W. G. Odendahl and Viola E. Odendahl. a widow, doing busi ness as druggists in the village of Loup City. Nebraska, under the firm name and style of Odendahl Brothers, have filed their petition and application for a license to sell malt, spflr ituous and vinous liquors at their place of business in said village, for medicinal, me chanical and chemical purposes only, for the fiscal year beginning the first Tuesday in May. 1907. at noon, and ending the first Tuesday it May. 1908 at noon. Any objection, protest or remonstrance to said application must be ti ed on or before noon of the 1st day of May, 1907 Dated this 3rd day of April, 1907. W. G and Viola E. Ode'Dahl. Attest: W. J. Fi-her. Village Clerk (Last pub. Apr. 18.) LIQUOR LICENSE NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that on the 8th day of April. 19U7. T. H. Eisner Hled'with the village clerk of Loup City. Nebraska, his petition for the issuance of a license to sell malt, spirit uous and vinous liquors within said village during the tiscal year next ensuing from and alter Tuesday. May 7th, 1907. Objections to the issuance of such license must be tiled with the village clerk on or before the 6th day of May. 1907. Datto April 8th. 1907. W. J Fisher. -2-3 Village Clerk. - LIQUOR LICENSE NOTICE. bNoticeis hereby given that on the 10th day of April. 1907, M. C. Mulick filed with the village clerk of Loup City, Nebraska, his petition for the issuance of a license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors within said village during the fiscal year next ensuing from and after Tuesday. May 7th. 1907. Objections to the issuance ol such license must be tiled with the village clerk on or before the 6th day of May, 1907. Dated April 10th. 1907. W. J. Fisher. 22-3t Village Clerk. ROAI) NOTICE. (Lewandowski Road No. 2.) The commissioners appointed to view and locate a road commencing at the corner stake on Township line between Section two i2). and three iSi. Township lit teen (15). Range fourteen 111 .and running thence south one mile on Se lio" line between said Sections two (2> and three (3i and terminating at the section corner on the south line of said Section two (2' and three i3i. Township fifteen (15). Range four teen 114). has reported in favor of the establish ment thereof, and all remonstrance and claims for damages must be filed in the office oi the county clerk on or before May IT. 1907. or said road will be established without reference thereto. Dated this 8th day of March. 1907. C. F. BErsHArsEN. County Clerk. __[Last pub. April 18.] NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed btds will be received at the office of the county clerk of Sherman county. Nebras ka. at Loup City in said county, on or before noon of the 8th day of June. 1907. for the build ing complete, of a granary and corn crib on Sherman County's Poor Farm as follows: Dimensions of granary, 10x23 feet: corn crib 10x32 ft., with 10 ft driveway "between, build ing to be 9 ft high on sides: foundation stone or cement blocks 3 feet apart; sills 6x6; joists 2x6. 16 inches apart; studding 2x4, 16 inches apart: iafters 2x4, well braced: roof to be shingle, one third pitch: ail floors to be shiplap. Granary to be boarded up with drop siding and crib with i inch cribbing: two doors on each end with hangers complete: granary to be partitioned into three bins of equal size, also one door leading to outside: ends of building to be boarded np to gable peak: building to be painted two coats. The county board reserves the right to reject anv and all bids. Dated at Loup Citv. Nebraska. March 7.1907. C. F. Bettshacsen. County Clerk. [Last pub. April 18.1 BRIDGE NOTICE. Sealed bids, with nlans and specifications. I will be received at the office of the county clerk i of Sherman county. Nebraska, at Loup City. in said county, on or before noon of the 8th day i of June. 1907. for the building of all the bridges ; that may be required to be constructed by said county durinp the term of one year from the lettinp of the contract. For the con i struction o! sa d bridges such bids to be by the I lineal foot, and contract to be let for the buildinp of such bridges as may be required at a specified sum per lineal foot: plans, specifi cations and bids to be made on wood bridges, on low water bridges and on high water bridges. Plans for low water bridges to be prepared to suit quick and heavy currents, to be 16 to 24 feet long, and the high water bridges to be spans 24 to 40 feet long, with suitable approaches: all bridges to be set on good long oak pilinp and span timbers to be 1 full length of span. Bids also to be filed for I replacing spans in Loup river bridges in i said county that may require replacing during the term of one year. All bids must be accom panied by a certified check for *25.00 payable to clerk of Sherman county. The county board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Loup City, Nebraska. March 7. 1907. C. F. BeusaAi'SEN. County Clerk. [Last pub. April 18.] Send name and address for illustra ted catalogue of bee keepers’ supplies BEES I to O. G. COLLIER, Fairbury, Nebr. Ask about our liberal premium offer. 1P. Liimr Liter Comp? Loup Gity, Nebraska, L U MB E R Posts, Shingles, Lime and Cement Hard and Soft Coal Always on Hand. Agents for Sherwin-Williams Prepared Pain's I. DEPEWSs* Blacksmith 9 Wagon Maker' My shod is tbe largest and best equipped north of the Platte Ulvei I have a four horse engine and a complete line of the latest improved, ms chiuery, also a force ol experienced men who know how to operate it and torn ont a Job with neatness and dispatch. MY PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS High Grade Ofgap Manufactured by the At Factory Prices Delivered in your town. '7ou Pay $5 Gash apd $] Pey Week 50 Per Cent Off on Retail Prices Ask for Catalogue and Prices of the Factory Distributors, % «• Omaha hTet>. and Organ House. TheBi General Phope, 2 op 103 E. Gr. Taylor, J. S. Pedler, C. C. Carlson. President. Vice President. Cashier -directors W: R. Me^lor, J. W. Long, S. N. Sweetland LOUP cm STffl BANK LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. Capital Stock, $25,000.00 Individual Liability, $250,000.00 Get More Egars. Paint the inside of your hen house with OARBOLINEUM. It is a sure lice and mite exterminator. For sale by KEYSTONE LUMBER CO. Loup City, Ashton, Rockville and Schaupps MMD, IDM HDD MU • BOUGHT AT THE B. & Jin. ELEV/ATOPS MCALPINE, LOUP CITY. SCHAUPP SIDING, ASHTON AND FARWELL. Coal for Sale at Loup City and Asia. Will Boy HOG8 AT SCHAUPP SIDING AND FARWELL S»U and see oar coal and get prices on grain. 4 ' E. G- TAYLOR.